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There's a Storm Coming
Date of Scene: 07 June 2019
Location: Wanda's Room - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Johnny Storm stops by to greet the Avengers. He and Wanda discuss the charity race and other incidents.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Human Torch

Scarlet Witch has posed:
    This room has large, reinforced windows providing plenty of light and views of the landscape. A door leads out to a balcony which holds comfortable furniture upon which one can enjoy the view.

    The interior is a suite done with an open room design. A kitchen done in dark cabinets and tile is along the near wall to the right. Straight ahead, soft couches and chairs in a deep purple velvet are set around a fireplace with a large screen TV above the mantle. Walls hold bookshelves and artwork.

    The right hand corner serves as a bedroom, carpeted in white berber. A number of candles sit on windowsills, around a bed with a purple bedspread. A small classical guitar sits in a stand next to a music stand. There are often small amounts of clutter, clothing or items sitting out.

    The bathroom is the only room with its own door. An expanse of warm colored tile and chrome, with a large jacuzzi bathtub and a separate shower stall with dual shower heads.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
After a bit of team camaraderie in the game room, and a tasty ham sandwich made by her brother, Wanda retired back to her room. The room was an open space for the most part. She'd had the walls removed, all except for the bathroom. Something about it had a feeling of freedom to Wanda, one that she'd never really understood.

Arriving back in her room, she'd left the door ajar, an invitation to her teammates to come visit with her if they chose. She figured her brother would be by soon as they hadn't had much time to talk. When fifteen minutes passes without Pietro's arrival, Wanda figures he must have gone off somewhere else. After all, in fifteen minutes he can accomplish as many mundane tasks as his slower-moving sister accomplishes in an entire day.

Wanda picks up her guitar over near the stand holding some sheet music. She takes it over to the couch instead, leaving the sheet music behind. The guitar is tuned and strummed a few times to check the sound, before she starts playing. As the guitar rings out the notes to a Sheryl Crow song, Wanda starts singing, her voice is nice though she won't replace her superhero gig with singing.

  I belong, a long way from here
  I put on a poncho and played for mosquitoes
  And drank 'till I was thirsty again
  We went searching, through thrift store jungles

Human Torch has posed:
Someone has - well, invited themselves in. Granted, he was able to get in, in the first place, due to his particular status and renown as a public figure of some repute as heroes in the city go. And it's not the first time he's done this recently either.

"Hey!" Calls a loud, friendly, and curious voice. "Anyone around?"

Then he hears the singing, and the young man dressed in relaxed wear from his own merchandising line, a zip-up hoodie with matching pants and tennis shoes ends up peeking into the doorway. He does not interrupt the singing, instead leaning againt the doorwell.

As the most boisterous member of the Fantastic Four listens, he folds his arms over his chest, and just watches, listens, to the lovely Wanda play.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda had switched out of the slacks and blouse she'd worn to the UN-sponsored literacy drive earlier in the day. She just felt a little odd wearing something as awesome as a JVD blouse around the mansion. She's switched into a skirt and a purple shirt with too long of sleeves that she's bunched up around her wrists to be able to play.

Wanda missed hearing the call from down in the hallway, and for the moment doesn't seem aware she has anyone listening to her. She continues singing, her eyes often closing. She's not the greatest of singers, but the one thing she does manage is to put some emotion into the song. As if she as a connection to the lyrics.

  Found Geronimo's rifle, Marilyn's shampoo
  And Benny Goodman's cursive pen
  Well, okay, I made this up
  I promise you I'd never give up

  If it makes you happy
  It can't be that bad
  If it makes you happy
  Then why the hell are you so sad?

The guitar really rings out on the chorus and Wanda's voice picks up the volume a little bit, not having sung very loud through the opening lines. As she reaches the end of the chorus she opens her eyes and looks up and spots someone in her doorway. Wanda stops playing and looks over to him. "Johnny Storm. How long have you been there listening to me?" she asks in her softly accented English.

Human Torch has posed:
"Who? Me?" Johnny feigns Innocent Face. He does it rather well, though the coy tone ofhis voice certainlygives him away. "I just got here," he swears with earnest sincerity. "Can I help it if there's a very pretty lady singing a rather lovely song, and I happen to be around to listen?

He stands upright then, his arms unfurl to hold his hands out, palms facing Wanda in turn. "I just came to say hello," he swears, "And see what the Avengers were up to. You're pretty good, you know."

