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New Student Testing BM-1
Date of Scene: 23 June 2019
Location: Danger Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Bobby gets run through his paces in the danger room. He discovers a lot of new things about his powers. Near the end, Bobby gets fitted for his image inducer, and spandex with a tie?
Thanks to: Thanks to Illyana's player for making this scene so interesting!
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Cypher, Blinkdog, Magik
Tinyplot: New Student Testing
Tinyplot2: A pup and his powers.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has met Bobby at the Elevator on the main floor, and had him join him on the elevator. "We are going to run you through some tests on your powers today. The room we are heading down to is set up for training, and one of the safer places for testing your powers. He will lead him off the elevator, and into the danger room. "Doug Ramsey is up in the control room." He motions up to the other fellow.

Cypher has posed:
Doug taps his finger on the mic, *biff biff*, and then says, "Good afternoon, my name is Doug, and I'll be your Dungeon Master. Allow me to unpack just what you're walking into. The Danger Room is the most sophisticated combat trainer in the world. It uses hard-light holograms, force fields, and adaptive technology to provide true-to-life simulations of environments, situations, and individuals. Please note the Danger Room is for training purposes *only*. Rumors of tropical getaways, holographic crime novels, and 'Makeout training with Psylocke' are all completely untrue and would be an abuse of the Danger Room and its sophisticated systems. Also, if you try to set up a program like that somebody will find it and the way people gossip around here the whole school'll know about it by dinner."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby has been rather... stuck... all week in one form. For once it was in his human shape. Though of course it couldn't have happened at a more inconvenient time. Just when he was itching to get to the testing phase for his abilities they all clam up! Fortunately though he felt the subtle tension ease in the back of his mind. Something told him he could shift and awaken Blinkdog and let him out for a run just before getting on the X-mansion elevator. Sam touching the control for it to decent into the lower level surprised him at first and then he realized that he was being escorted for his evaluation.

He nods at Sam and shifts, smoothly turning into Blinkdog as he steps into the room. He listens to Doug's trope on the room's uses and rumored missuses and nods grinning in a dog-like manner. "Let me get the feel of the room before you turn anything on. You say this can look like anywhere? Like that room in that sci-fi show um... sorry I dont watch much tv. What's it called... the one with the scotty guy only it had that bald guy who looks a lot like Professor Xavier."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Star Trek, and we also have our own Dr. McCoy as well." He smiles and says "And while in effect it will also make distances seem more real. Ah am not sure about long range teleports to be honest, but Ah do know Kurt has went for a bit of a distance in here.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog reaches into a pocket as he walks about the room. He pulls out several small oragami cranes and other shapes and unfolds them. He drops them around after looking at each one. "Don't mind the litter. It helps me set a landing point. I wont need them after a bit even if this place does change drastically. I will still... 'feel' them. Even when they're gone. It's kinda like... I dont know how to explain it really." he scratches his head. "Its like... um.. I have this 3D map of my entire universe in my head. The icons on the papers kinda lets me put a place into its spot in relation to everything else. Otherwise I have to rely on just my line of sight. If this place plays with your brain to make it look further when it really isn't I wont be able to jump." he explains.

Cypher has posed:
"It can play tricks with your perceptions but generally there's a 'play area' things are limited to, and the Danger Room will make sure you don't go out of bounds with obstacles and the like." Doug says, before he murmurs "I think that was installed after Sam damaged the walls one too many times. Like a bird flying into a window, kid. THWACK."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks up at Doug, and says "Really?" he will smirk a bit though and says "Ok, to start with the first little bit lets see how quickly it takes you to port to that wall, then to the other, and then back here.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog smiles, "Thats easy let me finish doing this first. Trust me it will help." He finishes his circuit dropping five oragamis around the room. He then walks to the center and closes his eyes for a moment. Then one by one he appears at each of them. He picks each one up as he goes. Then repeats it again a couple more times going to each spot precisely, and silently making no noise. At each teleport you catch a glimpse of something interesting. Its so fast that it is easily missed, but for a split second there are two of him at the same time, but the "after image" is gone so quickly that it could just be an optical illusion. ((OOCly if they check any video tape though it will show ^.^ Two places at once for a microsecond. Sometimes longer but not by much.))

