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Latest revision as of 15:11, 15 July 2019

Degrees of Separation
Date of Scene: 15 July 2019
Location: Josh's Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Samantha shows up unannounced in Josh's room. Wanda arrives and Samantha realizes she and Josh are really over.
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Scarlet Witch

Elixir has posed:
Josh opens the door and comes into his room covered in a sheen of sweat. It was combat training this morning and Scott was on a tear after recent events. He kicks off his runners and finds the bed empty. He sighs at first but then gets the feeling Wanda isn't far away. He smiles and heads for the shower.

"Josh?" he hears his name called by a female voice through the sound of the shower. He hears his door close.

"Be right out," he calls back and smiles. Soon he is done, dries off and wraps a towel around his waist. He smiles broadly when he opens the bathroom door and then stops in place.
There is a beautiful, slim, redhead with piercing eyes in his room. But her hair is too long, she is in a tiny pair gym shorts and low cut shirt and she is younger than he is.

Samantha stares at Josh expectantly and then frowns slightly. "You can't hear me," she says, sounding pained.

"What? Oh, no, I'm just focused on something," Josh gets out. "Sam, what the heck are you doing here?"

Samantha walks closer to Josh and looks up at him with her arms crossed over her stomach. "No, that's not it. Something's changed. I can't feel you without pushing. You're not... It's not the same."

"Well we broke up," he reminds her. "What do you expect?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It had been so thoughtful the way that Josh had tried to slip out of the bed without waking her. Thoughtful enough that Wanda had let him go thinking he'd succeeded. Just opening one eye a tiny amount to watch him as he'd dressed for a workout of some sort, closing it again when he'd come over to lean down and brush a feather-light kiss to her forehead before leaving.

Wanda had showered and then considered what to do. Her stomach was growling, and all she had was the fancy dress she'd worn to the charity gala the night before. Spying Josh's closet and a dress shirt, she'd walked over and run her fingers over the fabric, before pulling it from the hanger and slipping it over her shoulders. It made a good night shirt for her, Wanda buttoning it to keep it closed and then slipping downstairs, looking around corners to try to help her avoid any students.

Successfully making the kitchen, she checked the fridge and cupboards. She didn't wish to spend too long there, but there was fruit already cut, cantelope and honeydew, and some strawberries. Wanda heated a couple of bagels and grabbed cream cheese to spread on them. Bacon prepared in the microwave was quick, and added to the pair of plates. Rather than try to juggle things, she just grabbed a carton of orange juice and two glasses, then loaded up her hands with the plates and started back down the halls barefoot, heading for the stairs.

Elixir has posed:
"Josh, don't," Samantha says quietly. She looks down at the floor and walks up to him. "I went out with a guy. It was awful," Samantha says. "I just kept thinking about how he wasn't you."

"Sam, look, we.."

Samantha stops him with a finger to his lips. She is familiar with being in his space, having liberty in it. Josh frowns.

"I was wrong," Samantha says, looking up at Josh. She reaches her arms around his neck. "And then I saw what happened with the Avenger... I want /us/ back," Samantha says. She looks at Josh hopefully.

Josh straightens so she can't kiss him even on her tip toes.

"No, Sam, you don't understand," he says and reaches one hand up to take hold of one of her wrists and start to lift it off. Samantha's face falls as she realizes he is going to peel her off him.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The door to Josh's room swings open, a smile on Wanda's face as she can sense that he is back in the room. "So I thought this time I would be the one to bring breakfast," she starts to say as she comes, carrying the two plates, cups, and the carton of orange juice.

Wanda's words she'd been about to say fall away as she looks over and sees the beautiful girl. Youthful and slim, and wearing garments that reveal her lean body. That body pressed in against Josh's, her arms wrapped around his neck. Josh not just shirtless, but with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Wanda stands staring for a few heartbeats. While someone younger might react more overtly, the woman nearer to thirty has a fairly even expression on her face. "I'm afraid I only brought two plates," she says finally, eyes going from Samantha, over to Josh.

