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Damian released in the Big Apple
Date of Scene: 22 July 2019
Location: Some of the less safe alleys in New York
Synopsis: Pip, and Damian meet with him giving her a message, and realeasing her into the world of Burner Phones!
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Pippi

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Walking through New York at night Damian pulls up his jacket a bit as the cold night air blows against him. The place is crowded busy, and loud so it reminds him of home just a little safer of course as there seem to be less psycho's outside of Gotham then in. He is following leads to track down these Turtles, though he is doing it as Damian, so no white mask, no Bat-suit just him, and his normal well made clothes, and back-pack that he walks around the dark alleys of New york. Of course this doesn't take long before he is noticed looking like sime rich white kid walking through Broklyn in a really bad part of town what they don't know is that that boy is Robin, and see's them keeping track of him as he walks.

Of course as he gets deeper and deeper into the city he glances up at the rooftops and sighs to himself, and is about to move forward again when he is stopped by two people coming out infront of him, "Hey... you look lost kid where ya going?" it looks like some taller older folks have decided to get in his way, as the people more his age sneaks in behind to make sure he doesn't run for it. The man speaks up again, "How about you give us your money, and no-one gets hurt."

Damian does something no-one might expect, pulling his wallet it out he tosses it to them though it was empty, which gets the respons, "Is this some kind of Joke.." as the people around him seem only to get irratated by that. They don't understand what the Wayne name means of course, and seem to be pointing to try to take his backpack next. There are about four of them surrounding the short kid though he doesn't seem angry, or scared just tired responding calmly when he does though he hasn't spoken yet.

Pippi has posed:
    Meanwhile, Pippi was stretching her legs when she heard the tell-tale signs of a mugging, and curiously she paused under a grate, head cant to the side, one ear rising. She peers upwards into the night, and sees a quartet of ne'er-do-wells on one teenager. Well. Pip just doesn't like those odds.

    She pulls her hood, and she fishes out a smoke pellet (given 'just in case' by Alopex), and with the soft 'pop' the immediate area fills with a thick smoke screen!

    And Pippi reaches up through the grate to pull the nearest one off his feet, shimmying herself out of the sewers in what would hopefully work out to be a whole lot of confusion, grab the boy-o and attempt to give Damian a 'gentle' tug backwards.

    However, Pippi isn't the greatest judge of her own strength yet. Might be Damian just finds himself being pulled after someone wearing a hood and running real quick for an alley way instead of a gentle offering tug!

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian looks at them with the calm dismissive look of someone who doesn't have time for this. He sighs, and is about to tell them where to go, but then he hears it. Of course the others are all confused as the smoke goes around, but Damian heard the pop, and knew what was coming as he actually used something very simmular himself. He seems to crouch a little, but then finds himself dog-handled as he is picked up, and carried away from the scene through the smoke.

Of course Damian doesn't like this, so other then just getting dragged he uses his upper body grabbing onto the strong arm that is carrying him, and wraps around the person as they run off to another alley. The hold he has is not the best, as they were both moving, and they seem to be.. hairy. Of course as he is being moved he doesn't like this even more as they are not who he was expecting, so he tries to wrap his legs around their neck while holding onto the arm to put them in a lock.

Whoever this was he was not going to just let them go into the night, and it was a basic move so didn't worry about giving himself too much away with it just yet. Keep in mind he didn't have a full view of her yet so doesn't apply too much pressure if he gets the hold, but enough that would make whoever it is rethink holding onto him as if he gets the full lock in it could stop breathing with just squeezing his legs, though as said it isn't to that point yet.

Pippi has posed:
    Hooded with apparently furry armsleeves, the figure bodily carries Damian into the alleyway, until he manages to get a lock around her neck! Her ears move underneath her hood, and when she turns slightly to get a better look at the teenage she's pulled outta trouble, she begins to wonder maybe -- just maybe -- if she should have instead trailed back to the Lair and gotten Leo. Or Alopex. Or anyone else as the short figure skids to a stop. The figure's a couple inches shorter than Damien, and as he clings to her he'd feel movement against him. A tail.

    "... ah... you're... welcome?" a slightly raspy female voice states to him, a pair of amber eyes peering from beneath the hood.

