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Latest revision as of 00:14, 6 August 2019

Just stopping by
Date of Scene: 05 August 2019
Location: Hyperion Hotel
Synopsis: Buffy drops by the Hyperion to catch up with Angel. Bittersweet memories ensue briefly.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Angel

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hadn't visited Angel in a long while, but she just happened to be in the neighborhood, and thought she'd drop by. He might have some insight in something she's been looking for lately. The idea of him working out of a formerly haunted hotel still seems odd to her, but the building is quite beautiful and the lobby is somehow welcoming as she steps inside, peering around. "Hello, anyone home?"

Angel has posed:
Angel returned recently from one of his patrols, that means there are at least two less demons in the world, and he got the chance to test his new longsword. The blade, itself, is sheathed in a scabbard set diagonally on his back, the hilt of the longsword peeking from behind his right shoulder. The rest of his outfit is made by a pair of black shoes with golden laces, black pants following an elegant design as indicated by the diagonal angle of his pockets, and a black shirt with silver buttons on the front. Having just arrived, it is still with the longsword on his back that he appears from a door to step into the lobby "we're closed tod..." he pauses, his eyes setting on buffy as soon as he spots her "we were closed, I guess. Hello, Buffy."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers spins around to face Him, sword and all. She hasn't seen him in a really, really long time, honestly, and she wasn't prepared to see him just stride in all casually and badass, a shiny sword strapped across his back. "Nice to see you too." she folds her arms as she watches him, overwhelmed by a wash of conflicting emotions. She missed him terribly and wanted to hug and kiss him. But things are different now, and they cant ever get close again.

"You look..Well, Angel. Just came back on patrol, and with a shiny new toy, I see?" she smirks, trying to make light of the matter. "Don't worry, I didn't come here on business. Not really. Just happened to be in the neighborhood. Just thought I'd stop by and say hi. So. Umm..Hi!"

Angel has posed:
Angel strides to a nearby couch, and while moving towards it unslings the scabbard from his back, holding it casually in his right hand and placing it on the floor leaning against the couch itself. On the couch then he takes a seat, calmly facing Buffy "it, is always good to see you." he comments, gesturing towards the various couches "feel free to take a seat, do, you, want something to drink or..." he is probably as conflicted as she is, so much that he even forgets about commenting on his new sword! At least till his eyes set on the weapon "uh, yes, it is... Apparently it is made from a material that makes it less likely it'll loose its sharpness so easily."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers draws a deep breath, peering at the couch, pondering where to sit. Not TOO close, but not TOO far away from him. Either way would be too awkward, and this whole conversation is likely to be awkward either way. "Oh. Um. Water. Or or, wine would be good. Actually scratch that." she gets drunk too easily, "Orange juice or water. Or hey tea, tea's good. Yes, tea sounds nice, herbal if you have any." she laughs a bit nervously, having trouble settling on a single drink. "Sorry, guess this isn't a hotel. Well, I guess it is, but you're not a waiter so, haha.."

She finally takes a seat a comfortable distance away. But not too far. Her gaze lingers towards the sword again, thoughtfully, "Well that's cool, a sword that never dulls. I guess that could come in handy. Where'd you get it from? Wonder if they have more.."

Angel has posed:
Angel stands up slowly again, in a fluid motion, starting to walk towards a door "I didn't say it never dulls, I said it is more difficult for it to loose its sharpness. It does, but less frequently." the last words are just eard, since he is in another room now, starting to prepare the tea it seems. He returns and leans next to the door on the nearby wall, looking again at Buffy while waiting for the water to be ready. "as for where I got it from, it was a demon that I met a couple of days ago. He doesn't need it anymore, as for where he got it I have no idea but it is not cursed, so." and he shrugs.
He pauses, for a bit, probably trying to think about what to say, or to do, because saying the wrong thing would be as bad as saying nothing, or maybe worse? "how have, you been?" he finally asks

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, "A fancy sword. From a demon. You sure it can be trusted? I hope you're right about it not being cursed. Sometimes curses don't pop up til much later.." she rolls her eyes, but trusts Angel enough to know he wouldn't make a fatal error like that. He always had pretty good insight.

As he goes to prepare tea, Buffy glances around the place, drawing in a deep breath. "Nice place you have here. Big an' comfy. I never figured a hotel would be a good office for a paranormal investigation team but.." she shrugs, "Guess it works, with the whole, haunted history." there she goes again, making perky smart aleky remarks. Probably to ease her nervousness.

As for how Buffy's been? She just shrugs, forcing a smile. "Oh, just fine. You know, busy with college, patrolling, trying to figure out if Spike-with-a-chip can be trusted..Trying to get back into the dating scene..Oh yeah, I guess a friend needed help on protecting a very special institution..They wanted me to find blood from a very powerful and ancient vampire so I've been searching for one.."

