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Catching Up on a Few Things
Date of Scene: 16 May 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion - Rec Room
Synopsis: Nuala returns to Thor, tells her the exciting news that she's a Blue Lanter. Thor tells her the exciting news...he's engaged?
Cast of Characters: Thor, Nuala Duvall

Thor has posed:
    After the quick jaunt back to New Asgard, and the visit with Janet and his bride to be, when Thor had returned back to the mansion... his outlook had changed a touch. The future did not seem /quite/ as dark or so dangerous with foreboding. He still barely knew the woman, and did not get along with her, but at the least she seemed... nice?
    So when he came back to the mansion he did not settle back into his former routine during this 'vacation'. He did not plop back down on the couch nor did he decide to start drinking early in the morning. Instead he is, for once, rather well kempt. Jeans, a t-shirt, and the loose plaid overshirt of red were what adorned him now. And what he was doing was surprising...
    He was actually moving around the rec room he had hunkered down in for days and is now tidying up. Beer cans and bottles are being tossed into a recycling bin he has tucked under his arm. Garbage has its own container that gets things thrown into it. His pile of clothes are gathered under the other arm and he casually opens the door to the basement and throws it all downstairs. There.
    Wiping his hands with a few swipes he looks around and nods to himself. "Clean."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala's journey has been long, but back aboard her own ship, she was home before she took the long trip back to Earth. Since the Big Apple is where she was taken from, she thought it most appropriate to return directly there, having parked outside. She learned that the Avengers had put out an alert and mounted an emergency pursuit to go after her, so quick that it was only Black Panther who had personally attended, aided by Bjorn.

    She's returning differently. Her eyes seem bluer, her step is more agile and bright, and as she steps off the...uncloaked Sea Song. Most of the Avengers had never seen the outside of it, unless they had been in New Asgard. She wears a plain white tee and blue jeans, as she re-enters the mansion. Few people seem to be about, though, and she wanders from main room to main room, until she hears the rustling of cans and bottles. Someone is down there.

    A nearly uncharacteristic skip propels her forward, the blue ring on her left hand glows brightly, she hasn't figured out how to will it to stop doing that yet. Seeing the pile thrown down the stairs just as she enters, her face lights even more.

    "THOR!" she announces in a near shout, and bounds into the room, not nearly as reserved as she is normally found, not as formal. It's almost like she is a teenage girl more than an adult woman.

Thor has posed:
    "Nuala!" The tall man rounds and he tosses the container of recycling onto the nearby sofa, causing a good bit of it to scatter all over it once again. But that is for later to deal with as she comes bounding in his arms spread and he moves to meet her halfway, lifting her up into the air with a sweep of movement and then sets her down. Hands upon her shoulders he looks her over up and down, "Let me look at you."
    A step back and he folds his arms over his chest, "You seem in good spirits. I feared the worst after all that had passed. But then I heard it had resolved well. And that you have moved up in the world?"
    He cocks a eyebrow at her curiously, perhaps trying to see some tell-tale sign of blue or was that the right lantern color? He catches himself wondering. He never remembers everything.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala actually laughs outright as she's lifted up, returning the affection. There's a blush to her face, given the overtness of the physical interaction, but there's not a discomfort as if she feels it out of place. "Yes? You heard? Already?" she looks surprised. "It was the actions of a coward, he's not important, but Loki's previous negotiations combined with a new honor went a long way in putting all of that behind me," she says. "I'm free. Really free. Not Earthbound, and...I have a new job." Her big news.

    She holds her left hand out, on the index finger is the glowing blue light of the blue lantern ring. "I've been asked to be part of the Blue Lanterns. The BLUE LANTERNS! I never thought that I'd receive such an honor, but...I did!" She laughs again. "I almost went straight to New Asgard so you would know first. I'm glad you were here, I wanted you to be the first person I saw upon returning." She gives a slightly quizzical look. "Why are you here?" she asks after a second.

