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|NameOnMUSH=Bobby McFadden
|FullName=Bobby McFadden
|FullName=Bobby McFadden
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Residence=New York City
|Residence=New York City
|Education=Middle School Dropout
|Education=MiddleSchool Dropout
|Groups=[[Xavier's School]], [[Mutant-OOC]], [[Street Level-OOC]]
|Groups=[[Mutant-OOC]], [[Street Level-OOC]], [[Xavier's School]]
|Quote="Blink and I am gone!"
|Quote=Nothing "good" ever happens to me without a cost. Usually a painful one.
|DOB=13 March 2010
|DOB=13 March 2010
|Height=170 cm (5'7")
|Height=170cm (5'7")
|Weight=63 kg (140 lbs.)
|Weight=63kg (139lbs)
|Hair=Sandy Blond
|Hair=Sandy Blonde
|Actor=Chris Zylka
|Song="Magestic" by Wax Fang
|Song="Magestic" by Wax Fang
|Profile=Bobby McFadden was born in the slums of New York City. At the age of 6 he became a ward of the state, due to abuse, and was bounced from foster home to foster home until the age of 14 when his mutant transformations began to manifest. Frightening his foster family he was kicked to the street. Living in alleys, subway tunnels, and the various forgotten or overlooked places in NYC he managed to get by for a time until along with his transformations new abilities began to emerge. Now adding to his struggles of a hard life he is now trying to learn how to control his transformation into the nicknamed "Blinkdog". Perhaps a hero, perhaps a vigilante, or perhaps a new mutant.
|Profile=Bobby McFadden was born in the slums of New York City. At the age of 6 he became a ward of the state, due to abuse, and was bounced from foster home to foster home until the age of 14 when his mutant transformations began to manifest. Frightening his foster family he was kicked to the street. Living in alleys, subway tunnels, and the various forgotten or overlooked places in NYC he managed to get by for a time until along with his transformations new abilities began to emerge. Now adding to his struggles of a hard life he is now trying to learn how to control his transformation into the nicnamed "Blinkdog". Perhaps a hero, perhaps a vigilante, or perhaps a new mutant.
===Current Player Approved: May 28, 2019===
===Current Player Approved: May 28, 2019===
|Description=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BOBBY MCFADDEN'''</span>
|Description=<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description'''</span>
Bobby is a relatively short youth standing about five feet seven inches tall. By all accounts he looks like a perfectly normal human being. Perhaps he is a bit scruffy around the edges with his slightly unkempt hair style which is medium length and sandy blonde. His complexion is slightly ruddy which can easily come off as a light tan which is a tell tale hint of his having some American-Indian ancestry. His facial features are somewhat sharpened by high cheek bones, deep set dark brown eyes, and a tendency towards being a bit gaunt. His build is somewhat athletic with what is known as a runner's physique, meaning that while he is rather thin he is still well toned and muscled.
Bobby McFadden: Bobby is a relatively short youth standing about five feet seven inches tall. By all accounts he looks like a perfectly normal human being. Perhaps he is a bit scruffy around the edges with his slightly unkempt hair style which is medium length and sandy blonde. His complexion is slightly ruddy which can easily come off as a light tan which is a tell tale hint of his having some american-indian ancestery. His facial features are somewhat sharpened by high cheek bones, deep set dark brown eyes, and a tendency towards being a bit gaunt. His build is somewhat athletic with what is known as a runner's physique, meaning that while he is rather thin he is still well toned and muscled.<br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BLINKDOG'''</span>
Blinkdog: Obviously a mutant, Blinkdog is a humanoid/coyote mixture with striking features. He is covered head to toe with fur ranging from tawny brown to highlights in darker almost black fur. His intelligent and keen amber eyes stand out against his coyote-like face. While his facial features are largely canid his face can still show a full range of expressions. There is a slight curve to his shoulders and upper back, and increased musculature overall when compared to his human form. His hands are still hands despite a covering of fur and darkened "pads" the inside of his palm and fingers. His fingernails, now a little longer, are thickened slightly and black with a bit of a curve to them. A crescent curved bushy tail spills out behind him held close and down along his legs.
|Personality=<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality'''</span>
Obviously a mutant, Blinkdog is a humanoid/coyote mixture with striking features. He is covered head to toe with fur ranging from tawny brown to highlights in darker almost black fur. His intelligent and keen amber eyes stand out against his coyote-like face. While his facial features are largely canid his face can still show a full range of expressions. There is a slight curve to his shoulders and upper back, and increased musculature overall when compared to his human form. His hands are still hands despite a covering of fur and darkened "pads" the inside of his palm and fingers. His fingernails, now a little longer, are thickened slightly and black with a bit of a curve to them. A crescent curved bushy tail spills out behind him held close and down along his legs.
|History=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SHORT VERSION'''</span>
Usually Bobby keeps to himself. Once he gets to know you though he can be quite charming when he wants to. He is intensely loyal once loyalty is given, and he is fearful of betrayal but he keeps that to himself.<br>
This is the short version of my character's history as told mostly in the 1st person. A MUCH MUCH longer and detailed version is available from History2 and so on. It may have been a bit TL;DR so I did this short version in case you wanted to skip over it. There are no plot-damaging surprises there it's just long!
There is a cloud hanging over him at times, especially when times are good, because he believes at any moment just when he relaxes the world will realize it made a mistake and take it all away.<br>
My History is a little long winded if I really get down to telling it. When I do tell it sometimes I talk about it as if it happened to someone else. The short version...
At six years old I was removed from my birth mother's loving care for various reasons I wont really get into here. Lets just say it was bad. Really bad. Like nightmares waking you up at night in a pool of sweat bad. I think that's enough said on that unless you want to get the long version out of me later. Anyway, after that I was bounced around from one place to another until one day when I was fourteen years old I got into a nasty little tussle with this boy named Bradly something or other.
He had just joined our happy home with the foster family where I had been staying with, but the guy had a problem with taking things that weren't his. My things in particular. I didn't take this very well and I decided it needed a little discussion. It turned into a loud one, and when my foster mom intervened I was the one that got the finger wagged at. Needless to say I didn't take it too well. I got into a scrap with him, I wanted to kick his ass to tell the truth but something happened. I went all werewolf coyote style and I was forced to run away.
I lived on the streets for a long time. Trying to keep my head low, learning how to stay alive, and how to get a handle on all this mutant stuff. It wasn't easy, but I managed to survive somehow. There were a lot of close calls. You can't do much if you're a kid. No one will help you unless they want to involve the authorities. If they learn you are a mutant, you're even less likely to make any friends. People are scared of you. People hate you for no reason other than you don't look like them. Like you're diseased or something.
Now I'm seventeen years old. I learned the hard way that nothing good happens without a price attached to it. Otherwise it can just poof. Disappear just when you start getting cozy with it. No, nothing good ever happens if you are a mutant like me. I get by. I get by.... because I have no choice.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''LONG VERSION'''</span>
This is the LONG version of my character's history as told mostly in 3rd person.
My history is a little long winded if I really get down to telling it. When I do tell it sometimes I talk about it as if it happened to someone else. The long version...
Bobby McFadden was born to a single mother who lived in a run down tenement in the "Alphabet City" borough of New York City. His mother was a short woman with sandy blonde hair and a love for ballet and theater. She was pretty, and had a gift for dancing, but that was a dream lost to a hard life of living alone with a son to raise and a habit to feed. She also had a vicious temper and a shrill voice. Bobby never met his father and all that he knows about him is that he was at least partly Native-American, and that he had to leave the city because he owed the wrong people a lot of money. A debt his mother would have to work off herself and pay leaving her angry at him and resentful of her own son.(+info bd and read "The Nightmare" but trigger warnings it contains violence.)
At the age of six he was discovered by an elderly couple huddled to himself on the stairs of his tenement, battered and bruised, his face streaked with tears but silent and refusing to talk. His arm was dislocated and he had held it cradled crying out whenever someone touched it. An examination later would reveal it was severely broken with a spiral fracture. Forced to investigate the police and family services linked his injuries to his mother's abuse. She was found to have a drug problem and had failed to enter the boy into school. Feeling that the boys life was in immediate danger they removed him from her custody. Later she would surrender her parental rights to the state in exchange for a reduction in her charges.
From there Bobby was bounced between foster homes and group facilities until he was ten years of age at which point when there were no foster homes or beds at any of the facilities they sent him to a juvenile detention center until one opened up for him. Rather than letting that happen to him again he began running away... unsuccessfully. Either he would be forced to return lacking food and money, or the police would locate him and return him. He was soon labeled a problem for the system and he began to fall through the cracks.
When he was twelve years old, he finally found a somewhat stable living situation with nine other children living in a crowded and raucous home. He thrived there somewhat for two years, regaining lost ground in his education and his health. The foster parents were mostly interested in the state-provided funds each child would bring in and squeezed every penny from the budgets provided to them for their own gains; however, they were more apathetic than abusive and the other children (some older some younger) pitched in to make the home livable and somewhat happy. This would change, though, when his genetic time bomb emerged for the first time.
He was fourteen, and like most young teenagers he was sometimes prone to flares of temper and rebellion. He had gotten into an argument with one of the other children, a new boy who liked to take things that weren't his. While Bobby and the other boy began to tussle their foster mother was forced to become involved and came down on Bobby for not being tolerant of the new boy's problems. Enraged with his heart pounding in his ears, Bobby re-launched himself at the other boy while transforming for the first time into the half animal-like form that would plague him for years to come. Chaos erupted, his foster mother screamed at him in fear and shouted desperately for help and for the police. In a panic, and not understanding what was happening to him, ran. He would later try to return, but when they saw him they refused to let him in.
They were afraid of mutants. All they saw of them were the news reports of battles and terror on the tv. Mutants, Powereds, Aliens. It was all the same for them. They no-longer saw the boy they had allowed to live with them in their home. Now all they saw was someone, some thing, to be afraid of. As he left the apartment building he saw the police pulling up. He knew they were there to arrest him, to take him away, to lock him up for being a danger to others. Again, he ran, and this time he would not return.
