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Latest revision as of 15:12, 14 May 2019

More Evaluations
Date of Scene: 13 April 2019
Location: The Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Evaluations for Darcy and Castiel go well enough, until they don't.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Darcy Lewis, Castiel, Nick Fury, Hawkeye (Barton), Winter Soldier, Captain America

Melinda May has posed:
Another day of evaluation testing. May is not present all day every day, but she does drop in at seemingly random times to check in on the progress of the evals. As before, the atheltics area has been split into sections: Firearms, Technology, Spycraft and Hand to Hand, and Individualized. The last name is rather vague for a reason.

May is currently standing somewhat equidistant between the Hand to Hand area and the Individualized area, watching the various agents being put through their paces. She might also be keeping an eye out for certain individuals in particular.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Tests. Darcy hates the tests. She's hated them since high school. Multiple choice ones were not a measure of knowledge but a measure of common sense and reading ability. Written answers were a test of bullshit prowess. The tests here at SHIELD, however, were a different beast altogether. Actual skill was needed and they actually seemed to mean something. Still, a test was a test and there was the principle of the thing.

Darcy had managed to put her evals off about as long as she could. Now, the reckoning was upon her and she could avoid it no longer. In she came, in her workout gear, hair in thick braid down her back, in sensible tennis shoes instead of her usual stiletto heels. Even the make-ups toned down to... did she even put on any this morning? Fuck you. No she didn't. BOOOWAHAHAHAHAH!

Castiel has posed:
Castiel shows up - because the request came from May. On his shiny *new* cell phone no less - one that required a secondary step to confirm all calls (why did nobody think of this sooner?). He didn't expect it to be a frivolous call.

Then again, he didn't expect it to be this, either.

Which is likely just as well, or he might not have shown up.

Melinda May has posed:
Darcy's arrival -- and Castiel's as well -- do not go unnoticed. May allows Darcy to go through the different test areas undisturbed, but pulls Castiel away from the technology and Firearms areas pretty much immediately. As the angel is only a consultant and has never been tasked with mastering either of those skills, she doesn't expect him to test on them.

Darcy, however, is a full agent. She's got the dubious pleasure of the full battery of tests. But, now that means that May and Castiel are both standing in the area between the Hand to Hand testing area and the section of the Athletics Center cordoned off for 'Individualized' evaluations. Whatever those might be.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Swish. The sound of a side door, covert most of the time, opens near the evaluation area in the back of the testing spot. A shadow moves from the back of the room, to the glass wall on the right side of the corridor looking into the facilities. This handsome, suave, dark skinned man with one eye regards the area with a cool, detached look. A short plume of smoke arises from the cigar, currently located hanging from the right side of his mouth.

    Without a word Director Nick Fury is just there. His eye looks down at the area, and he raises his right hand for a moment. That moment allows him to take the expensive cigar in his hand, and remove it from his mouth in one, fluid motion. No words come out of his mouth as he watches his team in action. It had been some time since he walked these halls, and he has been away for a reason. The security of the world depends on SHIELD, and he needed to be sure. This meant keeping himself a safe distance from those he...cared about. For now.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Firearms are just noisy tasers without the wires connecting you to your vict- target. She's not a crack shot. She won't be that agent you want righ tbehind you picking off baddies while you weave in and out of melee. No. But she hits a little more often than she misses, and it's clean enough that she's proficient enough to not hurt herself with a gun.

The electronics tests aren't an issue. Afterall, Darcy is a self-proclaimed Queen of Social Media.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint Barton is running a little late as usual, slipping in the door just after Fury. He plays it cool, like he was right on time and hadn't been jogging those last few meters to the door.

"Boss," he greets with a nod. "Joining us today?" he asks hopefully, I mean who would want to see him square off with May or you know have a conversation with Castiel. And well, Darcy was Darcy.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel has already noticed he's been shuffled off to the 'Individualized' area. "Agent May, if this is some sort of recap of our date, I assure you I have talked to the men you wished I should speak to, and while they do not seem to have any better luck or advice, they do enjoy the drinks. We have had an Apocalypse while discussing matters."

