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Latest revision as of 16:34, 14 May 2019

Catching Up With Kinsey
Date of Scene: 25 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Kinsey MacKenna

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel has been away for quite some time on Avengers and Alpha Flight business, aside from some individual missions on behalf of the Kree, but that is the nature of how desired she is in different areas of not just the world. So it may paint the image of a Director who doesn't care as much, but she tries her best to keep a handle of all things. So she comes to the Science Module of Mackenzie King Station, looking for Kinsey MacKenna, whom she already comm'd to come over for a briefing.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
The Science Labs were stark and barren, having been completely stripped now, and the hull breach fully sealed. The internal workings were being upgraded seeing that all the external walls had been exposed in the explosion. And with her second in command overseeing what would have been her project but for Saint Walker dragging Kinsey to Odym, and the happenings there, there is little for the woman to do. Or, more to the point, she's reluctant to step into a project she may have to immediately abandon.

Still, there's the matter of W'lek, the prisoner; the Red Lantern core; and Kinsey's own 'involvement' in this entire matter.

Which is why it isn't a surprise to her when the call comes to arrange this little meeting, and why the woman is actually quite relieved she's not the one having to reach out to make it happen.

She's made arrangements for one of the briefing rooms to be available to herself and Captain Danvers, but she's also there at the arrival pad to greet the other woman, intensely aware that she's Kinsey's boss, and that she may also wish to view the damage and progress of the Science Lab rebuild herself.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol is pretty officious, having quite the presence as she arrives donning her Captain Marvel uniform. "Kinsey," she greets, before immediately pushing to go survey the damages to the Science Lab with repairs ongoing. Once she had a chance ot assess it and make notes for later communication with the repair team, she turns to walk with Kinsey towards the meeting room.

"So how are things at the station? How is the prisoner doing? Did we learn anything? And anything else you'd like to report?" She doesn't waste time on frills and pleasantries.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Ah, yes. The life of someone even more official than herself. Kinsey is infinitely amused as she answers the questions, but only after greeting her visitor first. "Captain Danvers, welcome to MacKenzie King Station." Some of her amusement fueled by the fact of Carol being no stranger to the place, but Kinsey, herself, still sticking to protocol. "To answer, the Station is in good repair all things considered. The rebuild is coming along. We have specs for you to review should you care to. The prisoner is being singularly unco-operative. Red Lantern, Razer, is demanding updates on our progress in prosecuting him - I've assured the Red Lantern we are moving at as quick a pace as is expedient for our justice system. And I may need to tender my resignation pending some personal matters I'd like to discuss with you."

Quite a lot of information to process, and while Kinsey doesn't expound upon the personal matter yet, if Carol is familiar with Lantern rings, and of the sort to notice, Kinsey is wearing one where no previous reports stated she had one in her possession.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I know it's my fault because of my codename, but it's Colonel," Carol corrects Kinsey with a wink, "I understand the Red ones are fueled by anger? We're doing Razer a favor by making him wait longer than he cares to, rendering him stronger," Carol muses with a playful grin. Clearly, not too concerned about Razer's timeline demands. "Did we learn anything from the Prisoner?" She asks, before turning to look directly at Kinsey, "oh? What would drive you to resign?" She wonders aloud, should Kinsey choose to share with her without delay.

If Carol spotted the ring on Kinsey's finger, she makes no mention of it.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
A slight inclination of head greets that correction. "Noted, and my apologies, Colonel. You'll have to forgive the civilian in me for not knowing better." Which was nothing more than the truth.

"Yes, so I'm led to believe," Kinsey confirms of Razer, and the Reds. "This one seems particularly offended by the process." Of course, it didn't help that he'd run into not one, but TWO Blue Lanterns during this. "He would very much like to question the prisoner, but I'm concerned that his questioning may run uncomfortably close to torture. As for the prisoner himself, he's smugly silent on all matters. I.. haven't been on station much, and given my involvement in the incident itself, I wasn't sure if I should be directly involved?"

Which leads neatly into the answer to the next question, Kinsey rubbing her non-ring hand over the ring. "Ah, yes. That. Why. As it happens, it does relate directly to the other reason I'm not entirely certain of my jurisdiction in this matter. It would seem that I've aquired a Lantern ring since the attack. I'm still rather bewildered by the implications."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"My ego is not so fragile that I'll cry about it, Kinsey, just wanted to correct you for next time," Carol advises with a grin, tapping Kinsey on the shoulder, "all's well, don't worry."

Crossing her arms, pondering, Carol notes, "I wouldn't mind letting him question the prisoner, assuming he means ask a question, and see if he gets an answer. Interrogation is one thing, torture is another, and we do not condone it."

"When next the prisoner is available, I would like to question him myself, as in, why in the heck he attacked -MY- station."

Carol turns to face Kinsey entirely, looking at the ring explicitly this time, "so what color are you? I heard those always come with colors...and sure you can stay here, just like I have my commitment to the Avengers, and at times the Kree, you can have your commitment to your Lantern Corps, this juggling can be done. Decision is yours..."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
The touch doesn't draw a startle, but it does give a moment's pause, as though the woman were rather more reserved than touchy feely, but it isn't commented on, nor does it look like it distresses her.

"I'm certain, given it is your station, that you'd be quite able to arrange to speak to the prisoner. As for the Red Lantern, I'm given to believe I'm able to contact him, though he is rather surly in my presence."

Ther with a twitch of Kinsey's lips as she nods to her ring.

"For reasons."

