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Latest revision as of 01:15, 5 August 2019

Date of Scene: 02 August 2019
Location: NYPD Counter terrorism building, NYC
Synopsis: In which Darcy delivers her new assignment as SHIELD Liason to NYPD directly to Captain Quaid himself. Or Everyone should now be afraid that Darcy Lewis can arrest people.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Darcy Lewis

Frank Quaid has posed:
When Darcy arrives the Counterterrorism Bureau building in Manhattan she finds the lobby is virtually empty of people. NYPD logos are on the walls, displays about the Counterterrorism Bureau units, equipment and mission are in displays along the walls. There is a uniformed officer at the reception desk who takes her ID and talks pleasantly enough until a detective, Norman Greene, comes to get Darcy. He looks the kind of exhausted that takes years, multiple divorces and a lot of drinking to really perfect. Norman takes Darcy to get her building access card and photo taken. He is gruff, not very talkative and gives the impression that generally existing is a waste of his time.

The elevator ride up to the floor used by Special Crimes Unit is short and quiet. Norman walks out of the elevator ahead of Darcy and leads her out onto the large open space. It is a sea of cubicles with five-foot high dividers. Cubicles are decorated with all kinds of personal items or pictures, some more appropriate than others. The room buzzes with people talking and laughing with each other, discussing everything from their families to homicides. The cubicles ring the elevators, offices and meeting rooms that form the center of the floor.

Norman leads Darcy to Frank's office. Some of the guys watch Darcy go by quite openly. Others watch her go by with a mix of wariness and disdain, as if she were invading their private space. Frank's office is reasonably sized. It has windows with blinds that look out onto the unit floor on one side. The wall opposite when Darcy walks in has several lines of service pictures of NYPD officers, each with a purple and black ribbon fixed to the bottom right of their frames. The wall to the right has rows of pictures of Frank Quaid across the years with various superheroes. And on the left is Frank's desk. He is on the phone and typing on the computer when Norman comes in. There are couple of chairs in front of the desk. There is also a small table in the middle of the room with a few chairs around it.

Frank looks up when Norman walks in without knocking. Norman just gestures for Darcy to go ahead and leave without a word.

"I'm not telling him we left that alone because we didn't want to spend the money on overtime," Frank says into the phone. "Just get it done. I'll call you back."

Frank hangs up the phone and looks over to Darcy with a wry half-smile.

"Darcy. Now you're just trying to make my life difficult," Frank says dryly. "I've seen this in spy movies. It's the part where you spring the trap and make me work for you as a double agent."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy had accepted all the paperwork and photos that came with getting set up to integrate with a new unit. As she waited for this and for that, she watched the flow of paperwork, the people walking around with clipboards. She noted the staplers and the t pins holding personal items to cubicle walls. She pressed her thick framed glasses back up her nose, bright red lips smirking as she recalls Bucky's comment of them trying to ...what was the word? ... buffalo her. OPenly admiring her physically and disdainfully wary of what she represents, not at all new. It's just like walking into a night club in a ultra mini and bright pink contact lenses. Motioned in, Darcy steps into Frank's office and moves to his desk as Norman closes the door behind you.

"If I were trying to make your life difficult, I would have worn the pencil skirt and the doesn't completely close button up," Darcy quips, lips smirking again.

"Wow, Frank. You're so good at this. Not even here five seconds, and you pick me out at the femme fatal I am," she snarks, green eyes rolling slightly on a light chuckle.

"No. I'm here about your request to get your SHIELD Liason moving, actually. You wanted a name. I've brougt you a name," she quips, pulling a simple dark blue file folder from under her arm and with a flourish, offering it over.

"You're either going to love it or hate it, but either way, I think your life got more interesting," she adds.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I've been at this game a long time," Frank replies to Darcy's snark and accepts the folder from her. "Personal service and everything. We lowly cops do have secure email, you know."

Frank opens the folder. It takes all of a half second for his eyebrows to go up.

"You've got to be shitting me," Frank says to Darcy. "You're the liaison? I thought you said you had lots of job offers."

He flips a couple of pages.

"Jesus, you're not kidding me," he says with a shake of his head and gestures to a chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat. So what strange quirk of fate and coincidence made this happen?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Maybe. But I thought it'd be fun to bring it by personally," Darcy retorts, grinning on the chuckle. Her gaze stays on his, watching, waiting, for his reaction. What he does has her giggling softly.

