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A not so holy arrival...
Date of Scene: 31 July 2019
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Grail arrives on Earth and has a minor tussle with the locals before moving on.
Cast of Characters: Grail, 87, Kid Arachnid, Robin (Wayne), Punisher, Overlord

Grail has posed:
    It was a perfectly peaceful afternoon in Central Park. The day was quickly turning to evening, people were enjoying the atmosphere as the shadows stretched slowly outward. The bright and heat of the summer day was passing and now people fresh from a long day at work were meeting with family, walking dogs, and eating hot dogs from a passing vendor. Things were nice. Then suddenly, wind began to whip up.
    The sound was like that of a sonic boom. As the wind began to swirl and the boom first went off, many looked up, searching the sky for a plane or a hero alike until someone let out a cry and stumbled back, pointing. Everyone turned their gaze to the swirling portal that opened up, like some kind of strange sideways tornado of light, sound, and wind, it took up a space roughly the size of a truck, causing several to stumble away. The epicenter of the swirling light tunnel seemed to simply produce a figure.
    Descending from the portal, as if moving down a staircase, a woman in a grey cloak, dark armor and with grey skin steps free from the portal only to raise a hand and flick her wrist. The portal seals with yet another boom and she slowly looks around from under her hood, eyes falling upon a man who is staring directly at her in surprise and with some degree of fear.
    "A human? Well, seems I found the right place."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy Hunter was not alien to glowing portals in the sky. On occasion, he had been known to open one of two of those himself, but in his defense there were absolutely no warning signs around that crystal, and he honestly did think that the dancing druids were just LARPers out for a lark. In any case, no-one got hurt and Oakland now has a new tourist attraction... provided the moon isn't full.

With all of the weird stuff Tommy has seen (and been), the Cheshire cat doesn't react with fear, but with caution. Still under the glamour that makes him look like his past human self- red-head and freckles and all- he advances gingerly towards the new arrival, rapidly consuming his hot-dog. He has the notion that whatever is going to happen, it's not going to be conducive to leisurely eating.

"Hey there. Welcome and all that. Do you come in peace?" he calls out, wiping his lips with the little paper napkin.

Kid Arachnid has posed:
Running late is pretty much what you do forever after donning the webs. Punctuality is traded in favor of the proportionate strength of a spider. Miles, having left school for the day with the intent of eating home with his family for a change of pace, decided to cut through Centr Park.

He makes fantastic life choices.

A low swing, a long webline and he lets go at the height of the swing to launch into the park proper. Which would be fine if not for the boom. The light. The wind and screams. Startled and smart, he hits the sidewalk and changes directions. Zip lining across a pond to land... infront of Tommy. Arms throw wide, the black clad young man with the faint red webbing pattern, puts himself between Grail and Vorpal. So helpful.

"Whoa, whoa! Dude!" He looks to Grail. Eyes wide behind the mask. Holy crap. "Holy crap." Did he say that out loud? "Did I say that out loud?" One hand up toward Grail, the other pointing at Tommy. "She's really, really big. She's big, right? Did she just teleport? Ma'am? You're not supposed to do that in the park without a permit. Time/Space Police. Gonna need to see some paper."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Up in the sky is that a bird, no... it is a giant Bat circling the area looking down on what is going on. He had been on his way to Gotham from the tower hearing the sound it had attracted him to the scene to see what was going on. He cheked his Titan communicator, "We have a possible incursion of one in Central Park" looking down at the scene below he circles down towards the area with a frown on his face. Damian is wearing his Robin outfit thankfully as he comes in fast to see what is going on. He does read there is already one Titan on scene though Damian sighed when he saw who it was, hoping he can get there in time before he made it worse.

As the large Bat swoops down, before it looks like it could enter attack range it swoops back up Damian hoping off of it to land next to Vorp, he slides to a stop on the ground in a crouch glaring at Grail. He only says, "You haven't said anything stupid yet have you." turning to look at Vorp as he asks in a low serious tone. The large Bat is already climbing to leave the area or at least be a much harder target to hit in the air, as Damian reaches behind his back to drop a few small metal spheres in his hand just incase.