With determination he managed to learn how to survive on his own. Life on the streets of NYC can be hard. Shelters wont take you if you are underage as they would rather turn you in. One must be constantly on guard for muggers, gangs, and sometimes violent homeless. Bobby learned to sleep lightly, and to stay hidden when his transformation overtakes him. He has made some enemies on the street, but that's what you get when you try to be a small time hero... or just a really short temper when it comes to bullies and abusers.
He made some friends too. Or at least people willing to make a profit from the items he sometimes stole in order to get some food or a place to stay.
When normal, he found he could generally keep low and stay unnoticed. Blending in among the crowds. Keeping to himself and staying out of other people's business. Keep your head down during school hours, and wander freely when school was out so that the police would overlook you and other people wont harass.
When the transformations overtook him though, he found he had to hide lest he become hunted by those who hated mutants or wanted to experiment on them. It is the latter that frightens him the most. He was captured once by an unknown group of individuals but he had managed to escape by teleporting away after pretending to have no abilities.
Abilities. Powers. They were like magic. They were almost intoxicating to use and they made him feel powerful sometimes, but for two things. For one, they only worked when he was changed into that half-coyote half-manmonster hybrid thing. Secondly, they were just one more reason he wasn't normal, that no matter how much he wished... unlike magic... they didn't fix anything.
Despite this however, he learned with practice he could gain some control over his transformations, though this is far from perfect. He still changed sometimes when he did not wish. Either to human, or hybrid. Sometimes even becoming stuck and unable to change for long periods. At night when no one would see he practiced to gain mastery over his other abilities though he is still has a ways to go.
|Personality=Usually Bobby keeps to himself. Once he gets to know you though he can be quite charming when he wants to. He is intensely loyal once loyalty is given, and he is fearful of betrayal but he keeps that to himself.
There is a cloud hanging over him at times, especially when times are good, because he believes at any moment just when he relaxes the world will realize it made a mistake and take it all away.
He does have a temper though, usually kept in check lest it attract a gun to his face, but sometimes he just can't help himself especually when he sees someone being abused or bullied.
He does have a temper though, usually kept in check lest it attract a gun to his face, but sometimes he just can't help himself especually when he sees someone being abused or bullied.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''DAMAGE TOUCH'''</span>
|History=<span style="color:#009999">'''History'''</span>
This is the short version of my character's history as told mostly in the 1st person. A MUCH MUCH longer and detailed version is available from History2 and so on. It may have been a bit TL;DR so I did this short version in case you wanted to skip over it. There are no plot-damaging surprises there it's just long!<br>
My History is a little long winded if I really get down to telling it. When I do tell it sometimes I talk about it as if it happened to someone else. The short version...<br>
At six years old I was removed from my birth mother's loving care for various reasons I wont really get into here. Lets just say it was bad. Really bad. Like nightmares waking you up at night in a pool of sweat bad. I think thats enough said on that unless you want to get the long version out of me later. Anyway, after that I was bounced around from one place to another until one day when I was fourteen years old I got into a nasty little tussel with this boy named Bradly something or other.<br>
He had just joined our happy home with the foster family where I had been staying with, but the guy had a problem with taking things that weren't his. My things in particular. I didn't take this very well and I decided it needed a little discussion. It turned into a loud one, and when my foster mom intervened I was the one that got the finger wagged at. Needless to say I didn't take it too well. I got into a scrap with him, I wanted to kick his ass to tell the truth but something happened. I went all werewolf coyote style and I was forced to run away.<br>
I lived on the streets for a long time. Trying to keep my head low, learning how to stay alive, and how to get a handle on all this mutant stuff. It wasnt easy, but I managed to survive somehow. There were a lot of close calls. You can't do much if you're a kid. Noone will help you unless they want to involve the authorities. If they learn you are a mutant, you're even less likely to make any friends. People are scared of you. People hate you for no reason other than you don't look like them. Like you're diseased or something.<br>
Now I'm seventeen years old. I learned the hard way that nothing good happens without a price attached to it. Otherwise it can just poof. Dissapear just when you start getting cozy with it. No, nothing good ever happens if you are a mutant like me. I get by. I get by.... because I have no choice.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History2'''</span>
This is the LONG version of my character's history as told mostly in 3rd person.<br>
My history is a little long winded if I really get down to telling it. When I do tell it sometimes I talk about it as if it happened to someone else. The long version...<br>
Bobby McFadden was born to a single mother who lived in a run down tenement in the "Alphabet City" borough of New York City. His mother was a short woman with sandy blonde hair and a love for ballet and theater. She was pretty, and had a gift for dancing, but that was a dream lost to a hard life of living alone with a son to raise and a habit to feed. She also had a vicious temper and a shrill voice. Bobby never met his father and all that he knows about him is that he was at least partly Native-American, and that he had to leave the city because he owed the wrong people a lot of money. A debt his mother would have to work off herself and pay leaving her angry at him and resentful of her own son.(+info bd and read "The Nightmare" but trigger warnings it contains violence.)<br>
At the age of six he was discovered by an elderly couple huddled to himself on the stairs of his tenement, battered and bruised, his face streaked with tears but silent and refusing to talk. His arm was dislocated and he had held it cradled crying out whenever someone touched it. An examination later would reveal it was severely broken with a spiral fracture. Forced to investigate the police and family services linked his injuries to his mother's abuse. She was found to have a drug problem and had failed to enter the boy into school. Feeling that the boys life was in immediate danger they removed him from her custody. Later she would surrender her parental rights to the state in exchange for a reduction in her charges.<br>
From there Bobby was bounced between foster homes and group facilities until he was ten years of age at which point when there were no foster homes or beds at any of the facilities they sent him to a juvinile detention center until one opened up for him. Rather than letting that happen to him again he began running away... unsuccessfully. Either he would be forced to return lacking food and money, or the police would locate him and return him. He was soon labeled a problem for the system and he began to fall through the cracks.<br>
When he was twelve years old, he finally found a somewhat stable living situation with nine other children living in a crowded and raucus home. He thrived there somewhat for two years, regaining lost ground in his education and his health. The foster parents were mostly interested in the state-provided funds each child would bring in and squeezed every penny from the budgets provided to them for their own gains; however, they were more apathetic than abusive and the other children (some older some younger) pitched in to make the home livable and somewhat happy. This would change, though, when his genetic time bomb emerged for the first time.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History3'''</span>
He was fourteen, and like most young teenagers he was sometimes prone to flares of temper and rebellion. He had gotten into an argument with one of the other children, a new boy who liked to take things that weren't his. While Bobby and the other boy began to tussle their foster mother was forced to become involved and came down on Bobby for not being tolerant of the new boy's problems. Enraged with his heart pounding in his ears, Bobby re-launched himself at the other boy while transforming for the first time into the half animal-like form that would plague him for years to come. Chaos erupted, his foster mother screamed at him in fear and shouted desperately for help and for the police. In a panic, and not understanding what was happening to him, ran. He would later try to return, but when they saw him they refused to let him in.<br>
They were afraid of mutants. All they saw of them were the news reports of battles and terror on the tv. Mutants, Powereds, Aliens. It was all the same for them. They no-longer saw the boy they had allowed to live with them in their home. Now all they saw was someone, some thing, to be afraid of. As he left the apartment building he saw the police pulling up. He knew they were there to arrest him, to take him away, to lock him up for being a danger to others. Again, he ran, and this time he would not return.<br>
With determination he managed to learn how to survive on his own. Life on the streets of NYC can be hard. Shelters wont take you if you are underage as they would rather turn you in. One must be constantly on guard for muggers, gangs, and sometimes violent homeless. Bobby learned to sleep lightly, and to stay hidden when his transformation overtakes him. He has made some enemies on the street, but thats what you get when you try to be a small time hero... or just a really short temper when it comes to bullies and abusers.<br>
He made some friends too. Or at least people willing to make a profit from the items he sometimes stole in order to get some food or a place to stay.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History4'''</span>
When normal, he found he could generally keep low and stay unnoticed. Blending in among the crowds. Keeping to himself and staying out of other people's business. Keep your head down during school hours, and wander freely when school was out so that the police would overlook you and other people wont harass.<br>
When the transformations overtook him though, he found he had to hi
|Abilities=<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Damage Touch'''</span>
In short its disintegration, kinda. It works off his teleportation ability separating really tiny random bits and pieces of the objects he touches. The stronger the material the slower this is. He needs a good grip too. There's some things he cant do this to like some high quality steel alloys and rare elements. So Captain American's Shield is probably pretty safe from him. The implication for this also means that he cannot harm a meta with enhanced durability above a certain level. If they were bulletproof, he may still be able to damage them if (big if here) he was able to hold on long enough, but if they are tougher than that then its not very likely he can hurt them that way. It doesn't work on magically tough materials either so Dr. Strange's cloak will just chuckle at him and wag a collar tip... Nuh uh uh!
In short its disintegration, kinda. It works off his teleportation ability separating really tiny random bits and pieces of the objects he touches. The stronger the material the slower this is. He needs a good grip too. There's some things he cant do this to like some high quality steel alloys and rare elements. So Captain American's Shield is probably pretty safe from him. The implication for this also means that he cannot harm a meta with enhanced durability above a certain level. If they were bulletproof, he may still be able to damage them if (big if here) he was able to hold on long enough, but if they are tougher than that then its not very likely he can hurt them that way. It doesn't work on magically tough materials either so Dr. Strange's cloak will just chuckle at him and wag a collar tip... Nuh uh uh!
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENHANCEMENTS'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Enhancements'''</span>
