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Latest revision as of 14:20, 10 July 2019

After The Pool
Date of Scene: 08 July 2019
Location: Wanda's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Drinks and conversation between Josh and Wanda after Cap's party lead to some emotions as past history comes out.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Elixir

Scarlet Witch has posed:
After leaving the pool at the birthday party for Steve Rogers, big soft towels were grabbed to dry off. Wanda in particular needed one as she didn't wear a bathing suit down, and her top, when wet ended up a bit more transparent than it was originally meant to be.

She opens the door as the pair pass inside, Wanda laughing softly. "Let me just throw on something a little more decent," she tells Josh. Wanda smiles and says, "Help yourself to the fridge, drinks, whatever. There's some wine, soda, beer. Or we can order something up from the kitchen," she says. Wanda goes over to her closet, pulling out a shirt and some shorts and then going to change.

Elixir has posed:
"Order up from the kitchen? Hard living," Josh says with a smile. He grabs himself a beer, asks Wanda what she wants and brings it over to her.

He steals a look or three before Wanda goes to find herself something else to wear.

"You have a drier. Or know where I could some extra pants? My jeans are /soaked/. Unless we're gonna sit outside. I don't wanna wreck the furniture."

Having walked barefoot to Wanda's room, he had dropped his shoes, socks and shirt just inside the front door. The worst of the dripping from his jeans was left pooled on the first floor, so he does not leave a pool of water behind his as he pads around the suite.

"Your place is /really/ nice," he says appreciatively. The art on the walls catches his attention in particular.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda likely caught the eye that she was getting, and it left her with a smile that lasted until she'd reemerged wearing dry clothing. And she does have something for Josh to wear. A towel.

She brings it over and grins to him and says, "I'll have someone come grab your things and dry them," she says. "Jarvis?" Wanda asks. The AI's voice responds. "Yes Wanda, I'll have someone pick them up immediately," he responds.

Wanda looks around her room. "Thank you," she says of his comment on her place. "It was a little cramped at first. But they removed the walls for me and... this suites me better," she tells him.

Wanda comes over to take her beer, sipping it, and glancing about before deciding on the bed instead of the couch. She moves over to lie down on it on her side, leaving plenty of room for Josh. She pats the mattress beside her. "I was wanting to ask you about your past experiences with your healing powers. I know you are careful about their use. Have you had problems arise from them before?" she asks.

Elixir has posed:
"Is he always listening?" Josh asks with an arched eyebrow. "I mean, really cool, but kinda creepy too?"

He grins his thanks for the towel. Josh ducks into the bathroom and is back shortly with his wet stuff in hand and the towel secured around his waist. He picks up his beer again and joins Wanda on the bed.r
"Problems? Not really. I mean, who doesn't like getting fixed up instantly? It's been really handy, kept some friends from dying. You know Andrea Jackson, the mutant teen pop star kid? Saved her life, twice," he says. He covers a bit of a frown by drinking from his beer. "Lots of stuff on missions. It's probably gonna get me in shit though. There's this single mom in the apartment across the hall from me, and her kid got leukemia. And nobody in my building can pay for that kind of treatment, you know? Except now people keep showing up. Not a /lot/, but... I dunno. Might have to move."

Josh shrugs unknowingly. "Why do you ask?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda pulls a couple of pillows over for them to rest their heads on. "That's the sort of thing I was wondering about. Worrying about even. A little. The pressure that might come with people learning of your ability," she tells him.

Wanda reaches over and brushes her fingers over Josh's palm as she rests beside him. "I have heard of Andrea. She's a much better singer and musician than I am," Wanda says, giving a very self-deprecating grin. Her guitar is on a stand not too far away, and there's a music book on a stand nearby.

Wanda's eyes study Josh, and if he lets her, her fingers slide between his, lacing. "It meant a lot you came today. My team are some of my closest friends as well," she tells him. "I liked having you get to meet them. Even if we are a bit of a crazy group some.... ALL... of the time," she says, eyes rolling a bit in a playfully dramatic way.

Elixir has posed:
Josh sits up and helps arrange the pillows then settles back in.

"Hey, it's not like I'm an Avenger," he says with a shrug and tilts his beer in Wanda's direction. "Now /there's/ pressure. Mostly I'm invisible, except when Channel 6 doesn't like my sneaks!"

The brief mention in celebrity gossip had been a shock and a surprise, as it had been the year before.

Josh lets their fingers intertwine.

"I'm still gonna ask you to play for me. I bet you're great... I could listen to your voice all day," he says with a smile.

When Wanda thanks him for coming to the party, he turns a bit on his side.

"You're welcome," he says with a much softer smile. "I was just... Stoked isn't the word. Uh, I dunno, it was just really special you wanted me to meet them. Not something you just do, you know?"

"What about your abilities?" he asks. "I... Well you know what some people have said. About how much you can do and all that. That's gotta be harsh."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda makes an apologetic face at the mention of the news. "I had no idea that was happening," she tells Josh. In her slow-spoken, accented English, Wanda says, "I hoped the news wasn't going to make you regret asking me out. I know I haven't had any regrets. Far from it. I've been happier the last week than I have been for some time," she tells him.

