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Latest revision as of 00:58, 5 August 2019

Sounds Like Work, To Me
Date of Scene: 03 August 2019
Location: Birdland, NYC
Synopsis: Jess meets with Frank to let him know that she's not dead yet.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), Frank Quaid

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica had survived what, apparently, no one had thought possible. Her voicemail was a testament to that. A few of those voicemails were from Frank Quaid, and Jess was eager to touch base with him and assure him that rumours of her death had been greatly exaggerated. So, since he had been on duty and she had been unable to catch him for long, she made plans to meet him someplace where they could just talk.

As she enters the front doors of Birdland, Jess knows where to look. She finds Frank sitting at the same table where he sat the first time they really talked. Dressed in a deep red dress, haltered and tied behind her neck and fluttering down to her knees, she spies Frank and approaches him, carrying a black leather clutch. "This seat taken?" she asks as an instrumental ensemble plays onstage.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank turns his attention from the ensemble to Jess and straightens up reflexively.

"Matter of fact, no," Frank says as he gets to his feet.

He is obviously caught a bit off guard. Black suit, white shirt with the top button undone and tie neatly folded on the table, he had come from work to meet Jess. He sits down again after Jess.

"You look amazing for someone people said was near dead a couple days ago."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica gives a dismissive wave as she seats herself beside Frank. "People say a lot of things," Jessica says with a smile, as Jimmy hustles over. "Give Frank another, and I'll have a Scotch on the rocks. And put his tab on mine tonight," Jessica says, as Jimmy gives Frank the eye, and heads back to the bar.

"Do I look near dead to you? It'd take a lot more than a few terrorist aholes to take me down."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"You got it," Jimmy says and heads off.

"Near dead isn't how I'd put it," Frank admits with a raised eyebrow. "Glad you're alright. The stories had me worried."

Frank finishes off the drink he has.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I took a pretty good hit, but the medical staff was top notch," Jessica says with a shrug. "I'm sorry I worried ya. You know me and sentinels. I just can't keep my hands off 'em." She smirks and looks up at Jimmy as he returns with drinks. "Thanks, Jimmy. You're the best," she says brightly, giving him a smile as he sets them down and moves to the next table to wipe it down.

"I'm hoping you weren't in the thick of all that mess. It was definitely a rough night."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank snerks at Jess' comment about Sentinels. He thanks Jimmy as well. r
"I missed the worst of it," Frank says. "Only help I needed after was a good dry cleaner to get the dust out."

"To the good guys," Frank toasts and clinks glasses with Jess. He takes a sip before continuing. There is something appraising in Frank's look.

"The boys were pretty glad you showed up. We had a hell of a time with the shooters until you took out their toy."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Well, the boys had damaged it pretty heavily already, when I arrived. From the looks of that thing, I wasn't sure how much ammo they had put into it, but I was guessing all of it."

Jess takes a swallow from her glass and sets it down, giving it a thoughtful quarter turn. "Frank, I wish you weren't in the middle of this stuff all the time. I know it's your business, but it's getting rough - out of hand. Somethin's gotta give."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"It's the job. Told you about my predecessors, didn't I?" Frank says and takes another sip. "It's patrol that gets the worst of it. Warzone out there. I fly a desk now. No risk," he says with a wink.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica gives him a dubious glance, before she lifts her glass and takes another mouthful, holding it a moment before swallowing as she regards Frank. "You can say what you want. You don't get dry cleaner-worthy dust in your suit, flying a desk. I'm onto you, Frank..."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Uh oh," Frank says and chuckles. He claps when the ensemble finishes its piece. They strike up another, more mellow piece. A few people get up from their tables.

"You dance?" Frank asks.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica looks back to Frank and smiles. "Haven't in a while. Maybe it's time we got back into the habit? Shake some of the rust off, y'know?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
"How rusty can you be at 25?" he asks wryly. Frank stands up, offers a hand to Jess and heads out onto the floor with her. They find their place among the other pairs. Frank holds Jess' hand in one of his and his other hand on the small of Jess' back.