Several, as a matter of fact, with Flight chasers, and Boilermaker palate cleansers. Between John, Bucky, and Castiel, it had been quite the sight. And conversation.

The mention of 'boss' has the angel turning to espy the one-eyed Director of SHIELD who he immediately takes a few steps towards. "Are you aware of the glaring holes in your security?"

Melinda May has posed:
"It's not," May tells the tenchcoat-wearing angel. "This is more of a chance for SHIELD to get an understanding of your combat capabilities, so when we ask for your assistance on various future tasks, we won't send you do to something that is either insultingly beneath your skills or outside of your realm of knowledge."

She turns to look when Castiel does, her eyes flicking from Fury to Clint and back, and then she nods hello before turning back to watch Darcy's turn at the hand to hand area.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury's eye rests on Agent Lewis for a few seconds, between exhaling the smoke from his lungs, to replacing the cigar between his lips. He watches, nods, and moves onto the next person he was observing. Agent Barton. Frowning, Fury regards the man carefully, as though assessing him for something. Shaking his head, he says, simply. "Agent Barton. No." Then his attention goes back to the assessment.

Fury's eye finds this "Castiel". Fury inhales, and exhales carefully, the smoke billowing around his head and in the area he was standing, making his appearance semi-foggy. As Agents move to intercept, Fury raises his right hand, and shakes his head, once. They get the hint.

    A deep, booming voice echoes in the room. "Mr. Castiel." Fury doesn't move, as somehow his cigar had found its way into his right hand with very few noticing. "Thank you for your concern. Assistant Director May has things well in hand, I assure you. Anything you want to say to help, well, that is why you are here."

    Fury's nods towards Melinda. "I apologize for the disruption, Agent May. Please, continue." Fury steps back into the shadow, to observe once more.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Shame," Clint says of Fury not joining them.

Though when Castiel comes to talk to Fury, Clint holds up a hand and steps between the two men. "Whoa Cas, relax, this guy's the boss there's rules," yes, Clint said rules, shut up. He tosses a look back over his shoulder, "Though he's right about our magical defenses," he makes a face like he can't believe he used magical in a sentence, a serious sentence. "He plucked me right out of here one time. It was nuts."

As for Castiel's combat prowess. "Oh, totally calling not it on that test, been there, Castiel has the wall with a dent the shape of my head to prove it."

Castiel has posed:
Between Agent May's explanation, and Director Fury's difusing of the possible security situation, the angel is left with decidedly less to complain about - a situation that in and of itself left him with something to grumble and complain about. "I see."

He doesn't look terribly pleased whatsoever, but his tirade for Fury has become somewhat less than it was - how could he complain he wasn't being listened to when the man said they'd brought him here to be listened to?

"You should be more careful about what can get in here," he says finally, turning his attention back to Agent May, and shoving his hands deep within his trench coat pockets, standing there in his usual frumpy way. "I do not see why you needed to bring me in to make this assessment. You have had ample opportunity to witness my skills, or to ask. I thought that is what you gave me this.." One hand pulls the offensive cell phone out of his pocket to wave at the woman. "This... technological leash."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Still want skates for this," Dracy can be heard to grumble on her way to the hand to hand mat, just as shit starts with Cas and Fury and then Barton's being serious about magic. Darcy pauses there, watching with brows lifted. Well, shit. That's one for the bucket list. WIth May turning back to look at her, however, Darcy moves to get into position.

"Ready," she says to.. who the fuck is running this thing anyway? Does Darcy have to just like.. throw punches or somethign? Or will she have to actually get into a fight with someone?

Melinda May has posed:
The senior agent running the Hand to Hand area leads Darcy through a brief sparring match, not really trying to smear her on the mats which might feel like a bit of a change from usual. It's over with quickly enough, and once it is May calls toward Darcy, "Lewis. Go get your skates."

She turns to Castiel then. "We will discuss your suggestions for suitable wards, then, taking into account that you can't blanket ward the entire building against demons. Hellboy works here, and he has to be able to enter and leave the building. Understood?"

Then, she turns to look at Barton, and tilts her head slightly toward the 'Individualized' area. You're up.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury looks at Clint, listens to every word, and simply nods, as though he already knows there are mystical vulnerabilities in the system. It certainly was a serious concern. Yes, and Fury was in the same spot as Barton. Magic. Really? One more thing to worry about.

