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Latest revision as of 16:28, 23 July 2019

Ding Dong: So there's this thing.
Date of Scene: 02 May 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Thor comes home and is all, 'omg wedding' and people are all, 'lol, lame.'
Cast of Characters: Thor, Black Panther, Wasp (van Dyne), Black Widow (Romanoff), Captain America
Tinyplot: The Bells Are Gonna Chime

Thor has posed:
    Normally the mansion has some sort of warning ahead of time before Thor arrives. Something beyond the light chirp of the security systems highlighting the fast approaching blip that resolves itself into the Asgardian. Sometimes the skies darken or grow a hint tumultuous. Sometimes there's a crackle of lightning with a roll of thunder. Other times it's enough to hear his loud voice echoing down the halls when he announces to all and sundry that he has passed through the doorway and entered.
    But today, for some reason, Thor's arrival is barely heralded. Perhaps there's a click on the door, the twis of the knob. Then the door opens with a faaaaaint squeak. Mjolnir breaches the entrance first, casually pushed through the doorway.
    Thor follows momentarily after, peeking inside and peering one way... then the other. Eyebrows raised, he makes a small 'hm' sound. Thankfully no paparazzi. Or worse. Janet.

Black Panther has posed:
Down one of the hallways, the door opens to the room that holds the holographic communications equipment that T'Challa uses to virtually attend meetings in Wakanda. "I am aware of the objections," T'Challa can be heard saying before he steps out of the doorway. "But if we wait for every last person to be in agreement? We will never take our first step towards opening up with the rest of the world," T'Challa says.

Okoye steps out of the doorway behind him. She's wearing a dress with a slit up the side to give her plenty of range of motion if needed, and the same Kimoyo bead bracelet as T'Challa. "I still think it is too hasty," she says in her thicker African accent. "But you could have not found a better nation to start with," she says to the monarch.

T'Challa flashes a smile to her. "If only the rest of the nations had a Wonder Woman to compliment your fighting prowess and win your support," he teases. Okoye glares back, but the lack of heat in it suggests just how pleased she was to receive said compliment.

The pair walk down the hallway, rounding a corner and seeing Thor. "Odinson, it is good to see you my friend," T'Challa says, walking over to offer Thor his hand to clasp.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
There's a flickering second of buzzing to prempt Janet's arrival, and she hits Thor like a freight train. Well, like a bug landing on a parked train, anyway. She materalizes from bug-sized and develops to her regular scale in a flashing moment of flight, colliding with Thor's broad chest and fairly kneeling on his pectorals for purchase. Hands grip the Asgardian's armor and she shakes him.

Well, kind of. "YOU HAVE TO LET ME DESIGN HER WEDDING DRESS PLEASE I WILL NEVER ASK FOR ANYTHING AGAIN I SWEAR!" The words come out in a gleeful scream of gushing enthusiasm, and she bounces several times against Thor's breastplate.


Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
In the sitting area is where Natasha can be found. She's settled in, relaxing, dressed in casual attire of blue jeans and a green button up shirt. Boots cover her feet. She has a pair of earbuds tucked into her ears and is listening to the classical sounds of Swan Lake.

Until a shriek has her leaping to her feet, a weapon in hand that was not visible a moment before. She blinks as she sees the grouping near the front door and tucks one of the buds out of her ear just in time to hear the mass of pleases.

For a moment, she thinks about putting it back in but instead put the weapon into the holster at the small of her back and walks closer to find out what is going on. "Do I dare ask?"

Thor has posed:
    At first, when T'Challa steps into view, Thor eyes the man sidelong with his one good eye. There's, surprisingly, a small hint of suspicion in his gaze as if not sure if he is being made light of or there might be some humor there. Perhaps a joke in the man's eyes. He eveng oes so far as to look at Okoye to make sure, but there is just purity of sentiment.
    And at that Thor heaves a small sigh of an exhale, swapping Mjolnir to his other hand and clasping T'Challa's firmly, "Panther," The other man's shoulder is thumped twice, "It is good to see you." As if he was pleased for the port in whatever social storm he is dealing with.
    But then suddenly he is /hit/ by the impact of a Janet Van Dyne, abruptly thumping into him and pleading with him openly for the chance to put her mark upon the wedding event. And, despite himself, he laughs. Shaking his head as he tries to hold her off, as if her words were an assaulting salvo across his bow, he hoists his colors quickly enough as he tells her, "Best you meet her, Janet. Best you speak with her on the matter, I know not what preparations she has made nor what ideas she has in mind."
    He takes a minute to look about the room, gauging the reaction and then decides a confession is in order. "It has..." He rests an arm around Janet's shoulders companionably and gives a small reassuring squeeze as if to tell her he will do all he can to let her do as she wishes, "It has been arranged that I am to be wed. To form an alliance with the Shi'Ar people. So this is." A pause then he finishes, looking between Widow, T'Challa, and Okoye, "Good news."

