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Some Kind of Teacher
Date of Scene: 03 August 2019
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Emma and Rift talk school and career plans and the limits of science. And when Rift worries about whether she has a future with the X-Men, Emma is all too happy to point out that she may have other opportunities in life. She's such a helpful sort, really!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Rift

Emma Frost has posed:
Miss Frost has only returned to the school in the last couple of weeks, from whatever globe-trotting business trip or (possibly more likely) upscale luxury vacation she was treating herself to. It's good timing, with the school just beginning to make preparations for the fall term in about a month or so. In the meantime, though, Emma has made a number of appearances at the mansion, so any of the students living there would have gotten a chance to see her about. She makes quite an impression, if sometimes a somewhat scary one: "You know I can *hear* what you're thinking of doing in the girl's dorm, Jeremy. I suggest you purge such thoughts, promptly. This isn't some dreadfully vulgar 80s comedy."

Rift has posed:
The foyer lights up with a red flare of light as a portal tears open against a wall. The portal shows a hint of the New York City skyline as a girl who is glowing with an eerie red aura emerges, a binder tucked under her arm. She appears to be wearing formal clothes (hard to tell through her aura which washes the clothes off) and sighs, the portal and her aura winking out. "Idiots," she mutters as she flops down on a chair, brushing dust off of her blouse - then meeeps as she looks over at you. "Oh, hi Ms. Frost."

Emma Frost has posed:
With an icy glare worthy of her name, Emma continues to stare after the suitably chastened young man as he scurries off. Then she gives a little roll of her eyes and turns, presumably to continue off wherever she was headed, when the light show heralds a new arrival. Now, this being Xavier's, sudden arrivals via teleportation are hardly the most unusual occurrence. But they do occasionally bear interesting surprises, and so the woman pauses until she can see who it is that arrives. She doesn't quite know the individual special effect well enough to guess! "Ah, hello. Are you still attending? Or just still living at the mansion?" Evidently she has a good memory. Or maybe she cheats, who knows.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles faintly. "I was just talking to the admissions staff at Empire State. There was some kind of mixup with my paperwork that I had to deal with. Mostly due to some errors on their part." She flops down. "Got it straightened out." She ponders. "Wow, these formal clothes are so uncomfy. I should go and get into something far better." She then smiles faintly. "You seemed upset right before I entered - did something ahppen?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"Oh, how troublesome. You don't need anything from the administration here to smooth things out, do you?" Here, Emma gives a quick hairtoss that seems to come with its own aloof aura. "I'm only barely on staff myself, but if you needed something, I could happily put a word in." Or just brainwash Scott into doing it, or something. That's always good for a laugh. "Well, if you need to change, don't let me hold you up. Hmm?" The question has her glance back in the direction she sent the poor (well, ok, gross) young man running. "Oh, nothing out of the ordinary. Just upholding a little order and discipline among the underclassmen. You wouldn't believe the things some of them think about getting up to."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Well... I'm sure everyone thinks things they'd never do." She shrugs. "But having a random thought and having the acutal plans of implementing it might be very different." She sighs softly as she looks down at the binder - as her own thoughts are racing - thinking of the X-Men - she would love to join them. "Anyway - getting settled back in? It's been a few weeks... you were gone a while after all. I always enjoyed how you bring an energy to whatever you do - it's very refreshing."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mmm. I know, I know, it must sound terribly fascist thought-control of me. In my defense, I am usually very good about not prying when I do not have a good reason." Usually, she says. "For me to hear something just by accident, someone has to be thinking it rather... hard? So it is sort of like the difficulty in not eavesdropping when people are shouting." Emma gives a very graceful shrug, looking guilt-free regardless of how it is perceived. "In any case, putting a little fear into the children is always beneficial, I find. You have to nurture them, of course, but establishing proper discipline is essential." Jean, she is not. But she lets it go after that. "Mmm, yes, I am getting into the hang of things here, I suppose. There is quite a lot going on, and I do not mean to... poke in unduly, though I am trying to make sure everyone knows I am available to assist where it is useful. Now that you've graduated, do you have plans here... beyond the education?" She IS cheating there, but hey.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "I'm starting my second year of college in a physics major. I enjoy learning how my abilities can distort the very laws of the universe. Very amusing." She hmmmmmms softly. "But I have a dream - well, two of them. One I regretfully put aside - being a professional chef - you know, like the next Emeril - and the other..." She looks around - then whispers "I want to be an X-Man." Very quietly.

