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Latest revision as of 15:18, 14 May 2019

Who moved my cheese
Date of Scene: 15 April 2019
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Thor talks with Darryl, convinces him to become a hero.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Darryl Jacobson

Thor has posed:
    Of course Darryl's arrival had been reason to celebrate. For, in truth, Asgardians need little reason to celebrate in these times. A fruitful hunt, a project's completion, or the arrival of an old friend. But when three such things happen within a few days' timespan, then it stops being simply a celebration, but it becomes a /party/.
    And thus is Darryl son of Jacob exposed to Asgardian culture. It all, for their point of view, takes place in the long house of the Broken Antler. At one end of the great long series of tables there's a smaller one turned sideways which is for the King and his entourage. It's there that Darryl had been seated, seen to by one of the most beautiful blond women he's ever seen. She had taken some pleasure in giving him his knife and fork as well as sweeping the cloth napkin across his lap at the beginning of the feast. She even had a wink for him each time she passed by, enjoying the effect it had on him.
    "That is Helga, she is Bjorn's wife. They own this place." Thor said with a sweep of his mug. Of course there wasn't any admonishment there, just a wry smile as the party had started.
    Over the course of the night entertainers had been brought forth and shown their talents, songs were sung, and dancers danced.
    Yet through all of it Thor had gently and politely made sure that Darryl was only given the most light mix of watered down Asgardian ale. Enough for him to be perhaps a touch tipsy, but never more than that. For in truth, this was such a soiree that his wits might be best kept.
    It was only near the end of the evening when the place had fallen partially quiet, save for the loud /snores/ of Bjarke off in the corner sleeping it off. But finally there might be a moment where they could have words between themselves.

Darryl Jacobson has posed:
TO say there was a bit of culture shock was an understatement.

Darryl had seen Thor out partying back when they were roommates. They had gone to a few clubs together. Of course he'd also seen Thor enjoy his trink at their shared home. That was nothing like this. This was beyond in so many ways. More.

At first, Helga's attention had caused him to blush bright red, starting below the collar of his buttoned up shirt and tie, up over his face and to the very tips of his ears. Particularly upon learning that she was married.

By the time he was tipsy from the even watered down drink, the blushing was gone and he was winking back at her each time she came to fill his drink or plate. He still had the tie on but it was loosened, the collar of his shirt open now and his jacket had disappeared somewhere.

Now things were winding down and the tipsy was fading, allowing him be both shocked and horrifed at his own boldness. He leaned back in his chair, hand laid top his stomach as he looked around at the clearing room. "This has been wonderful, Your Majesty. Thank you for inviting me."

Thor has posed:
    Nose scrunching up and his brow beetling between his eyes, Thor lifts a hand from his tankard and waves it slightly to the side, "Thor is fine, Darryl. No one is about and there is no need to fear for propriety's sake." He does casually reach over and dislodge the arm of one of the sleeping guards who had taken the invitation to a seat next to him. Just enough of a movement so that when the man awoke in the morning he wouldn't fall over.
    Yet it allowed Thor to turn in his chair and face his ex-roommate directly. "For it would be overly cumbersome for you to relate your tale having to constantly defer. So with that I give you leave to tell me what has passed for you. Before the now and after the last time we spoke."
    He perks up a little, "Did you ever get that dog?" He asks, perhaps meaning some animal that had been a passing topic of conversation those years ago.

Darryl Jacobson has posed:
"Dog?" Darryl looks genuinely confused by that, having no idea what Thor was talking about. His brow furrowed as he tried to think back. The memory came back with great effort. He had in passing mentioned getting a dog one day, when he had to clean up some food off the floor after a bit of a party in the living room, hosted by Thor. "Oh! No, that was a joke. About finding a way to get the floor cleaned up faster instead of using a broom and mop. I didn't really want to get one."

He glances at the soldier that Thor had tilted to an upright position then back to the man who used to be his roommate and now was a king. Go figure. "I didn't really do anything much whil you were gone. Stayed at my accounting firm. Did my job." He shrugs as he tries to think. "Dated a girl for a bit but it wasn't right so we went our separate ways. Had some roommates. Got to admit that many of them made me miss having you around, even if we did have some issues."

He takes a sip of his drink, a very tiny sip. Then he continues. "Then I get approached by the government asking me to be an ambassador. I had seen the news, about what happened to your people. I kept track of it all, saw when Norway took you in and was happy about that."

