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Latest revision as of 05:42, 16 June 2019

Slinging Mud
Date of Scene: 15 June 2019
Location: Student Gardens - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A group of X-students take on pottery lessons! Clay gets... places. Dogs drop out of nowhere. Life goes on. Just another day at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters.
Cast of Characters: Storm, Rogue, Shadowcat, X-Man, Magik, Blinkdog
Tinyplot: Slinging Mud
Tinyplot2: Another Day at Xavier's School

Storm has posed:
Today's crafts lesson: Pottery!

Ororo's obtained a handful of potter's wheels from a local trade school out for the summer, and with the help of some of the more muscle-y students, moved them to a sheltered work area near her garden. A few wheelbarrows of good potter's clay are nearby.

Ororo's wearing a flowing strapless dress, in black and white floral pattern, and sitting at the teacher's position in the front so she's facing the students. The dress is drawn up to bare her knees so she can straddle the potter's table, exposing pale silver scars across her shins and kneecaps.

"Don't be afraid to use water if the pot is dragging," she advises a struggling student. The sun shines down overhead, bright and hot; thank goodness for the outdoor canopy protecting everyone's skin from harm.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is one of the most muscley around. So she's here. Having helped move a bulk of the items to wherever Ororo asked to have them. Dressed in a red and white flannel shirt that is rolled up at the sleeves to her elbows and tied over above a white tank top that is worn beneath it. Jeans shorts and heeled boots go up up just past her ankles, leaving the rest of her legs bare, her hair is undone and wildly laying around her shoulders, sunglasses over her eyes... no gloves! So stay away from Rogue! She's already warned people several times today.

Currently, the southern belle is seated not too far away from Storm, watching and smiling. "So when does Swayze show up and hold on forever?" She's familiar with the movie, the actor and all that. It was one of her mother's favorites, so she's rewatched it a number of times.

Storm has posed:
"Who?" Ororo gives Anna-Marie a blank look. "No, do not hold too much pressure, it'll fly apart if you do," she says, thoroughly misunderstanding the pop culture reference.

"You must use gentle touches and let the table do the work for you," she explains, and presses a heel down on the pedal. "These electric tables are such a luxury. I'm used to using a foot pump," she explains wryly.

One of the students makes a noise of complaint and their pot collapses. "-That-, that is too much speed," Ororo says with an easy, bell-like laugh that rarely fails to draw a smile. "We must be very gentle. There is a sweet spot in the motion and the pressure. Enough to draw the clay up..." She starts drawing hers up into a tall vase, "but if we go too fast--!!" Eyes go wide in mock alarm as the pot starts to wildly destabilize. She grabs it with both hands and mashes the fine-looking pot into a pile, provoking a laugh from the students.

"But it is the beauty of clay. We can always start over," she says, and starts clumping it into another pile on the tray.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde didn't help muscle the pottery wheels into place. But she did make such a job of directing Rogue as she muscled them about that it could have resulted in something being thrown her way before she stopped. Kitty did help with getting the clay to each of the wheels though, and then when they were ready to go, took at a seat at one of the available ones.

Kitty sits there looking pensive as if she's not sure what she wants to try to turn this misshapen lump of clay into. Finally she starts up, going slow with the wheel and just getting a feel for it. "Ok, beautiful pottery results aside, this feels kind of cool," she says as she dips her fingers into the spinning clay. She just experiments at first, until she has to stop and reassemble the clay and start back over, but with a better feel for what she is doing.

"No making ash trays either," she says, glancing over at a few of the younger students and getting an, "Aw..." as a result. "Or bongs," she adds, looking over at some of the older students and getting more vehement protests.

X-Man has posed:
    "Oooooh, My love... My Darling.... I hunger for... Your touch!" Croons Nate Grey from where he leans against the decorative fence, following up Rogue's quip. Had he been here from the start? If he had, no one had noticed his presence. But now, here he is, with a puckish grin on his face, and a playful gleam in his blue eye. The other is kind of hard to tell, with the way the yellow fire sparks and flares from within.

    In other news, Nate is actually wearing a shirt! Sort of. Not really. It's an orange, button down thing, that he's rolled the sleeves up and left completely unbuttoned, with a pair of brown work pants hanging dangerously low on his narrow hips. He's still barefoot, however.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin sits at a wheel herself wearing white. Not the best idea, but it doesn't seem to phase her either that she was already getting herself dirty in the process. Her own lump of clay remains a lump as she stares at it with eyebrows knit tight together. It spins, her fingers occasionally glancing over the surface as it goes, and that perplexed expression continues to grow. "I am not sure--" she begins only to be cut off by Nate's bizarre crooning that seems to snap her out of whatever place her mind had gone to.

