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An X Foe comes to justice
Date of Scene: 10 May 2019
Location: Toy Factory - Gotham
Synopsis: Red Hood, Rogue, and Shadowcat track down the Xavier's students kidnapped by Norya. Kally gets wind of the situation and assists in freeing them.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Red Hood, Rogue, Shadowcat, Omnis

Emma Frost has posed:
    It's a dark friday night in Gotham, the warehouse district has been closed up for the most part. There are a few companies that have late shifts, but they're long ways away from the focal point of the tonight's horrifics.

    The skies are blotted grey and orange, a nasty color from the light polution of Gotham, hanging high over head and yet the former factory owned by one Nygma has been taken over by a woman who has claimed three young teenagers and is planning to use them to nefarious ends. "Sucks that your teachers couldn't save you while you were still at school, now there wont be a chance for them to stop me from gobbling you all up!" The woman cackles after her almost chipper threat to the boy's lives. "But it will be okay, you're going to help me do some great things for this world." Norya says before she taps on the sphere she holds her captives in where close to one of the children's noses. She is holed up in a shifty looking room with etched and burned in runes in some ancient sumerian script. She rolls her eyes up into the back of her head as she begins her spell. The room begins to shake but deep within the factory there is no sign of the evils that dwell within.

    Other than the abandoned caution tape across the fence against the exterior of the building.

Red Hood has posed:
"Welcome to Gotham. Don't drink the water. Or look anyone in the eye." Red Hood's smirk is more than clear beneath the helmet that he wears. While the X-Men may have their gear and powers and stuff, Jason Todd's power is having the best looking ass in a pair of jeans this side of Dick Grayson. And guns. Lots of guns. Standing on the rooftop of a building near Mad Grey Dawn Games, the warehouse where the woman and kids are inside, he's already setting up a position. You know. Just in case he gets to shoot someone.

He went ahead of the others, radioing to Kitty. <<Hey. You Blackbird or Shadowcat? Or you know, guess it depends on what undies you're wearing. Anyway, got eyes on the prize. Call in the cavalry.>>

Rogue has posed:
Once word had gotten to Rogue that they'd found the location of their missing students, or a hopeful location of them, she'd gathered up as many people as she could (Just Kitty?) and set out toward Gotham. Rogue's tricked out black 'X' van rumbles down the streets at high speeds up to the point where they close in on their final destination and she then finds a good place to park the fancy all-black van. With a moment taken to stare out the front window, Rogue reaches up to adjust the dark green headband around her forehead and underneath her white and brown hair. She stares at the old board game factory and sighs dramatically. "No more games... its time for an ass kickin'..."

She looks over at Kitty then. "Did that sound cool? It sounded cool in my head." A grin is flashed, she doesn't really wait for an answer though as her door is popped open and she slides out into the night.

Once outside, her leather trench coat is adjusted over her lithe and fit form, a black and green bodysuit on beneath it, she grabs hold of the zipper and raises it up her chest to her throat to keep it nice and closed-up as she'd thrown it on in a bit of a rush.

"Where's your Man-meat?" She asks Kitty then, rounding the front of the Van, her eyes scanning the city around them.

Shadowcat has posed:
A grin is given to Rogue. "It totally sounded cool," Kitty confirms to the other X-man. She grins and then Shadowcat radios back to Red Hood. <<Shadowcat. Though, now they know about you I'm not sure there is a whole lot of reason not to let them know about Blackbird. They'll know I've got a connection to the rest of Gotham's heroes through you. But, I'll stick with what I wore,>> she tells him.

Shadowcat motions to the top of a building. "He's up there, with eyes on the building. Shall we go up and meet him?" she asks Rogue as she rides shotgun in the van of super awesomeness. Lockheed is with her, sitting on the dashboard like some kind of ornament. The pair hop once they are parked and Kitty motions upwards. "That one," Kitty says. She reaches out a hand to Lockheed and the little dragon grabs her and lifts her towards the building, while Kitty partially phases to make herself lighter.

Omnis has posed:
Normally Kally wouldn't be in the Gotham. It wasn't her usual beat but then again, what really was her usual beat? She isn't exactly a veteran at the art of being a heroine. However, some spirits were complaining to her about some kind of odd things going on in Gotham that were making it very hard to rest. When she got there, she tried to keep a low profile by sticking to the rooftops and searching around. The first night didn't really get things going but then the second night came along and one ghost in particular came racing up to her.

