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Latest revision as of 03:36, 20 July 2019

Now This is Seafood
Date of Scene: 20 July 2019
Location: Wanda's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Josh tells Wanda about Doug's shooting. Lorna arrives and reveals more hair-raising incidents at Genosha's palace.
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Scarlet Witch, Polaris

Elixir has posed:
Wanda and Josh appear in Wanda's apartment in a flash of scarlet light. The front of Josh's t-shirt is covered in dried bloodstains from lifting onto the bed in the X-Men Medical bay. When the call came that Doug had been shot, there was no time to change into uniforms. Wanda and Josh had been studying together and they just teleported to the scene.

"What a day," Josh says, worry still etched on his face. He had not been able to help Doug much. There was /something/ in his body that was not biological.

"Just gonna shower," the young X-Man says. He grabs the backpack he had begun leaving at Wanda's and pulls out some spare clothes. He pulls off his shirt, clenches his abs and winks at Wanda. Then he tosses his shirt in the garbage under the sink and makes his way to the bathroom.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a blouse that left her shoulders bare. Not really having planned on going out, she'd jumped up when Josh had gotten the word and needed the transportation over.

She follows along with Josh through the open layout of her suite and over to the door to the bathroom that is the only enclosed space in the room other than the closet. She leans there in the doorway as she asks, "He is going to be ok though, yes?" she asks. Her voice has concern in it, for Doug foremost, and for what Josh goes through helping people.

Over on the coffee table there are a collection of materials related to child literacy that Wanda was going through when the emergency arose. She had previously mentioned it was a cause that was near and dear to her heart.

Elixir has posed:
Josh runs the shower, undresses and steps inside.

"I really don't know," Josh says over the sound of the water. "I /should/ have been able to heal him. I felt what he needed... It was gonna wipe me out, but I could do it. But there's some else in him, all over, just blank to me. Definitely /not/ organic."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda shifts further into the room, but leaning against the wall beside the door. "What were the circumstances around his shooting?" she asks him, lifting her voice enough he can hear her. "You can sense a bullet I imagine, though not organic. This wasn't fragments or anything of the like, I gather, from your description?" she asks him.

Wanda moves over to open up her medicine cabinet. After looking inside for a few moment she begins rearranging a few things. Clearing space in it? Whenever Josh finishes the shower, she'll have a soft terry cloth towel in hand to pass him.

Elixir has posed:
Josh steps out of the shower and takes the towel with a smile. He pecks Wanda on the cheek and starts to dry off.

"No, it was different. I got his body to push out the bullet fragments, but this other stuff was... Part of him?"

Josh shakes his head. "Mutants are weird, straight up, but I dunno if Doug's fully human, you know? That stuff is melded with him. I'd have to tear through half the cells in his body to get it out, and I just. I can't do that and keep him alive at the same time," Josh admits with a frustrated scowl. "I wanna /fix/ it."

He finishes toweling off and hangs it up neatly before dressing.

"Looking for something?" Josh asks curiously as Wanda rearranges her medicine cabinet.

Josh puts on shorts and pulls a tshirt over his head. "Looks like Doug's been telling these gang guys they can't sell Hook in Evolution. And killed him for it. Like fucking animals, they just killed over /drugs/ and /money/."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda does let her eyes drift and linger, but given the more serious discussion going on, she keeps it more subdued than she otherwise would have. Just a little reminder of the woman's feelings for him though, as Josh is dealing with the unsettling issues.

Wanda nods and looks over at the space she's cleared in the medicine cabinet. "I made a little room if you'd like to keep anything in here," she tells him. "No need to carry it around in your bag," she tells him. There might be a little something to read from her face as the moment, meaning more than the quiet casualness it is getting given the other topic.

A topic she refocuses on. "Have you spoken to him about this... stuff. Is it part of him perhaps, not something that needs to be removed?" she asks. "It might be a dumb question but I haven't seen any of it for myself," she says.

Wanda frowns, moving to sit on the couch and sigh. "This drug is really... like gasoline on what was already enough of a fire," she says.

