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Sentinels: Long Distance Calls
Date of Scene: 26 July 2019
Location: A secure facility at the Triskelion
Synopsis: SHIELD takes a risk by letting Sebastion out of the Triskelion to save some lives....
Cast of Characters: Bastion, Quake, Phil Coulson, Spider-Woman (Drew), Winter Soldier, Hawkeye (Barton), Iron Man

Bastion has posed:
A lot of activity has gone on over the past ten minutes. A massive Sentinel, bigger than a building and the other sentinels, recently launched into the air over New Jersey. It has since exploded, and left the fifty or so Sentinels that were with it circling in the air in slow, watchful patterns. The explosion was such that it rocked New York City with the blast, and has thrown a lot of the lower city into chaos as people panic of what is going on.

Within the Triskelion, their personal Sentinel, Sebastion, suddenly came into action as well. He has been extremely dormant, laying on his cot, minimally interesting, but just before the explosion, he was up, and loudly calling to talk to someone right away, in the center of his room/cell.

"This is important," he adds loudly, growing frustrated, even though he has barely waited five minutes.

Quake has posed:
Skye is on the list of people who get informed if Sebastian does anything untoward or unusual - and this qualifies. As it happens she happens to be in the Triskelion which expidiates matters significantly. Even so it takes her a few minutes to get to his quarters. She asks his surveillance team what they know, and there isn't much information.

Other than as she's asking the other news comes over the line. The Trisk is lighting up with response teams.

"How long.. screw it, let me in."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Initially, Phil was up and about working on coordinating with local agencies and SHIELD assets to figure out what was going on, and where SHIELD deployment was actually needed. He /had/ planned on working on going in the field himself to provide leadership on site...

Then, Sebastian happens, and he's suddenly got his attention diverted when something /else/ has focus from elements of the surveillance teams he was consulting.

A few minutes later, and more than a few questions around, and Phil is heading for Sebastians cell... only a few seconds before Skye is about to open it. "I'm assuming from the focus on this area that something has happened at the same time as the gigantic robot causing panic?" Phil quips as he approaches.

Bastion has posed:
"Is there anyone there? I will wait two more minutes," Sebastion announces from inside the cell, as if he had any leverage at all. Maybe he doesn't, or maybe he does? There really isn't much information except that he said what he said, and restlessly shifts his weight in the cell, eyes closing, as if listening to a far-off place, in an agitated manner.

Quake has posed:
"Oh for fuck's sakes," Skye complains of the security check. "We've been through this how many times? I know the drill, just let me in."

She eyeballs the arriving Phil Coulson and nods, frowning. "I have no idea what's up. He's been mostly dormant while we've been waiting on materials, and now this. Probably to do with the explosions outside, do you know anything?"

Given the urgency, and the two things happening in tandem - the outside activity, and calls for teams to deal with the chaos - and Sebastian's sudden agitation, she waves Phil to join her. This one might need all they have to throw at it.

"Hey, it's me, Skye. Remember? Smart mouth. Computer geek. Kinda thinks you're cool. Talk to me, Sebastian."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil shows his badge at the security teams, "Agent Phil Coulson, level 8. Let us in." Assuming they're let in, Phil looks to Sebastian, the warmth there still, be with a hint of... 'curiosity?' maybe?

"Go ahead, Sebastian. What's this about?" Phil inquires.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Everything is happening quickly. Far too quickly. The explosion had set Jessica on guard, but upon finding out what it was, and what is happening now? She knew of only one place to go. She deftly made her way to Sebastion's cell, with relative ease through the checkpoints. But she heard Sebastion long before she saw him.

Upon her arrival, Jessica approaches Sebastion quickly and reaches out a hand to touch his shoulder. "Sebastion, I'm here. What's going on? How can I help? Something happened with the sentinels, do you know what's going on?"

Bastion has posed:
Sebastion is very receptive to them arriving. Relief? Something else? He smiles, though it is curt: he has important things to convey. His eyes move across Skye, Phil, Jessica. Any or all three of them. He accepts Jessica's touch to his shoulder, lifts that hand to touch the back of her hand.

"I felt something. I can sense what's coming towards us. I need to go stop it," Sebastion says in a very clear, concise way, immediately, to Skye. He starts towards her, though there's no aggression, only urgency. "I can stop them /all/ before they get loose from their hold. This is very important. They have no direction, they might attack the city. Innocent people will be hurt."

