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Latest revision as of 15:01, 14 May 2019

A Bird and a Bat talk about a Cat.
Date of Scene: 11 April 2019
Location: Batcave, Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Red Robin

Batman has posed:
     Bruce is in the cave wielding. Sparks are flying from the two pieces of metal he is soddering together. Right now, it's just a series of metal bars together. Obviously this is the foundation to something in the works. Wearing thick leather gloves, a wielders mask, and appropriate gear, Bruce is busy at work. The heat he doesn't mind. A lot of the gadgets, devices, and the like, he makes are done by hand. Stopping for a moment, he tilts up the mask to see the progess so far. Nodding to himself, he lowers the mask to resume again.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes driving in via his Red Robin mobile. He has been working on his own lair of late, but has been spending some time here working on things till his is fully up and running. He will climb out of the car, and says "Ah hey man."

Batman has posed:
     Stopping the latest spot wield, Bruce lifts the mask. "Tim. How's the bike running?" Bruce is trying to make sure everyone's equipment is up, and running. With the threats of Sentinels, the Foot Clan, and a gun running operation, he wants everyone to be safe. Whether it is armor, equipment, or vehicles, he is randomly checking.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will remove his helment and nods to the other man. "She is doing fine, mind you if I get the Parademon jetpack reworked like Damian and I am working on, I maybe useing it more." He walks towards the experienced hero. "Tonight was a mostly quiet night. A jewlery shop break in, was the only fight, but did have a bit of a more interesting run in at the Avairy.

Batman has posed:
     AT the mention of Parademon, Bruce has to ask, "How did you get alien technology?" Right now, Bruce wants to know how much is out there, and who has it. SHIELD might be on his radar soon. "I've been monitoring the communications," he knows it's a quiet night.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit and says "I took it off a parademon." He gives it a moment knowing thats not what the man was asking "While you were away, there was an incident with the Justice League called and you were away so I went. Superman had ben kidnapped by magic. I figured out how he was taken, some of the magic types opened a portal, and a decent sized group of us went in, and rescued Superman, and got him back home.

Batman has posed:
     "How much technology was salvaged?" Bruce presumes Superman is okay. If he wasn't, the league would have contacted him. Also, if the injuries were grave, the world would mourn. The world isn't mourning today. Yes, he has been away. However, he will be around more now. A lot of ideas are running through his mind. "Have you talked to Oracle lately?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I was just able to get the backpack, used it to fly out of the portal, after getting Lashina off my back. Flash and I were the last two out I believe. There should be a full write up in the files (See the log). Last time I saw her, was when Jason called us all in to tell us he was going to go check on a cult, that helped him after the Lazarus pit, and did not get alot of topics in beside that and Damian being back. He and I had actually a decent conversation last night, and no one walked away bleeding.""

Batman has posed:
     "His love life is centering him bit by bit," Bruce offers his opinion. Although, that report is near the top of his todo list. "Any injuries?" he knows the report will issue all sorts of details. However, this could help him determine how -DEEP- they went into Apocalypse. The mention of Lashina is not a good sign.

     "Oracle is getting into her role, but she's useful in the chair. It's not my decision to determine if she is field ready. When she is, if that day ever comes, she'll be welcomed. Until then, we can't argue about her skills. "If you need the technology looked at, go to her. It could be a good resource," Bruce offers as he knows sometimes fiddling with alien technology is a process. It's working with technology that comes with no instructions, and so many foreign elements the process to modify it can be dangerous.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Flash lost a couple of his time selves to a black flash trap they had set, but he seemed ok afterwards. He will take a moment thinking and says "I think Kalabak, a few dozen parademons, and a few furies all came out of it worse than ourside. Superman had something that looked like Vampire bite marks on his neck, but I was not able to get a sample of it to check it out, I think Supergirl, and Powegirl took him to his fortress." He will nod a bit about thecomments about Oracle. "I normally go to her if I am having issues. So far Damian and I have just started with it. Also, I helped the new Gl, Jess, I believe her name is. She was checking into some smuggled alien birds. Penguin had bought them, we got them back and off planet we just ran into a few thugs doing it."