Punisher has posed:
With Punisher's war against he Foot clan in a lull as he monitors the MD12 attacks, Punisher has been driving around New York in the Battle Van, keeping track of everything. He was on his way past central park when the visual sensors pinged something odd as Microchip drove past. "Frank, we have something going on in Central Park. Too much tree cover to know for sure."

In the back, Frank was busy going through his database on the computer station when the information came in, and he looks to the front, "Alright, let's check it out. Head over to the nearest road and get in binocular distance."

In a moment, the Battle Van turns and starts to head for Grails position, Punisher grabbing some surveillance gear as they go.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller is actually just out for a jog, and saw a flash of light and decided to head over to see what is going on. He is not wearing hero attire just normal clothes. The big man will come towards the area a brow raised but he does continue to walk up closer, curious whats going on.

Grail has posed:
Her gaze turns slowly over toward Vorpal first, staring at this Tommy. She looks him over slowly and then she grins, "Peace?" She takes a step toward him and then raises a hand, "What is peace anyway? Your peace? My peace?" She hmms and then blinks. Before she can say another word, there's this arachnid themed person between her and Vorpal. She slowly smirks at his antics and then shakes her head slowly, "Oh? Some papers?"
    She chuckles and then tilts her head, "I left them in my other armor. Guess you're just going to have to arrest me." She leans toward him, "Well..." She is about to say even more but then it seems people who wish to 'greet' her are coming out of the woodwork.
    Her eyes flick over to Damian and then back to Miles and Vorpal, "Which one are you speaking to?" She asks Damian, moving her left hand to her hip and her right hand gesturing to Miles and then Vorpal, "I don't know if the red head has said anything truly stupid but the one in black and red is at least lacking in survival instincts."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Hey, it's Spider-Man!" Tommy says... and then pauses. Note the hyphen, people, that means he cares. He frowns and looks at Miles critically. "Hm... I thought I remember him being taller..."

He turns to Damian and raises an eyebrow. His glamour melts away, leaving the Cheshire persona in his hero suit. "No, Murderbird, but it seems you arrived just in time to *be* something stupid."

Vorpal didn't hate Damian. They had had a verbal sparring match that has lasted, to his last count, four months, but there is no real malevolence there. Irritation? Headaches? Frustration? Occasional fatasies of smothering with pillows and abandoning everything to live in a little village in a tropical island where robins are unknown birds? Well, of course, who doesn't have those?

He turns to Grail and puts a hand on Spider Kid's shoulder, "We're just trying to assess your intentions, ma'am, nothing more. We all come in peace-" shoot to kill "- unless there's a reason to tussle. Awfully inconvenient waste of energy if you ask me, though."

Kid Arachnid has posed:
Grail calling his obvious bluff was not only considered, it was expected. Still, when it happens? "I, uh. Huh. Must have forgotten my extradimensional handcuffs in..." Miles trails off absently, patting himself down for handcuffs he never had.

"Spider-man? Don't I wish. He has marketing. I have a curfew." He deadpans. Nevermind the fear. This is only his second alien incursion. "And my survival skills are excellent. Usually." That's precisely when Miles turns invisible. Right as Vorpals hand hits his shoulder. Blip. Invisible. And no idea. "I especially came in peace. Like, so much pe... ace... hey, where am I?" Miles asks, waving a hand at himself before positively freaking out.

This is where he runs. Blindly. Oh Crap Mode: Engaged.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As she moves he watches her, as this was a new person coming from some device that from what Cyborg has said in the past is at least from space. He doesn't move as she comes forward though he is totally human he stares her down not saying a word just watching. Her foot-prints were deep, he would guess her weight at around WW's so with a little bit of quick math did not add up. She had heard him speak low though that wasn't that abnormal so he tested again, putting a hand on Vorp's shoulder he subvocalizes "Be careful, there is more to this one. I think Col bad.." the message turned to text from his hud to be sent to Vorpals communicator.