Cypher has posed:
"Interesting. MOST teleporters do it by traveling through another dimension and then emerging someplace else. But you seem to be playing with the laws of space and time. For a split instant you're in two places at once." Doug studies the Danger Room's readings on this. "Closest analogue I've seen to that is Lila Cheney. She's a living wormhole, in essence, able to push herself and others through space and time, but she can only do it over cosmic distances. I still don't know how she compensates for the changing position of galactic objects relative to each other."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks up, and says "Ah think it is more she is going to her memory of the location more than it's actual location in space, part of why she has to have been tot he place before she can teleport to it." He will tell Doug, and nods a bit to Blinkdog, and says "Ok, now, I want to see how you do without the markers, give me the corners of the room, and drop a marker there before you go again.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods and shrugs. "I just know it works. I don't miss... ever... well except this once and I have no idea how THAT happened really. It really messed me up. Oh and I cant accidentally go into something solid. I'll either be pushed to a spot nearby or I just wont teleport at all. But its uncomfortable. Like slamming into a wall at an angle while running accidentally and bouncing off. It can really hurt sometimes if I'm moving like on a subway car."

Magik has posed:
Speaking of teleporters... A new one arrives. Not via teleportation however; there were some places one didn't just teleport into in the X-Mansion. The Danger Room was definitely one of those. The doors open to admit Illyana who pauses in the doorway to view the situation inside before stepping over the threshold. It wouldn't do to walk smack dab into the middle of one of Logan's simulations, for instance.

"I thought I had heard there may be training with teleporters going on," she offers with a tilt of her head to those here in greeting.

Cypher has posed:
"It's because, I think, unlike other teleporters you're not actually leaving our dimension's space time plane, just moving within it. The School's brains would have a field day with this. Physics is interesting but it's not a must-master for me. Sam would know more than I do." Doug considers, and says, "Also, Sam, after we're done with powers testing, I want to run through the Tomb of Horrors. If you're up for the challenge." He's in the control booth. "Oh hey. Just a little powers testing."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog is in the middle of the room listening and answering as best he can with a raised voice. "Again I have no idea. It just works. I never got past seventh grade. I'm self-taught." he then snerks, "Tomb of Horrors? Sounds like a dungeons and dragons game. I played that for a while with a friend who gave me my nick-name. This comic store had a game in the back room and they didn't care if you were homless." he says casually.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Hey Illyana, glad you could make it, we are working on Bobby's teleportation. Right now, we are having a bit of a speed test, but if your hear and willing might give him a bit of a distance test in a bit." He will look to Doug "We can handle that I am sure." He hmmms and says "Ok, Bobby am curious what if someone else drops one of your origami animals some place you have not been?

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog stops and ponders after waving at Illyana from where he is standing, "I... never tried that." thinking for a moment he shakes his head, "Nah wouldn't work. Least I dont think it would. I still wouldnt have any idea WHERE the glyph is in relation to me or the rest of my world picture. I mean maybe if I had that and... some more information like a video feed? Maybe?" he speculates. "I've never tried it really. Wouldn't hurt to test it though. Worst thing that can happen is it wouldnt work."

He takes a deep breath. "Okay speed test... Be prepaired to be underwhelmed..." He closes his eyes for a moment then focuses. He then teleports to the far side of the chamer. A second passes as he orients himself and then he teleports again. He tries to speed up the process going between to or three points, pop... pop... pop... an easy one-count passing between each landing. Nowhere near as fast as Kurt's multi-bamf. The teleport itself is instantaneous, but the time between them is at best half a second.

