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Latest revision as of 02:03, 5 August 2019

A Demon in Madison Square Garden
Date of Scene: 25 July 2019
Location: Madison Square Garden
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Piper Halliwell

Kid has posed:
Madison Square Garden. All the top names have played here at some point. From GreenDay to Death Metal Clowns (somehow). The stage was massive, the audiance always comming and going. There wasn't a day that passed by that something wasn't going on in the Gardens.
    And this is exactly why for certain groups, weather occult or otherwise, The Gardens were a perfect place to gather large amounts of people. While the main stage was full the hallways had many people comming and going to various rooms. The T.V display showing that a up and rising band - The Mutant Renigade - was playing. But something more sinister was afoot. People didn't take notice of the Strange...life like statues that appeared in random spots, thinking they were displays or some sort of publicity stunt they were preparing for....But all the same they were unnerving, as people gave them a wide birth. And the sense of something...malevolent in the air can be felt, or to those attuned to magic...the most vile forms of hellish magic, that can make one quasy can be sensed.

Of course, that was people. Kid was a perfectly happy gorilla, eating a sandwhich, while watching the T.V display of the playing band. He was enjoying the music. And he infact sat near one of these ominiouse statues BECAUSE people stayed away from them.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper Halliwell, kitchen witch and Charmed One has got up to go get a soda when she feels like something is off. The music's okay, not tally her taste, but given the tickets were free for Mutant Renegades to come play at P3 in Bloodhaven....she's combining a trip to the Gardens, with work, scoping out a band. She's come prepared. Notbook and paper in hand. Jacket, too. She's come ready to fight evil, as is the case stepping outside her door. Or some days, getting out of bed. She's got one eye on the statues, then one on her soda. Looking over to Kid, Piper gives him a wave.

Something tugs at her, that sense of 'something is off here', and she stops her walk to look over at the statue, then Kid, then the statue. "What's the deal with those statues?" she asks looking unimpressed. "Is this some PR stunt?"

Kid has posed:
Kid looks Piper up and down for a brief moment. The gorrila was still getting used to people waving to him and being friendly. But he liked it compared to the alternative. Of course...Kid still didn't talk, he signed instead. He signs out 'Hell if I know. But their great for warding off people!' soon a synthetic voice follows the gesturing, but it doesn't completly match up with Kid as it says for him "Help if me now. Ass there great four trolling on people." Kid blinks and glares at his bracer which typically spoke for him and banged on it a few times. He HATED having to fix it right about now.

But suddenly Kid bolts upright, which startled a few nearby people. But Piper might know why, Kind've. That malevolent energy just skyrockted. 10 fold. And Kid...he was senseing a sudden spike in terror.

The lights were begining to flicker, and than came the screams. On The now glitchy T.V the crowd that was with the band...you can see people fleeing. But worse than that...their color was fading, and they were freezing in place. At one point, someone burst through a double door...but freeze as they slow turn to stone.
    But it wasn't limited to those who were in the theater, those memorized by the T.V were turning to stone themselves. Man, woman, child...random birds and dogs that happen to be looking. It wasn't all at once, giving those who realise what is going a chance to react.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper looks around with a startled sigh. "Okay. Medusa statues. Alright" Piper sighs looking around then to Kid motioning him over to her. Her thought process is getting him away from the statues. Looking to them Piper stays where she is looking around again, assessing situation. She's a witch and...a Charmed One after all. This is routine for her.

Kid has posed:
And Kid was...getting ready to smash. He balls his fists up, and he looks more than capable of breaking a few statues. But as wild as he looks, he was also not so wild as to not listen, he backs up away from the statue and over to Piper...more along the side of Piper back really, as if he was ready to punch out anything that tried to get there.

The lights suddenly go out. If it wasn't for the fact it was mid-day, the place would have been pitch black, but no. Instead everything was in shadow, muted tones that help blend things togeather. Almost as if one was in an old Noir movie.

There the sound of slither, the hissing tone of voices as a voice far off can be heard "Now my ssssssister. Itssss time to feed...than we'll free our kin" There the scream of a man, and than another snake like voice "Indeed. But letssss have some fun with these ssscurying left oversssss" the sound of sharp movement, as the still unseen creatures apprently slither off in different directions, intent on hunting the remaining people who were not yet stoned.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper notes the lights go out and Kid moving. She nods and listens as the statues move too, shaking her head. She's a witch. There's demonic or at least magic things going on, and she's in the right place at the right time. Right location too, Piper's a little worried by the statues mind.

Looking over Piper tenses up. People are being turned to stone. Great, this isn't good. Understatement of the year, this is more than not good. This is terrible.

