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A bird and the wrong Bats.
Date of Scene: 07 June 2019
Location: Big Belly Burger -- Sunnydale
Synopsis: Tim Drake was just getting a burger when he unexpectedly runs into two "bats" but its not who you think and that raises a Question.
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Spike, Question, Dracula
Tinyplot: A bird and the wrong Bats.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has come out to Bloodhaven to talk to Dick, but his brother is busy. Tim had decided to grab something to eat, and Big Belly Burger is generally pretty good no matter what city it is in. He has a laptop bag with him, and walks in heading to the counter to make an order.

Spike has posed:
Spike, yes, that Spike, isn't far behind, in the Big Belly Burger eatery to get food. Shocker, really....but he wants food. He's 'borrowed' $20 from a drunk guy before he came here, he walked from his crypt to here....and ordered food before Tim got here. Burger, frie and a beer....of all things, as Spike chews on a fry as he swirls it in ketchup and chews it. He's just watching the crowd in here, they got his interest. Tim walking in gets Spike to look to him, then the laptop bag. Some things about Spike won't ever change. He's a criminal through and through.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake gets his food a burger, some onion rings, and a soda, to bad no garlicy food here. He will find himself a booth where he can see most if not al of the place. Habits that have been drilled into him come like second nature.

Spike has posed:
Spike looks over and shakes his head, and turns around feeling like he was being followed. Whirling around once on his feet, Spike looks to the vampire. Not the first one he's fought tonight, and he's willing to throw down if it comes to it....yet he looks to the vampire. "What's the matter?" Spike asks, a mocking tone to his words. "You're moving like a puppet on a string, what's the matter?" he asks then sits back down, gesturing to the chair opposite him....as Spike looks around again. He's distinctive in his leather duster coat, and boots, silk shirt and......his hair of course.

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz has been tailing Drake all day. He got wind that the 'boy' was leaving town when he had left his vehicle, entered the public transports, looped around Gotham, and then doubled back to his vehicle. Batman's training is very good. An active tail would have revealed itself that way... Fortunately he had paid a street pick-pocket to slip a tracker into his bag on the skytram... speaking of tails he notices Drake has possibly picked up one since entering Sunnydale. Or maybe two. It is hard to tell since he spotted them when Drake was heading into the burger joint.

Still it might be interesting. Gathering himself he makes to enter the chain restraunt himself. Once in he looks around. and goes to the counter to order some food.

Spike has posed:
finishes up his fries and starts on his burger, it's got all the trimmings, with garlic. Because Spike lovs garlic, roasted garlic. There's even garlic sauce dip that Spike's got....as he licks it off a finger. Spike though glances around yet again and has hands in his lap. Shaking his head, he looks to the counter, pretending to read the menu...though he's really scoping out the place...anything to steal?

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is sitting at his spot where he can watch people. spike does get a bit of attention as the guy seems to be casing the place. The new guy coming in gets looked over as well. He munches an onion ring, seeming to take his time with his food. He does keep a look out the windows as best he can see with it being dark out.

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz checks his phone while he waits for his order. After a moment he gets it after paying the cashier. Turning he looks around and picks a more central spot in the room but sits with his back to the window so that he can see the room.

Spike has posed:
With more fries on his table, Spike bites one and smothers it in garlic dip, then looks around again as he nods to everyone, he's too busy munching to talk. Once he's got his mouth clear, he does speak. "Alright, alright, who put gherkin in my bloody burger? Out. Get out. Out!" Spike says and makes a show of tossing pickles off the table, they land with a wet thud as he's swearing profusely in English slang at the pickles. Something something bloody picles sometthing waste of space something something bollocks the order something wanker at the counter. Spike's in full on rage modee...

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will sigh a moment, and put a napkin over his food, and makes sure he knows which way the drink is face. He stands and heads into the restroom for a moment. Once inside, he makes sure to put the little tracker he was set up with in his back up wallet, and takes time to wash his hands before walking back out looking over at the hood ad his pickles.

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz 's brow furroughs even more than usual at the sounds of someone being waaaay too upset at his food. Out of the corner of his eye he notices, Drake, returning to his table wondering if he found the tracker yet.

