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City Fall: Turtles and an Assassin in Gotham
Date of Scene: 09 July 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: The Purple Dragons hold a recruitment drive in Gotham City. A disguised Damian crashes it. So do the turtles.
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Leonardo, Donatello

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
It was a brilliant plan thought the new local leader of these Purple Dragons, as the last one had upset some of the higher ninja looking guys before meeting his end. As he sits on a few pipes in a large room that was lit up by several Toches the sound of rushing water from beneath them just a metal floor with grates on it divided them from the sewage of Gotham. Around him were about fifteen people all in varied dress, though they all had a sign that marked them as Purple Dragons. These people were all around the walls, as infront of them were about another twenty people though they all look like they are all confused on why they were down here, all except one in the mix of people was Damian. He was dressed way differently in his League gear, and white mask that has a perpetual frown with no eyes just two sockets that have black covers that block seeing his own.

They had not seemed to notice him yet as the Man upfront was talking in a loud voice. "All of you have been chosen to join the Purple Dragons, many of you will not make it!" he grins to himself, as him and the others pull weapons out. "All you have to do is make it through Initiation." No-one is moving in yet, and it looks like most of the people inside the large group think it is some kind of joke. Damian himself doesn't move any waiting to see what happends next.

Leonardo has posed:
When you are a ninja turtle, you often come across information not meant for others to find out. Most of the time, they're not even supposed to know about it. That changed when Raphael showed up after one of his late-night excursions to tell them he'd heard a rumor about some Purple Dragon stuff over in Gotham happening that very night.

Leonardo decided to overlook the fact Raph was off doing whatever he normally did, because his brother was still going to take time to himself for certain things regardless of the rules. That's the thing about rules. They can be flexible and bend sometimes, even break, if the end result is worth it. As much as Leo and Raph often clashed, Leo did not doubt his brother's ability to make it back in one piece. To always make the smart decision? Different story.

"We're all going over for this one, guys," the leader of the quartet explained as they piled into the Shellraiser, letting Donatello handle the driving. "Whatever this is, I know the Purple Dragons are in with the Foot, and that means they're in with Shredder. If he's trying to expand, it's time we got more involved. If this is an initiation, there are going to be people there who don't know what they're getting into, but there may be someone important. Remember, nothing lethal unless you have no other choice. We're not doing this to kill anyone."

Michelangelo seems more interested in sampling the pizza in Gotham afterward if they get the chance. Raphael broods, biding his time. Leonardo prepares himself, even now going through some light meditation on the way over. As for Donatello...

Donatello has posed:
    "Hull soundproofing, sensors engaged, roads..." he looks over his shoulder to look at the others. "Where we're goin' we don't need roads." he gives a broad toothful smile. "Right!? Right! HA! Turbo-boss!"

    Travel in the shellraiser is smooth, if terrifying. There are brief shifts as corners are made, and one moment when they clear a tunnel, and the separately gyrostabilized internal compartment spins within the shell in flight before it dives under the harbor, all while Donnie bounces within his five point harness,

    "Seventy nine second ETA Leo! WHOOOOO!" one fist pumping in the air as he checks the throttle. I mean... it's not a long trip to Gotham from New York, but... well Donnie is going to make the most of it.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As the leader moves it why the others are waiting is obvious, to let him has the first swing as a large metal bar comes down smashing the first guy, and it all gets very real. The people on the outside are starting to descend on the group they all have melee weapons, though some might have guns hidden on them nothing large enough to stick out. They look to have the intention to join in on the 'fun' of beating up the new guys though obviously looking for the easier targets.

The people inside the others coming in do one of three things, some retreat, some nod to the other Purple Dragons obviously the ones that were known already, and those who are also turning on the group hoping for mercy, or at least narrow down the pack. As others push by him running away Damian just waits paitently for his time, and though he does have his weapons he does not have them pulled yet. Of course in this large room that connects to the rest of the sewers the yelling of fear, or pain could be heard. Thankfully or not, it did make it rather chaotic inside of that room not really expecting there to be others.

