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CityFall: Cards on the Table
Date of Scene: 24 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The 'gang' meet Agent May, and Bucky Barnes, and lay their cards on the table. Kate realizes she's not the best fit for the job. Nobody has to tell Matt and Danny who is..
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Daredevil, Iron Fist, Melinda May, Winter Soldier

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
With the go ahead from the gang, Kate sends a text to Agent May, much the same as she's sent the others, the difference being they're already gathered. All the text is is an address, followed by "Now".

Putting her phone aside, where she can see if there is any response, Kate picks up her coffee cup (thanks Matt!) and sips. "So, I'm likely going to be late for work. Any bets on the fuss JJ is going to throw?" Late, but she still intends on working the shift. It's just not going to start quite as early as she'd thought, given they now are waiting on May to arrive.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt tosses his empty coffee cup in the bin without a glance in that direction. "Knowing JJ, a post-it on your desk saying you're fired," a beat. "Do you have a desk?" he continues. "Followed by a call the next night to 'get your ass to the Motel 6, and you better notf be late this time'."

There's a bit of a smile from Matt then, mostly to cover his nerves about the meet. "Jess is all heart like that," he opines. "So, what's the over/under on the clients being the ones in the room again?" he asks Kate grinning.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny still has his cup, though he shifts out from one hand to another as he slides his suit jacket off, getting more comfortable than the already bare feet allow. "Well, you can always have her come talk to me, too. Tell her that I monopolized your time and that you are not to blame. You know she just loves me."

Which...is entirely not true. At best the two are indifferent. But, that's not necessarily common knowledge. "wait. do you need a desk? Because I know a guy that can make that happen. And whiteboards, too, if you like to draw out theories like all those fake detectives do on those shows."

Melinda May has posed:
May receives the text and is glad she's not in the middle of a mission briefing or some such. Because then she would have replied with 'No.'. But as she wasn't, she sets aside what she had been doing and starts toward the motor pool. "Barnes, meet me in the motor pool," she notifies Bucky via her everpresent comlink.

Fifteen minutes later, May, Barnes, and Lili the service GSD disembark from a nondescript car, and she leads the way to the agreed upon meeting location, knocking to let whomever is there know they've arrived.

Winter Soldier has posed:
So, he really is identifiably Cap's old sidekick. Longer hair, grimmer expression, the battered remnant of the boy smiling in the old newsreels. He's in casual civilian clothes - Cyclones cap, old army parka, henley, jeans, boots. He looks more like an overworked grad student than an assassin who's killed more people than polio. At his side is that big German Shepherd, larger than most of the females of her breed, with a coat of honey gold and black, wearing a mesh service dog vest. Like he's just another wounded veteran.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Tonight?" Kate peers over the rim of her cup at Matt, "It's regulars. I seriously wonder about people sometimes. Every Tuesday. Like clockwork. I mean, I guess it's a way to make a paycheque, but seems a pretty lousy way to get your jollies to me. They're paying us to pretend to catch them cheating." A shake of head says all she needs to about that matter.

"Wait, you've got office supplies? Just sitting around?" Darn, where was this offer when she was struggling to keep her own office going. Then again, the look on JJ's face walking into a newly refurbished office might be priceless, especially after that horribly bad relationship advice she'd given Kate. "We should talk."

Meaning: Yes, please.

When the knock comes, Kate pockets her phone and opens the door - peeking out first, just to be sure, then opening it and ushing the trio in. "Oh, hey Lili," she says to the dog, nodding to the others. She'd not mentioned Lily to Matt and Danny. "On the clock?" Yep, Kate has a clue. That or Clint told her. Either/or.

Daredevil has posed:
"Got to be less expensive ways to do it," Matt agrees. "I mean get a neighbour with a camera or something, but I guess some people want to pay top dollar for authenticity." The lawyer gives a little shrug.

Matt can't help but smile at the idea of Jessica walking into a fully refurbished office without warning. "Might want to get some glass guys ready too," he advises the others, "In case Jess throws anything she doesn't like out the window."