He sighs, and pushes past him to look at Grail though he gives her the cold stare that one who is sizing her up would give. He doesn't look like he thinks he is better then her, just that he is calculating how to kill her directly. He speaks in a calm flat voice.. "There is a proper procidure to follow or you will create trouble for yourself. One would say it is not up to us, or you."

He looks at Spider-man though doesn't say anything he has heard he could dodge anything, and Damian had always wanted to put that to the test. He thought about an opponent he could just go all out on, and never worry about killing as they can just dodge the training aspect alone would be useful, though reminded himself people don't usually like that happening to them.

As he leaves it solves the issue, and he turns back to look at Grail, he still holds his hand shut with the metal spheres inside just incase as so far this situation hasn't gotten better. He thinks if they can take her right now, judging what he has, glancing at Vorpal, then back at her still a lot unknown. He comes down to the idea that perhaps deplomancy was the better idea in this case, though he had a few surprises as unlike a Bird teamate of his, he understood that not everyone chose the nice way out.

Punisher has posed:
Just barely within range for binoculars, the Battle Van stops along one of the side roads, well away from onlookers. "I've got the drone about to launch Frank and I'm keeping an eye on the sensors. I'll let you know if anything else comes by." Microchip stares at the camera feed, "Whoever that is, they have some serious company already. Guessing the visitor wasn't expected from how tense everyone looks." Punisher grunts, "story of this shithole city."

A slit in the back of the Van is opened, and Punisher starts to peer through it with high powered electronic binoculars, setting the microphone distance appropriately as he puts in the earbud, "get the drone out and keep it on the perimeter." Punisher notes to Microchip as he settles in for surveillance.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will find a place to lean against a tree, and watches what's going on. The big man is quiet for now, seems they have some of the experienced heroes here, and things seem pretty calm for now. He will keep an eye on things and hmms softly as spider-man 2.0 disappears.

Grail has posed:
A blink as she notices the boy fade out and vanish. She was pretty sure he wasn't that old by size but then again all humans seem small. She looks around to where he might have gone and seems to miss what Damian is saying super quietly. She turns back to look at him before blinking, "Oh, I would create trouble, would I?" She asks and leans toward him with a wide grin, "And just who is it up to? Perhaps Kal-El? Do you know Kal-El?" She tilts her head, "I am looking for him. Not...right away. I'm just somewhat curious..." She trails off as she looks around briefly before looking past him to Vorpal.

She grins at him as she considers, "As for you, a tussle? What a way to put it. And a waste of energy? Why a fight is never a waste and I doubt you two would really be something I'd need to 'tussle' with."

She looks at all the people here and then she idly puts her hands on her hips as she looks around, "Do any of you know Kal-El? If so, please come forward."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal's expression remains affably bland, with a vague, though worried, grin. He heard what Damian said, and he gives a flick of his tail to indicate that the message was received. He does nothing to contradict the woman, as being understimated is always an advantage.

"Kal-El? I think you may have the wrong address. What did this Kal-El do for you to be after him like Madonna after an Oscar nomination?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian looks over at her still calm that same look on his face, he was getting more of a full picture of what this was or at least what it might be. He had experience with all kind of different races, and when over the list in his head which is narrowed down when she asks for that name. She didn't look like a kryptonian to him though, as he knew Kryptonians they were stronger then anything but this woman knows what it is like to really fight. It was all over her, and he only knew a few on Kryptionian levels with that look none of which he would like to fight against.

He gives an internal praise to Vorpal as at least he didn't spill the beans right away, Damian tries again as he thinks he knows what someone like her is looking for now, "No, we would not be enough entertainment to be worth it." he states planely glancing at Vorpal. He takes a shot in the dark, "Is that why you are here to test your skills? There are some strong people I know of around." he glances at Vorpal hoping he gets the idea.

He doesn't smile his face doesn't change as he looks at her, "Would Robotic be an issue, as currently it might be a good entry to the area." he suggests, there had been some Sentinals messing with the mutants. This person was dangerous, but who knows maybe if they were looking for a good fight other then butt heads point her at a reasonable target for everyone. "Maybe we can find which planet this person is on?" he finishes giving a little carrot to the deal.

