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Latest revision as of 02:13, 26 July 2019

Spider Drama Adventure Island
Date of Scene: 17 July 2019
Location: NYC
Synopsis: Peter fills Gwen in on the new Spiders
Cast of Characters: Ghost Spider, Spider-Man

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen is waiting for Peter on a rooftop near normal patrol routes. It is actually pretty easy to arrange training session or times to swap information now that they know they are actually good friends outside the mask.

Honestly it is damn embarrassing it took them as long as it did, but disguising of voices and the sheer Ridiculousness of thinking your friend from High School and College is a Spider Person. The odds are just so stupid they break statistics after all.

So tonight finds her drumming against her thigh as she sits on the edge of the roof, the sticks nimble in her hands as she practices the drum line to Face It Tiger muttering 'You got to face it tiger face it tiger..." as she lightly hammers out the beat her head in her hood and mask bopping along. "It's your last shot...." bop bop "You got to face it tiger face it tiger..."

Spider-Man has posed:
Nevermind the fact he's put together a system for all of the spiders to communicate via the spider-web!

The fact that they know each other, however, is a lot easier on breaking away from whatever he's doing to go see a friend rather than a colleague.


The web zips him forward from his high off sumersault into a low crouch roll near to where Gwen is waiting and singing unto herself along one of the various patrol routes they generally use to keep tabs on the city. All things considered, it's a pretty convenient system. "Hey, Gwen." Hopping up from his crouch and then onto the ledge with a little slink across his hand, he holds out a wrapped hogie sandwich in her direction. "Angelos."

His voice... it sounds tired.

His face, when he pulls off his mask and lays it beside him, LOOKS tired. Exhausted really. Haggard is actually a good word.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Web. The World Wide Web Crawler. The ... god this is just embarrassing. Still having what is probably a glorified telegram darkweb (hah) encrypted chat with Peter is totes valid. Not that she knows others are being recruited or rather found.

The drumsticks are flipped to one hand nimbly, also she is sticky so doesn't fumble them or the sandwich when she catches it with her now free hand. "You sir may be canonized Saint Peter.. wait isn't there already a Saint Peter..." hmms "Patron saint of arachnids...." she trails off and studies him, pulling her mask up so she can take a bite of hogie.

"You look more tired than I am.. which is saying something this week... what's up SpiderPal."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter has a second sandwich with him, which he unwraps with a quiet grunt in Gwen's direction before hammering down on it like there's a price in the middle and the first one there gets it.

There were kind of words spread throughout, like no problem and I think, but I failed at theology. It isn't until she asks about his being tired or, rather, hints at it, that he rubs his neck until he's done chewing and broaches the tale.

"Ran into a couple new spiders.. one of them though. Silk.. that's her name.. she has... it's crazy, I don't even know how to explain it. We share a powerful thing.. in our spider senses.. it's.." He shakes his head and takes another bite, talking with his mouthful. eh'agen

Ghost Spider has posed:
There is a long slow pause. "Wait a minute." she stops eating and then stares at Peter as he keeps on eating and then talks with his mouth full and well she waits until he stops rambling with his mouth full.

"More spiders. Like plural." she considers "I am pretty sure I caught my escapee lab subject.... and I doubt the spider that bit you could live this long... how the hell are there more spiders Peter?"

"Also what do uyou mean you have a powerful thing in your spider sense... do you mean you have powerful tingles around her.. that is danger!"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter picks a piece of onion off the sandwich with his nose all wrinkled up, "I think I got your sandwich... I definitely said no onions." Not that's not going to eat it, just that it's going to complain about it the whole time.

"Yeah." He says with a side glance at Gwen, "Two of them, at least. One of them is Silk, who - get this - got bit by the EXACT SAME SPIDER..." His eyes go all wide at her hands up in a how does that even make sense gesture, hogie sort of wobbling around dangerously intent on spilling meat into the open air off the side of the roof.

"Which is probably why we share the thing.. It's... so complicated." Turning back to look at both his hands around his sandwich. "It isn't that kind of tingling, Gwen.. not that kind of tingling at all."


He takes another bite, but it's smaller and managable for eating with and talking at the same time. "Then there's Miles. Younger kid, you're going to like him.. rough though, no training at all. That'll be on me and you."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen watches the sandwich wobble precariously "I wondered why mine didn't have onions.." she muses quietly then wait the matter at hand.

"Jesus Peter... the same spider. That is even stupider statistically than the fact we grew up friends and both got bit by different spiders years apart." she just boggles quietly worried sandwich of her own forgotten for the moment.