Then he teleports to a spot near Sam and Illyana and tries to jump away back to his previous spot... and finds himself rooted in place.

Blinkdog startles, "What the hell?" He scrunches his face and tries harder. There is a flikering and then nothing. He looks confused and stands there obviously upset at something.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin lifts a hand to wave toward the control booth to greet Doug who was up there. "Teleporting is something of a speciality," she points out as she moves to stand near Sam. When the speed run begins she merely watches where he comes out each time. Up until the last part. Once he tries to blink from there it's different.

She makes a noise.

It's a difficult to explain noise, like a little yelping gasp of surprise like she'd just gotten a static electric shock unexpectedly. Then again.... "What are you doing!?" She blurts out staring directly at Blinkdog with the most peculiar expression on her face.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie starts to ask the other young man something at his stopping but at Illyana's reaction. He will raise a brow looking between the two and waits letting the two of them sort this out and see what happens.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog stands blinking, "Um, trying to teleport... but... it's wierd! Why something wrong for you too?" he asks looking suddenly self-conscious. He reaches for his hoodie out of reflex and draws it up over his head like he had to do for years when hiding his hybrid form from the public. His posture, his mannerisms, they all change dramatically in that moment. The obvious cheer and relaxed confidence he had a moment ago melt away completely and it is almost like a different person entered the room in his place. "I... I... it's not working." he says trying again. Once more there is nothing, nothing but a subtle tug felt by another.

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises his eyebrows. "Interesting... let me run back over that using the Danger Room's equipment and I'll tell you exactly what happened. Won't be a tick." He compensates for having to take a few minutes by starting his program 'Cypher9' which is a hologram of him... at sixteen... juggling and doing magic tricks while wearing a t-shirt that says 'Now Loading'.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin gives an involuntary shudder when he tries again, and fails. "It is like ..." She tries to find the word to explain, but shakes her head sharply. Sometimes action was better than words. She raises her hand to flick open a portal near herself, which DOES work, and she steps through only to appear across the room staring back at Sam and Blink and the hologram of Dougie apparently.

"Like rubbing magnets together only with wrong ends?" That was the best way she could think to respond.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will reach over to put a hand on Blinkdog's shoulder and says "No one is upset at you Bobby, this is the place for learning, if your powers act odd around other teleporters it is good to know now. Illyana, aint mad at you trust me, you know when she is mad at you.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog sees the shudder Illyana gives as he made another attempt. "You mean... you felt it? When I tried?" He then turns to Sam, "I've... well before I met you guys I've never been around other teleporters." he says scratching his forearm nervously. "Other mutants sure, there are lots in New York. But teleporters were rare I thought. Till I came here."

Cypher has posed:
"Huh." Doug says, "...I was wrong. You are... like... a Star Trek transporter." Doug is mystified. "You are-quite literally-deconstructed at the molecular level and then transported to another location in space-time. Wowie-Zowie." He spins in his chair. "Let me run some tests. Uh-huh... uh-huh. I *see*. So. The way Illyana -- and most teleporters -- work is that they open a gate to another dimension, go through it, physically enter that dimension, then open a NEW gateway and step back through into our dimension someplace else. Your... matter transportation effect and their extradimensional affinity don't... like each other. See, our dimension is kind of like a sheet. A teleporter rips a hole in it, steps through to someplace else, rips their way back in from the other side. But by its very nature it seals itself up again unless something forces it not to. But if one person's pulling one way and one person's pulling the other way... I need a physicist, an adult, and a binky! Oy!"

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin gives a quick nod toward Blinkdog. "I feel it when you try. But you were able to before you were near me--" Thankfully Doug steps in with an explanation. She stares at him a long few moments before looking back to the other two with her arms spread in a helpless shrug. "I could see it perhaps interfering, yes. Try again?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Ok, now that she is away try to port again." He hmms and types in on a table to Doug "Compare his signatures to Maddox." He looks to Blink and says "Your good this is for learning, no one is going to get upset."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods, "Yeah I understood maybe... none of that. But I get it, other teleporters cancel me out somehow.... and they can feel me trying. Hey you were in the garden the other day." he exclaims, "The whole pottery thing remember? I was off-target... I missed... I never miss... but you were there. Maybe thats why!" he says spreading his arms.