"So where's this worrying coming from?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica shrugs, dancing close against Frank, and she shakes her head. "Those officers were in over their heads the other night. They didn't stand a chance against that thing, if it had ever turned fully on them. I mean, they look for mutants, but what if they're programmed to hunt badges, next?" Jessica moves with Frank as the music weaves and flourishes. "One got shot that night," she adds. "I don't want you to be next. Partly because of what you told me about the guys that came before you."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I don't like that thought," Frank admits. He closes eyes for a just a moment to try and clear his head.

"But mutants are living that thought. Evey day. Can't leave them out to dry."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Maybe not," Jessica replies. "But one way or another we have to realize that your life's just important." Jessica pulls back just enough that she can look at Frank's face. "Self sacrifice shouldn't be an option, Frank," she says just above the music, and she gives him a squeeze.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"You really talking to me right now, or to yourself?" Frank says, suppressing a smile. He seems to relax a bit as he gets used to Jess being this close. "I'm in no rush to check out, I've got nice pension coming and nephews and nieces I never see to catch up with when I retire."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess shakes her head and presses in closer again. "I have no intention of doing something like that. But I don't know from one moment to the next what's gonna happen."

The music flows through Jessica as the two move in time to it, and she is quiet for a long moment before she speaks again. "If it weren't for that kid I had with me that night, I wouldn't be here. It was a mess, Frank. You need to know something. All of the force needs to know. I was warned, but I had no idea. Those things, if you get them twisted up wrong, they self destruct. It's too dangerous to be in close. I know that, now. I should have listened. But I know now. Just don't get too close to them, whatever happens. I don't want you anywhere near one again. But I know you're gonna do what you're gonna do."

Then, with a turn in the music and in the dance, she leans her temple in against his and asks, "How long till you can retire? I mean, do you have any plans for something wild and beautiful when it comes?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
"It's the job," Frank agrees with Jess and then chuckles softly. "Wild and beautiful, sounds like a movie I wouldn't watch. I've got family out of town I'll have to try and see. Show up for Christmases finally. Probably spend my afternoons with the other old hands at the Legion telling the same stories over and over, feeling jealous of the young guys."

Frank is quiet for a bit, just enjoying the closeness of someone. "Do superheroes have retirement plans?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Y'know, I never really thought about it. I guess it depends on the hero. If they age. If they get hurt. If they maintain their powers. Or if they just get burnt in the whole game. Or if they die first. But I've read enough comic books to know it's always just a marketing ploy. They'll be back in an issue or two." Jess laughs at the thought.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank snorts. "I won't worry about you then," he says. He turns Jess in a slow circle as they dance. "Just have to wait for the next issue if something happens."

"You should find yourself a nice guy, buy a beach house somewhere. Play the game for a while, then slip away while you're young enough to enjoy it. Have a spider kid or get a dog," Frank says lightly.

"Cash in the good karma after your service. And let the world roll on. Always does, the old guys always say. They feel like it won't before they turn in their badge. But it does. You gotta have some dreams outside the Avengers?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Frank...I think I'm ON my next issue, to be honest. Just spent one of my nine lives. Or...however many spiders have. But I dunno about a kid or a dog. Saving the world's one thing. But those sound a lot like work." She smiles. "And young enough doesn't always mean it happens. Nice guys turn out to be users, or worse. They lose interest. And the next thing you know, they're in the house down the beach making the beast with two backs, with some young thing they saw in a bikini. Long as I'm the only thing I depend on, I don't have to wonder where I stand "

Frank Quaid has posed:
"You must've been a cop in a past life. You sound just like one with a divorce or two under their belt," Frank says dryly.

"Might be right about those lives, though. We only get so many chances. This one got you spooked, didn't it. Really made you realize how close you came," he adds. "Sorry it went bad."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Nah, don't be sorry. I learned a lesson that might save me a few more lives down the road," Jess replies. "I'm not sorry. Given the information I had, and what that thing was trying to do, I'd do it again. So that's all that needs to be said about it."