He wishes he was joking.

The new arrivals are clocked as soon as their car stops outside, Matt announcing: "They're here," before standing up a little straighter when the new arrivals come walking in.

"Hey," Matt greets from where he stands. Making no move to shake hands or what not, at least not now.

Iron Fist has posed:
"Office supplies...office space...prime real estate. I am sure I can find something you might need." The scary thing is that there is no trace of joking as Danny speaks. It is as if it is no big deal for him. "If you want, we could redo Jess' area, too...if you promised not to have her come after me." Funny...there's no joking with that last line, too.

The newcomers are treated with a nod in greeting as Danny takes a sip from that coffee cup in his hand. He too doesn't immediately offer to shake hands, but waits for the inevitable introductions to occur.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Kate as she enters the room and ... is singularly unsurprised to see Murdock here. Either that, or she hides it so well her heart rate and breathing didn't change. Her eyes land on the young man she didn't get to formally meet at Fogwell's the other day almost as if she's evaluating Danny. Then she looks at Matt as if trying to discern how the blind lawyer friend of Skye's factors into this.

With the twitch of a finger and the faintest whisper of plastic against fabric and skin, one of the many concealed devices May keeps on her person drops from her sleeve into her hand.

Winter Soldier has posed:
To Matt's senses, the guy with the dog has some definite oddities. He smells of warm metal and solvents, as well as gun oil. And soundwise, there's the subtle slither of metal against metal, like snake scales rustling over leaves, the whine of servos, and his heartbeat is way, way too slow. Not entirely human, this one. Not anymore.

Buck doesn't come forward to greet them - there's only an upnod, as he takes off the Cyclones cap. The dog at his side isn't leashed to him - she's just heeling as she was trained. It's for May to speak first, it seems.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Oh, you should see the reports," Kate tells Matt.

Once their guests are inside, Kate closes the door behind them - again with that peek out into the hallway to make sure everything is clear. Door locked, she turns on the room, "So, I guess you're all wondering why I gathered you here today..."

Kate laughs, just a bit. "I always wanted to say that. Seriously, though, Agent May, you wanted to meet the group. This was what I could scare up on short notice, but in the interests of moving things along, we all agreed to do the thing now."

Daredevil has posed:
"I should probably add not being able to read those to the reasons I'm glad I can't see," Matt says of the reports, he's joking however, he's able to read by touch even print thanks to his enhanced senses, even if was like trying to read through foggy glass.

The guests are taken in carefully, he can smell the oddness about the newcomer and May reaching for her device is noted too, Matt's head twitching slightly in May's direction when she does, trying to discern what it is.

Matt 'hehs' good naturedly at Kate's introductiion. "Glad you could make it," Matt says following up on Kate's words. "We figured we should talk face to face before making anything official."

Melinda May has posed:
May waits a moment for Kate or Matt to introduce the third person on their team, then gives up mentally when they don't. She holds up the hand with the small USB stick like device and squeezes it briefly. A small blue LED lights up on it, and then she reaches to set it on the nearest flat surface. "Yes, Ms. Bishop, we're on duty. Shall we?"

She nods to Barnes at her side, then moves to claim a place to sit. "We were given a brief idea of what your team has in mind, and SHIELD is willing to help, given that we have at least one agent with your team to help avoid misunderstandings. Also, if you are all determined to impersonate actual ninjas, I want to know if you plan to try to be convincing or not."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier settles by May, and then Lili settles at his feet. He's about as expressive as a cinder block, but the Shepherd's apparently there to be his ambassador to the rest of the human race. She waves her black-tipped tail, looks at each of the humans in turn, eyes bright, tongue lolling.

He still hasn't introduced himself. Apparently he's here as May's Igor.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I meant Lili.. oh nevermind.. So.." Because while Kate knows Danny and Matt know her, it's up in the air if both May and Barnes do. "I'm Kate. Kate Bishop. Hawkeye. Or the Other Hawkeye depending on who you talk to. Yes, He knows. Where do you think I learned?"