Thor has posed:
    "Oh I had not heard about that! I thought more that your freedom of movement had been restored." He rests his hands upon his hips and smiles openly, "But that is joyous news. Joyous." He holds up a hand, eyebrows lifting as he tilts his head to the side slightly. "Though a powerful responsibility. But you will bear it well. I am sure."
    That having been said he gives the place a once over when she asks why he's there, looking about as he sort of shakes his head side to side as he says, "Weeeeelll." He crinkles his nose a little, eyes narrowing with a hint of incredulity before he says to her. "With matters that have passed, the Sentinels, I am more needed here than in New Asgard."
    He waves a hand to the side, "But things are also very hectic there, reporters everywhere, seeking to get a shot of Ellisandra in her garb and whatnot."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Sentinels?" Nuala asks. "I think I heard something about them before I left. I had not considered them much." It wasn't really her area of expertise. "Are they running wild?" she asks. "It sounds like something that would entertain you," she gives a knowing smile. Maybe flirtatious? She reaches out to pat him on the arm, squeezing it lightly. Definitely flirtatious. "Given my new freedom to be public, I'd be happy to help out."
    She takes in a deep breath, as if actually relieved to be back. "So Ellisandra? Did Janet convince you to let her do styling for your subjects?" she asks. "I don't think I've heard of her."

Thor has posed:
    "Sometimes?" Thor furrows his brow as he doesn't seem to mind the familiarity, though he does look a touch confused or a little out of touch with the topic when he adds, "In truth I do not know the whole picture. At times I am asked to smite them, and so I smite them. But other times we are not to smite them, so I do not." He takes a deep breath, "It is difficult."
    But then she asks that other question and he looks at her curiously, then chews the inside of his cheek briefly. "Ah, Nuala. No you have not heard."
    He looks to the side, brow furrowed, then he looks back. "Prince Loki was there to negotiate many matters, though I was not aware entirely. He took something I spoke of in an off-handed manner and broached an alliance with the Shi'Ar."
    He steps away then, crossing the distance to the tray of drinks, turning two glasses over and then filling them with some caramel liquor. "And, in truth, he did exceptionally well. We will have a strong alliance. But he is... e'er the trickster."
    He turns back and presents the glass to her, and once she accepts it or not he'll take a nice swig from his own glass. A soft 'ah' comes from him as he downs that little bit, then he says. "For he spoke on my behalf offering my hand to the Shi'Ar in marriage for a wedding contract. They chose a bride and in turn offered her, and so these last few weeks find me..."
    He frowns a little, eyes a little pained. "Find me engaged."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "That sounds very political," she says in response to the Sentinels during his discouse Nuala listens, looking encouraged when an alliance with the Shi'ar is mentioned, a significant force in the galaxy. She follows casually to the drinks as they are being poured, starting to take a sip after he takes his.

    The word 'engaged' enters her ears, the reflexive response is apparently for alcohol to enter her lungs as she gasps. She doesn't spray the liquid everywhere. Instead, she hacks, coughing desperately as she tries to clear the drink. She bends over a second, bracing one hand on her knee as she finishes coughing, and looks back up.

    Reservation returns. "Engaged?" she echoes. She seems to fight hard not to look disappointed, but it appears she's figured out how to reduce the glow of the blue ring on her hand. "I see." She doesn't say much for several seconds. "Well, I..." she looks like she is trying to say several things at once, but doesn't choose any of the options that first surface. Eventually, she manages to calmly respond, "I hope she makes you happy."

Thor has posed:
    She has known him long enough, known his mannerisms and the pacing of his words, as well as the shifts of his features that lead to the inner thoughts that bring on this mood or that. And it's that familiarity that she can read the hesitance there, the mildly pained expression as his lips thin and his eyes narrow. He takes a breath and looks to the side, then back to her.
    He does not care to lie, and so the hesitance is there. But when he speaks he does not dissemble at the least. "My parents were not a match made from the heart. They grew to love. But it is... a good alliance. It will help my people."
    He has already gone down the paths mentally that she has, the reasons on one side or another. It makes sense that Thor in the position he's in with New Asgard... to reach for security or his people. "And you are, of course, invited." Then he smiles, as if that makes everything better.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods. "Of course," she agrees quickly, forcing a smile that is surely not her own. "Your people must come first, you are their king." History of her logically working through a problem aloud might tell Thor that she is trying hard to convince herself with the statement. "It will surely be good." She takes a slightly bigger swig of the glass, then puts it down, and fiddles with her new ring on the opposite hand.

    "I would not miss it for all the stars in the sky," she says, though that might not be a fully honest statement. She smiles as well, as if it makes everything better.

    She doesn't cry, at least not in this room. She smiles again after a couple of seconds of silence, and nods, though the nod seems to have no subject. "I need to go tell the rest of the Avengers, update them on...things," she says, tilting her head as if an inspecific task was specific indeed. "I will see you soon." She pivots on her heels in a military fashion, and with a rigid and brisk pace, leaves the room through the same door she came in.