The response from her is immediate and without thought. A squidge of clay is caught between thumb and forefinger to roll into a ball which she lobs through the air in his direction. "Nothing from the peanut gallery," she intones seriously in spite of her grin.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks up and over at Nate as he sings the song and she just flashes a big grin at him. "You're singing my theme there, sugah." She tells her hair-twin before her Aviator-covered eyes glance over to the students to watch them continue their pottery class. Her own hands are just pressed palm together between her bare knees. She's not participating, didn't think she had the fine tune touch for this and well... she's not much of an arts and crafts person.

"Someone make me somethin' pretty, thats all I ask." She adds with a small smile at the others who are working away at the clay.

Storm has posed:
Ororo gathers up her lump of clay and walks towards Rogue's spot. Beads in her plaited hair click with the motion and a little jangle of ceramic comes from the anklet around her ankle joint.

The weather-bending mutant tugs her skirts to tuck them behind a knee and kneels down opposite Rogue, then with a sodden, wet *slap* drops a double fistful of clay on her table.

"The points of arts and crafts is that /you/ make it," Ororo reminds Rogue affectionately. She tugs a pair of heavy gloves into place, then brackets the clay with enough room for Rogue's hands to fit between the gloves and the clay. "I will help you learn," she promises Rogue.

A grin works over her regal features at Kitty's remonstration to the students, a flashing contrast of sun-dark skin and white teeth. "Make whatever you want," Ororo tells the students. She winks at Kitty sidelong. "Just be ready to have it confiscated," she adds, and tilts her head meaningfully at Kitty as Designated Contraband Enforcer.

She glances quizzically at Nate and Illyana, then at a few other students as they start getting into the song. "Which artist is that?" she asks, baffled.

X-Man has posed:
    One might expect some dazzling display of power from Nate, who often seems so casual with his nearly godlike abilities. He might catch the blob of clay being thrown at him with his mind, or he might zap it with a flare of psionic power from his glowing eye. Hell, he might transmute it into a pigeon and let it fly away.

    Instead, it just hits him in the chest with a soft wet patter noise, and sticks to his flesh.

    He looks down at the lump with a look of vague disgust, and scoops it off of himself, flinging it from his finger to the ground, before looking back up at Illyana with a smirk. "Hey, c'mon. It's my civic duty to back Rogue up, on account of us being the two best looking members of the White Stripes club."

    His bare feet crossing the gravel as if it weren't the most uncomfortable thing in the world, the young time displaced X-Man moves to where Illyana is seated, taking up a place beside her. As he settles in, the skunk haired mutant finger guns at Rogue, and says, "You're already somethin' pretty, Belle."

    Turning his attention to Storm, Nate shrugs his shoulders, and says, "It's just from this really old movie called Ghost. I watched it awhile ago on cable. Had that guy from Dirty Dancing and Roadhouse, and that lady that was apparently married to Bruce Willis or something, I guess?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches the clay spin, just making little changes to it as she experiments a little more. Eventually it starts to take on the form of a vase with a flaring rim as Kitty delves a finger down inside to create a space within, and soon going to get something that can reach deeper than her fingers.

Kitty glances up and over at Rogue's comment. "Anna-Marie, you /are/ somethin' pretty already," she counters with a grin for her old roommate. "You should make a cheesy poof bowl for Lockheed," she suggests to the Southerner.

Nate's crooning gets a laugh from Kitty. She's a buff for old movies and soon she starts joining in the singing, but ready to duck any flying mud from Illyana. "What are you making, Yana?" she asks as Kitty begins to put a little more wave into her face down near the bottom, widening the base to make sure it is not tipsy.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks up and over at Storm as she approaches and thwaps that clay pile down on her wheely-bowl-thing. This makes Marie raise a hand up and put her sunglasses ontop of her forehead. She grins as the teacher of the class settles in to help her. "But, but... when I play in mud, Ah do it for keeps. For like, a wrestlin' title, or t'throw at people. This is... fine tune precision muddin' and I'm a Mississippi--" Rogue cuts herself off as both Nate and Kitty pay her similar compliments.