That specifically for Barnes. May she suspects has had a little chat with Clint, or will shortly.

"I'll let the others introduce themselves properly." Because their public faces are known enough.

However, May's little comment about whether or not they can all pass as ninja does pose a problem.

Daredevil has posed:
When the proverbial sharing stick is passed to Matt, he offers a lacklustre. "I'm Matt," there's no mention of who he might be in his other job.

May's explanation of the deal is met with a nod, "That's what Kate told us," he says. "As far as I'm concerned, you're both welcome to join us, assuming your friend is Bucky Barnes," he says gesturing in the man's general direction. "But I have one condition, no part of this deal gets written down anywhere, not our names, not where we meet, nothing. A friend of ours, Jessica Jones, you met her the other night, got burned by the Index leak, we're not looking to have it happen again."

As for the idea of a test, Matt, doesn't say anything yet.

Iron Fist has posed:
Oh, look. It's Danny's turn to share. And, taking his cue from Matt, he goes for low-key, though he does at least offer up a last name. "I'm Daniel Rand." That name...should be noticable, considering the wealth attached to it via Rand Enterprises. "Friends call me Danny." Why he is here? Not mentioned, nor is there any proof of ninja capability offered. Really, just seems like random rich kid number 7 hanging out.

"I'm with Matt on the no recording bit. I mean, it isn't very ninja-esque if everything is documented and tagged. Kinda kills the mystique." Right....as if Danny knows anything about that...

Melinda May has posed:
Well. If that wasn't the most underwhelming offer of information in just about ever. "Acting Deputy Director Melinda May and Agent James Buchanan Barnes." No mention of his former army rank, perhaps for a reason. "If I was planning for this to be officially documented, I would have had you all come to me." She IS busy enough, after all. "If this has any documentation at all, it will be as informants of Barnes' who asked that their names be kept off the record." The latter part of that is true at least, yes?

"Since there was no mention of appropriate attire, am I to presume that you are supplying the garments, or will I need to go through my own closet?" A small corner of her mind wonders if Barton would have something that would fit Barnes -- she knows he spent some time in Japan several years back and undoubtedly picked up a few erstwhile souvenirs.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Does he still have an Army rank? Did someone ever go back and scratch out the 'MIA believed KIA' beside his name? After a little inclination of his head - yeah, that's him - "Moscow Rules," he says, a little obliquely.

Looking over the others with those pale blue eyes, nearly unreadable. Probably not - Barnes is broader in the shoulder than Barton.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Oh my gosh, you guys. We are we all still posturing?" Matt gets a look he can't see, and that same look is pointed at Danny next. "Do we all really think she can't figure this out? We asked her here to play cards, why are we back in the school yard playing you go first and does he like me? Seriously. You are hurting my head. I said *late* to work tonight, not missing my shift. Do we all remember who I work for and how cranky she gets?"

Kate is disgusted. Even if she gets the necessity of making sure things aren't on record, but darnit, these boys did this for a living, sneaking around, May shouldn't have had to tell them the obvious.

It was, she considered, a sign of the stress recent dealings with the Hand and all the secrets that abounded there, and how it had maybe left them all a little gunshy. Still, they'd asked May here, not the other way around.

"Yes. We have outfits. Or we will. And some of us should be able to pass." She has to consider her next words carefully. "I'm not one of them. Without a blade in my hand, or a bow, I'm going to look like exactly what I am, which is a fake."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt may not be able to see that pointed look but he can /feel/ it and besides, Kate's body language tells the tail. "Trust me, Kate, Jessica will be more pissed off, if she finds out we made a deal with SHIELD without covering all of our asses," he says. As it was he was sure they were all in for a bit of shit from Jess for talking to SHIELD at all.

As for May and her proposal, Matt listens, he really listens, past the words, past her breathing to the beat of her heart, it stays steady the whole way through. She was telling the truth. "Alright, I'm good with that deal," Matt agrees as quickly as that. "And yeah, I've got a guy making the suits, so I can pass along your measurements if you need me to."