Leonardo has posed:
"I'm swimming here next time," Leonardo deadpans as he finds the meditation simply is not going to work in this thing. So, he keeps his eyes peeled for anything that seems to stand out.

Raphael remarks, his New York City accent emphasized, "Remember, find the Sacred Martyr Church and that's supposed to be the way in. I'm gonna be real disappointed if we don't have some heads to bash together."

Before much longer, they're in an alley nearby. It's Michelangelo's turn to pipe up. "Check it out, dudes. Purple Dragon guards! Jackpot!" He points over at the main doors to the church, fronted by a couple of people identifying as gang members based on their attire. Both are packing guns meant to spit out bullets at a high rate of fire.

"We'll take them out, but do it quietly so they can't draw any more attention to the place. Then we get in, and we get down to the meeting place," Leonardo instructs, the first one out of the Shellraiser once it's come to a stop. "/Quietly/," he repeats.

Donatello has posed:
    "Of course, Leo. Quiet, of course we're going to be quiet..." Shaking his head, Donnie steps out with Mikey right next to him, his hand planted firmly over the youngest turtle's mouth.
    "Leo. I throw two smoke pellets, you star them, Raph bashes heads and then we go in?" a pair of small pellets are in one of Donatello's hands as he looks out over the grouping.
    Apparently agreeing Raph is already bounding up between buildings and making for a ledge to take the leap when the signal is given and Mikey makes a little 'waahh!' sound as he mimes knocking heads together.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
While everyone knows finding a parking place in Gotham can be a nightmare, the Turtles also had guards to mess with though meanwhile under the church the fight was on. Damian had already made his move as the crowd was seperating a little bit. He had a small pin he would hold moving around the pack looking for specific people, and when he found one he would simple move faster then their untrained minds could keep their eyes on. A simple "Ouch.. what was that... Hey? Who are.." and his target drops to the ground. Sure he might be crushed under foot, or finished off by someone else wanting to take advantage, but that was not him kiling them so fit under the ruleset.

Damian moved around as the fighting continued getting to his second prey quite quickly as he only had to stop once. In his way through the pack he was jostled, and shoved not minding, though one of the twenty though he was small. In his mind Damian was weak because of it so attacked him with a knife. A quick side step, and a few pressure points he counted at least four bones broke in the mans hand, and knew he would not be wielding anything in that hand for a long time returning to his path mentioned earlier.

Of course there is no alertness to anything going wrong either upstairs or down below ground as all is going as planned as far as they were concerned. Once they get close to the building the sound of the fighting, and yelling from below might be able to just be heard. It is a distance away, but there are a lot of people some of them seriously injured compaired to the silence of the night above it.

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo sniffs once, almost a sound of amusement as he spots Donatello helping ensure Michelangelo won't be piping up to give them away. That's who Leo was really thinking of, to be honest. "Yeah," the blue-masked turtle says.

A pair of shuriken fly toward the guards as Donnie leads with the smoke pellets, and before the guards can even get much of a cry out Raph is there to drop them. Mikey pumps his fist, content to play silent cheerleader aside from whispering, "That was awesome!"

The guards are dragged just inside the church, releived of their weapons as Leonardo retrieves his throwing stars, then they cautiously and quickly make their way to the stairs down. Already hearing something further below, Leonardo nods in that direction. "We're definitely in the right place. Let's go introduce ourselves." Won't be long now, giving the recruits a little more time to get knocked around by the rest of the Purple Dragons there.

Donatello has posed:
    "Leo I calculate that based on the size of this building, average size subterranean rooms, structure, and storage needs that we're going to have around three dozen people on our hands if this is a 'board' meeting, or recruiting. We're going to practically have to flood this place with smoke, potentially. That or put Raph in charge for the blitz."
    "Leo, I think Donatello is the smartest of us." Raph nods sagely at the last part of Donatello's breakdown. "I mean, clearly." a big grin is given and Donatello, not getting the reasoning, can only bop his head up higher and smiles more broadly.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Downstairs the fight is started to get heated, as a few of the group have made a stand against the Purple Dragons, and the weak have retreated back a bit to the middle. A couple of the Dragons are already down on the floor they don't seem to be moving. The leader speaks up, "Two already.. they must of been weak! We have bosses too, and they have told us only take the strong for they are the only ones who can rise to the level of 'Foot'" one of the other guys that looks to already be in elbows him, and whispers, "I don't think your supposed to say their name." only to be shoved away.