"Talkin' at me like that, you two, is only gonna get ya everywhere." She says with a grin and a heavy flirt laced within her southern dipped words.

As Storm helps her, Rogue grins up at the woman. "You gotta watch that movie sometime, Stormah." She tells her. "Like t'night or somethin'. No more dawdling on that kinda fine fine cinema. I'm like only hundred pahcent sure you'd love it anyway." Rogue does her best to try to make a bowl, for cheesey poofs or whatever!

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin smiles over at Kitty only to offer a shrug to her friend in response. "I was thinking I would make brick, yes?" She states gesturing to her still mostly square lump of clay that was there. No one could say it wasn't what she claimed at least! She settles back onto her stool again with a glance up at Nate as he approaches to offer him a winsom smile.

"Ah, if you keep flirting with her like that, I may get jealous. Even if Rogue is very pretty," she adds with a nod of agreement along with everyone else. "So. What should I make? A bowl? A plate? Hm."

Storm has posed:
Ororo nods at Rogue. "A movie would be wonderful," she agrees. "I do love the cinema. All the booming sounds, the big room, the bright screen. It's very fun." She helps Rogue work through the clay, showing her how to apply just the right amount of pressure to it and assisting her (a little clumsily) with the leather gloves protecting the interface of their skin.

"There, that is good. Keep doing that," Ororo tells Rogue, and gets to her feet again. The gloves are left by Anna-Marie, just in case they're needed again, and she moves over to Illyana's spot. Her skirt's bundled up once again so she's not kneeling on it, and she settles down opposite Illyana to hand over a few sculptor's tools. "It is a very fine brick," Ororo agrees, and sets the tools out for Illyana to handle. She picks up a dollop of abandoned clay and puts it in her palm so she's not working on Illyana's piece, and shows her how some of the instruments can be used to impress patterns and shapes on the clay. "Perhaps you can make something suitably decorative out of this?" she suggests. "It would make a lovely doorstop after being painted, I think."

She glances at Nate, then grins again as students keep belting out the refrain of the song as the conversation continues. "It sounds like something I need to see," she agrees, and tilts her head vaguely in Rogue's direction.

X-Man has posed:
    "I'd bet good money that Cyclops has it on DVD. I'm fairly certain that he has every Swayze movie in his collection," Nate replies offhandedly about the possibility of Storm watching Ghost. "We could make a party of it tonight. Rec room. Popcorn. Dirty Dancing, Ghost, and Road House. Sounds like a good time."

    Looking back to Illyana, Nate's smile takes on a more sheepish quality, and he winces his glowing gold eye as he does so, reaching up to push those silvery white bangs away from his brow. Leaning over closer to the Russian girl, he quietly murmurs, "Don't be jealous. You're the most beautiful thing in this timeline."

    Nate goes silent as Ororo comes over to offer Illyana help and advice on her project, so that he's not feeling like he's imposing anything on Illy's artistic creation. He just smiles, and looks down at the lump of clay before her, and asks, "Can these things be used to sculpt this or is that some other thing altogether? This clay looks wet for what I've seen of sculpting clay, but maybe I'm just stupid. I mean, I can promise I'm stupid, but, you know what I mean."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty chimes into the suggestion on Illyana's brick. "And you could use it to brain any demons that get out of line," she says, leaning over towards Illyana to say it in a conspiratorial way. Though it really doesn't stop anyone else from hearing it. Kitty hears Nate suggest they go to Scott for copies of the movies and she gives a soft scoff, shaking her head.

"DVD? Nah. VHS? Quite possibly." Ok, half of the students there probably don't know what VHS is either.

Kitty resumes work on her face. She pauses, frowning for a few moments and looking thoughtful. "Ok, I think what I wanted to do with the rim is more glassblower than pottery. I'll just stick with a bell shape on it," she concludes to herself. What she ends up with is a vase with a wider base that then narrows until finally growing very wide at the top, providing a lot of room for larger flowers.

"Nate, when I give this to Illyana, it will be your duty to keep it filled with fresh flowers," she informs him, casting a little grin over to him. "Great class, Ororo," she says.

Rogue has posed:
"You're all charmin' me. Must mean ya did somethin' t'some'a my stuff." Rogue says then with a laser focus level of attention upon the epic bowl she's crafting with her hands that can crush a city bus into a tiny ball. "Better not be my car, or my van, or my other car." She distractedly adds before she looks up when Storm leaves her.

