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Latest revision as of 17:01, 14 May 2019

A rooftop encounter take 2
Date of Scene: 30 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Doctor Strange

Black Cat has posed:
It might be a bit counterintuitive to be wearing a cat-suit and sipping a Starbucks latte, but Felicia couldn't resist dropping by the nearest coffee shop and getting herself a vanilla latte, tall, soy milk. After all, her latest heist -- small as it was -- remains a success. She doesn't wear anything particularly flattering tonight in terms of jewelry, which means no auroral necklace or bracelet.

The suit's flattering enough as is, given how she's got it unzipped to her mid-sternum. The blonde sighs happily and leans back against the radiator's warmth as she looks out at the river beyond the city, winking with the fading sunlight. The small bag at her waist contains a collection of jeweled rings, sure to be pawned off if they don't fit her delicately-strong fingers.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    There's an odd sensation above Felicia, a feeling almost like rain, but then it's almost like something is reaching down from above, like a spider or some creepy crawly. Should she react, she'll see the bottom of the cloak that is flopped back downwards to graze against her head. "Felicia Felicia Felicia." Stephen says, as he crosses his arms, seemingly unaware of the fact that he's floating upside down above a radiator in New York like it was the most common thing to be doing.

Black Cat has posed:
Reaching back at what tickles the back of her hair, Felicia feels the foreign softness of the cloak given she's shucked her gloves. The coffee almost spills as she makes a soft 'eeep!' and rolls her hip off her seat of metal ducting. The cat-burglar scowls at him despite her smirk.

"Oh! OOH! Copperfield! You!" A pointed finger is followed by a fisting of the hand on her canted hip, her drink held in her other hand. "Warn a lady first, would you?" She blinks at him and then quirks one brow, smiling so her lips form a pert rosebud. "You know you're upside-down, right?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I did, I assume that means she never got into touch with you. Shame." Stephen says with a crooked grin tugging at his facial hair. Stephen looks 'up' at her waist and spots the buldging purse at the thief's belt and his arms still crossed he asks, "Did you get a good haul tonight?" Stephen asks looking almost sleepy for a moment as if he was bored of her dangerous life style.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia looks concerned at first. She even stoops to reach into her bag and pull out her cell phone. No new messages on it. Glancing up at Stephen, still upside-down, she straightens and then walks over to him. A step up onto the radiator itself and now she's just about nose to nose with the Sorcerer.

"I did have a good haul tonight, thank you for asking." She reaches up and boops a fingertip from the man's refined nose. "But I don't know who this 'she' is who's supposed to have reached out to me. Explain?" Behind her domino mask, her jade-green eyes flutter dark lashes for good measure.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I warned a lady before appearing above you, I just had hope she would encounter you between me telling her and me appearing before you." Stephen says with a wiggle of his nose. Which DOESN'T cause magic to happen. Thankfully the sorcerer doesn't work like that.

    "Oh, I think I understand the misunderstanding. You want me to warn YOU specifically don't you?" Stephen says with a playful wink before he squints his eyes. "You're going to show it off eventually, what did you pilfer off some poor elderly woman this time?" Stephen asks.

Black Cat has posed:
A light scoff. "I'm not going to show off my gained goods like that, Copperfield. They're rings, since you //must// know," Felicia explains, gesturing at the small bag shoved up next to the metal radiator. "And not from any old lady this time. I don't steal from old ladies. That's just...mean." She wrinkles her nose and folds her arms lightly beneath her chest. Such is the view.

"But yeah, warn me about whatever it is. I like surprises, but only to a point," she laughs, the sound warm. "Actually, hold on." In a display of great skill and balance, she sets aside her coffee and then executes a sudden forwards shift of weight onto her palms. As a master gymnast might, she turns on them to face towards Stephen, now upside down as well, her toes pointed into the air. Her blonde hair cascades down and her smile is now really rather cherubic, given gravity's pull. "Now you can tell me since you're right-side up." She winks.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen crosses his inverted arms and smirks at the woman as she plays along and he adjusts his own height to be face to face with the thief. "Playful as ever when you should be trying to get home and secure your bounty." Stephen teasingly compliments but then he cants his head to one side, a tuft of hair flapping in the breeze. "You'll steal from dead people and museums but not old ladies. I always assumed the honor among thieves line was just a joke, but I guess you do have some morals." Stephen hmms before looking down towards Felicia's feet, curious but slightly growing a shade of red as he does so.

