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Information Super Highway
Date of Scene: 06 June 2019
Synopsis: Negasonic visits the Titans to get to know the team. She meets Nightwings Abs and other team members. This is going to go great.
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Kian t'Kaeh, Nightwing, Stardust, Star Shimmer

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Somehow Negasonic didn't get permanently grounded for joining the Titans.

I mean to be fair she didn't exactly come clean about her new 'job' either back at the school.

On this fine Wednesday she makes her way down to Long Island in the afternoon, finds her way across the Ferry, sweet talks the AI who does have her on file as associate member and social media 'intern' and heads up to the lounge that Raven gave her a very brief tour of.

"Hellooo?" she calls out looking around now, a tablet tucked under her arm. Phone out in one hand as she types one handed. "Stardust.. anyone?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian was just looking out the window over the bay, lost in his own thoughts; he preferred being outside, unless the humidity was up and then conditioned air had a definite appeal.  He was mentally miles away when an unexpected voice got his attention.
    He whips around, startled... then bows in recognition and greeting.  "Nnh.  Nega, is that correct?  I want to apologize for my behavior in the room of holograms.  Even for the best reasons, it was not a dignified display.  I could have probably behaved a little less... intensely."  He bows again, and approaches slowly.

Nightwing has posed:

    The sound is the sound of a toaster oven releasing its contents: A pair of flakey, buttery smelling toaster strudels, which seems to summon forth a somewhat elusive figure around these parts. Nightwing. He comes busting out of Robin's room (his old room, and now his absent little brother's), hopping on one foot, while his other is raised so he can pull up a black leather boot with an electric blue top. His costume is only half on, left unzipped and with the top half of it hanging around his hips like some strangely waving coat tails.

    "I'm coming, I'm coming!" he mutters, as if the toaster might even hear him. But, the boot is secured and the acrobatic vigilante and Titan alumni practically dances into the kitchen area of the lounge, grabbing a plate out of a cupboard and plucking his treats out of the toaster with two fingers, sending them flipping up to catch them behind his back on his plate.

    But that's when he notices that he's not alone. Still holding the plate of pastry goodness behind his back, Grayson turns blue-green eyes first to Kian, and then to the newcomer.

    Putting on his best smile, Dick straightens his shoulders and looks between the pair before saying, "....Oh! Hai, Mark!"

Stardust has posed:
    Meanwhile, somewhere in the city, not too far away, Stardust is in the middle of delicate negotiations. A bank robbery has gone wrong, and the bank robbers have got into a shoot out with the security guards and cops. Stardust has arrived, and is negotiating. Her method of negotiation goes roughly like this:

    Stardust: Hey in there! Bad news guys. I'm bullet proof. I'm about to walk in there. Shooting me will not help, but feel free if you want to make sure. I'm going to walk slowly. When I get there, I'm going to severely beat anyone who isn't lying face down on the floor without a gun in their hands.

    :Bank Robbers: Wait, what do you mean severely beat?

    Stardust: You'll find out in about 20 seconds. It'll probably be quite messy. Bits of you will break. Some of them may break permanently.

    Bank Robbers: Hey! Aren't you guys supposed to be above brutality?

    Stardust: Are we? Oh, possible. Maybe I forgot. I'll check the manual when I get home tonight. For now, probably best you cooperate.10 seconds...

    This is Stardust's style. There are those who argue that it's not very... heroic. It does work quite often though. This is one such situation. By the time she has entered the bank, the robbers are all face down, not shooting. The gang leader would have liked to continue negotaiting, but Stardust's T-Com goes off, signalling the arrival of Negasonic at the tower, and she's now more interested with that. Holding a finger up to silence the robbers, she plays with her communicator while police flood in around her and pick up the pieces. Another good deed performed, she launches herself up into the sky, ignoring requests for statements and general annoying police paperwork-y things, and flies tower-wards.

    "Nega!" Stardust calls out as she arrives, through the window. "I heard Raven..." She stops suddenly, her attention drawn to Nightwing. She tilts her head to the side, walks over to him, circles him three times, and smirks. "Nightwing. Haven't seen you in... about a year. What's up? Looking for your little 'brother'? As far as I know he's still on his voyage of self discovery."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ah people.