Elixir has posed:
Josh cocks his head slightly when Wanda mentions making room. But the conversation moves on. He flops down on couch beside Wanda and throws an arm along the back of it behind her. He taps his bare feet slowly on the floor, first one then the other. He is always tapping away when thinking.

"No joke," Josh agrees with Wanda. "I haven't talked to Doug, I couldn't even wake him up," Josh says and runs a hand through his hair and thinks. "Part of him? Maybe. Dr. Reyes came in, she's a crazy expert with mutants, and /she/ doesn't even know what it is. We're hoping Hank can figure it out.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda shifts over, leaning in against Josh and snuggling there gently. "Hmm. Well, it sounds like you have the right people for it," she tells him. "I don't really know Doug at all. But if there's something else I can do to help, you know I will," she tells him.

Wanda rests her hand on his leg, softly brushing her fingers back and forth. "I may be heading overseas for something. It may come up quick, so I just wanted to give you a heads up in case I don't have time to talk first. Hopefully it won't be for long if so, though," she tells him. She turns to look towards him, and leans up to brush a warm little peck against Josh's lips.

Elixir has posed:
"I like those," Josh beams.

"I won't be stupid and ask if it's dangerous or tell you to be careful," he says with a half-grin. "I'll just feel worried on the inside. I mean, guessing it's Avenger stuff and not like, Cannes or something. Know how long you'll be gone?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda smiles and gives Josh another of the gentle kisses before nestling her head against his shoulder as they sit together on the couch. "Yes. Probably something in the Middle East. Bad guys trying to get their hands on bad things so they can become badder guys," she tells him. "It's really hard to say, just depends on what we hear and when. Though if we get a line on them it will probably happen fast," she says.

Wanda reaches over to pick up one of the charity pamphlets. "I'm kind of hoping to get some time together with an old mentor. See if I can't get her to come to town. If so I'd love for the three of us to have dinner together. She was a big influence on me," Wanda tells him.

Elixir has posed:
Josh nods in understanding about the mission. Wanda feels a flash of anxiety from the younger man, something flits past in his eyes. But it passes and he smiles, unconscious of his own flickers of emotion.

"Yeah? That'd be great then. I'd be stoked to do dinner. Tell me about her!" Josh says.

He turns and lays back on the couch, head on the headrest, legs across Wanda's lap and a big grin on his face.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is in jeans and a blouse, Josh in shorts and t-shirt, sitting together on the couch. Just lounging against each other, the blonde-haired man's arm around the Avenger as she rests her head on his shoulder. "She can be... persnickety. She's rather... what's a good way of saying extremely old? Experienced?" Wanda asks with a warm laugh.

"Oh, and I ordered some food before I brought you back. Should be here any-" Wanda says, before there's a knock at the door. One of the staff bringing the food on a wheeled car, and Wanda not realizing there might be someone else at the door with it. "Come in," she calls, the door opening to admit them as Jarvis swings it open.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had made her way in, part of the whole 'approved list' of people when she bandied about her half sister's name at the door. She didn't really call this time, and judging by her clothes it was particularly clear she'd come straight from Genosha. The young woman wore far more formal clothes than she did whenever she meant to visit the States. Golden drops and precious gems clung to her hair in a magnetic halo, matching her necklace and bracelets. Her dress was of a shimmery material too light to truly have been made by anything besides extra powers poured into the weaving of the fabric. It glittered in the sunlight, changing from purple to teal depending on the perspective. It wrapped around one shoulder and was pinched in another golden broach. Her heels clicking softly on the floor as she swept into Wanda's room.

"Wanda! I need to talk to you, please, if you have a minute. It's serious regarding another incident. Dad's a mess and--" She broke off as she spotted Josh snuggled up to her sister and she flushed bright pink abruptly, and trailed off. Further ranting failing at the back of her throat.

She coughed once, "Oh. Hi Josh."

Elixir has posed:
Josh sits up looking surprised. He looks to Wanda and back to Lorna.

"Hey Lorna," he says, sounding concerned. "You alright?"