This seems to be a pause in the action as everyone is catching their breath and getting ready to start again. In the leaders eyes there were still too many so he needed to take them down a notch. After a moment of silence though that is washed away again as the fight starts again the two groups just ramming into each other this time. Melee weapons spark against each other as one person moves in the crowd of people still up from the original group.

He had to retreat to stay in the group so had not had a chance to progess further into his goals. He had avoided sticking out so far, but was not sure with this form of fight if he could get all of them before the numbers dwindled too low. He sighed to himself moving forward then stopping for a moment, he listened quietly not moving as he thought he heard a body drop. Must be the shape of the place is what he came to, so for now he pushed it back out of his mind thinking maybe it was just his paranoia. He still had several targets left to go.

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo does not take what he sees as the obvious bait. Donnie and Raph are surely in cahoots with each other! "Stay focused," is all he says as a bit of exploring the basement leads them to a hidden stairway. That would be the way in, and as he leads the way down he finds it opens up to something he did not expect to see at all: a seemingly abandoned subway station!

"All right, this is way too familiar," Leo mutters more to himself as he sees laid out before and below them a large-scale fight of some kind with multiple people in the midst of attacks, most of which seem to be of a training/testing variety. All the same, out come his swords, a katana in each hand, then he calls out in that cheesy way of his, "Hey, guys! Nice party! Mind if we crash it? We brought some punch!"

Yes, that would be four green turtles, each with a differently colored mask.

Donatello has posed:
    "Brought some punch?" Donatello blinks... momentum destroyed when Mikey, and then Raph tip their heads. "Wait! You guys, doing your... Hold on."
    Mikey sighs, "I mean come on. Bring punch? Why don't we just add suspenders and glasses to the outfit dude." there is almost a huddle before Donnie chimes in,
    "OK! Take two..." clearing his throat and drawing his bo, "Fancy shin-dig boys! We're here to stick-it to ya!" Raph and Mike sigh, looking skyward and the toughest turtle yanks Donatello back before stepping forward.
    "I'm here to kick ass, and chew bubblegum... And I'm all out of bubbwoah!!" Now Red is pulled back, Donnie hissing at him, "They Live?? Really you're quoting Roddie Piper man? We're better than this."

    Michelangelo suddenly has no supervision, he looks left, and then right, and then leaps towards the fray in a full on body splash."COWABULARGHB!" Right into the foot of a guy who at least knows enough to kick defensively.


Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The room is crowded of course with all the people though there is room here and there as the group moves around. When the Turtles quip, and head into battle the main group does kind of stop and look around no-one reconizing the voices. Though they are looking the wrong ways assuming it was around them, and one even asks the other what a Cowabularghb was like maybe he had heard of it before this is all but one, as one person dressed very differently from all the rest looks right at you when you say that. Unlike the others he was able to follow the voice he pulls a bow over his shoulder crouching a bit. Thankfully he was small so down low he had more room to aim a single shot out at the one who was asking about the party.

The arrow would look home made, as the arrow was metal, and the shaft had posioned barbs on it shaped like hooks, obviously towards the shooter so they didn't get themselves. Damian was not using most of his tech falling back to what a League member would do, so after he shoots the arrow for a momemt he would follow the shot to check its effectiveness before dissapearing into the crowd once again. The crowd was shifting as the group had four turtles dropping down into it. Everyone around the turtles would attack though it would be messy with little to no training behind them instead using numbers to try to overwhelm.

One other wierd thing would start happening as they jump in kicking, and swinging. A lot of the people once hit would seem to get up even after many shouldn't get up. Sure they will go down again, and most likely stay down, but these were Gotham citizens that had mostly been pushed, kicked, and think they have a way to get on a new bosses good side. Inside of that are these turtles which they know if they couldn't sell here that Joker might want a look.. so they fought a little bit harder even after a serious hit sometimes.