This is much better than her last visit where it was Red Robin who squinted at her a lot and Raven who just gave her zero expression and attitude and one of the funniest short tours ever. Here is the lounge. It is self explanatory.

Kian gets a nod from Ellie and she offers when he whips around and bows "Sorry didn't mean to startle you. Nega works or well Negasonic. You seemed pretty normal really.... a lot of my friends have really strong feelings on topics and well I get where you are coming from maybe. Not my thing pacifism but you are true to you." she slips a phone away and offers a hand out to shake Kian's.

Which is the point that Nightwing comes hopping through to get his toaster struddle. Topless.

The hand shake she offered not knowing Kian might not want it is forgotten and she just stares at Nightwing. Her head very slowly tilts to the side eyes drifing to his abs and then back up to his masked face. Next she looks over to Kian "I thought your name was like.. Kian or something?" confused.

Then her attention drifts back to studying Nightwing. "Man.. I like girls way more than guys but this is damn distracting.. " pause "Oh hey Stardust!" and well she can keep an eye on both the latest arrival and on the topless vigilante.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Its been a long day and it definitely shows on the Star Sapphire Titan, Autumn. She has been gone much of the day, only having returned about an hour ago. When she did, she went straight to her room, no talking to anyone, no anything. Finally she comes out. She is dressed in a satin nighty (Violet colored of course!)and she'd wearing fluffy bunny slippers because they are fluffy, they are bunnys and they are slippers! The other thing noticable though is the fact that she has one seriously bad looking black eye, Her other cheek is bruised to hell, oh and she has a split lower lip.

Quietly she walks through the lounge and makes her way to the kitchen. When she returns she has a big bowl of ice cream. "Star Shimmer if you eat all of that ice cream you will gain roughly two pounds."

Autumn pauses and looks down at her ring, "You say I will gain weight, I say I will burn it off the next time I train." She sighs and shakes her head. Quietly she moves to find a seat where she can be comfortable. Once she finds a place she just hops up, crosses her legs and begins nomming on the ice cream. "Oh umm. Hi everyone. I was just kinda working." She glances over at Nega Sonic, "Oh you're new. Nice to meet you. I'm Star Shimmer. Or Autumn, when I'm not flying around spreading love."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian wasn't expecting all this activity and people!  He looks around nervously, until it sinks in that he knows everyone here, except for the shirtless guy; Kian gives him essentially the same look that Ellie does, then turns his attention back to her.  "I should not shake your hand.  Contact telepathy.  I know humans don't care for having others inside their minds.  And yes, Kian."
    He bows in turn to Star Shimmer, and to Stardust, and last to Nightwing.  "I think we have not met yet?  /Kian takh/... nnh. I am Kian."  He doesn't ask who or what a 'mark' is.

Nightwing has posed:
    When Colette makes her grand appearance, Nightwing sets his plate down on the counter. He remains still as she circles him, not once, not twice, but three times, like a pupper getting ready to lay down. His face, handsome and boyish, despite the dark shading of just-past-stubble that lines his squared jaw, lights up with a lopsided grin, and it's clear that under the blue tinted domino mask over his eyes that one eyebrow lifts.

    "Stardust... It has been awhile, yeah," He says, before shifting to lean against the counter. His shoulders rise and fall with a rolling shrug, which, for Ellie there, does put on a small display of sinuous muscle rippling underneath sunkissed flesh, marred with a few nasty bruises in shades of red, purple, blue, and that sickening greenish yellow hue. Speaking still to Colette, Dick continues, "I'm not looking for Damian. I know what's going on with him. I figure that, while he's away, I would make myself maybe a little more... ah... available to you guys. Pick up the slack left in his absence."

    Autumn comes walking through about that time, and Grayson pauses in his speaking as she walks past, just letting his gaze follow her. He just watches as she gets her ice cream, and then crosses back in front of him on the way to wherever she ends up perching.

    Being greeted, though, Grayson turns his attention over to Kian. Again, he adopts a puckish, but surprisingly inviting and warm grin, and gives an upwards lilt of his chin. "Hey, Kian. I'm Nightwing. I'm an old friend of the team."

    Understatement of the year.