Black Cat has posed:
"I didn't throw them all out of the window when I took up this hobby, no," the cat-burglar confirms as she remains in her balanced handstand. Toes shift back and forth before aligning again, straight as an arrow towards the night sky. "Just some of them. They were too heavy." Her tone is appropriately wry and somewhat self-depricating.

"How's the view, Copperfield?" she then asks, having noted the pink at his cheeks. She curls a knowing grin. "We can talk like normal people whenever you want. I mean, I'll call it quits sometime here because all the blood's going to my head," she adds.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Well, how about we see where the night takes us?" Stephen asks, a smirk crossing his face and dispelling the blush that has invaded beneath his eyes. Ignoring his sphinx, Stephen extends his hand out towards Felicia, inviting her to join in his, knowing the magic of the cloak will pass down his arm to her if she does, but he doesn't think she knows about that. Not yet. "I have an idea." The wizard whispers, ignoring the comment about her view, they both know it's spectacular, so why mince words and waste time when they could live.

Black Cat has posed:
"Ooh..." purrs the Black Cat, arching an eyebrow at his wording. "An idea? Those sound kind of scary coming from someone as magical as you." Still, in a daring display of balance, she shifts her weight onto one single arm for a flash second to take his hand -- and immediately goes wide-eyed as she finds it easy as pie to continue holding the upside-down pose.

"Oh -- my god," Felicia splutters before laughing. "I feel like an Olympic athlete! At risk of sounding like I love dad jokes, this is magical." She still titters.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen begins to float upwards, away from the roof and his other hand reaches out to hold Felicias but slowly his feet begin to move as the sound of music begins to build. A waltz, both in movement and in auditory fashion a waltz is being performed by the wizard with his dancing partner, if she'll accept. "You'd be a horrible dad, but maybe that's why you'd be a great parent." Stephen teases before he holds his hand out 'above' Felicia's head and she's invited to pirouette.

Black Cat has posed:
A tiny 'eeep!' of surprise escapes her as her palm flattened to the metal of the radiator leaves it in a sudden erasure of gravity. Felicia grabs his other hand to steady herself, inasmuch as one can do that while inverted in mid-air, but she keeps laughing behind her tooth-bitten lips. Her jade-green eyes lead her head as she looks around for the source of music and, finding no speakers, chalks it up again as magic.

A tentative step inwards on an invisible surface of the night sky itself and she takes up the follow position before the Sorcerer. Someone was at least taught the basic box-waltz for public parties, no doubt.

"I'd make the worst dad ever," the cat-burglar agrees as she turns on her toes lightly, the other foot lifted. Another reel of bright laughter leaves her as she faces him again, eyes twinkling. "Dunno about being a parent either. I'm a little selfish for that, don't you think? And //such// a bad example." -- and she doesn't seem one bit repentent about it by the gleam in her gaze.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Slowly as the two are dancing Felicia would feel an odd sort of growing and shrinking feeling along herself as the mood, the air, the temperature, the light and even her attire changes over a moment as a wave a magic washes over the two.

    Stephen is wearing a tuxedo and a thick white mask obscuring his eyes, while Felicia's cat theme would have been accented slightly as well as changed into a more masquerade type look. And they're in a crowd of people all wearing the same kinds of clothing but there is sun streaking in through the stainglass windows. As well as the change in scenery, everyone around is speaking French, and no one seems phased by Stephen and Felicia's appearance. "Would you be up for dancing?" Stephen asks, bowing low towards Felicia on the marble floors.