"Hey! Hey! You're that one, the one that can see us, right?" The ghost lets out an exasperated breath despite not needing to breath and looks Kally over, "Oh jeeze, I ain't felt out of breath in a very long time."

Kally looks at the ghost as he looks all flustered and then she gestures, "There a problem? I can help."

Luckily, she's in an alleyway so she isn't some crazy girl talking to herself in a costume for passers by but the ghost finally nods, "Oh right, right. The children! Some lady has got children in my factory!" The ghost describes the location and then continues, "It's a real sweet place and I was...HEY! WHere ya goin'? I wasn't done talkin!"

Of course, Kally was already rushing away, leaping from rooftop to rooftop before finally leaping directly up into the air and clearing a massive distance. She lands carefully, forcing her powers to catch her as she skids off a roof top Wile E. Coyote style and ends up standing in the air. She flails a little and then finally rights herself before letting out a breath and looking toward the place in question. She blinks as she spots a van nearby and some people getting out before looking confused as they are already gesturing in her direction. Of course, she has no idea she just skid past Jason and is now standing out in front of him.

She considers, "I wonder if those are the people...or civilians." She sighs, "This is just getting complicated. Then again, never knew things to be easy!" She nods as she glows a dark blue, the air around her a great deal colder than it shoudl be, easily 10 to 15 degrees colder.

Emma Frost has posed:
    The outside of the building is rather bleak and old. Uncared for signage and bits of crumbling brickwork around the rusty metal doorways. The old shipping side is barred up and literally welded shut as to prevent anyone from wandering in on their own. Deep inside the warehouse in the managorial offices, Norya laughs as she claps her hands together and the room continues to convulse and twitch from the corner as the whole of reality seems to wretch at the magic forces being concentrated at the moment. Between Noyra and the heroes however is a single foe, unseen for a long time, and unknown, waiting for the moment someone breaches into the doorway. But the magis is beginning below.

Red Hood has posed:
<<I've seen the candy in that van. I wouldn't mind taking a taste. And some puppies too.>> Jason adds as he sees the van come around the corner. Then ... some girl arrives on the rooftop. "Great. First the speedster twit. Now this. Go away. Metropolis is..." he gestures in a vague direction. "...that way." he grumbles, as he sighs, pressing the radio. <<Interloper.>> he mutters into it, as he turns his attention back to the building.

"Or you know, go ask the nice people in the van for an autograph." With that, Jason takes out what looks like a grenade launcher. Lifting it up, he aims it towards the building. "Pull." he announces, and with a whompf, a grenade sails through the air, smashing through an upper story window. When it lands, it hisses, and starts to release smoke. Might as well muddle it up.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes tot he skies not long after Kitty and Lockheed do, and as they arrive, Rogue lands just a handful of feet away from where Jason has his launcher toy out. "I'm the candy in the van." She announces to the Red Hooded man. "Best damn sugah around." And then he fires that gun off and she just turns her head over to look, and see what he'd just done...

The southern belle's right hand goes up to rest on her hip and she just watches the grenade smash through the window, then the resulting smoke or gas start to plume out of the interior of the building. This makes her crack a grin and look back to the three she's with (And Lockheed!). "Guess we're goin' with the direct approach t'nite?" She quips before lifting up off of the ground again to hover about five feet up into the air.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat is landed on the roof by her dragon. Lockheed goes to circle about Red Hood once, but then he's spotting the woman standing in the air and flies over towards her to investigate.

Shadowcat gives a grin that shows with her mask that just covers her eyes. "Any sweeter we'd need a dentist," she says. Shadowcat glances over towards the unfamiliar woman in mid-air. "Probably not the best place to be," she advises. Red Hood's not seeming concerned about her has Shadowcat only paying her some attention, knowing Lockheed is keeping an eye over there.

Shadowcat goes to rest a foot on the edge of the building, arms on her knee as she leans out to look down. "Direct approach works for me," she agrees. "This lady was extremely strong last time. Stopped Rogue's punch like she'd hit a wall," Shadowcat warns Red Hood so he can adjust his tactics as needed. "Ready?" she asks. If Rogue and Red Hood show they are about to head down, she will do so as well, planning to phase through one of the walls rather than use a doorway, taking Lockheed in with her.

