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Was it ice that slain the beast
Date of Scene: 03 August 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Frost gives Damian the cold shoulder, but Damian still gets some interesting answers to his questions.
Cast of Characters: Killer Frost, Robin (Wayne)

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow is sitting in a small office, in one of her best dresses - an olive-green number - and is wondering why the son of a billionare would want to come see her. She's not doing anything that'd cause the attention of such. Just working on some more efficient refrigeration tech. A project that her 'sister' rather nagged her to work on for mutual benefit. Well - she couldn't argue the point - for one thing, if something happened, she is unlikely to get hurt. Cold doesn't bother her. At all. But nonetheless, she's sitting in there a bit nervous. It's not her personal office - it's one of a few the scientists share. She has a white lab coat over it, and... just waits, murmuring softly apparently to herself to pass hte time.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The limo pulls infront of the large building of course not near as fancy as normal as he had to rent on such short notice. Damian didn't mind though as it was all for the cover of the billionare's kid had they only knew where he really came from. He sighed in back as the door was opened and he came out to look at this building then up he gives a small nod as this place was actually not as bad as he thought it would be. Sure it wasn't tall as back home, but it looked deceptivly large.

Shaking his head again he brought himself back on goal, as he wasn't here to look at buildings, no he was here to talk to Caitlin Snow about something he had found. He reminded himself that it wasn't something he found, but that he had aquired as he walks into the building looking around. It is not long before he gets the "Can I help you, are you lost." that he usually got. He was short for his age, and a babby face to boot he didn't blame though it still got him a little riled up. He takes a deep breath, "I had an appointment with Caitlin Snow. I am Damian Wayne." which are the magic words for her to get up, and get him where he wanted to go. She might of apologized, or talked about other things though he did not listen at this point focusing on his goal.

He only speaks again after they let him into the office as she opens the door he walks in, thanks her, and then closes the office door once again with her outside. He then smiles and turns to Snow, "Hello! I am sorry for the rudeness but I would much rather talk to you alone." he waves a hand to the chair. "Can we sit?" He wears a dark black relaxed suit with a blood red shirt, and both look like they have been made with some very soft clothing. The suit looks like it was made for him, and he keeps good care of it though behind that suit was still a kid that looked maybe sixteen, as he did still as said earlier had that baby face.

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow Just blinks as she looks at the young man wearing black and dark red as he is brought in by the receptionist. She stands and extends her hand. (Her skin is a bit cool to the touch, but nothing remarkable.) "Hello, Mr. Wayne. I'm Doctor Caitlin Snow. I was told you wanted to talk to me personally?" she asks. "Why? I'm not working with your father's company, and am just researching more energy-efficient refrigeration." She sounds a bit puzzled. "Not quite my area of expertise, but it's a side-project I thought would be worth a bit of time to expand my skillset."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian gives a small laugh, and smiles though it doesn't reach his eyes, "Please is it Miss Snow? We have much better better acquisition department then just me." He would shake her hand at this point, and note that which he would find interesting as what he was here to talk with her about. "Well.. You see I have a problem. I don't know are you aware that I am from Gotham?" as he has realized that outside of Gotham the name fell a bit. He continues, "See we have an issue with some people there that are.. Well lets say both sides down there wear masks." he says slowly trying to explain it clearly.

He is quiet for a moment thinking about things, "Well see I am here to talk about the villians, as I think maybe you could help me." he looks at her directly when he talks he has a wierdly detatched look in his eyes but he talks normally continuing, "But for what I am going to say next.. I need you to relax" he says pulling out a small box. He turns it on, and sets it on the table though outwardly it doesn't seem to do anything, as the boy just smiles.

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow murmurs, "Doctor Snow," in a correcting tone. She earned her doctorates. "Yes, your father's empire is world-famous. I try to keep abreast of current events, and... hearing the scion of Wayne Enterprises wanted to see me is... confusing." She sighs softly. "And I'm aware of the vigilante probelm on both sides. On one you have the Batman - and the other, a bunch of lunatics in spandex like Poison Ivy and the Riddler. But what do I have to do with anything?" She then glances at the box, eyebrow raised, wondering what that little box is.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, "Of course Doctor snow, bio-engineering wasn't it?" he adds as he did know that about her though he just gives her that smile. He actually takes a seat and continues, "Well the issue is this your right, there are a bunch of lunatics in spandex either way you look at it." of course he was one of them, and he did fit what normal people would call lunatic though he believed he has stabalized at least. "They strike out do something, they get stopped by the Bats go to Arkham, and eventually it continues over, and over."