Punisher has posed:
Kal-El? Madonna? This is weird.

"Not seeing many others around them. Just the small party." Microchip informs Punisher as he watches the party. Punisher nods slightly to himself, "This is one of those adrenaline junkie sorts, sounds like." Punisher replies, hearing the conversation. "Might be worth keeping an eye on, at least. Can you grab me the tracker gun?" "Sure thing, Frank."

Microchip steps into the back, starting to assemble and load the air fired gun, and getting the tracker capsule ready. "About thirty seconds, Frank."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over, and says "Is there something wrong are you in need of some help?" He will start to walk closer to group, looking the woman over a bit more. He does not seem worried, watching Gail's reaction to someone larger than her and the youngsters coming over.

Grail has posed:
A grin comes over her mouth as she looks between the two and she shakes her head, "I get what you're doing. I'm not a fool. I was invited to come here. So to speak." She then looks down at Damian, "And I'm seeking Kal-El..." She nods her head, "...if you know him. I'd recommend getting him." She then tilts her head and notices the large man approaching. She had sorta seen him earlier but at a distance, she didn't realize how big he was.

As he gets closer she lets out an interested hmm, "What a large man." She states softly, "You wouldn't happen to be Kal-El, would you?" She asks and steps idly around Damian unless stopped to approach Joseph, both Damian and Vorpal treated as if they were nothing to her.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The Cheshire cat enjoys it when others dismiss him. He can fully observe without being careful. In fact...
~Let's see what senses this one has...~ he thinks, and then he acts.

Nothing changes, Vorpal remains standing there, as far as anyone is concerned. In reality, he has left an illusion of himself standing here, watching, while he slipped away, invisible, and circumnavigates the group so that he can observe the visitor from other angles. Of course, if she is aware of him, he will know something about her.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, "I see if you were invited then by who, this Kal-el?" he asks as he still needed to act like he had no idea who this was. As Vorpal stood still next to him, or at least the decoy he left behind, Damian sighed to himself stepping out infront of her now between her, and the person coming up on them. He stares her down still not showing any fear of who she is or what she could do he stands infront of her looking up, "Obviously that is not him, as if he were here we would of just pointed to him yes?" he asks her in that same calm tone.

He doesn't look behind him at the other person saying in a louder voice, "She is alright, this is.." he looks at her in the eyes knowing how this could be taken, "Taken care of for now.. Go home no reason to get civilians mixed up in it." he adds watching her, as he is well in the danger zone now. Not only that, but he prob just atagonized her a little bit so there was that. Still he was calm, he would do what he needed to do, and would not risk some random person to stay in a good position.

Punisher has posed:
"All done Frank, what color?" Microchip asks. A moment later Punisher replies, "Grey. I have a good spot for it, make it a flexible one." The capsule is loaded, and the gun handed to Frank, who never takes his eyes on the gathering. Replacing the binoculars with the air gun, he aims for the back of Grail, at the cloak... and waits for a good bout of wind to cover the hit.


The capsule expands as it soars through the air, flattening out as he aims for the top end of the cloak. Much less chance of being discovered or torn off by sheer wind forces there.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks her over, and says "I don't know this Kal-el person, but if he sent word for you to come here, did he leave a message on how you might be able to find him? We have had some bad incidents with people just popping into the city, so folks get a bit worried others are coming to cause trouble.

Grail has posed:
If she notices Vorpal moving, she isn't saying anything about that. Either she can't see him or she just doesn't care. She instead is looking past Damian to Joseph right up until Damian says something rather stupid. Even as Punisher attaches something to her cloak, she is looking slowly down at Damian, "Taken...care of?" She asks as she glares down at the much smaller teen. She tilts her haed, "You think you have taken care of me?" She glances to Joseph, "Hold that thought..."

