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Sentinels: What was Lost
Date of Scene: 21 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Avengers and X-Men respond to an assault by the Sentinels.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Spider-Woman (Drew), Shadowcat, Cyclops, Wasp (van Dyne), War Machine, Rogue, Thor
Tinyplot: Sentinels

Iron Man has posed:
The alarms aren't immediate, but word rapidly reached those who are located at the secure Avenger facility. Something is coming. Something Sentinel-shaped. And in numbers. The facility is the one which currently houses one 'prisoner/rescuee' John Doe, the 'scientist' who seems to be, instead, some sort of Sentinel creation, displaced out of reality or time.

The facility was open to those of the X-Men who wished to visit the man, through the continued positive information exchange and connection between the two hero groups.

The facility is in northern New York, a hidden, reasonably high tech underground zone below a warehouse: a maze of secure cells. Most of the laboratories are cleared out, as the particular occupant is not trusted to be near much more than testing equipment.

The alarms go through the facility: Sentinels are starting to converge on the location. There are six counted on sensors. And another problem, at one of the rear doors to the facility: security is not responding.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica Drew had just arrived at the facility when alarms sounded. She's sensibly armed with a plastic basket containing some safety razors, shaving cream, newspapers, magazines, and a few other assorted travel-sized toiletries.

But then there are alarms. And Her jacket and jeans are swiftly done-away with, and she speaks into her comm as she puts on her mask. "Tony, do you have eyes on this? Alarms at the holding facility. I'm hearing multiple incoming. Security isn't responding. But I just arrived. I need some status info asap."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has been bringing up the need for a plan for dealing with the Sentinels for some time. A lot of work has gone into analyzing and understanding, but there has not been a definite plan put together to deal with the issue.

Today is hopefully a step towards that. Even if not a gathering to work out the plan, Shadowcat brings Cyclops to the facility so he can get a look at John Doe for himself. Even if they do not end up questioning him - for it seems like mutants doing so has not gone well in the past - it is also a chance for the X-men and Avengers to go over the most recent intelligence both teams have.

Shadowcat has a small purple dragon riding on her shoulder as they are just entering the facility, having cleared security and entering the heart of the underground base when they hear the alarms start up. She spots Jessica Drew ahead and jogs down the hallway towards her. "What's going on?" she asks.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott doesn't chide or comment he simply knows this is bad, and he knows Kitty agrees as he's running beside Shadowcat to catch up with Jessica Drew. He immediately gets into his leadership mode though as soon as he catches up to the Avenger. "Do you know this facility well enough?" The x-man asks as he jogs in pace, then follows up, "Are there any defences set up or do we need to prepare for the worst?" Scott asks, already expecting the worst as soon as the sirens and warning klaxxons began their songs.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Lockheed on one shoulder; Janet on the other, holding a tiny fistful of Kitty's hair in one hand and riding with a loose-kneed stance. About the size of a Barbie doll, and a look of focus on her face.

"Jess!" her voice is clearly heard and she flies forward off her shoulder, transforming in mid-air to full size. A new uniform; black with bare shoulders, operaa gloves, and a flaring yellow skirt. "What's going on?" she demands of the other woman. "Is there an actual emergency or is this just some lame, like, fire drill?"

War Machine has posed:
     Far above the earth a single streak flies through the air. It's silent but speedy, just bellow the speed of sound to avoid that iconic crash of thunder that would no doubt follow it. The silhouette is little more then a spec of dust far far in the sky.

     It leaves behind none of the usual trails one would expect even from the typical stealth craft flying a good 10,000 foot in the air. This craft is only the size of a man in actuality, another Iron Man styled suit. Pitch black from head to toe without the usual brightly glowing bits visible across its surface. It's sleek and almost alien in design, focused entirely on the prospects of silent running and hiding. From radar and other dangers.

     Inside of the suit Rhodes checks a second glance over at his displays as the first glance sends him into a bout of confusion. He wasn't exactly expecting to get any sort of signals from this part of town, especially when he hadn't exactly made it clear he was even going to be back stateside. Then again there was every chance the message wasn't meant for him exclusivly.

     "What are you getting yourselves into this time." Said as he looks over towards the radar display. What he see's sends his eyebrows raising as he lets out a low hmm."Do I have time?" He shifts his perspective back over towards the suits clock. Eyes focus hard as the possibilities roll through his head.

     He banks suddenly and rapidly to the side arms now outstretched as he tries to burn off some of that speed and altitude. All the while a smile creeps across his face. "Yeah, I got plenty of time." A quick motion of his fingers causing sounds of music to fill the suit as AC/DC begins to play out through the suits internal speakers.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's present. She's with Scott. She's in her gold and green, her hands are stuffed into her leather jacket's pockets and she's flying along side him, not jogging, she's keeping pace by just gliding effortlessly through the air while her green eyes scan around the area. She does lift her right hand up out of her leather jacket though, and she wraps a green headband around her forehead, lacing int through her hair, but otherwise she remains silent and waiting for what she needs to provide for all of this.

Iron Man has posed:
"Mr. Stark has 'asked' that I let you know that he has had some drinks," JARVIS replies to Jessica Drew's communicator (as well as the other Avengers on the same channel), in a way that is somehow both respectful as well as suggestive of the state of Tony. "...And further states that Captain America is on site for your leadership needs," paraphrases the AI.

"There are dead areas in what I can see of the facility, similar to the results from the weapon which was stolen by the robotic Janet clone, Ms. Drew. Additionally, Captain Rogers was present in the area I cannot see into, and I would suggest you investigate there first. It is the western entrance to the above-ground storage facilities. I also see a heading of multiple Sentinels towards the location."

