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Latest revision as of 03:24, 26 July 2019

Against The Doctor's Orders
Date of Scene: 26 July 2019
Location: Big Belly Burger - Gotham
Synopsis: Still injured from fighting Stockholm, Stephanie has to head to campus, and runs into Dinah Drake, a favorite singer of hers
Cast of Characters: Spoiler, Black Canary

Spoiler has posed:
It's a beautiful day in Gotham. A great day to be out and about. If you're healthy and not covered with bruises, at least. Stephanie really doesn't want to be out right now. But the email that something was wrong with her paperwork on her student loan application, and no it required a signature and couldn't just be emailed over, caused her to have to head over to Gotham University.

She left the Registrar's Office, mouth set in a line at the woman having been so sure Stephanie was a victim of domestic abuse, it took her an extra twenty minutes to get out of there. "Crap, Alfred's going to have noticed I'm gone by now. Probably Bruce too," she murmurs. She's making her way slowly back to her bike, which is parked next to the Big Belly Burger closest to campus.

"Going to be stuck on soup and... vegetables... for a week. Might as well," she tells herself. The blonde's arm is kept in tight across her stomach for the pain where Stockholm's goons were kicking her in the stomach and ribs. She opens the door and makes her way inside. The cuts across her forehead and one cheek, plus the noticeable black eye and bruises on her cheek, get a few looks from other customers. Stephanie tries to ignore them as she goes to wait in line.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake had been in Gotham, making her way along the East Coast on a promotional tour for her upcoming album. Talk shows, radio shows. She'd been on the main stations in Gotham for most of the morning but it was now time to feed the bird and she knew exactly where to go.

Entering some seconds after the teen blonde, her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail and sunglasses resting on her forehead, she slips into line while gazing intently up at the menu. How badly should she blow her diet? If her trainer doesn't find, did she really cheat after all?

Glancing then to the customers in front of her, she sees the gingerly moving teen in front of her with some curiosity.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie waits in line, her eyes scanning the board. "Least I can still chew without pain," she comments to herself, but the words possibly being heard by someone close by. Stephanie moves her jaw a little bit. "Ow!" she murmurs moving a hand to the side of her jaw where the gun landed the superman bunch. The blonde makes a disgruntled sound which would make Marge from The Simpsons proud.

The lady in front of her has three sons who can't seem to make up their mind what they want. As they keep changing their order again and again, Stephanie finally starts looking around the fast food restaurant, for something to occupy her bored, and painful, state.

She looks back at Dinah in line behind her. The twenty year old has pretty blue eyes though one the black eye around one of them definitely detracts. There is a bandage on her forehead, and another smaller one on her cheek. Stephanie pauses for a moment, giving that look that people give when they think Dinah looks familiar but either aren't sure where they know her from, or just aren't sure it's actually her.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake looks at Steph as she turns and looks a bit surprised at the visage the young woman presents in front of her. She tries not to wince visibly at the injuries. Particularly as she's been there herself. A smile is offered. "I hope the other girl got it worse at least.." her intent to be playful. And not assuming the worst of situations at least.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie gets a rueful look, but manages a small smile without it hurting too much. "I made the statement that was needed, yes," she says. A memory of the bank teller's expression as she watched leaving the costumed girl who had saved her life, and taken a great beating for the effort.

So worth it.

Stephanie has something else on her mind too though. "You're in a band, aren't you? Black Canary? I've listened to your last song about a zillion times on Youtube," the battered blonde says. "You really have some amazing lungs on you," she tells the singer. "Are you in town for a concert? Or do you live in Gotham?" Stephanie asks, not knowing much about the woman other than recognizing her from the videos.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake listens and nods. "Well sometimes they don't get the message when you're polite, yeah?" She offers a nod of approval and encouragement. Then she kind of looks disappointed, but not bothered, that she was recognized so quickly. A light laugh.