"Please help me do this."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Maybe he's there to play security for Skye. Maybe he was on his way to visit Sebastion. But either way, Buck's there on hand, dressed in standard SHIELD fatigues. He's only listening, for now, looking to those who outrank him. Impassive, save for the keen flicker of his gaze. The dog is not in evidence.

Quake has posed:
Skye nods at Sebastian. She might be in the minority, but she's in the pro camp where Sebastian is concerned, and her gut says when he says he needs to help stop it, that that is exactly what he's going to do. She's also aware she could be wrong about that, and oooo it would be ugly if she were...

"Okay," she says calmly, "What is it you need from us?"

All the while thinking simultaneous thoughts that May is going to kill her, and do they even have what they need?

Phil Coulson has posed:
"That isn't our call, Sebastian." Phil informs him, "Assuming you get clearance to go though, what are you planning to do?"

Agent Coulson has gone on record saying he agrees with the Avengers to May... but beyond the initial investigation, he's been busy handling other matters since. He hasn't really spoken about his opinions on the Sebastian matter to anyone else, though.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica frowns, shaking her head. "I was afraid it was something like this. Like that night at the Avengers' compound." Jessica looks between Skye and Phil. "This happened before. He was able to reroute and contain a sentinel situation, and he helped us to control the sentinels and avoid casualties," Jessica says to Skye and Phil.

Then Jessica turns to Sebastion. "I'm with you on this, a hundred percent. Tell us what you need, I'll see to it." May isn't even a flicker of a thought in the back of her mind. And security clearance...Pff. If Sebastion wanted out of here he'd have been gone by now. "I'll make it happen," she assures him, with full confidence.

Bastion has posed:
"I need transportation," Sebastion answers Skye first. "I will order the Sentinels I find there to do anything you want them to do. I can destroy them, if that's what you want. I don't want them to hurt anyone," Sebastion says, that one to Phil.

And then there's Jessica. "Don't get in trouble on my account," he says to her, but he seems relieved to hear she's giving accolades. "I just need to get close. You can keep a gun to my head: but I really just want to do this, because it's the right thing to do, and I /can do it/."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Speaking of the gun to the head. There's Buck there to be it....assuming that destroying this body will stop much of anything, at this point. His gaze darts between Skye and Coulson. It's their call....and he's not volunteering his opinion. This isn't the situation for it.

Quake has posed:
Phil. Phil is going to be a problem. That much Skye knows. She also knows he's in the shut Seb down camp. And that he outranks her... Not that that last had ever really factored into much of anything Skye did.

"Okay, we can get you up in the air. That kind of close?"

Phil gets a look. "You can write me up, but unless you pull security and stop us, this is happening." It's a bit blunt, but the situation seems to call for it. Not because Phil, but because the channels are still bursting with outside reports, and this isn't something they have time to sit and argue about.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Like Bucky, Clint is there as security, his bow is prepped and he'd hit up R&D for one of his hyper-expensive EMP arrows, just in case. Though, when it comes to letting the guy go and help stop whatever the heck was happening in Jersey, Clint's brows raise a moment before settling as he steps forward and says: "She's usually right Phil, I trust her, May trusts her, hell, /Fury/ trusts her, let her do this thing see where it goes."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Agent Coulson stands there watching Sebastian for a moment... trying to gauge the cyborgs intentions? Probably still as hard to read as ever.

"Agent Johnsons and Drew, I would highly suggest you /stand down/, before reprimands are in order." Phil looks to both of them, "I get it, I really do." Phil gestures to Sebastian, "He has all of the mannerisms, and we just don't know yet... but that isn't an excuse for insubordination." Phil warns them, "push it any further, and that's what I'll treat it as."

Phil turns around, directly facing Sebastian now. "Here's what we're going to do. We have a device that can deal with you if this goes south in our posession. You get into the Quinjet with it, and you do what you need to do. The /second/ it looks like you're working against us... and we use it, and Agent Barnes gets to see whether or not you splatter when you're shot."