    Fury regards Castiel for a moment, as the situation is diffused by Fury, but moreso by Agent Barton's obvious respect by and authority with his fellow Agents. Something to remember. "I agree." Fury's "disembodied voice" says from the shadows, admitting that Castiel had a point. They should be more careful.

    Fury smiles at Agent Lewis's skates comments. Although it was impossible for anyone to see. Which was probably why he allowed himself a smile. Discipline and all that. As May takes charge, Fury feels that it is better if he remains silent, observes, and let her take charge. He had made the correct decision leaving her in charge while he was gone.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"For reals?" Darcy asks of May when the test is passed and she's told to get her skates. Like a child on Christmas morning, Darcy beams and sprints for the locker room. It doesn't take her long at all to rush back, athletic duffle on her shoulder. Pointed were to go, Darcy drops down to change shoes, get on her safety gear (knee and elbow pads, wrist braces, a helmet). Suited up, Darcy pops up to her feet, looking more steady on her wheels than she did in her tennis shoes.

"Alright. Let's DO this!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint gives a nod towards the shadow that was Fury. "Later, boss," he says.

Then it's all business, he steps into the individual abilities area and looks over at May while Darcy hits the locker room. "So, uh what am I testing here?" he asks wondering if he was going to regret the answers or not.

Castiel has posed:
"I am sure there are ways to be more selective with your wards." He was fairly certain that they didn't have to be an all or nothing venture, but then again, his knowledge of magic lent itself to the lore, not the actual practice. It was possible his belief was wrong, but he was also fairly certain they hadn't put much thought into it or tried it, either. "We will discuss this later when you are not doing the testing."

That, and as he didn't actually do magic, he was only useful as a consult on this one.

Melinda May has posed:
May tells Clint, "You're testing how much more effective in combat she can be when given her preferred skates." Yes, she fully understands that Lewis can't use her skates in every situation, but when she can...

"Castiel, with me." She leads the angel to another sparring area not too far from where Clint and Darcy will be fighting. "We're going to engage in a mock combat. I will ask you to try to keep your attacks to about normal human strength levels." She's expecting him to use Clint or one of the siblings as a mental reference point. "If you want to use your blade, let me know so I can respond accordingly."

She takes a few steps away from Castiel and turns to look at him, but otherwise doesn't look ready to spar. "When you're ready."

Winter Soldier has posed:
So, from whatever frozen oubliette he sleeps in, Bucky's emerged. The assassin's in sweatpants and Brooklyn Cyclones t-shirt - someone has yet to forgive the Dodgers for their defection to the other coast. The long hair is tied back, his expression's as flat as a Kansas highway, and he has his service dog with him. She's apparently his conduit for expressing emotion, for the big Shepherd is clearly delighted to be here: eyes bright, tongue lolling, tail wagging, as she looks from face to face. Are all these humans here to play with him?

Nick Fury has posed:
    With a somber heart, Fury moves deeper into the shadows. Listening to the sounds of their voices. The grunts of physical exertion. The snarky comments, and the friendly banter. It was something he truly was never really a part of. At least, not really. It was a lonely world he lived in, keeping them safe. Keeping the World safe. It was always lonely at the top, and in this Universe, one of the loneliest people was Nicholas J. Fury.

    Puffing on his cigar, Fury allowed the shadows to hide his casual, respectful salute to the men and women of SHIELD and those in the room with May, the first and last line of defense for the planet.

    Fury would be back, but for now, he needed to do what he did best. Find out what was happening in the darkness...and bring it to the light. He felt good knowing that SHIELD was in such capable hands, and with that, he was gone. The only hint of him that was left behind was the smell of his favorite cigar...a scent that would linger for days. Many Agents of SHIELD would come down to this area in the next few days, just for a moment, to be reminded of the man that was the legend. The smell of cigar smoke would give them a little comfort for the days ahead, knowing he was fighting for them, in the shadows.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's not Darcy who comes out of the locker room but another agent with word that she'd been called away. Clint shrugs and then moves off to the side, giving Bucky a wave. "Hey man, you just missed the boss, but I think you're in for a treat," he nods to Cas and May.