She's fast. Extremely fast. Like, well, super fast. She tries to keep her prodigious strength out of it and instead just uses her speed and her hand moves with lightning speed and precision. She has a lot of practice slapping weaker species and the slap she is aiming for Damian is no exception. She doesn't want him dead, just to be aware of what he is dealing with. So, as she moves her hand to slap the proverbial taste from Damian's mouth, she slides teeth against teeth in her mouth ever so slightly before saying, "You should mind your words..."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal blinks as Grail moves. He has feline-fast reflexes but this is definitely extra-level speed with raisins and a pickle spear on the side. Superior physicality is a bad sign, and one that usually needs to be matched not with physique, but with mind and magic.

Fortunately, he's good at those.

Vorpal's illusory self speaks up: "Hey, now wait a minute there. If you have to slap him, you've got to slap me, too!" he says. Vorpal, some distance away, keeps his eyes on Grail. The illusory Vorpal steps up, chin high, as if to invite her to slap him.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian has had a lot of practice, and she telegraphed the slap thankfully so even super-fast a single slap like that would only find air as Damian throws himself away from her leaving only three metal spheres to be slapped instead. Of course these don't go flying instead breaking on impact a small goo being put on the hand that was slapping. Damian pulls himself up, and looks at her "You think your the first super I have had to face down." and shakes his head brushing off any dirt to look at her.

He nods to her hand, "I just needed you to do that as I doubt you would shake on it." and sighs a bit looking at her waiting for time to move away again as he doubted the next strike would be as simple as a slap. The goo on her hand was a super-adhesive, and one of the stronger one he had. It would stick to anything, and given time to settle make a tough flexable ike structure around the hand to isolate it.

He doubted it would stop her for long, and he had a solution to get rid of it if he needed to. It was jus one of the tricks he had for her if this were to continue, as he needed every one if this were to escilate. Already he has reached behind him to remove another one waiting for her movements watching her carefully. That was the trick with people like this ya had to predict, and premove to stand a chance of them missing.

Punisher has posed:
"Signal is loud and clear. Should get good distance from it, and she doesn't appear to notice." Punisher notes to Microchip as he look at the tracking pad. Detaching it from the gun, he places it in the storage crate, "Let's get out of here. She's still getting her bearings, should be able to track her movements across the city, at least."

Microchip steps up back into the drivers cabin, and shifts the stick again, "I'm taking us back to the safehouse, maybe the central database will have something on her, but I'm pretty sure that was alien tech." Microchip muses aloud. Punisher grunts, "You're probably right. With her attitude though, might need to give that location to one of the supergroups."

Moments later, and the Battle Van is driving off, back into The War.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will step forward to grab Grail's wrist maybe hitting just the edge of the stickness, but not to much "Now miss please don't make this take a turn towards the physical. The youth here maybe a bit of a smart ass, but if this heads into a fight, there is going to be all types of heroes coming, and fighting. Your looking for someone, I am pretty sure, starting a brawl is just going to slow that down. Now please tell me what you know of the fellow your looking for maybe I might be able to help.

Grail has posed:
A blink at the stuff on her hand and she looks up toward Damian with a smirk and then she shakes her head, "Quick shot, aren't you?" She then blinks again as Joseph grabs her hand. She turns her gaze to him briefly and then she chuckles, "Don't make promises you can't keep." She then twists her arm toward his thumb and attempts to step away with incredible alacrity. She's not just strong, she's incredibly well trained. She looks back at Joseph, "You likely wouldn't want to get stuck to me." SHe then looks at her hand and her eyes glow red before a pair of beams come out of her eyes and hit her hand. The red beams look like eye beams for a second till they pull back and literaly turn around her hand.

No, they don't engulf her hand and they don't just surround her hand. The beams literaly makea sharp angle turn, go around her hand and go over the back. The adhesive isn't just melted, it's dissolved away in heat and pressure. She then looks back, "You three are of no concern to me." She then starts off, "Get in my way again..." And then her right hand extends. A metallic pole flicks to her hand and then whips open into a nasty scythe. She looks back over her shoulder at Damian and states, "And it won't be a slap next time." She then slides that scythe away and starts walking away.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal watches this and frowns. He memorizes her appearance as best he can so he can create an illusion of her when relaying her particulars... because this woman could be a threat. Whomever this Kal-El was, he was in big trouble.

