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Sharp Demonic Eyes
Date of Scene: 22 July 2017
Location: NYC, NY
Synopsis: X-23 is out to assassinate another target, gets spotted by Gambit, who chases her and tries to tell her about Xavier Institute.
Cast of Characters: X-23, Gambit

X-23 has posed:
The club scene is alive and well in NYC, one of the best places for night life in the world. It also carries the benefit of having packed places, with people in varying levels of drunkenness, or just plain high. The cover of extremely loud music, flashing lights, darkness, so many things to trap people's attention and ensure that someone who wants to get away unnoticed in plain sight can do it. For once, how did such a young looking girl like Laura even get past the bouncer? The way she looks, even a fake ID would be a difficult sell. That being said, she's clearly on the dance floor, dressed in a black mini, black stocking, a pink and black tanktop and a finishing touch of a black leather jacket and black boots. She has this vibe about her of a high school kid who managed to sneak her way into a club she has no business being at. But that's not the only weird thing about her, the real oddity is her almost robotic movement across the dance floor, direct, cutting in between people, and sweeping the dance floor with her eyes. She's looking for someone specific.

Gambit has posed:
These clubs are a great place to get away and drown out your own thoughts. Thoughts that pervade your every waking moment. With such a desire to silence his own mind and maybe get a little tipsy himself, Remy happens to be in the night club, alone, sans fiancee, and is sitting somehow alone in this packed crowd at the bar and is lifting a drink to his lips and finishing it off and sets the empty glass down before turning to look at the dance floor and try and absorb all the distractions he can.

X-23 has posed:
Laura happens to move past Remy, nearly bumping into his as she has to squeeze herself in a narrow gap between a dancing mob. Her first attempt winds up block by someone pushed by a guy who thought he was hitting on his girl. That push bumped Laura against Remy, but she didn't pay it no mind. Commotion was good, and as the two feuding guys started getting louder, drawing attention of the bouncers, Laura shifted back into the crowd. Following the nose is a great advantage, because soon she spots her target. Mr. Craig Wilson, a person who thought he could get away with breaking a deal with the Kingpin. He thought wrong. While Craig is dancing real close to a good looking ladyfriend, Laura is ominously slinking towards him through the crowd of people.

Gambit has posed:
Having found his way out onto the dance floor, Remy is trying to enjoy himself, but is hearing the drink calling his name. His thoughts are so clouded and muddled that he bumps into a young girl and apologizes to her before it dawns on him that she's incredibly young looking. The teacher sighs to himself, realizing he's going to get into some sort of trouble and begins to semi-drunkenly follow the young woman.

She strikes him as being not only out of place, but up to no good. So the ruby-eyed mutant begins to trail the young girl, squeezing his way between two beautiful and boisterous women and shouldering past a guy grinding against some blonde, before he spots Laura again and tries to get closer to her.

X-23 has posed:
If Laura realizes that Remy is following her between the sea of people, she doesn't show any signs of it, her eyes still locked on her target. One moment Craig Wilson is reaching to kiss his girl, the next he finds himself bleeding profusely. It just so happened Laura reached to touch him as if to make way for herself. It happens, you get nudged, you get bumped, you accidentally hit other dancers on the floor. What doesn't usually happen is twin sets of adamantium blades popping out and rending you on the dance floor. Unfortunately for Craig Wilson, that's just what happened to him. Multiple deep cuts, it's only by sheer happenstance that his ladyfriend avoided a similar fate, being at a point in their distance with minimal space between them, allowed her the opportunity to avoid the blades that protrude through Craig from back to front. There's a few stabds in succession, and then the blades retract as Laura starts disappears into the crowd as if nothing happened. Being as small as she was, the woman didn't see her. Being behind Craig, he certainly didn't see her. Everyone else is busy with the DJ's music, the drinks, the happy pills, but if not for Remy, it's possible nobody would notice what happened to this man.