    "So who's the hot new Goth Queen, Stardust? And is Raven aware that someone might horn in on her thing?" He asks, cocking his head in Negasonic's direction.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust gives Nightwing a rather business-like nod. "Appreciated. Good to have you back on board." The unspoken implication is that means less work for her. Nightwing will be more familiar with Stardust from Damian's reports of Titans affairs than personally, they've only met a couple of times before. That will be enough to let him know that Stardust tends to take a leadership role when there's a vacuum, though she hates doing so. That may be part of the reason why Damian speaks rather more approvingly of her than of most of the Titans, but then that's not necessarily a recommendation.

    "The worst of it, Kian my birdy buddy?" Stardust turns to the avian alien with a broad grin. "Not only does he have the word 'wing' in his name, he's yet another Robin. Or rather was. Nightwing was the first of them. Don't worry though, not everyone on this planet is a Robin. There's only one more you haven't met yet."

    "So, Nega! You here to get busy?" Stardust greets the new Social Media Intern with a broad grin, and starts chattering away to her as she raids the fridge. "Sorry I wasn't around when you dropped in before, but you know how it is. Uh. Anyway, you've got the com, right? And I can see your access is set up properly, or you wouldn't be here. I'm still not quite sure how this is all supposed to work out, 'cos Robin is away for a while, but I figured we could extend running expenses to an intern. Only thing is, the whole payment in villains to blow up? Looks like we can't actually contractually do that, though we can invite you along when we're planning to blow up villains ourselves. Anyway, I've got you an account set up on the system, you can post from it. For the moment you'll only have posting access when someone has their T-com online and not in busy mode, so that we can hit an emergency delete or whatever if you post something that freaks them. Just until we get to see how well you check out. That'll be most of the time, though. Soda, anyone?"

    Stardust looks up from the frige, holding a few cans of soda. Her eyes fall on Autum. Her eyes drop to Autumn's feet. "Autumn. The slippers. Fuzzy bunny slippers are a sure sign of villainy. I have my eye on you."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic pulls her hand back, not like she seems afraid of Kian though. "Oh interesting. Most of the telepaths I know just sort of talk to your brains or rumage around in them." she sounds really dark right now for some reason.

Then she looks after bunny slippers and her attention bounces back to topless Nightwing.

Okay either this place is odder and more distracting than the Mansion. Which is really saying something. That or she is just jaded about the whole Mansion thing compared to the difference of this new crowd.

Wait did abs there just call her a hot goth queen.

This will be trippy.

"So yeah. Nice to meet everyone. Nightwing. Star Shimmer. Kian. Stardust. We may actually have too many stars with Starfire also." she is probably kidding.

"Also like Stardust said.. Nega or Negasonic. I'm the new social media 'intern'" and yes she puts bunny ears on it and looks bemused. "I'm here to handle social media since Stardust is looking to offload it and also blow up villains... for which I am sad I can't have that in my paperwork but I suppose going along on blowing them up missions will appease my sadness." there is a smirk.

"Also yes Raven is aware I exist, her style.. mm big mood."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn looks up at Stardust and shrugs, "If you want a pair I am sure I could get you some. I mean they are super comfy!" She gives a playful wink and just shakes her head, "You're worried about my slippers. I feel like I got into a fight with a double decker bus."

"She looks like she did as well." Autumn's ring broadcasts for all to hear.

"Thats enough of from you. I can put you in the room if you want!" She glances over to the shirtless senior titan, "Hiya Nightwing. Good to see you." Then her attention goes to Kian, "Hey Kian. Good to see you too. Nice to talk to you inside for a change." She gives a warm smile and gets comfy again.

Then its back to Nega. "Negasonic? Interesting name. And Social Media intern? Sounds like fun honestly. You won't have to worry about me blowing stuff up. Though honestly I'm pretty sure Stardust would tell you that I need to be watched like a hawk due to the risky galactic tier weapon on my finger." She looks over at Colette and smiles, her face showing a fair amount of pain, "How are you tonight?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian looks at Colette.  Looks at Nightwing.  Looks back at Colette.  "Your planet is *weird*.  You use code names instead of your own names, and *those* have nothing to do with... nnh.  This is some Earth thing I'll never understand," he finishes, looking upward for divine assistance.
    He takes a calming breath, and nods once at Ellie, not at all offended by the retracted hand.  "If you were also a telepath, it would be different of course," he says as if it were obvious.