Kid has posed:
Well, Kid wasn't sticking around. He had better things to do than wait for whatever was here to come to him. So needless to say he takes off, weaving between the statues and going around a corner, dissappearing from view. This left piper alone, in a room full of creepy statues. Statues whose heads were begining to slowly turn into Pipers direction.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper watches Kid then takes off runnning herself. She's not facing all these statues alone. No way. She's not that that stupid. She looks over then finishes running looking for Kid.

She does though wave her hand at a statue as she's got a vague seed of an idea though.

Freeze a statue, deal with one, repeat. Or, something like that.

If it works, that is. If not...think on your feet, Piper, think on your feet and think fast.

Kid has posed:
Kid was no where to be seen. For such a massive animal, he had feet like a cat! None the less piper initial Idea was a good one. As she began to run and freeze statues, she would notice they were slowly becomming more and more anited. As such he freezes were...well stopping the statues from comming after her.

Well some of them. A few in the back seem to gain full movement and were looking around, begining to take random directions for now.

Which may have been good for Piper. Granted as she rounds a corner, she bumps into quite the scene. One man had fallon on his back and was trying to hastly retreat on his back.

But it was far to late. A long slithering gorgon goes up to him rearing her snake filled head. She opens her mouth as do all the snake heads in unision, releasing a flash of light as the man screams "Nooooooooooooo" and than silence...

That is...before the gorgon turns to Piper. If piper knew demons/mythical beings/ gorgons well enough, she might recognize this one as Stheno. And Stheno was quickly slithering towards her like an enraged bull.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper does and throws her hand out there for her power. She's not okay with this, freezing or blowing them up is now what she's thinking on. She knows exactly who it is and, looking to the Gorgon, Piper shakes her head. "Why?" she asks, moving out of range again. Piper's given up trying to be normal for the time being. Instead she's calling for Kid to help out. Piper's shouting if she freezes one, Kid could punch them all. Or, help distract them to find something to deal with the Gorgons once and for all.

Kid has posed:
Stheno chases after her as she hisses out "To free our sisssssster. And the ssssoul of a Charmed One will be mossssst helpful" and boy was she gaining ground. And the statues were trying to follow as well. It was...looking pretty bad, as the gorgon does not seem affected by the freezing (thankfully the statues where).

But the calls do not go unheard! As Stheno get closer and closer, about to be ontop of her...Kid seems to appear out of nowhere, gorilla stomping Stheno in the head. This sends both of them tumbling forward, stopping her from chasing Piper.

Kid though is quick to take off once again, while Stheno is recovering, seeming to favor 'gorrilla tactics'. But his help goes beyound that. Depending on weather or not Piper is affected by telepathy...she might notice SEVERAL pipers split out from her spot. Distractions, decoys to help her get away!

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper looks over at Kid and Stheno tumble, Piper looks amazed. "I knew they hel wrestling here but damn" she mutters and freeezes the other Pipers, though she grabs the nearest thing to hand and hefts it, fully ready to smack the Gorgon on the head, or snakes, or heads, or wherever. She's still not happy about this. She came out here to scope out a band, not get woman on woman combat with a Gorgon. "I really hate snakes" Piper grimaces, looking over. She at least has a new trick. Lure STheno within range and pummel her by simply beating her over the head. heads. Whatever they are.

Easier said than done, however....as Piper grits her teth, an idea coming to her. "With my spirit and my will, I call the statues to send them back to hell" she says. It's not a perfect rhyme. But. She's thinking under pressure.

Kid has posed:
Needless to say...the other Piper are NOT affected. They were mental illusions, there was essentially nothing TO freeze, unless piper wanted to freeze her own brain. They just kept going. They were not going after her, but away. Seeming to eventually fade.

But on the brightside, the nearest thing Piper happens to heft is a statue...well the bust of one. It was heavy, but phew...demon or not, THAT was going to leave a mark! Green blood spills, and Stheno, plus the snakes scream in Agony, rearing back. "You sssslithering Snake!" she hisses at Piper angrily....not yet realizing the irony of that statement.

Nor would she. Fate has thrown a bone. The spell heard and uttered, the statues begin changing course. They all begin to try and grab the gorgon! Stheno though wasn't having it and begins bucking and slithering in wild tangent shapes, sending the statues flying...some shattering breaking apart. A blue smoke rising tempoarily forming into a humanoid soul that vanishes.