Phil looks to the others, "until we can see him in action, we can't confirm his intentions either way... and if he turns, we deal with it then. I'll take full responsibility for taking the risk."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Sic the cyborg on the cyborg, even if the one with the long, dark hair is the old-school analogue model. Buck's lapsed into that expressionless pokerface, disturbingly like Winter's utter lack of affect. He inclines his head to Coulson, looks back to Sebastion - not a hint of surprise, or argument. It's ultimately SHIELD's hierarchy holding his leash.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica's gaze snaps to Phil for a long moment - an incredulous expression, utterly bewildered by his unfounded threats. She shakes her head. "No one is being insubordinate, Sir. Tensions are high. We have no time to fret over inconsequential things. If you want assurance that he can be controlled, you have the technology to do it. But this man can save hundreds if not thousands. We need to move, if we're going to. Sir."

Bastion has posed:
Sebastion weathers being talked about like an inanimate machine to his face by Phil with only a brief flinch. He watches to see what the agents will decide to do with him. The description of the weapon makes him lower his head somewhat, but he doesn't complain.

"I'm going to do what I said I will. Decide what you'd like me to do with the Sentinels, then, so that I don't accidentally get shot when I guess incorrectly," Sebastion requests politely. "Please." He indicates his readiness to go, but several steps in, there's a thick limp to his movement. "I may need a wheelchair," he admits quietly, "But I think I can get to the jet, if not off of it later."

Quake has posed:
Skye's lips purse into a tight line of dissatisfaction. "If you insist. Sir." Which should be a warning in and of itself. Skye does not sir or ma'am people. She just doesn't. If she's saying it, it's not a happy thing, and it generally doesn't mean sir or ma'am at all. Even if she sounds perfectly respectful (if rather tightly so) while saying it. "Send your thing to the quinjet and have them ready it for us."

She turns to Sebastian, "Look, fine. We have a thing that can stop you. But we're not going to use it. You know why? Because you're not what he thinks you are. You aren't what any of them think you are. We believe in you. And you're going to prove them all wrong."

She isn't even sure who 'we' and 'they' are anymore in this scenario, but the only person who has to believe he'll do the right thing is SEbastian. He's the only person she cares about right now.

That and getting them to the quinjet. As soon as is humanly possible.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
A smirk forms on Clint's lips. Of course Skye is giving insipriational speeches to the the robot. It's what she does. When she's done, he shoots her a smile signing ~Good job~ before he turns to Phil "So what do we need?"

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Good." Phil gives with finality, before he's stepping outside the room. He looks to the guards, "We're going to be taking our guest to the hangar. I'll be taking full responsibility for it." Phil looks inside, "If one of you could get a wheelchair from medical for Sebastian, I'd appreciate it. Agent Drew or Barton?" Phil looks to Sebastian while he's taking out his SHIELD issued phone and contacting the hangar authority, "This is Agent Coulson. I want a Quinjet fueled and ready to go on Landing Pad 1 ASAP." That done, Phil gives a nod to the others as he looks to Skye and Bucky, "Probably a good idea to help him along."

He looks then to Sebastian, "tell them to stop what they're doing and relocate to a safe, open area outside the city and standby, well enough away from civilization they won't pose a threat and we can monitor them easily. We can pick a place on the Quinjet if you need."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"I got it," Buck says. Then, to Sebastion, "I can carry you until we get the wheelchair. That all right?" Because God knows, if anyone understands what kind of trauma unwanted touch can cause.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica gives Sebastion's shoulder a squeeze, as her expression falls at his admission. "I'll get a wheelchair, so it'll be ready. Don't push yourself too hard, okay Sebastion? We have to get you through this." Then, she looks to Bucky, her brow furrowed, but she shakes her head and calls Medical on her comm. "Meet us at the hangar with a wheelchair, asap. I will intercept you before you get there. Headed that way momentarily." The staff should not be surprised. Jessica has little patience for waiting. Anything she requests, she always meets halfway, because that's another few minutes of her life that she'll never get back, if she doesn't.

Bastion has posed:
Bucky is going to carry him? Sebastion doesn't look thrilled with this idea. "I used to be able to fly," he says, even if nobody asked, in a sort of quiet half amusement, half loss. "If I fall, then yes, better carry," grants the cyborg, but will make the most of his attempt to limp his way after them, with clear urgency to get moving. He doesn't know where the hangar is, though, so he will have to be led there.

