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Oh, it's You
Date of Scene: 22 July 2019
Location: Mutant Town
Synopsis: Wolfsbane and Black Alice encounter each other for the second time, this time in a place that still holds mutants, but not the same one as before
Cast of Characters: Wolfsbane, Black Alice

Wolfsbane has posed:
Mutant Town, a day after moving in. Wolfsbane's first night was spent staying in the apartment, getting some things in order, and resting. The second evening, she went in the vicinity of Club Evolution but stayed at a distance, considering Sam's offer. She walks through the neighborhood without much in the way of a second glance, though if anything there are a few who take notice of her attire more than the fact she's fuzzy. After all, it's not every day someone looks like they got lost on the way to a Renfaire.

Black Alice has posed:
Alice gets around. No you assholes not that way. She gets around to all sorts of really strange places.

In this case though Mutant Town in good old NYC is really not all that strange. I mean sure she is running an errand due to a a ping on the weird shit that shouldn't be in New York mystical sensors her current boss has up and running for the whole realm. Blah Blah sorcerer supreme. She is not calling him Master though so boss is fine.

Alice met with this crazy looking older mutant lady in a back alley shop specializing in Curios. The lady honest to god looked like a frog more than a person, but then Alice has seen demons that looked stranger and isn't about to judge. That would be speciest.. racist... but it would definitely be bigoted. She does not roll that way

She is carrying the package, a dark metal box, looks like burned iron, under one arm. She stops cold when she spots the fuzzy wolf chick and squints a bit "OOoh.. hey... I know you!" yeah she is hard to mistake herself.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Hm?" Initially, Wolfsbane doesn't recognize that she's the one being addressed by Black Alice, for she isn't the only one in the area. Only a glance toward the other woman and a pause to look a second or two longer gets things to register as her being familiar. Unmistakably familiar, in that sense. "Oh, it's ye," she answers, and her tone is mildly distant, a frown forming for a moment or two. After all, the encounter back on the mansion grounds was not the best of circumstances, and it led to some ruffled feathers. Or, in her case, a few raised hackles. "Whit are ye doing around here?" she asks a little pointedly.

Black Alice has posed:
Alice holds up her empty hand in a somewhat placating manner now, though she does laugh a touch, she can't seem to help it. "Woah now.. I was doing some shopping for my boss at this cute little store. Doing my civic duty to help grease the great wheels of commercialism and capitalism." she looks around slowly then back to Rahne. "I could ask you the same thing really, what are you doing here?"

There is a vague gesture towards mutant town now "I mean this is definitely a far cry from your palatial country estate and demonic friend."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ye know where we are, aye?" Wolfsbane responds, hands at her hips for the moment. "Mutant Town?" As if, in her mind, that should answer the question very clearly as to what she's doing in the area. Sure, it's Bushwick, but it's become known by its other name for the high concentration of mutants that call it home, some even running their own shops. Perhaps that's one of the people Black Alice encountered on her trip.

The wolfen mutant adds, "An' I just moved in yesterday." There is no reason given so far, but she instead squints toward whatever it is the other distinct-looking woman is carrying with her.

Black Alice has posed:
A look around slowly at the various people out on the street this fine evening. She lets her attention loll back to Rahne now. "Of course, Mutant Town.. or well bushwick I think it is called. I didn't want to be that girl and just assume all mutants live here.. I mean I know you have a mansion after all and I don't want to stereotype anyone...." she trails off "Of course you just said you do live in Mutant Town now.. but well it is a recent development right?" she seems to be in a good mood if a bit amused as well.

The box under her arm looks pretty old. Definitely metal. It looks almost burnt from a distance but on closer look it is actually cold iron. There are celtic symbols on it and are those wolves.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nods slowly. "Aye, both names work," she confirms. Some of the people here are obviously mutants with various physically-different characteristics, while others look as normal as Alice. Well, probably more normal than Alice, all things considered.

"As it happens..I moved intae a place here yesterday," the wolfgirl adds, though she stops short of giving a specific location for now, or more of a reason. The box does get a cursory glance, then a second, longer one after she's spotted the markings on it. That causes her stare to linger.

Black Alice has posed:
"Well congratulations on your new digs." and yes it is safe to say a lot of people on this street look more normal than the goth punk with pig tales. It may be the vibe she gives off like an area of effect blast of equal parts not giving a shit and being dangerous as fuck while knowing it. Still she seems to be in a good mood, box accomplished.

"Well then we are practically neighbors. Sort of. I mean us and like eight million other people really. So you are like in the service or friendship of the Queen of Limbo huh... that is pretty trippy dangerous considering everyone who would love to conquer Limbo. I did some reading after that little asshole stole that wand and dropped us at her mansion."

The box has it's own aura. It is enticing. Bit dangerous. Wild. Fey.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's expression sours briefly at a bit of the language she hears, but that's the least of what she's going to encounter in Mutant Town or New York City in general. "I dinna really like big cities tha' much, but I feel like this is th' right thing for me tae do right noo."

The question of Illyana results in her letting out a short breath. "I'm no'..in service tae anyone. We're friends though, aye." In a sense. She's not quite sure how true or not that is, if the expression on her face of some doubt is a sign, but she shrugs. "I've known her for a bit."

Brows scrunch together at the sense coming from the box. Magical or something else, it's just...strange.

Black Alice has posed:
Black Alice will not at that. "Well friends or working for her, she is big guns in the demonic hierarchies... Limbo is no joke and really she probably ranks as an equal to the other hell lords. Interesting company for a church woof." eyes flicking to the cross on Rahne's neck.

Then she looks down at the box in one hand under her arm and shifts it up to let Rahne have a closer look. "Staring a lot... does it smell odd?" it smells like iron, but that doesn't make it any less interesting. Are the wolves in another position now than they were before.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I'm no' a big fan o' Limbo," Wolfsbane states, perhaps the understatement of the year, her arms crossing before her. "Or demon, or hell, or any o' tha'." A long pause follows, during which time the box gets another glance. "But she's still a friend I'd help if she needed it."

As for that box, it leaves her rubbing the back of her neck, above where the material of her outfit splits off to pass over her shoulders and further around to the front, the rest down her back. "It smells like a metal box."

Black Alice has posed:
Another laugh from Alice and a bit of a shrug there. "Fair enough. I've been to way too many demonic realms in my day." she looks all of eighteen so that is saying something really. "I can't say I am a big fan. Loyalty though is an excellent trait. I won't even crack the obvious joke." teasing a little bit.

"Well good. Glad it doesn't smell like death or anything. Pretty sure it is cold iron. Which reminds me... I should probably get this back to the 'office' before anything odd happens." yeah she bunny ears office with one hand. She looks ready to head out at this point.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane rolls her eyes at the loyalty pun that ends up being held back. "Ye may as well have said it already," she points out, showing not everything goes right over her head, short as she is. "But..ahh, right. Nae, nae death smell in it. Maybe something familiar, but I'm no' sure." She inches a few steps away, then starts to turn to head off. "Anyway, if ye're around, I'm sure I'll see ye again sometime. Ye be careful." That's her cue to leave, and time for Alice to go deal with what she needs to.