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So. How Was Your Day
Date of Scene: 30 July 2019
Location: Wanda's Room - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Wanda and Josh talk about his having killed a demon with his mutant power, then news of escalating Sentinel situations breaks
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Scarlet Witch

Elixir has posed:
Josh wrapped up studying for a bit in time for dinner. He texted to Wanda to see if she would be around and smiled to himself when she said she would be. Earlier after Wanda had gone out to get a few things done, Josh had taken some time to tidy up a bit. There was no actual cleaning to be done, that was taken care of, but he still felt he should be doing his part. It also felt... normal.

When Wanda does get back, Josh is in the kitchen overseeing the making of a simple meal. There are too many pots out for making pasta, and the cutting board has the remnants of a few different vegetables. Josh has yet to master the art of cleaning as he cooks. He is also cooking off a recipe on his phone in his email. At least the place smells good, as long as one likes spaghetti, onions and garlic bread.

"Yeah, I know! It's crazy," Josh says to someone on the phone.

"You should have told Dr. Moore about your mutation though, man, he was full on drooling out the side of his face when we showed him the video from the bus thing," comes a male voice on speaker.

"I didn't wanna make waves, I was just stoked to have the lab internship. And now medical... Oh, hey, Wanda's home. I'm gonna run. Thursday, I'll come to the lab so we can do lunch. Sound good?" Josh says.

"Awesome, see you then."

Josh taps a button on his phone and smiles broadly for Wanda. "Hey! Welcome home!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
As the door opens, the sound of Jarvis can be heard conversing with the auburn-haired woman. "... dealt with by the authorities." Wanda gives a nod of her head and asks, "Anything else?" Jarvis replies, "There is a Michael Jackson flashmob on the Lower East side disrupting traffic. Other than that, the city is currently peaceful. By New York standards."

Wanda gets a faint grin at that, shutting the door and saying, "Thank you Jarvis, that'll be all then." She walks over to Josh with a little bit of a swaying walk, wearing a pair of shorts and a thin long-sleeve striped shirt.

A soft kiss is given to Josh's cheek, or lips if he turns to accept it there, and a soft side hug that is left to linger. "Oh, you are already making something," she says, her hand going to rub the small of his back. "What can I do to help?" she asks, looking around the kitchen.

Elixir has posed:
He certainly does to accept it and smiles. "Yeah, it might even be edible," he adds. "No guarantees though. You could grab the wine, that would be sweet."

"How was your day?" he asks, going back to stir the sauce.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda lingers for a few moments. The bond seems always noticeable, but this close to him again makes the feelings such a warm glow within her. She savors it for a moment, and slides her hand over his back up to his shoulder before moving on to the counter where her fingers can't reach him. She pulls a bottle of red from a little stand that holds four bottles.

Wanda gets the corkscrew and begins opening the bottle. "You haven't done me wrong yet," she says of Josh's cooking. The cork comes out with a plopping noise, and Wanda gets two glasses from the cupboard. After letting it breathe for a bit, she pours two small glasses for them to enjoy while the cooking finishes.

Wanda sets Josh's on the counter near him, and moves around to a stool on the other side of the counter, facing the handsome blonde-haired younger man. "So, I was wondering if you felt up to talking about yesterday?" she asks him. Probably not talking about what ensued after the shower. Though that was noteworthy.

Elixir has posed:
Josh leans into Wanda's touch while he stirs and she can feel the return of his feelings for her. It a sweet moment to savour. Josh sighs happily when it breaks and Wanda pours the wine.

"Yeah, that," Josh answers. He picks up his glass of wine and leans against the counter facing Wanda. The question was no surprise and the topic was clearly not far from his thoughts.

"I killed something, Wanda," he says with a grimace. He pantomimes reaching out with one hand. "I touched it and killed it, I don't even know what it was. Some kind of demon... thing," Josh says. He shudders remembering the feel of it. "I had to, I couldn't stand that thing /being/. And the glow, you know what I mean? It was /black/ and I ashed the fucking thing. Just like that."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda rests her elbows flat on the counter, holding onto the glass with both hands as she listens to Josh. She gives a slow nod, biting her lower lip for a moment.

"I could feel how badly it affected you," Wanda says. "Something demonic, it's difficult to say how anyone is going to react to something like that. I wasn't there, but for me? I can often sense their wrongness, even before I know they are there," the magically sensitive woman says.

She rises from her stool and walks around the counter again, stopping by Josh's side, leaning her backside against the counter behind him as she faces him. "How are you feeling about what happened now?" she asks him quietly.