"I am. Black Canary, that's right" she affirms then introduces herself, "I'm Dinah." then a real laugh, "I get told that a lot. Not always complimentary, but a lot yeah.." She shakes her head, "No concerts right now I'm afraid. Actually I'm avoiding my assistant so I can get some real food without her telling on me. A girl can only stand healthy snacks in dressing rooms for so long before having to go rogue. I've been doing a promotional tour along the east coast. /every/ dressing room. TV? Radio? Doesn't matter. They're all packed with fruits and veggies. I love hummus as much as anyone. But it will never replace a Big Belly Triple burger, fries and a chocolate shake y'know?" First world problems and all.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's face lights up, or tries to despite the bruises, at hearing it is who she thought. "Dinah, really great to meet you. I'm Stephanie," the blonde says. She smiles as Dinah speaks of what it's like, the life no doubt sounding glamorous to Stephanie.

"Oh, I know, right?" Stephanie says at the mention of healthy eating. "I'm probably not going to be allowed anything this good for a week," she says, looking back at the line. The lady is now picking her kids up as if holding them closer to the sign will help them read when they are too young for it. They should really have a picture menu.

Stephanie looks back to Dinah. "Well, I love what you're doing. I have the musical talent of a broken... ah what's the thing that you...you know... accordion," Stephane says, after trying to mime playing an accordion and wincing as one the bruises on her torso doesn't like that motion. "Anyway, I'm not musical," she says with a small smile.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake seems to be in no big hurry. As if she would get found if she stepped outside again. It probably isn't far from the truth. She smiles. "Nice to meet you Stephanie. Though, if you don't mind my asking? Who wouldn't let you wat what you want?" She starts to wonder about those injuries just a smidge. She doesn't pay any mind to the mother and kids at the front as she talks.

A sincere smile is offered, "Thank you. I'm glad you like our music." Then she laughs merrily. "Well that's okay. I can sing but I'm not much on playing instruments myself. I can play guitar but it's not an easy thing to play and sing. Worse than rubbing your belly and patting your head while walking and chewing bubblegum" she grins.

A look of concern, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Spoiler has posed:
The blonde, wearing a faded Aerosmith t-shirt that was from a concert that probably took place before she was born, and a pair of blue jeans gives an embarrassed little nod. "Yeah, just, someone was kind of being threatening to someone who couldn't do much about it. So I intervened. And, well, it's all better now," she says.

Stephanie shakes her head. "Everyone thinks some guy roughed me up or something. I mean, I get it, that's why people think. But nah, wasn't like that. I'm seeing someone who is really awesome actually," Stephanie says, and with that kind of grin that suggests she's pretty head over heels.

"I can't even imagine doing one, let alone both," Stephanie says. She sees the woman in front is finally done ordering. Stephanie moves over to say, "Let me have the Gutbuster combo, and cajun seasoning on the fries. Oh, and a lemon pie," she adds. Because after sneaking out of medical, Alfred probably is not going to be bringing dessert tonight. Stephanie pays for the order and moves aside to let Dinah at the counter.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods to the basic explanation. "Well I'm impressed and proud of you. Not everyone stands up for those who aren't able to protect themselves. I've had my share of injuries for similar things so.. respect." She offers a nod.

Moving up behind Stephanie as the line moves, Dinah comments, "I think some people are born with - inate musicality. It can be learned. But it's no easy thing. A lot of time and practice either way." She then moves to order, "Big Belly Triple Burger. All the fixings please. Large fries and a large chocolate shake. Extra sprinkles." She pays then and moves over to wait for the food to come up. Looking to Stephanie she smiles, "I don't really know anyone in Gotham. Would you mind if I sat with you?"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie glances at the restaurant. She was going to get the food to go and eat it on her bike on the way back. Though one of her arms isn't quite functional fully and the other is needed for the throttle. "Sure, I'd like that," Stephanie says, getting her food and letting Dinah lead the way to a table.

Stephanie settles down gently at it. "Afraid I don't think I was born any of those innate... anythings really. Good at gymnastics but not really good like some people I know," she says. Nothing like getting to see the surviving Flying Grayson in action to make her realize just how big the gap is for her.