With the team underway and moving, rapidly plans are put into place: A wheelchair is brought from medical (Sebastion doesn't actually fall down), and the group is moved into the jet. The weapon is there, as well, given over to Bucky, piloting left to Skye and Clint, with the others free to stare at Sebastion once he's been brought on board and moved from the chair into one of the seats.

"I will just need to be closer. Take care; I don't know if they will attack before I can network," Sebastion says, but seems relaxed in the chair he's been given inside the jet.

Quake has posed:
Skye had done her part:

Defy authority. Check

Faith against all odds. Check

Inspirational speech. Check

Secure Senior co-pilot to avoid future talking to by May. Check.

All that was left was clearing the tower, and then they were in the air, using Sebastian's directives to bring them closer to the Sentinels. Skye has a decent idea of projection ranges, so she's aiming for something in that range. And other than that, she's alert and at the ready should she be needed for anything else.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Well, most people are staring at Sebastian. Phil is holding his SHIELD tablet, looking over status reports and coordinating with the locals via text. Oh, and he has a map up of relevant information, including a search for where to park the Sentinels... which he turns around and shows Sebastian, "here will be fine." Phil offers, before he turns the tablet back around and bring up a call menu for Tony Stark, putting his bluetooth earpiece on for it.

Phil seems content to let Skye and Clint handle navigation while he handles coordination.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"And I used to have two good arms. Tell me about it, buddy," Buck says, drily, as they head for the jet.

And once they're there, well, it's a good thing he doesn't have to hold Steve's vibranium backpack leash, for once. Leaves him fee to be the sword of Damocles as needed....though being aloft and heading towards combat is enough to raise the fine hairs on the back of his neck.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint has one eye on the navigation systems and one eye on the radar, keeping a close eye on the sentinels in the air. Push comes to shove, the quinjet has a gatling cannon and a rack of missiles to defend itself with. Though if Seb comes through, hopefully, none of it will be needed.

"You good, Keyboard?" Clint asks Skye as they get into position.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Yeah," Jessica replies to Bucky, looking over at Sebastion in the seat next to her. "So did Sebastion. He took fire trying to save civilians from sentinels, and that's how he lost /his/ arm." She glances at Bucky, and back to Sebastion. "Hey, let's hope after this, we can get some real repairs started, yeah? It's about time we played catch in the yard, or somethin'." She gives Sebastion a mischievous grin, and turns to look out the window. "Are we there yet?"

Bastion has posed:
From afar, the Sentinels are just dots, human shaped things hanging in the air. There's approximately fifty of them: in two clumps. Twenty on one side, the other thirty on the other. Below them is the smoking rubble in patches from the huge downed Sentinel, the massive chest pieces having collapsed most of a warehouse just on its own. One of the clumps of sentinels, the smaller number, had started to spiral downwards, in a very even way, like a flock of birds, but it is doing it very slowly and methodically, as if it were scanning.
en the jet gets close, though, the reality of the situation may be more apparent. Each Sentinel is three stories high; they are truly massive, and the distance is very misleading: but coming among them brings the reality of what they're dealing with. They are metal monsters.

"Catch can wait. .... Yes. We're close. I'll begin," Sebastion says from his chair. He doesn't appear to actually do anything, though, other than sit there.

The nearest Sentinels begin to orient on the plane, and most of them lift palms towards it in an eerie 'welcome' of open palms: the same motion they do to scan, or to attack with their hand weaponry.

For Phil's call, there is a reply, though it probably isn't from Tony personally, the message did get conveyed. The Avengers are aware of the Sentinel problem and explosion, and the information is appreciated. Then, a little later, a more specific message, of: 'Wait, you are bringing WHAT out here?! The last time Sebastion had these and lost connection, they murdered people in the streets. Give me your-- never mind, I see you.'

Quake has posed:
Skye's attention is on keeping the quinjet safe. Though if things get hairy, that's what Clint is there for. She'd been flying now for a bit, but never in a firefight.

"Totally good, Hotshot. Use your judgement. And see if any of the instruments are registering what they're doing. Actually.. hold her steady for a minute for me?"

She's not sure if it's important or not, but she'd like to see if she can match their scanning frequencies. Not to interfere (Unless she has to), but to register them. Just in case.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Yeah, he expected that one. Tony with his usual 'Starkness'.

