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The Price of Magic: You're Not Alone
Date of Scene: 02 May 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Illyana and Sam catch up but they have a spy in their midst. Magic always has a cost.
Cast of Characters: Magik, Cannonball
Tinyplot: The Price of Magic

Magik has posed:
Illyana has been rather scarce of late. That isn't a surprise to anyone. She tends to spend a lot of time away from Earth. Whether by necessity or choice it is difficult to say. It isn't a question she would answer either.

Today though, it is ice cream day. She teleports directly into the kitchen, as is her preference. Then she heads for the freezer, opening it and digging around behind the bagged frozen peas until she comes up with her pint of Magnum ice cream. Chocolate of course.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking in from the garage. He looks a bit grease monkeyish but has cleaned up mostly, missed a dab above one eye. He tosses a paper towel in the bin, and spotting Illyan, he will smile "Hey there, how ya doing?"

Magik has posed:
Moving to the table, Illyana has just settled down into her seat when she hears the door. She glances that way to see Sam enter, giving him a smile in greeting. "Hi. I am well. It is strange that I can make so many things in Limbo but this..." She holds up the pint. "Still eludes me."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Even Limbo aint sinfull enough for good chocolate?" He jokes a bit to her, and says "You seen the motorcycles Kitty found and offered up for projects?'

Magik has posed:
"Well, making such things is a bit beyond the residents of Limbo. And it would be white magic to create ice cream. We both know how well that always turns out for me." Illyana doesn't mention the demonic houseplant that was inhabiting Kurt's room for a while.

She pauses a moment, eyes flicking to something over Sam's left shoulder. A frown appears as she sets down her pint on the table. "Uhm, is he with you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will turn to look to see what she was talking about. He does not see anything and will turn back around a brow raises. He who?" He will ask, but his body does stiffen to a bit of his training showing as he is ready for trouble

Magik has posed:
"Him." Illyana motions with the spoon she still holds in her hand. Then she looks from what she sees to Sam, wondering if he is kidding her. "Right there. In the corner."

She stands up and sets the spoon down beside the pint as she looks at ...well, nothing to Sam's perception. "What is your business here?" she demands. She waits a moment then tries again. "State your business or I will presume you to be an enemy. You have no right to be here."

What Sam is /not/ seeing is the small sphinx sitting in the corner watching Illyana. Just sitting and staring at her. It is invisible to anyone without magical senses.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head and says "Nothing Ah can see Ill." He tells her not saying nothing is there 1. She is a mutant sorceress who knows what she can see. 2. who wants to piss off the girl who can literly send ya to hell or limbo close enough. "What are ya seeing?"

Magik has posed:
"A hieracosphinx." Illyana frowns as she moves to stand next to Sam, still staring at the entity in the corner. "I believe that is the proper term. Head of a hawk, body of a lion. Not huge but certainly cause for concern. It is not responding to me."

She reaches out with her power, a red glow appearing around her hand. "It's just watching. The fact you don't see it is curious." She fires a blast of energy at the thing. It hits the wall and dissipates, passing right through the entity. "Well, magic doesn't seem to work."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods a bit to this and says "Ok, I am going to walk over here." He walks across the room some and says "Is it moving or looking at me, or is it staying the way it was." He watches her gaze to know where to look for it.

Magik has posed:
"It's staying where it was. Just looking at me." Illyana tracks his progress as Sam moves near it. "One more step and you'll be touching it."

Yet, should he take that step, he will feel nothing. He will pass through the sphinx with no physical contact.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will reach down to move his hand through the air, and does not feel anything while there s a bit of magic about Sam these days, it is inate and he does not realize it or how it works "Well I don't feel it or anything."

Magik has posed:
"Let me try something else." With that, Illyana summons the Soulsword. The glowing white blade appears in her left hand, armor covering the entire left arm as well from shoulder down. "It is like it doesn't know you are there. It just is watching me. No matter where I move." She walks forward and reaches out with the blade to touch it.

Nothing happens. She frowns. "That didn't work either. What the hell..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well that is deffinetly wierd. That thing would mess with any magic. Could it be an illusion?" He looks around to see if one of hte others might be screwing with them."

Magik has posed:
"That must be it. But who is doing it." Illyana looks around the room, finding only her and Samuel. "Are there any students who can do illusions like that? If it was telepathy, it wouldn't work on me so that's out."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Not off the top of my head. If Kid was here he might be able to do it, but I think it would have to be someone who does non telepathic illusions but with telepath abilities to make me not see it. Normal illusion not based on telepathy I should see too."

Magik has posed:
With that, Illyana moves back to the table as the Soulsword and armor disappear. It's getting a little creepy having the creature just staring. She frowns and picks up her pint and her spoon, digging in and eyeing the entity back. She puts down the pint with spoon embedded in the ice cream. "Let me try something."