When changed, Blinkdog has increased strength. He won't be leaping tall buildings in a single bound, but he might be able to lift one end of a car if it happened to have a flat tire. He also has some heightened senses such as smell and hearing. Its on par with any coyote's senses. Just hope he doesn't get pepper sprayed, or that Black Canary lady doesn't sing too loud nearby.
When changed, Blinkdog has increased strength. He won't be leaping tall buildings in a single bound, but he might be able to lift one end of a car if it happened to have a flat tire. He also has some heightened senses such as smell and hearing. Its on par with any coyote's senses. Just hope he doesn't get pepper sprayed, or that Black Canary lady doesn't sing too loud nearby.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''HEALING FACTOR'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Healing-Factor'''</span>
As long as he's looking like he eats Alpo chunky style he can heal from just about anything short of death. The worse the damage the longer it takes. It's not as good as short, clawed, and scruffy's (Wolverine) but it works. Lets just hope he doesn't change back to human if he gets knocked out. Ouchie!
As long as he's looking like he eats Alpo chunky style he can heal from just about anything short of death. The worse the damage the longer it takes. It's not as good as short, clawed, and scruffy's (Wolverine) but it works. Lets just hope he doesn't change back to human if he gets knocked out. Ouchie!<br>
*Examples: Scratches/Bruises heal in one minute, deeper cuts may take longer.
*Minor Broken Bones/Small Caliber gunshot wounds one to four hours.
*Examples: Scratches/Bruises heal in one minute, deeper cuts may take longer.<br>
*Compound Fractures/Survivable Large Caliber gunshot wounds heal in one day. Give or take depending on severity and any other additional damage.
*Minor Broken Bones/Small Caliber gunshot wounds one to four hours.<br>
*Complex organs like eyes may take up to a week to regrow or heal.
*Compound Fractures/Survivable Large Caliber gunshot wounds heal in one day. Give or take depending on severity and any other additional damage.<br>
*Entire limbs or digits can be reconstructed. Depending on the mass it may take anywhere from a week to an entire year, or even years, to be replaced. If a severed limb were surgically re-attached of course this healing process would take far less time, but only if the limb were still viable. Remember his healing is not in operation when he isn't transformed, so this kind of healing may take longer than others.
*Complex organs like eyes may take up to a week to regrow or heal.<br>
*Brain Damage can be healed to a limited extent. As long as the damage is not so great that it is a mortal wound or as long as it doesn't effect the parts of the brain that handle autonomic functions his power will try to work. Structurally the damage can be healed like any other complex organ, but the original content may be lost. With the structure restored, though, lost skills can be re-learned. Lost memories though are likely gone for good.
*Entire limbs or digits can be reconstructed. Depending on the mass it may take anywhere from a week to an entire year, or even years, to be replaced. If a severed limb were surgically re-attached of course this healing process would take far less time, but only if the limb were still viable. Remember his healing is not in operation when he isn't transformed, so this kind of healing may take longer than others.<br>
*Poisons, minute foreign substances, drugs, etc. His healing factor would not know how to address them at this point in his development. Sure, removing a bullet fragment is one thing. Removing a tranquilizer is another animal entirely.
*Brain Damage can be healed to a limited extent. As long as the damage is not so great that it is a mortal wound or as long as it doesn't effect the parts of the brain that handle autonomic functions his power will try to work. Structurally the damage can be healed like any other complex organ, but the original content may be lost. With the structure restored, though, lost skills can be re-learned. Lost memories though are likely gone for good.<br>
*Poisons, minute foreign substances, drugs, etc. His healing factor would not know how to address them at this point in his development. Sure, removing a bullet fragment is one thing. Removing a tranquilizer is another animal entirely.<br>
*Deadly Mortal Wounds... dead is dead. His ability requires a LIVING nervous system to accomplish these feats, even if unconscious, but there are some limits even a dying desperate brain cannot overcome.
*Deadly Mortal Wounds... dead is dead. His ability requires a LIVING nervous system to accomplish these feats, even if unconscious, but there are some limits even a dying desperate brain cannot overcome.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''NATURAL WEAPONRY'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Natural-Weaponry'''</span>
While transformed Blinkdog's body has some obvious natural weaponry. However, he is loathe to use these assets often as they remind him that he is no-longer a "normal human"; therefore, he has been quite delinquent in cultivating any advantages these would give him except perhaps what comes from his increased strength. His altered fingernails while toughened would do little more than annoy any adversary. On a human opponent a scratch from him would leave lightly bleeding furrows in skin much like the scratch from a dog's claws. Sure it would hurt and distract and perhaps leave a nasty looking row of marks, but it would hardly qualify as real damage unless the opponent is very vain. If desperate enough while grappling an opponent he may try to use his bite, but without skilled application this too would be merely annoying and painful like any bite from a person.
While transformed Blinkdog's body has some obvious natural weaponry. However, he is loathe to use these assets often as they remind him that he is no-longer a "normal human"; therefore, he has been quite delinquent in cultivating any advantages these would give him except perhaps what comes from his increased strength. His altered fingernails while toughened would do little more than annoy any adversary. On a human opponent a scratch from him would leave lightly bleeding furrows in skin much like the scratch from a dog's claws. Sure it would hurt and distract and perhaps leave a nasty looking row of marks, but it would hardly qualify as real damage unless the opponent is very vain. If desperate enough while grappling an opponent he may try to use his bite, but without skilled application this too would be merely annoying and painful like any bite from a person.<br>
Despite his animalistic features, he does not THINK like an animal and does not imagine himself attacking like one. This spills over into some of his other traits as well. Despite an enhanced sense of smell he does not use it for tracking like a canine would for example.
Despite his animalistic features, he does not THINK like an animal and does not imagine himself attacking like one. This spills over into some of his other traits as well. Despite an enhanced sense of smell he does not use it for tracking like a canine would for example.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TELEPORT'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Teleport'''</span>
When changed into his hybrid form Blinkdog can teleport. Moving from one space to another instantly. The further away it is the more focus he needs to achieve his goal. He can only teleport to locations he is at least passingly familiar with or that he can see. After he teleports there is a very brief moment where he can "kick off" as if he were standing on something solid but this effect fades very rapidly. Beast could probably explain the exact way this works but it would bore you with talk about "microportals" and "molecular cohesion". Blinkdog certainly couldn't do it. He just does it.
When changed into his hybrid form Blinkdog can teleport. Moving from one space to another instantly. The further away it is the more focus he needs to achieve his goal. He can only teleport to locations he is at least passingly familiar with or that he can see. After he teleports there is a very brief moment where he can "kick off" as if he were standing on something solid but this effect fades very rapidly. Beast could probably explain the exact way this works but it would bore you with talk about "microportals" and "molecular cohesion". Blinkdog certainly couldn't do it. He just does it.<br>
His current maximum range is unknown to him. He has one, about fifty miles as a hard limit, but for Blinkdog his entire world exists within the boroughs and streets of New York City. Generally about twenty-five miles is his maximum range. His outside range limit is more of a mental factor than anything else. He simply has a difficult time imagining, and accurately picturing, greater distances and therefore limits him. He once tried to teleport to the moon in what would have been a vain and most likely suicidal attempt but it simply wouldn't work. He just couldn't fathom the vast distances involved in such an ordeal. If a great mind were to take over and puppet him into going further it would likely work. To a point. Xavier for example could get him to teleport 49 miles from Manhattan to Stoneybrook easily. Further than that though and his core mind would balk at the orders of magnitude difference. If forced beyond that limitation and it may kill him in the process. Imagine being forced to teleport from NYC to Levittown 70 miles away, with only his nervous system arriving at the destination, flopping to the ground in a meaty lump.
His current maximum range is unknown to him. He has one, about fifty miles as a hard limit, but for Blinkdog his entire world exists within the boroughs and streets of New York City. Generally about twenty-five miles is his maximum range. His outside range limit is more of a mental factor than anything else. He simply has a difficult time imagining, and accurately picturing, greater distances and therefore limits him. He once tried to teleport to the moon in what would have been a vain and most likely suicidal attempt but it simply wouldn't work. He just couldn't fathom the vast distances involved in such an ordeal. If a great mind were to take over and puppet him into going further it would likely work. To a point. Xavier for example could get him to teleport 49 miles from Manhattan to Stoneybrook easily. Further than that though and his core mind would balk at the orders of magnitude difference. If forced beyond that limitation and it may kill him in the process. Imagine being forced to teleport from NYC to Levittown 70 miles away, with only his nervous system arriving at the destination, flopping to the ground in a meaty lump.<br>
He can teleport with anything he can carry and he must go with it to bring it along. Note this is emphasized on the word "carry" not lift. Worn items go with him so his clothes and a backpack would be safe, but with anything else, he has to at least have it securely held in his grasp to take it with him. He can easily bring one person along if he has a good grip on them, perhaps two if held tightly against him in some way, but more than that it becomes too difficult. If the person is extra large like Colossus he would likely have to fireman-carry them to bring them along and you can forget about a full-sized Cybertronian no matter how much mass they've displaced. As long as it is something he can get a good grip on, would be able to carry, and isn't directly attached or chained to something too big he can take it with him. Though it should be noted he hasn't got a lot of practice teleporting people with him. There are bound to be mistakes.
He can teleport with anything he can carry and he must go with it to bring it along. Note this is emphasized on the word "carry" not lift. Worn items go with him so his clothes and a backpack would be safe, but with anything else, he has to at least have it securely held in his grasp to take it with him. He can easily bring one person along if he has a good grip on them, perhaps two if held tightly against him in some way, but more than that it becomes too difficult. If the person is extra large like Colossus he would likely have to fireman-carry them to bring them along and you can forget about a full-sized Cybertronian no matter how much mass they've displaced. As long as it is something he can get a good grip on, would be able to carry, and isn't directly attached or chained to something too big he can take it with him. Though it should be noted he hasn't got a lot of practice teleporting people with him. There are bound to be mistakes.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TEMP DAMAGE TOUCH'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Temp-Damage-Touch'''</span>