Gambit has posed:
Remy is still moving forward and with his mutation allowing low light vision, it's hard to not see what Laura just did to the poor man, and while it's going to get him into a lot of trouble, Remy will get everyone's attention on Craig. As he's passing the two, he takes a dice out of his pocket. (Yes he carries dice as well. Never know when a game of craps is going to break out.) And charging the thing he tosses it up as he walks past and a puff of pink and purple and gray smoke fills the air above Craig and makes a LOUD POP! Getting everyone's attention and causing a small radius to clear around Craig revealing the bleeding man enough for people to start screaming.

Likely not what Laura expected to hear as she was making her get away but Remy remains on her tail and is lost back in the crowd while following the clone of his friend.

X-23 has posed:
The setting was perfect, the excution was perfect, it would take some time before anyone would notice Craig's hysterical ladyfriend. But that's not what happens, Laura doesn't need to look back to hear the commotion that develops as Remy gets everyone's attention, the loud popping sound, the smoke, it's not good. Laura assumes that with the perforation she made, Craig wouldn't survive by the time medics can be called. She hopes there's no healing capable mutant about the club, as she suddenly makes a dash for the restroom area rather than the main entrance. She can smell someone is after her, but she doesn't stop to look back. Making an exit is most important at the moment. Distancing herself from the scene.

Gambit has posed:
Remy takes a moment to look up towards the wall and sees the bathroom sign, eliciting a smirk from the cajun. "Guess I'm gonna be put on a list after tonight." He mumbles to himself and slips in behind Laura, sliding his hand across the brick at the entrance of the hallway to the toilet-rooms. The entrance collapses once he passes and the only way out is through the emergency exit at the end of the hall.

"Get back 'ere girl. I wanna talk t' ya's!"

X-23 has posed:
Not expecting an explosion, Laura does finally turn around, to see Remy has trapped her in the hallway with him. There's the obvious emergency exit at the end of the hallway, but she wasn't heading there. "Nothing to talk about," she shoots at Remy, and then dashes towards the ladies room, should he pursuit, he'll find that's luckily how she avoided the bouncers heading in. She cut herself a slight extension to the ventilation window against the ceiling to sneak in, and she means to use the same window to sneak out, unless of course Remy does something to stop her.

Gambit has posed:
"T'ere's plenty t' talk about!" Remy calls as he follows her into the bathroom and drawing a pair of cars he holds them, while aiming at the window. He couldn't do that. It'd kill her. The explosion or the rubble. He can't do that.

"Stop!" But she's a killer. But she's so young.

Remy says an explitive towards himself and snaps his arm, sending the two cards sailing past her to strike the wall before her and explode outwards. He intends to blast her away from the window.

X-23 has posed:
Laura doesn't seem to concur with Remy about there being anything to talk about, she proceeds to leap at the window, only for the charged cards to sail past her. As they explode, she's thrown straight at Remy, unable to reposition at this unexpected explosion. Mutant powers were like that, unexpected, especially when there was no pre-existing intelligence about their presence in the field. She can't change her trajectory at this point, having nothing to latch onto, but she does try to land with a well placed elbow strike at Remy's torso, to avoid getting caught by him. She has no way to measure how strong he is, and she'd like to avoid the killing of a non-target if possible. "Don't get in my way," she warns far too calmly for someone without much experience in her field.

Gambit has posed:
Remy takes the blow to the gut and doubles over, falling to a knee and a fist while his other arm covers his stomach. Even as he's trying to recover his breath. "Ah don' t'ink I have been in front of you once t'night." He says followed by a wink to the raven haired murderess.

"I jus' wanna talk an' find out who yer workin' fo'."

X-23 has posed:
Laura doesn't wait to see how much she hurt Remy when her elbow strikes true, instead she rushes for the wall again, the explosion was strong enough to send her flying towards Remy, but didn't seem to collapse the ceiling on them, so her exit should still be available unless another card flies her way. "A weapon doesn't tell," is what she offers Remy when he asks for her employer.