Of course, all this commotion attracted Euryale, the other Gorgon. She came slithering like a rocket towards Piper. And well Kid wasn't having that. He reaches out with his massive hand to try and grab Piper arm and yank her out of the collision course with the gorgon.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"That worked" Piper says to herself, allowing Kid to grab her....though she has an idea. "Hit them with the heaviest thing" she cals out, watching the Gorgon and the statues. Fate's thrownn a bone to her. Thankfully....as Piper watches both Gorgons. "You call me a snake?" she asks, then decides another spell, not that she wants to overdo magic. Piper instead figures that hitting the Gorgons hard works. Keep with it then.

Kid has posed:
Euryale hurtles into Stheno after Kid snatches piper out of the path! The two snake woman get momentarily stuck as the statues begin trying to beat them senseless with their heavy fist...each other, or anything they can grab. But togeather, it seems the gorgons were more formiddable, and their eyes glow brightly, retaking control of the statues, to Overtake the hastedly cast spell. Though they were dazed and recovering.
    Meanwhile...Kid wasn't waiting around, he more or less began to drag Piper away quite roughly. And this time he 'spoke' to her...or rather his psychic voice did...which sounded as beastial as he looked o O ("Do you have any better idea than hit it really hard?")

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"No ideas. None" Piper calls, "Well, aside from get more help in here" she adds and looks over. "Oh, and get a mirror and reflect their magic onto them. Okay, we need mirrors" Piper says with a nod, a decisive nod. She's been tossed into this without any witchy stuff, thinking on her feet. And, amazingly, Piper's still alive.

Mirrors, Piper's fairly sure that'll work. If hitting them with things doesn't take them out permanently.....she's got a few ideas up her sleeves. Then again, more magic based, too.

Kid has posed:
o O ("That sounds stupid") Kid mentally replies. Granted, he still new to this magic junk. o O ("Lets do it. That or blow them up.") he chuckles like that idea more. o O ("Look strange tiny person. I can distract them or you can, but we both can't. Cause one of us is going to need to get them mirrors") and they can hear the gorgon catching up real fast.

Kid takes a sudden turn left, and it almost looks like a wall appears behind them. The gorgons can be heard arugieng before taking another direction, buying them just a bit more time.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"You distract, I'll get mirrors" Piper says with a nod. "Bathrooms got mirrors right? We need to get our hands on mirrors, worst comes to worst, we stab them with the mirors" Piper adds. "Or we reflect their magic at them" she points out, listening to the Gorgons going a different way. She's getting an idea now.

Sure, she doesn't have the Book of Shadows with her. Instead she's going by memory. There's probably spell to deal with the Gorgons. She just needs to figure one out if the mirrors don't work any. Piper's a witch for all eventualities

Kid has posed:
("That I can do") O o and with that...Kid unceremoniouse drops Piper. He uses some nearby statues to heft himself up into the roof rafters (those things are incredibly sturdy. o O ("If you encounter any problem. Just give me a mental scream") And with that he was gone.

For his part, if there one thing Kid can do is create illusion. And in this case, he was about to confuse the Gorgons beyound reason. Making pathways open and close, tricking them for as long as he can while Piper does her part.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods getting to it finding mirrors. She's determined to get this, and deal with things. Things like mirrors. Gorgons, and...so forth though she's found a few compact mirrors,, mentioning she needs help figuring out how to get mirrors off the walls. That'd be a help, really, without breaking said mirrors.

Shaking her head Piper's slowly but surely trying to figure out how to get those mirrors off the walls, as she's looking for an easy way to do this.

Kid has posed:
Meanwhile it sounds like all hell is breaking loose out there. The gorgon can be heard crashing into walls, statues, windows and who knows what! Definintly the sound of statues falling too. One even shouts "Itsssss in my hair! get it out, get it OUT!!!" screeching as if she was a damn banshee!

Who was the demon here?

Regardless, piper own foray into the bathroom...well, the mirrors seemed placed similar to a picture frame, but with four holes. They were fairly heavy to prevent small children from lifting them up and getting them off their hinges, but doable with some struggling from an adult. Notable though, there was the possibility of using magic, or Piper could utilize that prior spell to get statues to do the work for her, set something up. Or she can come up with another solution.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper looks concerned at the hell breaking loose out there, though she settles on magic. If in doubt, she'l use magic and, and....elbow grease to sort this. With a healthy dose of beating on Gorgons. She rhymes another spell to make the statues get mirrors. Or, at least, that's her intention at least, the statues get mirrors. Let them do the heavy lifting.

Piper's just there to sort this out once and for all, really. She's doing her Charmed One thing, looking impressed at the idea of statues doing the work.