When Carol stops, so does Kinsey, turning to return the full on regard. "Blue as it happens. There was a Blue, a Red, and a Green in attendance upon the station attack. I was asked to accompany Brother Saint Walker" - oh how easily that moniker falls from her lips, much to her chagrin and inward wincing - "to Odym, the home of the Blue Lanterns. It's still a bit of a surprise to me, and my concerns were that, yes, and that I don't actually know what the ring will mean to me. I'm to understand we're given sectors of space to oversee? But myuself and Kibou are still rather wet about the ears - Kibou is my ring, who, as it happens, is rather young himself." Said with fondness. "In short, I might be asked to relocate. Though I'd prefer to stay here if possible."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"He thinks as much, he'd find he's much less happy to be in my presence, that's for sure," Carol assures Kinsey, a knowing smile on her face, the kind that makes you want to punch someone. "I would never trust someone called 'Saint'," Carol remarks off hand, before nodding, "Blue is powered by what? Hope?" She takes a guess. "Two options, one you relocate, two, let me talk to the big boss on Odym, I bet I can make them see why it's good to have you pick up experience in this sector." She does arch a brow at the mention of the ring being young, but doesn't follow up with more quesitons.

"So...where do you come from?" Carol asks curiously.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey returns Carol's amusement. "Well, to be fair, I find it a rather outdated title myself, but he seems rather comfortable with it." And insists upon calling her 'Sister Kinsey'. "He is, though, a rather formidable man. I learned that he helped save his planet on the sheer power of his hope alone."

Which should answer her question about Blue Lanterns.

She considers the possibilities offered to her on how to resolve her sector dilemna. "I suppose either might be reasonable. Though Brother Walker does seem to have taken a personal interest in my training. It may be that you could speak with him before we take any other drastic measures."

She notes the brow arch, and explains, "Ah, yes. The young. I was told that rings pass between Lanterns as they come and go." By death, obviously, or loss of Hope. "But sometimes a ring is created with the sole purpose of it's new owner. As it happens, I am the first to wear Kibou." She holds up her hand as though that will make all things clearer. "He's rather enthusiastic still. I'm both amused and horrified in turns."

Again, said with fondness for her ring.

The question has her do a small double take, "I'm sorry. Where do I come from? I'd thought you'd seen my resume. The Projects." She names a greater New York area. "Why do you ask?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I also helped save my planet, by the sheer power of my photon blasts alone," Carol says with a cocky grin, clearly, not a good candidate to tell tales of glory to. "Sure, I would gladly talk to Brother Walker if it's alright with you. See what he has to say."

Carol eyes the ring suspiciously, before noting, "I'm glad I don't have to get along with a ring, I can tell you that much."

When Kinsey says she comes from NY, Carol narrows her eyes, "are you sure about that?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"It's a learning curve," Kinsey has to admit of the ring. "Terribly brilliant and informed, and oh so young. However, I'm sure I appear the same to the older Blues. Such is the way of initiates."

A shrug as if to say she understands, given she's had her fair share of lab interns over the years.

"Please, do feel free to speak to Brother Walker. I'd like us all to be comfortable with the outcomes if I'm to stay here, and given the nature of what the rings mean, we should all have a good working relationship." Which goes without saying.

But again with the question that has Kinsey answering slowly, and thoughtfull, "I have no reason to believe otherwise?" Though as she says it, there's one of those niggly feelings in the pit of her stomach. The questions have been both shrewd and pointed, and well, to be frank, how certain is anyone of their origins past what they're told. And there is that small matter of the box her mother gave her, a box that seemed fairly innocent and innocuous until regarded in this singular questioning light.

"Again, I would ask.. why?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol nods to the matter of Brother Walker, she'll need to make some time to have a discussion with him and have this issue resolved, however it may. But at the matter of Kinsey's origin, Carol shrugs, "nothing in particular, I just...well...ever heard of a woman's intuition?" She asks Kinsey, before quipping, "I have something a great deal better, and I'd say you're not from around here...as in this solar system."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
A soft laugh from Kinsey. "I'm a scientist, Colonel. Why ever would I trust intuition?"

Said ever so seriously but for the amused twinkle in her eyes that belies the statement heartily.

"I'm very certain you do," she agrees easily without contesting the statement that Carol has more than feminine intuition to go on. "I've learned it's a good policy to acknowledge your gut instincts, but to rely on the face value of facts at hand as well."

Ever so much the scientist, even if she's had those niggles herself.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"If I had to wager, I'd say you've experienced some intiution yourself already, and I'm not talking about 'thinking' but rather 'knowing' that something is one way and not the other, or will happen one way and not the other, without having any reason to..." Carol muses at Kinsey, looking at her curiously to see if there's recognition in her eyes to the experience she described.

"You're a scientist, right? I'm sure you know it's better to test a hypothesis rather than discard it off hand, no matter how silly it sounds," Carol smiles at Kinsey, "well, I'll be on my way while you think about it, keep up the good work at the station."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Nothing but truths, and uncomfortable ones at that. So it is with caution that Kinsey replies, "Why yes, scientific method does demand rigorous application of testing of hypothesis.."

Her voice drifting off on a rising tide of that niggling feeling, not unlike a prickle along the back of her neck making the small hairs there and along her arms rise in response.

"I.. need some time to think about this."

Which could be either a dismissal of the idea, or nothing more than a need to consider and explore alternative theories.

"In the meantime, come, let me show you the Science Lab. I've been watching my second in command take charge of the project. I think you'll be suitably impressed."