A check on John Doe's situation will reveal he's reading one of the novels he was given, on his cot. There's no obvious change in his status, and he hasn't reacted to alarms: perhaps he can't hear them.

Rhodey's suit can pick up on three of the Sentinels; they aren't fast. They're slowly making their way towards the site, converging. But it looks like they are a mix of being between five to ten minutes out, before the site will have all of them arriving.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica sighs exasperatedly, and looks to Janet. "We have multiple incoming, parts of our facility are dead, our security aren't responding, and Tony's plastered and can't be bothered. Oh, and your Sweet Baboo is somewhere over there in a dead zone, last we knew. But yeah, it's probably something lame, like a drill. Want me to fetch your little pink /case/?" Jess replies to Janet, as she pivots on her heel to head over toward where Cap was last seen. "THAT ought to help."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde arrives over near Jessica to hear the situation. She glances to Cyclops and Rogue before confirming with Jessica. "The incoming. Are they Sentinels?" Kitty asks. She looks back over to Cyclops. "I'm probably best helping inside to start with," she suggests. Looking back over to the pair of Avengers, "So in here we need to find Captain America, and also guard John Doe?" she asks Jessica and Janet to make sure she's clear. "I'll come along with you to find the Captain for now, and fall back to John Doe if any alarms or dead zones move that direction," she suggests.

Rogue has posed:
With her headband on, Rogue then pulls two yellow gloves out of her jacket pockets and she starts to slip them onto her previously naked hands. "Sentinels, huh?" She says then as she starts to part ways with Cyclops and listen to Kitty's words. "Guess I know where I'm gonna be..." With gloves on, Rogue's hands fall back to her sides and her body arches around in her flight course headed toward the zone that those terrible metal monsters are. "I'll let ya know if we need t'do that Kitty Cannonball thing, Shadowcat." Rogue says with a sly grin on her way, her eyes glance over to see War Machine in the sky. "Think I know that one..." She quietly comments.

War Machine has posed:
     The bank down first is a soft one but quickly builds harder and harder as he bleeds off that altitude managing to go faster and faster still. The G-forces build as he pulls off the maneuver and confirmation comes in on those radar signals.

     "If I know my velocity is increesing at.." Rhodes speaks to himself rattling of trajectory and angle to himself, as well as velocity and altitude. His tongue clicks hard against the roof of his mouth as he looks across the screen finally calling in a bit of a delivery ahead of himself. A little red dot popping up on the display where this rush order will happen to land for him.

     He shifts his arms back down firmly to either side and kicks his thrusters back up to eighty percent capacity. Still well within safe operating bounds and picking up speed.

     As he zips across the sky high above little light seems to be something burning in the atmosphere. It starts a dull light but brightens further and further as it heats up growing larger. It speeds up only to manage to reach its terminal velocity falling dead ahead of Rhodes and his flying suit. The light is actually a metal box, a pod if you will standing a solid 10 foot tall.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet stares levelly at Jessica. "Wow, feeling salty today or am I just special?" Even the midst of an emergency, the diva flares her temper a bit. She touches her ear, fiddling, and then grimaces as he communicator *beeps* to affirm it's online.

"Check test, sounds like we're all on the emergency channel," she mumbles. Janet breaks into buzzing flight, moving ahead of the others and even with Jessica's forward movement. Small as she is, she's a tricky target and Jessica's too nimble to tag with a cheap ambush shot. Bioplasma curls around her hands in readiness and she keys the comm channel open again. "Rhodey dear, it's Jan here. Me and Jess are inside and we're looking for Steve. You've got a friendly inbound on an air vector, codename Rogue. Try not to fall in love with her, she's a peach. She can tank with the best of them though."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Actually..." Jess hesitates. She wants to check on John Doe herself. But she knows that Kitty might be of more assistance inside near the holding cell. "He knows me...He trusts me. I think. But...Probably best if Janet comes with..." She watches as Janet flits ahead of her. "I mean, if I go with Janet. We'll join you as quickly as we can," she replies to Kitty. And she hurries on ahead to catch up with Janet, ignoring her salty comment.

Iron Man has posed:
The problems in the west side of the upper facility are appaernt immediately as Jessica, Janet, Kitty break off into that direction. There are security drones going berserk. One immediately drops from the ceiling in a freakish robotic death-barber impression, blades and short concussive blasts exploding out of it in a corkscrew pattern. Part of a scurity wall attempts to fire at them from the side, but mostly aimed at the ceiling. It is a messy confusion of haywire security.

And down the hallway, there's a stairway, and some motion: something or someone of a humanoid shape was looking at them, and ducked away to one of the emergency access stairways that opens into the lower area: normally closed and sealed.

The Sentinels do not react to War Machine at all: it is as if he is not there. Perhaps their sensors aren't responsive to him. However, they have not attacked anything: they are simply traveling. No fight seems immediate. None are close to Rogue: at least, not yet...

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde calls over to Rogue through her comms system, "Keep a watch out for nullification rays. Possibly even fields." As Rogue flies off, Kitty turns back to the two Avengers. Shadowcat is a team player and gives a salute-like wave. "Alright, I'll try to get ahead of them and keep an eye on the cyborg. But remember he doesn't like mutants much, so not sure he'll listen to me if it comes to talking," Kitty says.

