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To Kree, or Not to Kree, That is the Question
Date of Scene: 13 July 2019
Location: Tamarind Island
Synopsis: Kinsey finally begins the process of confronting her past, and her heritage, and it starts with Carol Danvers.
Cast of Characters: Kinsey MacKenna, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Once is an amusing anecdote. Twice is a strange co-incidence. But when you get to three, four, and more times, it's a pattern, and one Kinsey could no longer deny. She'd been happy to ignore Colonel Danver's question until her last encounter with Blurr, where he'd flat out stated why *he* thought she was Kree.

Short of answers, and understanding of what this could possibly mean, and, frankly, needing some moral support that wasn't in a Cybertronian body, Kinsey went to Tamarind Island, seeking out Carol Danvers for a heart to heart in hopes of finding out more and getting some definitive answers to the question that could no longer be ignored: Who or what was she.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
To say Carol Danvers was a busy woman would be an understatement. She likely has too many commitments with too many organizations and teams, and making matters worse, she's still occasionally beholden to serving the Kree Empire and try and keep a grip of more cosmic matters out in space. So she's not always up to date about the many projects and missions about, but she does manage to be where she is most needed for the most part. Today, it just so happens that where she was most needed is on Tamarind Island, Mansion Alpha.

There was much catching up to do, as she tends to be Avengers biased in her time spent on Earth, but along with Alpha Flight work were some less than desireable phone calls with varying Defense Ministries, and not to mention the U.N. on particulars of Earth Defense and Lex Luthor's ambitions in space. Fun, this was not. So when Kinsey arrives in her room to see her, Carol is quite readily welcoming the visit, as she lifts a finger to motion for Kinsey to wait a moment, as she finishes a phone call. "Yes...we'll be sure to keep a good eye on that development. China does not need to worry, this has nothing to do with partisan machinations, this is entirely with an eye towards space...yes, we have been tracking. Best regards, Minister..." and as she shuts the phone, she takes a moment to wince, before looking up with a smile. "How can I help you, Kinsey?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
There's a soft chuckling from the woman as she both interupts and provides excuse to leave obligations for a few minutes and relax. "Colonel Danvers, I should apologize for dropping by with such little warning. I'd ask how you were doing, but I think busy covers it adequately. Do mind if I sit?"

It's a rather rhetorical and perfunctory question as far as those things go, Kinsey taking a seat and giving herself a moment to collect herself. She starts with the most obvious places, giving updates on the Science labs on the Space Station, "Which are coming along on schedule. We had some rough moments with some fixtures but in the end a solution was found. Of course you see the reports, and no, that's not really why I'm here."

There's something of an apologetic shrug from the woman, and a slight lift of her Ring hand, "Still unassigned, but I think that situation is working well for all involved. Brother Saint Walker sends his regards, by the way.."

And here she pauses, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. "I've actually come for a personal reason. I hope you have a little bit of time to spare for me? It has to do with those questions you were asking me. I think I'm ready to learn more."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Busy, and not with the kind of stuff I'd like to be busy with, but it comes with the territory," Carol muses, "the higher the rank you attain, the less free time you have, and the less of a say you have over your time." She winks playfully as she quips, "it's why I retired, but then I was asked to help with Alpha Flight when they were given the mandate for Earth's Defense, and, like they say...just when you think you're out, they pull you back in..."

Leaning back in her seat, she quips, "but enough about me, you've come here to say something. So let's hear it?" She naturally nods at the request to sit, laughing as she motions at the seat in front of her desk, "of course you can sit, I'd be a damned cold bitch if I minded that."

"I'm well aware, and the fact I don't need to stop by the station more frequently is something I appreciate and attribute to good work," Carol notes with a pleasant smile. "Perfect, let me know if you need me to put in a word, and send my regards in return when you get a chance."

"Are you now...?" Carol muses, before reaching for a button on her phone, "Heather, can you please take over all incoming? Much appreciated." She then turns with her full attention towards Kinsey, "so what did you find in your reflection?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
There's a quiet pleasure exhibited by Kinsey, who is well aware she's part of the reason why things are progressing smoothly upon the station, and not just with the Science bays. She was finding that she quite enjoyed the responsibility, much as she found she was enjoying what her ring brought to the table. It had been an unexpected, but pleasant surprise.

