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Okham's Razer
Date of Scene: 05 May 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Green Lantern Hal drops in on Kinsey to touch base.. She learns that Sayd and Ganthet have been incommunicado, and that darkness is coming.
Cast of Characters: Kinsey MacKenna, Green Lantern (Jordan)

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey's work on Odym wasn't done - nor was it with the visitor from Kyzil, but she'd returned to the space station under the advisement of Colonel Danvers that her job there was secure until otherwise notified. Which had left the woman in an oddly bemused position of, once again, being in charge of the renovations to the space deck, her second surprisingly gracious about the handoever - they not actually being as enthused as Kinsey was about the tedious and administrative matter. It had never occurred to Kinsey that others wouldn't view the opportunity as she had.

Today was being spent in getting caught up on the work in progress and inspecting with thoughts to outlining next steps.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan, Green Lantern, was in the Earth solar system for the first time in weeks. Exhausted from the latest trials and tribulations of being a Green Lantern, Hal was looking forward to a few days of R&R on his home planet. Taking a moment or two to admire the view, Hal turns his attention to the Justice League Watchtower first. Hal considers heading there for a moment, shakes his head, and changes his mind.

    Changing his heading towards MacKenzie Station, Hal decides to meet a very specific person there instead. A new Ring Wielder VIP. "MacKenzie Station, this is Green Lantern. Permission to come aboard?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
The voice on the other end of the comms crackles, but is both pleasant and amused, "Affirmative Green Lantern. Please proceed to entry bay Alpha-5. Will you need any assistance?"

Meanwhile, in the science lab, Kinsey is getting a contact herself. "Uh.. ma'am? There's a Green Lantern asking permission to board? We weren't told there were any official visitors expected today and as senior officer on duty.." Their voice drifting off hoping she'll suggest next moves, as well as trying not to sound like there's trouble they should be aware of.

"No problems. I'll be right there. Please afford our visitor all the pleantries. And relax, I'm certain this is just a social visit." At least that was the story she was tellign herself as she makes her way to meet with the Lantern - they could be one of several she's now met, and given she wasn't told of an official meet and greet, or a potential problem.. then again, it could be about MW'lek their prisoner.

As it happens, she makes it to deck Alpha-5 without incident, and without further answers.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "No thank you. I think I can find my way." Hal moves towards the station, and finds the spot he was looking for. Arriving on the station through the entry bay, Alpha-5, Green Lantern waits until the airlock is cycled, and his ring shows him that it was safe to drop his emerald shields. Breathing in carefully, Hal nods, smiles, and waits for the welcoming committee. Looking around, he takes everything in. After all, the last time he was here, things were a lot more...explosive!

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Things on the space station are certain back to situation normal - other than the Science deck, which, considering it was blown to bits, and had the rest of its guts ripped out, is coming along at a stellar pace. Anywhere else you'd hardly know there had been a kerfluffle, other than, perhaps, some increased security measures. Like the scan that Hal undergoes before the barrier into the station proper is dropped.

"It will be just one minute, Green Lantern. Our Science lead will be up to meet you any moment now. We weren't expecting guests." Their smile is pleasant, and there aren't any notes of disapproval in their voice for the unnounced visit.

Kinsey has made it this far by now, and paces forward, nodding to the man dealing with their guest. "I'll take it from here." Her smile for for him grows as it is shifted to Hal, "Well, you were one of my choices for who it might be. I'm glad the circumstances aren't dire this time, but it's true, we weren't expecting guests. Was there a memo that I missed?" She gestures that they might walk along for more private conversation.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Of course! I understand." Hal says to the officer meeting him. "I just wanted to check in and make sure everyone was okay after that situation a few weeks back." Hal looks around casually. "Also, if there is anything I can do to help with anything, I am here." Not to say, he was checking up on them, but that was probably obvious.

    As Kinsey arrives, and dismisss the other person, Hal allows himself a smile, and says, "No, no memo. It is good to see you again. How goes the...scientific work?" It was obvious from his tone, he wasn't meaning her work her, but the "other work". "I've heard you've been...busy."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
There's a curt but pleasant nod from the man as he's both reassured, and Kinsey shows up to take over Green Lantern duty. He's purely a doorman so to speak and is quit happy not to have to babysit official guests. Too much pleasantry making and small talk.