Damian sighs, "So is human nature there will always be criminals, but then I thought about it. While difficult people change." he glances at her still not saying what the box is. He knew she wanted to know, but let the question distract her so he might get a more honest answer. Finally he claps a little bit when he says, "That was when I thought of it! What if we turned them, these criminals though dangerous, give them the shot to get out of this loop they are in. Of course this is dangerous, and I am no shrink though I do like to think of myself as bright.. Which brings us to this." he turns looking at the box quietly for a moment.

He continues, "This is a box of Wayne Tech design, it is made to scramble all outward transmissions so the only people who can hear into this room is you, and me." he pulls out a folder from inside his jacket putting it on the table. It seems like Frost joyriding from one of the numerious cameras they passed this one in particular they are kind of hard to see as there is an ice projectile heading right for it from a laughing woman of ice. "I wanted to make sure it was safe to talk without interuptions so I can ask you some questions."

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow just blinks as she looks first at the scrambler - this must be serious - then at the picture. "I see the one known as Harley Quinn and the one known as Killer Frost. So why did you come to me?" she asks - tyring to maintain an air of neutrality. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the two women (Caitlin and the picture of Frost) look almost identical. "I don't have any skin in the spandex game."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian points to Ivy, "She has been approached, and is actually trying to stop the loop." he points to Harley in a different one, "So has she though deemed too dangerous to continue as she just loves what she does." though he shakes his head at that. Harley was a form of crazy ya didn't ask if they wanted out of the loop, and finally he points to Killer Frost. "This one has not returned, and so I looked into it finding all kinds of interesting things." he holds up the photo looking at it, almost to the point of putting them over each other, but doesn't say he knows just looks at the photo.

He smiles a bit, but looks over from the picture, "Sure she likes to go a little crazy at times, unlike the other two she didn't seem evil, or crazy. I wanted to know what changed her mind." he puts the photo back with a sigh, "I need your help to do that. I want to try to help all the people in that photo, and I am hoping maybe something that worked for her would help me."

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow just gazes at you, getting a bit uncomfortable at the questioning - quite sure she knows where this is going. "Okay. Why would you need my help? I don't think any of them need a doctor - and this Killer Frost reportedly can create her own cold so she doesn't need new refrigerationt techniques." She is bluffing, a bit of sweat on her brow, trying to divert suspicious away from herself. "I've never actually met her face to face so..."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian looks at her quietly not saying anything for a long moment that distant stare just looking at her he falls to silence thinking. He had danced around the topic so to give her time to adjust to it, and he wasn't here under any legal sense as he would of brought a lawyer if hat was true. He thought about what must be keeping her quiet even in this obvious situation, though from the outside is is just a 'cold' stare. Finally he rubs the brim of his nose and sighs, "Look.. I am not here to call you out." he starts, "I get it your good here, and from what I have seen you have been doing good things." he offers trying to fake empathy as he didn't know what that must feel like. "What is going to happen next is one of two things. The first thing is you can keep your secret it will be inconvient, but I will walk out that door back to my car and go home." he shrugs at this as obviously it isn't the one he wanted to do.

"Or option two, you can tell me what changed. Why you went from Killer to Doctor so maybe I can help some very sick people in Gotham get off this crazy train they are on to an early death." he sighs at this. "I am just trying to do some good her not threaten some random scientist that had a thrill ride in Gotham okay."

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow just stares at you as you speak, as she can't deny it anymore as she looks down to the picture, then back up at Damian. "I see. You believe that the supervillain Killer Frost - in the span of a few months - somehow disavowed her nefarious ways and her powers, and somehow assumed the identity of a doctor, right?" She ponders softly. "And you'er wondering if I know the secret of how I can 'cure' the 'crazy train'?" She raises an eyebrow - her entire demeanor has changed now. "Is that how you see this situation?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian looks at her, and is silent listening to her confortably, "Perhaps it was just a wild night, and there was nothing to change though I looked into that as well. You see, I have learned from observing Gotham that people like this tend to not care who knows so they follow the same thing over, and over." he shrugs a bit, "Did you know there are at least four people out there with ice powers natrual or manufactured." he shakes his head at that one. "Though strangly.. if one were to follow your path I wonder what would come up?" he asks curiously.