Elixir has posed:
Josh nods. "I'm not surprised," he says of Wanda's sensitivity. "I dunno how you deal with that shit. The thing was alive but so /wrong/. And Magik was pissed I killed it. Jubilee said Magik swore revenge or something after I passed out."

Josh sips from his wine. "I dunno. Not as freaked out. I mean, I was fucking freaked out, I didn't think I should've even been able to do that. And when I did it, it made it hard to heal. But after last night with you? I think I was just wrong about what I am. You're better at this stuff than me, what'd it mean to you?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff gives her full attention to Josh, her expression gentle as she listens, nodding now and then. "Hopefully she will understand," Wanda says of Magik, and sounding just a little harder than her normal tone of voice. Her eyes also flare just a bit at the suggestion of someone seeking to hurt Josh.

Wanda takes a slow breath and lets those other emotions out with the expelled air. "I sensed a great power within you. The one that powers your healing," Wanda tells him. "I don't think that is all it is. Instead, I suspect because you are a good person, that is the form it manifests in. I think perhaps what you experienced with this demon, was it manifesting in a more... aggressive way."

Wanda sets her glass down and uses that hand then to reach over to rest on Josh's arm. "It's much the same as many other powers then. My own included. You have control over how you use it. To heal. Or to harm. Perhaps." Her voice softens further. "I could sense light and darkness within you. Perhaps, a filter for your power. The light far outweighed the dark. But you have been through hard times, and those leave marks."

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah? Well, you do an amazing job with it, so means it's not impossible," Josh says, sounding and feeling more reassured. "I mean, I guess the impossible is your specialty, but if I do half as good I'll be on good ground."

Josh leans in and kisses Wanda.

"Oh shit," he says and turns back to the stove. Josh pulls the pot of boiling water off the stove and pours the pasta into the strainer in the sink. When he checks on the garlic bread it's a little crispier than he planned. He shoots Wanda an apologetic grin at the sight of it.

What happens next is a bit like a dance. Wanda steps around Josh as he moves back to mix the pasta and sauce. She cuts the bread and puts slices down on plates that appear from Josh just as she is ready for them. They slip past each other, Wanda grabbing both wine glasses. Josh picks up the plates, and they set two places for themselves beside each other, reach across one another without getting the least bit in the way. There is no bumping or awkward dance in the kitchen or even real question about where they would sit and set themselves up. It just happens. Synchronicity.

Josh sits down at the same time as Wanda and then blinks.

"What just happened?" he says and laughs.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I think I'll be the one trying to keep up with you," Wanda tells him, reaching though the space between his arm and side to pick up a glass, pulling out away just before he moves in that direction. Note quite individuals in how they move. And as Wanda sits down and Josh blinks, she lets out a soft, warm laugh. "I... don't know really. But I liked it," she tells him, reaching over to slip her fingers into his and squeeze.

Wanda smiles and spoons some of the food onto Josh's plate, knowing exactly when to stop without needing to be told. "It does mean you need to do the same as anyone else. Keep a hold on your anger. Like a parent around a child, that has more ability to hurt by accident, even though that is not the parent's, or your, way."

Wanda takes a sip of her wine. "I liked having you there while we were working on Vision. While I couldn't spare a lot of time for conscious thought about it... feeling you there with me was a great comfort. I'm so glad it succeeded," she says.

Elixir has posed:
"Glad it helped, didn't want to distract you, but I definitely wanted to be there for you. I could tell it was hard," Josh says seriously. Then he grins and bumps Wanda's shoulder.

"But how wild was that? You did it. They couldn't have done it without you, and you pulled it off. Can't say I doubted you would," Josh admits. "You were so focused. Never felt you like that."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"It really put things into perspective, I think, losing him," Wanda says. "Not that the people who have been hurt don't matter, but when it's one of your own it always hits a little harder," she says, shaking her head. "Now we need to just deal with Sebastion, and Trask, once and for all and put an end to the manufacture of these-"

Wanda's words are cut off by Jarvis interrupting. "Pardon me, Wanda, Mr. Foley. There is a television broadcast involving your father that I believe you will wish to know about," he says.

Wanda puts down her napkin and stands up, going over to the couch to watch the broadcast. Magneto, declaring Genosha at war with any nation harboring Sentinels. And then showing a metallic fortress the size of two helicarriers lifting off from Genosha and flying off into the setting sun to the West.

Elixir has posed:
Josh wipes his mouth on his napkin and follows after Wanda. He watches first with curiousity and then slack faced shock.

