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Must Love the Colour Purple
Date of Scene: 31 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Jessica Jones visits Kate to discuss her 'personal ad'. Otherwise known as 'are you kidding me??'.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Jessica Jones

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
It was the day after Kate's 'talk' with John, which had been after Kate's talk with Clint, and oh, she needed this hangover to just go away already, before she started patrolling with Clint, because there was no way in the world Clint would let her live this down. Especially if he knew why she was hungover.

Kate, for her part, could at least say she'd not be entirely drunk when she talked to John, and she hadn't the usual with him... unfortunately Kate had done the fallback activity, which was get into an argument with him. Over? She wasn't even sure anymore.

Lucky was his usual self, following her around the apartment, tail thumping lovingly in hopes of attention, treats, and toys. But mostly because he loved his Kate and she was unhappy. Or something. Dogs didn't really get the hangover concept.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Aside from the unexpected email from her boss, turns out Kate is also getting a visit, as a less than polite knock bombards the door. "Bishop? You there?" Comes Jessica unmistakable voice from the other side, "I'm here on a life rescue mission, because, clearly, you're a lost cause..."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Oh god," Kate groans. She's almost /just/ literally read the email from her boss, and there was the knock. It was like some freaky summoning ritual or something. John would totally laugh. Only she and John weren't speaking.

"Door's open," she calls out, leaning over to whisper to Lucky, "You can bite her if you want."

Lucky? All the tail wags and doggy smiles. Yeah, he's not chewing on Jessica anytime soon.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica opens the door, walks inside, and has the decency to close it behind her. Hopefully Lucky is a smart dog and can snese danger, because Jessica is the sort who has jumpy reactions to dogs trying to bite her. On the plus side, she doesn't have super hearing, so at least Kate won't be getting any payback for that idea.

Jessica turns to look at Lucky first, barely managing a ghost of a smile to the happy looking dog, before moving closer to Kate, "so...we that desparate now?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate glowers at the traitorous Lucky who has rolled over to show Jessia his belly - wut? she might rub it! And mutters "Traitor." Only to follow it up with a frown for her boss, "What? Lucky? No. I've had him for, gosh, months now. Stole him from Clint fair and square. Not that his girlfriend would let him have a dog anyway. They're busy people."

Like she, herself, wasn't. And like she didn't know full well what JJ was referring to.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica looks at Lucky inviting her to pamper him, and shakes her head, "he takes after his owner, huh?" It's a tease, but following that email, might be a bit harsh. "So...stole or inherited?" She smirks, and invites herself to sit down, "anyways, I was talking about the classifieds...was looking at it for a case, was surprised to find a familiar email address. So what made you take that plunge? Desperation? Boredom? Also...purple?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Lucky gives a doggy sigh and rolls back to upright and goes to curl up beside Kate's end of the couch, groaning as he settles in for a snooze. No pets means no attention.

"Lucky? Oh, no, he was never Clint's. He used to live in the alley by Gino's. We had a contest to see who would get to keep him. But the apartment was his. He gave it to my for my birthday. Few months free rent and all. I have to start paying again next month." Kate makes a face at that.

And there it was: why. Why had Kate placed the ad.

"Why? Because look at what I've gotten so far. Clint. Who never saw me and is practically married to another woman. Matt, who was like kissing wet cement, and is practically married to another woman - who is dead, I might add, to boot. And John who doesn't date and barely understands what a friend is because he doesn't have those either, and even if he is good in bed, what, am I going to just do that for the rest of my life?"

"I did the bar thing like you asked. I went to Club Lux and made myself available, and got John. You tell me what I'm supposed to do. Wait. You already did, and it sucked."

Okay, parts of it hadn't sucked at all. But overall, Kate was no further ahead than she had been. Just one more notch in the 'bad life choices' bedpost.

Jessica Jones has posed:
It's really criminal how Jess ignores such lovable pets, but then not everyone is a pet person. Particularly not a perennially 'happy' sort like Jess. "That's very nice of Clint." Though Jessica does arch a brow, "don't tell me you've posted the ad just to find someone new to room with...?" It was plausible, which is why Jess looks so jarred.

"Clint is married...? Why did he do that to himself?" Jessica snorts, shaking her head at the mention of Matt as someone who was ever an option. "Matt is married to law and justice, you can forget about anything else, I dare say that stabbing bitch died because she married to him."

She nods at the mention of John, before shrugging, "never met the guy, can't comment, but it sounds like a pretty decent setup. You already know my number 1 choice, Whiskey, right next is number 2, bourbon, which is technically the same, so...what I'm saying is, don't get hung on relationships, they all suck."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate looks confused, "Wait, I don't think I said he was married? But he may as well be. He's living with her, and happier than I've ever seen him." And she's seen Clint through alot. "And no, I'm not looking for someone to room with. I just thought maybe I could find someone to date. Or a couple of peeo0ple."Even if she knows full well that add was guaranteed to draw in the exact wrong sort.

Self-sabatogue at its finest.

JJ's list is listened to, and Kate just sighs, "I've done them both. All it got was John, and then me texting John for a booty call. I'm not really like you. I want someone to do things with and hang out with, and maybe go to bed with later." Which was further ahead than she was when she met John. That Kate didn't think sex was a necessary component of a relationship. So thank-goodness for small mercies?

"Look, you have better dieas, fine. I'm listening. And besides, not like anyone will take that ad seriously."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica sighs and shakes her head, "it's like you're looking to wind up like me..." she grumbles, "some people will take it more seriously than you think. Pick a different color if you're going to use color in your ads, purple is trouble, you can trust me on that." The funny thing is that Jessica sounds absolutely serious.

"I also don't know that classifieds is the way to go, I think you just roll the dice, live your life, and see what ends up in your path...it's safer, somehow..."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"What do you mean end up like you? Wait, is this why you keep giving me those crap assignments at the Motel 6?" Other than nobody wanted those assignments. "And don't people who just sleep around casually without making connections just end up alone and lonely in the end?"

But the dice crap shoot she gets.

"Just one problem with that - where does someone like me go to roll the dice? I'm a vigilante, JJ. I can't just walk into a bodega and make friends."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica has this neutral expression across her visage, snorting at the accusation, "you'd be surprised, but that's actually the majority of P.I. work, not glamorous like Dick Tracy, is it?" Jessica really laughs at the insight Kate offers on Motel 6 couples, "those people you track on Motel 6 assignments, one of each couple is always married. In some cases both are, and they're never there with their partners...see my point without saying it out loud?"

"I got enough people bothering me in bars, I just never give'em a chance..." Jessica offers her own experience, "if you want to go public with it, some people are into the hero shit. I got asked about my costume by a hookup once."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"My Tuesday and Thursday are married to each other, JJ. We both know that. They know that. I sit in a car, drinking lukewarm coffee so that they can pretend to be cheating on one another. They don't even ask for pictures. They just want me to report it. I bet if I just scribbled a time and signed it - heck, if we photocopied a formletter and I signed it, they'd be happy." But Kate knows the Motel 6 is the bulk of their work. She wasn't stupid. She just kind of had a feeling JJ was trying to push her out of the business.

"I don't want someone who doesn't understand us, but I guess that's an approach. Would love to see your costume. You've seen mine." Most of it anyway. At the very least you could guess it was purple.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Anyways, just want to say...don't let relationships get you down, it doesn't define you." Jessica groans her two cents, before getting up, and muttering, "I need to go...late to a stakeout," and not a word of a supposed costume.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate just waves JJ at the door. "See you later boss. Don't be too harsh on them." She's got to get ready to meet Clint later tonight.