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Latest revision as of 08:07, 19 September 2017

A Welfare Call
Date of Scene: 18 September 2017
Location: Flatbush, Brooklyn - an LGBT center
Synopsis: Breath checks up on the out of contact LGBT centers in the area. Her and Vorn assist Clarine with the aftermath of a battle with invaders.
Cast of Characters: Breath, Hoodlum, Crusader

Breath has posed:
Breath is making a list, and checking it twice! See, with alien invasions going on, people who are cagey tend to get even more cagey, and being the Designated Spandex Wearer (tm) of her social circle, she gets to zip around and do welfare checks on all of the scared boys and girls and non-binary folks that haven't managed to check in as safe who wouldn't be even more endangered by having somebody drop in to check on them. So far this has been relatively uneventful, but the key word is "so far". So now she is down to *this* part of town...

Hoodlum has posed:
    It's not much of a disguise. One might wonder why she bothers? After all, anyone very familiar with her might easily identify her. Her frame, her hair, even her nail polish. Except, there's the confidence, the world-weariness. The uncounted life times of killing and dying that were all jacked into her head. The natural awkwardness wars with the beloved literary 'predatory grace' bestowed by immortal murder. Being something 'more', something dangerous should be an ill fit. All the more strange that she wears it comfortably. Can't go back again. Still, she had depended on places like these once upon a time.

The brown brick, the older corner stores and boutiques, and the LGBT center with its glass front and stacks of pamphlets. It has another addition, of course. Young kids with nowhere to go, all too vulnerable to snatching by the parademon hordes. Already at risk and cast off by uncaring parents or peers, they've sought one of their key sources of support in their community.

Clad in her 'trademark' hoodie and domino mask, hatchet at her waist, large sword in her right hand, the woman flicks blood off the larger weapon and looks at trio of creatures currently littering the ground in front of the broken windows. Her side has four large rents in it, as from a set of large claws. There's muscle, some sign of viscera, and a lot of blood pouring out of her. Her free hand covers it as she walks further from the windows and turns her eyes to the sky. For all that the wound obviously needs treatment, she's paying it the same kind of attention one would a pebble in her shoe. Meanwhile, a young, lean man near the front of the building starts to ask,"Are... are you ok-" The rest is cut off as he hurries to a trash can to begin vomitting. Either the smell is putrid, or the sight is unsettling. Maybe both.

Breath has posed:
Breath swoops around the block with a roaring noise, eyeing the mayhem, then comes roaring in for a clumsy, poorly practiced landing along the road nearby. Debris and dust flies up into the air and scatters everywhere as she stops herself. She takes her hands out of the handles on her gliding wings, pulls a tube out of her cowl, and sucks them in to collapse on themselves and tuck back into the pack a bit messily. She starts looking around to see if there is any more parademons around, then starts over in your general direction.

Breath whistles low. "Dayum, girl, looks like you've been having a mess of a day.. These yours? Remind me not to get on your bad side before you get your morning coffee." She brushes her skirt out straight and drifts closer, still on alert.

Hoodlum has posed:
Her voice is a little on the deep side, but not surprising considering her large frame. A wry smile twists her mouth and the woman twirls her hand adroitly, as if she were sliding her sword up underneath the back of her hoodie. Perhaps surprisingly, the sword disappears from sight. This done, the self-proclaimed 'Hoodlum' presses her other hand to the wound in her side as well, then holds it up to her hand. A frown fixes her face. Irritation flits across her features,"Well, crap. I... seem to be bleeding out."

She holds a hand out, palm flat, and makes a 'pewpew' sound with her lips, then asks,"I don't suppose you can... uh... make fire?" Still, she's blushing at the woman's observation for all that, eyes tracking a parademon as it flies overhead, though thankfully it passes by without stopping. "It would make things a lot more... uh... convenient." Another pause, and then she holds out the bloody hand,"I'm the Hoodlum. Name's a work in progress." A pause, as she looks down at her bloody hand, then thinks the better of it when she realizes someone may not WANT to get their hand bloody. "Sorry. This is your turf, yeah?"

Crusader has posed:
Unthankfully, someone decides to kick that parademons butt figurativly speaking. As quite suddenly it is going back the way it came being trailed by lightning bolts comming from a nearby roof.
    And suddenly what appears to be a spear is thrown from the roof and pieces into the Parademon who now struggle to get it out. Of course that just leaves the thrower. A large nearly white orc subsequentially leap off the roof and onto the parademon and they both come crashing down to the ground. The apparent orc was whistling a merry tune the whole way.