Just like his damaging touch, ultra tiny bits and pieces get teleported away. On a person it's sorta like a radiation burn. Funny thing is, all those bits and pieces come back after about five to ten minutes as if they were never gone. If he used this on you, you'd be good as new. The only thing left behind is the memory of how much that $#!7 hurts! Also, the material strength limits are exactly the same as with his damaging touch. No super strong alloys, No mega-enhanced endurance, no magically toughened materials.
Just like his damaging touch, ultra tiny bits and pieces get teleported away. On a person it's sorta like a radiation burn. Funny thing is, all those bits and pieces come back after about five to ten minutes as if they were never gone. If he used this on you, you'd be good as new. The only thing left behind is the memory of how much that $#!7 hurts! Also, the material strenth limits are exactly the same as with his damaging touch. No super strong alloys, No mega-enhanced endurance, no magically toughened materials.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TRANSFORMATION'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Transformation'''</span>
Awooooo! No seriously. Bobby can transform into this coyote hybrid thing kind of like a werewolf. The downside of this is that he wont be making many dates looking like the kind of animal that people put out to guard junk yards. The upside though is that it allows him to access all of the other nifty abilities he got from those mutant genes of his. Some kid he made friends with for a while once called him a Blinkdog after some silly board game he played. The name kind of stuck. It could be worse, he could be nicknamed the Toad or something like that.
Awooooo! No seriously. Bobby can transform into this coyote hybrid thing kind of like a  
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Acrobatics'''</span>
How is his transformation and other powers linked? It's complicated. In his human form his meta-gene, x-factor, whatever you want to call it is largely dormant and barely a footnote in his physical makeup. It is there, and a blood test or scan can pick it up but it will show up as dormant and unactivated; however, this all changes when he transforms. First the gene activates rapidly throughout his body reaching out and altering his body in a cascade chain reaction that grows stronger as it progresses. First to awaken is his inherent teleportation ability from which everything else is based on. The power begins to move atoms, cells, and matter around re-arranging his body into its transformed state in order to accommodate his abilities. He becomes stronger, and he gains some new physical traits.
From his hybrid transformed state he then gains his other abilities. The damage touch, both temporary and permanent, are also linked to his teleportation ability. The damage is done by popping away matter on a very small scale damaging the whole. His healing factor again is from his teleportation, his body barrows matter from nearby creating cells to replace the damaged ones, re-arranging flesh to close and heal wounds. Don't worry about this hurting others nearby though, the barrowing of mater is so minute and spread out over his entire range that it goes unnoticed and all of which is done instinctively so if he is unconscious but still transformed it continues unabated.
If he returns to his human form, however, all bets are off. He is no different than any other human being and must heal the old fashioned way. He is 'powerless' in that he has no mutant super powers as a human, though this hardly means defenseless.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ACROBATICS'''</span>
While not formally trained, Blinkdog can effect some urban parkour, climb along narrow walkways and across wires, and when brawling he can tumble and roll to dodge and scrap. It makes him a little harder to fight if he has room to move, and someday with practice he could probably make it work with his teleportation. He's certainly no Dick Grayson on the high wire, but he can get by better than your average ground pounder.
While not formally trained, Blinkdog can effect some urban parkour, climb along narrow walkways and across wires, and when brawling he can tumble and roll to dodge and scrap. It makes him a little harder to fight if he has room to move, and someday with practice he could probably make it work with his teleportation. He's certainly no Dick Grayson on the high wire, but he can get by better than your average ground pounder.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BRAWLING'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Brawling'''</span>
Bobby has basic brawling and fighting hand to hand skills. Though he is not formally trained in any martial art he can hold his own in a scrap. He is not above fighting dirty and he certainly has been in his share of brawls over the past few years. He can't say he's won all of them, or even most of them for that matter, but he learns from them every time.
Bobby has basic brawling and fighting hand to hand skills. Though he is not formally trained in any martial art he can hold his own in a scrap. He is not above fighting dirty and he certainly has been in his share of brawls over the past few years. He can't say he's won all of them, or even most of them for that matter, but he learns from them every time.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''IMPROVISED WEAPONS'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Improvised Weapons'''</span>
With nothing at hand as a weapon you can improvise. Blinkdog is skilled at turning regular every-day objects such as chairs, tables, salt and pepper shakers, whatever is at hand into weapons. At the very least he can toss and spill a lot of stuff to the ground to make an easier get-away.
With nothing at hand as a weapon you can improvise. Blinkdog is skilled at turning regular every-day objects such as chairs, tables, salt and pepper shakers, whatever is at hand into weapons. At the very least he can toss and spill a lot of stuff to the ground to make an easier get-away.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SCROUNGING'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Musician'''</span>
Bobby is just a beginner. He hasn't quite gotten to sight reading sheet music yet, but he can work out a tune with practice and memorization. Currently the only instrument he has any skill with is the recorder, he was given a wooden one by his instructors at the Xavier's Institute to help him learn focus and concentration. Vocally he cannot carry a tune in a bucket, but with this he can do some simple tunes without making everyone around him wince in pain.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Scrounging'''</span>
There are treasures to be found in abandoned buildings, junk yards, and trash heaps. He may not come up with a lost Rembrandt, or a forgotten gold watch, or even that flux capacitor at an old DeLorean plant... but you'd be amazed at the kinds of things left behind and forgotten. Some more useful than others. Old records. Blue Prints. Moldy old but serviceable blankets. Even the odd working hotplate or coffee maker.
There are treasures to be found in abandoned buildings, junk yards, and trash heaps. He may not come up with a lost Rembrandt, or a forgotten gold watch, or even that flux capacitor at an old DeLorean plant... but you'd be amazed at the kinds of things left behind and forgotten. Some more useful than others. Old records. Blue Prints. Moldy old but serviceable blankets. Even the odd working hotplate or coffee maker.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SKETCH ARTIST'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Sketch Artist'''</span>
Bobby can draw. He's no Rembrandt or DaVinci but he can get by with his sketches in pen or marker. He particularly likes to draw iconographic symbols. They are usually things he's made up and vary in complexity and design. Placing them in some locations helps him teleport more accurately.
Bobby can draw. He's no Rembrandt or DaVinci but he can get by with his sketches in pen or marker. He particularly likes to draw iconographic symbols. They are usually things he's made up and vary in complexity and design. Placing them in some locations helps him teleport more accurately.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SMALL ARMS'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Small Arms'''</span>
Bobby can use most commonplace small arms which include pistols, knives, and clubs. Sure you could stick a laser pistol in his hand and he could probably fire it, but he would have no idea how to reload it. Stick a .38 Special in his hand or a Colt .45 semi though and its pretty much a point and squeeze interphase. He can fight effectively with a small blade ranging from 6 to 9 inches long, but not a sword with this skillset. Clubs are generally easy for him to use up to the size and weight of a bat. Anything bigger would have to fall under "Improvised Weapons".
Bobby can use most commonplace small arms which include pistols, knives, and clubs. Sure you could stick a laser pistol in his hand and he could probably fire it, but he would have no idea how to reload it. Stick a .38 Special in his hand or a Colt .45 semi though and its pretty much a point and squeeze interphase. He can fight effectively with a small blade ranging from 6 to 9 inches long, but not a sword with this skillset. Clubs are generally easy for him to use up to the size and weight of a bat. Anything bigger would have to fall under "Improvised Weapons".<br>
Where did Bobby learn his skills like with handguns, knives, and brawling? The short answer is "The Streets". Once one realizes that the streets are filled with people, many of them former military, that do have such skills. Some of them are willing to teach them if sufficiently motivated say by a bit of food here, a warm blanket there, a pair of badly needed shoes, or even a good quantity of pilfered hootch. Where did he obtain things like guns to practice with? Come on, this is America. Guns and big cities are like grass and golf courses. Though being able to use one does not mean he HAS one on him at all times. In general guns are the kind of thing that cause more trouble than they solve, so odds are he won't be packing. That's not to say that the streets of New York is one big combat school for supers and punks, but if one is determined enough to find the right guy you can learn anything you need to in order to survive.
Where did Bobby learn his skills like with handguns, knives, and brawling? The short answer is "The Streets". Once one realizes that the streets are filled with people, many of them former military, that do have such skills. Some of them are willing to teach them if sufficiently motivated say by a bit of food here, a warm blanket there, a pair of badly needed shoes, or even a good quantity of pilfered hootch. Where did he obtain things like guns to practice with? Come on, this is America. Guns and big cities are like grass and golf courses. Though being able to use one does not mean he HAS one on him at all times. In general guns are the kind of thing that cause more trouble than they solve, so odds are he won't be packing. That's not to say that the streets of New York is one big combat school for supers and punks, but if one is determined enough to find the right guy you can learn anything you need to in order to survive.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''STREETWISE'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Streetwise'''</span>
Familiar with life on the streets. This form of urban survival allows him to treat the back streets, dark alleys, and hidden places throughout the city as his home. He knows how to survive there. He knows what to look out for. He knows who you can trust(sometimes) and who you can't. (In NYC) He knows how to spot all those little places you can hide or lay low for a while. If he were taken to a strange city, it would take him a while to become oriented but he would figure it out faster than most people without his experience.
Familiar with life on the streets. This form of urban survival allows him to treat the back streets, dark alleys, and hidden places throughout the city as his home. He knows how to survive there. He knows what to look out for. He knows who you can trust(sometimes) and who you can't. (In NYC) He knows how to spot all those little places you can hide or lay low for a while. If he were taken to a strange city, it would take him a while to become oriented but he would figure it out faster than most people without his experience.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''CONTACTS'''</span>