Leonardo has posed:
With the scene laid out before them, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are given a chance to get a lay of the land, so to speak. The room, part of the abandoned subway area, has platforms, metal electrical boxes, and other obstacles around, but also some free space to work with especially surrounding those fighting each other.

Leonardo is given to pause for a moment and just grimace as his brothers go into a bit of one-upsmanship, joking around, leading up to Mikey taking a foot to the mouth. It won't slow him down, but it's a 'shake your head' moment. "Guys.." he urges.

As he descends toward the main floor, sharp eyes catch someone standing out as a little different turning his way, and the bow is out. When the arrow flies toward him, which he calls out to his brothers as a warning, it may be a surprise that the blades move in a blur to immediately deflect it away and harmlessly toward the wall behind them. This puts him on a path toward the attacker as Raphael and Michelangelo move in for closer attacks on those who shift attention toward them. Nothing lethal, but quick strikes, placed expertly to limbs to put them down..until many of them try to get back up.

"Looks like they want a fight, bros!" Raph says, seeming to relish the fact.

Donatello has posed:
    "Hey now, you guys shouldn't be getting back up like this," Donatello plants his staff, reaches back to tighten his mask knot, and capture the bo again before it can fall, "Biologically and psychologically speaki-" He stops with a grunt as a fist slams into the side of his head from a foe he thought he'd already put down twice. The tallest turtle rolls with it spinning and driving his staff into the knee cap and then clavicle of another on the charge." He blinks as the one tries to get up with only one warm and leg, and then front kicks mr. Punch hard enough to spin his head to just that point that the human body hits the off switch so that you don't break your own neck.
    "Jeeze, Leo! What sorta sparkle powder they put in your punch eh?" he rasps trying to put his shell to one of his brothers, keep from having blind spots.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As Leo cuts through the croud of people it leads all the way out the other side where the person in the mask is letting a Purple Dragon drop to the ground facing away. It wasn't a recuit, and it looked like they were not moving without looking back he whips the metal object, which is what he must of just used to take the man down as he runs forward. Drawing a single blade he stops well short, he whips it up infront of his masked face then down facing forward as his Grandfather had tought him. To Damian he didn't really have enough information to charge in, but he had many things to consider in this encounter, and there were still targets left.

He doesn' look away from Leo, as he wasn't sure what he was facing. He had worked with mutants before, but they were not mutated so this was something new to him. Honestly he thinks he put up his guard just out of shock the years of practice doing what it does. He would stand there ready for Leo to act, if he does not Damian is already looking for a path to get away from this encounter so he can geto his next target.

In the mess Ralph, and Mikey are beating the people back as some still have that crazy eye after being put down by the two only to get up and lunge for them in more desperation. Out of the several those two ended up putting down only a one or two are still trying to fight while the main issue is the others joining in against them.

The man with one good arm, and leg yells in a crazy voice.. "I Got One! Lets rip'em from their shells" and looks at Donatello to grab at him with his good arm though he is human so the grab isn't that strong nor could he go on like this for long. Four more join him trying to dog-pile Donatello, as the rest seem to go try to surround Mikey, and Raph. Strangly enough no-one really seems to want to get between the mask guy, and Leo deciding to leave that alone for later.

Leonardo has posed:
No actual cutting, but if Leonardo does have to knock anyone aside he has no qualms about doing it with a well-timed elbow, knee, or kick. The swords do afford him something of a buffer zone, as most decide they don't want to mess around with that. If anyone has a gun tucked away, that could be a different story.

The turtle's path brings him nearly face-to-mask with the disguised Damian, who actually comes up slightly shorter than Leo. The fact he has a sword of his own is noted immediately, and the masked man, boy, whatever he is earns a narrowed look from the mutant. "I have my brothers to look after, but don't think you're leaving here without a little talk once this is done. Whether that talk is just a talk or with these, that's up to you." The katanas are angled just enough that what light is down here glints off them, then he's back into the fray to aid those he came with.