"Okay if young kid.. Miles right.. is new and rough.. where the hell did he get bit by a spider.. there aren't that many of these things in the city. I mean I have all the old Oscorp research and as far as I know we made the only batch around right now and mine was a genetic lottery style fluke. I mean really." of course she doesn't know Prowler stole a spider capable of this, from, somewhere. God if he stole one of her research spiders and it nailed Miles she is going to feel bad.

"Seriously. This is ridic and freaky and worrisome and.." and it finally catches up with her. "What kind of tingles?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"You're telling me." Peter doesn't bring his sandwich up for another bite, but does slides his hand back into his hair with his fingers spread like a comb. It's getting a little shaggy up there and the heat plus mask is making it kind of a mess on top.

"We were there together. Same tour... which kind of narrows down who she is, but I figure you're going to find out eventually anyways." He comes just short of blurting it out because that wouldn't be appropo at all! Besides, there's a bite of sandwich to take. Which he does. So he can try not to think about Silk.

Which does not work.

"I didn't get into it with him... but I will. Or you can.. one of us will." Said with a half hearted shrug. A lot of the wind is knocked out of his sails. He also is not aware that Prowler stole a specimen, so it's a long storied tale!

"The kind where I can tell you, in detail, precisely what she's doing right now?" He glances over at her, dark ring around his blood shot eyes. "And ... it's... like I get around her and things get really weird, Gwen. And it's not just me either... both of us. Like we're just drawn together to do stuff.. together.. stuff that is not okay for two people that only met two days ago."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Just ugn." she really wonders about that damn field trip to OsCorp that day. "You know.. Irony. That field trip to Oscorp is one of the reasons I went into biochemistry and genetics.. ugn."

She considers who Silk must be, maybe she needs to crack out a year book about it. It is kind of amusing how Peter gave away Miles name but is shielding Silk.

"uuh." okay she is definitely not taking another bite of her sandwich now. She just stares at Peter as he explains the tingles that are not danger tingles. Peter tingles even. There is just much staring after that initial uhh. Then the scientist kicks in.

"Like you guys are in heat?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"That damn field trip." Peter repeats with a grumble beneath his breath, eating the sandwich now almost like he's mad at it. Or taking out his existing, uncontrolled, feelings on something that can't fight back. The poor hogie. "Huh, it makes sense that you would, why not? Everything else happened because of it."

His eyes go temporarily wide, "What if... oh god, what if the spider that bit Miles is a child of the spider that bit me... or.." The implications are horrifying. He can't even finish the thought for fear that he'll have wished it into existance.

Instead he focuses on the implied and real dangers of his current situation with the OTHER new Spider. "Exactly like we're in heat.. which is why I'm so tired." Which sounds absolutely terrible... and he knows it immediately. "NOT for that reason! Trying to fight it. Because... like a dumb ass.. I let her move into my apartment."

It's the same reason he hasn't revealed her identity, though. BUT TO BE FAIR, Miles told Peter who he was!

So he would only feel a little bad if he realized he outed the kid.

Ghost Spider has posed:
"The spider that bit Miles is probably a recent spider using the Oscorp research. They couldn't really breed with other spiders and keep producing super spiders I am pretty sure Peter. They aren't really compatible species." she is pretty sure of that. Of course that means it is likely either someone stole one of her spiders or someone else is working on the same research. "Which is actually probably worse." she muses as she parses that out in her head. "We will definitely have to shake the kid down on how it happened."

"Peter... if you two are like dogs in heat.. having her move in with you is probably like the stupidest thing you could do. You do realize that right. I mean... it is just a matter of time before something tingly happens." okay she can't entirely help razzing him, it is like old times. "So when do I get to meet these two new spiders?"

Spider-Man has posed:
There's no way he doesn't know there's biologically a trillion other options aside from same spider babies to explain Miles' predicament. Pete just isn't thinking straight, likely from exhaustion. "I'm going to leave the genetic mumbo jumbo to you." The concepts make sense, once she explains them, but his area of expertise is definitely geared in a different direction.

Like how astronomically insane the whole thing is.

He also knows that is beyond stupid for him to be staying with Silk. He's not even trying to defend it, "I couldn't let her stay where she was and I didn't have a lot of options at the time. It was only a day ago." He explains with a little frown, pulling the wrapper up and over his sandwich since his appetite is all but gone. "Everytime I try to ... create space.. she gets mopey. She's been in a bunker for nine years... mostly alone. I do not think that's helping at all."