When they've walked a bit, Kinsey offers, "It's been interesting. I've been travelling. Met any number of people. There was a small altercation on Kyzil I'm still trying to settle in my mind."

She gives Hal a small shrug accompanied by a wry look.

"It was rather unexpected given the section was supposed to have been cleared before I arrived." Which is to say safe for her to wander into, take a peek around, and return to report back to Saint Walker. That wasn't how it went, though.

There's a laugh of sorts, then, "The Science section is doing well, though. I should likely inform you that Colonel Danvers wishes to have words, however I wasn't asked to facilitate that meeting, so this is merely a kindly heads up to expect a request will likely be made. It's good to see you again, too. You look somewhat tired. Busy time?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Kyzil? Is that right?" Green Lantern nods, and smiles as they walk through the station. "If you need to talk about it, I can listen." Looking over at the newest Blue Lantern, GreenLantern does, indeed, listen to Kinsey as she talks about it being "unexpected". "Most things go that way. It is the nature of the beast." He holds up his ring hand.

    "She does does she? Colonel Dancers. Now there is a fascinating woman." Hal grins and says, "I would be happy to chat with her whenever she has some free time. I'll bring the drinks if she provides the glasses."

    Chuckling just a bit, Hal nods. "Yes. Tired I am. Busy dealing with all of this different Lantern business. Ah well, I won't spoil your afternoon with details, but sometime soon, we'll have to catch up. You and your Sensei." Meaning, Saint Walker.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
There's another of those wry shrugs from Kinsey. "So I've been told about the beast," she says quietly. "I had a good talk with Brother Walker afterwards. I understand the necessity of what happened, but it still was - well, I'm afraid I'm much better with my words than my hands. You'd be surprised what seeming confident and an authoratative tone will get you, but when things actually devolve into violence I become rather less useful." She sighs. "Things devolved there. However, I - we were able to affect the rescue I'd started. And are working on relocating the gentleman caught in the cross-fires of it all. He's rather unable to return home I'm afraid."

"Colonel Danvers knows, as it happens." She, too, lifts her ring hand, a fractional gesture to indicate what is known. "Though I believe she wishes to speak with you mostly about the prisoner. I can pass on the other message." Tones amused.

"It's never spoiling, Brother Lantern. I'm to understand it's what we do. And I'm happy to listen, however, I'm sure Brother Walker will want to hear it all so perhaps we will save you repeating the entire list. Maybe just the Cole's Notes version?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal actually does listen for a change, letting Kinsey explain everything going on. It was a good opportunity to see how she thinks and acts, and so far, what he heard was encouraging. "I am glad to hear you are starting to get the hang of this though. ALol the combat stuff isn't as important as to how we handle the stressful situations and from what I have seen and what Saint Walker has told me, you are doing better than fine."

    "Colonel Danvers is a smart woman. I'm sure she'll be responsible with that knowledge." Hal nods towards her ring. "Ah yes, the prisoner. Let her know I'll be available whenever she wants to meet."

    "The Cole's Notes version. Hmmm. Well something is out there affecting certain people and Lantern rings. I don't know what yet, but this...darkness...knows how we think, how we operate, and can take control over people even if they don't have rings. So far, I have just got a glimpse of what is going on, but I would be wary of anything wrong with your ring. So far, Blues haven't been infected, probably because of who they are. I have seen a yellow and a red infected so far, and it isn't pretty. So, just keep your eyes and ears open."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Brother Walker is incredibly kind and flattering, but I believe I may get the hang of this yet." Her lips fall about an amused smile. "I hear I'm as annoying as is required of the colour, and I confess I'm really enjoying learning what this all entails. Despite the mishap at Kyzil."

Her golden brown gaze drifts from Hal to the halls of the station they are walking. "I've been learning more about myself than about the ring as it happens. And have been brought to a number of questions I don't yet have the answers for. I'd blame Colonel Danvers and her questions, but in truth at least some of what she spoke to me of wasn't a surprise and the other, I"m afraid, is a mystery I am not sure if I'm yet ready to confront."

