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Latest revision as of 04:47, 14 May 2019

Moving Back Home
Date of Scene: 08 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rift, Iceman

Rift has posed:
It's been months since Kitora Alua, alias Rift, moved out, to go to college. She was apparently having a good time over at her school, and is doing well. But the threat of the Sentinels has convined her that perhaps she should move back to the only home she has ever felt safe in - Xavier's School. She called ahead to tell them that she wanted to move back in. She wouldn't need transport... just is hoping that her room is available. She prepared - and focused... a shimmering red portal tearing open against a wall of the foyer where she remembered no doorway would be. She stands in it, glowing with her aura of power, a pile of luggage next to her, peeking out to see if anyone's there.

Iceman has posed:
Yeah, Bobby Drake is around. He's sitting in one of the chairs in the foyer with a laptop open on his lap, typing away on it, "Oof. I'm going to have to grade this one on a curve. Might have made that test a little too hard." The glow of the red portal catches his attention and he looks up at it with a big grin on his face. His hand cuts through the air near his head in a choppy little wave. "I heard you were coming back. Thought I'd make a decent welcoming committee." Ice-man closes his laptop and stands up, setting the computer down on a nearby table. "How you been?"

Rift has posed:
Rift nods as she starts to push her luggage through the portal - apparently when she has a portal open she can't do much else with her gravity powers. Soon enough she steps through herself, and gazes one last time at the dorm room that is now empty and bare - and nice and clean. "Thanks for being here, Mr. Drake. It means a lot." She sighs as she turns away, and the portal slowly closes behind her as she stares at her pile of luggae, still glowing. "I never realized how bad the anti-mutant sentiment was getting... this Sentinel business scared me."

Iceman has posed:
Moving towards the portal Bobby approaches the luggage and makes a motion as if to grab it, though he hesitates to see if Kitora wants to do it herself with her awesome powers. "It's no trouble. I wanted to welcome you back before you got too busy," the teacher says, still wearing the smile on his face. When things get a little more serious so does his expression, "Yeah, I can't say I blame you. I hate that things look like they're getting worse, but people are hard to predict. All we can do sometimes is try to help where we're able and hope people recognize that we're all on the same side."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Yeah - I made sure to memorize a good place at the school I'm going to that's out of the way so I can portal there." She smiles softly as her glow fades and she is just normal-looking again - relatively speaking. "Oh - I'm not really sure where I'm going... my old room can't still be available, is it?" She then takes some of the luggage, and decides to carry it by hand. "I've had to learn to do a lot of stuff without my powers lately..."

Iceman has posed:
"Good call," Bobby says with a nod. When the young woman grabs her stuff by hand he joins in, lifting the luggage alongside her. "I'm not sure which room was yours before but I can get you to where you'll be staying now. We'll get you squared away in no time." Smiling, he says, "It's good to know how to do stuff without your powers. I mean, practice your powers all you can get away with, but don't forget that there are other ways to accomplish your goals. Getting too reliant on one thing or another can leave you stuck when you're without it."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Yeah... and... if I don't use my powers as much, I don't get as hungry - I got some weird looks for how much food I ordered sometimes. Some joked I had a speedster's appetite." She nods as she stops by her room. "Yeah - I've been practicing my kicks for self-defense. Let's just say you don't wamt me to kick you - even if I am not lighting up." She sighs. "At least I look _almost_ normal when I don't use my powers. Sunglasses takes care of the one oddity."

Iceman has posed:
"Having a fast metabolism can be good if you like to eat. Expensive if you're paying for it, though," the teacher chuckles softly at his own remark as he carries the luggage to the room. "Good to know you're keeping up with self defense training. I might not be as good as some of the other teachers here but if you ever need to practice or want some pointers then hit me up and we'll head to the gym. Or come to me for math help, I don't get to use the full extent of my education too often." Bobby nods a little bit, "Someday people will hopefully realize that differences can be cool, too. We'll get through to the judgmental jerks someday."

Rift has posed:
Rift sighs. "The weird thing is that metahumans seem to be accepted a lot more than us. That's the one thing I don't get. There's not much difference between the two other than the fact that we have a slightly different genome but..." She shrugs. "Why is that?"

Iceman has posed:
"Yeah. I don't know why that is either," Bobby frowns thoughtfully. "My best guess is that they have better PR. I mean, look at who the most famous metas are: Captain America and Superman. Then you look at the most famous mutant and it's probably Magneto. That dude's making it way harder for us to be accepted for who we are." There's a shrug, "Hopefully I become the most famous mutant someday, because I'm awesome and everyone should emulate me." Based on the way he's started to grin he's probably joking.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua shrugs. "I thought Superman was an alien? I was thinking of Flash actually." She nods. "Yeah - sure you are," she cooos, nodding. "You are the coolest mutant for sure," she notes, trying to keep a straight face at the terrible pun. "We need a spokesperson I guess..."

Iceman has posed:
"That's right, Superman is an alien, I forgot," there's a little chuckle at his own forgetfulness before Bobby goes on. "Flash is awesome, though. Seems like an all around good guy." At Kitora's bad joke he lets out a happy sounding laugh, "You got that right. Being the coolest never gets old." And then he shrugs his shoulders, "Someday we'll get someone. The problem is that we're such a diverse segment of the population that it's difficult to find someone we'd let speak for us all. Or that would want to, since it would put them in a lot of cross hairs."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods as she puts her luggage around and sits on the bed. "I was excited to move out on my own. Learning discretion with my powers was one big life lesson. But..." She sighs. "I guess I wasn't careful enough. There was some bullying about it - and I didn't dare retaliate to the best of my ability. It was getting qutie uncomfortable in the dorm. The Sentinel thing was the last straw..." She gazes out the window. "I... I just wish that I could say hi to my parents..."

Iceman has posed:
"Moving out by yourself is a big deal. I never really lived away from home or the school until college, either," Bobby says with a serious nod as he puts the luggage he'd been carrying down. "I'm sorry you had to put up with that stuff. It's really tough." As her gaze travels to the window he says, "I'm sorry about you not being able to talk to your folks. If there's anything that I can do let me know." Then he looks around, "Anyway, I'd probably better get going. I've got to finish grading some tests for tomorrow. But seriously, hit me up if you need anything."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Yeah - I'm just going to get settled in. Glad I got my old room back," she states, pointing up at some eye-bolts left in the ceilign. "I can hang my sleeping pad where I like it without getting any weird looks." She then gives you a quick hug then steps back, as she turns to start to arrange her clothes.

Iceman has posed:
"Cool," Bobby says with a smile. He heads for the door and stands there for just a moment, "You have a good night. I'll catch you later." And then he heads off, ready to get back to the wonderful world of secondary education.