And suddenly crator in the ground, and paradom unceremonaly mangled beneath the great weight that is Vorn. He pries his rather nordic looking spear out of the beast still whistling. As he turns he notices Clarine and Breath and stops whistling "....oh. Huh. Someone reason this feel slightly arkward to Vorn. But Vorn happy meet you" he dosn't seem to reigster he now has streaks of parablood on him

Breath has posed:
Breath nodsnods. "I'm nice and urban about it, there's plenty of room here. I'm The Breath. Ah, not a fire sort, sorry! I mean, white and blue and all, you know." She digs in her bag and pulls out a first aid kit, though, and starts fishing out some gauze. "But I have some bandages, if it helps..." She trails off at the sudden crater and looks over, inhaling a deep breath with a bit of a roaring noise. "...Hi?" She glances back and forth a bit at small movements here and there, and backs to stand beside the blood covered girl who seemed a bit less startling at the moment.

Hoodlum has posed:
The girl just STARES at Vorn. Then at the crater. Then at the mangled corpse. She informs Vorn, after a moment,"You know... That... creature was actually actively doing less damage than you just did to the street. I mean... Don't get me wrong, love the enthusiasm, great dynamic entry, but, uh... Never mind." The immortal looks over at the gauze, and then backs up slowly against a wall. "Um... It's a good thought, if I can get the bleeding slowed down. Think the stove is working in there?" She nods to the shattered windows, then points at herself and Breath,"Hoodlum and the Breath. She's sort of our gracious host." A pause and she eyes Vorn again,"You here to fight?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn says, "Fight, eat, sleep. What ever strikes Vorn mood, Vorn does" he informs Hoodlum "Love the name by the way." he looks at the crator and the body "...oh...um. Vorn can be a bit...ahem, reckless. Sorry bout that" he collapses the shaft of his Spear, turning the unsually wide-headed spear into a sword and hangs it upon his belt
    "If stove not working, than Vorn fix it. Or if electric, Vorn power it, Juthuum knows the power in the area been nuts" he offers, not seeming inclined to actually fight the ladies.
    He than looks to Breath and beams even wider "Oh! Breath, Long time no see old friend!" he exclaims. Apparently, he knows her, but of course most people have not actually met Vorn so to speak. But regardless he hops out of the crator and sees "Let be done with the blood stopping eh? Sides hear parademons like the smell of it" he begins that merry whistling once again"

Breath has posed:
Breath says, "..Stove? What, do you eat fire or something? Uhm! OH! No armor today..?" She waves. "You mean you actually took your armor OFF to fight? Crazy." She scratches her head a bit, "Let's go find that stove, I guess?" She looks the Hoodlum over a bit more. "Plus, I still need to check and see anybody around here needs a mail call or anything."

Hoodlum has posed:
Hoodlum smiles in a shy sort of way at the compliment, but begins limping in with a wave at the young people populating the lgbt-center. She uses the door, not the shattered windows,"Stove's in the back, right? Right." She keeps walking, like she knows the area for some reason, limping with each step. "Nah. I'm going to rig something with your generously offered gauze and cauterize the wound. If I exsanguinate, I'll be out for like a whole day at least." She keeps walking through crunching glass, ignoring the unsettled looks as she limps down the halls. "If I don't exsanguinate, I figure this will take... four, five hours to heal. This is kind of cool. Like, you two are the real deal, huh? Would it be weird to ask for autographs?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn cants his head "....Vorn has never worn Armor" he tells breath. Vorn is alot different from Crusader - Crusader is an 8ft juggernaut with a beard of tentacles, and yes armored - but otherwise looks human with normal skin beneath his apparent armor. Vorn is somewhat smaller, lacks any such tendrills and well he is quite litterly a white orc complete with tusks.
    Vorn glacnes about "Well Vorn does hope more trouble show up." yes he was serious. But none the less he goes with Hoodlum towards the back of the center. He waves to the youngster nearby giving a tusky smile to them before looking to Hoodlum "Not quite sure what you mean by real deal. Vorn see demon. Vorn have fun with demon" he considers this

Breath has posed:
Breath headtilts at that. "Got it. I think. No, I don't got it. Anyway! I'm about as 'real deal' as anybody else I meet in a place like this. Oh, speaking of which! I come bearing estradiol, spiro, and T, if anybody is out!" She announces that to the shelter at large. She tags along behind, a bit confused at that description. "Seriously? You can't do better than to burn yourself with a whole first aid kit? That's got to hurt."