Which is to say she's given it a lot of thought and the answers she has are unsettling and a confirmation would take away any ability she has to dismiss them. That, as it happens, is a great and grand step, and she's waiting. Ironically not seeing in her actions her mother's words come to fruition: You'll know when it's time.

She listens to the Cole's Notes version, brow furrowing in concern. "That sounds very unpleasant. When you say interfering, is there danger to those of us who frequent space?" She'd seen what happened to Brother Razer when encountering a Blue ring. The thought didn't bear happening to someone caught out in space alone.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan laughs, and looks at Kinsey with a very amused expression. "AH yes. Blues can be...annoying. It is within their nature I think. I will say this...been through some big scrapes, and if it wasn't for a Blue being around, probably wouldn't have won the day." A pause. "We all have those days. Kyzil was one of yours. It is how we deal with the aftermath that makes us stronger...or weaker. I expect you are all the more strong for the experience."

    Walking throught eh station, Hal Jordan looks at those wandering by them with amusement. "I think everyone is a bit spellbound by you, Kinsey." Hal chuckles and then the conversation moves back to this "War of Light" stuff.

    "Possibly. I have a few Lanterns I trust on Oa delving into the situation deeper. As well as an "Elder of the Universe" if you can believe it. The audacity of that title." A pause, as he realised who he was going to mention next. "I wanted to talk to Ganthet and Sayd as well, but for some reason, I can't reach them." Hal looks at Kinsey. "Have you spoken to them recently?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey laughs the laugh of one who is totally aware of the annoying. "I was in mid-sentence at a party, speaking to the Queen of Muspelheim and it hit me. We are entirely as bad as Brother Razer says. And yet, I can't find myself able to work up horror or apology for that." She smiles gently at Hal. "It's part of who and what we are. Hope is devestatingly cheerful. As is ferocious faith and determination in the face of. Someone has to keep the faith."

Her shoulders rise and fall easily.

"It's been interesting coming to see myself as that person. And yes, my talk with Brother Walker helped. I've decided to let these things enrich my life and help me grow. I can't save the man, and in truth he would have killed others and I'd be mourning them instead. So, instead, I have planted a tree and given it blessing in hopes that it grows a strong reminder that all things have reason, even if the reason it remind us who we are.

She listens intently to his answer. "An Elder of the Universe? Oh, well, that does sound official. I was going to ask if there were anything I could do." She has to shake her head and admit, "Not recently, no. But with this news, perhaps it should be done. I do know Colonel Danvers was wondering about my status as a Blue unsassigned. It may be useful to combine the talks."

A pause.

"Can't reach them, you say? I really must speak to Brother Walker, then."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "The Queen of MUspelheim...ah, Sindr. Wow, swinging with the big dogs, Kinsey." Hal flashes his will through his ring to set up a static disturbance in case anyone was listening. All's they would get would be static. And Razer. Nice. Sounds to me like you are getting along just fine. I hope." Hal winks at her, and grins.

    "Saint Walker is the man. He's one of the wisest beings I know...and that is saying a lot. With him as a teacher, you will go places, Kinsey. Of that I am sure."

    "Anything you could do...yes. Keep learning, and keep training. Something dark is coming, and we're going to need every ounce of Hope we can get. The Blues are integral to this next phase I can sense it."

    Hal gets a faint reminder of the time from his ring. "Wow, we have been talking for a long time. Time passes when you are having fun." Hal starts to move towards the exit. "Thank you for getting me up to date on what has been going on, and setting up this thing with Carol." Colonel Danvers. "It has been great seeing you again, Kinsey." With a salute, and a smile, Hal heads out the airlock with a flash of emerald will.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Normally she'd be chuckling to herself watching her guest vanish, but his words have left her rather mroe unsettled and thoughtful.

"Kibou, contact Brother Walker. I'm afraid this may be an emergency. Do insist we need to speak with him."

And leaving her ring to do his thing, she's off to tend to a few official loose ends that may not wait until she's back from this little venture.