He smiles, holding a hand up, "But you are a Doctor, you did not fake that, and you hold a job so I think not only have you done it once, but multiple times." he answers her question. Though he does chuckle a bit before he answers the last question, "Is this where you threaten me? Walk away, or else.. well I already offered that. Not much more you can really ask me to do." looking around a bit with a shrug.

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow sighs softly. "Killer Frost is not a recent phenomenon. She is... a part of me." She gazes at you, and one of her eyes glows ice-blue for a few moments - the exact same glow that's seen in the photograph. "My sister in a way. It was... from my childhood. From what I got out of my mother... my father had ALS. I inherited it. He was a genius in his way, and came up with a cryogenic treatment." She shrugs. "It was successful - but not without cost. It fractured my psyche. She came out once apparently, when an accident happened. But - nothing until recently. I was having memory problems. Then I realized what happened... and... found a way to talk to Frost." She gazes at you. "We... have come to an arrangement. Fighting each other - is..." She sighs. "It's like fighting yourself. You can't win. And it only causes pain. So..." She then looks down at the cube. "I can call her forth if you want. Not sure what kind of greeting you'll get though - she's very confused."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, and listens as this is new information though he frowns more, as the more he hears. It wasn't Frost changing, it was Caitlin taking over that made the difference so it was unlike the others, and maybe of no use to him in this situation. He steepled his fingers and thought about it, in silence for a moment as he thought it would be wierd as he is perfectly still none of the natrual motions people make he is just sitting there quietly thinking about this new change in what he knew.

He is quite even after she finishes thinking about it for a moment, and considers maybe this didn't change anything but he was speaking to the wrong person, but if he talked to her the danger level of this encounter goes way up. He had a knife on him, but other then that most his tools were home as Damian Wayne did not carry that stuff. He looks at her calculating risk then finally speaks up to break the silence, "Well I want to ask her a single question. She was quite active doing some things, well lets say the capes wouldn't of approved." and smiles a bit, but continues, "Though I would say she has coo.... relaxed a bit from then. I want to know if there is anything here that influenced that decision. If I must ask her face to face I will." he states the determined look in his eyes, though no fair at addressing Killer Frost which may seem... odd.

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow nods slowly as suddenly Caitlin's hair turns white, and her eyes start to glow blue. Her breath fogs as she stares at you. She looks at you, a bit of a sneer on her face - not impressed. "Hello, little man. My sister told me you wanted to speak to me." Her voice has an eerie bell-like echo to it as she stares at you. Where Caitlin was respectful - Frost is impatient. "One question, I believe I heard?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian looks at her with a hard look as she calls him little man the training of reacting to danger comeing over he sits still though focused just incase. He is quiet as he already starts to feel the cold just with her being her, and while that was interesting in itself he had to focus. He wasn't quick about it though as he thought about how to word it finally he responds, "What changed that got you to go from just evil to the only kinda chaosish you are today?" he asks simply.

He didn't explain further about how he knew anything, or any games directly asking her as simply as he can as he knew his time with her was limited. He had to know though, as Frost had broke the chain even a little bit, and he kinda of got why, but she had changed herself so something had to of sparked it. He bought into the whole split personalities as where he was from that wasn't a strange condition, and so he went with it as this was a different person, different personality, and treated her thus. Though of course he did not speak anymore, he tried to phrase the question in a way that he aknowledged her change was her decision only wanted the cause.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost just blinks. "That... THAT is the question you have?" She just sits back as she gazes at you, curious. "How did you even end up finding me here in my sister's office?" She ponders as she gazes at you. The room temperature is slowly dropping - it's a small office. She sighs softly. "Compromise is the answer. I literally have a roommate in my skull. I can't get rid of her. She's nagging when I'm being bad. I got tired of it." She shrugs. "So - we found a way to talk - and we made some compromises. We don't question each other - but she doesn't mess with my plans, and I don't mess with hers. And..." She shrugs. "I got tired of her complianing when I really kill people - so I don't very often."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, and seems to seriously take her words, "I see.. So a constant complaining, and nagging to the point where you were forced to compermise. Though I don't think that is it." he looks at her still with those distant view he thinks about it. Though he does nod as if that is an answer he could work with he even adds an "I see.. yes that could do it. Roomate in the skull" to himself more then her. He looks up at her, "What you may seem as small can be deciving. It can be dangerous, or even life changing if used in the proper way." he explains a little bit, but careful to keep it short as it was still Killer Frost, and he didn't care to get frozen today.