Hoodlum has posed:
"/I/ can't. If you can, have at it. Pretty sure I've got... multiple arterial bleeds, a ruptured spleen. And... Actually, do me HUGE favor. If I lose consciousness, drop me off at the nearest church or cemetary." She pauses to look over at one of the young people in the building, a 20-something of visually indeterminable gender, and fumbles in a pocket for a card with a number on it. She pushes it into their hands, and then Hoodlum is murmuring,"Things are going to get really weird some day. Call this then." The soft buzzing in the back of her skull fades as she stumbles into the kitchen, and looks at Vorn,"Then I will happily delegate the task of stomping demons to you for the time being. Meanwhile..." A pause,"If I could beg the 'Breath' to bless me with her medical talents, that would be great. I'm getting a little dizzy and light-headed..." Indeed, her skin is getting paler, and she HAS left an impressive trail of blood. "Incidentally, how are you getting all that right now? I'm a little low on spiro myself. Set for E, though. Them first, though. Time won't ravage me anymore than it has."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader tests the light switch and of course they do not come on. "Figured as much." he walks over to a small area and tears a hole into the wall. "This place really needs to get a backup generator properly" he seems to light up with lightening and quite litterly begins powering up the kitchen and the rest of the building to boot as evidence by lights in several areas comming on, appliances as well "And...why are you passing out chemicals at a time like this? Food and what have you, Vorn would think would be more important, what with the parademons and stuff hanging around"

Breath has posed:
Breath says, "I know a nonbinary pharmacist. 'He' last I saw him. He cleaned out the stock after the pharmacy got hit by a tank." She goes over to assist with bandaging and... burning, or whatever. "Okay, you're low on plasma, I didn't exactly bring any of that. You, get me some hot metal. This isn't the way I would do it, but whatever. I can stitch, too. I have the glue for it. And.. Just trust me, it's important, okay? I am NOT hiding from demons in the middle of a dysphoria attack!"

Breath has posed:
Breath starts getting stuff out to glue up wounds while saying all this, and generally preparing a space for some medical treatment. "..Get over here."

Hoodlum has posed:
She plops into a chair while scared teens and 20-somethings peer into the room. She rolls up the edge of the hoodie, baring gouge ribs, smooth muscle tissue, a welter of blood, and something sickeningly purple-ish in hue. "She's passing out chemicals because some of us might try to off ourselves without them. Many of us have chosen those chemicals over food before." She gestures to a young woman, this one with golden eyes (a young mutant?) and points at a drawer. The girl rummages and comes up with some spoons. She looks to the stove, then says,"Um... can you... turn that on- Oh. Thanks."

Hoodlum lays her head back a little bit,"Don't need to be pretty. Just needs to keep me here like, thirty minutes. Maybe an hour. Holy crap, getting shot didn't hurt this much. Breath? I owe you one, seriously. Maybe we should call you the LGBTA. A is for, you know angel. Or possibly lame jokes. I dunno..." She maaay be a little woozy. At least she follow's Breath's directions.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn keeps the power going for now "Oh. Hmmm, that is unfortnate" he says "The offing themselves part. Vorn doesn't much understand it, but long as folks stay alive, Vorn think it is good thing"
    He looks to Breath "If Plasma is needed, Vorn can provide that in spades" as it stands lightning was technically speaking plasma. Of course they may not be refering to the same thing but the offer was on the table. He gives the woman with the golden eyes a salute as the stove turns on. Seems this was going smoothly at the very least

Breath has posed:
Breath nods, "Ace, actually, but thanks." She rips out a couple of prep pads and does a quick cleaning job on the edge, then starts stitching up the big wound with some medical thread, having a bit of practice with stitching and not wanting to wait for the spoon. "Totally. I'm good for a few days, but lots of people are on pills and those drop off fast."