"It's this or turn this city into a gigantic battlefield to take them down, Stark. If they go berserk, we'll have confirmation of hostile intentions and I can shut him down with cause." Coulson explains to Tony. Then, he's looking to Sebastian, "he's doing his thing now." Phil notes over the line.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The raised hand has Clint's finger a hair's breadth away from pulling the trigger, but he holds off, grabbing the control yoke and giving Skye a nod. "Got it, do your thing," he says keeping the Sentinels in their scopes.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Steady, guys. That's just how they say hello." She looks from the sentinels out the window, back to Sebastion. "You've got this. I have faith in you, Sebastion." Whether he is even listening is debatable.

"He lost connection with them when he got shot, by the way," Jessica interjects. "I figure that's one more good reason not to have a hair trigger on that thing," she says, nodding to Clint and Bucky.

Iron Man has posed:
"/I/ liked door number three, Tony saves the day," is the first part of the arrogant reply. "Yeah, he's got the Sentinels now, whether or not he's telling you about it. You now have a worse problem, by the way," His Royal Starkness lets Phil know. "Keep him in range of those Sentinels or we risk them going berserk. He's got an army to leverage now. I'll see what I can do to take it from him safely, if you don't continue to give more weapons to the malfunctioning robot riding with you, that would be great."

The Sentinels outside don't open fire, but they do crowd in, and begin to follow the jet. Palms drop, but they are really close to the jet now, creating a tight vanguard. There's a lot of them. They are clearly following, as more of them are brought into line, giving their attention to the jet. The group that had started to descend are now coming up, as well. It appears they are being gathered up. Sebastion just seems focused on what he's doing.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"I'll keep that in mind." Phil quips back to Stark, "We're taking them out beyond the city once we're done."

While he was speaking, he was looking outside the windows to the Sentinels. He had seen pictures of them, but has never been this up close.

Hopefully, this wasn't a huge mistake.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"You might want to keep an eye out, Coulson," Jessica offers. "If Sebastion has the sentinels, they should pose no threat to us. However, whoever we are /taking/ them from...well, they might see it differently. Just watch for hostiles amongst this big happy parade, yeah? If one little jet has all their goodies held captive, operative protocol would be to take out that one little jet."

Bastion has posed:
"Someone is trying to redirect them," Sebastion says suddenly, at Jessica, in a strange mix of anger. He orients, looking towards the side of the plane, and lifts his own hand. He only has one hand, so it's just the one, perhaps trying to extend his own scans. Skye's instruments will show that's true.

"I almost have them all," Sebastion says, unclipping his seatbelt, and forcing himself to get up, clearly intending to go take a walk down towards the back hatch, limp extreme. "I have to get them ALL," Sebastion says, way too much like an overly focused psychopath.

Outside, the Sentinels all turn to the north, and beams and bolts start to fire off from sentinels all around the jet, creating a hellish, blinding landscape of flame and plasma, as the army unloads.

"As much fun as I'm having right now, with this truly great opportunity to practice dodging and find out how many shots my armor can take from these," Tony says, voice tight to Phil, "Can you maybe not shoot at----" ...

Quake has posed:
"We could fly directly at Tony," Skye offers. "Run interference. Let Sebastion.." She's not sure what, but something. Clearly he thinks he can do something.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint feels a bit of sweat on his brow as the Sentinel's close in, but he keeps things steady, finger loose above the trigger waiting for the Sentinels to make a hostile move,"Yeah, we gotta help Tony out, not sure how that's going to effect Ash Ketchum back there getting them all but we can't let them take Tony down either."

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Right, I see that. Sebastian, stop them from shooting the man, please. Tony, stop trying to take control until we get the Sentinels out of the city please. We can discuss what to do with them after that. Sebastian obviously does not like the interference, and we're already commited." Phil speaks to both of them at once. "He's a bit focused on getting them all."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh for the love of...What's Tony trying to do?" Jessica unbuckles and trails Sebastion back toward the hatch. "Sebastion, come on. You nearly have them all. Keep calling them, and let's get moving. They'll come. Just breathe." She realizes only a split second too late that her usual calming phrase may mean nothing to Sebastion.