Then almost as an after thought, he adds: "And oh, yeah, I'm Daredevil."

As for Kate's quandry. Matt pauses to consider that, "You could go armed, hang back with your bow?," he suggests, but that wasn't a sure thing, they didn't know the lay of the land yet.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny actually laughs a little. "I love how you just dropped the double D right in there, as if it's no big deal." He did note as to how quickly Matt agreed to terms with May. And...knowing what he does, Danny seems perfectly in agreement with that. "well, with that all cleared up, then I suppose we should just get right down to it, before Katey here decides to try to use me as target practice."

Note that Danny did say try, not necessarily that she would be successful.

With that, Danny gathers up his height and bows towards May, bending low with his eyes never leaving her, as a sign of respect. As he pulls himself up, he speaks. "Friends know me as Danny. There are others that know me by different names. Different titles. The Defender of K'un-Lun. The Living Weapon. All are true, for I am the immortal Iron Fist."

So, Danny went a little theatrical there. It was mostly for Matt's benefit, for he always found all the titles comical at best. Still, it is the first time Danny ran through the litany of titles in front of Kate, which *might* add just a little weight to his casual reveal before. As for May and Barnes? Maybe the show was put on for them a little...for validation of abilities.

Melinda May has posed:
May watches both Kate and Matt as the discuss Jess. "Should I go have a few words with Ms. Jones?" Yeah, she knows who Jess is. Or, more likely, she went and researched the woman after the last time she met up with the group.

While May is entirely capable of consciously fooling a lie detector, she has to be aware of it to do so. So she's as much of an open book to Matt as she would be to anyone else. Extremely well self-controlled, but not to the unnatural level that Barnes is. When Matt finally puts his proverbial cards on the table, May simply nods, while inwardly she's trying to figure out if he's THAT good an actor to be faking the blindness, or somehow that good a martial artist that he can compensate for it when he fights. It's something she'd like to test. She glances at Barnes, and her eyes flick toward Matt, but otherwise she doesn't move at all, not even to tense or shift her weight. Completely controlled.

"Hanging back with a bow is feasible, but only if you completely refrain from doing any sort of trick shots. And no purple. Those are both too distinctive." They ARE Hawkeye's and Hawkeye's calling cards, after all. "The rest of us will need to stay aware of your position at all times in case someone tries to go after you." That makes her a liability, but it's not one that May's never dealt with before.

Danny's introduction is indeed theatrical. And May responds by standing smoothly (though the various items concealed in her jacket all shift and move with her ever so faintly) and returning his bow with one that has a distinctly Shaolin flavor. "No offense, Mr. Rand. But I've seen immortal before. I wasn't impressed."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky doesn't get up. That's not his art and not his etiquette. Instead, he observes, in his mildest voice, "Oh, we're using our made-up names now?"

Then he smiles....and it is very distinctly that 'The Grinch had a wonderful, AWFUL idea' smile. "In that case, I'm the Winter Soldier."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Finally," Kate breathes as people stop the chest pumping and start talking, though Danny's reveal is given a 'really?' look. She might hang with them, but it doesn't mean she still doesn't find that all so very weird.

When Bucky announces himself, Kate half expects the critical fanboying to start, but none of that really addresses the purple elephant in the room. "To be fair, I can do what you're asking," she tells May, "But let's be honest, I'd be a liability in this. Especially when we have a better fit."

She doesn't explain. She doens't look at either Danny or Matt - thus implicating them fully in they know darn well who she means - and leaves it at that.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt for his part cracks a bit of a smile when Danny introduces himself by all those names. Danny was one-hundred percent correct, he did find it funny.

There's a slight tilt of Matt's head as he says to Danny. "Might want to light it up, I don't think they're buying it."