A moment later, she is gone in a stepping disc. Two seconds and she's back. "If it is a student, they can reach China. It was there when I arrived. And it is here now that I'm back. It is obviously linked to me. But not magical. How strange."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods a bit. He picks up the kitchen trashcan and moves it between where Illyana said the thing was and where Illyana is "That help?" He will ask her.

Magik has posed:
That earns a smile from Illyana. "Yes, it does. Thank you."

Which is when the beast moves to a spot so it can contiue to watch her. She doesn't tell Sam. Why? Let him think it worked and she does her best to keep her eyes away from the thing by the kitchen door.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and will move to get himself some ice tea, and looks over offering Illyana some of it. So, as I was saying Kitty found a barn full of old motorcycles students and others picking one out to fix up as a summer project if you want one."

Magik has posed:
"I wouldnt' know how to fix a motorcycle," Illyana admits, tracking her friends movement across the room. That way she is focused where she needs to be. "I'm certain others are enjoying it though. Have you chosen to participate?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Foud an old military one and a side car I think will work with it. And not knowing how to dix it is sorta the point, learning something new, and getting your hands greasy. Kitty is working on a Vespa and has one of the kids who is learning italian " and he says it corectly not Eye Tallion as some southerns would "Helping her translate the instructions.

Magik has posed:
Munching ice cream, Illyana considers as he explains. "You get greasy on purpose?" Now he's just speaking the crazy talk. With her upbringing, on Earth and in Limbo, that is a foreign idea for her mind. Mechanics, machines. None of that was ever her forte really.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well it is a nice feeling when your putting something together and it works. I was learning more about cars with hte wagon. I wager Piotr knows a bit about working on engines." He tells her."

Magik has posed:
"I am certain Piotr does. That does not mean that I desire to end up with grease on my hands when he could have grease on his instead." Give Illyana some of the most digusting creatures in goblins, ingredients for magic spells, or even the blood of her enemies. But the idea of car grease? She's horrified. She shoves another spoon of chocolate goodness into her mouth.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks at her, and says "You know what you are." He pauses and grins at her "Your a girl." He teases a bit at her, and moves to walk over to ahve a seat, ready to dodge thrown stuff.

Magik has posed:
As he goes to sit down, there is a flash of light. If he is fast enough, he'll be able to keep from falling on his butt. If he isn't, well, there isn't a chair behind him now as she just teleported it to Limbo.

"A girl with an army of goblins, magic skills beyond compare and a demonic nature. Don't Eff with me." SHe actually says 'F' instead of the word. No money for the swear jar!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will fall on his butt and look at her and chuckles a bit "Yup, girly girl." He teases a bit and will stand pulling a chair over and making sure it stays there. He will smile over to her, and says Ah do believe, Ah am one of the ones who gets to mess with you."

Magik has posed:
She mulls that over a minute, making a show of looking to the ceiling and tapping a finger against her chin. "Hmm. I suppose that's true. One of the few." Most people are scared of Illyana. Thanks to all their years training together, he is one of the few who is relaxed. Even Rahne still isn't comfortable being near her for any period of time.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to her, and says "Illyana, there is something Ah probably should tell you about. I am not sure if you heard with being away or not. Ah was ina fight with sentinels and I was killed.

Magik has posed:
That causes her to hesitate with the spoon halfway to her mouth. Illyana lowers it back to the container, looking at him critically. Then she tilts her head, eyes narrowing. "You seem rather spry for a dead man..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Yea from what I understand I was dead for about 5 minutes or so. A sentinel was blasting at Kitty, I knocked her out of the way and took a spear tentacl through the chest. Kitty said I was dead. She phased the spear out fighting the sentinels, and looked up and I was back up.

Magik has posed:
The ice cream is forgotten. "How is that possible, Sam?" She looks at his chest, as though trying to see the spear that had gone through his body. Of course, there is nothing there. He seems just fine. She can't even see if there is a scar. She looks back to his face. "Was there a healer there? Magic?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Not that Ah know of, It was just us there. Ah don't know how it happened, Rachel thinks my soul is anchored to something else. Ah don't know how it happened if it will happen again or what and honestly took me a bit to get my head around it." He still rubs his chest absantly as he talks about it.

Magik has posed:
"That's very strange. Do you mind if I do some tests to see if there is any magic involved? I can't really check other things but I can verify or eliminate that as a possibility," Illyana offers.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "Sure, the more I know about it the better probably. Should we do it here or there?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will steady himself for what ever magic she has planned or for the trip to Limbo. The young man like most not the biggest fan of the place, but not fearing it as some do.