Kid has posed:
The statues go marching two, by two. The statues go marching by two. Working togeather to lift the mirrors, they go marching out to the hall! The simple spell was a great success, as each set of mirror is taken from the wall! Hurrah!

Meanwhile Kids reachs out to her mind o O ("Anytime soon? This ain't exactly easy over___") the voice goes deathly silent. The crashing and smashing heard before seems to die down. In an exhasperated tone not to far away a gorgon can be heard saying "Finally! Good grief. I liked it better 1000 years ago when it was JUST people. None of this foolishness. Medusa better appreciate this!"

Seems Piper is alone for the end game.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper's confident in the endgame, she's got herself a statue army, two by two. A spell and she rhymes for them to surround the Gorgons ith mirrors, she'll try her dmndest to bait the gorgons into either stoning themselves, or vanquishing themselves. She's a smart, smart witch after all. She looks amused as she stands there, then decides now's a good time to check on Kid. It's too quiet for her liking.

It's not lost on her she got herself a statue army, a freaking statue army to get mirrors to help with this. She's loking a tiny, tiny bit impressed as she waits, worried about that gorilla guy. Somehow she needs to get him to a hospital. Or, well, something.

Kid has posed:
When Piper finds Kid....Kid is a frozen statue himself. Unlike many of the others, his statue wasn't one of fear, but of fierce determination. He even seemed to have bite marks on his body...likely from tangling directly with the gorgons.

That being said, as her statue army prepares the mirrors as per Pippers directions - I.e hiding and waiting for Piper, they become motionless...waitinf for the moment to reveal the mirrors. It would have to be timed right...else Piper will get stonned herself.

Speaking of which, when she does find Kid...the sisters are not too far behind. Stheno spots Piper first "YOU!" she begins to give chase, as does Euathylne.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper gives the word to her stone army, doing her best to slow down the sisters so it gives the stone army a better shot at stoning the Gorgons. Piper's confident in this plan. Not bad for one thought up on the spur of the moment, too. Piper's got this. In theory....she's just stacking the odds for her statuesrealy, she wants them to have the advantage in this. Looking to the sisters for a moment, Piper stops and signals for the mirrors.

This is making Piper just a bit nervous, dealing with Gorgons, thinking on her feet. But on the other hand, she's thinking and planning a move or two ahead. Or at least she is in her own mind, that is.....mostly since she's got crossover from running a club and thinking on her feet there, to this. Gorgons are just like drunk, ugly P3 guests who need to be vanquished. THey're just teenagers having an awful, snaky, hair day realy. That's her rationalization for doing this. Oh, and protecting the city, too.

Kid has posed:
One of the gorgans seem to have been partially...scalped. As if someone RIPPED out her snake her...well some of it. So she was REALLY have a bad snake day. She was quicker and faster determined to get Piper...

And...she even manages to grab the witch, picking up up "Now....you die" and with that the rest of her snakes and her eyes glow! They begin turning her to stone...but it was far slower than one would expect.

Which was good, since suddenly, Piper would feel stone turning back to flesh as the gorgon screams "No! What is happening!!!!" The statues had popped out at the signal, the moment the gorgon began to try stoning Piper. The magic was being reflected back!

A few of the statues themselves were again turning into people! And soon Stheno was all but stone. This saved...half the city to say the least. But what of the other half?

Euralyn, none to eager to follow after that harrowing experience, had held back. but not soon enough. He lower half and her arms began to turn to stone. Now she was struggling to escape. but unlike her fully turned sister, her statues have not yet begun to turn back.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper watches keenly. This worked better than she expected looking at everything that's going on. She's got t this. Piper nods, nodding to the statues. "Finish her" she says pointing to Euralyn, nodding to the people and statues. "Finish her off and save your friends" she insists with a smile looking determined. She'll help out, true, she'll definitely help out, like she's been doing all along. Piper's not a fan of being grabbed though, so when she gets grabbed she's kicking like a horse, or a petulant kid not wanting to get caught doing something.

Kid has posed:
The majority of people run away. Let be honest, most folks are not equipped to handle demons. That being said some of the people, and the reamining statues do go after Euralyn. As she tries to use her stoning ability to try and stop them, a few more are turned to stone, but others had the dency to notice the mirrors....and held them up like shields.

Soon enough Euralyn is a statue herself, stoned by her own power. And like that the people she held captive were soon flesh once more. Though there were a great many dead folks too, remaining as statues due to having been broken priorly.

And...Piper was kind left dangling in the air. She can kick like a horse all she wants, but getting out of the grip of a statue is not what one would call easy. But at least a few people came to help her down.