That would be a reaction worth experiencing. Matt detects May's small movements, but doesn't react, not willing to give away too much mostly out of pride rather than any sort of sense of security. The same sense of pride, that gets him to snark, "Winter Soldier? Did you get bit by a radioactive icicle or something?"

Matt turns his head towards Kate, seeking to make sure she wants to sit this out. Though her suggestion is noted, "Yeah, we do have someone else we can bring in as well, good close up," Very good close up as it happenend and now with superpowers.

Iron Fist has posed:
May is given a true smile from Danny as he confides to her. "Truth be told, Agent May, I am not exactly all that eager to test the whole immortal bit, myself." As he relaxes somewhat, Danny catches Kate's questioning look, to which he responds with merely a shrug. But...it's Matt's suggestion that gets a chuckle from Danny. "You just like the idea of me being my own nightlight, don't you, Matt?" It isn't like Matt can even see it. Still, Danny shrugs again. "alright, but just for you."

With that, Danny effortlessly slides into a back stance, with his back leg bent at the knee, left hand held at eye level with the palm facing outward and his right hand held flat at belt level. His eyes close....and as he does so, his right hand starts to glow. And...not just lightly, but seriously emitting a sort of golden light. And so, when Danny shifts to a front stance, sending that right hand out as a closed fist punch, it is not only the light that shines from that fist that is noticeable....but the sheer power of the punch, enough to send a noticeable breeze throughout the gym floor.

As he lowers his stance, the chi built around the fist slowly dissipates, the light fading. "Happy? I think that should do for a demonstration."

Danny then walks over to lean against the wall. He knows exactly who Kate and Matt are talking about, but decides to let them handle it, while he attempts his best stoic Barnes impression leaning on the wall.

Melinda May has posed:
May doesn't speak for Barnes. She doesn't have to. She watches the three now admitted vigilantes banter and raises an eyebrow at Danny's little light show -- okay, honestly a bit showy, but likely very useful -- before commenting in as bland and Vulcan-esque tone as she's said everything thus far, "You'll need to refrain from that as well for this planned outing. Again, too distinctive."

Returning to her seat, she looks at Matt with that intense evaluating stare that she'd given Danny earlier. She's clearly trying to firgure something out about him.

Winter Soldier has posed:
The snark doesn't seem to nettle Barnes. The smile settles down into something faint, but coolly amused. "Something like that," he says, gently. The heartbeat hasn't sped up - it's still slow as a dirge. They can do their research later, realize what was sitting down to table with them.

Danny's lightshow makes both the Soldier and the dog cock their heads curiously, in almost perfect unison. They do say pets and their owners grow ever more alike.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate's look is one of 'I'm surrounded by idiots' - but then again, Clint is one of her very best friends, so this should not be a surprise to any. Danny's exploits triggering this latest round of sighs, though Matt is just as much to blame.

"I'm not going to be the one to suggest it to her," Kate says. "But she might be better for the job. I'm not going to have my feelings hurt. We're all on the same team."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt couldn't see Danny light up the fist, but he felt it, like it was one of those Tibetan singing bowls, that skipped right past his ears and played it's tune against Matt's very bones.

"Thanks, Danny," Matt says with a faint smile, when the other man asks if the demonstration was over.

"Yeah," Matt says deadpan to Bucky. "Radioactive Devil got me," he nods solemly.

Then Matt takes a breath and leans on his cane, "Anyhow, in the interest of Kate keeping her job, I'll speak to that person for us, see if she's willing to come along on this. If she is, I'll pass along her name in case you guys want to vet her personally. Barring any problems with that, we can all meet here when we're ready to strike, I should have the suits for us by then."

He turns his head, letting people chime in as they need. Though he does pause to say to May, "Feel free to ask," he says noting her look.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Kate's assessment and suggestion, a bit impressed by the young woman's willingness to step back and let someone else in on this operation. It speaks of a maturity that some SHIELD agents never gain. "No problems. I'll trust your judgement in that regard," she says to Kate and Matt, because from what she's seen, their judgement is pretty much on track.