"Oh shit... He wouldn't really...," he starts then cuts himself off and looks the woman he loves. To him it was terrible, shocking news. But the man was her father. Josh reaches out and rests a hand on Wanda's arm.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is staring at the television, her shock felt as well as visible on her face. When Josh approaches, Wanda reaches for him without looking away from the TV as it shows continued images of the flying fortress, her arm going about Josh's waist. His presence is a balm for her emotions, and Wanda leans her head gently against the taller man's shoulder.

"I thought he was doing such a good job, staying a course of opposing them on the corporate level instead of... this," she says, sighing. Her hand on Josh's far hip tightens just a little. "Lorna will be there with him. Soon, if not already," she says.

She takes a slow breath. "Hopefully the government is already shedding any Sentinels they've had," she says. Though her tone tells the story that she doubts that to be entirely the case.

Elixir has posed:
Josh puts his arm around Wanda's shoulders and kisses the top of her head.

"I guess the Sentinels pushed him too far," Josh says somberly. "I dunno if the government even knows what it's doing with the Sentinels. I get these news summaries from my team, like alerts? NYPD is doing some big raid on Trask's Sentinel factory in Jersey and his tower in town. They're accusing his company of like, spying or hacking and killing people and stuff. Gotta wonder if anyone's in control... Specially now. The fucking things are on the rampage again, like before."

"Shit," Josh swears lightly and squeezes Wanda gently. "Is your dad gonna be okay? I mean, if brings that thing near the US, they'll try to stop him."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda looks over to Josh and she gives a little shake of her head. "You haven't seen the other bit of news," she says. The TV coverage has switched to commentators discussing what is going on. "Jarvis, bring up the Friends of Humanity news summary," she says.

The TV switches over, showing a written report on half of the screen, and video clips on the other half showing the Friends of Humanity terrorist in black ski mask at the Sentinel Factory in Virginia they'd raided, saying they are sending Sentinels out after mutants.

Wanda looks over to Josh, sighing and resting her head on his shoulder. "They'll try to stop him. And he'll keep coming," she says softly. "I need to try to talk him out of it before he gets here. Hopefully the others can work on the US government. But they'll protect their homeland regardless I'm sure," she says.

Elixir has posed:
"Fuck," Josh snaps when he sees the Friends of Humanity segment.

"This is all so bad. I hope you can talk him down... Shit. It's not just the government that'll try to stop him, Wanda. It's the team, too," Josh says looking worried, but he stands steady for Wanda and tempers his own reaction to be more even for. "I could end up on a mission to stop him. I really don't want that."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda turns away from the television, and the sound is reduced by Jarvis as their attention moves away from the video. She looks over to Josh and reaches up her hands to rest on his shoulders. "I don't either. But, go with your heart, if so. I trust what you decide. There won't be a wrong answer from my standpoint," she tells Josh.

The world seems like it is spinning out of control in that moment, yet rather than taking Wanda with it she feels more in control than ever. Her heart seems to swell as she realizes the reason is the man standing before her. "I love you. We'll make it through this. We all will," she tells him before moving in to hug her man tightly.

Elixir has posed:
"Of course we will," Josh says, surprised, as if the thought they would not were completely foreign to him. Josh smiles and holds Wanda close. "Without a doubt."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda sighs and takes comfort in the feeling of his arms around her. Knowing that events may move at a fast pace, so enjoying this bit of peace together while they can.

Jarvis cuts in. "Wanda, there are 911 calls that two Sentinels have attacked that flash mob I previously mentioned. However, satellite images show they are lying in the street now, apparently disabled."

The TV looks down from above on city streets that are cloaked in a heavy, unnatural fog that is only starting to burn off. One Sentinel is laying on its back, it's head completely smashed in and blown apart. There is ice covering a lot of its joints. The other is ripped in half, the feet up to the knees appearing to stand on their own, and encased in ice, while the head is smoking out of a myriad of holes in it, lying with the torso as if it fell forward and broke in two. There is no sign of anyone, but Josh will definitely recognize some of Bobby Drake's ice paths he slides on.

Elixir has posed:
"That's us," Josh sighs. Reluctantly he lets Wanda go.

"I gotta call in," Josh says. He kisses Wanda's cheek, then walks back to the kitchen to check his phone. He calls in and talks only briefly before coming back.

"I dunno what's going on, but they don't need me right now," Josh says when he walks back over. He takes both of Wanda's hands in his and smiles just a bit, catching her eyes.