Castiel has posed:
There's a furrow of brow from the angel. "I am not a normal human, Agent May. You are asking me to do something that may not be possible. In a combat situation would I not employ my full power and skillset?" Adding, "You are aware, of course, that I was a premiere warrior of the Lord and well versed in many fighting styles, both armed and hand to hand, and while I do not find myself as enamoured of your hand guns as you humans seem to be, I assure you that I am nearly impervious to them barring certain circumstances."

He considers the Senior Agent. "It would not be appropriate to draw my blade upon you, not anyone else here, though if you wish to be conversant with it, and what it is capable of, I am more than willing to show you."

When May moves away from him, the angel does little to nothing to prepare for an attack. Not even removing his trench coat. Clint may remember that wasn't necessary last time either.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Castiel as he steps into the sparring area, and upon overhearing that Darcy got pulled away and catching Bucky's arrival in her peripheral vision, her eyes flick toward one sniper then the other for only the tiniest moment before bowing to the angel in the manner of proper martial artists sparring. And then, she rushes toward him though it's unclear if she plans to body tackle him or borrow from Natasha's book and leap up to catch his head in a thigh lock.

Castiel has posed:
When she bows, his head gives a like nod of respectful acknowledgement that isn't a bow, but is unmistakable as a return to that. For all the world, Castiel doesn't look remotely ready to take May's rush. Other than the fact that he is, and when May takes that rush at him, he merely steps aside, turning his body slightly, prepared to fend off not the body tackle but either the leap, or the side-swipe, knowing she can't expect him to stay either still, or not retaliate.

For his own part, his hands come into defensive positions, the angel looking terribly at ease in his very unconventional fighting garb.

"You did not say if I was to strike at you first. I still do not think that this is a wise idea, Agent May."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Do you want me to step in? I'm reinforced," says Bucky, casually. He looks scruffy and disreputable, is what. The exact opposite of Captain Permanent Press. "I might be able to stand up under it a little longer." Because that's what Bucky does - he endures.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint watches with interest as the two square off. He had a pretty good idea of how strong Cas could be and he was curious to see if May had taken his measure before now or not. Jury was still out on that for now.

As Bucky offers to help, Clint calls out oh-so helpfully, "Could go two against one," he says which might even things out a bit.

One thing was for sure unless things started to get ugly, Clint wasn't going to be jumping in. Not unless he got his arrows first.

Melinda May has posed:
May doesn't respond to either man offering to step in on the sparring match against Castiel. She's busy. Make up your minds for yourselves for a change.

As Castiel steps aside, she apparently anticipated him attempting to dodge in some manner or other, as she throws one arm to catch around his midsection as if actually going for the tackle. Almost in the same moment, though, she sweeps a leg to try and knock his knees out from under him and then use her arm to send him toward the floor.

It's a gamble, and a risky one, but then she's also fully aware of the fact that Castiel's age and combat experience makes even Barnes seem like a whippersnapper.

Castiel has posed:
He'd been expecting just that of Agent May, and he doesn't get taken down to the floor. That is, /she/ doesn't take him to the floor.

When May reaches for him, using her momentum to leg sweep, intending on levering that arm to take him down, the angel retaliates by grabbing her shoulders, and using the force of her leg sweep, takes them both down to the mat. His grip on her used to lever her up and over, tossing the woman away from hismelf.

To be fair, he's /trying/ to keep it within human ranges of strength, but who knows.

As for himself, the same momentum is used to continue his fall and shoulder roll backwards, with a push up of his hands to get back on his feet again, turning his body to face the woman, ready for her next run at him.

Surprisingly, given how often the angel feels compelled to expound upon things, he's silent.

Fighting is serious business.

Melinda May has posed:
While May is not at all surprised that Castiel so easily countered her initial attack, the way she's flung IS a surprise. It's, shall we say, a bit more forceful than a normal human would have managed and she hits the floor. Hard.

Castiel's already back on his feet before May starts to move again, and when she does, it's with a pained grimace.

But she's silent about it. Is that to her credit?