|Resources=<span style="color:#228B22">'''Contacts'''</span>
In NYC and its surrounding boroughs Bobby is familiar with many denizens of the streets. Fences, street peddlers, and many of the panhandlers. These are the information highways of the street. They are the people who you go to when you want to sell something, hide something or someone, and who to ask when you need some information on the down-low.
In NYC and its surrounding boroughs Bobby is familiar with many denizens of the streets. Fences, street peddlers, and many of the panhandlers. These are the information highways of the street. They are the people who you go to when you want to sell something, hide something or someone, and who to ask when you need some information on the down-low.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENHANCED SENSES'''</span>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''X-Men'''</span>
While not yet anywhere near being a team member, Bobby is willing to lend a hand if invited to assist in a mission. From his time at the school he has met several of the team leaders and other members of this x-clusive hero team. He is not yet privy to any of their internal operations or secrets, perhaps he will learn more over time. He knows of them, and they in turn know about him. If he is in need, or in trouble, they too will lend a hand. He has been offered the the limited use of advanced technologies and gear such as the "Image Inducer", and counter-sentinel protections as they develop them to match the current crisis in their arms race to keep up with anti-mutant technologies in order to protect the students at the school. Just because they have granted him use of this technology does not mean he understands its workings in any way.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Xavier's School'''</span>
Bobby now has what seems like a place for him to call home. He is uncertain how long this will last, but, so far it is almost overwhelming in the number of resources it is providing him. All of his basic needs will be met. Scholastic education is being provided including much of the remedial work he requires. The school also provides a certain level of safety and training when it comes to his abilities. Plus protection from many of the negative outside forces gathering against mutant-kind. He has been provided with living quarters, a small allowance/stipend, and access to modern conveniences. The school is also offering counseling and any medical care he might need. Further, they are offering a sense of family which is something he is not accustomed to.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Enhanced Senses'''</span>
With every advantage there is sometimes an equal drawback. A strong sense of smell is great, until you run into a dead skunk. Sensitive hearing can alert you to danger, or it can send you pinwheeling in pain when someone with sonic-based powers is using them on you.
With every advantage there is sometimes an equal drawback. A strong sense of smell is great, until you run into a dead skunk. Sensitive hearing can alert you to danger, or it can send you pinwheeling in pain when someone with sonic-based powers is using them on you.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''POWERS UNKNOWN'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Powers Unknown'''</span>
There have been a few close calls. Unintended consequences of a new power emerging or one that he does know going out of control. It scares him, and has flavored more than one nightmare of him hurting himself or worse hurting someone else. This more than anything has gotten in his way of controlling his abilities better and more accurately. With time and training this weakness may go away, but it will always lurk somewhere deep inside ready to emerge and freeze him in his tracks. (This is a phobia not a blank slate for a new power.)
There have been a few close calls. Unintended consequences of a new power emerging or one that he does know going out of control. It scares him, and has flavored more than one nightmare of him hurting himself or worse hurting someone else. This more than anything has gotten in his way of controling his abilities better and more accurately. With time and training this weakness may go away, but it will always lurk somewhere deep inside ready to emerge and freeze him in his tracks. (This is a phobia not a blank slate for a new power.)
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''PTSD'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Ptsd'''</span>
His life has not been an easy one. Some of these hard-knocks have left a few scars. Some of them you can see, some you cannot. Frequented by nightmares and bouts of depression he sometimes finds himself struggling. He may not intend to but he might overreact when stressed, or act out in some way without thinking about his motivations. He doesn't suffer from full blown flashbacks, but a strong memory may make him stare off and shudder. It isn't always a disadvantage, a psychic might be in for quite a ride if they probe his memories... but really how often does that happen?
His life has not been an easy one. Some of these hard-knocks have left a few scars. Some of them you can see, some you cannot. Frequented by nightmares and bouts of depression he sometimes finds himself struggling. He may not intend to but he might overreact when stressed, or act out in some way without thinking about his motivations. He doesn't suffer from full blown flashbacks, but a strong memory may make him stare off and shudder. It isn't always a disadvantage, a psychic might be in for quite a ride if they probe his memories... but really how often does that happen?
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SPATIAL DISTORTION'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Spatial Distortion'''</span>
Blinkdog has yet to personally experience this phenomena. Any distortions in time-space around him may interfere with his ability to teleport and may even effect his other abilities. Though such things are relatively rare in the natural world, in the world of supers there are more of these situations than one would think. A visit to Doc Strange or Doctor Fate's abodes where space and time sometimes are meaningless, where extra dimensional spaces are twisted and reshaped so that they are bigger on the inside or act as in-between spaces that let out into other places even other worlds could confuse Blinkdog's ability to navigate to such an extent that his abilities simply shut down. Even being too near a space-warping portal may throw a wrench into things for him. Depending on the circumstances even his ability to regenerate and heal may be effected. Of course this isn't 100% his nemesis, he may learn to adjust to a given distortion given time and exposure, or the distortion itself may be so weak or so localized that he doesn't even notice. But it certainly can be used against him. Someone with enough super-science skill could use it to contain him and prevent his escape or to nullify his powers.
Blinkdog has yet to personally experience this phenomena. Any distortions in time-space around him may interfere with his ability to teleport and may even effect his other abilities. Though such things are relatively rare in the natural world, in the world of supers there are more of these situations than one would think. A visit to Doc Strange or Doctor Fate's abodes where space and time sometimes are meaningless, where extra dimensional spaces are twisted and reshaped so that they are bigger on the inside or act as in-between spaces that let out into other places even other worlds could confuse Blinkdog's ability to navigate to such an extent that his abilities simply shut down. Even being too near a space-warping portal may throw a wrench into things for him. Depending on the circumstances even his ability to regenerate and heal may be effected. Of course this isn't 100% his nemesis, he may learn to adjust to a given distortion given time and exposure, or the distortion itself may be so weak or so localized that he doesn't even notice. But it certainly can be used against him. Someone with enough super-science skill could use it to contain him and prevent his escape or to nullify his powers.<br>
Note: This is also anything that effects his 'sense' of space. So a run-in with Count Vertigo would do more than just up-end his world. Even other teleporters and portal users abilities could occasionally throw him for a loop. Space travel often use space-time distorting mechanisms to move from one place to another. Many Transformers use mass-displacement technologies, how this effects Blinkdog is unknown but it will be interesting to find out.
Note: This is also anything that effects his 'sense' of space. So a run-in with Count Vertigo would do more than just up-end his world. Even other teleporters and portal users abilities could occasionally throw him for a loop. Space travel often use space-time distorting mechanisms to move from one place to another. Many Transformers use mass-displacement technologies, how this effects Blinkdog is unknown but it will be interesting to find out.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TELEPORTATION'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Teleportation'''</span>
In general the nature of his power protects him from appearing inside something solid. There is however a microsecond moment when he teleports where he is quite literally in two places at once. It might not come up often but it must be mentioned here, a skilled villain could take advantage of this effect and cause him great damage or even death or even harm others at his destination. (Think of his body as a window in that moment, an explosion goes off and he teleports away trying to get to safety but some of that blast is carried with him... through him... making for a very bad experience for all.)
In general the nature of his power protects him from appearing inside something solid. There is however a microsecond moment when he teleports where he is quite literally in two places at once. It might not come up often but it must be mentioned here, a skilled villain could take advantage of this effect and cause him great damage or even death or even harm others at his destination. (Think of his body as a window in that moment, an explosion goes off and he teleports away trying to get to safety but some of that blast is carried with him... through him... making for a very bad experience for all.)
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TRANSFORMATION'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Transformation'''</span>
Sometimes he can transform at will. Sometimes 'Blinkdog' refuses to come out. Sometimes at just the worst times he transforms when he does not want to. It goes both ways too. There he is about to make a getaway when poof he's tail-less and looking more average joe than mutant. He has known himself to become stuck in one form or another for hours, days, even weeks at a time.
Sometimes he can transform at will. Sometimes 'Blinkdog' refuses to come out. Sometimes at just the worst times he transforms when he does not want to. It goes both ways too. There he is about to make a getaway when poof he's tail-less and looking more average joe than mutant. He has known himself to become stuck in one form or another for hours, days, even weeks at a time.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TUNELESS'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Tuneless'''</span>
Bobby in either form cannot carry a tune in a bucket. If you value your eardrums and nerves do not ever ask him to sing. He enjoys music just fine but recreating them is a skill and talent he certainly lacks.
Bobby in either form cannot carry a tune in a bucket. If you value your eardrums and nerves do not ever ask him to sing. He enjoys music just fine but recreating them is a skill and talent he certainly lacks.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''UNEDUCATED'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Uneducated'''</span>
Several times throughout his life his education has been interrupted. He can count, do basic math. He can read a newspaper. He even knows who sailed the ocean blue in 1492, but ask him anything beyond a 7th grade level and he may struggle to come up with an answer other than "Shut up!"
Several times throughout his life his education has been interrupted. He can count, do basic math. He can read a newspaper. He even knows who sailed the ocean blue in 1492, but ask him anything beyond a 7th grade level and he may struggle to come up with an answer other than "Shut up!"
[[Category:Xavier's School]][[Category:Mutant-OOC]][[Category:Street Level-OOC]]
[[Category:Mutant-OOC]] [[Category:Street Level-OOC]] [[Category:Xavier's School]]