Bastion has posed:
Sebastion has headed to the back hatch area since nobody stopped him, and Bucky has trailed him, though he hasn't shot Sebastion yet. Bucky will wait for an order before he does that, as he's a good soldier.

"It's evading the Sentinels. It isn't human. I cannot scan it," Sebastion tells Jessica flatly. All of the Sentinels around them are either creating a solid wall of their bodies around the jet as if to protect and vanguard it, or are shooting at the distant moving target, or both.

"It is 'Tony'?" Sebastion demands suddenly, realizing that they are discussing the target that he's trying to shoot to bits. He stops some. "He is human," Sebastion says, as if that changed everything. Human, protected. Without any change in his manner, the Sentinels all stop shooting. It's very eerie.

"I have them now. He won't take them again," Sebastion says, flat. "We can land. I have them. Everyone is safe."

Quake has posed:
That's really all Skye needs. She knows a perfect place to lead them to. One quinjet playing Pied Piper, coming right up.

Phil Coulson has posed:
When Tony doesn't respond to his request, /and/ Sebastian makes it clear that 'human's are protected along with everything else, 'evil' takes on a suspected -and now almost certainly confirmed- meaning.

That in itself changes everything for Phil, on his end.

But he stays quiet about that... and instead sends off a text on his tablet for local S&R to go and find Tony, letting the Avengers know about the situation as well. Phil would go find Stark himself... but they have Sentinels to handle.

Time to play Pied Piper. "Floor it." Like he needs to tell Skye twice.

Quake has posed:
Skye does not need telling twice. But then again, she's really wanted to floor one of these babies for a long time.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Avengers," Jessica says into her second comm. "Tony has gone MIA on my coordinates. He engaged the sentinels airborne over the city. Do NOT engage the sentinels. They are currently under control and protection of Sebastion. We are relocating them outside the city to put them down. Repeat, do /not/ engage them if you encounter them. We just need to find Tony and make sure he's all right. Currently unresponsive, but communications may have been damaged." She looks out the window and wraps an arm around Sebastion, giving him a squeeze. "I knew you had this," she says encouragingly.

Bastion has posed:
"I promised," says the Sentinel Sebastion to Jessica, firmly, and nods at her once. He doesn't seem focused anymore, just tired. He eases to sit back down.

The jet can make it easily to the new location, and land. All around it, Sentinels start to come out of the sky, making the ground shake as they land, and stomp around into formations, neat rows of huge, towering mechanical automatons.

"They're yours to do what you want," Sebastion says to the group.

Meaning, they're Sebastions, but he's taking requests. Supposedly.

Quake has posed:
Skye lands hte jet, andd sits quietly at the controls. Perhaps too quietly. Alright, it's way too quietly. She's just been hit with the realization that she passed muster as human enough, and it's left her feeling sick to her stomach. Especially in light of past conversations with Sebastian. Really, it's proably best all around if she's not the one giving instructions to Seb at the moment. She's not really known for keeping her displeasure to herself.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
As the quinjet lands, Clint looks over to Skye, "You okay?" he asks her. Dumb question, the answer was clearly no, but he asks all the same. For the moment his attention moves from the screens, trusting that Seb will keep the Sentinels at bay.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Thank you, Sebastion," Jessica says softly, and she seats herself next to him again. "You can rest, I'm not going anywhere. If you need anything, all you have to do is tell me." Jessica looks out the window at the new sentinel city, as she rubs Sebastion's shoulder. "You did a fantastic job."

Iron Man has posed:
Finally, to the question about if Tony's okay, there's a reply. "I'm /always/ great," Tony replies, though he sounds like he might have gotten a little bit shot (or at least, his ego did, just a BIT). "We'll be taking those off his hands, though; don't let him get too comfy," Tony comments in a private way that Sebastion won't be privy to. "And maybe next time, /listen/ to me, I'm always right," Tony suggests, before cutting communications.

Phil Coulson has posed:
As they head for their destination, Phil brings up his tablet, calling into hangar control again, "This is Agent Coulson, I need another Quinjet fueled and sent to these coordinates." Phil will be sticking around for this one. "We're going to be keeping the Sentinels here until we can deal with them without turning the landscape into scorched earth."

Phil looks to the others, "I'll be staying on site to be sure things go smoothly. Anyone who wants to go back can go in the Quinjet coming to pick you up. Good luck."