Winter Soldier has posed:
He can't help himself, not entirely. Buck's ranging up on the side of the fight, after telling Lili to sit and stay with a hand gesture. She's perplexed, by the way her eyebrow dots are working, looking between the combatants and her human.

Captain America has posed:
Who should wander by and present himself as a silhouette but one Steve Rogers. It's the broad shoulders, a dead give-away every time -- either that or the confidence with which he walks into the gymnasium. He's dressed to work out, in sweats and a t-shirt and sneakers, and by his expression, he's...dubiously amused at what he's seeing.

"Didn't think I'd see the day," he comments quietly as he takes up a place beside Bucky and Lili. The latter is granted a small and quiet greeting, but no pats -- the German Shepherd might be on the job. "Bet with anybody yet?" he asks the Soldier, already starting to grin to himself.

Castiel has posed:
Because this is sparring, and not an actual fight, and because he hadn't meant to throw her so very hard, Castiel waits for May to get to her feet and prepare herself again for their encounter. When she seems ready, he gives her another of those head nods, and moves towards her with purpose, his intent looking nothing more than an intimidating bulwark coming towards her, sans the bulk necessary to make it look more fear inducing then it does.

Still, there is an air about the angel, calm and confident, that says he doesn't feel he's going to come up on the short end of this stick.

It's not a rush or a run, and she has plenty of time to react. It's really only certain that given his past, he's likely encountered most things she could throw at him, and this is quite possibly only a matter of allowing her to gauge, as she said, how best to use him.

Really, other than Clint, it's not like anyone has seen the angel in action before. He does, however, strike a near comical pose marching towards her in that trench coat of his.

Melinda May has posed:
Moving considerably slower than normal, May does finally get back to her feet and nods to Castiel when he starts toward her. It's not at a run, but at a walk and would likely be serious intimidating if it were, say, Barnes doing the same. But, it's Castiel. Not quite as effective coming from him.

While she's bracing for whatever the angel has in mind, one of her hands twiches slightly. For anyone not trained to look for that sort of signal, it might seem unintentional, but for Barnes and possibly also Rogers it's as good as a command.

Level two: multiple assailants.

Winter Soldier has posed:
On those occasions, Bucky walks like what he is - a beautifully engineered murderbot. Lead with the hips, children. Lead with the hips.

At that signal, Barnes abandons his hipshot, casual pose....and he's coming up on the angel with that predatory glide, a strange, deceptively deliberate pace. He hasn't pulled a weapon, at least. The German Shepherd is starting to look very concerned, her mobile ears flicking back and forth.

Captain America has posed:
"Money's on your boy," says Steve softly to the German Shepherd. Now he offers down a hand by her neck to sniff or to lean against. He remains standing where he is, off to one side, and he watches with a small smile of knowing. This has all the potential in the world to end up with another man-sized hole in the wall.

At least he won't go home with another black eye for Janet to fuss over again this time.

Castiel has posed:
May either will or won't strike out at him, though she'd taken the initiative last time..

One doens't just stalk down a prey without intending to attack though, and who the angel doesn't have a blade drawn, there is much of the same principle in action here: if you take it out, you use it. That, and there is no point to the exercise if the two merely mince around one another.

He's got her mettle, though. He's seen enough like her in his eons, and fought against as many of her ilk to know she's a weapon clad in a calm exterior. And if he's missed that small gesture of hand, he would never admit it. Then again, he is who he is, and what he is. It's likely he's seen.

It's just as likely he doens't care. It's not like the demons of hell stand aside politely for some honourable one on one. Again, there is no point to this exercise if they pretend.

So the man strikes out at her in a simple move meant to be blocked, but also meant to distract. If he held a blade in his other hand, it would strike up through ribs. But he's bare handed. If that hand connects, it will be a full on palm strike that will leave a bruise. All the while keeping himself aware of his other opponent, ready to turn and strike there if necessary.

Melinda May has posed:
May does indeed block the first simple move, but her other hand is already moving to block the simulated blade strike. And in doing so, she tries to grasp Castiel's wrists so he can't pull back as readily. Which, hopefully, means that she's giving Barnes an opening to step in and 'help'. Nothing's set in stone, of course, and if it doesn't work out that way, it's not a hardship. This isn't a real life or death situation. If it were, she likely wouldn't be as trusting of Bucky's stepping in to help. Though only because she's not fought alongside him enough to really know what to expect.