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa smiles and clasps Thor's shoulder back. "You need to make these visits more frequent," he manages, before Janet is suddenly there vying for the dress-designing role in the upcoming nuptials.

T'Challa chuckles warmly and moves back to let Janet's assault continue unhindered. "Yes, I heard about it in the news," T'Challa continues. "Congratulations are in order then!" he says in a quiet but warm tone. "I have no personal experience with the Shi'ar, but it seems a match well-made for your people," T'Challa says. He doesn't mention whether it is a match well-made for Thor though, the royal knowing the one and the other do not necessarily always coincide.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Wonderful!" Janet beams in delight at Thor and kisses his cheek, then bounces off him and lands neatly on her heels. She's in her new outfit, a black leotard that leaves her shoulders bare and sports a flirty yellow skirt and matching gloves. "I'll talk to her right away and we'll get it all straightened out." Apparently, the fashionista heard that as a 'yes'.

She flicks her skirt back into arrangement and looks over at T'challa and Okoye. "Oh my gosh! Okoye, there you are!" She darts past T'challa and gives the woman a quick and enthusiastic hug. "We still need to go do that trip to the roller rink!" she reminds the Wakandan woman.

T'challa's given a hug next. Seems Janet's in a good mood and she beams at Natasha as the redheaded assassin prowls over. "Isn't it swell? I've always wanted to design a dress for a royal wedding," she tells the woman. A stormcloud crosses her face and her jaw flexions. "Stupid Alex McQueen, sniping that bid with Kate Middleton. God I hate the Brits."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"A political marriage then," Natasha says as she stays well clear of the exuberance that is Janet van Dyne. "Are you sure that is what you want? Not that it's good for your people or hers. But what you want as a person? And don't give me any of those duty lines either. I never bought into it."

She gives a brief shrug and a glance to T'Challa then back to Thor. "Just because you are of rule doesn't mean you shouldn't choose who you want, as opposed to who is best for your countries. Now, if you have feelings for her, that's a whole 'nother thing and I'll be ...third in line to congratulate you." Since Janet and T'Challa beat her to it.

Thor has posed:
    "I intend to stay for a while," Thor says as he nods towarsd T'Challa, Mjolnir makes a faint /whom/ of sound as he sets it aside upon the end table and leaves it there for now. He starts to walk down the hall smiling to the others. "Best to be on hand should the Sentinel situation change. I have good people back home, they will see to what matters that need seeing to."
    Yet as Janet ping pongs back and forth between the rest of the people, Thor listens for a time as he tries to keep up with the stream of consciousness that is Janetspeak. He finally settles on, "Indeed. Curse those Brits." Having no idea who she means, but trusting her ill feelings are worthwhile entirely.
    To Natasha he nods once, "Aye." He takes a breath and frowns for a moment, "Loki set it up, and at first I thought he was playing another one of his tricks upon me. But..." He lifts a hand and waves it to the side, pausing as he reaches the end of the hall and makes the turn towards the kitchen. "After we reviewed the marriage contract, it... was generous."
    Though that says nothing as to his personal feelings, ever so nimbly side-stepping that part of Natasha's query.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa continues to give a soft smile at the interaction between his teammates. When Okoye is hugged, the woman returns it in a somewhat awkward fashion. Janet isn't stabbed so one might gather Okoye has taken a liking to the fashionista-turned-superhero. T'Challa returns his hug more fondly. "Roller rink?" he asks in a curious way, glancing over to Okoye who stares back at him. "A woman cannot go skating?" she asks. T'Challa chuckles and holds up his hands in surrender.

As Natasha comes over, T'Challa smiles a greeting to her. "Natasha," he says to her, before hesitating and giving a small shrug. "Sometimes one's duty can include sacrifices for what they believe in," he says, not limiting it to choices in marriage apparently. T'Challa glances back to Thor to ask, "Have you had a chance to meet the bride-to-be?" he inquires.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet flits through the air, abruptly pixie-shaped, and lands on Thor's shoulder to catch a ride. She grips his armor and sits down, legs crossing primly and dangling from the edge of a pauldron. "Oh, eww, this is one of those *arranged* marriages?" Janet says, dismayed. "And you haven't even met her yet? How do you know if she's fun or interesting? What if she's a total bitch or she's got like... snaggle-teeth and a hump?"

