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Latest revision as of 16:51, 14 May 2019

Checking on the Big Blue.
Date of Scene: 28 April 2019
Location: Watchtower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Power Girl

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has come up to the watchtower to see if there is anyone about who might know the current situation with Superman. The fact that he has not been seen much of late has Tim converned. He has an idea might help but he has to talk to some people to see if it would even work.

Power Girl has posed:
    Floating around in the watchtower, Power Girl is wearing a different version of her outfit. She seems to be flating about and looking into some things. Of course, her own research doesn't seem to be turning up leads due to the fact that she's still floating about.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will head over to Power Girl once he sees her he gives her a look over from feet to face, and makes sure his eyes stay on her face. Once within speaking distance, he will clear his throat to annouce himself not wanting to do the whole appearing thing around a woman who could punch him through an airlock out of reflex. "Miss, I was wondering if you might have a moment. I was wondering if there was any news about Superman." He will ask.

Power Girl has posed:
    "You can call me Power Girl, Robin." She says without looking at him, and she doesn't even jump. "And I've already heard you coming." She says still floating about the ground a bit. "Superman......as far as I know is still in the coma he was brought back in. I haven't seen him lately." She then turns around to look at Tim. "Worried as I am?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "I am concerned yes." He will tell her. "And Red Robin now, Robin is the short one with the sword." He tells her no hard feelings just letting her know in case she needs to refer to him later. "I was wondering a few things. I had some ideas, and while I would think someone has tried, I thought I would bring them up to someone who might be more in the know. You seemed close to Supergirl during the rescue, and I thought perhaps you would know or could get word of the ideas to someone.

Power Girl has posed:
    "I can certainly try. As for being close to Supergirl...I have my reasons behind it." Power Girl says. "What's your idea."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake does not pry on her reasons, if she wishes to keep them personal as it seems she does he will respect that. "Well, one was with the holes in his neck has someoene tried contacting the Atom or someone who can shrink themselves to go in and check him out from the inside. I know it is a cheesy sci fi movie from the fifties, but it may work. While the wound reminded me of a classic vampire bite look, I was thinking maybe something was injected and not deploed till deep inside him.

Power Girl has posed:
    "I didn't see any holes in his neck, but then, I was trying to get everyone back through the portal and off of Apokalips. Also a 'classic vampire bite' would call for someone mystical, Like Doctor Fate. I don't even know if the Atom's around, honestly. I haven't seen him around much lately. But then.......I dunno." Power Girl then floats back down to the floor. "What do you think it is Red Robin?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "I am not sure what it is, but the first thought was maybe some type of kryptoite pellet or something that would slowly release into his system. A fail safe for if someone rescued him like we did. With it being a mix of Apokalipic technology and magical forces that got him, it leaves many options. I was also wondering if a blood transfusion might help. I know of at least one I believe two who might be able to help with that.

Power Girl has posed:
    POwer Girl takes a deep breath. "As much as I'd like to donate...it's a bad idea. Supergirl should be the one to volunteer, not me." Power Girl then looks to Robin. "And yeah, that would make perfect sense. They are pretty sadistic. If you were around during the Apokalips Invasion, you'd have seen." She crosses her arms and puts her hand to her chin. "Or, there should be a way to draw the kryptonite out of his body."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises a bit at Power girl bringing herself as one of the donation people. Actually I was thinking about Conner. I have not spoken to him about it yet, but I am confident he would want to help. I was thinking it also might give Superman a bit of an odd edge to stoveing off the posioning in it's own way.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Mmm...Connor. That'd be an interesting choice. Isn't he a clone or something?" Power Girl then leans against a wall. "Doing this on your own, am I right?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and says "Something like that." he does not clarify fully for that one. I am concerned for Superman, and when I am worried, or concerned, I try to find solutions to the problems I see. I do not know for sure who hastaken the lead of Superman's care so I am not sure who I should talk to to be honest.

Power Girl has posed:
    "I imagine Supergirl would take the lead. I'd need to find a way to 'discreetly' try to find a cure myself, but doing that would take a lot more time and, ironically....have the cure after we don't need it anymore." Power Girl sighs a bit. "Honestly, I do need a bit of help....and a lot of discretion. If the wrong people find out about our physiology..." She then takes another deep breath. "....then there will be people who will try to create supersoliders to fight against Superman and his friends.....just to 'protect the human race'."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and says "Yes, I would assume it would be mostly some of the more trusted medicale doctors who are also heroes. Maybe Mr. Terrific, Hank McCoy, and such like that. I am not a doctor, but I try to look at problems from all angels, and try to find paths that others have not. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. And if you have an idea how I might be able to ofer aid to Supergirl or Superman himself, I would apreciate any aid there. Superman is a good man, and that would be enough for me to want to help but we do not need those who we fight getting wind that he is down. It maybe wise to have the Martian Manhunter do some appearances as him.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Might be a good idea to do that. Might be a good idea to do that. At least he can mess with people if he does." Power Girl pops her neck a bit. "We'd appreciate the help, Red Robin. but, if we reach out, they have to keep quiet about Superman." She then shrugs. "Before hand, not after."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and will offer Powergirl a smal disk about the as big around as a quarter. This will send a signal to me and let me know where you are to contact you. It will not give any postitioning away untill you activate it activate it so will not give away any secret hq or anything

Power Girl has posed:
    "Right. I'll do that when I get in touch with them, I think." Power Girl then yawns a bit. "I'm partly on watch duty though, and I've been doing my research while here. So I'd better get back to it. If you find anything of interest, let myself or Supergirl know. Or even Batman." She then shrugs. "Thank you though, Red Robin."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods to the woman and says "Will do, and thank you for putting the word out for me, It is appreciated." I will let you get back to the task at hand." He nods hsi head again and turns to see who else might be around.