He then nods at Sam and tries again, picking a spot away from Illyana to be sure. Taking note of if he is off target any. He vanishes and appears, "Wierd, I am a little off. You're like a magnet... what was your name again? Sorry." he asks apologizing.

Cypher has posed:
"Well." Doug says, "It's... I've never seen anything like it, and I'm kind of at the limits of my powers here." He frowns, and scratches his head, and says, "But... if you were to hold yourself mid-transition you might exist in two places at once as one entity, still." Then Doug murmurs, "Most teleporters I know have an affinity for extradimensionalities you might kindly call 'chaotic'. Maybe you're just the opposite, and you have an affinity for Order. Illyana, what're the metaphysics on that?"

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin makes a small groan when metaphysics are mentioned. This means she'll have to think on a magical level. A deep breath is drawn, her eyes closing as she simply focuses her thoughts inward a moment. "When I teleport, I feel as if I'm reaching out for something. I draw the portal to me and sort of insist on where it goes. If his teleportation doesn't draw on anything else then..." How to put it?

Holding a hand out, palm up, she lifts her other hand to point a finger. "This is our plane," she explains. "I go from here, to here, by pulling on Limbo and having it open here." she explains hopping her finger from the palm to the tips of her fingers. "He... slides." She draws her finger along the plane.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "We may need to check you around Kurt as well, see if it works the same way with al teleports. the more we can test you around the better. Also I want to see something. Walk to Illyana and slowly walk away to see how far you have to be before you can port.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods slowly, "I think I follow... I dont ever leave this world. I just kinda make a shortcut through it." he sys letting his hoody drop and regaining some of his previous demenor. "Hey I wonder, stay still for a moment I wanna try something." he says raising his hand. Black smoke seems to erupt around it vanishing almost as quickly into the air. He nods and starts walking towards Illyana the smoke billowing from his hand growing darker, some red flowing into its mixture. When he gets within about six feet of Illyana the smoke vanishes fading away. "Now THAT is interesting. I always wondered..." He then tries to teleport away. Again there is a tugging for Illyana and nothing happens.

He takes a few steps back and vanishes. "Yeah, it's definitely a range thing. We can work around it... but that also means that other trick of mine is teleporting in a way also." he says referring to the black and red smoke he was generating around his hand a moment ago.

Cypher has posed:
Doug quirks his mouth. "Yeah, that was molecular discorporation." He says, "Like your teleportation except you're just causing whatever you touch to come apart at the molecular level." Doug rests his chin in his hand, and says, "...Weird. Remember when mutation was simple? Illyana goes to Hell. Sam has rocket legs. Doug ka pale nenpòt lang."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog shrugs, "It is simple. I'm just here..." he vanishes and appears in another spot. "And then here. But you havent seen the complicated one yet." he says.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin sniffs indignantly while shooting Doug a look. "I do not go to Hell. That is an entirely different plane all together." Well, she had to have some pride in what she does. "I just use Limbo's teleportation portals for my benefit." Nevermind the magic part. Yep. As she watches Blinkdog try more things out she considers. "Perhaps we should attempt to teleport at the same time and see the results."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and leans against the wall, and says "Ah gotta admit am curious what would happen if he tries to port through one of your stepping disks." He looks over to Blinkdog and says "Got a few more tricks up your sleeve?