Its not but about fifteen seconds later that her bowl goes all cockeyed and then turns into a frowny face of clay and sadness. "Womp womp..." Rogue quietly mutters then and huffs out a big exhale, making her shoulders slump. "I broke it." She then resolves to just making in inverted clay mountain.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin hmms quietly with her focus on the lump of clay that was sort of a brick. It really, really was. She seems about to make a decision regarding it when Ororo comes over to show her the tools. A sudden light fills her eyes along with a bright grin as a thought crosses her mind. "Ah! Like the tiles that are back home!" There was a thought. She reaches out to accept a few of the tools from Ororo intending to begin making her design on the flat of clay. It wasn't quite the sort of thing one would normally do on a clay wheel but she could definitely work on it somehow.

Nate's remark earns a little blush from her as she shifts her elbow out to nudge him in the side gently. "Good answer, Grey," she offers back with a chuckle. Kitty's own contribution earns a chuckle as well when her friend attempts to wingman her. The sad whomp-whomp from Rogue earns her attention though.

"Perhaps you could make one of those..." She tries to find the word a moment as it temporarily slips her mind. "Mountains you fill with baking soda and vinegar so it erupts?"

Storm has posed:
"Art is about being fearless," Ororo says, and rocks smoothly to her feet. Kitty's compliment earns the girl a grateful grin. She circulates among the dozen-odd students and staff, making little corrections here and there. "It's not meant to be perfect. If you aspire to do perfect art, you'll never make any art at all. Love your mistakes like you love your scars," she advises people. "They teach us in ways success never can."

She moves past Nate and stoops, showing him how to shuck off excess water, and then add more dry clay to the table so he can start over. "You want it wet enough to move smooothly, but not so wet that water flows off as it spins," she explains to him. "Keep trying! Illyana, you're in charge of making sure Nate keeps trying," she tells the blonde girl. "Have him make you a vase for all these flowers, which I'm /sure/ he's not stealing from our gardens," Ororo says with a proprietary tone and a prim glance at Nate.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty spins her vase some more and seems about to add some decoration to it in the form of ridges and grooves around the vessel. But after a bit more thought she stops it spinning and says, "Ok, I think that's ready for the next step," she says.

Kitty looks over to Rogue's wilted pile of clay. "I like it. It'll make Lockheed have to dig and stick his tongue in the openings to get at the cheesy poofs," she suggests, ever the optimist.

Kitty looks back over to Nate and something he says causes her eyebrows to go up. "You have her a flower?" Kitty asks as Nate seems to have let that cat out of the bag. But after that initial surprised reaction, Kitty doesn't do anything to embarrass him. She just seems to consider him for a moment before giving the young man approving nod and then focusing back on her vase.

X-Man has posed:
    "You told her I gave you a flower?" Nate asks Illyana when Kitty mentions his duty to keep the vase full. His smile has faded, but his cheeks hold a level of heated color. For a guy who runs around never wearing shirts, suddenly Grey seems rather embarrassed.

    Looking over to Rogue's now collapsed bowl, Nate does offer a small frown of sympathy. He, himself, is refraining from making anything because he expects that he'd have similar results. Otherwise, he could just use his mind, but then it'd come out perfect, and there would be no point in it. Frustration and feeling defeated, or feeling a hollow victory. It's a no win situation, for someone as impatient as he is. He's barely ever had to take the time to actually learn anything. What doesn't come to him naturally, he can just jack in to someone who has mastered a skill and gain their knowledge and proficiency.

    "Rogue, maybe you can make a cool brick over here with me and Illy? We can share the tools and you guys can maybe some up with some cool ideas together. Maybe?"

    That subtle accusation from Storm brings Nate's attention snapping on to the Weather Goddess with a look of faux outrage. "Ororo Munroe!"

    A pause, and he shrugs, waving one hand.

    "Nah. I haven't stolen any from the gardens. I bought one from a snake girl in Mutant Town. It wasn't even like... a thing... It's just that I was trying to get Kurt to realize that this girl REALLY had it for him, but he was playing oblivious. So I was... Long story short, she showed me her flowers, and one of them just made me think of Illyana. That's all. It was pretty and yellow and she told me it was strong and could survive almost anything, so..."

    He shrugs helplessly.

Rogue has posed:
Once she's made a right and proper mess of the clay she just grins and stands up and reaches for a towel to wipe her hands off with. "Yeah... think I'll try painting maybe. Or just paint by numbahs. Probably won't stick with that either. Maybe I'll just buy a bowl on Amazon."