Black Cat has posed:
Admittedly, the cat-burglar's taken with the color of the Sorcerer's eyes. They're doing that odd shift again, where this closeness no longer permits the greying seen at a distance. She realizes that the scenery has changed once the lighting reaches a certain intensity and looks around herself. Her eyes behind her black domino mask, now tufted with triangular groupings of feathers to play at cat ear shaping, go wide. A little gasp and she looks down at herself, not dropping Stephen's hand. A draping skirt of black lace hemmed in the same white fur as her suit's zippered divide now falls from her hips, parted in the front to allow movement of her boots. Her blonde hair still falls about her shoulders in its loose ringlets.

Fingertips press to her red-red lips as Stephen bows and she gives him a smile almost watery. "Yes, Stephen," she whispers. "Absolutely. Oh, this is a dream!" She offers him a curtsy in return, plucking at the fine skirting in the process as if she were at court.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Parfait, allons-nous commencer?" Stephen says, in stunning french as he lifts himself and steps closer to Felicia. "You're dress is magnificent, almost as beautiful as you are." The wizard says as he lifts her left hand in the air and his other hand wraps around her waist politely as the live music begins to ramp up and the whole room becomes a bouquet of twirling colors and joyous laughter and happiness infected crowds and noblility. The wine is flowing and the music is crisp and lively. A perfect first date.

Black Cat has posed:
"You're not half-bad looking yourself, Copperfield," Felicia replies having regained more of her aplomb. Color still floats high on her cheeks as she follows along in his wake, the usual grace she displays in cavorting about the rooftops present now in the swirling flow of the waltz dancing.

"Where'd you learn to dance? You're just full of tricks." She grins, her jade-green eyes twinkling up at him. "...and are we actually in France?" Daring to ask this, she then looks around at the cocophany of color and defacto orchestra holed up in one corner of the brightly-lit room.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Where else does a couple go to dance?" Stephen asks almost rhetorically sounding, as if he wouldn't know where else to dance in the universe other than France. The wizard waltzes with his date his fancy shoes clapping along with the music as is the rest of the nobilities and yet he has only eyes for the platinum blonde he brought with him. Even the ever present invisible sphinx doesn't get any attention from Strange.

    "There are many things I can do that would surprise you Felicia. I used to be a socialite with the best of them." Stephen says with a wink to Felicia. "Things you'll have to learn about in due time."

Black Cat has posed:
The fluttering ripple of Felicia's skirt cascades around her on each turn. She's grinning from ear to ear, unable to help it. "Surprise me with your magic, sure, but I know a little bit about you, Copperfield. The Internet is a thing, you know," she leans in and murmurs to him, as if imparting a great secret. She winks one kohled eye and tilts her head charmingly at him.

"I know you're a doctor -- you introduced yourself as one, after all, and I did a search. You were a neurosurgeon, I thought I saw? Kind of a crazy shift in job title. One minute, you're putting together nerves and the next, you can pull a rabbit out of a hat. Did you get bored with scalpels?" Her vein of questioning is well-meaning and curious as can be, but not pushy in the least. Still, deeply-green eyes look between his.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "If you'd look further down on my wikipedia page, you'd see I was in a car wreck." Stephen says with a frown and pulls his hand away from Felicia's back and with his glove between them he pulls the cover off his fingers.

    From the wrists around to the backs of his hands and down his fingers, are long scars the length of his fingers as he then slowly puts his gloves back on. "I went from one life to another." Stephen says with a soft frown that slowly grows back into a smile as he looks back up at the burglar. "And I wouldn't change a thing." Stephen says, putting his hand back onto the small of Felicia's back.

Black Cat has posed:
She pauses before him and the music continues to swirl around them both. The locals don't seem to mind; they flow around the Sorcerer and cat-burglar like a school of brightly-colored fish. Felicia gives the red-lined hands a lingering once-over and when she meets Stephen's eyes again, her face is full of solemnity. However, he appears to not wish to linger on the subject, and his response is enough to make her give him a rather sappy smile.

"Shucks. You're a charming devil," Felicia replies, " - even if you still haven't shown me you can pull a rabbit from a hat." She takes up his gloved hand again and back they go to dancing, content to live in the now rather than dwell in the past.