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Latest revision as of 15:27, 14 May 2019

A Pair of Frosts
Date of Scene: 16 April 2019
Location: Hellfire Club, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Killer Frost, Emma Frost

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost decides to check out the Hellfire Club. It is the home of some people with reputations in the darker shades of gray. Killer Frost was ice-surfing along at rooftop level and spirals down to the ground, leaving hte ice-ramp there. It'll melt eventually, as she just brazenly walks into the club, blowing past the bouncer. "Mmmmmm, very nice," she purrrrs in her dulcet voice that has a strange jingling echo to it.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is, of course, in the VIP area, separated out from the riff-raff, if some of the richest people in New York can be considered that (by her, they can). The feeling of the strangely disruptive mind moving amongst those plebeians, however, catches Emma's attention. She has always been fascinated by illnesses of the mind, considering herself something of a psychic surgeon.

Plus, mad people are just so much more fun.

She's clad in an immaculate white pantsuit with five inch Louis Vuitton heels and no top on under the jacket, her cleavage artfully placed to keep her barely decent.

"Is it? What precisely do you find so very nice about it? Do expand."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost turns to face Emma Frost. "The decor. The people. Of course, that's my destination," she states, pointing at the VIP door. "I would be ideal for your... club." She grins widely. "My name is Killer Frost." She ponders, tapping a fingernail on the bar. "What is required to do so?" The air around her is noticably chilly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost smiles, "It's not quite as simple as filling out an application. Showing interest is a start. You would be thoroughly vetted and researched. Some of our investigators can be quite inconvenient, to the point that those with secrets to hide sometimes don't even bother applying. Because those secrets will be part of the price paid to get beyond those doors. We must, after all, trust one another, even if only to know how little each of us can be trusted."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost just laughs loudly. "Ah - you have to trust each other to find out how LITTLE you can be trusted?" She smirks. "My sister would be quoting Star Wars at this point, but I'll spare you." She hmmmms softly as she looks around. She does order a scotch on the rocks from the barkeep. "Investigators, hmmm? Sounds like... well you do take this seriously, hmmm?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost clicks her tongue against her teeth, "Oh, I promise, we are not without humor. We can be mirthful. We indulge ourselves all the pleasures of the world, laughter among them. But serious? Yes. To be one of the Hellfire Club is to be among the most elite secret societies in the world. To have even gotten into our parlor is an achievement most people can only imagine," she says. "Someone, in fact, must see something in you already, or you wouldn't be here at all."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost smiles. "Perhaps they do," she muses softly, as she takes a sip of her scotch. "Good stuff," she muses, as the ice in the cup starts to crack open, absorb some of the scotch inside, and then she fishes it out of her cup, and pops the frozen scotch ice cube into her mouth. "Ah. Now I know where I saw your face. You must be Emma Frost, the proprietor? Saw you on a website. I do like your name." She is crunching happily on her frozen scotch.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost tsks, "I would never proclaim myself such. I am one of the more...authoritative individuals within the CLub, but everyone has their place. Am I at the top? Well. I certainly think so. Others may disagree," she smiles thinly, her lips red as blood against her pale complexion. "Killer Frost, you say. A bold sobriquet. Are you, then, aptly named? Are you a killer?"

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost smiles faintly. "When necessary," she muses softly. "Though it's bad for business - most of it is a bluff. If people think I'm willing to kill to get my aims - and I have oh so many ways of doing so, then I get what I want." She shrugs. "But my sister gets mad at me when I do so. She hates getting blood out of the laundry." She gazes at you. She seems to have no real idea that you're a telepath.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost isn't about to explain herself, not at this first meeting. She likes having the advantage over others too much. "You keep mentioning this sister. Do the two of you work together then? Are you a package deal?" she says. She has a certain inkling of what it might mean, but she's keeping her cards close to the vest. "As for the laundry, darling, my wardrobe is almost entirely white. Blood is the worst."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods. "Yes, my sister Caitlin." She sighs softly. "We are... a package deal. We... sometimes work together. In a way, we're room-mates - but it's very... hard to explain. She's a goody-two-shoes, and a doctor. An actual medical doctor." She shakes her head in mock-disgust at the thought. "Spending one's whole life just to helping others and not herself..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost shakes her head, "Altruism is one of the worst kinds of vices. I've seen it many times over consume the lives of talented individuals. Charity is all well and good, but we must not debase ourselves in its pursuit," she says. "Still, a doctor is always a useful thing to have at hand, I suppose."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods. "Except I have no need for one." She hmmmmms softly. "So... how is this interview going?" she finally asks, smirking widely as she has almost finished her scotch, as the rest freezes into a cube as she starts to suck on it."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost eyes the trick with the ice, raising an eyebrow, "If the interview goes badly, my dear, I promise you'll know. We aren't shy about showing our displeasure," she says, although it's hard to tell if she means the club or is using the royal 'we'. "Other than wanting to be one of the 'cool kids'," she says, playing with the pun, "What interests you about joining our number? What do you want from us?"

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost smirks at the pun, hmmmming softly, swirling around the frozen scotch in her mouth. "I get the feeling that I will be understood here. It's... hard to find someone who could be a confidant." She sighs softly, shaking her head.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost nods, "I know that feeling all too well. As said, while we have perhaps less than pristine reputations, we often find we can come to rely upon each other in the club. So long as we remember and recognize one another's nature, scorpion to scorpion, predator to predator. It is a matter of mutual respect."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods slowly. "I understand." She sighs softly. "I do hope my sister will be as understanding, but I cannot predict how she thinks." She shrugs slowly. "Things are complicated. She has a job after all so... I'm not always available."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost takes a sip of her own wine, "A job is distasteful, I cannot deny. But we all have our crosses to bear. I'm sure, if you're found worthwhile, whatever difficulties you have could be accomodated." she says.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods slowly. "My sister's name is Caitlin Snow. But she'll be a rather boring subject I believe." She smiles softly as she nods, and creates a rose made of ice and lays it on the bar (yes, it has a couple of thorns on the stem). "I will look forward to hearing from you," she coooos, winking, then steps out, still thinking of the VIP lounge.