Revision as of 06:26, 28 June 2019

Blinkdog (Scenesys ID: 8155)
Nothing "good" ever happens to me without a cost. Usually a painful one.
Full Name: Bobby McFadden
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original ()
Occupation: None
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: MiddleSchool Dropout
Groups: Mutant-OOC, Street Level-OOC, Xavier's School
Other Information
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 13 March 2010 Actor: Chris Zylka
Height: 170cm (5'7") Weight: 63kg (139lbs)
Hair Color: Sandy Blonde Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Magestic" by Wax Fang


Bobby McFadden was born in the slums of New York City. At the age of 6 he became a ward of the state, due to abuse, and was bounced from foster home to foster home until the age of 14 when his mutant transformations began to manifest. Frightening his foster family he was kicked to the street. Living in alleys, subway tunnels, and the various forgotten or overlooked places in NYC he managed to get by for a time until along with his transformations new abilities began to emerge. Now adding to his struggles of a hard life he is now trying to learn how to control his transformation into the nicnamed "Blinkdog". Perhaps a hero, perhaps a vigilante, or perhaps a new mutant.

Current Player Approved: May 28, 2019



Click to expand.

Bobby McFadden: Bobby is a relatively short youth standing about five feet seven inches tall. By all accounts he looks like a perfectly normal human being. Perhaps he is a bit scruffy around the edges with his slightly unkempt hair style which is medium length and sandy blonde. His complexion is slightly ruddy which can easily come off as a light tan which is a tell tale hint of his having some american-indian ancestery. His facial features are somewhat sharpened by high cheek bones, deep set dark brown eyes, and a tendency towards being a bit gaunt. His build is somewhat athletic with what is known as a runner's physique, meaning that while he is rather thin he is still well toned and muscled.

Blinkdog: Obviously a mutant, Blinkdog is a humanoid/coyote mixture with striking features. He is covered head to toe with fur ranging from tawny brown to highlights in darker almost black fur. His intelligent and keen amber eyes stand out against his coyote-like face. While his facial features are largely canid his face can still show a full range of expressions. There is a slight curve to his shoulders and upper back, and increased musculature overall when compared to his human form. His hands are still hands despite a covering of fur and darkened "pads" the inside of his palm and fingers. His fingernails, now a little longer, are thickened slightly and black with a bit of a curve to them. A crescent curved bushy tail spills out behind him held close and down along his legs.


Click to expand.

This is the short version of my character's history as told mostly in the 1st person. A MUCH MUCH longer and detailed version is available from History2 and so on. It may have been a bit TL;DR so I did this short version in case you wanted to skip over it. There are no plot-damaging surprises there it's just long!

My History is a little long winded if I really get down to telling it. When I do tell it sometimes I talk about it as if it happened to someone else. The short version...

At six years old I was removed from my birth mother's loving care for various reasons I wont really get into here. Lets just say it was bad. Really bad. Like nightmares waking you up at night in a pool of sweat bad. I think thats enough said on that unless you want to get the long version out of me later. Anyway, after that I was bounced around from one place to another until one day when I was fourteen years old I got into a nasty little tussel with this boy named Bradly something or other.

He had just joined our happy home with the foster family where I had been staying with, but the guy had a problem with taking things that weren't his. My things in particular. I didn't take this very well and I decided it needed a little discussion. It turned into a loud one, and when my foster mom intervened I was the one that got the finger wagged at. Needless to say I didn't take it too well. I got into a scrap with him, I wanted to kick his ass to tell the truth but something happened. I went all werewolf coyote style and I was forced to run away.

I lived on the streets for a long time. Trying to keep my head low, learning how to stay alive, and how to get a handle on all this mutant stuff. It wasnt easy, but I managed to survive somehow. There were a lot of close calls. You can't do much if you're a kid. Noone will help you unless they want to involve the authorities. If they learn you are a mutant, you're even less likely to make any friends. People are scared of you. People hate you for no reason other than you don't look like them. Like you're diseased or something.

Now I'm seventeen years old. I learned the hard way that nothing good happens without a price attached to it. Otherwise it can just poof. Dissapear just when you start getting cozy with it. No, nothing good ever happens if you are a mutant like me. I get by. I get by.... because I have no choice.
This is the LONG version of my character's history as told mostly in 3rd person.

My history is a little long winded if I really get down to telling it. When I do tell it sometimes I talk about it as if it happened to someone else. The long version...

Bobby McFadden was born to a single mother who lived in a run down tenement in the "Alphabet City" borough of New York City. His mother was a short woman with sandy blonde hair and a love for ballet and theater. She was pretty, and had a gift for dancing, but that was a dream lost to a hard life of living alone with a son to raise and a habit to feed. She also had a vicious temper and a shrill voice. Bobby never met his father and all that he knows about him is that he was at least partly Native-American, and that he had to leave the city because he owed the wrong people a lot of money. A debt his mother would have to work off herself and pay leaving her angry at him and resentful of her own son.(+info bd and read "The Nightmare" but trigger warnings it contains violence.)

At the age of six he was discovered by an elderly couple huddled to himself on the stairs of his tenement, battered and bruised, his face streaked with tears but silent and refusing to talk. His arm was dislocated and he had held it cradled crying out whenever someone touched it. An examination later would reveal it was severely broken with a spiral fracture. Forced to investigate the police and family services linked his injuries to his mother's abuse. She was found to have a drug problem and had failed to enter the boy into school. Feeling that the boys life was in immediate danger they removed him from her custody. Later she would surrender her parental rights to the state in exchange for a reduction in her charges.

From there Bobby was bounced between foster homes and group facilities until he was ten years of age at which point when there were no foster homes or beds at any of the facilities they sent him to a juvinile detention center until one opened up for him. Rather than letting that happen to him again he began running away... unsuccessfully. Either he would be forced to return lacking food and money, or the police would locate him and return him. He was soon labeled a problem for the system and he began to fall through the cracks.

When he was twelve years old, he finally found a somewhat stable living situation with nine other children living in a crowded and raucus home. He thrived there somewhat for two years, regaining lost ground in his education and his health. The foster parents were mostly interested in the state-provided funds each child would bring in and squeezed every penny from the budgets provided to them for their own gains; however, they were more apathetic than abusive and the other children (some older some younger) pitched in to make the home livable and somewhat happy. This would change, though, when his genetic time bomb emerged for the first time.
He was fourteen, and like most young teenagers he was sometimes prone to flares of temper and rebellion. He had gotten into an argument with one of the other children, a new boy who liked to take things that weren't his. While Bobby and the other boy began to tussle their foster mother was forced to become involved and came down on Bobby for not being tolerant of the new boy's problems. Enraged with his heart pounding in his ears, Bobby re-launched himself at the other boy while transforming for the first time into the half animal-like form that would plague him for years to come. Chaos erupted, his foster mother screamed at him in fear and shouted desperately for help and for the police. In a panic, and not understanding what was happening to him, ran. He would later try to return, but when they saw him they refused to let him in.