At the mention of her playing, Wanda looks down and smiles. "I'll play for you any time you want. I just hope you don't set your expectations too high for it," she tells him. Though it's clear from Wanda's expression that his interest in it is touching to her.

Wanda rests the side of her head on the pillow, gazing over to him. "I don't really know what my limits are, to be honest. I don't know how comfortable I am pushing them too far. I have had times that I had trouble controlling them. Not like... they were a danger to others. More like I couldn't use them, just nothing would come. I am better about it now, but sometimes it can still happen. I think when I'm upset especially. Messes with my focus maybe?"

Wanda's fingers tighten for a moment. "I don't know the school very well still. I have visited a few times now, and it seems like a special place. If the Avengers pool reminds you of it, then I'll take that as a good sign," she says, grinning. "How long were you there?" she asks him.

Elixir has posed:
"Regret? No, not even close," Josh says with an emphatic shake of his head.

"I won't lie though, you're a little too perfect. I keep waiting for you to come to your senses," Josh says and winks. He smiles and drinks from his beer again. He squeezes Wanda's hand and looks as comfortable as he could ever be, despite sitting on the lady Avenger's bed in a towel, after meeting some of the most famous people on the planet. The closer the two connect the more relaxed, sure, he seems to be.

Josh is quiet and looks thoughtful while Wanda tells him about her powers and using them.

"Does it scare you? Not knowing how far they can go? Or if you'll be able to draw them out?" he asks gently, but curious about her experience. He wants to understand this mystery who has exploded into his world.

"Xavier's is special, but it's not for everyone. I lived there maybe six months," Josh says with a shrug.

"Would you play something now," Josh asks with a head tilt toward the guitar. "I won't expect much, I promise."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda looks thoughtful at Josh's question. "I was more hesitant when I was younger. When I first started with the Avengers, it took some time before I gained confidence. I think that is when I was scared. Not of what I could do, but that I might not be able to live up to being what the other Avengers were." Wanda gives a small shake of her head. "But I made it past that. I might have struggles, but I think most of the time I am positive. And I think it helps my control."

She sits up slowly, letting Josh's fingers go. Her hands moves over to his bare chest, touching it softly, and with a smile that will tell the young man she's remembering things. "Alright, since you ask nicely. And look so cute doing it," she says, giving him a warm, coy smile before getting up to go get the guitar.

Wanda comes back, sitting on the bed and tuning it. "I still need to learn what kind of music you like. But I mostly play... older rock. Folk songs even," she tells him. Wanda leans over, and brushes a tender kiss to Josh's lips.

Elixir has posed:
"I'm trying to picture a less confident Wanda... Nope," Josh says with a grin. Then he pushes himself up a bit more as Wanda goes to get her guitar. He drinks from his beer after she sits.

"That sounds great to me, I like a lot of stuff. Except country," he says and grimaces. "The whole cowboy thing."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda strums the guitar strings softly now they are in tune. "I would try to do a Texas accent for you and make a cowboy joke," she says. "But it would be the most Transian-accented Texas twang you'd ever heard and would totally ruin it," she says slowly, eyes warm as she looks over at the handsome man.

"I sometimes play this when I'm feeling a little down. Though, I'm /not/ right now. So I should probably pick something else. But, well..." Wanda tells him. There's just a little bit of a nervous air from Wanda. Facing down Dr. Doom, or Ultron? She can handle that. Playing guitar for the guy she's been seeing? Small case of the nerves. Wanda starts playing and singing though.

For an amateur, she's not bad. She has a decent singing voice, and plays the song well enough as she starts up a Sheryl Crow song.

    I belong, a long way from here
    I put on a poncho and played for mosquitoes
    And drank 'till I was thirsty again
    We went searching, through thrift store jungles.
    Found Geronimo's rifle, Marilyn's shampoo
    And Benny Goodman's cursive pen
    Well, okay, I made this up
    I promise you I'd never give up.

    If it makes you happy
    It can't be that bad
    If it makes you happy
    Then why the hell are you so sad?.

Elixir has posed:
Josh sits on the bed with his legs crossed at the ankles. His smile is encouraging at first and then he is just enjoying that voice... That beautiful, softly accented voice that makes him smile just to hear. While the auburn-haired woman is focused on her song, he takes in her features, admiring this incredible woman before him.

"You were pulling my leg," he says with a grin when she finishes playing through her song. "You're really good! I think I could listen to you sing all day. I won't lie, that accent..." Josh winks.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff does well, mostly, though there's one part that she looks up and over to Josh. And she forgets where she is in the song, Wanda's cheeks having just the slightest flush as she figures it out and picks back up. She gets to the end and lets the guitar slowly fade out as she looks over to Josh.

His reaction draws a soft smile from Wanda. "There's something you should know about me," she says, voice momentarily serious as if she's about to give some important warning. "Flattery gets you everywhere," she says, the serious look giving way to a soft, pleased smile. It seems to mean a lot to her that he appreciated it.

"I think you'll have to sing with me though," Wanda says. "You have such a nice voice, I bet you sing well," she tells him. Wanda lies back, letting the guitar rest across her lap as she leans a little closer to where Josh sits. "So no country. What are some of your favorite songs?" she asks him.