The last sentence, void of that coyness and the most earnest of all. No play, or kidding behind it. "Sorry if I intruded."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda rests the guitar down on the ground between her feet and lets out a gentle laugh at Johnny's innocent man act. "Now I know that you were listening," she says, wagging a finger his way but with a good-natured expression on her face. Wanda stands up and leans the guitar against the couch, waving for Johnny to come inside. "You haven't intruded. Please, come in."

She pads on bare feet over towards the open kitchen. "Would you like something to drink?" she asks him. She pulls open the fridge to look inside. "Water. Juice, grape or pomegranate. Sprite. Iced tea." She pauses and looks around the rest of the kitchen. "Wine. Or I can make some tea or coffee. Sorry I don't have a beer to offer, though I could order one up from the kitchen," she offers, looking back over from the selection towards Johnny to see if anything catches his fancy.

Human Torch has posed:
"Sprite works," Johnny agrees affiably enough, apparently not all that picky. He steps in now that he's invited to have a better look around - he might've been somewhat distracted upon his initial entrance. "You guys really live it up here."

There's a glance out at the balcony, "Wow. Nice view."

Then, his attention is back to Wanda and he smiles again. "This is just a friendly visit. Figured that it's about time that The Four get a bit more pal-y with everyone around here." Which probably means that none of the others know that Johnny's here. At least, not yet.

"Anything fun going on in your neck of the woods?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff gets the bottle of Sprite from the fridge, and also extracts a blackberry iced tea for herself. She closes the fridge and brings them over, passing the Sprite to Johnny. "Oh sure. You're here to try to suss out if we're doing anything special in this charity race," she says, playfully waggling a finger at Johnny as if she thinks she caught him red-handed. "I know nothing about it, so your... your spycraft skullduggery will be wasted upon me, Mr. Storm. Wasted I say," she says, grinning to him by the end of the words delivered in her gentle-sounding accent.

Wanda waves for Johnny to follow her over to the couch where she takes a seat, turning on her side and drawing her legs up beside her. "Concerned about the Sentinel situation, mostly," she tells him. "Though there are always things happening. I do think having the teams know each other better is a very good idea," she agrees, leaning her head upon her arm where she has it folded on the back of the couch.

Human Torch has posed:
"If you know nothing about it," counters Johnny intuitively, "Then how do you know about it?" His grin is wide as he takes, and uncaps the Sprite, not yet taking a drink from it. "As if I'd try and finagle information out of you with flattery, Wanda. I'm wounded." His hand touches his heart. "Johnny Storm is honorable," he insists with a measure of wounded pride in his voice. But he sighs, "Fine, fine, I won't grill you about the race, then."

But, as the talk of the Sentinel situation turns more serious, he nods, grimacing. "Yeah," he agrees more seriously. "I know you have a pretty decent roster, but if you need help, don't hesitate to send word our way. We're happy to help where we can. I mean that."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda lets out a soft, charmed laugh as Johnny protest his innocence in the matter. "I know there is a race and for charity. That's about the extent of it," she tells him. "Nice of you to get involved in that," the mutant woman says of the charity for Janet's anti-Sentinel awareness campaign. "I fear before it is over, we may all need to work together. The longer that things go, the more of these monstrosities that get created," she says with a sigh.

Wanda takes a sip of her iced tea and asks, "So how are the Fantastic Four doing? The news has been kind of quiet about you lately. I did not know if you were off world, Reed had you all busy with some inventing, or just keeping matters hush-hush," Wanda says. "I do not think I have seen Ben Grimm in... goodness it might be a year or more. How is he, anyway?" she asks Johnny as she settles into the conversation with him.

Human Torch has posed:
"Ol' Granite-Face is as surly as ever," Johnny says, "Reed's been holed up in the lab, and Susan's been making sure he remembers to eat. I'll tell the Boulder-Head to drop by and say hi, though." He half-frowns, shrugging, "We've been here, but honestly? I think we should be doing more. So, figured I could come around, meet some folks. See if I can't lend a hand until the Four get more active again. I'm sure you know how Reed can get. I've heard what Tony can be like when he gets into the lab. Well, multiply that by a couple of factors, and you've got Reed." Johnny chuckles. "Sometimes I think he's forgotten half the stuff he's invented. But, if it weren't for him, life would be a lot more complicated for a lot of folks. He's done some really, really good things."