"Less reflection than confrontation." There's a small shrug from the woman. "When you asked I was somewhat upset. I felt you were pushing at a matter that had no bearing in truth. And I'd like to apologize for that. You were nothing but polite, and I was not ready."

Her free hand rubs over her ring, much in the manner of seeking support, or security. "It's come up again, several times now. Each time rather more insistent than the last, until this last time I was told that I must be.. Kree.. as I wasn't setting off the wards. I confess I had assumed that the ease with which I'd been accepted was due to Kibou's translations. To find out that it was likely otherwise.. I was confused for a time, but now I realize that the simplest solution is finding out if it's true or not."

Again, one of those shrugs. "I had hoped, since you brought the subject up initially, you might be able to help me with that."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Confrontation...?" Carol seems surprised by Kinsey's choice of words, nodding at her explanation. "I didn't realize I offended you," Carol states a fact, but also doesn't apologize for the perceived offense. "Nothing to apologize for, if I had to get emotional over every slight, real or perceived, I'd get nowhere in life," Carol offers a pro tip with a playful shifting of her brow.

"Who was it that told you so directly...?" Carol wonders, as she can't quite think of many who would have a means of knowing, aside for perhaps the Kree themselves? But that didn't seem likely.

But the more she hears, the clearer it becomes, "so you've been on a Kree planet? Or outpost? Yes, the Kree wouldn't care for a Lantern of any color, as they often can come with agendas opposite the good of all Kree."

She nods at Kinsey's request, and follows with a question, "how much do you know about me, Kinsey?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Oh no," Kinsey corrects. "You didn't offend. But my reaction.. Actually, that should have told me alot. Such a strong and immediate need to reject what you were saying. It wasn't a confrontation, but you were asking me to confront something within myself.. Thus the apology. I'm afraid I may not have been as polite as I could have. I've actually worried since then that perhaps we got off on the wrong foot."

As for emotions, Kinsey gives a soft laugh. "You know, I find it's easy to be calm in a crisis, but there are times when my best skill has been being able to create the illusion that I know exactly what I'm doing. To stand up to bullies and not back down. You'd be surprised - or perhaps /you/ wouldn't be, but others might - how many will fail to follow through if you refuse to be cowed. At any rate, your questions startled me and it's taken me a long time to be able to sit here and be ready for what I might learn."

"Blurr," she answers. "He's a Cybertronian I helped rescue on a Kree outpost. I didn't know they were Kree then. I didn't find out until quite some time later." There's an outright laugh as she hears of their opinion of Lanters. "Yes. I found that out quite quickly. I was shot at, as a matter of fact. A very unique experience.. Actually, a man died in that encounter as well. I had a lot of soul searching to do. But it wasn't until later that I was told about the sensors, and that he'd thought I was just another of them."

It had explained any number of things, even as it had opened up so many more questions.

"And this is where I have to admit I don't know as much about you as I should. But I am guessing by our initial encounter you're at least familiar with the Kree as a race. You asked some very pointed questions."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Nobody likes to reflect on themselves, I can understand your aversion to my request," Carol doesn't seem to make a mountain out of that one, though she at least seem to sympathize with the turmoil Kinsey has clearly gone through. "I do have a lot of experience with that, you guess correctly," Carol grins, "it's how I started...though through an unexpected series of events, I've come to be be able to back it up quite well regardless of how others respond."

Carol doesn't seem to respond to the name Blurr or the mention of Cybertronian, so if she knows anything, she's keeping a tremendous poker face. "Indeed, while I'd appreciate if you didn't share, I think under the circumstance it's only right for me to share with you. I know because I am one. Well, as much as I am human, I'm a special case of sorts. I am of the Kree Empire just as I am of Earth, largely by inheriting or rather paying homage to my mentor, Mar-Vell, if you ever heard the name."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"No," Kinsey agrees. "Most of us do not wish to spend a lot of time confronting our inner demons. My father left my mother and I when I was young. She never spoke poorly of him. In fact, I once did and she struck me. The only time she ever did so in my memory. She said I had no clue what I was talking about, what he'd done for me. For us. That memory has stayed with me all this time. And now I wonder, I guess I wonder if all of this has something to do with it."