Vorpal didn't play in the big leagues, they don't know who he is over at the Justice League, and even when people think of the Titans, his name is nowhere near the top five. People think of Khole first. And she isn't even in the roster.

But that is not to say he doesn't know people. And there is one person he can immediately report to who could look into this potential threat.

Diana had given him those bottles of Ambrosia, after all. He still had to return the amphorae at the embassy anyways.

Vorpal walks over and takes the place of his duplicate, dismissing the illusion and becoming visible.

"Well, that was a fine display of diplomacy. Does Batman take lessons from Harley Quinn?" the cat quips, smirking at Murderbird, and then noticing the others, he gives a nod to them.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian just nods, "Do not underestimate this planet or we will not meet again." is all he says to her not approaching keeping his distance. As he sees the civilian walk up, and grab her he swears at himself. "You fool.." grabing the arm of the man. He could be injured here, but he can't let someone who isn't signed up for this take that risk even if they are dumb enough to walk up, and grab them. He is glad she decides not to follow up, and is suprised, but keeping attention close enough as the beams start to go over her hand, as he thinks he has seen that before. As the goo melts he realizes, "No.. you didn't.." he gets out, as the beams other then disapear or shoot off like it usually does it moves sideways. The movement is almost like it is being pulled in as it slams into Damian throwing him off the large man, and away from the whole group like someone who normally of got hit by the beams would usually fly.

He lands hard in the dirt quiet for a moment just a bit of steam coming up. That is until there is an.. "Ow... Dang it lady why you have to use that." though he isn't getting right away instead rubbing his head on the ground. She might of realized for that moment when it shot out to him it wasn't her doing, but it felt pulled like yanked in. Thankfully since it was pulled from around her hand down to him where he was holing onto the other man it wasn't a direct hit so that might explain why he was still breathing.

Finally he sits up, "If I knew you could do that I would of warned you.." he shrugs a bit, "I think the question is how can you do that?" he ask looking up at her from his sitting position on the ground.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over and as the kid gets blown back. He will move to step in the way if she goes after the kid. He does move to a much more defensive position. He will ask "Kid you ok?" The big man's movement may give a clue he might not be a total civilian. "I think the problem would be another day, what you know about her kid?"

Grail has posed:
A look back at Damian for a moment and she blinks. She stares at him a moment before considering, "Some kind of energy absorption power?" She asks of him a little before shaking her head, "Well, not relevant." She then simply vanishes in a blur of speed. A moment later there's a boom of sound from her speed.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal watches the woman vanish in a blur of speed and a clap of thunder... or is it the other way around? Nevermind. The Cheshire cat looks at Joseph and Damian asking questions, and he quickly steps away, vanishing into thin air as his invisiblity illusion took.

It was still relatively early. He could get to the Themyscira Embassy via rabbit hole and get the skinny to Diana, who would then most likely relay it to the others. He feels that time is of the essence, and so he slips away without saying much of a word.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian sighs to himself, and gives the thumbs up to the person that is asking him if he is alright as he looks over at Grail run away quickly to leave. He sighs to himself, and falls back down to a laying position he holds out a comm to the Titans, "Mission complete.. Enemy retreated." and then realizes it is totally shorted out from the impact before. He sighs to himself pushing himself up he whistles loudly, "Vorpal I know your here.. Go back and tell them what happened." he says to the air.

He holds a hand up, though he holds his side when he does to catch the connection to a large Bat that is swooping down, "I will be in Gotham." he adds grabbing it to be jerked away. Injured or not he would do what he had to, and that ment going to Gotham. While Vorpal might not be the best in his eyes he believed he could at least deliver a message. With that he is whisked away towards Gotham to continue his fight with people who he didn't have to predict correctly or lose his head.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller shakes his head a bit and says "Kids today." He will move to head back towards his jogging path. He will stop to get some water, and then is back to his run.