He takes a sip of that Sprite now, considering and adding, "So, I thought a race might be a fun thing to do. Maybe get at least Sue and Ben out of the Baxter Building, as well as do some overall good, and let us get to know each other better, while the Avengers eat my smoke. You know, good times for everyone."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda, gives a little wave of her iced tea bottle to emphasize her words as she says, "I think it's a great idea. And it's a chance to get the two teams into more contact. Vision just returned today, he's been gone far more than not the last year. I am hoping he will remain around town for awhile now," Wanda says. "You should catch up with him while you're here."

The comments about Reed and comparing him to Tony bring a gentle grin from Wanda. "Someone more invention obsessed than Tony," she says in her easy, deliberate manner of delivering words. "I think... that is something... I would not need to see," she says, chuckling. "Does he even realize you are in the room with them while he is working? Tony does, at least. But then, he likes to have an audience." Wanda's words have a warm and teasing tone to them, something she'd be saying if he was here to hear them, and probably smiling the more for it. There is likely the sense that she wouldn't be speaking poorly unless it were teasing someone she cares for.

Wanda smiles and says, "Do I remember correctly you have a history of... what? Extreme events, racing, motorcycles, things like that? I am just realizing I don't really know very much about you." Wanda looks troubled, or perhaps just a little embarrassed to admit that part.

Human Torch has posed:
"Reed not only doesn't realize you're there, he usually gets upset if you do make him aware you're there, unless you're Sue," Johnny says, "Or unless somene's trashing the Baxter Building and you need to tell him about the security alert. Sometimes I think if Sue wasn't there, he'd just starve to death." He might be exageratting. He might not.

Johnny nods about catching up with Vision, "Yeah. Been awhile since I've even heard the name. I'll have to fly by and see what he's been up to," the young man agrees.

"You forgot handsome, charming, and, the hottest superhero around," Johnny adds to Wanda's description of himself. "But, mostly correct. I was actually heading to go into the racing circuit until Reed wanted to take us all into space, then boom, Human Torch." There's a shrug, "It's not so bad," and the smile he says when he offers that suggests that at least now, he's more than okay with that turnout. "Never really gave up racing though. And, I hate to brag, but I'm a fair hand with engineering too. At least, motors, vehicles. Halfway decent pilot. I actually helped design a couple versions of the Fantasti-Car, among other things. Pretty handy with some quick-fix repairs, that sort of thing."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's lips pull back in a crooked grin as Johnny adds on a few adjectives for himself. "Didn't forget," she says in her slow manner of speaking as she shakes her head. "Just wanted to give you the opportunity to extoll your virtues," she teases him softly, her smile growing. "You are charismatic, but I appreciate if you save the hottest part until you're not longer sitting on the couch. It took me forever to find a shade I was happy with," Wanda says of his flame powers.

She looks over at him thoughtfully. "How do you feel about having developed the powers that you have? If you could go back and do it again, would you let things play out the way that they did? Or do you ever find yourself longing for a more normal life?" she asks. Perhaps she expects she can guess what the flamboyant hero will say, but asks the question nonetheless.

Human Torch has posed:
It's not a question Johnny was expecting. And, by the expression on his features he's taking the question seriously, without setting Wanda's couch to cinders. Another swig of the Sprite is taken, and Johnny frowns.

After a few moments, he nods, admitting, "That first time I - well, my powers activated? I thought I was burning away. Thought I was going to set everything, even Sue, on fire. Kill us all. Probably the scariest moment of my entire life. But, I wouldn't go back. And if I could? Yeah. I would do things the same."

He takes on a introspective look, furrowing his brow and looking at Wanda sincerely, "But I can't imagine a world without the Human Torch. Without the Four. I can't imagine me as normal, anymore, you know? Not that way, at least."

He's silent for another few moments, and looks down at the floor, thoughtful and reflective on his words, on what other words he might say. Finally, he looks back up. "I think, whatever happened to us up there, we got changed not by random circumstance and a roll of the dice, but what was here." He taps his chest. His heart. "Something inside us defined what we would become."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda rests the side of her head upon her arm, using it like a pillow where she has it bent at the elbow and resting against the back of the couch, allowing Wanda to be turned sideways and facing Johnny as he answers. "That's an interesting view," she says. Slowly as she almost always speaks, but in this case the delivery comes from Wanda's thoughts being diverted to digest what Johnny said. "It's a view that I find very... pleasing?" Wanda says to him, smiling softly.

"I wish it applied to my brother and I. Or, maybe it does. Though it is difficult to see past that it was less a happening and more someone's plan," she says quietly. "But perhaps we had something to do with how things turned out in the end? Maybe it does apply to us, if we choose to believe it," she says, talking it out even as she is thinking about it.