"Unfortunately," she says softly, "It's impossible to ask her as she died shortly before my Doctoral graduation."

Carol's story is listened to, some with understanding. Some with little more than assumed comprehension. "I'd like to say I've heard, but I'd be lying. I'm guessing that there is some sort of cosmic alignment in play?" Her smile is amused. "I once didn't think I believed in such things, but then I met Kibou and I learned the universe is a much stranger thing than I'd ever imagined."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol, naturally held as a paragon by governments, and generally adored by the public for her varying accolades, more particularly as Captain Marvel with the Avengers, may not seem like someone who would know. But the reality is she may know of these difficulties more than most. It's just that as aforementioned, she keeps a great poker face. "It may," Carol acknowledges, "can't say I know much though no doubt the Supreme Intelligence would know, if the Kree would allow you audience...you will need to travel to Hala, if you like to try that avenue..." already worlds of possibilities are introduced.

"Well, it would be a bit too time consuming to get you up to speed on Kree history, but suffice to say Mar-Vell was an outstanding man...a great hero, and someone I am proud to call my mentor. A hero in every sense of the world, he was at times at odds with the Kree Empire, but that's because he was willing to put tradition and expectations aside, to do what is right."

"You ever get a sense of deja vu? Like you've already seen something take place? Particularly when dangers or threats are involved?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"I can see I may need to brush up on many things if I wish to pursue this line of thought. As for Hala, I'm not sure that's a journey one takes alone? I think it may be slightly more fraught with difficulty than taking a trip along the Appalachian trail and finding myself." She chuckles, "Which I also have not done. Perhaps this would all be easier if I had."

More soberly, Kinsey nods. "I always attributed those sensations to being a good judge of character. To understanding situations and their possibilities. I'm a scientist at heart. It's difficult for me to believe in something as nebulous as intuiation, or gut feelings. I like things that I can quantify.. and here's where I also admit that too much of science is filled with people who had brilliant flashes of insight at the moments when they were most needed. I've been trying to understand how to justify believing both of those things, while also considering what you asked about.. well, intuition."

Kinsey nods. "Much more often than I care to admit. More still now that I've become aware of the feeling. I feel like the world is exploiding open before me at every turn now."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"If you'd like, I could accompany you, we'd just need to find a chance I am Kree bound regardless," Carol advises Kinsey, "if you don't mind the occasional unannounced, be ready in 5, I'll keep a note."

"Well, that's a telltale sign that my hunch was a good one, that you are Kree." Carol explains, taking a moment for the information to sink in, before she explains. "It's an ability shared by all female Kree, it's called the Seventh Sense." Laughing, Carol grins as she anticipates the coming question, "yes, while we're busy on Earth not being certain if there is in fact a sixth sense, on Hala, there's most certainly a seventh one. You're naturally aware of dangers, to the point of having glimpses or visions of incoming danger or threat ahead of time."

Not being certain how Kinsey might take it, Carol demonstrates by reaching for a stapler on her desk and tossing it at Kinsey, actually trying to go faster than most could handle, if only to prove to Kinsey that she will get out of the way. Then again, if she doesn't, it's still a stapler and Kinsey is a Lantern. So there's that.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey laughs and raises her ring bearing hand, "In case you missed the memo, my life is entirely wheels up in five these days. Sometimes of my own volition. And yes, those feelings have led to be strange places." Adding, in case it wasn't clear, "I would very much appreciate the company. I'd be lying if I said I weren't a little afraid to do it alone."

She listens as she's told about the sense Kree women shared, thinking back to her mother, wondering if there were any signs of it there. Not that she was aware, but it had been taken from her mother, much as it was from most Kree women, long before they could be considered 'a threat' -- and it was also why her parents had fled their home settlement with their daughter: to prevent that being her fate as well.

So deep in thought is she that the stapler should have been an injury. Even with Kibou's warning of 'Sister Kinsey!' -- but it would be evident to Carol that Kinsey is aloready reacting to the threat before Kibou can warn or react. Kinsey both ducking to a side and moving a hand to brush the offensive bit of office equipment aside harmlessly.

"And then there's that," she says quietly. "I won't insult us both by pretending that slipped. But you've made your point. Only, now what?"