Omnis has posed:
A blink and she watches the grenade fly before seeing the smoke and letting out a breath. Kally nods her head, "Wow, really glad that wasn't a real grenade. That was pretty close to where the four people in there are. Also, there's something else in there but I really...don't knwo if it is alive, dead, or otherwise." SHe blinks, "Or where it really is..."

She then looks over, "Now, anyway, no need to be rude. I'm Omnes and...is that a dragon?!" SHe gasps and smiles at it before biting her lip and floating up a little and to the side, "Wow, a real dragon. THat is jsut awe..." She then stops and sucks in a breath before righting herself and putting her hands on her hips, "I mean to say, you needn't worry. I can handle this. If you can provide assistance I don't mind but I understand there to be someone causing trouble in there with kids." SHe nods, "And as such, I am here to help." She then turns her gaze down to the building and looks down, "Though I assume you three know a great deal about this, so I'll follow your lead." SHe turns her eyes a little to look at the dragon again and grins a little wider.

Indeed, if anyone is within fifteen feet of her, they can feel the air cooling, almost as if the very energy were being sucked out of the air.

Emma Frost has posed:
    The grenade crashes through a window into the former break room. One of the larger areas of the warehouse that isn't the actual work-floor, that area is enormous and looks like a creepy kind of amusement park that could chop your leg off or give you the greatest slide of all time.

    The smoke begins to fill the area, but Norya and her captives should be fairly safe in the secluded office. "Oh, your friends are trying to save you." The Mediterranean woman says with a devilish grin as her eye whites change to a shade of green, matching the sphere the boys are in and the glow of the runes on the walls and floor and ceiling. "Better hope they're quick." She cackles.

Rogue has posed:
With the smoke billowing out of the building now, Rogue looks over to the chatterbox girl admiring Lockheed. "Give'im Cheetos and he'll love ya for life." She quips before she nods once to Jason. "We'll penetrate the building and pop in t'see whats up." She glances back to Kitty then. "I'm gonna play the role'a the distraction. I want this bitch t'think that I'm the only one here. If you can get in behind me, find the kids and get'em out? Well... that'd be ideal. Get'em back t'the van if ya can. There's a box of ho-hos and some mountain dew in the back, that should keep'em happy for a bit."

Rogue looks back to the building then and exhales. She doesn't konw if this woman is going to be as strong as she was last time, but she guesses its time to find out. Kally does get another glance though. "If you think you can help, with... whatever it is that the God's have granted ya power wise, please do-so. Not gonna say no t'more help."

And with that, Rogue doesn't play around. She lines up and starts to fly full speed toward the wall that that grenade's smoke is on the other side of, intending to smash right on through it.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde bites her lip as she looks over at the other building. "They are our kids," she says, for Kally's benefit obviously. Though whether she means they are hers and Red Hoods, and whether Rogue is her life-partner is for anyone to guess. Or maybe there is some other meaning there.

Shadowcat looks over to Red Hood and nods to him. "Alright, I'm on comms if anyone else comes," she says. She looks back over to Kally as Rogue makes the offer. "The woman responsible is capable of a forcefield around them we couldn't get through when they were abducted. If that's still going and you can help with it? We'd take the help," she agrees.

Red Hood might not like it. Batman might not like it, other heroes showing up in Gotham. But the kids are what matter. With that, Shadowcat grabs Lockheed so he can swoop her on down. They land by the loading dock that is welded shut, Shadowcat phasing the pair and passing through the door into the smoky interior.

Omnis has posed:
Floating back over the building, she lands with a soft thud though seems to focus carefully on that action. She listens to the others before looking to Rogue and then Kitty, "I know precisely where htey are at." She states, "I can see them." SHe nods her head and then listens to the further talking and doesn't really question relationships, she just nods to Rogue and watches her fly. She then looks to Kitty and hmms, "If you follow where I go then you can find the kids." SHe nods her head.

With that, Kally just turns her attention to the building, squats down to grab the side, flips over the side and hangs on to the lip of the building as she flips. She plants both feet on the side of the building and then launches herself right at the building, flying at it with alacrity, aiming to hit a wall and go straight through similar to Rogue and then head straight for where she sees the auras.