Gambit has posed:
Remy draws out a single card and again throws it after charging it and sending it above Laura's head, to make the window escape no longer viable. Or so he hopes. It could back fire and make the window a bigger escape but only after the dust settles will he really be able to tell.

Remy pushes back up to his feet and takes in another short breath as his lung try to refil and reset his diaphram. "C'mon girlie. I'm just gonna keep chasin' you." He says into the smoke.

X-23 has posed:
Laura stops in time to avoid getting crushed by debris as Remy ruins her exit. She turns to look at him, a blank expression, not the slightest sign of nervousness about her. Too cool for school, she remarks, "if you chase, I will kill." Sounds pretty confident in her ability to do so, considering age difference, and Remy's assumed physical advantage. "One question. Ask. I am leaving." Looks like his relentlessness has at least earned him a single question. No doubt he caught her off guard with his ability.

Gambit has posed:
"One question." Remy coughs and leans against the wall with his shoulder. Damn she hit him hard. He spits onto the floor and wipes his mouth with the back of his rolled up sleeve and smiles to the girl with his normal casual smirk.

"Are you happy with your life?" He asks.

His ruby eyes lock with Laura's greens and he hopes to give her something to really think about. He considers giving her the address to the school, but the safety of the children there already pops into his head and he hesitates, but still reaches for a business card.

X-23 has posed:
Laura appears unfazed by the question presented to her, but she also stalls for a moment, so maybe he really got her thinking? Hard to tell, as it seems her range of expression is: none to none. At least from what Remy had seen thus far.

Instead of giving him a proper reply, she only mutters, "it's irrelevant," she then turns and with a *snikt* her claws come out again and she cuts herself a wayout. The way she's going, Remy might manage another question before she's gone, unless he risks testing her claim that she'll kill him if he chases her.

Gambit has posed:
"If you were a tool and not'in' else, den yeah, you might be right." Remy pushes off the wall and stumbles in a walk towards Laura and as she's crawling her way out he reaches out to grab her ankle and yank her back down to the floor. Hopefully putting himself between her and the window exit. The fire escape at the end of the hallway is still an option to her though but he's decided with that answer to give her an option. Give her a choice.

X-23 has posed:
"I am a weapon," Laura replies to Remy as he stumbles her way while she widens the space and starts crawling through it, only to have her ankle caught. However, instead of letting him yank her to the floor, a blade extends from her foot as she shifts to swipe it at Remy's grabby hand. He better let go if he doesn't want to get cut by adamantium.

Gambit has posed:
Remy takes the cut but will pull the lighter girl from her escape route and he winces before looking down at the gash on his arm and winces. Today is not his day.

"You're a girl! A woman. A mutant like me." Remy says between gritted teeth, his cool mostly lost but he keeps himself away from anger. She's doing a job, he's doing his, although he's leaking a lot more than she is. "Ah'm tryin' t' help ya. Help ya escape." He says, clutching at his wounded wrist.

X-23 has posed:
"Arrrgh," Laura growls as Remy suffers through the pain and still manages to yank her down to the floor, despite the fact she cut a nasty gash in his arm. Hey, at least he got her to show some emotion. Apparently it's not just nothing, she can do angry. "You blocked my exit twice, that's not helping. You're not the target, don't make me kill you. Let me go." She insists one more time, glancing at the wall she's started cutting through, she figures he'll get in her way again if she turns to leave. But having injured him, she should be able to beat him to the emergency exit. At least that's what she thinks, as she suddenly rushes at Remy and leaps over him, meaning to rush for the emergency exit.

Gambit has posed:
Remy drops down away from her she leaps and he doesn't want to get in her way again. His arm hurts bad enough that he doesn't want to tussle with her again without his own weapons. Rolling onto his belly and watching her go he calls out.

"Xavier's Institute. When you're ready for your freedom." Maybe that'll linger with her and he slowly gets up and makes his way over to the sink.