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Latest revision as of 02:07, 5 August 2019

Date of Scene: 27 July 2019
Location: NYPD offices
Synopsis: Beast, Jubilee and Captain Quaid talk about recent anti-mutant incidents. Captain Quaid promises to follow up on the bus attack. Beast and Jubilee get an address for people responsible for bringing two Xavier students into drug prostitution.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Beast, Jubilee

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I don't get your problem, it was more Sentinel crap. SHIELD brought down that big one and she had more info," Captain Frank Quaid grunts as he taps away on his Blackberry.

Detective Sergeant Elaina Bever looks annoyed. "Because I don't trust them, Frank, and you shouldn't either. They might be setting you up for something," Elaina replies. She pulls the SUV into the driveway of Xavier's. "I should be there when you meet these contacts."

"Let it go, 'laina," Frank says, equally annoyed. When they park, both officers climb out of the SUV. Frank called ahead so it was not a surprise and they are met just inside the lobby by one of the school administrative staff. The young man leads them to the Staff Lounge and asks them to wait for Dr. McCoy. Frank and Elaina take a seat to wait, Frank in a blue suit and Elaina in a black one.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is in his suit, being called up from the labs, and takes off his white coat before coming out. Offering his hand, he smiles "Captain, good afternoon. Is there something I can do for you?"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee has some time to kill before a meeting in Jackson Heights. She'd thought she might go raid the freezer for popcicles in this heat, but something more interesting came along. "Police?" she says to herself quietly as the Captain and Lieutenant are led along the corridor back toward the teacher's lounge. She considers only for a moment, cutting her eyes back toward the police officers.

"Why not?" She's dressed for her meeting, in a black sundress with a red satin sash, tied in a bow at one side of her waist. She accessorized with a red bead necklace, red heels, and a red ribbon in her hair, which is done in an old pinup style. She follows the trio until they walk into the teacher's lounge, and sets down her own official-looking papers on a table there, as if she has business anyway. Nevermind that they're just directions to Jackson Heights.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank and Elaina stand up when Hank comes in and they shake hands.

"Afternoon, Dr. McCoy, thanks for seeing us. This is Detective-Sergeant Elaina Bever, Special Crimes. She's my partner," he introduces the two to each other.

"Pleasure to meet you, Dr. McCoy," the tall, serious looking woman say with a smile and shakes hands with Hank.

Frank gestures to the table and takes a seat along side Elaina. "Actually, Dr. McCoy, I wanted to see what you need from me," he says. Elaina catches Jubilee's entrance, then turns her attention back to the conversation.

"I've got my hands full with this falling Sentinel garbage, the New Hope gang mess in Bushwick and a few other things. But what happened with the bus the other day didn't slip me by. We're worried about you and this place. Three cyborg incidents in a couple months... Is this something someone out there is going to handle, or something I need to put more people on?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy smiles to Elaina. "Sergeant. Have a seat, both of you." He'll pick the sturdiest seat for himself, and nod. "Jub, you thnk we have any need for cops? I'd say you just listed all the things happening to us right now." He sits back, rubbing his forehead, shaking his head. "Honestly, Frank, we were so concerned about operational security with that field trip that we haven't touched it yet. We were hoping nobody would know that was a bus full of mutants, and while we've kept that from the general public - Josh's and my appearances not withstanding - someone knew. I don't know who, and I don't know how."

Jubilee has posed:
"I mean...there are anti-mutant attacks, every single day. Dazzler got stabbed just a week or so ago, just going into a coffee shop. But she's a publicly recognized mutant. It's not that it isn't concerning, but with public faces, and constant anti-mutant sentiments, it's hard to say what's connected and what's not, anymore." Jubilee frets thoughtfully at her lip. "Even if no one else knew anything about this place, they'd know there was a higher concentration of mutants here per capita than your average school. It'd have to be a no-brainer..."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"You'd think," Frank says. "Maybe they're just not completely stupid. I don't know who half of you are or what you could do, but I wouldn't want to find out by breaking down your fence," Frank says dryly.

"We've got a couple people on things right now. We keep running into roadblocks at the DA's. We had a couple of Professor Xavier's shooters on the ground after his attack, those 'kids' that attacked Dazzler, and now the bus. But funny, they go for 'special medical treatment' because they're cyborgs and that's not something they see much at Bellevue. And then they're just gone. And charges sit, and sit without getting sworn."

"Which isn't that unusual these days," Elaina says wryly. "You're organized crime? 80% chance your charges are dropped or dismissed by the judge in the last half year."

Frank just grunts at that. "I won't lie, it's not a great time for us. I'll do what I can to help and bring you what I learn," Frank says. "Something needs to get done."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shifts a bit in his seat, shaking his head. Thumping his fist against his thigh. "Any help you can give us, Frank, will get you deep appreciation here. We'll owe you. So many attacks on us. You saw what they did to those kids. You saw what they were. That doesn't just happen. That has to be organized and controlled."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee moves over closer to the others, sitting on the corner of a table and swinging her feet lightly. "What I am afraid of, Captain Quaid, is not just the attacks on mutants. What I'm afraid of is young adults with extraordinary 'talents' having enough of being constantly on alert andconstantly looking over their shoulders. It's enough to make a fully-developed adult snap, eventually. Not to mention the fact that most of those with talents have not properly adjusted to either society or their own capabilities. It sets up an imminently dangerous opportunity for counterattacks and vigilante justice."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"We worry about the same thing. People can only be pushed so far," Elaina agrees. "I don't want anyone getting into something they'll pay for later."

"For now I'll do what I can to put extra bodies in Bushwick and clamp down on New Hope and sort out this cyborg thing," Frank assures Hank and Jubilee. "Don't worry about owing us, it's our job. But if there's anything you hear that'd help, we'd love to know. The sooner life gets back to normal the happier we'll all be."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looks to each of the officers. "I know you'll say it's just your job, but if we can help you... if there are resources you need, that you can't get through channels, please come to me. come to us." Jubilee's hanging leg gets patted. "As far as the bus attack, in the moment, we didn't get much. I can make available any students, any staff you want to talk to, to try go glean information. Otherwise... the videos on the internet probably give you the most to work with."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee hops down from the corner of the table and smiles. "Yes, absolutely, if there's anything we can do...We just want you to know that your help is always most appreciated. It's just good to know that we're all on the same page, and the same team," Jubilee says with a grin. "I've always believed that, with enough brilliant minds, there's nothin' we can't overcome."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Brilliant minds is Dr. McCoy's department, I'm just a cop," Frank says dryly. He pulls a card out of his suit jacket and slides it across the table to the two X-Men, then stands up. "I've got to get going, but call me if anything new comes up. Sorry to hear about your two kids, by the way. This Hook is nasty stuff," Frank adds with a glance at his business card then back. He and Elaina shake hands with Hank and Jubilee, assure the two they know the way out and take their leave.

On the backside of the card in a fluid scrawl is an address in Bushwick.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy will shake hands, take the card and slip it into an internior jacket pocket. "I'll walk you two back to your car. This mansion can be confusing if you're not used to it." Glacing at both side of the card first though. "We will of course, leave all the investigation to the police,and never go nosing around in Bushwick needlessly."