Cypher has posed:
"Ohhhhh, stupid dimension tricks are how we wound up having dinner with Robert the Bruce..." Doug says, his chin in his hand. He wiggles his other hand at Illyana up in the booth. "Potaytoh, potahto, it's full of demons and you rule it from a kickass castle. It has a REALLY nice spa by the way, can't rate it highly enough--"

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods, "I guess you can open one and see what happens." he says "Someone can give us a countdown and then we can try... but hey Doug, try to science this one!" He digs into his pocket and pulls out an oragami crane. He holds it up on his palm, balancing it palm side-up. "Watch closely." he then makes his hand smoke again. This time just black smoke rises none of the blood red to it at all. It swallows the crane and then he cuts it off.... but a bit of crane-shaped smoke remains. He moves his hand and the crane-shape breaks apart in the air. He then moves his hand back to where it was, "Wait for it.... wait for it... Seriously this takes a moment..." he says.

About two minutes later the dispersed smoke begins to appear and gather and then.... The paper crane is once more back in the palm of his hand, exactly as if it had never been destroyed.

Magik has posed:
"I'm glad you like the spa. It used to be a torture chamber. Needed a facelift," Illyana explains in a way that makes it difficult to tell if she were joking or not. When the origami demonstration is made she watches with a bit of interesting. "It's like Kitty's phasing, only he makes something else do it. Then it returns to itself as the effect fades." A glance is cast toward Doug for confirmation on her assessment.

"Yes, let's try with one of my portals open. If you end up somewhere that looks like a barren dessert of fire, that is Limbo. It will only take awhile to find you," she assures even as a portal appears glowing beside her.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will holds up a finger and walks over opening one of the compartments on a wall, and pulls out a device and offers it to Bobby, as he holds a small tablet. "A tracker just to be on the safe side." He tells the younger man

Cypher has posed:
"Well that old rack REALLY did some beautiful things to my back." Doug says, "Well, hold on to your butts-- But uh, if something goes wrong and eldritch horrors pour in, I'm filling the room with immobilizing foam."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods taking the tablet. He steps away moving beyond six feet from Illyana and concentrates... and again he finds himself unable to budge. He walks a little further away, and again... nothing. It isn't until he is about a hundred feet away across the room can he teleport again. This time he appears a foot or so higher than he anticipated and he hovers for a split second standing on nothing and then he drops. "Okay, if a portal is active it buggers me up even further out. You said at the same time. Lets do a count down and try activating our abilities similtaneously." he suggests. Finding this exploration kind of fun and exciting in a way that hasnt enguaged him about his abilities since he first figured out they could actually save his life despite the inconveniences that come with them.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin dutifully stays in place while he tests the distance for his ability, and then finds it throws him off course. She hums quietly to herself with a single nod. The disc is dispelled as she looks to the other two in the room. "I am all right with trying this if they are. On the count of three?" She asks with an eyebrow raising quizically. If anyone wanted to speak up about how this is a bad idea now was the time to do it.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and does seem to be a bit more on guard. He puts his table into his belt crossing his arms and watches "And to think they let me be in charge for stuff like this." He jokes and nods to the two.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog picks a spot a few feet from Illyana as his target. May as well give it a shot and see if he gets a 'bounce' from her... whatever-field... she generates around her.

He tries his best to time it as she gives the count. He vanishes! "GAH!!!" he says from about six feet over Illyana's head. He sticks in the air when he teleports for just a second as if he were still standing on something solid, but it goes away fast! He drops right down at her trying his best to teleport away but of course it doesn't work!

Cypher has posed:
Doug adds, musing, "Do you know how many times we did something dumb just like this?" He watches, and then winces. "Well okay. Reality didn't turn itself inside out, but--"

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin is quicker at last with her own portals. When she hears the yell from above she ducks her head, a portal disc appearing above her. Another appears a short bit in front of her intending to deposit him on the ground at a lesser height so as to avoid injuring him, but mostly to avoid getting squashed by him falling ontop of her. "That was a better result than expected," she has to admit.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie starts to take a step and trigger his blasting to catch the kid, but seeing as Illyana has it, he lets her handle it. He nods, and says "No time travel, evil clones from the future, I would say we are batting a 100 tonight lady and gentlemen.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog sprawls a bit not expecting to get portal-ed. He manages to land on something other than his face at least... his knees and shins... owie! He lets out a grunt and catches himself with a paw on the ground and then stands up rubbing his knees a little as he does. "Well yeah... I still didnt go extradimensional." he looks at Illyana, "Though... owie! That explains why I got sucked into a claymation garden party the other day though. She's definitely like a magnet."