He looks over at Gwen and shrugs a shoulder, "Soon, I think. I got the Kid on the spider-web... and Silk is just over at my apartment. Cooking dinner..." He looks in that direction, squinting.

"Yup, she's looking at me. This really weird, I just need you to know that."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Oh I know. Just when I thought our lives couldn't get any weirder... this is even weirder Peter." she takes a bite of her sandwich. "Maybe it will help when the rest of us meet her so she isn't so mopey and alone then."

"Oh hey speaking of weird. My golden retriever mutanimal friend told me that the FBI agent I was working with to get to the bottom of the mutagen and Ninja clan behind all the coins that let crooks out of jail got captured by the Ninjas. They used the mutagen on him and turned him into a Black Lion named Nemean and he is a bad guy now." yup she just lets all that hand there.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I genuinely hope you're right because I'm getting close to the end of my willpower." Peter isn't being funny because it isn't funny. he's as close to scared as a Spider-Man can get, "What if... what if we're being drawn together to mate and give birth to the anti-spider-christ?" Okay, now he's being a little funny. "T.V. shows would tell me that's the case..." Anything to keep him from looking in the direction of his apartment and seeing that flash of fire through his spider-senses.

Oh, there we go, that'll do. Thanks Gwen. "Well that's a mouthful." Said with a furrow and a glance, "So now there's a Black Lion, former FBI agent running around by the name Nemean, possibly working with the foot clan giving out coins to criminals like get out of jail free cards?" He repeats with a decisive up nod.

"So you remember back in high school when it was just a dude in a Rhino costume?"

"Those were the days."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"I know right.... with our luck it will be an actual mutant rhino guy next." and no she hasn't met BeBop and Rocksteady. Yet.

"I told Pippi I would be willing to help her and the turtle mutants with science.. I figure if I can get blood samples I might be able to help Agent Cody with his lion problem. I am at least sure I can't hurt since he is already a big lion guy brainwashed into fighting his old friends." she pauses "I swear our life is an odd saturday morning cartoon show." then she continues "The Shredder... who names themselves that... is evidently making brainwashed mutant animal people who are enhanced.. maybe like us strong but different animals."

"Is it bad I just want to make practice with my band and not have MJ worry why I had a cut on my face... oh.. reminds me.. I fought Stilt Man yesterday... what the hell is his deal?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Huh.. Shredder.. mutant rhino guys.. turtles that need help with science." Peter shakes his head, then props it in his palms. His fingers run up along his scalp, speaking now into his hands. "If I can help, you let me know, huh? I've got a handle on the Saturday Morning Cartoon mythos by now.. so I probably wont even gawk at a talking turtle."

He's just assuming they talk. How else would she communicate with them? Is that breaching political correctness? Assuming someone's communicative ability? It probably will be no wont it?

Peter rolls his eyes at himself and rubs the back of his neck, "MJ? Wait..." That sounds crazy familiar, "..didn't she go to school with us? Wait, yeah, she lived next door to me. She's in your band?" So why doesn't he know her, amirite? Peter was a SUPER GEEK.

Gwen has to remember that.

"Huh, Stilt Man.. now there's a name I haven't heard in a while... I thought he knocked himself out walking through a low doorway and had to retire?" He didn't hear that at all. "If I had to guess, he was probably a really short guy in school. That or a circus preformer. I try not to make assumptions."

Except about the communicative abilities of mutant Turtles.

Ghost Spider has posed:
"They all talk and have names and aren't people turned into animal mutants but animals turned into people mutants... god I want to look at their DNA."

"Yeah our bands is the Mary Janes... we've done some modeling together and she was a year ahead of you in school... and yes she was that hot girl next door." she looks at him sidelong like she can't believe he struggled recalling that. I mean yes he was a super geek but still. "She is my best friend, you come see our band perform and you will run into her. If we don't explode due to my crazy life before we get a chance to make it big."

"Stilt man was an idiot and almost made me miss a practice." she finishes her sandwich.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Hey, everybody has a thing." Peter says of the turtles and bats and.. salamanders? He doesn't know. His palm rubs into his eyes, but it has nothing to do with that at all. Weird as it also might be.

"Yeah, Yeah.. I remember." Vaguely, but she's giving him that look like he should know unvaguely. "It's been a while okay? I've done some things since then..." A lot of things, but that's besides the point. "Obviously I'll come see your band. Just let me know when."

As for Stilt Man, "If you're not late for a meeting or practice, you're barely a spider."