She pats Lockheed and says, "Alright boy, let's go get eyes on their likely prize." She phases the dragon and herself and begins sinking through the floor. The pair pass through the solid walls as they rush to get over to John Doe's holding area. Assuming they make it there without event, Kitty finds a good area she and Lockheed can lay an ambush for anyone trying to approach the room.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is flying high with a big smile on her face looking forward to smashing the ever living hell out of these damn Sentin-- The smile fades. She raises a finger up to her ear to respond to Kitty. "Watch out for those things?" She asks. "How... do I do that?" Now she has concern on her face. 'A field?' Her lips move, but she doesn't vocalize that. She starts to visually look around athe Sentinels, watching them closely. She looks over toward War Machine where she'd seen him last, then exhales sharply. "Great." She says with a heavy uff, now flying behind the Sentinels, keeping her distance for the time being.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes slams down at the perfect angle to manage to speed into one end of the falling structure and out the other while he enters in a sleek almost alien sort of suit designed to be borderline skin tight and completely free of any surfaces which might reflect back radar signals for stealth flight the other side brings a slightly different image to the fray.

     His Assault suit is one built like a big old flying brick catapulted forward by the sheer acceleration from prior on its own.

     The lack of an attack provides such a surprise that he barely manages to lift up at the last moment at the realization that just maybe these things are non combatants. That lift up comes just in time to avoid a head on collision with the lead vehicle as he tries to work out in his head what on earth these things are.

     "Alright so quick question on the tin men." He circles round the side and the oversized suit comes into full view outside the other end of the cloud of debris from the impact of his load up. "They don't seem to do much anyone know if they're even hostile?" The suit is bulky covered in thick military grade armor plating with twin massive repulsor engines that let out an echoing roar from the force of them propelling the suit along which finally kicks in.

     The suit is hard to miss with glowing red eyes and a large reactor in the midst of the suit. On its back are a collection of folded down for flight weapons even more mounted onto either hand the bulky expansion to the suit a complete contradiction to the base suits design of sleek minimalism.

     "I tend to get in a bit of paperwork trouble if I go about blasting noncombatants out of the sky." The turning radius is sharper with this suit then it has standard right to be, but then again such things can be expected when the pilot doesn't exactly have to worry much about things like the G-forces knocking them unconscious. "Got no idea how much paperwork that tends to leave behind."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess sighs and shakes her head as the humanoid disappears from sight. "God damn it," she enunciates emphatically as she thwips webbing at the berserk drone to try and disable it. "She's here. Your twin's here, Janet, be careful. She's used the gun, the one she stole from me. She's screwed the AI in the facility, wherever she's used it. Watch for drones. Watch for anything electronic or mechanical. Be careful of the mini-fridges..." Jess sprints ahead up toward where the figure disappeared. "Find Steve, I'm gonna kill this son of a..." her words are drowned out by the clatter and catastrophe around them, and her footfalls up the stairs. Time to find this thing and get that weapon back, and make up for Jess' own shortcomings in having lost it in the first place.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde ducks through walls, having been in the facility before but not knowing it the best so having to pick her way over to the holding cells. She tells Rogue over comms, "They have the nullification ray. I don't know if they have a field, Forge didn't think so but that was the old model. If you get near one and start losing flight, well you'll know what it is at least. Oh, and their vision sensors are in their hands if they are like the old models. If that helps."

Iron Man has posed:
"What's going on? What should we do?" several of the tech and lab assistance ask Kitty as she appears among them. "Captain Rogers was giving orders to contain the subject but we did not get confirmation: should we attempt to knock him out?" asks lab assistant Kristie.

Leaping down the hallway and ignoring the haywire security may not be entirely safe: the drone attempts to follow Jessica and stick sharp knives and blasts in her back. And the ceiling. It's disoriented, but crazed, which makes it erratic. Leaping to the stairwell causes a second issue: there is a body on the stairs, blocking the way, in the darkness of the stairwell. Vision is allowed with the flashing red emergency lights. A big, muscular, toned body is on the stairs, collapsed.

And at the bottom of the stairs, is a one-armed Janet figure, leveling her palm directly at anyone that came through that door. Energy flows into her palm, sentinel weaponry in color, a sparking orange.... That spears into the small Janet Wasp that was drawn forwards to see if it is, indeed, her Captain on the stairs......!

Suddenly, Tony comes onto the communicator himself. Which is probably a great idea. "Rhoooodey. Hey. So." Then there's a long pause. Tony probably was having another drink. "I've got a way you can hack those Sentinels. Maybe just one. Maybe two. I'll upgrade you." Then there's silence.

One sentinel slows, and stops in the air. It orients slowly, to turn, and begins to scan, towards Rogue's direction, methodically, while hovering.

Rogue has posed:
Kitty's response doesn't entirely comfort the flying Rogue. "Right... Okay." Is all that she says back over the comms though. She knows for sure that if she starts to lose her flight, she's no longer likely to survive 'landing' on the ground there-after either. This should be fun! Another look is given toward War Machine's direction... but Rogue turns her attention toward the Sentinels, the one stopping to spy in her direction.

Rogue leans forward, horizontal in the sky now and she flies toward it at her full speed, only adding a bit of flare to her flying, a corkscrew pattern that she learned playing around with the para-moterists who fly around above parks in Westchsters with giant fans on their backs and parachutes as wings...

What the Sentinel may or may not see is a speeding bullet coming toward it, moving in a large circular pattern!

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica dodges an errant drone, and thwips a web at it to secure it to the ceiling, as a blast hits her in the middle of the back. "Ow! Jesus, stop that!" She screams toward the drone as she follows Janet quickly, thwipping more webbing toward the Swiss Army drone. "Is that..." She looks to the hunk of man on the floor, then back up toward the one-armed jerk trying to blast at Janet, and Jess leaps over Janet to put herself between the two. She takes the stairs three at a time toward the mechanical NotJanet, sending out massive webbing in her direction and pulling on whatever filaments make contact, trying to reduce her chances of getting off any successful shots, and trying to close the distance at the same time. If only she managed to get her webs off in time.

War Machine has posed:
     "Tony! " Rhodes calls back in the pause, while he adjusts his trajectory keeping his speed best that he can while also keeping an eye on the one that's scanning rogue. For the time being he's still not entirely sure of what exactly to think about these things.