They were afraid of mutants. All they saw of them were the news reports of battles and terror on the tv. Mutants, Powereds, Aliens. It was all the same for them. They no-longer saw the boy they had allowed to live with them in their home. Now all they saw was someone, some thing, to be afraid of. As he left the apartment building he saw the police pulling up. He knew they were there to arrest him, to take him away, to lock him up for being a danger to others. Again, he ran, and this time he would not return.

With determination he managed to learn how to survive on his own. Life on the streets of NYC can be hard. Shelters wont take you if you are underage as they would rather turn you in. One must be constantly on guard for muggers, gangs, and sometimes violent homeless. Bobby learned to sleep lightly, and to stay hidden when his transformation overtakes him. He has made some enemies on the street, but thats what you get when you try to be a small time hero... or just a really short temper when it comes to bullies and abusers.

He made some friends too. Or at least people willing to make a profit from the items he sometimes stole in order to get some food or a place to stay.
When normal, he found he could generally keep low and stay unnoticed. Blending in among the crowds. Keeping to himself and staying out of other people's business. Keep your head down during school hours, and wander freely when school was out so that the police would overlook you and other people wont harass.

When the transformations overtook him though, he found he had to hi


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Usually Bobby keeps to himself. Once he gets to know you though he can be quite charming when he wants to. He is intensely loyal once loyalty is given, and he is fearful of betrayal but he keeps that to himself.

There is a cloud hanging over him at times, especially when times are good, because he believes at any moment just when he relaxes the world will realize it made a mistake and take it all away.

He does have a temper though, usually kept in check lest it attract a gun to his face, but sometimes he just can't help himself especually when he sees someone being abused or bullied.


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Damage Touch
In short its disintegration, kinda. It works off his teleportation ability separating really tiny random bits and pieces of the objects he touches. The stronger the material the slower this is. He needs a good grip too. There's some things he cant do this to like some high quality steel alloys and rare elements. So Captain American's Shield is probably pretty safe from him. The implication for this also means that he cannot harm a meta with enhanced durability above a certain level. If they were bulletproof, he may still be able to damage them if (big if here) he was able to hold on long enough, but if they are tougher than that then its not very likely he can hurt them that way. It doesn't work on magically tough materials either so Dr. Strange's cloak will just chuckle at him and wag a collar tip... Nuh uh uh!
When changed, Blinkdog has increased strength. He won't be leaping tall buildings in a single bound, but he might be able to lift one end of a car if it happened to have a flat tire. He also has some heightened senses such as smell and hearing. Its on par with any coyote's senses. Just hope he doesn't get pepper sprayed, or that Black Canary lady doesn't sing too loud nearby.
As long as he's looking like he eats Alpo chunky style he can heal from just about anything short of death. The worse the damage the longer it takes. It's not as good as short, clawed, and scruffy's (Wolverine) but it works. Lets just hope he doesn't change back to human if he gets knocked out. Ouchie!

  • Examples: Scratches/Bruises heal in one minute, deeper cuts may take longer.
  • Minor Broken Bones/Small Caliber gunshot wounds one to four hours.
  • Compound Fractures/Survivable Large Caliber gunshot wounds heal in one day. Give or take depending on severity and any other additional damage.
  • Complex organs like eyes may take up to a week to regrow or heal.
  • Entire limbs or digits can be reconstructed. Depending on the mass it may take anywhere from a week to an entire year, or even years, to be replaced. If a severed limb were surgically re-attached of course this healing process would take far less time, but only if the limb were still viable. Remember his healing is not in operation when he isn't transformed, so this kind of healing may take longer than others.
  • Brain Damage can be healed to a limited extent. As long as the damage is not so great that it is a mortal wound or as long as it doesn't effect the parts of the brain that handle autonomic functions his power will try to work. Structurally the damage can be healed like any other complex organ, but the original content may be lost. With the structure restored, though, lost skills can be re-learned. Lost memories though are likely gone for good.
  • Poisons, minute foreign substances, drugs, etc. His healing factor would not know how to address them at this point in his development. Sure, removing a bullet fragment is one thing. Removing a tranquilizer is another animal entirely.
  • Deadly Mortal Wounds... dead is dead. His ability requires a LIVING nervous system to accomplish these feats, even if unconscious, but there are some limits even a dying desperate brain cannot overcome.

While transformed Blinkdog's body has some obvious natural weaponry. However, he is loathe to use these assets often as they remind him that he is no-longer a "normal human"; therefore, he has been quite delinquent in cultivating any advantages these would give him except perhaps what comes from his increased strength. His altered fingernails while toughened would do little more than annoy any adversary. On a human opponent a scratch from him would leave lightly bleeding furrows in skin much like the scratch from a dog's claws. Sure it would hurt and distract and perhaps leave a nasty looking row of marks, but it would hardly qualify as real damage unless the opponent is very vain. If desperate enough while grappling an opponent he may try to use his bite, but without skilled application this too would be merely annoying and painful like any bite from a person.

Despite his animalistic features, he does not THINK like an animal and does not imagine himself attacking like one. This spills over into some of his other traits as well. Despite an enhanced sense of smell he does not use it for tracking like a canine would for example.
When changed into his hybrid form Blinkdog can teleport. Moving from one space to another instantly. The further away it is the more focus he needs to achieve his goal. He can only teleport to locations he is at least passingly familiar with or that he can see. After he teleports there is a very brief moment where he can "kick off" as if he were standing on something solid but this effect fades very rapidly. Beast could probably explain the exact way this works but it would bore you with talk about "microportals" and "molecular cohesion". Blinkdog certainly couldn't do it. He just does it.

His current maximum range is unknown to him. He has one, about fifty miles as a hard limit, but for Blinkdog his entire world exists within the boroughs and streets of New York City. Generally about twenty-five miles is his maximum range. His outside range limit is more of a mental factor than anything else. He simply has a difficult time imagining, and accurately picturing, greater distances and therefore limits him. He once tried to teleport to the moon in what would have been a vain and most likely suicidal attempt but it simply wouldn't work. He just couldn't fathom the vast distances involved in such an ordeal. If a great mind were to take over and puppet him into going further it would likely work. To a point. Xavier for example could get him to teleport 49 miles from Manhattan to Stoneybrook easily. Further than that though and his core mind would balk at the orders of magnitude difference. If forced beyond that limitation and it may kill him in the process. Imagine being forced to teleport from NYC to Levittown 70 miles away, with only his nervous system arriving at the destination, flopping to the ground in a meaty lump.

He can teleport with anything he can carry and he must go with it to bring it along. Note this is emphasized on the word "carry" not lift. Worn items go with him so his clothes and a backpack would be safe, but with anything else, he has to at least have it securely held in his grasp to take it with him. He can easily bring one person along if he has a good grip on them, perhaps two if held tightly against him in some way, but more than that it becomes too difficult. If the person is extra large like Colossus he would likely have to fireman-carry them to bring them along and you can forget about a full-sized Cybertronian no matter how much mass they've displaced. As long as it is something he can get a good grip on, would be able to carry, and isn't directly attached or chained to something too big he can take it with him. Though it should be noted he hasn't got a lot of practice teleporting people with him. There are bound to be mistakes.
Just like his damaging touch, ultra tiny bits and pieces get teleported away. On a person it's sorta like a radiation burn. Funny thing is, all those bits and pieces come back after about five to ten minutes as if they were never gone. If he used this on you, you'd be good as new. The only thing left behind is the memory of how much that $#!7 hurts! Also, the material strenth limits are exactly the same as with his damaging touch. No super strong alloys, No mega-enhanced endurance, no magically toughened materials.

Awooooo! No seriously. Bobby can transform into this coyote hybrid thing kind of like a


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While not formally trained, Blinkdog can effect some urban parkour, climb along narrow walkways and across wires, and when brawling he can tumble and roll to dodge and scrap. It makes him a little harder to fight if he has room to move, and someday with practice he could probably make it work with his teleportation. He's certainly no Dick Grayson on the high wire, but he can get by better than your average ground pounder.
Bobby has basic brawling and fighting hand to hand skills. Though he is not formally trained in any martial art he can hold his own in a scrap. He is not above fighting dirty and he certainly has been in his share of brawls over the past few years. He can't say he's won all of them, or even most of them for that matter, but he learns from them every time.
Improvised Weapons
With nothing at hand as a weapon you can improvise. Blinkdog is skilled at turning regular every-day objects such as chairs, tables, salt and pepper shakers, whatever is at hand into weapons. At the very least he can toss and spill a lot of stuff to the ground to make an easier get-away.
Bobby is just a beginner. He hasn't quite gotten to sight reading sheet music yet, but he can work out a tune with practice and memorization. Currently the only instrument he has any skill with is the recorder, he was given a wooden one by his instructors at the Xavier's Institute to help him learn focus and concentration. Vocally he cannot carry a tune in a bucket, but with this he can do some simple tunes without making everyone around him wince in pain.
There are treasures to be found in abandoned buildings, junk yards, and trash heaps. He may not come up with a lost Rembrandt, or a forgotten gold watch, or even that flux capacitor at an old DeLorean plant... but you'd be amazed at the kinds of things left behind and forgotten. Some more useful than others. Old records. Blue Prints. Moldy old but serviceable blankets. Even the odd working hotplate or coffee maker.
Sketch Artist
Bobby can draw. He's no Rembrandt or DaVinci but he can get by with his sketches in pen or marker. He particularly likes to draw iconographic symbols. They are usually things he's made up and vary in complexity and design. Placing them in some locations helps him teleport more accurately.
Small Arms
Bobby can use most commonplace small arms which include pistols, knives, and clubs. Sure you could stick a laser pistol in his hand and he could probably fire it, but he would have no idea how to reload it. Stick a .38 Special in his hand or a Colt .45 semi though and its pretty much a point and squeeze interphase. He can fight effectively with a small blade ranging from 6 to 9 inches long, but not a sword with this skillset. Clubs are generally easy for him to use up to the size and weight of a bat. Anything bigger would have to fall under "Improvised Weapons".