Winter Soldier has posed:
What she doesn't expect ....is that 'help' Buck offers is utterly in earnest. He knows what Castiel is, at least in the abstract, and is already certain that this is going to be like two chihuahua puppies thrown into the ring with a full-grown leopard. So there's no point in pulling punches or playing nice. Full speed- a low kick aimed at the side of the angel's shin - if that's a human body, tendons will snap and joints dislocate just like they would with any mortal. The follow-through is a punch to the side with the metal fist.

It's not something they've seen in here. Not in the sparring areas, anyway.

In the cellblocks with the Soldier in ascendance, breaking necks, that's another matter. It's eerie, a reappearance of an unwelcome spectre....especially to Steve, surely.

Captain America has posed:
He watches the Soldier eel into the fray like an oversized, half-machined weasel into a rabbit warren -- except that's one large and angelic rabbit. Regardless of odds and jokings to Lili about money down on a particular combatant, the sight is enough to make Steve thin his lips.

He hazards he can see the moment the blinkers of old habit in combination with deadly drillings come into play. The arm gleams. Despite himself, he reaches around to the other side of Lili's neck and gently places his palm to her warm furred presence.

"He can hold his own," he murmurs...but who is he reassuring?

Castiel has posed:
May's response to his strike get an approving grunt from the angel. It's almost like he's the one testing her here, and not the other way around.

Of course Castiel hasn't encountered Bucky Barnes before, nor is he expecting the full bore tilt into him of the very well trained soldier. Like May, Buck's reflexes are a honed and automatic thing, as are Castiel's, but Castiel isn't used to humans delivering blows that create that sickening wet thud of metal into flesh and the crack of ribs.

The angel's head does a momentary shake, as he adjusts his mental awareness to now account for the Winter Soldier and to retaliate in kind - though, given he's rather more acutely sensitive to the human physical limitations, his blows are still not the fullness of his strength.

They are, however, precise. And calculated.

Where May had succeeded in grabbing his wrist, Castiel now pulls away from that grip, and spins, first using May as a shield, and then thrusting her from the two of them while he settles into blocking what he's sure will be the next blow coming for him from the soldier. One arm made to block, just as with May, the other striking out with force. He's expecting the metal arm to aim for him, and to block that one - but that's only his assumption.

He also fully expects that May did not call Bucky in for herself to stand on the sidelines, calculating where her next attack is most likely to be initiated from, and what his response will be.

Melinda May has posed:
Yes, May /did/ direct Barnes to join in this sparring match, but she had NOT expected the man to wade in with bone-breaking force. Her surprise is enough to give Castiel the opportunity to use her as a shield for a moment then pushing her clear of the instantly much more lethal duel.

She actually hesitates for a second as she watches the pair grapple, then she darts in under Bucky's arms with the intention of catching the angel around the waist.

Or something.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Wolfpack tactics - Buck's circling, tight, trying to keep the angel's attention on him, even as the angel drags May close for a moment. He's the one who can take damage, far more than the average human can. A step up, to the angel's perceptions, but only by an increment. Mortal flesh is mortal flesh, even if it's woven with alloy. He's just fast enough to dodge the first return blow from the angel....but it's so clear that Cas is pulling his punches. To be expected, though.

Calculation is alight behind the pale eyes - the instincts of the moment, seeking weakness, but also longer-term consideration. What vulnerabilities will can be found, what weapon damages such a creature?

The metal arm is blocked, but the alloy hand turns, graspingthe arm that blocked it, trying to keep Cas turning with the momentum of the block - trying to pull the angel off balance, and right on to a knee-strike. May's seen enough of him fighting to know that unarmed he tends to go for close up, grappling styles first....and Steve's had them used against him, more han once, before.

Castiel has posed:
Barnes should recognize a similar calculating light in Castiel's eyes. May isn't just used as a shield, he's used that moment to assess a position and put her out of harm's way, leaving him able to locate her in his spatial awareness. Hitting May is not nearly the same as hitting Bucky, not by a long shot.