The towel is flung up over her shoulder then and she moves to where she'd left her thermos of water, taking hold of it she raises it up for a swig of ice water before she just grins toward Nate. "Ya'll doin' just fine. Don't need my help none." She looks back to Storm then. "This is all pretty great though. I bet its relaxin' when ya get good at it. But that problem sums up most things, except... playin' the drums. Not sure how that'd ever be relaxing."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin just finds herself trying very hard to repress a grin at the accusation. The corners of her lips quirk up and down several times while she fights it to no avail. "I will endeavor to make sure he tries," she assures to Ororo before breaking into a laugh. Her own brick has begun to obtain designs in the form of patterns with a heavy Slavic lean. "Of course I mentioned it. She's like my sister. Besides, it was very sweet," she has to add with a solemn nod.

Storm has posed:
"You're setting a terrible example, Rogue," Ororo chides the girl playfully. "Can you help hand out water and clay to people, if you're taking a break?" she inquires. Just so Rogue's not standing around feeling useless, even if she won't do the work.

Tsk tsk!

Ororo focuses back on Illyana and Nate, and her lips twice in a smile. A clay-crusted finger dances between them. "And how long has, ah, /this/ been going on?" she asks with a cheeky expression. "I had no idea. Usually they post juicy gossip near the water cooler in America, do they not? Maybe we can finally talk Charles into putting one in the den, or something," she says with a good humor.

X-Man has posed:
    "Hey, I'm not doing this at all," Nate protests when Illyana promises O that she'd keep him on track. "I'm just here for moral support and to relax."

    There it is. A sort of impish look in his eyes. A glimmer of mischief. The ever so faint tick upwards of a corner of his lips. His eyes dart from Ororo, to Rogue, and then to Illyana, where they linger for a long moment.

    He adopts a displeased scowl, breathing in a deep breath that expanded his mostly exposed chest, and lifts a hand to fan himself. "Can't do much relaxing in this heat, though."

    He reaches down, scooping up a wet bunch of clay and just slaps it against his chest, smearing the grey mud across his strong, chiseled chest, and down his washboard abs. The way he closes his eyes and releases a contented sigh suggest that it does feel very, very nice. It must be very cooling. "There we go..."

    Opening his eyes when Ororo asks about how long something has been going on, Nate lifts a brow at her, looking overly curious. "How long has what been going on? I'm not sure what you mean."

    He takes up more mud, covering his hand and letting it smear across the side of his neck, around to the back. Funny thing is, it actually does, legitimately feel soothing. Go figure.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin lifts one clay covered finger to waggle in Rogue's direction. "Drums are very soothing. You get the timing down, the beat of it. Plus it can tire you out like exercise," she reasons with a solemn nod. Not that she's ever really done that much herself but she had tried a lot of things during her early therapy after leaving Limbo. She's about to say something else when the wet smack of clay against skin causes her to look over to Nate again.

And slowly just opens her mouth with a perplexed expression. What was he doing!? It only lasts a moment before she breaks into a loud laugh resisting the urge to clap a muddy hand over her mouth at the sight of him just smothering himself in clay. "Ah," she remarks looking back to Ororo with a blushing grin. "It is new. New-ish. Perhaps." Very new then.

Rogue has posed:
"I'll give it another go in a bit. It takes me time t'settle inta stuff like this'n focus on it." Rogue quietly says back to Storm, not wanting to disappoint the woman, but she's got a temper and having her bowl fall apart like that was enough to trigger a little spike in it... where when that happens, she's been told to ease back and relax, so thats her focus here.

That being said, she remains quietly as she moves around to help supply the others who're here doing the sculpting class with fresh water for their clay and anything else any of the other students ask for, pausing here and there to have little conversations with the others present.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog is there. That's it. One minute he wasn't. Now he is. No bamf. No pop. Though this time there was a briefest sound of a musical note. Something that bled through as he twinned from one location to another.

Blinkdog looks around a bit confused and realizes he is standing on top of a table badly balanced and has his shoe smooshing an unformed block of clay wrapped in cellophane. "Um, oops! Missed my target." He cranes his neck around and spots the school and relaxes a little as he climbs down from the bench trying not to disturb anyone's work. Again he looks up back towards the school, looking really disoriented and confused. "That doesn't happen." he mumbles to himself. "The heck?"

He is on the ground once more and then he half trips over himself and then lands on his tail with a whump with one leg twisted up underneath his other awkwardly.