"I do. Doesn't mean I take them all. Just the ones I like," she replies, one hand dropping to rest on her hip as she watches him flip through what SHIELD gave NYPD of her file. It's years of service, basic skill set, and current certifications. Either she really is just a pencil pusher with her basic fire arms, basic hand to hand, basic vehicles, and basic first aid... or she's high enough that SHIELD's dumbed it down a lot so she reads like a pencil pusher.

"I'm really not kidding you," she states with seriousness that is belied by the light grin on her ruby lips. She moves to settle into the chair he offers, for once not just walking in and claiming the space, but waiting for that invitation.

"Well. I might have told May that I liked your partner, and since I haven't licked either of you yet, I guess she figured I respected you both enough to folllow something like protocol now and then. That, or she just doesn't like you. Fury's threatens Siberia with me on like... almost a monthly basis. It's a whole /thing/, ya know?" She's rambling, and making this up. She has to be, but the same calm sincerity she showed over the pot stickers is still there.

"I did reccommend she to have our Psych Team re-eval everything on Baz. I'll let you know if that turns up anything."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank Quaid looks at Darcy for a moment, trying to gauge if she is joking or not.

"Don't torture Elaina, she's my partner and a good friend," he settles on saying, mostly joking.

"Glad to hear the info was useful," Frank says. He leans back in his chair and tilts his head.

"So, if you're going to be working with us, be straight with me for a sec. Are you actually a rookie? How much field experience do you really have? Any in law enforcement?" Frank asks. "Trying to take a little of the mystery out of you so I don't put you in over head. Or waste your skills."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy's smirk stays in place as she's studied, like that tough-kid sitting in the principal's office, knowing what she did and knowing that there's not a damn thing school administration can do about it. She leans back, crossing her legs at the knees, and tosses an arm over the back of the chair. Asked not to torture his partner, she almost pouts before it slides back to her smirk, and she laughs lightly.

"Fine. I'll try not to get under her skin. On purpose. Too often," Darcy promises. She meets his gaze levelly as he continues studying her. Asked flat out, to be straight with him, Darcy unfolds from her lounging position, leaning forward to set her forearms on the edge of his desk.

"I am not, actually, a rookie to SHIELD. I'm not in shoot outs every week, and I'm not the first person SHIELD wants to air drop into dangerous situations, but I've been on comms for their deployment teams both at a back line base and in the middle of situations. I know enough not to freeze and panic in a fire fight, and I know how to clear the area of non-essential and civilian liabilities," she says, the amusement and humor gone from her gaze, leaving her tone steady and calm and actually very serious.

"I don't have any experience in law enforcement unless you count soem traffic violations in college and some minor bee and ee in high school. You'll be able to crack into those, I think. My girlfriend and I snuck into my school to make out on the principal's desk, and then I broke into the band hall to blow the captain of the drum line my junior year. Everything else has been on the job training in terms of talking with NYPD Dispatch to help establish perimeters when things go sidewise in this town. As for putting me in over my head..." Here Darcy pauses, leaning back again with a shrug.

"Can you top a giant space death robot sent by a Norse God to get back at his brother, and if you can are your people ready to deal with me calling them out if they forget to evacuate everyone possible that needs saving? Don't worry about putting me in over my head, Captain. That's a Tuesday at SHIELD. I always wear my big girl panties on Tuesdays, and I save the freak out tears for after we've put the world back together," she replies, the smile returning, playing at her hips as she watches Frank's reaction to that.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Good," Frank says, suppressing a smile. "And we'll skip the indictments for lewd conduct. Either that or I've gotta arrest half them out there," he says with a wave toward The Floor.

"Just keep it clean around the city civilian staff. They're.... Civilians," Frank says. His smirk and tone suggest there have been issues and he was not impressed.

"Sounds like they picked well," Frank says moving on. "You're a SHIELD agent, you'll have peace officer powers while you're with JTTF, but that's just so if you arrest someone the courts don't have a meltdown. Only thing I ask you to remember is it's different; Everything we do is for safety and to build cases. We have to follow a lot more rules than intel people like you. So either leave no traces, or a perfect trail. And if I can't use it in court, I don't really want to know. You know? End of the day, everything I do is on record."

Frank looks down at his phone when it buzzes. He silences it, straightens his tie and turns his attention back to Darcy.