     "You know normally I'd warn against drunk coding." Spoken as he streaks back the other way across the sentinels bow flipping upside down to get a look at the other side attempting to do a bit of scanning of his own. "But given the circumstances.." He adjusts his flight path to avoid plowing into a second one flipping back up into a virtacle climb that burns off a bit of speed as he does his part to get a full 3 dimensional scan of this thing.

     "Damn, look at that armor." Muttered under his breath as he gets a good idea for just a surface level of these things while the one in front of him scans rogue. His mind already racing a bit as he takes it all in. "Wouldn't turn down the offer for an upgrade."

     "Still not even sure if these things are combatants." Attention only now catching Rogue who's speeding right towards the thing. "Though I guess with that much armor it's a fairly safe bet they aren't here for sightseeing.... Lay it on me Tony."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty arrives in the observation room with the lab techs and hears their question and takes a few seconds to reason through it. "I'd rather not knock him out unless it's needed. But the intruders are making electronics go haywire. They might kill your ability to knock him out before we realize it," she says. She glances towards the holding cell. "Can you knock him out and have it last for a length of time? Or does he regain control as soon as your equipment shuts back off?" she asks. "If the intruder can immediately get him back to operating, all we'd accomplish is pissing him off."

Iron Man has posed:
"They don't like mutants. You're not a mutant, at least not in a way they can see, right?" Tony asks Rhodey in a conversational tone. Even without seeing him, the drunken quality comes into this speech pattern. Tony's having a good time, wherever he is. "All right, you should be able to convince one to shut down, use the new protocol on your HUD. Just don't piss it off. I'll work on extending the duration so we can lock maybe more than just one. Staaaandby," Tony says, seeming coherent at first, only to end with a drunken sing-song.

The Sentinel can't react quickly enough to Rogue: it was scanning, not attacking, but it lifts a hand and tries to track her spinning, as the weapon in the palm charges up. One other Sentinel, though, finishes its loop and starts to head back that way, drawn away from the facility towards the offending mutant. So, Rogue may have a second friend.

Kitty's lab tech is trying not to panic, but is holding herself together. "We've only done it once, and Mr. Stark did it. It may not work, Doe may have adapted. I don't know how long it will last. But we can try it. I'm sorry I don't have answers." While Kristie the lab tech talks, in the room John Doe looks up, and looks around his small room, as if listening.

Below in the stairs, the one-armed Janet-clone fired a second blast, directly into the webs. It tangles in a mess of sticky, oozing wet hot goop, but doesn't catch her. She dodges backwards from the goo: trying to keep shooting backwards as she retreats down, trying to make it further, perhaps.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't make any noise when she flies, she's just a singular body flowing through the wind and though her approach on the Sentinel may look--or be interpreted as--combative, what she does is actually fly PAST the Sentinel that's tracking her, or trying to.

The mutant girl zips past the Sentinel at a tremendous amount of speed, then instantly starts to turn her body and spread her arms while her knees come together... working her way in a turn that will bring her back for another pass. If she's aware of the second Sentinel coming in, it may be that she's trying to round them up... maybe like cattle?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a slight frown. "I remember Mr. Stark had to adjust it even then," she says. "He's not our enemy and we don't want to cause him any harm or pain." Kitty assumes after her previous visit exposed the prisoner's capabilities, that they've taken precautions to keep John Doe from hearing anything said where she's at with the lab techs. But she doesn't take any chances, finding something to write and scribbling the message: "Finger on the button, but don't trigger except as last resort of him getting out. I will try to hold anyone back."

She checks to make sure the lab techs understand, and then Kitty and Lockheed head out to their ambush spot in the hallway. Should anyone come down the hall, they'll be popping through the wall to surprise them, hopefully, with Kitty taking occasional looks through the wall, showing as little of her face as possible.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess continues to give chase after the clone, to give Janet time to deal with Steve, and see if he's okay. She continues down the stairs, her hands beginning to glow with a blue electricity that dances between them, and she blasts toward the clone a bolt of lightning that zigzags toward her, even as Jess continues to speed after her. "Make sure he's okay!" Jess yells toward Janet behind her as she tries to close in. "I'll deal with this bitch..." Her hands are already beginning to glow again.

War Machine has posed:
     "You know Tony it's easier to stand by when you're setting in a penthouse sipping down mojitos then it is flying round watching Super Texan run circles around giant flying pink tinkertoys in a nice easy target." Though it does click what he's saying about just why they aren't attacking him, and in some small part that's a relief to understand yes, he's most certainly NOT a mutant.

     There's a lot all going on at once, that much is clear. Though it is nice to know there are friendly faces out there still, even as Rogue has her bout with the massive metal man. "Alright tinker toy,"

     The one at the back of the formation seems the most likely to survive the shutdown in tact flying forward means if all goes well it should softly glide to ground level for easy retrieval and... dissection? Yeah, sure. That works. Either way that kind of tech could make some nice gear down the road.

     "Time to go back in your toy box." He holds a single hand up to the side of his suit while circling back round and aiming at the straggler. His attention still on the one that's mid dive in the direction of rogue. He's only got so much attention to focus on all these little situations. Even still he's powering on his weapons just in case. The whirl of his 88mm auto cannons hummus comparatively quietly to the mass roar of his assault suit.

     "If you can keep em distracted might be able to shut em down without breaking em into a million pieces." Called back into the com unit over to Rogue as he directs his own speed about adjusting flight trajectory just in case they decide to go on the full offensive following his own little digital attack. Which is exactly what the Assault Suit is for. War Machine Rox baby. "Got Tony on the horn working out the finer facts of things."