Storm has posed:
Ororo, and most of the other women (and a few guys), watch as Nate slathers potter's clay against his chest. She averts her eyes quickly enough not to be accused of staring, but-- hey, she's as human as the girl. Mutant. Whatever. She focuses her attention on Rogue and nods with gentle reassurances, giving the mutant girl the space she needs to calm down and center herself. Ororo gets it, as much as anyone.

Then Blinkdog lands. A few people, Ororo included, move to help Blinkdog sit up. "Missed the landing?" someone asks, and a few folks chuckle. More practically, Ororo ensures Blink's not injured or disoriented, then directs others to get him propped up out of the way until he's got his footing again.

Ororo digs a wet cloth from a table and moves to Illy, giving her a knowing look with a twinkle in her eye. "Better 'nail that down'," she advises Illyana, and tries to wipe some of the clay from the girl's face, fussing over her in a motherly way, and gives Nate a knowing look as he denies knowledge of the 'goings on'.

X-Man has posed:
    "No, serious, Illy, you should try this. It's kind of magical, and I'm not even playing," Nate says when Illyana starts laughing at him. Reaching up with one muddied finger, he swipes at her nose playfully, his eyes focused solely on her for the time being. "You can hose me off after this."

    And then Blinkdog is popping in and Nate suddenly feels that additional psychic presence, which startles him more than the man himself. He turns to seek out the source, just in time to see the dude fall down. He frowns with concern, and leans to the side to get a better look, to make certain that there were no broken limbs or anything that he might need to worry about healing. "You okay over there? Anything... broken?"

    Thankfully Ororo and some of the students are helping him up and getting him situated, so Nate remains seated, unless he's given an affirmation of needed healing.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin glances over at the unexpected arrival of another teleporter only to cluck her tongue with a knowing nod. "It takes some time," she assures, "But it gets better." She ought to know having a similar power after all, even if hers was a bit more glowy and flashy. When Ororo steps over to offer to wipe her face clean she lifts her head up to allow it with a vague grin. Ah, that did bring back some memories that weren't all bad at all.

"Perhaps. Time will see," she offers to the older woman before glancing aside at the muddy Nate again with a chuff of amusement. "Anna-Marie, I believe we figured out how you can touch someone. Lots of mud," she explains with a chuckle. "I will pass on the mud though, thank you."

Rogue has posed:
As Rogue is standing up after helping the other student, she spots Blinkdog's arrival and it just makes her smirk while the others react to it as well. "Show boatin', thats what I say. Just like when Kurt does stuff like that. All.... just show boatin'."

Now that she's standing again, she looks over to Nate and Illy and spies what Nate has done to himself. She snickers at that and just glances to Illyana. "Yeah? Been there an' done that already. They were doin' mud wrestlin' at a bar in New York awhile back. Thats what broke that bracelet I had that Hank gave me. The... ya know, power nullifyin' one? I wore it and entered the contest, didn't realize that it broke at some point durin' the thing though. Till I threw a girl outta the pit and inta the stands. Then I was like 'Uh oh' and got the hell outta there."

With a dramatic sight, Rogue walks back to the front of the 'class' and retrieves her water. "Damn thing's never held a charge since. Ah well. Guess I'm destined for this life'a mine. Could be worse, could always get worse. Thats what I tell myself at least." And with that wisdom gem laid out, the southern girl takes another swig of her water while her other hand rests on her hip.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog seems grateful for the help and manages to get shown to a seat without hurting his pride any more. "Y.. yeah I think so." He flickers for a second and you hear the distinct sound of a fire-truck.

Blinkdog's eyes go wide and he stares around him again feeling disoriented and now a bit dizzy. "The he..." part of his words are swallowed up by the siren and then he is all there once again. Solid. Suddenly his fur vanishes and his shape alters and you see a youthful blonde-haired human teenager sitting there looking even more confused than a moment ago. "Bushwick..." he says his voice trembling a moment. Bobby then says, "I'm supposed to be in my room." taking a few breaths to calm himself.

He completely misses the fact that he not only broke a house rule about leaving, but also broke curfew in doing it, and didn't bring anyone with him either. He then looks at Illyana, "You don't understand. I don't miss. Ever... If I'm gonna miss I don't go. I just... stay. Something's crazy..." he realizes his mouth feels different and he looks down at his hands. Seeing that they are free of fur he frowns. Half a week stuck in one form, now it just goes away? He frowns even harder looking frustrated.