Bucky is right - CAstiel's body is only human. It's a body that the angel is able to heal exceedingly fast, but it still has limitations, but he still feels things. Strong hits, broken bones, cuts and stabs - they all hurt. He might be able to ignore them to some degree, but they still hurt.

So it is that even though he blocks Bucky's hit, when his arm is grabbed and he's yanked, there's a wince of pain from the angel. The knee strike could be inevitable, other than the angel has decided that he may be done with blocks and strikes, and decides to try and turn things around on Bucky. Castiel is strong enough that he can lift the man, totally one handed, and using Barne's own grip on his wrist against the other man, even if it comes at the cost of pain and likely a broken wrist until he can fix that.

Except that's about when May grabs him about the waist. A simple gesture that wouldn't normally even register, even with the broken ribs that are healing, except...

Except her fingers slip through a rip in the back of his trench coat and contact flesh where his shirt has pulled out of and away from his pants, the simple gesture of her fingers grazing along his side causing a peculiar sensation. A sensation he's not felt before, though the body does seem to recognize it.

Though while the body may recognize it, it isn't one of those sensations that comes with the best of remembered reactions, Castiel squirming, wide-eyed and uncertain what to make of the tingle-prickle of painful pleasure along his skin, or control the way his body really wants to shirk away from that touch and sensation.

Bucky is dropped. Whether or not Bucky lets go of him is another matter.

Melinda May has posed:
The angel's abrupt reaction to her attempted grapple startles May, but not nearly as much as Castiel DROPPING Barnes from having lifted him up off of his feet. Bad luck, she was between the two men when all of this happens. Thus, she ends up with well over 200 pounds of super soldier being dropped on her like a giant sack of potatoes with elbows and knees.


Winter Soldier has posed:
More like being flung down, at the reaction to the tickle. Hard enough that, even with the mat, she can see Buck's eyes flutter and roll up - the weight on her is limp as a rag within moments, before he flops off to roll onto his side.

It's a good thing Steve wisely absented both himself and Lili, or both Good Dogs would surely wade in on the fight.

Castiel has posed:
"Hold, hold! Peace." Castiel leans over, hands on his knees, catching his breath. The sensation of the tickle is gone, but not the pains in his body. However, once he's said that, his next move is to check the others, Barnes first, and heal them. This exercise wasn't meant to end in injury, and this last bit is his very own fault.

Plus, it is also an ability he has. Technically, assessing it is also valuable.

Barring being prevented from doing so, Castiel heals both Barnes and May before tending to his own injuries.

"Assistant Director, I am hoping this was sufficient?"

Melinda May has posed:
Even if Barnes is unconscious, May's still squished for the few moments it takes for Castiel to come over and help. She can feel the instant the angel has healed her -- even unrelated lingering aches are gone -- but Barnes doesn't wake. He must have taken a more severe hit than she realized.

"Yes, this was sufficient," she sighs, then taps her comm to ask for someone from Medical come down with a gurney to get Barnes off of the floor and to some place he can rest properly.

Winter Soldier has posed:
IT's the sigh that makes it clear he's woken. But he doesn't seem inclined to move. Far from it. Bucky's lying on the floor, still limp as a sleeping dog. "No, no, don't call Medical, I'll be fine," he murmurs, dreamily. ""'m fine." He just apparently wants to nap in the middle of the mat.

Castiel has posed:
The angel gets up from his kneel on the floor where he has been healing, leaning in to Agent May to inform quietly, "I have given him some peace." And nothing more before he stands and with a considered look around the room, nods.

"This was good. I am in need of the alcohol now."

And with that abrupt declaration, Castiel is gone.

Melinda May has posed:
Looking from Barnes to Castiel and back, May relents and nods to them both, and stays seated on the floor next to Bucky while he stays there like a boneless fish.

Apparently if he's going to stay there, so is she. And really, she doesn't have anywhere else to be at the moment, so why not?

Winter Soldier has posed:
Steve must've let her go. Because Lili comes padding back in to give first Bucky and then May a sniffing-over. Satisfied no one is in immediate distress, she simply lays down beside him, and puts her head on her forepaws. May gets a curious look.