Nightwing has posed:
    While many of the faces of the team are mostly new, and largely unfamiliar, Nightwing has always found it best to treat allies and teammates as if they're old friends, regardless. It helps enforce the bonds of trust, and generally just makes things more pleasant. So, even though he might not be all that personally familiar with Stardust, he reaches out to take one of the cans of soda from her wordlessly, which he cracks open with a hiss, before settling it down next to his cooling strudels.

    "Yeah. I'm the OG Robin," He confesses, when Colette introduces him as such. The commentary about the number of them makes his grin return in full, dimpling his left cheek where his lips arc up high. "The Bat has a long standing tradition for taking in strays. It's... well, it's almost like an internship. Do well, and you get to live this glamorous lifestyle that you see before you."

    He gestures to his topless form, and the speckled, ruddy bruises that dot his proud chest and washboard stomach. Those bruises really accentuate the fine latticework of pallid, glossy flesh that indicates scars. Nightwing has put on a lot of miles for his young years.

    "So. Hello, Negasonic," Dick says, turning his attention back to her, his head lilting to one side as it's clear he's studying her closely behind the glossy white lenses of his mask. The comment about Raven's style draws out a single, solitary chortle from him, and he gives a nod and shrug combo. "Yeah, you're not kidding. Rae's pretty much the pinnacle of the whole aesthetic. Though, I think I got her beat on the amount of black leather in our wardrobes."

    He might or might not be kidding, but judging from the outfit he's half wearing atm, he might not be.

    "Oh, and that OG Robin thing? Don't let that get into the social media stuff. Nightwing is a separate entity from Robin altogether. Robin should always only be Robin and no one else. Like Peter Pan or something."

    Seeing Autumn's apparent pain, Grayson picks up his plate and soda, and moves across the floor to where she's taken up residence with her ice cream. As he settles in beside her, he sets his food and drink aside carefully so it doesn't spill, before he bends forward to open up a compartment in the blue plated armor around the top of his boot. He pulls out a small plastic baggie with two tablets in it, which he then holds out for her.

    "Muscle relaxer and pain relief. Low dosage, and non-opioid, so it won't make you fuzzy. The problem is that it only takes the edge off. You still feel it. It's just... tolerable."

    Offering the baggie to Autumn, Dick carefully places his other hand on her back to give a brief, circular rub of reassurance. "I dig the slippers, by the way."

Stardust has posed:
    Poor Negasonic, imagine thinking that the tower is odder and more distracting then the mansion when she hasn't even met Brick and Vorpal yet. At least half the Titan's regular quota of oddity is out of town at the moment. "You're right about too many stars," Stardust agrees with Ellie. "It's annoying. Totally jealous of your name. In my defense, I didn't come up with the codename. I inherited. Also in my defense, it's not actually 'Stardust', that's just the best English translation. It was originally uh... T'al mejuhk... I may have pronounced that wrongly. Okay, I am informed that I did pronounce it wrongly, but also also in my defense, I don't have two tongues, and you need two tongues to speak that particular language correctly. Feel free to call me Colette." Stardust... or Colette... is unusually quick to give up a real name, it seems.

    "That ring has a smart mouth. Maybe it should have been a more proactive ring when it comes to protecting it's host, hmm?" Stardust will snark even at a ring. "We have a medical bay Autumn. I'm uh... not that up on how it all works. Amarok's probably the closest we have to an expert. But it has um..." she waves her hand around in a vague dismissive 'you-know-what' gesture. "Automated stuff. If you need it. Constructs are incredibly flexible, but not always ideal for self-defense. It's not just about the mental flexibility, a lot is more instinctive. About knowing where to look in advance. If you like I could put together a training program for you for the danger room that will help you with that stuff, but honestly if you're smart you'll persuade Captain Abs here..." she gestures towards Nightwing with a jerk of the head "... to give you some combat awareness training. He may not be used to risky galactic tier weaponry, but you won't find many better at situational awareness." It might be starting to get a little annoying to Autumn how Stardust talks about lanterns. Even most people you meet out in space don't pretend that kind of familiarity, and the lanterns are still virtually unknown on Earth.

