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Latest revision as of 02:02, 5 August 2019

A Night Meeting
Date of Scene: 25 July 2019
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Selene and Andre sat and talked and he will show her around Gotham the next time they meet.
Cast of Characters: Andre Jackson, Selene (Underworld)

Andre Jackson has posed:
    The evenings in Gotham are dark for some reason it's the darkest city around and still Andre is sitting out in the park enjoying the cool weather. He is just looking out around the park, it's nice to have a park in your back yard, a small smile shows on his lips as he yawns a little bit. He isn't waiting on anyone, though most gangs don't come here due to this park being patrolled by the GPD and lights in key places. Still Andre enjoys this park.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Most gangs. Most gangs aren't Selene and her Death Dealers. She's sitting, of all places, up in a tree, of all places. She's up there to relax and clear her mind. It was on one of those nature documentaries the human servants like watching and Selene took notes. Sit up a tree, and clear her head. Looking over, Selee peers around the park then looks down toward ground level. There's a rustling in the trees.

The wind's going through her trenchcoat as the Death Dealer herself slips from the tree and lands on the ground, setting around patrolling the park. It's not her territory. But she's here, and she needs to drive the lycans out of Gotham. Mostly because that's her war.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Andre was about ot head into his apartment when he hears the rustling, he gets up and looks over in the direction of the noise. He doesn't notice Selene yet, though he thinking it may be a cat or dog because they are always around her, he begins walking over towards where the sound was.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene watches silently, her eyes looking around the park. She's got a pair of Death Dealers with her as well, as seems to be the case when Selene's out and about. Watching Andre, Selene stays perfectly still, waiting, watching. She's a predator, a fighter, a leader. She's dangerous, too. Looking over Andre, Selene watches him silently, as if judging if he's a threat or not.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Andre walks with his hands in his pocket, not really worried about anything, though when he hears the sirens out front and going down the street, he turns his head a little bit not knowing he's being watched, he still checks behind him. Shrugging a little, he keeps going heading for the small copse of trees, he is quiet just trying to hear if he hears anymore nosie.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene finally speaks. "Hello" she says looking to Andre with her voice being a mix of European accents, her voice a quiet purr. "What brings you here?" she asks. Simple enough question really, as Selene's silhouetted against the trees.

Looking past him Selene gestures to the building."You live there?" she adds with a curious tone smoothing her long coat out, with her eyes fixed on Andre.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Andre turns at the voice a slight start making him jump. Looking into the trees and seeing Selene, as she asks him her questions. "I do live here. Why do you?" He asks quirking a brow up at her. "Also this is a park anyone can be here. Who are you, you're not with GPD, I kinda know quite a few people there." He says as he adjusts himself and she will notice an easy shift to his stance allowing him to be ready for a fight if a fight came his way.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene smiles, a flash of fangs. "I was out for a walk and climbed a tre" she says. Truth. She was out for a walk. Looking around the park Selene nods. "It's a nice park. I am Selene" she says with a hand before looking back around the park again she nodds.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    he walks closer than he sees the fangs, "Damn those are pretty awesome, they look real." He blinks, "Are they?" He asks. He takes her hand and shakes it, "I'm Andre, nice to meet you." He says to her. "I would ask if you live here, but then again you may not. Still how are you tonight?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene laughs softly, "You're not the first to ask me that" she points out, "Yes, they are real" she says then waves a hand, "Oh I live off outside the city on an estate" she shrugs. She needs to figure out a better way of explaining who and, more to the point, what she is. And then some, too. Selene's a unique one, really. Unique, and.....not like most vampires at all. Shaking her head, Selene's watching Andre quietly, looking to him. "I was out for a walk to clear my head" she says. Not quite true, but Andre doesn't need to know the real reason why she was out here.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Feeling the coolness of Selene's hand, "You're a vampire." he says his voice low and he does look around. He smiles, "This is pretty bad ass." He says as he looks at Selene. "Well I'm glad you came to the park, I normally walk the park and the front of the building due to keeping this place clear of gang members." He says to her. He holds her hand seeing how cold it is, than lets he hand go, "You have soft hands." Andre looks around, "Are there more of you?" He asks.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene doesn't say a word to the comments, but the other two Death Dealers come out of the trees where they'd been watching. "Yes, there's more of us" Selene says simply,"I never go out alone, because" she says quietly. "Because it's too dangerous going out on my own now"