Spike has posed:
Spike is, indeed a little upsert about his burger. He gets up and goes to the counter to ask what's wrong, or in his own Spike way..... "What the hell's wrong with this burger. I said no green stuff, you hear me? I said no lettuce, no tomatoes, no onions, no sodding gherkin and oh, no bloody pickles. Is it that hard to make a burger right? Come on, All I want out of a burger is meat, some cheese, and garlic. Is i tthat hard to get it right?" Spike asks. "How do you bugger up an order like that? It's three ingreedients. Meat. Cheese. Garlic. You know what. This burger isn't good enough. I'd like" he says, doing the air quotes thing with one hand, the middle finger out to the cashier. "A replacement. Cooked properly" he says, sounding more like he's sulking and petulant at this point as he stalks back to the seat and slumps into it.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look over at the guy who is throwing the fit. He will wonder for a moment if he is going to get on the floor and kick his hands and feet. He will walk over near the happenings, and seems to be ignoring the person causing the scene as many does. as he does he gets some more ketchup. His wallet is sticking half out of his back pocket while he pumps the ketchup.

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz thinks to himself .oO(That poor woman. Its not her fault the cook didnt read the order right.) He sighs, he just had to pick Lenny today. Oh well stay in character... Lenny!

A meaty hamfist slaps down onto his table making it vibrate a little as the former boxer stands up glaring at the punk throwing the hissy fit. "Hey! Hooozer! Yeah, you! Go back up there and apologize to the lady!" he growls putting a little emphasis on the word 'apologise' with a nostril flare better suited to horses than humans.

Spike has posed:
as just sat down when a hand slaps his table. "What the hell do you want?" Spike asks, jumping to his feet. "Are you seriously telling me you want me to go say oh I'm sorry for being a spoiled little brat to that lady?" he asks....sarcasm and sneer in his voice as he makes a show of stalking to the counter, then looks to Lenny. "What's the matter, you used up all your brain power on that or something? I mean, you're all ,meat and no brains. What's the problem. you can't smack your way to what you want, is that it?" Spike sneers, then keeps one eye on Lenny before giving a mostly sincere apology to the cashier, before waiting on his new burger. He's subtly gesturing to Lenny and trying his hardest to bait him into throwing the first punch.

Dracula has posed:
Whether Spike noticed or not, someone was following him to the eatery. A pale, sickly looking man, perhaps mentally ill or drunk all but staggers into the place. Bloodshot eyes fix upon the man for a moment before the ragged urchin begins to walk, awkwardly at first, and then more stable after a few seconds, towards him. Once he realizes that there is a conflict brewing he squints his eyes a bit and sits down not too far away from Spike, eyes fixed on the potential fight, a twisted grin on his face.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises at the new person here, and Spike not taking the bait, but Lenny may have caused that. He will head back over to his booth to watch what is going on. He is ready to jump up if need be but for now, he is trying to keep a low profile till he knows who was tracking him.

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz just stands there like a mountain fuming at the white haired punk. He gives his a slow clenched smile as he sees the subtle curl of the guy's fingers egging him on. "Keep up the attitude, hooozer... just keep it up." He glances over at the cashier who is vehimently shaking her head at him trying to communicate that she doesn't want his help. Lenny however is a boulder already starting to roll down hill. It may take a bit more to stop him once he starts. "At least you said your sorry... to her... " he sneers,

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz just stands there like a mountain fuming at the white haired punk. He gives his a slow clenched smile as he sees the subtle curl of the guy's fingers egging him on. "Keep up the attitude, hooozer... just keep it up." He glances over at the cashier who is vehimently shaking her head at him trying to communicate that she doesn't want his help. Lenny however is a boulder already starting to roll down hill. It may take a bit more to stop him once he starts. "At least you said your sorry... to her... " he sneers, "Now you say you're sorry to me!"

Spike has posed:
catches movement out the corner of his eye and his mouth forms a twisted smile. "Oh, they let people like you in here?" he asks, though that could just as easily be aimed at Lenny, too. He's doing his hardest to bait the big guy into slipping and throwing a punch. Chip....or no chip, Spike will fight...and suffer the consequences. Still, Spike's got more ways to egg him on. "Is that wat your mummy taught you, to go around getting people to say sorry? What, do you want a cookie and a juice box or maybe a bottle of milk and a gold star?" Spike sneers, keeping up the finger motions..though he takes his right hand and subtly holds it so he's flipping Lenny off. Spike's angry, he's itching for a fight....and, since Lenny started this...

"Wanker" spike hisses under his breath at Lenny, "You're nothing but a poncy mummy's boy who has to go out and be a goody two shoes. Is your mummy so proud of that?" Spike hissses, using all the tricks he knows to bait Lenny. Insulting his mother.....that's one that gets most people ready to throw down. He's careful to keep his hissing to a whisper though.

Dracula has posed:
The urchin watches Spike, "Just shiv him and be done with it.." Oddly enough the vagabond has a Londoner accent, "Worthless speck. A fly in the honey. You know what to do with flies don't you?" The urchin's bloodshot eyes seem to shine a bit with anticipation.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake frowns and as this seems to be starting to get worse, he will stand back up, and says "Guys no need to fight, he said he was sorry to her, he did not throw the pickle on you so don't start a fight just cause your wanting to fight." He will walk over picking up the pickle to throw it away and says "The lady here does not want you to fight, she does not want to mop up either one of your teeth tonight. So, how about everybody just calm down, and I will buy you each a beer. Since they seem to serve it here in bloodhaven at the burger place.