    She hasn't let go of him yet, but the way he's twisted against her arm felt pretty uncomfortable.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian is a bit worried as he was just grabbed off the street, and is starting to squeeze then she talks in a raspy voice. This surprises him so much, as villians where he came through threatened, and monlogged about the bad things they were going to do to you once they got you this person was doing neither of these things. Not to mention that she had a nice voice which ment unless it was another one like Ivy this was not someone who was trying to hurt him.. He gives a small.. "Dang it." and lets go fully dropping to the ground, with a roll he stands up looking at her his hands in a defensive stance infront of him, he could of swore he felt a tail who was this, as Turtles didn't have that long of a tail.

He looks at her in that hooded get-up and his eyes narrow, "I was fine." is all he said dusting himself off a bit, "You are not a turtle, what are you doing here?" he asks no idea if they were on the same side or not so tries with an exploritory question first. He does stand close enough if she were to run he might be able to leap at her though he doesn't seem to be moving aggressivly just waiting to see if this was a fight, a kidnapping, or just a random person trying to be nice.

He looks back after dusting his clothing off, "My name is Damian Wayne, and while I will not thank you just yet.. I will say you have my attention at least." if she had not moved aggressivly so far he would hold out a hand, it was a start or well to put it a another way just another test. He had a few in mind for this person until he would be settled on which side she was really on. Until then he did not look shocked by her sudden apperance, nor like he had not expected something like this to happen though it was the wrong person that he did not expect.

Pippi has posed:
    The hand rises up and rubs at the back of her head, regarding Damian with a mixed look of confusion and suspicion.

    "Who?" was her first question, her tail drawing up. It is most certainly a furred tail, reddish-brown in color. She purses her lips a moment, and there's a soft 'eeeh' sound that comes out of her before she crouches down. Not threatening. Good dog, see? She doesn't move to go after him, and doesn't move to get away. More because he mentioned the turtles -- and at the moment she's very glad her ears are covered as they draw back, her tail drooping slightly.

    "What's some kid going around /Brooklyn/ looking for turtles? Only thing you're bound to find in New Lots are bad lots! Err-- a lot of bad. Things. Stuff. You know what I mean."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As she crouches down, and he see's more of her he tits his head, "Your actions are wierd.. though you act a lot like they do." he stops thinking in silence just watching her quietly. He studies her or at least what he can see now the surprise of it being not who he expected dwindling, and thoughts of what exactly is going on here starting to be pushe to the forefront. He does spot the tail drooping, and moves slightly to face he sideways to make a smaller target, as of course crouching, could mean she is planning to leap again possibly at him.

He watches her carefully, though also doesn't run nor attack, "I am looking for four turtles, well I am really looking for their master, but they will have to do." he holds up a hand, "Relax.. I do not wish to hurt them. I have a lead for.." he stops looking at her. "Lets just say I have information they need to know, but it comes at a small cost." he sighs a bit at this as it too could be misunderstood. He lowers his hand, and puts own his back-pack.. "There is an easier way.." he says opening the backpack. He pulls out a few things most to put back in just out of the way of what he is reaching for, water comes out, followed by some bread, then some bacon that looks like it was made earlier in the day so is a bit dry though would last for a while as it was his lunch, and finally a map of what looks to be the sewer system.

He looks back up at her, "I will not stop looking until I find them despite the lots of bad stuff, or the bad lots of stuff.." he shakes his head how she put it got him on a logic spiral, "But there seems to be 800 miles of sewers so I figure it is best to look up here first."

Pippi has posed:
    A lead on something? Her eyebrows rise up, and she pulls her hood back, just a little. She's obviously canine. She's got a square muzzle, and her face is roughly bisected in two colors -- white and reddish-brown. She looks like some sort of pitbull mix. Pretty common in NYC. Her nose is actively twitching as she smells the bacon, and when she speaks she has a measure of hope in her voice:

    "Cody? Do you have information on Cody?" she questions, her tail starting to wagg back and forth, her eyes going wide as she looks at the map a moment... ugh. Words.

    "That's an awful map." she mutters, half to herself as she scratches the back of her head.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
He notices her raction to the bacon, and looks up at her, "Are you hungry? It is from this morning I don't think it is still.." he sighs, and pulls out his bacon lunch. As the hood goes back he does take a step back as there is a large dog lady infront of him and though he was narrowing it down he was not expecting to see this. It doesn't take long again though as he slowly walks forward, and holds the bacon infront of him. "No.. I don't know who Cody is I am sorry." he honestly apologizes. He knew what it was like to have missing friends, and felt bad about bringing up something that would get her hopes up.