It brings him over toward Donatello as the turtles begin to group up more as a cohesive unit, each one defending the other in case anyone slips through an opening. Donnie's the one Leo aids first, showing no hesitation in driving the attackers away without pulling any strikes of his own. It leads to a faster realization that something isn't normal about this. "Are these guys on something or what?" he asks in between knocking aside someone who rushes toward him, following up by dropping into a legsweep to put him on his back, seeking to make him double over with an elbow into the gut. That one didn't seem to care about the katanas possibly doing even more damage.

Michelangelo and Raphael hold their ends up, 'chucks knocking heads and limbs around, while sais help swallow up would-be attacks before both land counters of their own.

Donatello has posed:
    "That's what I was tryin' to figure out Leo. It's like they're all hepped up on PCP or the like!" Donatello has bumps and bruises forming, and when the one tries to latch on he kicks him smartly in the face - using Leo's distraction to get clear.
    Frustrated looking and confused but he steps briefly towards the fray, "Mikey! Pole dance!" He plants his staff and flips up and over as Michelangelo leaps and grabs either side of his chucks with the chain used to keep him spinning around Donnie's staff even as the tallest turtle swings down.
    It's an odd move for combining force, Donnie twining and pushing his feet against Michelangelo to keep him spinning, knocking several down before Donnie and Mikey land on their feet. "Leo, we're gonna have to go for head blows, base of the skull. The knock-out button."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As the Turtle speaks to him, at least with the shell, and features that is what he assumes, he does not speak back or really do anything waiting to see what happends next. When nothing does he sighs, and hated to do this he really did. He watches them work a bit, putting his sword away he changes his plan if Shredder was cleaning his tracks, and had people like this it would be really bad for them though the Bats could still take then. He left them to take care of the mass off people which together would not be difficult as he seemed to go to do his own thing.

As said the people are difficult to put down, but the number of people actually falling is a bit larger then it appears at first, as out of the 30 people there is at least twenty left some of those already bruised. Most of the people came from Donny, and Mike as their move is extremly effective. As the people go down they would start to see a bit why, as none of the people here that just walked in looked like normal citizens. The fight, the people being a little crazy already, had whipped the group into a collective fervor.

They all had that crazy look, though even if tested later nothing would seem off, as maybe it was just living in Gotham, or maybe it was something in the water. Though as Don changes ideas from raw force into a selective blow, out of no-where through the group Leo would see a small shadow. Damian had to keep cover though Damian was curious who they were, and if they worked for the foot. So instead of jut waiting, and talking like a reasonable person Damian waited until Leo was distracted talking with his brother to strike low with a kick to the back of the leg. He had also been trained so knew blind spots well, and was smaller so went with a low impact to try to knock him off balance. It would also afford him the chance to back up into the crowd to once again lead the sword wielding turtle away.

Leonardo has posed:
A lot about this encounter is still unknown to Leonardo and the turtles. They do know it's a Purple Dragon gathering, apparently under the guise of recruitment to their numbers, presumably in Gotham itself since that's where they all are now. But, they don't know what's causing the people to fight with the intensity and relentlessness they do. "Whatever it is, let's go with that plan," he agrees, giving space for Donnie and Mikey to team up, while for a few moments Leo and Raph work with their shells practically touching, allowing nobody to get past their impenetrable defenses.

Circumstances lead to them separating again to go for a few knockout blows, and a few more people go down without getting back up. That's good. But then, after the passing of something in his peripheral vision, Leonardo suddenly finds himself down on the back of his shell, surprised. "Hey! Who..?" he blurts, scrambling back upright again before anyone can take advantage of the opening it created. As the numbers around them dwindle further, his eyes sweep around in search of the offender.