Elixir has posed:
Josh looks up and looks more tired than anything else. He rolls his eyes for Wanda. He does not need to finish pulling Samantha's hold on him apart because she turns quickly at the door opening.

Samantha stares in disbelief and flushes. Both her hands go to her mouth and she looks like she might cry or flip out.

"Oh my god, Josh she dumped you!" Samantha says angrily after rounding on Josh. "Are you seriously staying with her after that thing with Coby?!"

Josh sighs and steps around Samantha toward Wanda. He takes the plates off her hands and kicks the door gently shut.

"That was a charity thing, for show," Josh replies evenly. "Sam, Wanda. Wanda, Sam."

Josh sets the plates down on top of his dresser. There are several large Rubbermaid tubs stacked beside the dresser he does not have room to unpack.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda hands off the plates to Josh when he comes to take them. The Eastern European woman looks very calm even as Samantha flushes with anger. Wanda walks over slowly to Josh's side. "I was hoping to meet you, Sam. If maybe under different circumstances," she says.

Wanda looks from Sam, over to Josh. "There wasn't anything with the actor. The charity arranged him to escort me, before Josh and I met," she confirms, glancing back to Sam finally. "I'd hoped even with your history, that we might be able to become friends. But I do have strong feelings for Josh. And no one should expect that to change," she says, reaching a hand over to rest on Josh's side if he lets her. Wanda's words have been delivered gently, yet there was also just a small amount of firmness to them.

Elixir has posed:
Josh does not move away from Wanda when she touches him. Something of his relief at Wanda's reaction must show in his face however.

"Nice to meet you, too," Samantha says bitterly, giving Wanda a once over. She crosses her arms again and stands with one hip pushed out to the side. The hurt and anger are writ plain on her face.

"So this is why you can't hear me? Her?" she says angrily to Josh. "/You/ said it wasn't serious. We were together for a year, Josh. You can't just ignore that!"

"I'm not!" Josh snaps and then regains his composure. "I'm not. I'm not ignoring that's it over, either. Or how I feel about Wanda."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is wearing Josh's dress shirt, the top few buttons undone, and if most of it hangs loose about her, it also drapes over the curves of her chest to great effect, before hanging well down her thighs, covering her until Wanda's slender legs emerge beneath it.

Wanda stays silent for now, likely anything she interjected would not help matters. Whatever is going to be said to Sam, Wanda clearly thinks it needs to come from Josh.

She just stays by his side, her fingers moving just a little bit over his skin. Enough to keep him constantly aware of that touch, to know she's there at his side. But even without that touch, the echoes of Wanda's trust in him would be sensed, and the depth of her feelings through the bond they share.

Elixir has posed:
Samantha glares at Josh with all the gravitas her 19 years can muster. It might have been cute if she were not so plainly hurt.

"Fine," she says and walks to the door. "I can't believe I stuck up for you. Good luck with your rebound."

Samantha walks off down the hall and the door swings closed behind her. Josh closes his eyes and sighs. He runs a hand through his hair.

"Sorry you had to see that. She walked in while I was in the shower. She's a good person," Josh says of Samantha. "She's just. You know."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda watches until Samantha is gone and the door closed again, before she turns back to Josh. "You don't have anything to apologize for. There's no easy way at moments like that. I thought you handled it as well as you could," Wanda tells him.

She looks over his bare chest for a moment and then back up to his eyes. "I had a moment's surprise. But I never doubted you," she tells him. Wanda moves closer, moving into his personal space as Samantha had been when Wanda walked in. "Not that I will take you for granted. But I trust you, Josh," she tells him. "I trust us."

If his lips are not kept out of reach as they were for Samantha, Wanda will lean up to give the golden-haired young man a sweet kiss before pulling her lips back. "Though you should have waited for me for the shower," she whispers, glancing down his body again and back up, grinning a bit.

Elixir has posed:
"Good, there's nothing for you to worry about ever," Josh says after bending down to kiss Wanda. "As for the shower, I can fix that!"

Josh scoops Wanda up until her legs are wrapped around his waist. He carries her into the bathroom and the door swings shut. First comes the sound of running water, then a squeal from Wanda and Josh laughing.