Where did Bobby learn his skills like with handguns, knives, and brawling? The short answer is "The Streets". Once one realizes that the streets are filled with people, many of them former military, that do have such skills. Some of them are willing to teach them if sufficiently motivated say by a bit of food here, a warm blanket there, a pair of badly needed shoes, or even a good quantity of pilfered hootch. Where did he obtain things like guns to practice with? Come on, this is America. Guns and big cities are like grass and golf courses. Though being able to use one does not mean he HAS one on him at all times. In general guns are the kind of thing that cause more trouble than they solve, so odds are he won't be packing. That's not to say that the streets of New York is one big combat school for supers and punks, but if one is determined enough to find the right guy you can learn anything you need to in order to survive.

Familiar with life on the streets. This form of urban survival allows him to treat the back streets, dark alleys, and hidden places throughout the city as his home. He knows how to survive there. He knows what to look out for. He knows who you can trust(sometimes) and who you can't. (In NYC) He knows how to spot all those little places you can hide or lay low for a while. If he were taken to a strange city, it would take him a while to become oriented but he would figure it out faster than most people without his experience.


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In NYC and its surrounding boroughs Bobby is familiar with many denizens of the streets. Fences, street peddlers, and many of the panhandlers. These are the information highways of the street. They are the people who you go to when you want to sell something, hide something or someone, and who to ask when you need some information on the down-low.
While not yet anywhere near being a team member, Bobby is willing to lend a hand if invited to assist in a mission. From his time at the school he has met several of the team leaders and other members of this x-clusive hero team. He is not yet privy to any of their internal operations or secrets, perhaps he will learn more over time. He knows of them, and they in turn know about him. If he is in need, or in trouble, they too will lend a hand. He has been offered the the limited use of advanced technologies and gear such as the "Image Inducer", and counter-sentinel protections as they develop them to match the current crisis in their arms race to keep up with anti-mutant technologies in order to protect the students at the school. Just because they have granted him use of this technology does not mean he understands its workings in any way.
Xavier's School

Bobby now has what seems like a place for him to call home. He is uncertain how long this will last, but, so far it is almost overwhelming in the number of resources it is providing him. All of his basic needs will be met. Scholastic education is being provided including much of the remedial work he requires. The school also provides a certain level of safety and training when it comes to his abilities. Plus protection from many of the negative outside forces gathering against mutant-kind. He has been provided with living quarters, a small allowance/stipend, and access to modern conveniences. The school is also offering counseling and any medical care he might need. Further, they are offering a sense of family which is something he is not accustomed to.


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Enhanced Senses
With every advantage there is sometimes an equal drawback. A strong sense of smell is great, until you run into a dead skunk. Sensitive hearing can alert you to danger, or it can send you pinwheeling in pain when someone with sonic-based powers is using them on you.
Powers Unknown
There have been a few close calls. Unintended consequences of a new power emerging or one that he does know going out of control. It scares him, and has flavored more than one nightmare of him hurting himself or worse hurting someone else. This more than anything has gotten in his way of controling his abilities better and more accurately. With time and training this weakness may go away, but it will always lurk somewhere deep inside ready to emerge and freeze him in his tracks. (This is a phobia not a blank slate for a new power.)
His life has not been an easy one. Some of these hard-knocks have left a few scars. Some of them you can see, some you cannot. Frequented by nightmares and bouts of depression he sometimes finds himself struggling. He may not intend to but he might overreact when stressed, or act out in some way without thinking about his motivations. He doesn't suffer from full blown flashbacks, but a strong memory may make him stare off and shudder. It isn't always a disadvantage, a psychic might be in for quite a ride if they probe his memories... but really how often does that happen?
Spatial Distortion
Blinkdog has yet to personally experience this phenomena. Any distortions in time-space around him may interfere with his ability to teleport and may even effect his other abilities. Though such things are relatively rare in the natural world, in the world of supers there are more of these situations than one would think. A visit to Doc Strange or Doctor Fate's abodes where space and time sometimes are meaningless, where extra dimensional spaces are twisted and reshaped so that they are bigger on the inside or act as in-between spaces that let out into other places even other worlds could confuse Blinkdog's ability to navigate to such an extent that his abilities simply shut down. Even being too near a space-warping portal may throw a wrench into things for him. Depending on the circumstances even his ability to regenerate and heal may be effected. Of course this isn't 100% his nemesis, he may learn to adjust to a given distortion given time and exposure, or the distortion itself may be so weak or so localized that he doesn't even notice. But it certainly can be used against him. Someone with enough super-science skill could use it to contain him and prevent his escape or to nullify his powers.

Note: This is also anything that effects his 'sense' of space. So a run-in with Count Vertigo would do more than just up-end his world. Even other teleporters and portal users abilities could occasionally throw him for a loop. Space travel often use space-time distorting mechanisms to move from one place to another. Many Transformers use mass-displacement technologies, how this effects Blinkdog is unknown but it will be interesting to find out.
In general the nature of his power protects him from appearing inside something solid. There is however a microsecond moment when he teleports where he is quite literally in two places at once. It might not come up often but it must be mentioned here, a skilled villain could take advantage of this effect and cause him great damage or even death or even harm others at his destination. (Think of his body as a window in that moment, an explosion goes off and he teleports away trying to get to safety but some of that blast is carried with him... through him... making for a very bad experience for all.)
Sometimes he can transform at will. Sometimes 'Blinkdog' refuses to come out. Sometimes at just the worst times he transforms when he does not want to. It goes both ways too. There he is about to make a getaway when poof he's tail-less and looking more average joe than mutant. He has known himself to become stuck in one form or another for hours, days, even weeks at a time.
Bobby in either form cannot carry a tune in a bucket. If you value your eardrums and nerves do not ever ask him to sing. He enjoys music just fine but recreating them is a skill and talent he certainly lacks.

Several times throughout his life his education has been interrupted. He can count, do basic math. He can read a newspaper. He even knows who sailed the ocean blue in 1492, but ask him anything beyond a 7th grade level and he may struggle to come up with an answer other than "Shut up!"


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Title Date Scene Summary
Sentinels: Meet the Mold - Team 1 June 29th, 2019 Team 1 lays down a major distraction with an attack on the factory. Master Mold reacts with extreme force.
Xavier's: Friends Like No Others June 24th, 2019 A cookout at Breakstone Lake has surprise guests: therapy dogs brought by a mutant family.
New Student Testing BM-1 June 23rd, 2019 Blinkdog learns a bit about his powers.
X-MEN: They Hide Below June 22nd, 2019 Frank Castle and his Unpunishable X-Men take on a strange new type of maybe... Sentinel...? Nobody's really sure, even when its all said and done, they saved lives and fought some weird robotic spider things. But they got basically no questions answered!
Poking Around June 17th, 2019 The police show up to ask some questions at Xavier's.
Lunch time Pizza time June 16th, 2019 Food and Deadpool times had by all.
Slinging Mud June 15th, 2019 A group of X-students take on pottery lessons! Clay gets... places. Dogs drop out of nowhere. Life goes on. Just another day at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters.
A Day At The X-Pool June 14th, 2019 Kitty, Colt, Blinkdog, Lorna, Doug, J'onn and X-23 get some sun by the pool as news of the Sentinels breaks. Jason Todd comes by and gets thanked by the kidnapped students.
Guilt Doughnuts June 9th, 2019 Late night snacks for all. Timbits to the skull.
The Angel In The House June 6th, 2019 Warren cooks (ACK), while Scott, Kitty and Bobby McFadden make sure he doesn't destroy the kitchen. Or school. Kitty learns Bobby's past.
So You Got Detention... June 6th, 2019 Steve, Janet and Tony visit Xavier's school and meet the students and staff for a cookout and then a motorcycle race against Cap. Doug Ramsey wins!
Dog Catching June 5th, 2019 Blinkdog is located and offered a chance to come to Xavier's
Serpent Stirs The Soup May 31st, 2019 Sibilance meets Bobby, and gets a glimpse behind the current. She decides she wants to help since he's in so much pain, so she starts forging a friendship with him. Bobby, for his credit, opens up a bit, and talks to her, offering his advice and input on some of her questions.
X-men Natural Disaster May 29th, 2019 The X-men, Scott, Doug, Emma, Kurt, Nate, Storm, Rogue, Sam, Sunspot, and Kitty, respond to a suspension bridge collapsing after an earthquake. Blinkdog arrives to help survivors


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