    Stardust flips the can to Nightwing and follows over to find herself a seat on the sofa, carrying a couple of spares and setting them down on the table in case anyone else wants one. "Dig a hole for them, you mean Nightwing? Good plan. Bury them deep, where nobody will accidently disinter them and unleash their evil upon the world one more time. Rae tends more towards softer fabrics than leather, to be honest. But then she doesn't really do the whole fighty thing. I wouldn't worry though, Rae doesn't really do the Queen Goth thing in a competitive way. It's just kind of who she is. Uh. I should probably have warned you a bit more about her, Nega. She's..." Stardust stops mid sentence, leaning back in thought. "Complicated. However don't worry, you can tell she didn't disapprove of you too much. If she'd thought you were here to supplant her, you'd know. Because you'd currently be in an unnamable hell dimension, fleeing from things that have shark's mouths for eyes, and hands made out of knives or something. Try not to get her angry. I did that once, but it was just for a moment, so the earthquake was fairly minor."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Well that is why I swung by... wanted to get a good idea of what is good to go and not good to go on social media for each person. Thigns like Nightwing is seperate from Robin and Red Robin." she pauses "There may be two too many Robins as wel." probably still joking.

"I don't really have a cool costume I'm able to wear other than this when we go blow up villains... but I promise you I can blow them up very good. Equal opportunity from mugger to Sentinel no proablem."

"I am also getting a lot of real names mixing with codenames.. I'll probably need to make a dossier ... I want to be sure I use the actual names everyone wants to use which I figure it always codenames but some people are like Kian probably.. bird alien guys with no family here to protect..." she looks to Kian for confirmation.

"Also .. sure why the fuck now.. Negasonic works but Ellie also works in private sometimes maybe... if I am in a bad mood or look like I might explode you use Negasonic..." okay she looks prickly this whole time despite smirking and joking. This may be a trap.

"Also I am so glad you called him Captain Abs... that was what was going through my head.. or Nightbutt... Abwing... jesus."

"Raven seems great to me, we speak the same goth language. Also well I've read a lot of files on how to get out of hell or limbo... not totally unprepared.. also my wardrobe may have more spikes and leather than any of you all."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn looks at Dick and smiles, "Hey thanks. I can't take em though. The ring is healing me. I was far worse earlier. Sadly at times, Diplomacy calls for having to take a punch or a three... Or a dozen." She sighs. "My asignment was to help unify these gangs. You know Romeo and Juliet? Yeah something like that but without the whole kids killing themselves over misunderstandings. The good news? I was successful. The bad news? Before they would even extend the slightest bit of courtesy, they had to make sure I wasn't a cop or THE Star Sapphire from the Justice League. So they beat the crap out of me. Mission accomplished but yeesh. I should be patched up come tomorrow.

She turns her attention to Colette and meets snark with snark, "Its a ring, It doesn't have a mouth." She smirks. "Anyhoo I can bandage up but as the ring heals it also rejects external influences. Kinda why I can handle eating some of the most bizarre foods this side of the galaxy and survive. But yeah in some ways it can kinda suck." She smiles, "You'll fit right in Nega."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Turning to face Nightwing, Kian says brightly, "Oh!  I understand!  Being the Robin is a hereditary title, passed down from one to another, or something like that?  And you have since inherited a new title, is that right?"
    He nods once at Ellie.  "Almost, yes.  I chose my name at my coming of age.  I can't be anyone else.  I swore before the Gods."  He looks around, at Ellie who is Nega and Colette who is Stardust and Autumn who is Star Shimmer and Nightwing who was Robin and wingless either way, and for all Kian knows has another personal name besides.  "I keep trying to tell myself that you do things differently on this world, but it doesn't help."

Nightwing has posed:
    The comment about his abs has Nightwing looking down at himself. With the way he's seated, his abs are deeply creased and folded, looking almost more like rolls than anything. He adopts a none-too-amused smirk and flashes a look at Colette, but does nod in agreement. "I'm happy to train... well, anyone who thinks that they might need it. And you'd be surprised at just how familiar I am with galactic tier weaponry, truth be told."

    OG Robin has been around the block and then some.

    As Autumn declines his offer of drugs, Nightwing simply tosses them up and snatches them back into his palm. And then they seem to just disappear, as he waves his hand around open, with clearly nothing in it. "No worries. It's cool to say no to drugs, anyway."