Iron Man has posed:
John Doe doesn't respond to what Kitty is saying, but he does come over to the glass, and asks loudly, "Is something wrong? Your security... something's off." His tone isn't worried, but more of that he perhaps believes he's giving advice, or noticed something. Helpful.

Janet returns to full size to tend to Captain America; she didn't need Jess to tell her to do that, she was halfway into trying to revive him and speak to him.

The robot 'bitch' slams through a wall sideways to dodge the lightning, crashing into a mostly empty lab and sending tables flying as she works her way deeper into the basement, headed for the cells.

The sentinel following Rogue finally speaks. Loud. "STOP. MUTANT."

The second one echoes this. "STOP. MUTANT." The charges in their hands glow, and a long laser is suddenly traced along in Rogue's path as the first Sentinel attempts to MAKE her stop. Rhodey, though, seems to have caused the second one to just talk, and then just sit there. It lowers it's hands, and just hovers. Quietly. It appears Rhodes did do something to it.

The other four sentinels are now collected over the top of the facility, in a circle, as if awaiting orders.

Rogue has posed:
A lot of what Rogue learned about how to fly and about how to use the Earth's air to help her fly came from her time with those Westchester thrill seekers and their crazy parachute contraptions. Its in a moment like this that those goofing around sessions with them were suddenly becoming an actually viable skill. Because when the light beams come online to trace and track after her, Rogue is able to twirl her way around them and fly between them... even if her Seventh Sense power is helping her even more to avoid personal harm.

"Oh sugah..." Rogue's southern flavored voice speaks back to War Machine over comms while she soars. "Even metal men can't resist tryin' t'stay on my tail!" And just after that quip, she slips between the two Sentinels and gives them both a punch to their domes just to let them know she's not listening to them!

"If you can make'em Night NIght though, I sure won't complain a bit. They ain't really my type, after all." She adds there-after.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Jess slips through the hole in the wall created by NotJanet, and looks around the room, blasting electricity again toward the clone and leaping toward her. Onto the clone herself, if Jess has her way. "WHERE IS THAT GUN?" she shouts as she springs, as if she expects an answer at all, much less an accurate one.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde decides not to answer John Doe, unsure what he might do with any knowledge she imparted. As she hears the sound of a wall being broken through and the crackle of energy blasts, Kitty decides to join the fight before it can get to the holding cell. "You're the last line of defense," she tells Lockheed, leaving the purple dragon there near the door to the cell as she heads down the hallway towards the sound of the battle.

She keeps her footsteps quiet, letting the sounds guide her. When it sounds like she's getting nearer, Kitty sets an ambush, looking for a location she'll be able to come through the wall at them and catch them by surprise.

Iron Man has posed:
"Merged with me," answers the robotic Janet with a rather vicious smile at Jessica. She IS leaped upon: but proves to be strong, and drags Jessica with her through another wall, orienting, scanning. She's zeroing in on her prize. "You won't stop us," she says to Jessica coldly. She slams through the wall, directly into Kitty's path. The robotic Janet looks very much like Janet, except that she lacks one arm, and is glowing with sentinel-energy in the palm of the other. And has Jessica for a backpack.

John Doe paces a little, looks at the mirror-wall, the lack of communication, and seems to make his own choice. He reaches into his forearm's lower side, re-engaging the weaponry there, subtly, and rotates the panel closed cleanly.

Above, Rogue is traced by the laser, and then there's a soft pulse of something else. A mild aura, if she gets close to it, that she may feel: it weakens, it draws and saps at power...

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continues her aerial acrobatics display. "War Man." She doesn't remember Rhodey's callsign. "Lemme know if ya can shut these things down or not, otherwise, I'm gonna have'ta improvise, with my fists."

She swoops low over the landscape below, when something washes over and sends her cascading out of control, her arms and legs whipping around in all directions as she seems to completely let go of herself and her ability to fly. Her jacket is pulled off of her shoulders and is gone into the wind, fluttering away toward the ground!

... But she regains control and rockets straight vertical toward the clouds above. "Shadowcat." Rogue says over the mic then. "They... they definitely got a nullification field in their repertoire of toys now!"

With hear heart pounding inside her chest after that, Rogue starts on another arch, this one looping her around and back toward the fight. 'Can't give up yet...'

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica groans and powers up another electric venom blast directly into NotJanet, before she falls off with a thud onto the floor. They have just run into Kitty's path. "We should have switched places to start with, Kitty," Jess says into her comm. "I'm gonna go for your original target. You think you can help with mine?" Jess is already scrambling toward an exit door that would lead her toward John Doe's cell. If she can get to him, maybe she can see if he's okay. And make sure he's not causing any trouble.

Shadowcat has posed:
At first it looks like Jessica is fighting Janet, but that familiar looking glow tells Kitty otherwise. She is just moving to attack when she hears Rogue's report crackle over the radio. Kitty's jaw muscles tighten and she heads up, moving atop the hallway in the ceiling until Robo-Janet is beneath her.

Kitty phases and drops head first towards the two women below, her hands outstretched towards Robo-Janet to grab her. Kitty intends to phase the robot so she has no leverage to push off of, and force her arm into the floor and then unphase her hoping it will destroy the arm and any weaponry she possesses.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony remotely works with Rhodes on trying to lock down the Sentinels; War machine circles and works to disperse the little Sentinel group without drawing unwanted attacks or attention. Rogue, of course, has done both of those things: she's got attacks and attention, at least from the single sentinel that seems dedicated to trying to make her fall out of the air to her untimely demise. When she appears to fall, the Sentinel doesn't chase, though: it seems content that she's done for, and starts to go back to the other four: at least, until Rhodey intercepts it, and locks it down. War man lets Rogue know he's got those two, at least. Maybe she could draw the other four away? Or pull one off...