Emma Frost has posed:
    The walls crumble into dusty almost with ease as Rogue and Kally blast through them, with Rogue ending up in the main work floor and with a woman wearing a flowing dark that lifts her hand towards Rogue in a motion to summon the southerner. The light doesn't fall fully on her face, but the onyx hair catches the light perfectly for a moment in wavy weak curls.

    Norya was focusing on her spell when a woman crashes through the wall and bashes into Norya her body being shoved into the floor and bouncing once off the floor then smaking into the wall. Her arm is cut and yet instead of blood, a light pulses weakly from under her flesh. A greenish kind of glow. "Hey! What the f--k!!!" She says, slowly getting back to her feet.
    The woman motioning towards Rogue however is easily seen by Kitty, but remains unaware of the sneaking phasing woman behind her, though the round on her back hints at an odd shoulder, but likely some kind of weapon hidden under the heavy cape.

Rogue has posed:
Once she's through the wall, Rogue lands, covered in dust and debris she walks it off, letting bits and pieces of it all just fall off of her while she makes eye contact with this figure motioning toward her.

Rogue doesn't immediately engage her, instead she just walks in a perimeter motion that lets her take in some of the sights and sounds of this place. "Ya know." Rogue finally says. "Looked this place up on Youtube? Mosta these abandoned factories and such are a bit draw for people lookin' t'upload urban exploration videos. Seen one on this place. They said it was probably gonna get bulldozed in a year or so from when they uploaded it, which... was about a year ago, ironically."

Rogue reaches up then to adjust the headband around her forehead. She exhales and turns toward the woman, glancing over to this Kally individual as she enters the complex in a similar fashion. "Guess we're the bull dozers..."

Its then that Rogue starts to move to engage the woman in the flowing dark <Emma forgot to say what was flowing and dark in her pose>. "Release the kids and this'll go a lot easier for ya!" She gives one last warning.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat sneaks towards the cloaked figure, while Lockheed flies up above, staying out of sight for the moment to not spoil Shadowcat's surprise attack. The X-man suddenly reaches forward, hand passing through the cloak and grasping the bulging shape beneath. Those hands are pulled back then, phasing a golden buckler shield through the cape.

Shadowcat is already delivering a hard kick to the person's back. Only the person barely even moves. Instead Shadowcat is knocked back by the force of the kick, and gives a soft howl of pain as her foot seems to have taken the far worst of the engage.

Shadowcat hops on the other foot while she shakes the one she kicked with. Only about now does she look down at the shield, an eyebrow raising as she sees what it is that she took off the hooded figure. "No...." she says, looking from it to the person.

Omnis has posed:
For her part, Kally can't really keep track of the situation that Rogue and Kitty are in. She instead has a villain before her and victims beside her, one on the ground and the other in a green force field. She stares for a moment before smiling and standing tall, "Fear not." She looks to the kids, "I am here." She then looks back at the villain, Norya.

"I am Omnes and I am here to stop you. Surrender, we all want to get this over with quickly." She nods her head and puts her hands on her hips.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Standing up and putting her hand over the injury, Norya lifts her cut arm and nods. "Fair enough. I surrender." The sphere around the kids suddenly vanishes though it seems like they hadn't eaten in days. All of them starting to get to the phases of emaciation. "H-help..." The kids cry as they all hit the ground and crawl away from Norya, looking to Kally with a true pain in their eyes and fear in their hearts.

    While Rogue is being stared down by piercing brown eyes. A look is spared to Kitty but no regard is given to the shield. She doesn't need it. Without a word the woman speeds forward to lay a punch into Rogue's chest, trying to punch Rogue back through the wall she came in through.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is walking right toward that figure in the dark clothing as she sees her fly toward her. "Yeah, okay, lets dan---" The punch lands and it sends the southern belle flying backward at tremendous velocity, she smashes through one wall before colliding with the ground on the other side, and then sliding through ANOTHER wall before finally she comes to a rest in all the debris, she turns over, slowly... groaning.

"Son... of... a... goldfish crackah." Rogue says then, rising up onto her hands and knees, her dark brown leather trench coat falling around her form as she shakes her head, sending dust and debris in all directions as her brown and white hair gets tussled even more than it already was.