"I mean, don't mind that last bit so much, I can make anyone look good with the right draping. God, Thor, stop being so shallow," she huffs.

She twists to look back at Natasha. "Aww, c'mon Nats," she cajoles the woman. "Are you telling me you never dreamed about marrying a handsome prince? Getting to live in a big mansion or castle, servants doting on you hand and foot, all that fun stuff?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Good to see you all," Natasha says, realizing she had skipped propriety. She gives a nod to Janet, T'Challa and Okoye before glancing at Thor.
    He neatly avoided that question. Which means, he has answered it. This is purely an arranged wedding. It has nothing to do with love or feelings. T'Challa's question hammers that home when he asks if Thor has even met the bride to be.

She frowns as she follows along with the rest of the grouping toward the kitchen. Janet's question has her blinking in surprise and she shakes her head while giving a tight smile. "I don't remember hearing those sorts of tales until I was an adult. I can honestly say I never dreamed about such things."

Thor has posed:
    Curiously enough Thor seems to rise in defense as he says, "She seems... nice." He looks between them, his good eye widening a little as he makes his way inevitably to the refrigerator. Over his shoulder he says as he pulls open the door of the fridge, "I have only had a chance to speak with her once or twice. She is very... formal." A nod is given as he looks to Okoye and Panther as if seeking support before turning back to rummage for food.
    He makes sure there's clearance enough to not dislodge Janet as he delves, and then withdraws a six pack of beer and proceeds to set it on the table. Of course he takes up the first bottle and twists the cap off even though it's not meant to be opened that way, the offers it to each of them. If they all turn it down he'll drink. But if not he'll make sure everyone has one that wants one before he imbibes.
    Afterwards, however, he speaks further. "She is very..." The blond Asgardian knits his brow as he ponders the right descriptors. Eventually he settles on, "Classically beautiful." But then he brightens as he smiles while holding his bottle up, "In any case, I know that my father and mother... when they first wed it was a trying time." The smile remains a little longer than might seem comfortable, then he makes a toast.
    "To your health." He says for them, then clinks if there are those who will share in it.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa takes up one of the offered beverages. His dark-eyed gaze goes back and forth between Janet and Natasha as they make their comments. His expression might suggest he understands their concerns about the situation. Though it's also clear as the well-groomed African looks to Thor that he understands fully Thor's choice in the matter.

"And to your happiness," T'Challa says in hoping that the marriage turns out to be a pleasant one. He lifts the bottle before taking a long pull from it. "Have you begun planning the affair then? Will it be taking place on Earth, or will we be traveling into space for it?" T'Challa inquires. He glances over at the refrigerators, noting they are still working and not torn apart. Always a plus around here. He leans over against one as the small group discuss Thor's betrothal.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet goes full size and lands on her feet. The fahionista casts around for somewhere to sit and decides the edge of the heavy dining table is appropriate. She lithely hops onto it and plants her butt, crossing her legs at the knee and supporting her weight with a palm pressed to the table behind her. Thor's flashes an appreciateive smile as the beer's offered and she joins a hoist of the bottle with everyone else the toasts are exchanged.

Her phone buzzes while T'challa's talking, and she digs it out of her costume's cleavage. The screen's examined, she smiles, and then leans towards Natasha to show her the text message. "I am *totally* okay with going into space, just for the record. But I need to talk to her in person to do the fitting," she tells Thor. One track mind, this woman. "I don't need long, just like ... half an hour. And it'd be good for you! I'll feel her out, make sure she's right for you. I can even pull the 'ex girlfriend' ploy and see if she's the jealous type," she proposes.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
A bottle of beer is accepted by Natasha, despite her feelings about the situation. "To your health," she agrees, not liking this at all. Maybe she should go make a visit to this fiance of his and see if she's worthy of their teammate. She has to tamp down her instincts. He's a grown man and it is his choice.

Even if it's stupid.

She leans over to look at the text message, arching a brow and adding someone else to her list of visits. This one will be more polite. Then she pauses, reaching up a hand to touch her ear as she moves toward the kitchen door. "Agent Romanoff here."

She disappears out of the room with a parting wave to those in the kitchen.