Batman has posed:
     Hearing that makes Bruce narrow his eyes. "If the Flash meddles with time too much, we'll have a paradox soon. His partner already threatens to create one." And Bruce is not happy about that. "The partner is reckless, comes into Gotham. Remove him if you see him. He's going to run into something, and get killed. He means well, but is so inept and sloppy that he's a threat to the world's safety." Bruce means that in a very literal sense. A paradox is a threat that transcends the rules of time. If a paradox occurs, Bruce doesn't know how bad the reprocussions can be. If Bruce had his way, Barry's sidekick would be back in the future weeks ago.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "I ra into him once already planned out his patterns and intercepted him. He broke a few ribs, but I was just checking him out then to see who and what he was and making sure it was not some plot of Luthers. I went to talk to the Flash, and he agrees the kid needs training, even thought about seeing if you would help train him. I did not think it was a good idea, was thinking maybe Titans or Outsiders. " He will tell the older man. I believe Jason is trying to convince the Flash into trying to curb the kid." He will look over, and says "Speaking of Jason, did he get a chance to talk to you about the Joker?"

Batman has posed:
     "He can't be trained," Bruce says firmly. "Between his headstrong attitude, overconfidence, and inability to keep a secret, he's a threatto everyone." That's Bruce's way of saying "Hell No" to training Flash's impulssive sidekick. "Jason has the right idea," Bruce admits that, even though he feels for Barry.

     "What is -he- up to?" Bruce asks about Joker. The Joker never stays quiet. To Joker, the world is a stage. A place to tell a joke. Either the joke kills, or it bombs. It's just a question what outcome is worse. Sometimes a bombed joke is very literal with Joker.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well, I aint ecountered him, but Jason said he was acting off even for him." he will move to bring up any records Jason has filed. "He said Joker was acting sick, mistook some woman for Harley. Jason did not get much more info, but is worried something beyond normal maybe wrong with the Joker, and if so, what he might try because of it. I have been watching for him on my rounds but I have not seen any traces. I did run into Stockholm the other night, stopped her from robbing a jewelry store, got her thugs and the loot but she got away, and seems to be looking to run into some of the birds, or the other lady heroes. And then tonight. I ran into Catwoman." He tells the other and watches his reaction."

Batman has posed:
     "Could the chemicals that created him have long term affects?" Bruce asks. It's an open ended question posed, but he is curious about Tim's thoughts. Sky blue eyes look to Tim. Bruce wonders if the chemicals are eating away at Joker's mind rather than just corrupting it. This is working off the presumption that Joker was sane before the trip to Ace Chemicals.

     Stockholm. "She's new. I've heard rumors." The fact she has henchmen is a worry. This means Stockholm has resources. It does make her threat a little more credible.

     Catwoman comes up. There is no reaction at the name. "And?" he asks to the last. Bruce looks at Tim. Something is suspect here. Meetings with Joker and Stockholm are explained. Catwoman's meeting has no details yet. There's a resason for that he suspects, but isn't too sure.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look at the man and hmms at the question about the Joker. "Could be or there could be some effects from continual exposure to Joker gas, or any of the other chemicals he has essed with over the years, or even just a farther break from his normal. Without some more information there are too many variables to say for certain. " He pauses and says "And as for Catwoman, she is concerned, and while she would not say it to you, she seems sorry for something she did during your last encounter with you."

Batman has posed:
     Tim has a lot of valid points. Any number of variables could cause the Joker's current state. Either way, it is concerning. Even the part about Harley Quinn. She's solo to some degree now. Maybe she has some insight? That could be a lead for him to track. Bruce is silent about his thoughts.

     Catwoman comes up. "Noted," Bruce says with no change in his vocal tones. However, Bruce will say to Tim, "Trust her as much as you would trust the Joker. She only plays for her own side." To Bruce, that side is greed. Whether it is greediness for shiny things, the addrenaline rush, or both, he doesn't know. Both are valid. Bruce heard rumors about things being returned. To him, it changes very little.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Oh, I know she is a very cunning one and as dangerous in her own way as the Joker, just not quite as crazy I do not believe." He will admit. "I must admit that she seems to be concerned with things. I believe that much like a real cat, she enjoys the chase with you, and is concerned her last encounter with you may have changed the chase."

Batman has posed:
     "It did. Mercy will only be given when I'm absolutely sure it should. I hear the rumors, read the articles, people saying sometimes I need to be softer. That maybe I'm as bad as the criminals. I tried to be lighter with her. In return, she burned my face. I barely escaped scarring. Never again." That blind spot is officially closed. Is she a threat as much as the Joker? No. Very far from. As crazy as the Joker is, he is predictable in one way. People will die, lives will be changed forever, and he will laugh about it. Catwoman is a variable he can't avoid to give mercy. At least, he cannot give Mercy until she is behind bars.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the man, and says "Well you know how I feel about if you start to get to far into the dark space, and no I know your not talking about crossing the line, but I do not want to see you in that darkness again Bruce." He makes a point of useing the man's real name. I know times are not then, but I will add something to this. "Damian is trying to learn from you, and us. As much as Dick and I were an anchor for you, he needs all of us pulling on the chain to help anchor him. " He pauses a bit and says "Learn from the incident, but make sure any changes you make when dealing with her are changes you want to make." He will smile and says "I know mind my own busisness, but remember Bruce, as much as you care for all of us and are concerned for us, we all of us, feel the same way for you."