"What do you want to get out of your time with JTTF? I can't see you taking the spot if you weren't interested in it yourself."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Keep it clean. Darcy grins in a way that is too innocent to actually BE innocent. Told she'll actually be able to make arrests has her brows coming up, a mischievous sort of amusment playing on her face and curling her lips into a smirk. Leave no traces - HA! She's not a super spy!! or leave a perfect trail - Will a paper trail work? Darcy is very good at paperwork.

"You may have to clue me in on what's useable as evidence and what isn't, but I learn fast," she adds, eyes falling to his phone as it buzzes. That he adjusts his tie doesn't escape her notice.

"Me? Already told you. I like your partner. She's a straight shooter and I respect that. I tend not to work with people I don't like. But the being able to arrest people sounds like a fun and unexpected perk," she quips, winking.

"Did you need to call whomever that was or are they wanting to make sure I haven't eaten you alive?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank smirks when Darcy says she is there for Elaina but lets it go.

"I don't wanna call that back right now, it's Deputy. He's on me non-stop for updates right now," Frank explains with a sigh. "The really big files are sensitive. And expensive. So if we screw them up, it's not just my head that rolls. I spend half my time telling the Deputy and the Commissioner everything is gonna be just fine, and other lies."

"We'll get you a lot of arrests though," Frank adds. "We've got sweeps coming up, some higher profile arrests in the works, and a non-stop crazy. By the way, I know you're on JTTF, but with your experience and contacts at SHIELD, I'd like you to help Elaina in Special Crimes if she needs it. There's always something new and weird to figure out over there. Especially with Sentinels and now Magneto in the mix."

Frank taps his desk with one finger a few times while he thinks about something.

"I'll take you around to a few things, get you to come to briefings on some of the major cases, and take you out to Trask's Bergen County facility. There's something there you need to see. We don't have it nailed down yet, but Trask has stasis pods for people in there. If that turns into a human experimentation investigation, your people will want to know if they don't already. We'll get you familiar with how we do things pretty quick so you can dig in."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Is he? Sounds like you might like some screen on that. Let me know if you'd like me to wrangle him and the Commissioner," Darcy offers, grinning and straightening up. Her shoulders cant and her face takes on a coyish expression.

"Nothing new yet, Commissioner, but as soon as I know something I'll be more than happy to fill you in on all the details," she purrs, like some odd mix between secretary and phone sex operator. And then it falls and Darcy's chuckling again.

"Sweet. Arresting people is going to blow Shitcode's mind," she cackles just before she nods calmly, agreeing to help Elaina.

"Of course, Captain. Happy to lend a hand were I can," she says, falling silent and letting him think. There's that mention of people in pods again. She wasn't sure if he had been serious or not when he mentioned it before, but knowing she would be getting a tour of that, Darcy nods.

"The sooner the better, it sounds like. Human experimentation is just... No. Thank you," she moves, readying to press to her feet.

"Did you have ANY other questions, Captain? I think the sooner I get up to speed on things, the sooner we can nail these asshats in the backdoor with a splintered sandpaper Moby's Dick."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Yeah... You're not going anywhere /near/ the Commissioner. I do not want to unwind that mess," he says dryly. Something about how he says suggests the problem may be as much the Commissioner as Darcy.

"I'll let you get to it," Frank says. He comes around the desk to shake Darcy's hand. "Welcome to the ongoing disaster that is my life."

Frank gestures toward the door and follows Darcy out. Once out he looks across the cubicle.

"Davis!" he calls out to a man in his forties with short red hair, a bodybuilder's physique and a permanent smirk. The man gets up from his desk in a pod of six and comes over.

"Sergeant Aaron Davis, Special Crimes Unit Intel, Agent Darcy Lewis, SHIELD liaison," Frank introduces. "Take her to meet the lieutenants here and in JTTF, and get her introduced to intel up there. And heaven help me Davis, if you have her causing me shit before the end of the day you're going to Traffic."

Davis smirks. "No idea what yer on about, Sir. Good to meet you, Agent Darcy Lewis, super spy," Davis says to Darcy and offers a hand. And with that he walks off with Darcy to get her settled in.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy shakes Frank's hand, a sweet smile on her lips.

"Looking forward to it," she says to him, turning to follow him out to meet with Davis. She chuckles when Frank tells him not to make her cause shit. It's funny because he assumes she needs help causing anyone shit.

"Likewise, Sergeant Aaron Davis, Not Yet in Traffic," is quipped as she walks at his side to meet her new team and settle in. Super Spy! HA! Epic.