He looks at her now closer he looks at her curious, "This is the most detailed map I could get around here, it only covers public areas." and frowns a bit at the map. He takes a bite from the bread himself to munch down a little bit pulling out some water. "Thirsty?" he asks as he pulls out some water of his own. Did he need to put it in a bowl or something though he did not know. She could talk though it seemed difficult, so he figured maybe she could drink from a bottle as well.

He sighs a bit at his akwardness at this, he had friends who could litterally turn into animals, but he wasn't used to human looking animals just chatting in the middle of NYC. He looks around a bit, and leans in he felt like he could trust her a little as he liked dogs so felt a little more at ease with her. He whispers, "I know where Shredder is going to be, and when.." hoping to talk low enough where if someone didn't have exceptional hearing it would just be a low mumbled words.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's ears visibly droop beneath the hood, and she gives a soft whine. Her tail stills, and she watches him approach with the bacon held out. She gives a huff.

    "I'm not gonna bite." she states, but she does acecpt the bacon, in hand. Monch. She pulls back her hood then, and shows herself. She's got a bit of a curl going on for her short, short 'hair'. Everything else looks clipped short. She's got natural ears, and the left one tends to flick -- when it does, Damian might see the blue ink inside of it. An ID tattoo. Who'd ID mutants?

    She then shifts her weight, and pulls out her own water bottle (it's bright pink and has a hellacious dent in it that marrs the paint), and she twists the cap.

    "M'okay." she comments to the offer of water, and swigs -- but at the mention of the Shredder she feels her eyes go wide, she sputters and coughs and at least has the presence of mind to turn her head.

    "Gack! /Shredder/?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The first thing he says is "shhhh!" as he looks around again a bit more worried. "Don't say his name, his people are everywhere, and this is not something that happends often." he shakes his head at her. Whoever this was who did that is she new at all of this crosses his mind as he watches her. He notes the tattoo, though doesn't mention it as most people who get IDed do not like to talk about it, and he hardley knew the person yet though he does hide a small smile at the bright pink water bottle, as his is just clear.

He looks up at the sky then down at her, "It might not look like it, but I am actually a decient fighter, I lured him out thinking he has the advantage though I need help as he is at least Master level himself." he shakes his head at that knowing one on one Damian could be in real trouble if he fought Shredder. "If they don't want to help, or can't agree to my condition I will do it myself, as someone needs to.. I just want a chance to talk with them." he shrugs to himself. "I have heard stories of them popping out at night, and I am narrowing it down, but like I said.. 800 miles... so here I am in the Lots getting mugged hoping someone will show up."

Pippi has posed:
    "NNnggg... Alopex'll be disappointed I got caught out again." Pippi grumbles, rubbing the back of her head, and she gives a huff.

    "I can't take you to them." she replies quietly. "But, if you write a note, I can deliver it. Leo's good at checking the fridge." she states, and she rummages through her pack. In one hand she takes out a disc that has Tim Drake's Robin symbol on it, holding it in one hand before she takes out a ratty notebook and a marker, and offers it to Damian.

    "Have you met 'em before?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
He tilts his head, and guesses there is someone else called Alopex, and wonders if she is like the others and if so which animal. He is thinking about that when he see's the Robin disk. He stops, "Hey where did you get that?" he asks pointing to the disc. He moves forward again within grabbing range, and reaches out or the paper, marker, as he writes he notes.. "I am not sure how you got Robin's stuff, but if he gave that to you then you must be worth trusting." he gives a short harsh laugh to himself at that.

He thinks about what to write, and nods talking still as he thinks about it, "Yes, though they wouldn't reconize me to be fair. I was in disguise last time we met in Gotham." he adds the Gotham part looking at her, as that was where Tim was. He writes down simply, "Go above ground.. Find me.. we need to talk.. Now!" deciding to make it simple since it could not be misundersood that way, and hands it back to her.

He reaches over and gently pats her on the head akwardly, "Thank-you for your assistance with this. I don't expect you to lead me to them, but I really need to talk with them." the pat being the only way he knew to express his feeling of grattitude as he is just as akward around people as she is though for different reasons.

Pippi has posed:
    "Oh. Red Robin found me under a parking garage. He said if I was ever in Gotham then I should talk to some Bat Man and let them know I was there. I think he's trustworthy, mostly." Pippi replies, and she quickly stuffs the disc back into her bag. She looks at the note -- upside-down -- and she gives a concerned nose. "Do you have a number? Everyone's putting down numbers these days. Did you sign it? Will they know who it's from?"

    But when she looks up, and sees the incoming hand, she tilts her head back, leaning back and away from the pettings.