Jess peers at Frank for a moment, looking suspicious. "Why didn't you find yourself a nice girl and settle down? Have a cop-kid, get a dog? Were you just waiting for me to come along?" She grins and winks at him.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank laughs. "That must've been it," he jokes and shakes his head and smirks wryly. "Not fair to tease a man when you got that whatever thing going. This is already hard enough."

"The job's always been more important. Had a few things here and there, but takes more time than I've got to give to make things work. I'm one of the smart ones. More than half my guys are married and divorced, at least once. I figure that's not good for anyone."

The song ends and Frank lets go of Jess to clap briefly as do the others on the floor. He tilts his head back to the table with a smile and walks back to their drinks with Jess.

"I can't figure you at all," Frank admits after they sit.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Tell me about it," Jess replies, swirling her drink slowly in her hand. "/I/ can't even figure me out at all. And I'm the one who needs to know, right?" She takes a swallow from her glass and shakes her head. "And I don't mean to tease you, Frank. Not at all. You're a fantastic guy. The whole package, really. You sell yourself short, every time." She lifts her gaze to catch his eye. "Why couldn't I have met you instead of every other man I ever dated, hmm?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank rolls his eyes give Jess a wry smile.

"Not my fault you had no ear for jazz, or we'd have met here sooner," Frank quips and shrugs. "I know my place and my field. The uniformed always helped though, let me tell you."

He takes a drink as the music starts again, and looks thoughtful. He shrugs to himself. "Truth is? I found the woman for me years back. Had my shot, it didn't go well. She moved on."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess reaches across the table to cover Frank's hand with both of her own. "Aw, Frank. I'm sorry to hear that. What happened? Is she ever still around?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank chuckles and gives one of Jess' hands a squeeze.

"All the time, you met her. Elaina," the veteran cop says. There is something a touch bitter to his expression. "Like I said, didn't have the time. I was making the jump to lieutenant, missed too many things last minute. She was in patrol then, had a steady schedule. Wanted more than I could give her. So she found herself a guy who had the time. We're good friends though, have been ever since. Work well together, she's come to just about every command I've had."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Well, Butter my Biscuit, Frank. Elaina, huh? Well THAT explains why she didn't like me one bit..." Jess says pensively. "She didn't like me ONE bit," Jessica repeats for emphasis, talking to Frank this time instead of herself. "So if you and I...uh...y'know. She'd probably kill us both."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank drains the rest of his glass and raises an eyebrow at Jess.

"You what they say," he chuckles. "What she doesn't know won't kill me."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"The little red cartoon heart bubbles over your head when you go on to work the next day might give it all away. We'll have to be sneaky." Her eyes narrow in a conspiratory manner. "You'll have to tell her there is just a new flavour of donut you tried that morning."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"That's me, the sentimental mooning type," Frank says with a chuckle. He stretches and takes a long, longing look at Jessica when she glances at the ensemble.

"She always figures if I have fling. She's got a sixth sense for these things. Also has her own problems right now. Been crabby as hell," Frank grunts.

"Anyway, you behave," he adds dryly. "No teasing us old guys. You sticking around for another drink?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I'm sticking around till you're ready to go," Jess replies, looking back to Frank. "Somebody has to get your keys from Jimmy and take you home tonight." Jessica grins. "Besides. If it turns out I'm not teasin', sounds like tonight might be worth stickin' around for."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I think I'm at my limit," Frank says gruffly. "Don't wanna end up like last time, I've got an early morning. Don't worry about driving me,I'll just get a Lyft, you don't need to drive across town again. Not that old."

Frank pushes to his feet and waits for Jess to join him. He waves to Jimmy as they pass the bar. Jimmy cocks his head.

"Lyft, promise," Frank says. Jimmy tosses Frank's keys to him.

"Just glad you're fine," Frank says to Jess. He holds the door open for her and takes a big breath of fresh air outside. Or what passes for fresh air New York.