Cryptic words, as Selene listens. "You keep the park clear of gang members. You are some sort of undercover police?" she guesses.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    The two other Death Dealers do surprise him, though he only take a step back, his posture is still guarded like he's assessing the situation here. "Yes I do, but no I'm not a cop." He says. "My parents are, but they have too many damn rules, which I understand why they have them." he states, though his face clouds a little bit at that. "Nah, I can go and do what I need to do as a civilian that they can't do and honestly most gangs hate me so thats a good thing." He laughs.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene listens. "So, you think you do more good not being police, yes?" she says and mulls this over considering it. "So" she says looking unimpressed, then to Andre again.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    "I try." He says to her. "Gangs think they can do whatever the hell they want, and the Police are stuck behind rules that keep them from being able to do what's right, at the same time there are cops on the take from gangs." He shrugs. Andre looks to the other two Death Dealers. "So what are the three of you out here really doing?" He asks, "Something tells me a walk isn't all you were up to seeing as you were hiding and they only came out shortly after we started talking."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene looks silently over at Andre as the Death Dealers are watching.Then she speaks. "What are we doing out here?" she asks, voice quiet. "We were out for a walk, we were making sure this park is safe" she says quietly, watching him as the Death Dealers stay where they are now.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    "Hmm...I see." he says to her. "Right." He states. Andre, "Well I'm in this park every night and don't see much of anything except for the tenants who live here in the apartments behind me." Andre is now watching all of them, than looking to Selene fully, the trench coats could be hiding something, which has him more on alert, but he's calm. "Well thanks for looking after my park." He smiles as he looks to Selene. He looks around and finds a bench, "Come on, your guys can watch us." He says as he walks over to teh bench and sits down.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods silently, walking over to a bench without saying a word. Somehow, she's scarier like that, however she fixes her eyes on Andre. "You are welcome. It is..." she says searching for the right words. "A dangerous city" she adds.

The Death Dealers, not entirely happy at being told to stay over there, are trailing Selene. She's okay with this, they take up positions either side of the bench as if guarding it...from something, or someone.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    "Gotham is that." He says as he looks at Selene. She is beautiful still, Andre looks back over at the apartments, than he looks to the other two Death Dealers. "Gangs don't come here often, so those two should be good." He says to her. "Though I do want ot apologize." Andre turns to face Selene, "We've been talking but haven't greeted one another properly. I'm Andre and you are?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods and watches Andre, then to her Death Dealers, "I am Selene" she says firmly. "Gotham is dangerous, the entire Tri State Area is dangerous. I'm lucky to live out of the way however" she adds and nods. Looking to the apartments again Selene is quiet, looking past Andre then to her Death Dealers again.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Andre nods his head, "Yeah, I can't remember ever hearing anything really nice about this place. So many fucking gangsters and crime lords run rampant around here, also you hear rumors about other things." He says as he glances to her. "So how long have you been a vampire?" He asks. "Or did you really want ot have fangs in your mouth?" He asks. "If this is supposed to be a secret, I can keep it." He says. Though when he asked about the vampire part, his voice went really low.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene studies Andre closely. Looking amused, she smiles, showing her fangs. "Centuries" she says with a grimace. "Centuries. It's not any fun being in my shoes" selene adds with a look past Andre. "Not many gangs come here?" she asks carefully, then back to Andre, her small fangs showing now. "I" Selene says, "Prefer out of the city, personaly. Give me space, open space" she says firmly.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He slowly nods his head, "Sounds lonely Selene." He says as he looks into her eyes. "I will not ask too many questions." He says to her. He still is listening, "Yeah, they don't come here, there is regular security guards, but you will have a few who will stray in here and I beat their ass." Andre looks at the other two Death Dealers near him, "Do you have any natural enemies, allies or is that dependent on the person?" He asks.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene doesn't blink. Instead, she shakes her head, not answering about allies or enemies. She doesn't know if she can trust him yet or if he'll run off with this knowledge. "So. You are...." Selene says. "A guard of sorts, yes?" she says with a nod. "I respect that. I understand it" she says softly.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Noticing she isn't answering, he nods his head to her question. "Yeah." He says to her. "Just do what I can to help people and I'm very protective over children. I work in the Rec center here in the Hugo Building. The kids are my main priority, I don't want them having to deal with the violence and hardships I had to deal with." He says simply not caring if she knows this about him.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods and looks to the building quietly. "It's a home" she says softly, almost in amazement looking quietly to it then Andre as her Death Dealers move. Selene gets up and looks over and watches them move. "I've heard of that building, but I must keep exploring the city" she says softly.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    "This is what you call a luxury apartment complex, it's pretty state of the art and luckily due to me working here, I don't pay rent." He chuckles. Quirking a brow up at Selene, "Maybe I can show you around the city and around here." He looks to the other two Death Dealers, "That is allowed right?" He asks.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene looks amused for a moment, she's wondering if Andre is really about to ask her subordinates if he's allowed to show her around. Instead the two Death Dealers gesture to Selene. "Alright," Selene says, "But. But I need to head home however. But. I'll take you up on your offer" she nods, looking around.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He was, than he looks back at Selene. He grins, "Alright. Do you have a cell phone?" He asks. "I will give you my number and you can call me and let me know when you want to do this." He grins.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods, pulling out a scrap of paper from her coat. "I have one. But it's at home" she says with a nod. "Now" Selene says with a knowing smile. She holds out the paper and nods, getting to her feet and walking back to her bike, the Death Dealers waiting for Andre to scribble his number.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Andre puts his name and number on the paper. He hands it over to Selene not to the other Death Dealers, "I do want to hear from you Selene." He says to her. He than seeing she is about to leave, starts walking back the way he came, he looks back at her. He smiles, "Becareful." He says to her.