Inside the cell, John Doe suddenly obliterates the wall, away from where the lab techs are, and steps out of his container. Security measures announce it loudly throughout the compound: prison breach! Jessica's path will lead her right to him, easily. He's headed her way, and a sleek, quick run.

Kitty's assault catches the robot-Janet entirely by surprise: she slams downwards, the phasing forcing her arm down into the floor, and entirely destroying the hand and forearm on that side. However, she releases a nullification field, orienting on the mutant Kitty, her eyes turned, full of a dead, hollow stare. She is not trapped, she rips the arm free.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't return empty handed to this fight, she knows that its only going to get harrier if she doesn't bring a bigger punch to the bowl. So the southern belle swoops low over the ground and then darts right back up...

... holding onto a tree trunk. "Here we go." Rogue then says, flying up toward those four Sentinels. "Heya boys! When Nature Calls!" Rogue shouts, trying to line them all up as she flies past them, intending to slam the tree trunk into each and everyone of them if they don't get out of her damn way!

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Wait!" Jessica cries out, facing John Doe and raising her hands. There are slashes in her sleeves. Gashes on her arms soaking her suit with blood. A cut on her cheekbone trickles blood down her face. Because walls make better walls than doors. "It's just me! I was bringing you some things, and all hell broke loose. Are you okay?" Jess approaches John calmly. "Nobody's hurt you, have they? There's a lot of serious crap going on here..." She looks around, seeing no one else right off, but hearing the alarms.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat suddenly feels like she is living inside of a joke. You know the one. Kitty Pryde walks into a bar. Because something is disrupting her mutant power.

She didn't say it was a -good- joke.

Kitty feels that horrible, horrible sensation that she experienced once before in this building. She doesn't try to phase as armless Robo-Janet rises to her feet. Instead Kitty takes a running step towards the wall. A foot pushes off to boost herself up into the air and push herself back out towards the middle of the hallway where Robo-Janet is standing. Shadowcat tries to deliver a flying Bulldog, hooking the back of Robo-Janet's head with her arm as she falls past and slamming the robot head-first into the floor with all the momentum from gravity's assistance.

Thor has posed:
    The sky had been more clear only moments before. The dash and rush of flying combatants clearly visible against the night sky. Laser beams lancing out and the rush of movement all and sound combine to create a dynamic picture of mayhem.
    But even as Rogue comes rushing up from tree level, she'll likely see the swirl of clouds above, a dark thunderstorm gathering with such speed that meteorologists in the area rush to revise their 11 o'clock broadcast. It's a twist of clouds, almost hurricane-like. Only for the swirling to part abruptly with a rush as a figure slices between them, out of the air at such speed that the tendrils of vapor seemingly twist at the force of motion, reaching after him.
    One of the sentinels tries to shift away from Rogue's wild swings, shifting its thrusters to vector away from the danger even as it tracks her with one weapon and then another. Yet its shift in position only serves to bring it into line with the gleaming hammer, Mjolnir.
    There's a rumble of thunder and the flash of lightning at the impact, the hammer coming down upon the robot's forearm and smashing it apart only for the large metal fist to be grasped in the Mighty Thor's hand as he spins around and /slaps/ the Sentinel with its own hand as he shouts, "Have at thee!"

Iron Man has posed:
Kitty's moves work, the robo-Janet has stopped resisting the attacks, with a confidence and dogged indifference appropriate for a Terminator. It doesn't laugh at her, but it also doesn't slam as far as Kitty may have hoped: the robot is very strong and sturdy; the wall and floor took more damage than robo-Janet did, as her eyes glow brightly orange.

John Doe gently attempts to steer Jessica aside, he's intent on getting, it looks like, over to where the noise of the fight of Kitty and robot-Janet are. "I can sense a sentinel. A lot of them. I'm going to help," Doe assures Jessica. The distance is short, and he comes into view of robo-Janet. She seems to entirely forget Kitty and stares at Doe.

Above in the air, the sentinels, all four of them, attempt to shoot Rogue out of the sky. One shifted aside, only to be beset upon by Thor, and entirely disoriented with the abrupt attack from somethng it didn't see coming. The other three continue to ignore Thor, finding Rogue to be a far more dangerous target, and one of them fires to try to vaporize her Natural Stick.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to use her giant stick to absorb any of the Sentinel nullification beams fired at her, a fifty foot log several times wider than she herself. In fact, moments after Thor arrives, Rogue is latched onto it, arms and legs wrapped around it as she soars past the Sentinels and looks back to Thor with a big smile on her face, her two-toned hair whipping in the winds over her shoulders. "Now we're playin' with lightning. This should be a real hoot."

The tree is manipulated around beneath her and she rides atop it like an over-sized witch's broom / massive battering ram. "This is not a metaphor!" Rogue shouts, now jousting with a metal monster in front of her, intending to drive the uprooted tree's base right into the thing's torso!

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica, for her part, furrows her brow as she is steered aside. "Be careful, that one can disrupt and destroy other sentinels, AI, anything like that..." She doesn't pause even for a moment to consider that he might be lying to her. But the fact remains in the back of her mind that there may be sentinel AI that can override his own will. "I'm coming with you, I'll help...Just please be careful. I've seen what her tech can do..."

War Machine has posed:
     "Well so much for the keep em in tact strategy." Rhodes says to himself as he watches that admittedly rather impressive display of strength from The God Of Hammers himself. It's a rather humbling reminder of the scale of situations in the world that wait round every corner, and have for some time now. "You know Tony, I got this feeling in the back of my head things were easier before the whole superhero boom."