Donatello has posed:
    A fist goes into Donnie's face, driving him back into a kick aimed for his knee that forces him down. "Hey! Come on guys!" Another fist to his face, and a hunk of wood smashed across his back. "OW! Damnit! OW!!" Donnie complains as Mikey slams into him, bleeding from one nostril, "Donnie, we need to switch it up. Stick ball?"
    Donatello nods, "Stickball." a handfull of smoke pellets are tossed up and the Purp Turp stands bo spinning, smashing through and sending a storm of smoke flooding into the basement now. "Smacky smacky!" the tallest and shortest renew their attacks, favoring their injured limbs.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Leo see's the back of a cloaked figure turn and look at him with the white mask, already a distance away he disapears into the crowd again. He didn't seem to follow up even though you were on his back, and his blade isn't out as he moves back into the crowd, Leo might realize he will turn around and come back if he loses him. Damian on the other hand, saw the turtle fight on his back, and how he got up with interest as it looked familer so isn't sure if they are with the foot. Normally it might be easier to see, but Damian did not have a lot of information about either so some of the simmularities stuck out.

The new knock out blows are effective especially with all four of them to cover their shells and not get swarmed some having a better time then others. As the group pushes in thinking they have the advantage they are surprised as balls fly out hitting them sometimes as smoke pours out of them. As Damian turns to approach again he almost smiles under his mask as the smokes goes out around him. Leo would see him circling around towards the group as the smoke covers his area. He gives a slight nod in thanks though as the plume of smoked that was raised disapears he is just not there.

Other then the masked person though everyone else seems to be a bit confused in the smoke. Strangely enough Donnie seemed to stumble right into one of their biggest weakenesses, as some bump into each other punching one another, and fight others pushing through trying to grab anything green. Out of the fifteen people that are left it is just chaos on what they are doing now inside the smoke.

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo's eyes, visible amid the blue mask tied around his head, swivel and take account of all he can see in the room. With opponents finally reaching the point of not getting back up, it gives them a bit of respite in the fight. He's spotted the masked person again, and with the smoke swirling around much of the immediate area now he understands someone who knows what he's doing could take just as much advantage of the cover as they can. Getting back to whoever it is..that seems to be what he wants, if the game of back-and-forth tells Leo anything.

"Cover me, bros. It's time to find out who we're dealing with here." He makes sure the others can keep him in sight as he moves in Damian's direction, the swords held in such a way that reveals his preparedness to act, but also not held in an aggressive stance. He's utilizing caution, recalling the arrow that first drew his attention. "What do you want?" It's in between a question and a demand. "Are you responsible for this meeting?"

Donatello has posed:
    "Got it Leo! Shell shock guys!" Donnie calls to Raph and Mikey, the trio moving to surround Leonardo's flank with Donnie in the back, using his longer stride to keep up with his back touching the shells of the two flanking brothers.
    Raph has his sai out, the blunt octagonal 'blades' clubbing, hooking, and spinning punks so that Donnie can smash his bo into the base of a skull for a KO, redirecting another with a kick for Mike to do the same. It's quick, efficient, mathematical. One of Donnie's plans, and the others aren't arguing for two reasons. Leo said he needed cover - and it's working.
    "I hate when you make sense, you know?"
    "Why!? Look dude, we're winning!"
    "I hate being used like a video game character!"
    "Dude! You can be Zangief!!"
    "Look, if it works in Draenor with a raid party, it works in real life, the math is sound."
    Like a storm in the smoke, the trio work to keep Leo clear... making a growing trail until no more come at them.
    "Leo! You're clear!"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
There is no answer to Leo's question as if he was asking then he would not know, unless it was a lie but it didn't seem like it. So they were not a clean up crew, nor did they know LoA attire, he was learning more already as he crouched quietly in the smoke watching Leo quietly as he wandered in further. Between the smoke and people left no-one was really going for Leo, and the other three are cleaning up knocking them down quickly to a few guys left. From behind him in the smoke a Modulated voice that is deep responds. "You tresspass, and then blame the rightful owners." is all he would hear.

A patch of heavy smoke rolls by infront of Leo, and Damian appears he wordlessly draws his blade again looking at him from behind the mask. A modulated voice comes from behind it, "This is League of Assassins territory." His arm holding the blade infront of him strikes out forward in a lunge that is quick, even if unblocked it wouldn't actually hit as Damian knew his blade length well a little math, and you get a strike that looks horrifying but is actually harmless.