She starts to rise up, one foot, then the next. Using her hand to push her up further off of her knee. "Okay, so ya can hit... Noted." She quips while turning and this time flying AT the figure, with both of her fists at the person's face!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty straps the buckler to her arm, for want of somewhere better to put it, and is about to say something when the figure punches Rogue. "Wait, Wonder Woman!? We're here to rescue the kids, don't fight us!" she says. The X-man doesn't wait to hear the response though. She phases in case Wonder Woman, or whoever is under the robes, decides to throw one of those punches her way, and runs across the room towards the kids.

"It's ok, we're getting out of here," Shadowcat tells them as she gets to them. "Everyone, grab hold," she says, reaching out to take hold of them as well as hoping the grab her as she phases back to reality so they can touch her. Assuming everyone does, the quarter of Xavier's folks are phased so Kitty can take them out of the building through the nearest exterior wall.

Meanwhile Lockheed is flying air support over head, ready to shoot a stream of fire at Norya if she tries to stop their escape.

Omnis has posed:
Pointing at Norya, "Do not move, villain. I do not know what this is all about but you will face justice for this. Don't try anyth-" She is cut off as she hears the commotion and then watches through the window of the offices to see Rogue go flying through the walls. She is about ot move when she looks at the kids and then at Norya. She frowns a moment but then Kitty comes in and she smiles, "Thank you. Get them to safety, I'm gonna go help your friend." And then she is rushing out with incredible speed. The girl is fast. Maybe not as fast as some but she's quick enough to be out in a blink. She comes skidding to a stop and smiles as she looks at Rogue and Diana fighting.

"Good, you're ok. Tough." SHe nods her head and hten looks to the figure in the robes, "We have you surrounded. Give up!" She clenches her fists and her aura flares slightly as she waits for the reaction from both Rogue's attack and the attacked.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Rogue's punch catches Diana square in the abdomen and the woman goes soaring backwards through several pieces of old machinery with heavy crunching and wrenching metallic sounds. It's unpleasant but the woman disappears into a fog of dust and debris left in her wake. But Diana doesn't reappear. She is gone in the cloud.

    Norya however is on her feet, her fire colored hair resting on her back as she squints at Kitty and Kally. "You sure saved the day." The woman complains waiting to be arrested or whatever these heroes will do with her.

Rogue has posed:
When they get a nice back and forth, and Rogue gets to watch Wonder Woman go flying now into that machinery she grins, proud of herself. "You're not the real Wondie." She says then. "She never woulda fallen for that. Plus, she's taller." Rogue's never actually met Diana Prince though, so its just a guess that she's taller... that hero-worship kind of thing.

But its Norya's voice that draws Rogue's eyes onto her and she looks... then looks to Kitty, and then back to the redhead. "Who the hell are you?" Rogue asks of her then. "I mean, I'm not the cops. I'm not the Avengers. I'm definitely not the Justice League. I'm just a friend'a these kids ya stole... and I'd like it if ya didn't steal anymore, nor ever come near us again. Somethin' tells me you're too much of a shitty person t'comply with these wishes though, huh?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat is out of the building now with the kids. She's heading with them towards the four wheels of awesomeness that comprises Rogue's van. There is a soft *CHUNK* sound as a grapple hits the building above her head and Red Hood comes sliding down to join them. "It's fine, he's an ally," Shadowcat tells the kids. "We'll have you back to the school in no time. Go ahead and go with him to the van, ok," she tells them.

Shadowcat darts back away, giving Red Hood a quick situation report on Wonder Woman being inside, and needing to go back for Rogue and the other woman. She'll head back into the building, looking about for an aggressive Wonder Woman, but apparently not finding her. Instead focusing over on Rogue's questioning of the kidnapper.

Omnis has posed:
Standing there ready to fight, she blinks at the hit and hten blinks at what she saw. THen blinks at what she heard before staring, "That...was Wonder Woman?" She then considers and then shakes her head, "No, couldn't be." She clears her throat and then walks toward Norya while pulling out a phone. She hits a few buttons and looks back at Rogue, "I'll take care of her. SHe's going to face justice." She nods her head, "Kidnapping is not cool." She then points at Norya, "No moving till the cops get here, villain." She nods her head.