    He points to Nega. "You can put that on social media."

    Clearly he's kidding.

    "Anyway, exploding bad guys is good, as long as they don't... die," He feels it necessary to point out that distinction. "But it's even better if you can do it in a cool costume. I could probably through together something for you, if you wanted. I was considering putting together something for a few friends of mine already, anyway."

    He nods his head to Kian, casting a rather bright smile at him. "Yeah. Exactly that. Robin is a legacy, but it's one that you grow out of, and eventually adopt your own identity. Just like you chose your name at your Bar Mitzvah."

    Unfortunately, Nightwing's trust does seem to stop just shy of giving out his personal name.

Stardust has posed:
    "I wouldn't bet on that, Nega." Stardust is wearing an impish smirk. She's also wearing a full body suit of shiny black leather with carbon fibre armor panels, absolutely covered in baroquely curving spikes of some glistening black material sprouting from her shoulders, running down her arms, running in rows down the side of her body, and in clusters at elbow and wings. You wouldn't want to stand next to her on a crowded bus.

    Stardust absolutely was NOT wearing that a moment ago. She was wearing a costume in two-toned white and pale gray, with a faint sparkle to it. Which with a sudden shimmer, she's wearing again. "Yeah, Raven's good. I'm mostly joking, only not about the whole don't get her angry thing. She likes to keep her distance from people but..." She seems uncharacteristically lost for words for a few moments. "She's a good person. Just likes her privacy. Stick with codenames, unless someone doesn't use one. If in doubt, look us up on Capenet or Heropedia and see how we're referred to. Except in Nightwing's case, where you can call him Captain Abs. Night Butt isn't bad either, but he might not make you a cool costume if you call him that. Oh, and you can call Amarok 'Moon Moon'. He'll try to kill me if you do, but I'm used to it."

    Nightwing's explanation to Kian gets a characteristically unhelpful expansion from Stardust. "I was there when Nightwing performed the ceremony of the passing-on-of-the-cape with Robin. It was very moving." It was even gift-wrapped, but Stardust isn't admitting to that when she can make it sound like some kind of religious rite. "The thing you need to understand about Robins is that they are disciples of the Batman. Who is a man, but isn't a bat. But does dress up a little like one. He also can't fly, but he does glide. Being creatures of the night, bats tend to get broody and dark. So the Batman realized he needed to be accompanied by a cheerful and brightly-colored bird-themed sidekick to stop him from getting too dark and broody, in case he accidentally caused the broodpocalypse. Believe it or not he picked our Robin to be the latest cheerful and brightly-colored bird, perhaps in the hope that the cheeriness of previous Robins would rub off on him." It's not that far off the truth, all things considered.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I am not putting an old don't do drugs PSA on the social media channels Nightwing."

Pause a beat.

"I am definitely interested in a good costume though that works for punk attitude and the name Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Armor would be fantastic since I'm only invulnerable before I go explosive... and during." she is definitely thinking she can't wear her New Mutant/X-Men uniform while kicking ass for the Titans. Can she. I mean it is very good looking on her with her leather jacket over it but... Also someone should probably really put the new associate Titan through an eval on her powers.

"Also I don't blow people up to death... I've been trained a lot to not do that .. admittedly it hard with my power set though hence all the training.... though thankfully I wasn't anyones brightly colored sidekick...."

There is a pause one finger is held up to the room and her phone is fished out of her pocket and she answers it. "Hello Who on Gods Earth doesn't just text." she listens "Long Island." then listens "God Damnit! Stay safe.. no way I can get there." a pause then she pulls her phone away from her ear and her fingers are flying as she stares at the smartphone. "Fuckin' hell." dark expression.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn is happily devouring her ice cream. It is true about what she said as her black eye starts fading away at this point. "Oh I see how it is. If I play around like that I get told I'm going to turn dark and start rampaging across the planet!" She sighs, "Jen and Barry, You are my best friends." She comments to her ice cream!

Its clear she's being playful and not showing any form of anger. "Hey Stardust, Listen, I understand why you are so hard on me and stuff. I just need you to believe that I am handling this all the best I can. I know if things start going bad that you all will help me. Thats what a team does!"