Batman has posed:
     "The Darkness can consume any of us. I won't be consumed, but I tried doing it -their- way. Now, I return to -my- way. Batman knows Red Robin, and the others, care about him. They don't want to see him consumed. "I return to my way." This doesn't mean martial law. It just means, only allow blindspots when they deserve it. Catwoman doesn't deserve it. Coud she one day? Maybe, that's a long road to go down. "I know people will pull me out if something gets bad," Bruce is well aware. However, those comments about Damian stick to him. He is trying to do right by his son.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and hmms softly. "The lair is coming along nicely, I am going to use it as headquarters for the Outsiders, may have a second headquarters in space if Jade's plan goes well. Will also give a chance to keep an eye on the different Lanterns as it maybe a shared place. Also am making sure none of them will know of any connections to our network of tunnels just ones specifically made for the lair itself.

Batman has posed:
     "What's left on it?" Bruce asks softly. He is proud other members have their own caves. They're not safe houses to resupply, These are base of operations. It's aplace to mend among other things. Also, Bruce remembershe needs to talk to others about getting locations, or just a general idea of their location.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Some supplying and getting some things I want built, so I am taking my time with it. Also, having to plan on what I want the others to have access to. There is one member of the outsiders, and one potential member that are a bit of wild cards, and I want to keep an eye on."

Batman has posed:
     "If you need help with resources, ask." Tim goes on with some plans. "Who is the wild card? What makes them a wild card?" Bruce has toa dmit there is something curious about that situation.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "A gorilla, telepaht, goes by Kid." He will bring up info he has gathered on kid. He has a bit of a criminal record, minor hoodlem stuff, am hoping to keep it from going worse. Wonderwoman knows him and seems to trust him, she bailed him out of jail on a minor thing.

Batman has posed:
     "Related to Grodd?" Bruce asks. IT's more of a cautionary measure. Some offspring, or relatives to villains can be good.. However, Grodd's abilities make it hard to trust someone that says they're simply related. Like, somehow they can use the relative as a sleeper agent, bomb, etc.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head and says "Pretty sure just a lost resident of Gorilla city, but am keeping an eye on him, and also trying to help guide him, and make sure he is not tempted towards the other side. He has had some bad experience with scientists it seems though. I believe some have tried to experiment on him. The other one is the one that is more worrysome. Conner's new main squeeze. Rose Wilson."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce nods. "Just be careful." And it makes sense he has badtime with scientists. A gorilla with the Kid's abilities, tons of scientist would come out of the woodwork for less. Kid is probably a holy grail within multiple scientific circles. "What makes him stand out?" he asks Tim. Now, Tim has his reasons for these decisions, Bruce trusts in them. However, he does want to know some of the "Whys," from time to time. This is one of them.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the man, and says "Well one he reminds me a bit of a rough around the edges Martian Manhunter. Telepathy and illusions both can be handy, and if we are going in where the league or the Aveners can't. illusions maybe handy. Two, befriend him and keep him on the side of good, we are also preventing a problem from forming. Also, he is an unknown by most and that allows for surprise factor if we end up having to face some of the other hero teams.

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Bruce, that's a good reason. A Martian Manhunter in the making. That's a damned good reason. "So, he's an ace in the hole that you're making sure stays on sides of good," Bruce has to admire that. IT's a mutual relationship in an odd way. Kid needs a mentor, and the Outsiders could use a telepath. Both get what they want, or need.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit ands says "Expectig a bit of a bumpy ride with it, but I think it will be worth it. He seems a good fellow in general. The other one I am a bit unsure of. Rose has a bit of a violet streak, I believe dealing with her will be a bit like dealing with Damian, and maybe I can use what I learn from one with dealing with the other.