Hoodlum has posed:
The Hoodlum lolls her head back. Somehow, the hood stays on her head, even as the young teen starts heating said spoon on the stove. It's soon extremely hot. As for Clarine? Other than slight twitching, she doesn't really comment on the pain of a needle. Minor compared to the pain of gaping wounds anyway. Her eyes flutter open and shut repeatedly. Hard to stay awake? "'Kin I have water? Problem is, Mr. Middle Earth, that... um... takes... months for the medicine to get where it needs and a much shorter time to feel its lack."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn blinks "Oh...Vorn was thinking of a different kind of plasma" he gestures to another of the other teenagers and says "If you can get the water while we are busy, it would be appreciated" and the young man immediatly gets a bottle from the fridge bringing it over to Hoodlum to drink.

Breath has posed:
Breath stitches and glues. "I HATED before I got on E. It was like I had to run my body from some room somewhere. I'm not dropping anybody back into that if I can help it, and hey, look, I can fly, and save a pharmacist with a couple hundred mililiters of estradiol in back. And even more testosterone. Also? Oh. My. God, thank you for getting these lights on. This is SO hard to do in the dark. 'Hoodlum', huh? You know you're just asking for friendly fire with a name like that."

Hoodlum has posed:
Eventually the girl hurries over holding her spoon in a oven-mitted hand, while Hoodlum takes the water from Vorn. She pours it down her throat, and a little on her forehead which is covered in sweat. "My powers were a mixed bag. I won't revert if I can't get E or anything. I'll just feel crazy. That being said, no operatons for me, either, anymore." She makes a displeased face, and tries to sit up as best she can. "I tell you what, Breath... you help me make a real costume and come up with a real name and I'll change it. Until then... this is who I am because I was never very clever or artistic."

Crusader has posed:
"Hoodlum sounds like a fine name to me. It invites trouble" which is appaerently a plus in his book. He thanks the teen that brought hoodlum the water before saying to Breath "And no problem, but it only last so long as Vorn last...and this drains Vorn directly. They not have a closed system...so powering alot more than Vorn is comfortable with"

Breath has posed:
Breath nods. "It's a deal. We'll totally be the dynamic queer duo!" She gives an enthusiastic thumbs-up. "Okay, everything is stitched up that I could see, I can't guarantee there's not something else wrong is all. So I don't think I need too much more light here. No ops, damn, that bites. I'm already kind of twitchy about that bit." She looks back, now that she isn't having to stitch up a wound, "Are you needing anything, Vorn? I don't know much about your part of this."

Hoodlum has posed:
Clarine stumbles to her feet once the stitching is done, and gestures to the golden-eyed girl as she chugs more water. Once done, she murmurs to the girl. Somewhere, the girl finds a stick for her to lean on. A card is pressed into Breath and Vorn's hands. "Call me. We'll do lunch. We'll be the most fashionable ladies on E in spandex. Or... whatever it is those costumes are made of." She steadies herself with the stick and starts walking,"I'll be back tomorrow to help clean up my crap. I'm in no shape right now. But I get it. Surgery was scary before I turned in my 'mere mortal' card." She looks at Vorn, swaying a little bit,"Should have turned off the switch in the back. Would've prevented the back feed. Assimilation is hard." Fistbumps are overed, and then the girl is hobbling majestically towards the exit. Or, maybe no majestically so much as 'limpingly'.

Crusader has posed:
"Unless you wish to provide Vorn brains to eat or corpious amounts of chocolates, Vorn suggest you not worry" he tells Breath "Sides, Vorn not eat into his personal reserves yet." and than he glances to Clarine as a card is pressed in his hand "Oh sure, though Vorn not do costumes...or spandex" he evidently thought he was included. He didn't much care how he was reffered to it seems. But none the less he eats the card. Yes that right, eat it. He'll get it out of his arm later.
    "The backfeed is not the problem. That mitigates it really." though the light no longer needed he takes off his hand and the power slowly fades away. "Pfffft, assimilation is as easy as breathing" he claims. Though context may be important. He watchs the girl walk away and cants his head. The world is full of all sorts. He looks to Breath "Vorn sees about getting generator up and running properly...and see about any extra of the Parademons"

Breath has posed:
Breath nods, "Will do. I'm passing out hormones then heading to the next stop in the circuit. Ask for me at the Seldon Street LGBT shelter in New Lots by name if you need me, they'll pass it on. Check the roof first." She nods, "Sounds like a great idea. I have three more places to get estrogen to tonight before I feel like I can sleep soundly. Catch up with me whenever you want, we can talk more then."