Cypher has posed:
"I was kind of looking forward to reality going 'Bleugh!'" Doug says, before he pushes himself to his feet, and descends int othe danger room proper. "Everyone's all right?" He asks.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods hobbling himself a few more feet away from Illyana, "One more thing to note... my healing ability is teleportation based too somehow apparently..." he says. Feeling relief once he gets far enough for it to kick in and his bruises vanish.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin hums thoughtfully at that only to give a nod. The portals are shut and she regards the others a moment. Finally she quips, "Does this mean I have a magnetic personality?" The corners of her lips twitch a bit with a smile at her own bad joke. "I can see though how it would be a pulling force. It often feels as if the portals I use suck you in once you're there. My powers pull at yours. Good to know."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ok, so today we have a non inter dimensional teleporter, and an energy converter on a massive scale." He hmmms and looks over to Doug "Think colt will have any surprises for us?"

Cypher has posed:
"Yeah, the bill for the measurements for his black and yellows," Doug murmurs, to the two of them. "Which reminds me... I need an *actual* uniform. I tried putting my old one on, the unstable molecules are fine but the arms and legs are too short and the boots don't fit."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog is reminded of something Kitty told him in passing. "Oh, I need to be... um.. 'scanned' for my holo-whatsitz... the watch thingie you guys are supposed to give me in case I go all wolfie in public." he says. "Any idea when thats gonna happen? I'd like to pop out for pizza without freaking out the locals. And um... uniform? I already have the school uniform... but I dont get one of those other kind too do I?" he asks.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin glances between Doug, and Sam, then Blinkdog at the talk of uniforms. Oh no. No, she was told not to talk about *that* among new students so her lips are sealed. It wasn't her place to bring newbies in on that situation. "Sam and Doug can help with your hologram scan. The technology is not so much things I do. Magical, perhaps, but most don't like my type." Even herself. Stretching up on her toes a moment, she rolls her weight forward to then start walking toward the door. "I'll be heading off for now. Good to meet you again, Bobby," she offers. "Good night Doug and Sam."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well for starting and training you will be given a yellow and black training outfit." He will pull the tablet out and each of the three older new mutants will have their younger self standing beside them in their training outfits. He will say "When you graduate your training you can design one more your own tastes,"

Cypher has posed:
"I'm sure they'll modernize the cut a bit. Sam here's a bit of a clothes horse, he's got a ton of different uniforms. I like the black one, with the rivets. Very steampunky."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods, "Well I have control of my shape... for now. So its a good time to get scanned or whatever." He says replying to Sam. "I dont really care what it looks like. YOu been where I've been you don't get too picky about clothing. As long as it isnt assless chaps or something wierd I'm cool with it." he remarks letting a little teenager smartassery leak into his comment.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Doug, you think you can handle the image inducer? " He blinks a moment as something dawns on him "We can work on you a new uniform, but I think I know something you can do to help out a lot around here Doug, and you may throw something at me, but am not joking Equiment manager."

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow at Sam. "Equipment Manager. You couldn't call me 'Quartermaster' or 'Supply Chief' or anything cool like that. Equipment manager?" He lets out a huge sigh. "Fine, let's get you set up for your image inducer. I'm guessing you'll want to look like you, you don't want to be a redhead or anything?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and says "Gadget King? Gizmo Emperor?" He offers his friend with a grin.