Wanda's green eyes swing back to Johnny. "It would be difficult to give up. If only for the number of people helped because of those powers. Though, I don't know, maybe someone else would have succeeded in my stead. Or even done better, avoided some of my failures," she says, looking down at the last part, her mind drifting off towards some of those moments.

Human Torch has posed:
"Reed Richards, arguably the smartest man on the entire planet has failed at more than one experiment," Johnny tells Wanda, though Reed probably wouldn't be keen on that information being shared. He shrugs, half-grinning, "And, I've had my own share of absolute blunders. We all make mistakes. Big, or small. But, something I've learned as a member of the Four, after a few years is it's more about doing what you can both to learn not to make that mistake again, and doing what you can to make it right."

Tipping his head to one side, he points his bottle-holding hand, and index finger at Wanda, commenting, "Don't second-guess yourself. I might occasionally be a hot-head," and this time, it's not an intended pun, he means it more in the figurative sense, "But, I always go with my instincts. Might not always be the best, but if I don't act on what I feel is right? Not being true to myself. And that's the real difference, Wanda. Maybe somebody would've succeeded in your stead. But then, whose to say that would've been better? They wouldn't have done it like you. And, frankly, if all these people didn't have faith in you, I really doubt you and I would be having this conversation in Avenger's Mansion."

Beat. "Speaking of, where ARE the Avengers?" He looks around, "It's like a ghost town in here. Where's the party? There should definitely be a party."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda smiles over to Johnny at his kind words. "Thank you for that. I have been fighting this mental... funk... off and on for a few weeks now," she tells him. She looks down thoughtfully, and after a moment it will be apparent she's looking at the guitar. "Probably why I chose that song. Though I wasn't thinking of that consciously," she says.

Wanda gives a little shake of her head. "This happens to me, sometimes," she says, shrugging it away. Though it isn't something that just be shrugged away. Not really. But she doesn't let it drive the conversation any further.

"I am afraid you missed the parties. A week of them, for Tony's birthday," she tells Johnny. "I admit they are more than I could take. Though seeing everyone dressed up was nice. I think maybe we are all still recovering a little bit," she says as she glances towards the closed door as if at the rest of the mansion. "Though I'm sure everyone will make it out for the race. I have never been to a car race. Is it going to be held at a track, I imagine?"

Human Torch has posed:
"You'll want to bring some earplugs," Johnny offers, helpfully. "The engines can get really, really loud." But he nods, "I'm working with some contacts I have to secure a racetrack," he agrees. "If I'm lucky, we can get Watkings Glen International. It's the best track in New York, and great for circuit racing. I still do a bit of racing on my off-time, from time to time. Generally people offer to sponsor me to raise money for a cause, here or there."

He laughs, "I'm not as good as some of the professionals, but, I'm damn good nevertheless. You guys are in trouble." There's a conspiratorial grin, there. But Janet, likely, knew what she was getting into. "Still," he holds his hands up, "If I lose, I will lose with grace and dignity. I just don't plan on losing. I'm too good."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff smiles as she listens. She definitely did not know about the track, having only been in the US for a few years now and not really following racing. Or most any sport, though when teammates have taken her along to watch events she has enjoyed them and at least knows who the local teams are by now.

"Well, I am afraid I don't have any kind of stake in the race. Beyond team pride at least. I don't have the means to make the kind of charitable wager that Janet is doing. Though it's wonderful of her to make such an investment. But I try to make up for it in other ways. Appearances and such," Wanda says, and giving a little wave of her hand towards the street as if referring the one she did today. "How much of driving is the car then, and how much is the driver?" she asks. "The cars are meant to be the same mostly? Or will this come down to whether Reed or Tony is the better engineer?" she asks.

Human Torch has posed:
"It's honestly slightly skewed towards the skill of the driver, but the car defintely matters," Johnny says without much thought to the matter, but he speaks with a measure of confidence. "Say, you are racing, and Tony builds you the best car in the world to race. But if you don't know how to take a turn, or keep your car in check, or draft, you're not going to win, no matter how good your car is. On the opposite end, the best driver in the world can win with an under-performing car, and a little luck. Skill and experience definitely have the edge in almost any race. You have to be patient. Know when to pass. You have to be able to keep control of your car. And it's challening to do when you're doing 200 miles per hour on a curving strech of track."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives a little shiver at the mention of going 200 miles per hour. "That is faster than I would wish to go in a car. I'll stick to the quinjet when I need to go that fast," she tells him, shaking her head. "I cannot even imagine what that would be like, to see the surroundings going past so rapidly," Wanda adds.