He nods, and looks at her Frost, and all with a nod. "As far as how I found her." he stops thinking about it, and smiles at her with that smile that doesn't reach the eyes, "Maybe you should wear a mask?" he offers though doesn't exactly answer the question. He had a few excuses linned up, but leaves it vague as he was just natrually a paranoid person.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost raises an eyeborw. "Hmmmm. Maybe so... a mask would be rather fashionable. I tought the different hair and eye color, as well as the powers, and the voice would throw people off. You might have a point." She then states, "I just got tired of fighting. I couldn't have control of the body fulltime - it was a literal headache." She shrugs. "So. What are your intentions, boy?" she finally asks, again showing disrespect.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian noted personally that while they may seem to talk it didn't seem they shared any knowledge automaticly between each other. It was an interesting distinction, so he just marked it down for information to be considered later if needed. He nods to her, and doesn't interupt though he does sigh when she calls him boy. The cold stare he gives her as he thinks about if he were still in the league how he would react very differently though he comes back with a headshake of his own.

"My intentions are simple." and he shrugs a bit at that.. "I intend to break the chains, the villians, the cloaks, all of it. Because if we do nothing it changes nothing." as he speaks he looks at her and for once that distant look turns to focus on her. There is an intensity in it a drive that shows he is not going to back down from this, but then it returns to normal as he gives a short laugh, "Or maybe I am just another crazy from Gotham.. Either way I thought I would ask for your experience since you have been around for... so so very long." and gives a slight smile. He had grown tired of her calling him boy, and if those who are old should not throw age stones.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost growls softly as she stares at you, and is about to say something - when suddenly Caitlin takes over with her hair and eyes returning to brown. "And thank you for the thoughts, Mr. Wayne. I'm glad I was able to snag control - I think my sister was going to go icicle on you." She shrugs. "I don't know if I can help you, sadly." She ponders. "But I'll give it a try. However, Frost will need some convincing. Perhaps if you could bring us one of Mr. Freeze's suits that we could tinker with..." She shrugs.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As Kf grows at him his hand moves very slightly, from his suit arms drops a small dagger made out of ceramic, but sharpened to the point that it could easly cut through most things as his look changes into something much more serious much more dangerous. Though as Caitlin takes back over he flicks his wrist again, and it is gone just as fast. He just smiles, and nods like nothing happened at all and nods, "That wouldn't of been good!" he says in a happy tone standing, "She may not of think she helped, but she did give me some ideas so I do thank her despite her.. cold shoulder?" and grins at her slightly.

He offers a hand again, "That is a big ask, but I will see what I can do. Frost weapons are dangerous as is, so they are kept under a very big lock if you will." and chuckles a bit. He moves to the device, and before he turns it off he stops, "Though I wonder.. Which one of you really made that request... Humm." thinking about it as he picks up the device turning it off.

He nods to her once again, "Thank you for your time this has been informative, and do not worry Doctor had I wished to share this information I would have alreaddy. Though in the sense of cooperation I will leave it a mystery." chuckling and moving to the door. He thought about it for a moment he was moments from going for the jugular for he Ice lady himself if she had made any ice towards him, and perhaps he wasn't just asking for the villians. With a sigh he opens the door to head back out the way he came, and return to Gotham with this new information. Though strangly as he is walking away in a random reflection there is something that looks like a large boar with tenticals coming from its face, and red eyes looking at him. Only for a moment as if an illusion before it disapears, though that.... is a different story.