Batman has posed:
     "Rose...," the gear oculd be seen turning in Bruce's head. The fact that she is wild like Damian does make Bruce worry. "What do you know about her?" Trying to figure out why Rose is the way she is, Bruce wants to know. There has to be some information.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and sees bruce has not put the last name together at first, and guesses becuase he doesnot think Conner, and Tim are that crazy. "Rose Wilson Deathstroke's daughter." He holds up his hand says "I know, watch what she knows, make sure she is not a spy for her dad, and yes Conner seems to have a thing for dangerous women. He is not as brash as he used to be an dhim vouching for her gives her the cred I would normaly not. And if she does turn out to be a plant, well keep your friends close and enemies closer they say.

Batman has posed:
     Bruce wanted to be sure it is -that- Wilson. "How do we know thi isnt' an act by her? We both know the capabilities of her father," Bruce admits. That is something Slade needs to be given credit for. He is quite determined and good at a lot of tactis. One of them include deception. IF the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This could be some kind of master stroke plan.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well first knowing it might be some type of ploy is forwarned. Then there is the fact if it is, I can work on feeding her false info, and could be a chance to catch him and bring him in. And there is no telling what info we can get from her, that we will have to quadrupple check to make sure she is not feeding us false info."

Batman has posed:
     "How do you avoid getting on Connor's bad side?" Bruce asks this because it's the pink elephant in the room. Connor has an "S" on his chest. What does Tim do to avoid possibly upsetting a 'Superman' of sorts. That's going to be an interesting wrinkle to this plan, right or wrong.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well to be honest, I be up front with him, and tell him if I find something bad going on. Conner knows I only let out info that I want to. If she turns out to be evil. I tell him, he got tricked by evil ass again." " He looks at Batman and says "Conner is my best friend, and I am sure there will be some butting heads even if things go well with her. Conner knows me well enough to know if we are going to fight, I aint going to sucker punch him. He might even suspect, I would have kryptonite brass knuckles on me if I expected a fight. Plus if it goes south and have to cheat. I have Black Canary, Jade, Kid, and the others to back me up.""

Batman has posed:
     "Be careful, Tim," Bruce manages to get out. Tim typically has a good head on his shoulders. There is nothing Bruce can do, but trust in Tim. The plan seems solid enough, but his company is a bit unexpected. Having one is challenging enough, but two can be problematic. Still, there is nothing Bruce can do to stop what will happen. A nod of respect is given to Tim as Bruce is accepting of the plan.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "I have faith in it, and the biggest worry I have is I am pretty sure that I am Tim Drake will come out. Telepath, and group setting it is bound to come out. Plan on hiding it, and double denying any connection to Bruce Wayne. Only one who I expect to totally see through and possible already know would be Arsenal. And with his connection and current ticked off at Nightwing I truely suspect he knows already. Speaking of which I am wondering a bit about ways to make Tim Drake around heroes more. Thinking about playing the Fan boy and buying some collectables publicly.

Batman has posed:
"Try a blog? It gives youa reason to hob knob, maybe get closer. Talk to April O'Neil," Bruce offers. It's just a way for him to be seen more, be a fanboy, and have a good cover in case people pull him in closer. "What's the end goal?" he asks.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Pretty much, I realize I have a decent amount of friends who can't easily hide who they are. The other night I put out to friends was hitting big belly burger, and both Garth and Kori showed up, with Carrie and kitty. I realized need a way to cover that"

Batman has posed:
     "It'll come in time, don't get descouraged," Bruce knows Tim knows that. Sometimes to craft your public persona is more difficult than the multiple identities they have established. Those blue eyes look to Tim, "Is there anything else?" he asks. Originally, it was to talk about the catwoman, but Bruce does like to know what Tim is doing, How he is doing, andwhy. Soon, Bruce does need to go back to work. "I can put you in contact with April if necessary."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I will look her up." He tells the other man and counts off on his fingers "Save Supes, Stockholm's robbery, Bird napping the birds back from penguin. Working with Damian on the jetpack, and talking about being Robin, and being your son. " He hmms "Joker sick, Jason going to check on the cult with Kitty, Catwoman curious how upset she made you. The Team stuff. Impulse and Flash stuff covered. I think that covers most of it. Oh yea, all went well in Singapore with the busisness stuff."

Batman has posed:
     "Good. I was worried since you didn't mention it, much." Bruce says. Later, little did he know that Kitty would talk to him about the cult. The Joker situations till bohters him, a lot. There are too many variables there forcomfort. Tim would deliver the note back to Catowman, and Bruce would confront Barry about the sidekick. "Make yourself at home. I'm going ot reusme my work," Bruce lowers the mask and gets back to welding again.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and will head over to look at some of the notes from the jetpack, from some of the scans he is doing, and makes some mental notes for later.