Storm has posed:
Ororo gets Illyana's face cleaned up and then tousles her bangs once with a gentle motion of her thumb. Then Nate goes and undoes the cleaning with a swipe of his finger, and she rolls up the towel and throws it at his perfectly chiseled chest. "Fine, /you/ do it," she laughs, and walks around the class again to check on Bobby. "Mr. McFadden, just sit and rest for a few minutes," she advises the young man. "You're a bit disoriented. Try to get your wits about you, then we can schedule a counseling session and work through it." She uncorks a reusable water bottle and hands it to Bobby. "Drink something cool, it'll help."

Ororo glances at Rogue. "Rogue, would you please check the kiln?" Ororo nods at a temporary kiln, already harden-baked, not far away. It's an improvised one of dirt and stone that was built by one of the terrakinetic children. "If it's hot enough, we can start baking and glazing these so they'll hold up longer."

X-Man has posed:
    Catching the towel tossed at him by Ororo, Nate casts a quick beaming smile her direction, though really, now, his attention is focused on Bobby as he relates that he never misses. Something is amiss. And his transformation seems to take him by surprise as well. Nate's eyes narrow, his brow scowling in thought.

    "I can help you," Nate calls out to Blinky. It's not particularly inviting, but neither is it cruel. Or boastful. He just states it. "It's what I do here. I help people with their powers. Controlling them. Figuring them out. Figuring out new uses. You should... sign up for my class."

    Such a professional looking teacher, right? Bare feet, open shirt, with mud smeared on his body.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin regards Rogue thoughtfully... only to be swiped with more clay on her nose. A swat back is given to Nate though it doesn't do much but leave a few 'claw' marks dragged through the clay on his chest. "I could fix it for you if you like, Rogue. Just take it with me to Limbo to come up with a spell." Though would the power source be the same? Or would it be tainted? Even she isn't sure on that. The offer is still made though.

"Ah, you are still young. Sometimes hormones..." She shrugs helplessly at Blinkdog. "Things do not work right because your body is still learning to regulate itself. Also gone through that. But perhaps something else is going on. Are you feeling okay? Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

Rogue has posed:
"Whats a Kiln?" Rogue says to Storm with a deadpan expression, it only lasts for a second or so before she grins and just walks over to the oven. "Ah'm just playin' with ya, I know what a kiln is. Its like an easy bake oven, for bong--... uh. Bangin' muffins. Yeh."

Rogue reaches her hands up to tie her hair back into a ponytail and then crouches down in front of the surprisingly well crafted makeshift kiln and she looks it over before she glances over to Illyana. "I mean... thats a nice offer'n all, Illy. But then I think back t'that bouquet'a tongues that ya brought t'the swimmin' pool a couple summers ago... Not sure I want the braclet to be like, turned inta a tongue or something."

One thing is for certain, Rogue has absolutely zero idea how Limbo works, let alone how it could help her Touchability iRogue Bracelet work again. "I mean, thats a sweet offer'n all. But it also kinda sounds like how the school ends up turned inta Five Nights at Freddy's, or somethin'."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden takes the water bottle from Ororo and gives her a faint smile, "Yeah okay, thanks..." He then lifts up the bottle and takes a long pull from it gulping some of the water. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. I guess I was where I shouldn't have been and now I seem to be where I should be, kinda." he gives a pained smile.

He nods to Nate taking his attitude and appearance in stride, "Um sure. I'm still new here so... but I've lived with Blinkdog for years now. Seriously, I don't miss. That's really freaking me out. Maybe... " he scratches his head and shrugs, "I guess I coulda lost focus at the last second and thought of here... somehow.... maybe." he says looking doubtful. He doesn't realize yet that someone else's abilities can effect his own. Particularly someone who can also twist space and teleport. "Still just a second ago I was also kinda in two places at once. I mean that happens, but not like that. Maybe it was cause I was about to shift back." he shrugs. "Or all that crazy in Brooklyn did it." He blinks, "Hey that's like almost 40 miles. I can't do that in one hop. Most I've ever done is 25. That must be it." He says seeming to get hold of something solid to ease his nerves.

Storm has posed:
The byword at Xavier's is 'business as usual'. Ororo treats Bobby's bad landing as if he'd just tripped over a step. Making a big deal about mutant powers, particularly when they misfire, can raise anything from panic to anger to insecurity.