"So the rest of your band, are you all friends who grew up together and stuff, or, just musicians who got put together or gathered together somehow?" she asks. Obviously she likes the music, but hasn't dug up much information on the band.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake smiles and nods. "Thank you for being gracious. I'd like it too." She enjoys the chances to just be a normal person when she can. Carrying her food over to the table she drops into the booth on one side. "We all have things we are good at, Steph. Sometimes it takes time to figure it out. To coax it out of hiding behind all the things we wish we were good at, you know?" She shrugs.

Settling in she dips a fry in her shake before chomping it down. "Mm... well a bit of Column A and a bit from Column B I guess?" She laughs. "I was singing for a while with a band called Ashes on Sunday - actually not far from here in Burnside. And then when that fell through I was offered a one album plus tour contract fronting what became Black Canary. Originally our drummer and keyboardist had a different frontwoman. But that fell through and the label was trying to revive the band. Somehow they decided I'd be a good influence. Add in a lead guitar player who is mute? And you have a blender full of crazy. And apparently the perfect recipe for a band." She shrugs and takes a bite of her burger. Messy is too kind of a description for the stack of patties, veggies slab of bacon, block of cheese and a bun. But it's a Big Belly, so it has to be good right?

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie winces a bit at opening her jaw wide enough to bite into her burger. Though once she has, chewing it seems fine, and her look is that of someone eating something heavenly. "Wow, he's mute? I had no idea. I just...actually I don't think I ever noticed if he sang. You're really radiant. You have that... quality that entertainers do, you know?" Stephanie tells Dinah.

She eats some of her fries and then gets a worried look. "That wasn't coming on to you. I mean, you're beautiful and sexy, but... ack, ok /that/ wasn't coming on to you either. I mean, boyfriend and... ah. Right. Going to shut up now," she says, blushing and focusing on her burger.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "That's right. But Ditto doesn't let that stop him from playing. We all have some challenge or another we have to work with. Around. Through. We just don't get to pick them usually. It's how we respond to them that matters."

She starts to attack her shake then smiles. "Well thank you for the compliments. I don't often feel quite that put together. A guitarist I always admired onced said that if you act like you know what you're doing, everyone things that you do." Then she looks amused. A wicked grin. "Honey, you have no idea how many straight girls have made that same comment to me. Some of them even meant it. Don't worry about it." She laughs it off gently and munches another fry.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown gives a soft laugh. She works her way steadily through her burger as they chat. There's a buzzing from Stephanie's phone and she pulls it out. The name Alfred shows upon it. She winces and pulls up a personalized reply, which is, on my way back. She puts the phone away, and despite the message, continues eating.

"Well, if you do end up playing here, I'll have to see if I can manage to make a show," Stephanie says. "School is starting backup before long. Just don't want to have to show up back looking like a one-eyed racoon," she says of her black eye. Stephanie attacks her cajun fries, dipping them in catsup and chasing them with soda. "Oh. This so hits the spot," she says with a sigh.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake doesn't make an issue of the phone. Everyone gets messages. She just has her phone on mute because she knows her assistant is blowing up her text app with pleas to come back before her boss kills her for losing Dinah in Gotham.

"I'm sure we'll have Gotham on the tour schedule. We're just finishing up the next album so a full tour probably won't begin until next year. But we drop in every so often and play clubs to keep in practice. WHat's your email if you don't mind? If we get back to Gotham I'll make sure you get a few back stage passes if you want"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie smiles over to Dinah. "That would be amazing," the blonde-haired college student tells Dinah. Stephanie uses her phone to touch Dinah's and transfer her info over. By 2027 that technology is surely well sorted out. "Back stage passes. Wow I've never been backstage at anything more than my friend Carrie's college plays. And they had me dress in black and move things," she adds with a chuckle.

Food finished, Stephanie rises. "I had better get back. Had to run over to the Registrar's Office for some paperwork. Wasn't supposed to be out of bed," she says. "But, I'm glad I did. Got to meet you, Dinah," she says. "Take care of yourself. Good luck dodging your assistant." Stephanie will turns to head out then. Not long after she'll be seen puttering along on an old Honda bike.