Magik has posed:
"I can do it right here. Give me just a moment." Is it her imagination or did the sphinx thing shift slightly? It seems to be paying closer attention, if that is even possible. Illyana shoves it out of her mind and concentrates.

It takes a few moments but then she relaxes, no sign of what she did seen visibly. "No one cast a spell on you at least. I was able to see that much."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well, Ah guess that is a good thing right?" He will ask her. He sips his tea and says " Ah plan on treating it like it was a one and done thing Ah would rather not know if Ah can do it again, you know?"

Magik has posed:
"Yes, please don't test that anytime soon. In fact, never test it. Die of old age in your bed," Illyana suggests as she tucks her foot up on the set by her bottom again. She picks up her pint then sets it back down, realizing she's actually had enough for now. The lid is placed on the container then she hops up to tuck it into the freezer.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "I am hoping it is something like that looking out at a world we have made a better place, maybe watching a few grand kids or great grand kids playing in the yard.

Magik has posed:
"Hard for me to imagine Rachel as the motherly type but I suppose anything is possible," Illyana says as she closes the freezer. Ice cream safe until the next time she needs her fix. "You two serious or just having fun?" she asks bluntly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "I took her to meet Ma." He tells her in answer to it. "We could be very serious but there is some getting used to how she is used to things in her future. She is scared about the future but hopefull for a better one.

Magik has posed:
To meet his mother means they may as well be engaged. Illyana gives a nod. "I see. Well, I hope it is a better future as well. From what I've gathered, her world was awful. Everything we are trying to keep from happening."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Sounds alot like the world Betro, and the others ended up in before we beat warlock's dad with Corsair and his crew. Actually had to talk him up some, seems Rachel resents him some.

Magik has posed:
"A lot of people resent him until they get to know him well. Sadly, his personality can be off putting so they don't bother doing that," Illyana says regretfully as she settles back into the chair to talk more comfortably.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Hers was more granddad out in space letting the world go to hell. Had to explain to her, that he probably had no clue bad stuff was happening there.

Magik has posed:
"Precisely." Illyana considers a moment then looks over toward the kitchen door. Still there. She looks back to Sam. "Everyone isn't aware of all happenings at all time. Especially if they are in space. "

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods in agreement of this and says "So he moved?" He asks catching the look at the door. "Have you met Rift yet by the way? New girl with portal and gravity powers."

Magik has posed:
Damn him for being so observant. Illyana has to smile though. "When you moved the trash can into its line of sight. It moved to continue watching. Seemed very interested when I did magic." She does shake her head at the other question. "Haven't met her yet."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Seems her portals are more gravity based, but Ah figure maybe someone you want to help, might be able to help her or even Blink with some portal combat techniques."

Magik has posed:
"I can try. She has portals that send people places or just cause some sort of gravity effect?" Illyana asks curiously. She hasn't even been around to read files so she's in the dark here. Blink is a name she is familiar with.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Locations it seems. Only got to talk to her once so far, but she came down here via a portal and could see a bedroom on the other side of it."

Magik has posed:
"So direct and not requiring a stopover. Unless it's in a bedroom which is highly unlikely," Illyana adds. "I'll have to look her up when I get the time. Find out her range and how best to direct her."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "You know it looks more and more like the more things change the more they are the same in ways around here."

Magik has posed:
The thing in the doorway might disagree with that sentiment. Illy certainly does with it staring at her. "Oh? How so?" she asks curiously of Samuel, very pointedly not looking toward that door. She keeps her eyes on her friend.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We have a wolf shifter, a teleporter, a girl who can blow things up. And thats not counting the clones, or children of folks. Ah'm watching for the strong kid and the flyer next."

Magik has posed:
"Ah!" Illyana gives another nod as she shrugs lightly. "If you think about it,we kind of were much like the originals here. Had our fliers, our teleporters and so one. It does seem to be a cycle that just goes around several times."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Am Ah Scott or Warren then?" He jokes with her a bit on that one, and says "Still considering an outside team but aint seeming able t get the details to work out

Magik has posed:
"I am leaning toward Warren for the flight thing. Your leadership qualities didn't appear immediately," Illyana offers as she rises to her feet. "I do need to go for a bit. See if this thing follows me to Limbo. Do some consulting with others to see if they know what it might be. Do me a favor and don't die again, alright?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will stand and offer her a hug and says "As long as ya promise to come check on me and make sure Ah don't. Gotta see my local sister at least as much as Ah see the ones back home.

Magik has posed:
"I will do my best," is all Illyana can offer. She returns the embrace, hugging tightly then releasing as she steps back. A moment later, the disc of light whisks her away back to Limbo.

Unseen to Sam, the sphinx goes with her.