    "No, thank you." she grunts, eyeballing Damian.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, "That sounds like him, and it is good advice though it is one word Batman he isn't a Bat Man." he figures he would not have to make that clarification though in this case it actually might be clearifying. He sighs to himself, and nods reaching his hand back.. "Oh.. right.. Sorry. I just wanted to say thanks." he says in a bashful voice as he knew it was akward, and even when he talks about it he sounds mechanical like he is saying the words as if he is acting like he is supposd to act. The whole thing could feel like he isn't sure how to act around her, though he didn't know how to with anyone really so it was just kind of just how he acted other then acted around her.

He sighs a bit, taking it back, he writes down a location which is here, and draws a white mask other then sign it. He hands it back to her, "They will know who it is, and do they have phones? That is what they are called by the way calling each other on phones." he pulls one out of his bag to show her. It was a burnable that he picked up on his way here just incase, and he wasn't really attached to it though he held it out for her to look at, "This is old tech, I mean.. we have had these for a long time now?" he asks in a bit curious way as this was wierd as most people especially people at what age she looked like would know. Then he though wait, did she age by dog years, and if so maybe he was wrong in his guestimation. Then again, if it was just a mutant power like a were-wolf or something, but dog, then it wouldn't apply.. Outwardly he would just give the cold stare, but internally he is thinking about the details of what it would take to be half dog.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's brow ridge rises. "Do humans go around petting each other on the head? Is that a human thing like shaking hands?" she questions, out of curiosity. Everyone's always trying to pet her head!

    And she rubs the back of her head. "It's OK. Lots of people try to pet my head. It just feels weird that everyone wants to pet my head!" she pauses, and purses her lips. "... or hug me, but that's a bad idea too." she states, and accepts the notebook back, tucking it away into her bag, glancing over to the burner phone and -- she takes one out.

    She gives a bright grin.

    "Old tech to you, but I have no idea how to use them!" she gives a small laugh, and she rubs the back of her head. Poor Damian is over-thinking things. She looks to be in her teens, she acts as a slightly dopey teenage girl would. She's built like a dog though, with a square muzzle and the lack of curve to her body.

    She tucks the phone back into her bag -- she didn't want to let him know just who was on there.

    "I was told they don't have Gee Pee Ess."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, "They do it to me all the time." he answers trying to sound factual, "I don't understand it either, but that is what they do and I thought it might be upseting to ask you to shake." as she isn't actually a dog, he didn't think she would of took it well. He shrugs a bit rummaging through his bag again he looks at her, "I have no intention of hugging you." he says in a flat tone. He doesn't hug he hates hugs, and people in general touching him more then needed.

He looks at her "How bout this, keep this one." he tosses the burner phone to her, "My number is under Damian it is the only one there for now, and the service will last for a few months." he nods to it, "So if someone gives you numbers you have a place to put them right?" and shakes his head finally finding what he was looking for. He smiles to himself for the first time the smile reaches his eyes though he doesn't take it out yet. "As being a good person I will show you a trick.. Remember to give them that message okay?" he adds.

He pulls out a small ball that might look like the one you tossed stepping back, and dropping it. Smoke pours out as this is Bat-Tech made to cover a wide area with smoke. The boy disapears in the smoke though his smell is still there, as there is a *Poof* noise from inside of the smoke, and the smell of him fades quickly. If one would look into the smoke he is gone, disapeared into nothingness just like a true ninja would.

High up on a building looking down at her he smiles to himself he shouldn't of done that as it put his identity in danger, but she was a nice dog lady so he wanted to show her the proper way to disapear as he was not new at this at all.

Pippi has posed:
    She looks at the ball curiously as she tucks Damian's phone into her bag.

    Why do all the Robins give her phones? She'll never know.

    And when he takes out the ball, she gives a momentary grump, her ears flicking forward out of habit. Was he going to throw it? Juggle it? Bonk her on the nose with it? -- and then the ball drops, and smoke comes out! She gives a soft 'argh!' sound, and covers her nose before the little Gotham knight disappears. She turns as the soke clears, coughing a moment, turning this way and that.

    She raises her nose to the sky, taking a deep breath, trying to catch a scent -- but instead, she huffs, gives her head a shake that flaps her ears around, and zipping her backpack, she raises her hood, and goes to duck further down the alley.

    A quick jaunt later and she'd be back in the sewers, trying to figure out just who might be able to vouch for 'Pippi didn't break the rules again, promise!'.