Question has posed:
There is a sound like breaking concrete as Lenny's knuckles pop from the tight fist he is making. .oO(Remember, boxing only... Lenny is angry. Drake can't stop this one. He's in the wrong costume.) He ignores Tim as he raises his arm.

You can't telegraph an oncoming punch any more clearly than the haymaker that is now swinging towards Spike like an angry herd of cattle. Poor, Lenny, too slow in the ring to make much of a carreer out of it, but if he hits, he HITS. The only good thing about all of this is that Lenny... surprisingly... is a Lefty!

Of course he's never delt with this type before not this exact kind, so he did not pick up on any of the signs. Besides there is still a part to play, right to the end.

Spike has posed:
just oh so casually ducks the punch, laughing at Lenny. He retaliates with a one two punch toward Lenny's ribs and a kick toward his leg, too. Nobody ever said Spike played fair, ever. He doesn't play fair, indeed he's still baiting Lenny as well, too. More telegraphed punches are always good, too.

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz 's eyes widen, .oO(He's OOOF! Fast! OOOW! too fast! Damn a meta!) He bends over at the first two punches feeling his ribs do things ribs shouldn't do. He sees the leg kick coming but lets it happen and like a red-oak falling he collapses on one knee. His next punch though isn't telegraphed. Since he is down there he decides to take a boxer's mulligan and hit below the belt. Its a bit too fast for a boxing type but still possible, his right arm turns as he punches in a ki-punch meant to break boards. Still, for a vampire... its probably pretty damn slow. Just not telegraphed.

Dracula has posed:
Dracula merely watches the fight in silence. He doesn't anticipate a long fight for.. obvious reasons. But his assumptions about Spike appear to be spot on.

Spike has posed:
he punch hits, Spike grabs his head and screams in pain, screaming in pain. The end result is he falls on top of Lenny....Spike's screaming in pain and the punch below the belt caught him on the chest as he he fell. Spike's not a happy vampire, really. He's certainly not done with this fight.....blasted chip won't let him fight. And he wants it. He braves the pain for one last punch. This one....aimed right between Lenny's eyes, his other arm returning the boxer's mulligas, only with an open hand, grabbing, twisting and pulling. Even Spike's having second thoughts about that one, but he's in the rush of battle.

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz fortunately went out, vuluntarily, from that punch to the face. The remaining blows hit a body that is too limp to feel it as he continues on the way to the ground. In reality, the Question summons everything he was taught not to do more than grunt at the blows hitting him. He makes it to that nice dark place, the big empty at the center of his being where his pain lives and swallows the other pains whole. He uses pain to avoid feeling pain and just pretends that Lenny has had enough. Thank goodness the pseudoderm nose he had applied held up under the blow.

Lenny Lenny Lenny, a poor thug with an even poorer record for loosing fights now on the floor again. Its almost like coming home...

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake sighs a bit as the two fight, and at the man grabbing his head he seems even more confused. He will move to pull Lenny by the foot away from Spike, and says "Ok, enough, " his stance has changed a bit experienced fighters will see the young man is prepared if he gets jumped now. "You both got ya licks in, so that's enough." He will sigh a bit and moves to check Lenny for I D if Spike or the other guy does not jump one of the two.

Question has posed:
Lenny Lefkowitz 's wallet contains a ticket stub from the Gotham transit system, another from Suunydale's, his Canadian ID from BC, and a second one from Las Vegas NV. It has 3 wrinkly singles, two fives, and a twenty. Where a creditcard should be there is a condom so old looking the latext may actually be GI issue from WWII. Which would be ironic if it somehow were cause it would have seen more action than poor Lenny there.

Spike has posed:
s done fighting, laying there clutching his head as he is maoning on the ground as he crawls back to his seat and hauls himself up, chewing on his burger. No green stuff. Good. And the food's making him feel better, but....he's still in a lot of pain, and that's a lot more pain than he should be in. But he won't grovel on the floor, thankfully. He's got dignity left....and a yearning for garlic toast, too.

Dracula has posed:
The urchin sneers at Spike but does not appear to say anything to him. Those bloodshot eyes however are fixed upon Spike's own.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will call a cab, and once it gets there he will put Lenny in it, giving the cabby enough money to get the big guy to one of the local hotels, and enough tip to make sure the guy has a chance of actually doing it. He does drop the bug he had on him under the seat in the cab.