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam the shady side-eye. "He used to have this flat-and-level buzz cut haircut," He tells Bobby, "We used to joke that it was because the top of his head was perfectly flat from slamming into things."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog laughs a little but stops himself lest he upset one of his mentors here at the school. "Well it could be worse, could be a mullet. Or how about helmet hair... that way you could joke about it protecting his noggin." Bobby still just couldn't help himself though.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Circuitry Czar, Machinest Maestro?" He will smile at his friend "Seriously though, you can literally speak their language, and your one of maybe three people who could rebuild most anything here. with Forge not being in residence can you think of anyone better?

Cypher has posed:
"Well, I'll do what I always do," Doug says, "Which is what I can." He looks over to Bobby, "First thing's first, we get you set up for an image inducer."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog grins as he shifts, his furred features disolving and running off of him smoothly like smoke, "That'd be great. Thanks!" This will seriously make his day among the rest of everything that has happened here, now he wont have to fret as much in public. There was one incident on a subway that almost got him arrested for inciting a riot... but that is neither here nor there. Bobby beats back the memories with a force of will. Lets not ruin today. Its been too good. He thinks to himself.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him, and says "Anything special you want to always have on you? Ah mean like Doug here has his comedy shirts, Ah have my rock shirts., I know you did not get a lot of chance to pick things but if there is something you want it to look like now would be the time to tell him

Cypher has posed:
"...Comedy shirts." Doug says. He looks down at his t-shirt that just says 'DUNGEON MASTER' on it and shrugs. "...Okay, you got me there."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden blinks, "I haven't given it much thought. Kinda casual, like what I'm wearing I guess. I don't exactly hang around in the stuffed-shirt crowd around town... and the whole point is not to attract attention. So "millenial chique" is fine with me." he says thoughtfully.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other guy and says "Prefer Geek shirts? You have always seem to prefer the ones with a humor side to them." He nods, and says "So, now we know about your powers, and we know a bit about your history, when your ready to tell us more we are willing to listen, but what type of things do you enjoy doing?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug considers Bobby, and then says, "We'll need to take him into town, he's going to need a suit. Like, the kind that comes with a tie." Then he sighs, and says, "Listen. This is a prestigious private school. You have to dress the part."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden pulls off his hoodie and ties it around his waist. The extra bulk of it will actually help keep his tail from accidentally showing as long as he doesn't "wag" it. He usually keeps the thing flat down against his leg anyway. Its not a nice feeling to be grabbed and yanked around by the thing he's learned more than once. So hollogram or not he'll just be... himself.

He resonds to Sam's question, "Well I haven't exactly hidden anything. So far I've enjoyed the stuff that goes on around the school. I know how to do some board games and stuff, like I said earlier about what I was in on at that comic shop. I'm not exactly a reading type but I do when its something interesting. TV and stuff don't really interest me much. I just like to hang out and maybe explore places. Oh and if you've seen my room now... I guess I like making art. Drawing and stuff."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden adds, "Oh and I'm learning to play an instrument now. One of you suggested I take it up to help me learn how to focus... keep control of my changes."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Actually having a suit is not a bad thing, even getting you set up with a tux might not be a bad idea. School will provide most of that. If your wanting spending cash ya will need to do extra chores, and we can get you set up with a spending allowance.

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises his eyebrows at Bobby. "See? You're doing great. Now we just need to find you your peeps. School's a lot easier when you've got people who've got your back." He shrugs his shoulders. "That way when you do something stupid and we have to hang you by your toes for it, you won't hang alone."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden nods slowly, his ears reddening as he recalls already having been given detention once for not signing out and breaking curfew. Still he didn't mind the chores. Not one bit. For lots of reasons. "Yeah I guess. I still get a little crazy nervous around crowds though. I don't know why. Its been a new thing lately. New York is like... crowds 24/7 but up here at the school... its different." he shrugs, "Anyway lets get this stuff done... "