She rises to her feet, her blackberry iced tea empty. "Would you like another Sprite? Or something else? Oh, you know what I have?" she says, moving towards the kitchen to confirm. She looks in the fridge. "Oh, yes I do. The most wonderful cheese cake. With a chocolate sauce. They had it at one of Tony's birthday parties and I asked one of the staff if he'd save me a few slices," she says with a conspiratorial grin.

Wanda straightens from the fridge to look over to Johnny. "Do you have much of a sweet tooth? I always have. And Pietro has to consume so many calories he is a wonderfully bad influence for me on it. I have to work out a lot with him around," she says, laughing warmly.

Human Torch has posed:
"It's a rush," says Johnny, grinning wide. "You and the car, you're like, the same, when you feel the engine pumping, thumping, and pulsing and vibrating through your body. Nothing feels like it, except when I Flame On. I love it," he says with a wild look in his eye.

But his tune changes at the mention of, "Cheesecake? Damn. I'd love some cheesecake. It's been ages. Oh! I should totally get Crystal to try some," he says, without thinking. There's a name Wanda hasn't heard before.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff goes over to her cupboard and gets two small plates. The box with the cheesecake comes out. She puts a little tub of the chocolate sauce in the microwave to warm it just slightly, back closer to room temperature. Wanda asks in her soft Transian accent, "Crystal? I don't think I'm familiar with her. Someone who hasn't had cheesecake before? Not from around here then I'm guessing?"

She gets the chocolate sauce from the microwave and pours it over the two slices, then returns the rest of the fridge. Forks are added, and she grabs two bottles of water for cleansing their palettes with and brings it all over to where Johnny is on the couch. "Do tell," she says as she passes one of the plates over to Johnny.

Human Torch has posed:
Whoops. "Iiiii probably shouldn't have mentioned her. Just yet." Johnny clears his throat, looking somewhat sheepish. "But. No. She's someone - well, you'll see for yourself soon enough, I think. She's been pretty reclusive, but she's someone we ran into a little while ago while we were - ah, doing our thing."

He accepts the cheesecake, forks a bite of it. "I see why you had them save you some. Damn, girl. This is some good cheesecake." Another fork is stabbed, and eaten. "I'll bring her by. It's probably best if she explains it. I don't wanna overstep my bounds. Like I probably already did." Another sheepish grin.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gets a bite of the cheesecake, savoring it with a sigh. No doubt it's from a fancy restaurant, or some tremendous chef at least as it was from Tony's party. Wanda gives an understanding nod at the mention about Crystal. She motions to wait a moment and she sets down her plate, rising to go to the fridge. She returns with the box and the chocolate.

Wanda offers them to Johnny. "You can take it with you and give her a taste. There's two slices left," she says, smiling to him warmly. She'll set the box on the coffee table for him so he doesn't have to stop eating, and picks up her own plate again. "Oh, so good," she says, getting another bite, making it a small one so she can savor the flavor longer by getting more bites. "I'm going to have to spar with Steve tomorrow though to burn this off!"

Human Torch has posed:
"I'll make sure you get all the credit," Johnny assures his hostess with the warm smile of his and earnest eyes. The cheesecake is finished, Johnny, apparently, is more of a devourer and less of someone who savours each bite. But, that in of itself suggests just how delicious he finds the dessert.

After finishing, he stands up to set the plate in the sink - he is at least polite, and he nods some. "It was really nice sitting down with you, Wanda. I'll look forward to seeing you again, and, if not sooner, your face in the stands at the track. It'll be fun."

That being said, he moves to take up the slice he'll pass over to Crystal, adding, "I'll bring Crystal by soon, so you can meet her. She's - well, you'll see for yourself. But she's really good people. The best."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff rises with Johnny as well. "That would be nice. I'd enjoy meeting her," Wanda says. She gives him a little bit of a look that seems a mix of curious and knowing, as if she perhaps wonders if she's detecting certain notes in Johnny's voice when he talks about the mystery woman. "Do bring her by. I can see if I can't whip up something else for us that she might like to try," Wanda offers.

Wanda waggles a finger at Johnny, "Just you cannot tell anyone how bad my singing and guitar playing are," she warns him with a soft grin.

Human Torch has posed:
"Our little secret," agrees Johnny, "But then, I thought you were pretty good." He winks, and then he's sauntering out the door, lifting his free hand in a cheerful wave. "Don't be a stranger, Wanda."