Thor has posed:
    A chair is pulled around near the large preperation table and he settles down into it. Thor looks towards T'Challa and gives a nod, more comfortable discussing the mundane aspects of the matter as he says, "I believe it will be here. Tis to be our ways under which the ceremony is to be conducted." Perhaps unknowingly including them all amongst his 'people' for whatever reason.
    "As for planning..." A small laugh slips from Thor, more an exhalation of one really. "Such is not where my talents lie."
    He shifts in his chair and looks towards Janet, "I doubt that shall be necessary, Janet. I need naught save..." He shakes his head and looks up as if searching for the answer, then when his gaze lowers he confides, "Save for you all to be happy or me." He tries that with a smile, though tries to meet Natasha's eyes and at least it presents a positive tilt to things.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa gives a wave towards Natasha as she is heading out. "Good seeing you, Natasha," the Wakandan says to her before turning back to Janet and Thor. "I think all of us want only the best for you," T'Challa tells Thor as he gives his teammate a smile. "Except for Janet. She just wants to design the dress," he says in a mock confidential tone while giving Janet a mock suspicious look as if he has his eyes on her. He doesn't break out in a smile, but they know T'Challa well enough to tell from his eyes that he is joking. He is doing more of that the more that he has gotten to know the team.

"Will there be any kind of reception when she arrives? We could attend if you would like," T'Challa says, not mentioning it is an offer of moral support as well, should she not turn out to Thor's liking.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet picks up a saltshaker and whips it at T'challa. It'd be a little hyperviolent except the woman well knows how ... well, cat-like his reflexes are. She sticks her tongue out at the Wakandan prince. "I *always* work with people's best interests in mind," she protests. "How would it look for a Shari Princess to walk down the space-aisle in rags? This way you can tell her you bought her the finest dress in the world for her wedding," Janet prompts Thor.

"So don't worry about anything. I've totally got your back," she tells him with a simpering sort of smile. "And I promise I won't beat her up TOO bad if she turns out to be a total dog and is just after you for your money, or whatever."

Thor has posed:
    Nodding once, Thor half-smiles towards T'Challa. "Well yes, I mean the real reason I accepted the wedding contract was because I knew how tickled Janet would be to be able to work on the dress." The Thunderer gives a single sharp nod as if that was the utter gospel on the matter, then shoots a half-smirk her direction.
    But then he answers the question asked, "She already arrived. We received no warning. I am afraid I... did not make the best first impression. But we have had a small celebration, though there will be many more."
    "Thank you, however, Janet. But hopefully you will not have to beat anyone up." A pause as he looks between them, "You all are, of course, invited to share in the festivities. You are the closest friends I have upon Midgard."

Captain America has posed:
"Festivities?" Steve's voice arrives seconds before he does as he enters the kitchen. His face, carrying a bit of the day's strain, immediately brightens at the collection of fellow Avengers in the room. "It'd sure be nice to have a reason for party. What's the reason?" he asks as he eyes the beer bottles held about. His overcoat is slung over one of the chairs and he wanders over to Janet. A kiss to her temple, polite in company, and he then leans back on the counter, hands in the pockets of his khaki slacks. Today's button-down is a matte jewel-tone blue.

"I saw Nat on the way out, seemed like she was busy. Didn't get the call, so it's not something I'm privy to," he shares with an shrug unbothered and, if anything, relieved.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa's teammate getting salty over his humor is met with a quick movement of his hand to catch the lofted vessel. He returns it to a tabletop, but out of the reach of Violent Spice even as he flashes Janet a teasing grin, accepting her rebuke for his humor. "Indeed, she does," T'Challa says in agreement with Janet.

The Wakandan looks over as Steve comes into the kitchen. "The secrets of SHIELD," T'Challa intones quietly in a knowing manner. He motions towards the six-pack of beer set out which still have some left. T'Challa takes another sip of his own and then glances back to Thor. "I will look forward to attending them. Also, I was wondering if I might trouble you to purchase some Asgardian spirits," T'Challa comments. He has been known to drink, T'Challa, but like Steve and some of the other Avengers, it rarely seems to affect him. Though one might think Asgardian beverages might do more in that regard.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Thor, baby, don't worry," Janet tells the blonde Asgardian, and reaches forward to give his wrist a squeeze where his hands sit on the table. "I'll smooth it alllll over. Trust me, this is what I do best. By the time we're done, she'll think you're the most charming prince in the universe. And then you can pay me back by showing up and letting me do that fitting for my calendar you promised," she says, brows bobbing pointedly. She takes a sip of her beer.

The other Avengers disappear from Janet's awareness when Steve walks in. She beams at him in delight and extends her arms to embrace the soldier when he walks up, but the kiss to her cheek leaves her looking put-out. She grabs his belt before he can step away. "Nuh-uh, right here," she tells Steve, and taps her lower lip with a curling smile on her cupid's bow mouth.