"If this is a sister thing I can go," Josh offers to Wanda.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff and Josh are just lounging like many a couple might in front of the TV. Though the TV isn't actually on, they just seem to be talking. Wanda sits up though, smiling at the sight of Lorna, and also a little at the sight of the trays on the cart coming in.

"Lorna, what a wonderful surprise," she says, moving over to give her sister a warm hug. "Thank you Michael," Wanda tells the staffer, who nods with a smile and departs. "We were just about to eat, come join us, and fill me in on this incident?" Wanda says.

She pulls the lids off the various plates. There are crab cakes and some spicy baked shrimp. Plates of blackened red snapper with a ponchartrain sauce overtop. And a plate of king crab legs. Wanda inhales and reaches out to break one of the crab legs and try a little bit. "Oh. Yes. Now this is seafood," she says, bringing the plates over to set on the coffee table so they can all grab what they want.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna mechanically wrapped her arms around Wanda, her chin settling on her older sister's shoulder like it belonged there as she simply held onto Wanda for perhaps longer than their usual hugs. She exhaled a rough breath, and was led over to sit where Wanda gestured for her to, and she stared heavily at the array of seafood on the cart that was presented to her as Wanda lifted up lid after lid. Her stomach roiled and twisted, and she shook her head at the offer of eating anything. At least for now. Her hands settled on her lap, folding and unfolding as she tried to calm her breathing and school her expression into a more cooly neutral one.

"There was another incident Wanda. I went back to check on father.. He's upped security in the Palace to truly insane levels. And keeping everything under wraps from the populace. He was floating around in his office wearing full battle gear with his helmet on." She pursed her lips, and shifted in the seat.

"A package... while I was there a package just 'appeared' in the royal suite."

Elixir has posed:
Josh quietly goes about helping set the food out. He notices Lorna's look of distaste at the food and opens the cupboard that holds Wanda's liquor. He pulls out a bottle of whiskey and looks enquiringly at Lorna.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff gave Lorna an extra long hug as she sensed the other woman's distress. Once she is settled, Wanda takes a seat as well, smiling gratefully to Josh as he makes Wanda's sister the offer of the drink. "Was there the same electrical distortion?" Wanda asks with a frown. "So twice now when you were there both times. Had you been back to the palace other than this, or was this your first time back?" she asks.

Wanda reaches over, resting a hand on her sister's back lightly. "I have been trying to figure out what else we could do about this individual, and it has been... perplexing," she says with a sigh. Wanda glances towards Josh, knowing he knows a bit of what they are talking about.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna gave Josh a nod, and flashed him a terse smile at the offer of a drink. It was definitely what she'd needed after being there for her father for the past day. Watched the melt down happen in his gaze, even if he remained stoic as usual on the outside. Her fingers twitched, and she turned her gaze to Wanda as her older sister asked after the details. "It was the first time I'd been back, and I don't know about the lights flickering or not. I didn't ask. An Acolyte had found it and tested it prior to giving it to Dad." Her lips pursed into a thin line.

"It was just this little cardboard box, Wanda. And inside it.. it was //ashes//. Remains. And a note inside it that said 'Keep the furnaces going Max.' Dad flipped out, and.. and you could tell Wanda that it hurt him. He got that look, you know the one whenever he's being haunted by things. And he broke down a little when I asked him what it all meant. He said it was tied to the camps." She whispered, her eyebrows furrowed.

"He said that whatever this thing is, it knows him from back then. Not just some Neo-Nazi messing with us."

Elixir has posed:
Josh pours Lorna a double on ice and places it in front with a sympathetic look. He gets Wanda a drink as well, helps himself to a beer and plates up some food for Wanda and himself.

He is quiet during Lorna's story, but glances to Wanda when Lorna mentions Magneto breaking down a little. He keeps his expression studiously neutral though and starts on his food.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda frowns as she listens. "I don't know," she says slowly. "I'd think someone who knows enough of his history could come up with that. It had to be... well. Upsetting doesn't begin to cover it," she says slowly. Wanda frowns more, chewing on her bottom lip for a moment.