The blow was obviously a test one to see what Leo would do as he was still cautious though he knew he had to at least be agressive for his cover. He though about what he had for escape as he poked at the turtle, also realizing that the people were falling a bit quicker then before.

As Damian looks he see's he is out of time, he waits for his answers from the lead Turtle as the rest had just smashed their way through the remaining people the efficenty of it riviling maybe some of the other Robins. He did have a wildcard just incase though he would hate of use it here of all places.

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo lets his brothers do the work they're so good at, helping to limit any danger in getting him closer to the disguised Damian. He moves fluidly, stepping around fallen, would-be Purple Dragons or actual ones, leading him closer amid the dissipating smoke, although the voice from elsewhere causes a temporary diversion in his attention, followed by the smoke picking up.

Even with him being skilled in working amid things like the spreading smoke, there is a sudden presence before him. "That's funny. From what I've heard, someone called Batman runs this city." The speed of the strike looks, in that moment, designed to come up short but Leo's reflexes leave him to shift his stance toward the outside of the lunge, using a sword to parry it off to the side where he'd been. Better safe than sorry, and he backflips a few feet away to clear himself of the thickest areas of smoke. Leo may have had a chance to counterattack, but he does not yet do so. "We heard the Purple Dragons would be here. We came to stop them. One city with the Foot and the Dragons is bad enough," he says through a clenched jaw, eyes squarely on the masked one. He maintains a ready stance with his swords, one guarding high, the other low.

Donatello has posed:
    Raph and Mikey on pile-up detail, Donatello moves to flank Leo, bo held with one end held at mid-point, ready to rise or dip at a moment's notice.
    "Yeah, if you're going to try and help expand the foot out here, we're going to have a problem with that - and I'm sure your Batman would be in agreement." The tallest turtle studies the masked figure, lips moving as he memorizes measurements for later. Head canting to one side now, "Leo, that voice modulator, the octave drops he's using... He's a kid!" Donnie having had a hand in playing with such in the past. For reasons.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The figure doesn't follow only listens, and watches him backflip out again. He shakes his head, as he had learned what he needed to and had seen enough for now as he puts his blade away looking at him. "You were mistaken." is all he answers not wanting to give too much away. Sure it would be seen that Batman is out there, and he didn't mind them knowing that, but to have the Leagues name out there was enough. While their way here maybe jarred they will get along fine enough from this point, and he has learned what he wanted.

The person in the mask looks at Donnie, and shakes his head at him not saying anything he just turns and walks away not saying anything else to them. He was not their to answer their questions, even if he could so he will leave it for now. The observant would realize he is still paying attention not fully taking his eyes off you, but he doesn't seem to be taking out any other weapons.

Leonardo has posed:
"That doesn't mean anything," Leonardo tells Donatello. "Remember how long we've trained for." The Assassin's age appears to be irrelevant to him. In fact, if anything it tells him a lot more than if he didn't know that. He isn't going to be fooled by someone pretending compared to someone who knows what he's doing.

Further, he says to the slowly departing Damian, "If you oppose the Foot, then we have a common enemy. If you support the Foot, you are our enemy as well. Remember that, masked one." Masked one? Who even /says/ it like that? A subtle nod of the head toward his brothers says it's time for them to be on their way, and if that wasn't made clear enough for them a volley of smoke pellets of his own are cast around them in a half circle, providing them with some cover to return to the surface, the Shellraiser, and then home. They will have things to discuss, without a doubt.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The masked man walks, and stops turning to look at them, he thinks about what to tell them as he looks back at them. Internally he sighs though externally just silently stares at them. "Run... Get out of Gotham and do not return or your lives will be changed forever. This is no place for the Foot, and I will make that clear to them that is why they have sent me." He hoped it was enough as it was sound advice, though he did want to tell them why at least he got the warning off.

He turns, and walks towards the exit and everyone escapes their own way leaving just a pile of guys in the basement beat-up, and Damian swearing at his luck at he had to run into turtles while undercover. At least he was able to warn them as gotham was bad news. It was his home, and he would protect it, but it was bad news and he knew it.