Elixir has posed:
Josh does not even seem to notice the hiccup in Wanda's playing. He is drinking his beer when she looks over.

"It's only flattery if it's not true," Josh says with a big grin. "But you /don't/ want to hear me sing. I can clear a room on karaoke night.

He thinks for a minute. "Darker Side by Johnny Lang," Josh says a little embarassed. "Old blues player, not even well known. Not exactly cool, but whatever."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Darker Side by Johnny Lang," Wanda repeats. "I am not familiar with it. But I will have to see if I can learn it," she tells him. Wanda sets her guitar off just to the side as she grabs her beer and takes a sip. "I do enjoy playing. And I've never had someone to listen. And I would enjoy having you sing with me, no matter what," she tells him, smiling.

Wanda has a thoughtful look. "I have not had too many relationships get really close. Were you and your ex together for very long? You mentioned you were still in touch with her?" she asks, sliding a hand over to brush her fingers over Josh's where he isn't holding a beer.

Elixir has posed:
"You can play for me any time," Josh assures her and gives Wanda a rueful half-smile. "Not fair smiling at me like that and asking. I can't say no!"

Josh shifts a bit but slips his hand into Wanda's at her touch.

"I'm kinda surprised you haven't. You're open, and warm, smart. Gorgeous," he says with a smile. He shifts again. "You mean Sam? Uh, Samantha. A year? I guess it felt longer, she's a telepath so kinda got to know each other quick, I guess? We're still friends, sort of. We started dating pretty quick after I got to Xavier's. She was one of the only people that would even talk to me."

Josh worries the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gets a bit of a soft, but wry smile. "I liked to think it was bad luck. Always seemed like it was one thing or another. Not liking me putting myself in harms way. That's come up a few times. Also, sometimes you reach that point you can tell, ok he's wondering... will my children be mutants too? Do I want my children to go through that?" she says with a little sigh.

Wanda turns herself about on the bed, legs at the far end and head facing towards Josh. "Why didn't people there talk to you? You're smart. Engaging. Funny. More than a little handsome. I would imagine you'd have a lot of friends there. Especially amongst other mutants. I always figured it was a much better environment than most of us face, growing up."

Elixir has posed:
"Kids? Must've got pretty serious if they were thinking about that! I kinda get the danger thing though. But... You're an Avenger. It just is. Not like it'd be a surprise."

When she asks her question though, Josh lets go of Wanda's hand, clears his throat, and gets up. Mercifully there is a chime at the door and Jarvis lets them know Josh's clothes are ready.

"One sec," he says. Josh opens the door to get his pants back, grabs the rest of his clothes and ducks into the bathroom to change. When he comes back he runs a hand through his hair and sits near the end of the bed.

"I kinda figured you knew by now..." he says. He looks deeply unhappy and is not able to look at Wanda. "I was a Reaver until I came to Xavier's."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives a little wave off with her hands. "No no, never got to a point of thinking about children with someone. Just, twice I started getting some pointed questions about how the genetics work. More than just curiosity, they felt like," Wanda tells Josh.

She falls quiet as he goes to get his clothes and sits down over on the end of the bed instead of back where he'd been. The woman's head tilts slightly as if sensing the change in his demeanor, knowing something is coming. As he tells her, Wanda sits up and slides over to sit beside him on the side of the bed.

Her hand reaches over to rest upon his back. A simple touch, but one that is the opposite of pulling away from him. "And you aren't one now," she says, in a supportive tone. "Tell me how it all happened?" she asks, turning more to face him, keeping her hand in contact with him.

Elixir has posed:
Josh makes a face like that communicates he would rather do just about anything else. He tenses when Wanda touches him.

"It's how I was raised," he says. "My parents always hated mutants. They took my brothers and me to Friends of Humanity meetings and rallies. Went to an allied church," he says with a miserable shrug. "My best friend and I got noticed for what we were doing, I guess. We got recruited and..."

Josh glowers and stands up.

"Know what? I don't really wanna talk about this. Ask around and you'll hear about it. Lorna could tell you," he says angrily and heads for the door. He steps into his shoes. "It's not a silver lining story. The kind of stuff you don't need the press finding out, and your family would flip out about."

"Shit," he swears bitterly at himself more than anything. He runs a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry. I should have told you at the start... I was stupid to think this was a thing."

Objections or not, Josh lets himself out of Wanda's apartment.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff rises to her feet at Josh's reaction to starting to share that part of his past. "Josh," she says softly. "It's ok. It doesn't change how I feel about you. We don't have to talk about it more-" she says, before seeing that he's heading for the door.

"Don't go," she asks him, moving over towards him even as he's moving for the door. If he's set on leaving though she won't make it to him before he has a chance to step outside. Though whether the door is still open or closed, he'll hear her say, "Please. This, you, are a thing to me. Please don't go," she says, her heart climbing into her throat as she sees him intent on leaving.

Elixir has posed:
Josh stops in the hallway when he catches her words through the closing door. He punches the wall and stalks off to find his way out of the mansion.