Then there is that phone call. Immediately Autumn can feel the change in the atmosphere. Setting her ice cream down, she stands up and with a flash of violet, her sleepware shifts into her Star Sapphire uniform. "Is everything alright? If you need to go I can get you there pretty fast." She offers with a gentle tone.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Nightwing's explanation was to the point.
    Colette... gets blinked at.  Repeatedly.  After a moment, all Kian says is, "I wonder sometimes if you embellish.  It--"
    He too is interrupted by... well, he can only assume it's a communication device, since Ellie's talking into it.  Not all the words make sense, but the tone is clear.  And he has no idea what he might offer to do to help... but he does go quiet and attentive.

Nightwing has posed:
    "I'm okay with Nightbutt," he says with a shrug of his shoulders as he looks down at the phone in his hand suddenly. Picking up his toaster strudel in the other hand, he takes a bite as his thumb sweeps to and fro across his screen, clearly typing something. "And we were brightly colored birds because we made good distractions for the bullets."

    IF Dick is being serious, that's some pretty dark stuff to think about. Batman sending an army of children in brightly colored uniforms to draw fire away from him?

    But Dick seems completely cool about this, as if it was the most uninteresting thing in the world. He might as well have said "We're eating spaghetti tonight".

    He lifts his toaster pastry in the direction of Negasonic, and says, "Punk Goth World of Darkness Chic. I can do that. Or I might just make you MY brightly colored sidekick. One or the other. We'll find out when I get inspired."

    He takes another bite of strudel, but then he drops it back on the plate, and points to them, "You all can have my soda, but these are mine for when I get back. I've gotta jet for now. It was good meeting you, Kian! And you, too, Sexy Draculina! Autumn. Colette. I'll see you kids later."

    Nightwing, as he speaks, is backing up towards the window, and shrugging on the upper portion of that skin tight, glossy black bodysuit, with the electric blue chevron across his chest, though he leaves it unzipped. He gives a salute, before he drops backwards, out of the window into a freefall and is gone from sight.

Stardust has posed:
    No sooner than Negasonic ends her call, Stardust is on her feet and moving. All her normal jokey flippancy is gone in a flash. "Damn. Neither of our teleporters is here. What's up, Nega? Personal, or trouble? We're here. Kian, on your toes. Uh. I mean be ready and attentive, we may need you to do some rescuing. Shimmer, can you be ready with a bubble construct for group transport please?" As she stands close to Autumn, she rests a hand on the lantern's shoulder. There are no words to address the concerns Autumn had just raised, but the gesture should speak volumes.

    "Shimmer can get you there fastest if you need quick transit. If you need backup, you have it. Location?" Stardust is all business. It's quite a transformation - she may generally seem more interested in snarking and joking about than actual superheroing, but right now she's the most senior Titan present, and seems determined to act it.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie shoves her phone into her pocket again and just looks cranky now. "No" she snaps then breaths "Sorry. Thank you Shimmer." very measured trying to not lose her temper. "Someone was just worried I was blowing up the mall in Salem Center ... a girl with explosive powers evidently is and New York is sending in Sentinels. I'm not allowed to go blow them up right now." so cross.

"I ... can't go home though tonight since I live up in that neck of the woods. Would it be okay if I crashed here tonight maybe?" an angry shrug.

"I think I am angrier that Kentucky thought I might be blowing up the mall for fucks sake... mmm no.. I am angrier at the Sentinels but damnit."

"I am pretty sure no one wants us there and it looks like there are already people on the ground looking at the news coverage."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer nods to Collette. Then Ellie explains the situation. "Oh hell."

Quietly she steps closer to Negasonic and takes a deep breath, "Hey, every person here has some serious stuff they have to control. Judging by what you've said, you've got some serious power under your belt. While I believe you could level a mall, I don't know what the sentinels are but if your friends are advising you to stay back it probably means that its really bad. I know what its like to have a lot of power and to have friends worrying that you will not be able to control it. Remember though, they don't think you are incapable of handling it. They are worried about you."

Autumn powers down and shifts back into her night clothes, "You are welcome to crash here at the tower. If there is anything I can do I will help. But for now, Lets rest. If things are still bad in the morning..." She looks at Collette, "We will see if we can get in there and help out."