     A lighthearted joke as he looks over the documentation that Tony had helped him put together. Or rather had put together then walked him through on how to actually make use of. He might know planes like the back of his hand but computers and giant robots were always just a little bit different then planes.

     He takes a moment to think about things before a series of weapons pop up from his back. The first is a long barreled over the shoulder 37mm revolver-auto-canon with a chrome exterior that catches the light with a glint as on either side of it a pair of 20mm autocannons fall quickly into place with a loud KWEEECHUNK, A loud whir and click of machinery in an almost songlike cacophony as a 45mm autocanon lowers down under each arm, box rocket launchers sliding up into place out of the chest of the over sized suit add on, the 60-caliber sniper rifle lowers beside his head with an aiming reticule sat over the eye of the suit, and a 88mm grenade launcher slides out from that same shoulder.

     The weapons lower into place at one of the firing sentinels locking into place with one final simultaneous click. None of this was standard to the suit when Tony had handed it over to him of course but sometimes you need a little bit of help. Laser sights line up each together on the sentinel in front of him, as the whirring of gun barrels fill the air and his arms begin to glow. A final plasma cannon popping out of the chest.

     "Hey! Tinker Toy!" Shouted out towards one of the firing Sentinals. "Surrender or die." Said in a more calm voice as he pulls the trigger inside of his suit connected to each of the weapons.

Thor has posed:
    A blast of lightning lashes out, licking viciously at the Sentinel until its eyes flicker and burst, smoke cascading out of the robotic frame as its thrusters cut out and it starts the drop downwards lifelessly. Then Thor rounds, still holding that severed mechanical hand, features stern and severe as electricity dances upon his strong frame.
    With a quick sharp gesture forward Mjolnir launches him into motion again, pulling him towards Rogue and the robots that dare focus upon her and seemingly ignore him. He makes one pay for that oversight as he hurls the disembodied limb into the face of one of the other sentinels, even as he interposes himself and Mjolnir between her and a blast from one of the mechanical beings.
    The laser splashes brightly upon the Uru metal hammer, the energy casting the Thunderer in brilliant crimson glare as he says over his shoulder towards her. "I thought you might be able to use a 'Hand'." He says that with a little pause there at the last and a slightly too wide smile, "Did you hear what I said there? I said you could use a..."
    But then the world explodes around the robots as War Machine lets loose with a world shaking cacophony of firepower that causes even Thor's eyebrows to raise in appreciation.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a grumble as she manages to make cracks in the concrete flooring, but not so much in Robo-Janet's face. As Shadowcat struggles with the robotic woman who lacks arms and has glowing eyes powering up their lasers, she complains, "You know, I'm starting to think you might not be the real Janet."

With the robot's eyes seeming to be the biggest danger, Kitty grabs the back of the robots head to smash it down into the floor again to gain a few more seconds. "Lockheed!" she calls. The purple dragon comes flying down the hallway up near the ceiling. Kitty suddenly throws herself back from Robo-Janet so Lockheed can swoop in and breathe fire at her head.

Iron Man has posed:
Fire roasts all the fleshy stuff off of robot-Janet, and possibly blinds her, as her sensors flicker. She's stalled out, enough to be stopped where she is, by Kitty and Lockheed.

"We're all right," John Doe says quietly to Jessica, and extends one palm towards the robot-Janet, and slowly eases the palm down, as if to guide her to lay flat.

And she does it. While still kind of on fire. The robot-Janet lowers her head and goes prone, and still, on the floor, staring sideways at the wall. John draws his hand back and looks upwards at the ceiling, expression and brows tensing. He pauses, and looks sideways at Kitty, as if measuring her. He doesn't do anything to her, but he also doesn't ask if she's okay. He looks at her, seems to decide she's okay. Then up at the ceiling, again. "There's more. I see five. They're a little out of range," Doe says.

"If you're looking for an apology about being one of the first superheroes, you're not going to get one from me," Tony teases Rhodey in reaponse. "Also, I didn't start the fire. I can't take credit on that one."

The sentinel Rhodes unloads on finally looks his way, as it is battered, and emits plasma beams from it's eyes, bringing up one hand as well.. shredding that hand flung into its face entirely in half with an eerie precision: until it's pretty much shredded into bits by Rhodey's explosive assault. Between Rogue's distraction of the others, and Thor's renewed assault, there aren't many functional sentinels going to be remaining. Just the two. Both of them drop towards the ground suddenly. The other two that Rhodes and Tony took offline also drop, towards the ground, from where they are.

"No, four," Doe clarifies.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's goal was to do as much damage as she could, but also be the literal quidditch snitch in this game. To make the Sentinels all trying to catch her. The tree was her armor and weapon, to protect her from their beams... while the others would help take them off of her back, hopefully!

When Thor arrives before her, she is leaning over the tree trunk and clutching onto it, she looks up and forward at him, he'll be able to see her smiling at him big and bright, but the smile goes away when the destruction that he brings causes explosions, followed by more from Rhodey. Rogue's hands go up to her ears and she calls out 'Loud noises!!' throughout the mayhem and madness, because its quite true... the sound of all of this chaos was quite deafening even for a girl with Danvers level durability.

Once through the madness, Rogue topples on the log and goes end over end, until she comes back up for another pass on the metal monsters trying to remove her mutation!

As she swings back around she comes down toward the Sentinel that had originally targetted her. "How about a kiss!" She shouts down at the behemoth, raising the tree trunk up above her head... then using it like one giant 'I am Groot' of a foot stamp, she slams the tree down ontop of the thing, obliterating it into the ground, sending Sentinel parts in all directions, along with mud, and tree gunk!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sees the robotic fashion designer from hell finally grow still. She slides down the hall further away from where the head is facing and then leans her shoulders back against the wall, panting for breath. She looks down the hallway the other direction towards John Doe and Jessica. She eyes John Doe just a little warily, before saying, "Thank you, for that." And she gives him a little wave of gratitude as Lockheed circles down, flapping his wings to land lightly on her shoulder.