"I don't know what to suggest. The obvious things, increasing security and the like, I'm sure have already been done."

Wanda rests a hand on Josh's arm, expression grateful as he prepares her food. "Whoever it is, is obviously trying to be upsetting, or throw everyone off-balance. So avoiding doing that is important. But..." Wanda sighs and trails off, shaking her head and unsure what to do next.

She takes the plate, eating because she missed her earlier meals while Josh was taking care of Doug, though the topic has taken the joy out of the food.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna gratefully took the drink from Josh, and sipped at it with a tapping of her fingers against the cool sides of the glass. The condensation from the ice making little droplets trickle down her fingertips. "That's just it Wanda. Dad doesn't talk about what he did in the camps. He doesn't talk about the camps at all. Not even when I've tried asking him what he went through." She swallowed down another sip of the drink, her expression pinched.

"He seemed to act like note was very specific to him. Personal. And he couldn't talk about why. He just.. he got all choked up. Someone is messing with him, with our family. If this goes on.. I don't know what Dad will do. He's never been particularly well known for his patience or calm demeanor. It won't take long before something leaks out to the public on Genosha. That their King and royal family are being targeted by something and can't do anything to stop it." She pursed her lips, shifting forward in her chair to rest her arms against the tops of her thighs.

"I just don't know what else we can do."

Elixir has posed:
Josh tilts his head. "Doesn't have to talk about it," Josh points out with half a mouthful of the most fantastic scallops in creamy butter sauce. He covers his mouth with one hand. "I mean, like, your dad can't sleep with his helmet on, right?"

"Gotta be a psychic involved," he continues after swallowing. "I mean /why/ is a whole other thing. I don't anything about Genosha," Josh says with an apologetic shrug. "If you don't have anyone in mind, I bet Jean or the Professor or someone would help.

He looks between Wanda and Lorna as if realizing he may be intruding and scoops up another bite of scallop.

"This is /really/ good."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda smiles over to Josh. "That sounds like a good idea," she agrees. "They might find the person's mind even if we fail to spot him any other way." Wanda looks back to Lorna. "Lorna, have something to eat. We're not going to be able to solve it right now. Get some food in you and then we can talk to Charles and Jean and see if they might be of help," she says.

Wanda tries the scallops, a little of her own appetite returning. "Mm. I really was starving," she tells them, using a scallop to scoop up some of the sauce. She tried the snapper next, the fish cooked with a blackened seasoning. "I asked the kitchen to prepare a few different things and... wow, they really outdid themselves," she says.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a rough breath, her eyebrows furrowing sharply as Josh spoke of her father not wearing the helmet while he slept. "Dad has troubles sleeping, like I do. It's hard, when he has a project it entirely takes over him. He forgets to eat, or skips meals, rather. And barely sleeps. I get that way too..." She bit her lower lip, and stared down at the drink in her hand. She took another few larger sips and falls silent for a beat or two as Wanda suggests bringing in Charles or Jean.

"No. Dad is already stressed and not thinking clearly. Having anyone from outside of his own forces will only feed his paranoia. But you do have a good point Josh. If it's a physic, then maybe it's really just in our heads. The lights flickering. The way whatever it was vanished. Though, it doesn't explain how it tricked the security cameras. So." She shrugged, eyeing the food as Wanda tries to coax her into eating something.

"I can't stomach anything Wanda." She mumbled, exhaling a rough sigh as she rolled the glass between her hands.

Elixir has posed:
Josh gets up and goes back to the cart. He fetches a fresh baked bun and whipped butter. Josh slices and butters it and brings it to Lorna.

"It'll help settle your stomach," he says gently and goes back to his seat. "If your dad has a trusted psychic, it'd be a good idea to check things out. I mean, the psychic finding out your dad's secrets doesn't have to be guy making bloody swatstikas. Scott always says where there's one bad guy, there's two."

"Probably stupid thing to say, but if it gets bad and you or your dad can't sleep, I can help. I can't read minds," he says with a smile. "But I can tell your body it's time for a restful sleep."