Thor has posed:
    "Whyever not?" Thor persists, "Do you dislike animals?" He turns his head to the side as if suddenly wary of the mortal man. But then he lightly thumps him on the shoulder as he murmurs, "Worry not, there are some roaming packs of wolves." He gestures with one hand up in the direction of the mountains, "If you ever gain the inkling to befriend one, well there you go."
    But he listens as Darryl relates his latter ills and experiences, pausing to comment. "Ah, her loss." As he nods with some measure of authority, then takes a drink from his tankard.
    "Other roommates?" His lip twitches and he looks slyly sidelong towards the man, "Well of course, all would pale after having experienced the domestic bliss granted by the presence of Thor Odinson." That smile might give a hint to some measure of self-awareness. Maybe.
    But at the thoughts shared about the ambassador position he blinks a few times and nods, "Hrm. Aye it was a difficult time. It feels as if only now am I able to settle in a touch and think about the less pressing matters of the world."

Darryl Jacobson has posed:
"No, I like animals. I like dogs. I just ---" He couldn't finish the sentence as he was interrupted with the concept of befriending a wolf. "Wolves are not the same as dogs and I would prefer not to go near any of them. Ever."

He isn't a superhuman. He's squishy. He prefers to keep his squishy intact and not torn apart by wild wolves.

THe mention of the woman is just dismissed with a shrug. But the talk of more serious things has his nodding. "I'm certain. It's been a long rebuilding process." He knows there were losses. He knows there was much mourning so he doesn't bring it all up. "You have been dealing with so much work stuff, it's kind of hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe tonight was a glimpse of that light?"

Thor has posed:
    A small snort is heard from Thor as Darryl offers his thoughts and he says, "Look at who has become so insightful." Another nudge is given but then the monarch leans forwards against the table, elbows supporting him as he shakes his head with a smile upon his lips. "Perhaps we shall call you Darryl the Wise."
    He lifts a hand and points at his ex-roommate, "So this has become your chosen profession." Nodding a few times Thor hrms, "Have you given thoughts on your future after this?"
    The chair scrapes on the floor as he turns it to more directly face Darryl while being able to maintain one elbow on the table. "I mean assuredly once you return to Australia all will herald your arrival as a great victory, having served your people. You could embark upon a life of public service. Even become the... the King of Australia? Assuredly they would vote for you?"
    Then the tall blond man's brow furrows, "Do they vote for Kings in Australia?"

Darryl Jacobson has posed:
"No, no votes for kings there. I wouldn't be interested in getting into politics though. Most politicians are not the kind of people I would want to be around. I certainly don't want to be one."

DArryl turns in his seat to face Thor more fully, picking up his flagon and eyeing the contents suspiciously as he tries to decide if he should take another sip or not. He opts not, placing it back on the table then looking to the Asgardian King.

"I think when this is all over, I'll go back to the firm. If they will hire me back. I'm a good accountant. It's all I wanted to do with my life." Somewhat sad apparently.

Thor has posed:
    "Oh come now," Thor straightens up and speaks loudly enough to cause one of the tavern maids to shift uncomfortably in the arms of one of the guardsmen, the two of them having passed out together. He glances over quickly to the two of them and then lowers his voice as he speaks to Darryl in a quieter tone of voice. "Do you not want more?"
    He gestures with the sweep of one hand to the side, "The tales of old are e'er filled with stories of a man with no ambitions being raised on high by the efforts of this deity or that deity."
    He straightens up, "I am beginning to think why not I? Why the trainers here are some of the best in this world now that we are counted amongst them. You could be taught the way of fist and shield and blade. You could be looked on as a great man amongst great men. Does that not entice?"
    His lip curls, "Does that not get your blood pumping? Bor's Blood, man!"
    More noise from some of the sleepers as Thor's voice rises, so he hushes and leans forwards conspiratorially. "Say but the word, Darryl. And we shall begin." His smile is amused, wry, and a touch tipsy.

Darryl Jacobson has posed:
It has to be the drink that is causing it. Never has Thor tried to get him to actually learn to battle, to become more like his people. Even when they roomed together.

He thinks back to the day he arrived here, on Ambassador Row, seeing all the armored beings and feeling distinctly underdressed. He tries to imagine himself in that armor and he pats his paunch.

"Don't get me wrong. There is a temptation to try it. To run around with weapons and armor and be a total bad ass," Darryl says with a chuckle. "But I'm not sure that's me."

Only Thor has seen him gaming, including first person games in fantasy settings, so he knows that Darryl has enjoyed those roles.

"I'll think about it. It's a honor to even have it offered."

Thor has posed:
    "Hah, excellent." Thor says loudly, causing a bunch of the various inebriants in the area to grumble at the abrupt noise, but the Asgardian monarch is beaming entirely too much to care. "Then it is agreed then." He says with a measure of warmth mixed with authority as he pronounces it so.
    Then, as if to seal the deal, he clunks his drink against Darryl's.