And Matt's quip about a 'radioactive devil' makes her SO want to say something about Hellboy, but maybe this isn't the best time or place. "A rough ETA for when we're ready might be helpful. My schedule is usually pretty well booked." When Matt tells her she's free to ask, she merely raises an eyebrow before reaching into her jacket to pull what sounds like a business card and a pen. She twists off the pen's cap and writes something on the card (the point sounds different on the paper, lighter perhaps or a different metal? also, the ink doesn't smell like an oil base, more like water and perhaps a bit of alcohol) before recapping the pen and offering the card to Matt. "Kate already has my number, but just in case."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"That'll teach you to go to Jersey," Buck says to Matt, solemnly. He lets his hand fall to Lili's ears, scratches them gently. No offer of a number for him. Presumably his deep freezer is unlisted.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"So, I'm guessing we've hit the tacit detente portion of the evening?"

Knowing full well they have, and that the ball is back in their court with needing to talk to Elektra. Kate, wisely, doesn't say more for fear of blurting things she shouldn't, given she's already done that once with regards to the other woman in recent history.

"Danny, I'd love to talk about those office supplies." And speaking of office supplies, Kate does notice that pen, uttering a soft whistle under her breath. Even her father couldn't find fault with that one, and he was known to be a Class-A snob.

"If the rest of you don't mind, I have a married couple to go catch cheating with one another. If I'm lucky, they'll have brought me sandwiches."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt offers a nod, to May, "Thanks," he says of her trusting their judgement when it came to adding Elektra to the mix.

As for the ETA? "About a week, we still need to nail down which groups are involved with the Foot, but we shoud hopefully have an answer by then."

Matt takes the card when offered, for those who can see it what's written on the back reads: 'I'm betting you can't read this."

She's right, Matt attempts to run his finger over the print only to find no impression left by the pen and the ink smudging at his touch. "Heh. Nice, what was that?" he asks her.

Though even as he marvels at being tricked like that, he has to give an appreciative "Ha!" to Bucky at his quip. He sends a nod in the man's direction, the universal sign of 'okay, you're cool'.

Kate's remark is met with a nod and Matt's admission, "Yeah, think so too," he says. The SHIELDies had impressed, it was clear in his tone. "And no problem, say hi to Jess if you see her," he says about Kate taking her leave. "I think we're all sorted out here?" he says turning to May and Bucky as he asks the question.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Kate as she moves to take her leave. They can show themselves out, after all. And then she turns her attention back to Matt. "Platinum 3776 fountain pen, Naimiki ink." And no, she doesn't tell him what she actually wrote.

Inwardly, she's very glad that Barnes seems to have fit in well with this crew. They could very easily have been at odds, and that would have been awkward. "Yes, I believe we are. Keep in touch. I'll be expecting to hear from you within the week." She nods to Bucky then finally takes a step toward Matt and offers him a handshake, intentionally shifting her wrist in her sleeve to possibly gauge exactly how sharp his hearing is.

This close, he might catch a teeny snippet of comms chatter from the earpiece she's still wearing. Her jammer doesn't block SHIELD frequencies, after all.

Winter Soldier has posed:
There's the curl of a grin at that. But Buck's not commenting further. Not now. Who's the leader here? The Devil? Maybe.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's head tilts like a dogs, "Huh," he says as May explains what she did. He really hoped criminals didn't figure that trick out.

That's a worry for another day, when May extends her hand, Matt reaches out to take it. "Glad we were able to work things out," he says before letting go. Then in the new spirit of openess, and well. a bit of showing off, Matt says: "Sounds like you have to go, I'll be in touch soon about our other friend."

Melinda May has posed:
May's eyes sharpen on Matt, and then a split second later she realizes he's referring to her comm. With that cat out of the bag as well, she decides to not bother hiding it. "Yes, sounds like." And she touches her comm. "May to Ops, acknowledged. On my way."

May steps back from Matt, and offers him a bow much like she did Danny, though this time it's Japanese in style. "Until we speak again, Mr. Murdock."