Also, there are people who just like to show off if they're feeling encouraged. Either way, Ororo isn't making a big to-do about things, and nods gratefully at Nate when he counsels Bobby. The teacher keeps circulating, making little diffident suggestions and observations to people who need them.

"What's... what's Five Nights?" she asks Rogue, looking confused. "Is that a new bar in Westchester?"

X-Man has posed:
    Illy's comment about his body changing makes Nate grin despite himself. He leans over, bumping his shoulder against the Russian girl as if to tell her to stop teasing.

    "Yeah, it's good to push your powers," He says, projecting a level of confidence, and raising his voice so that the students hear him as well, "But it's best to do it in a way that's safe, and maybe with someone watching over you, in case of... bad landings. We should definitely get together, man. Work out this... whatever it is. Sounds like you think of your fursona and yourself to be two different people. That could play a part in inhibiting your abilities, too. It's not really uncommon, either. A lot of people come here thinking that the gifts that make them different are something else inside of them, instead of a part of who they are. We'll work it out."

    Standing up, Nate casts a glance down to Illyana, and mutters, "Mud doesn't feel as good when it's starting to dry. Itchy. Gonna go take a dip in the pool."

    Leaning in, the scion of Psionics brushes a quick kiss to Illy's forehead, before wandering off towards the direction of the pool.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden reaches out and grabs a bit of stray clay from a nearby table and begins rolling it about in his fingers until its is somewhat disk shaped. He looks at it, shakes his head and starts over, re-making the shape again a little smaller with the disk thicker. ((Over thirty miles at least. I musta over did it. Usually it just aches and doesn't work if I go too far.))Oo. He thinks to himself mulling over the oddness but loosing track of his thoughts as they wander to what he is now doing. He spends the next while shaping and reshaping over and over till it seems just right to him. Running his thumbnail around the edge he makes an impression in the clay and begins drawing lines on its surface making a crude sundial-like pattern on it with his nail.

He's done this before at one of the church shelters. Working with clay makes for a good distraction, and its kind of just what he needs. Careful not to disturb the pattern on one side he flips it over and begins a different one, this one looking more like a roadmap with intersecting meandering lines.

Bobby shrugs at Nate's words. "Its just an easier way to describe it is all. Nothing mental like multi-whatever. Well kinda, but..." he shrugs not really having the vocabulary or even the insight for describing compartmentalization and traumatic disassociation. "Blinkdog, is just me with a case of fuzzys and some extras. It's like saying sunday-suit-Bobby verses t-shirt-n-jeans-Bobby. Same person, different look, different outlook." He keeps tinkering with his little clay medalion as he talks and soon gets it into a shape he is satisfied with. In a way it resembles something... Aztec or Pueblo.

Storm has posed:
Ororo bids Rogue her farewells and circulates one last time. "Okay everyone, that concludes today's class," she announces, and claps her hands once. "Please deliver your pots to the kiln to be fired, then clean your trays up. Lots of warm water, get them reasonably clean-- we have one more class using them tomorrow, then they go back to the community college. These are /borrowed/, so take care of them," she reminds everyone.

"Nate, Illynaa-- thank you for joining us," she tells the duo. "It was a pleasure to have you here. Mr. McFadden, make an appointment to see Professor Grey if you're feeling any side-effects," she bids him. "And then inform Professor Summers that you've broken curfew," she tells him. "I'm sure I'll see you at detention tomorrow. I have a lot of potting soil that needs to be moved."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin smiles faintly at the kiss to her forehead, but when Nate mentions the pool? She glances his way with a shake of her head. A portal appears just beneath his feet, light glowing obviously, and should he walk right into it he will find himself dunked in the much safer lake. He can clean up there.

She looks back to the brick she'd worked on and designed with slavic patterns with a nod of approval. It wasn't fancy, but it was hers. She liked it. "I believe it is time to clean up and go," she reasons with a chuckle.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden holds up the medalion, "This is kinda small, it'll have to go near the top or it will crack. If you can sneak it out a little early that'd help too. He says." and sets it among the other items to be fired. He gives a little cringe at the part about detention but then shrugs, a little work wont hurt anything and it will make him feel like he's paying his way a little. Just appreciating the meaning behind it of belonging somewhere with responsibilities.

X-Man has posed:
    Nate does, in fact, step into the portal, a small exclamation of "Whope!" escaping him before, off in the distance, one might hear the faint splash of him dumping into the lake.

    Illyana is going to pay for that later.