Thor has posed:
    "Rogers, aye!" Thor's voice lifts as he espies the good Captain, "Come. I intend to be here for the foreseeable future so that is reason enough to celebrate." His lip twists as he looks to the others as if that was indeed what they were talking about.
    But then he offers, "However, I believe what we are discussing is my impending nuptials." He offers that easily and off-handedly, though he then answers T'Challa. "Purchase? Bah. We shall have some sent as soon as I get word back. If I forget send me an electronic message delivery." He holds up a fingertip as if to affirm that thought into not only his memory but Panther's as well.
    Though at Janet's reassurances as to the situation... for some reason he does not draw much comfort from them. Instead he seems about to say something, only for her to shift focus to Steve, bailing him out for the moment.

Captain America has posed:
Stymied in his attempt to grab one of the beers by the grip of a small hand at his belt, Steve gives the fashionista a knowing look and small dimpled smile. "Silly me," he says, not mocking himself in the least, and leans in to deliver a proper kiss to the lips. Only then can he reach out and snag one of the remaining beers.

"I heard 'wedding' though? Congratulations, Thor!" The Captain does grin from ear to ear at the Asgardian. It makes his eyest twinkle, a rare sight. "I know 'm late to the talk, so no need to hash fine details -- I'll get 'em later." Janet gets another oblique look of fond amusement. He opens the bottle of beer with his thumbnail and catches the lid to place it aside on the counter.

"Asgardian mead's nothing to mess with," he notes to T'Challa and with a tilt of the drink's bottle towards the Panther. "Have you had it before?"

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa gives Thor a grateful smile. "Thank you, Thor. Most gracious of you," he replies of the offer of the Asgardian spirits. The Wakandan says to Steve of the mead, "I have, though only once or twice." He gives a grin that suggests he noted the strength of the drink. T'Challa continues in a softer tone, "I am entertaining Diana Prince this weekend. I thought something equal to the Amazonian brews I have heard of might be a surprise to her liking."

T'Challa looks back to Thor. "I should think that when she has gotten to know you that things will work out fine," T'Challa offers in support.

Okoye has been hanging around at the doorway. She is at the mansion rarely, though she and other members of the Dora Milaje tend to appear quickly whenever T'Challa departs in anything other than the Jet. She glances over to T'Challa with a look to get his attention, which causes T'Challa to check the time.

"It is time for my next meeting," he says. "If you will forgive me? Thor, congratulations again," he offers. "I am sure Janet will make your bride and the festivities into the envy of the rest of the planet." T'Challa gives Steve a simple nod of his head and a smile before he heads out of the kitchen, moving back to the holographic communications room.

Thor has posed:
    Again Thor accepts the congratulations and he holds up a hand towards Rogers, "Thank you, you are invited, of course." He makes sure to get that out there since formalities are formalities and must be observed. That said he pushes off of his chair and pulls open the fridge again, leaning in.
    Another look is taken at the contents and without hesitation he grabs a full deli packet of sliced turkey and just hefts it in hand, then starts towards the door. "In any case, I shall be here for a good while, my friends." He turns around to walk backwards to the doorway back to the hall. "If I am needed simply hollar loud enough."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet hugs Steve and leans against him for a few long seconds of an embrace after he kisses her. She makes a face at T'challa when he mentions Diana Prince. "Ugh. Wonder Woman?" she asks, rhetorically. "God, good luck with that. She's got that whole ... 'holier than thou' thing going in every interview I've ever seen of her. Hopefully she isn't as awful in person as she seems," she says with an uncharacteristic vituperation. Is that a note of insecurity in Janet's voice?

She frowns in disappointment as T'challa and Thor make their excuses. "Don't worry, Thor, T'challa's right," she assures the Asgardian as the poor monarches beat a retreat. "I'll make sure she's the belle of the ball. *Everyone* will want to come to Earth for their weddings after I've done my magic!"

Captain America has posed:
Steve slides over a bit in order to align hips to the fall of Janet's legs from her seat on the counter and remains present if not actively engaging with her. He's looking between the others, after all, and nods to T'Challa. His brows flick high in surprise at hearing the reasoning for acquiring the Asgardian mead. He lifts his drink to the King of Wakanda in salute to his departure -- Okoye gets a deeply-respectful nod.

"Good to see you, T'Challa," he says as the two depart. "You too, Thor. We'll stock the fridge for you." The departing Asgardian is also given a lift of the drink in salute. It leaves the Captain and Janet alone in the kitchen. Steve takes a deep swig of his beer and then sighs.

"Thought I'd come home to quiet and now there's a wedding to attend. It's never dull around here." He grins at her. "T'Challa and Wonder Woman too...and I wonder how that's going to pan out."