"Rogue, the intruder here is down. John is in the hallway with Spider-woman, helping. How are things up there with the Sentinels?" she checks, both to see if they need her up there, or if they should ask John Doe for help. Even as every movie, tv show, and book that Kitty is familiar with about the dangers of AI is playing out in her head as she looks towards the cyborg.

War Machine has posed:
     As Rhodes unloads on it the force of the weapons fire is enough to send him back. He uses it to propel himself trying to dodge around while holding the extended fire proves a bit difficult. He holds that concentrated fire calling out towards him. "All I wanted today was to fly back stateside for some jack in the box."

     He starts with a confident voice as he holds that fire melting off one of the sentinels arms completely with the sheer concentration of heavy weapons fire. "And then I was going to see Barbie Horse adventure three with my Niece, but you just couldn't let me have that today!" Shouted even louder as he opens up a volly of fire of dumb fire A2A missiles. He's even throwing in a bit of plasma fire to speed up the melting process.

     And yet all it takes sometimes is one lucky shot. A single bolt of that energy from the sentinel hits just right clipping the arm of the suit right at the joint. A cable is severed and rounds begin to cook off. A chain reaction of munitions takes place causing a large explosion from where war machine is flying, and sends him falling down to earth.

     Pitch black smoke pours out from his suit and Rhodes can't see inside of it. The screen is cracked and he looks around confused. "What the hell just happened." He can't believe it himself, while trying to look over the readouts, and remain calm, and figure some way to slow his sudden and rapid descent. The suit is on fire.

Thor has posed:
    Dropping out of the sky in pursuit of one of the falling Sentinels, Thor blurs through the air picking up speed faster and faster. Below him the Sentinel is setting down, its thrusters breaking its descent as it brings its hands up to track its targets, trying to find some way to eliminate its enemies...
    Only for the Asgardian to land heavily on its shoulders, propelling its body into the ground and making it land hard upon its face, a loud /KATHOOM!/ rocking the nearby area as a puff cloud of dust kicks up and blurs the conflict for a brief moment, dirt and dust cascading down heavily with pebbles flying far enough to almost be dangerous.
    But then in that cloud of dust there's a flash of lightning as Mjolnir can be made out, just the silhouette rising in the hand of the Thunderer, and then brought down with another crash of impact to mirror the first. Lightning connects with a crackle and a boom, and then when the dust clears it leaves Thor standing there upon the wreckage.
    He coughs a few times and slaps at Mjolnir with one hand as if clearing the dirt away from it, though he looks across the way towards Rogue and says, "That was a bit much wasn't it?" He lifts a hand and points at her, the tree, the smooshed Sentinel. "What with the tree and all." His smirk might hint, however, that his admonishment isn't toooo sincere.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Thank you," Jess says sincerely to John Doe. She thwips out enough webbing to cocoon NotJanet to the floor just in case. "We have power outside taking down the sentinels that are arriving," she tells him. Then, into her comm, "Is there something we can do if we come out from inside? Or should we stay put and out of the way? We have one here who can command these things, if need be..." She smiles at John as she speaks, relieved to have him on her side.

Iron Man has posed:
John nods once at Jessica, and studies Janet visually. It looks like he's scanning her, in some kind of in-depth way. Because he absolutely is. He doesn't do more, though, he draws back from her, with a thoughtful expression. He'll go where he's asked to go, but he's quiet, thoughtful, perhaps. Hard to read.

Outside, the two sentinels from further away seem to have been rerouted, and fire back up into the air, to take off in another direction. The Avengers and X-men, it appears, have some time to sort out what happened, and to tend to the wounded: Captain America and War Machine among them.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands with the tree held up still, one gloved hand on its trunk beside her and the other on her hip as she looks to Thor and just smiles at him. "You envious'a the tree?" She asks Thor in a flirtatious sort've way before her eyes shoot up to the sight of Rhodey in trouble, smoke and all. "Watch out." Rogue says then as she lets the tree drop and she shoots off into the sky!

She rockets up toward the War Man Machine and moves in to try to grab hold of him, wrapping an arm around him first, before she gets another and then a solid lock on him, hugging the metal encased man from behind, hands up underneath his armored armpits. "Where you think you're goin', sugah?" She asks him. "Thats not how ya land, ya know... ya big Drama Queen."

Rogue now swoops in toward the ground again with Rhodey in tow, moving and meaning to place him down near to where Thor was before.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes tries to kick his thrusters back into gear but it's no use. They sputter and flicker the repulsors doing their best but they just can't support all of that dead weight anymore. He's doing what he can from inside the suit to manually launch the fire retardation protocols. Just something to get this burning wreckage back on target.

     This honestly wasn't even the worst crash landing he'd had to find a way out of but this time around there wasn't exactly a safety eject and a parachute waiting for him. It didn't look like he'd be able to avoid splating. And then came Rogue to save the day.

     "Remind me to buy you a drink or five when this is over." Speaking rather seriously as he finds that he's not going to go boom today. "and I can tell you all about my expert landing strategy of lighting myself on fire and nose diving into the ground." And there goes the serious tone.

     He's glad to be back on ground level when he gets there the fire suppression systems kicking into high gear now that he doesn't entirely need them anymore. Shortly he's not even on fire anymore, as he stands next to Thor.

     "Alright so, someone remind me to compartmentalize my munitions for the next time I use the assault box." Dusting off a bit of ash from himself as parts of the suit are still bright red hot from the blast and a few empty shells fall to the ground. "So, someone mind telling me what the hell those were?"