Emma Frost has posed:
When the younger woman explains the way her choice of discipline intersects with her abilities, Emma nods with obvious approval. "That is a very wise choice. What you, and many here, can do naturally is powerful- but we are still children of natural law. Studying a related discipline may allow you to use your powers far more effectively, along with potentially finding great mundane success. It's part of why we do some neuroscience at my company, naturally." And while ice-hearted Emma doesn't seem terribly empathetic over giving up on her first dream, the second draws the slightest of smirk. "Oh, is that so? Well, I suppose that isn't uncommon around here. Have you considered further classes *here*? And not the college-equivalent sort." Probably the 'fight holograms in the danger room' sort.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly. "Yes. I hone my abilities in the Danger Room. With Scott Summer's now-defunct faXion program, and now with the New Mutants. Always wanted to see what else is down there, but other than going to the medical bay once after getting shot by a redneck, never did. I don't want to push my luck." She smiles faintly. "Makes sense that a telepath would study neuroscience. But all I've really learned about my abilities in physics classes is that I shouldn't be able to do what I do. The portals kinda make sense mathemethically - but making something zero-G or walking on a ceilingn... there's no equation for."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Oh, that's Scott for you, isn't it? Always coming up with this program and that," Emma notes with a touch of amusement. "But it sounds like you have the right idea for going about things. It's good for you youngsters to have your own team, I think - I've run a few of those myself." Nevermind that they were kind of bad guys! "There's something about the youthful energy and exuberence. And it gives you a chance to learn while making your own decisions and mistakes, rather than simply taking orders. Beyond that, give it time, hmm?" As for where science declares mutant abilities impossible, she again adopts a somewhat smug, even superior sort of look. "That simply means you have a leg up on your studies. You *know* your answers are incomplete. In human history, science has never been one-hundred percent right. It's just a matter of realizing it and striving to get closer. You won't be fooled into arrogance by your own supposed knowledge."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "Good point - knowing that what I do is known to be impossible..." She smiles. "If we didn't have actual sorceresses here, I'd quote the advanced technology being mistaken for magic thing - but that'd be silly." She shrugs. "I just don't know how to get them to notice me. Last time I talked to people about it, I was told I'm too young. Even though I know some were joining the X-Men and still barely teenagers. It's a bit frustrating."

Emma Frost has posed:
The whole magic-technology thing is worthy of another eye-roll from Emma, who clearly doesn't care for such rabbit holes. "Again, call it a gap in understanding. We've barely got a handle on our own reality, so one should hardly expect that we would understand an entire broader cosmos of many dimensions and alternate natural laws. I would say you shouldn't allow yourself to be discouraged by such notions, and simply focus on what you can do and what you might learn from it." As for advice about gaining notice from the more veteran team, she can only give another vague shrug. "Dear, I wouldn't beat yourself up thinking about it. Nor get too wrapped up in the idea about theirs being the only team that matters. You can do what you can do, and that is amazing, isn't it? If it goes unappreciated, that is their error, not yours. But you will achieve greater things regardless."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "Oh - that's another good point. If the X-MEn won't take me - a flying superhero who can immobolize people harmlessly and can take a large group of people a sizable distance would be useful to someone." She hmmmmms softly. "I'll just keep working on my school and my powers - something will happen eventually."

Emma Frost has posed:
Here, Emma does smile fully, rare as that is for her. She may be a sort of ally, but it's not like she doesn't have a past where negging on the X-Men might seem par for the course. "Never count yourself short, dear. That's the greatest secret to success in life, assuming you have the ability to back it up. And among our kind, raw talent is rarely lacking. We can and are born do great things and should never doubt it." With this she resumes her more typically measured tone. "Good. Feel free to get in touch if you're having trouble, or if you ever just need someone to talk to. I'm always happy to listen."