"What do /you/ need right now?" he asks softly.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Jarvis, TV off please," she says and then leads her head in close to Josh's, resting her forehead against his. "You. Just you," she tells him quietly. "Let's eat our delicious dinner that you made. And then lets enjoy the rest of the evening together. It may be a busy few days to come," she tells him.

Wanda offers his lips a nuzzle of her own before letting go to move back to the table. "I was wondering, do you like Broadway shows? You're welcome to laugh at me for even asking, of course," she says with a small grin.

Elixir has posed:
"You got me," Josh promises. He joins Wanda back at the table and shakes his head at the change in topic. No different than with the X-Men. Invasions to Broadway in a single step.

"No laughing," Josh promises. "I've never been to a show. I'd totally go with you, be cool to see what it's like. What do you wanna see?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's face lights up a little bit. "So you're saying, you're a virgin," Wanda says. Her eyes have a twinkle to them, especially as she doesn't normally make those kind of jokes. Perhaps it's meant to be a little bit of extra levity after the day's news.

"Oh, there's a few I wouldn't mind seeing, but if you haven't been and have a preference, you get to pick. The Sound of Music is running again. And Fame. Hamilton. Man of La Mancha, that's a musical about Don Quixote. Oh, and Grease. Any of those I'd like to see," she tells him.

Wanda starts back in the pasta, giving Josh a smile after tasting it. "Very nice," she says. "Even with me coming in and distracting you while you were cooking," she says. There's a sound under the table. Like a shoe falling to the floor. Wanda takes a sip of her wine, not looking over as Josh feels a foot rubbing along the side of his calf and moving upwards.

Elixir has posed:
Josh laughs. "Definitely a virgin," he says. "So don't take advantage of me! I don't know any of those though, so whatever you want I'm in."

"Thanks, just followed a recipe I got from..." Josh pauses and looks up at Wanda with a bit of a grin. "...one of the girls in my organic chem class."

Josh sips his wine. "For a sweet and innocent Transian girl, you're a whole lot of trouble, you know," Josh says with a quirk of the lips.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Based on Wanda's sweet demeanor and relatively neutral expression, one might never suspect what was continuing to happen under the table. Wanda just looks across at Josh as she gets a bite of pasta on her fork and eats it, gazing across at him and managing, somehow, to keep herself from smiling.

"Well, I think Sound of Music then. You /have/ seen the Julie Andrews movie version though, right?" she confirms. Wanda gets a sip of her wine, before asking, "So now that you've had a chance to look at the medical bay, what do you think of it? Some of the machinery take some of the fun out of it?" she asks with a small smile.

Her foot, meanwhile? Bad bad bad.

Elixir has posed:
"I haven't seen it, maybe we should, ah, put it on some time," Josh says, trying to eat his pasta naturally. He finds himself in slight discomfort.

"Medical, great," he says and clears his throat. "People seem cool, I'm gonna learn a lot. And they, ahem, want me to experiment. With, ah, things I can do."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's smile reveals the pride that Josh will sense through the bond. "I didn't have any doubt they would take to you immediately," she says. "And... at your own pace. It is a chance to learn more, but I don't know that anyone here has anything on Henry McCoy when it comes to mutant powers. You can always so no if it's not something you want to do," she says supportively.

She isn't even having to slouch in her chair. Long, slender legs giving her a surprising amount of reach it seems.

"I'm going to visit the Atlantean Embassy about the impressions I have about the magic in Hook. I'd take you but I know your exam that day," she says. "I'll let you know what they say though."

Elixir has posed:
"No, I mean yes, I will ah, say no, but it's cool, I wanna try some things," Josh says with increasing discomfort.

Josh finishes a mouthful of pasta and washes it down. It takes a lot of focus to top up their wine glasses without spilling.

"Atlantis," he says and can no longer quite keep the grin away. "They're kinda touchy, aren't they? Don't let them catch you in anything."

With the last of words Josh does catch something, Wanda's foot, with one hand. The Transian woman feels a sudden rush of sensation ripple through her, a taste of dessert.

Josh lets her go and takes a bite of his garlic bread. He stares right at Wanda with a big grin on his face. "That works," he observes.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda shivers at the unexpected sensations. She grins across the table at him. "You know, we haven't really experimented, ourselves," she comments. "I... did not know you could do that in quite that way," she tells him, still feeling the good kind of shivers along her calf and thigh that radiated out from his touch.

Wanda smiles over at him and then sets down the wine glass before rising to her feet and walking around to his side of the table to settle in his lap. "Jarvis, turn down the lights would you? And... no more calls for the rest of the night."

The nights dim to the sound of Wanda's delighted laugh.