Angel has posed:
Angel nods slowly "I had the impression that he was using it after taking it from someone else, so it is probably safe." he adfirms, then quietly slips around the door as the tea kettle announces its readiness with a whistle. "good! And did you find one?" he asks from the other room still, coming back after a wile with a cup of smoking herbal tea in his right hand, cup that he hands to Buffy. He tries not to think at least about one thing that she said. "and can he be trusted?" he asks, turning swiftly to head back for his couch to take a seat again on it. "the hotel is nice, yes. Lot of room to keep things, to train, not to mention comfortable. Maybe I will rearrange the west wing and open it to the public as an actual hotel at some point. It's still a source of income."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip as he chats lightly, nodding slowly, "Well that's good. All the better for you, I suppose. And how's business going for you here? It's really a beautiful place..You should definitely open some rooms to rent out to people. That would be a bonus.." she takes the teacup, although her finger barely brushes his as she makes a grab for it, causing her to shiver a bit, remembering back then.

"Thanks for this.." Buffy is silent a moment or two as she sips slowly on the tea. It's nice and warm and relaxing. "Dunno yet. I've been scanning around for unusual vampire activity, but there haven't really been any big bads stirring up unusual trouble lately. And..I wouldn't feel right taking such a large amount of blood from an..An ally.." she glances thoughtfully at Angel as she says that.

"Spike, heh, he's a loose canon. I mean..Yeah, I think he can be trusted. He's all too eager to impress me, I guess, but he doesn't seem to get along with Brian, another part time member of my team." a faint and thoughtful smile creeps upon her face as she recalls Brian, for some reason.

Angel has posed:
Angel gives a tight nod and leans backwards on the couch "I should rent some, yes. But before that I'll have to do some restructuring, people won't come into rooms with peeling wallpapers and barely working lamps." he admits, looking at the ceiling for a few seconds.
"who wouldn't try to impress you?" he asks, or comments in an almost casual tone "good, glad he's getting along with the team without doing any disasters." he adds then, of course talking about spike. He draws in a deep breath, then again looks at the ceiling "I am tracking an ancient and powerful vampire, at the moment. As it is, it will be difficult to even find him, not to mention slay him, but I promised, someone, that I'd help with that. If I manage to capture him, you can have his blood, I think. But it is not my call, it is not my kill either, so I will have to ask."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Well yeah, this place is totally past century, but you know, it's not so bad, just needs a little updating, a few minor renovations here and there and then it'd be good as new. Heck, I'd rent out a room here next time I'm in town. It's really quite..Quaint." she shrugs, wondering how Angel would feel about that.

She smirks a bit at his wry comment and shrugs again, "Well, I guess I still got the charm factor, even if I'm a bit out of practice.." Buffy winks at him as she says that, trying to lighten the mood.

Talk of an ancient vamp does cause her to sit up straight. "Really? Is that so...? Need help finding them? I mean, I'm sure between the two of us, we could fight this thing..And then I could help my friends cast the spell they need to protect this..Institution.." she nods, "Not your kill huh? Since when did people become so protective of who kills the vamps?"

Angel has posed:
Angel gives another tight nod "I guess so" yes, she hasn't definitely lost her charm, and that means that he must find that bundle of emotions still boiling in his chest, wrap it into a hand, and squeeze, hard, turn those emotions into a block of cold metal. It is better than having Angelus run loose slaying left and right anyways. "I am not worried about fighting this vampire, and have a quite good lead on it even, just..." he pauses "it is someone's father, and that someone is the one who wants to get him out of this world, and with good reasons. And no, I have no idea about how a vampire can have a child, I truly have no idea" he adds, closing his eyes for a moment as if in thought.
"ah, sure, I will, I, will keep a room for you I guess." he adds, remembering about the part of the conversation concerning the hotel and rooms for rent.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, watching him thoughtfully. "I see..A personal vendetta. Well I guess I shouldn't get involved then, I wouldn't want to make things more complicated. But if you do end up needing extra firepower, I'm here.." she shrugs, "Soo, have have you been, I mean, personally? Are you...Seeing anyone? Enjoying LA...?"

Angel has posed:
Angel finds himself nodding again "I will talk to this person, if, we have the autorization, I will try to get the vampire alive so that you can get your blood, and we'll get two birds with a stone, so to say." he comments. The question about him seeing anyone summons at first a blank expression, then a smirk, then a shake of his head "no I, am not seeing anyone, that usually don't end well and the world is safe without a bloodthirsty vampire running around slaying people." he says, maybe a bit drily on the last part "apart from that I'm pretty well, thanks. The usual stuff, training, demon slaying, vampire staking, investigating, training, staking, slaying, investigating, training, well, you got it.."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a slight brow. She knew that his 'perfect happiness' moment would cause him to revert to all 'grr' and 'evil', but she always wondered if he might still have a fling here or there..Not like it was his style, but he must get lonely at times..She smiles faintly and nods. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. It wasn't my place. Guess I just wanted to know that you were doing well since...Then.."

Buffy sips her tea more slowly and thoughtfully then, peering at the dark shiny liquid within as she ponders. "Sooo, just work work work all the time huh. Well, don't forget to find some 'me' time in there somewhere. It doesn't hurt to pamper yourself once in a while. When's the last time you went on vacation?"

She didn't mean to, but somehow it all came out sounding like she was his mom or..Or ex or something..

Angel has posed:
A sort of chuckle escapes Angel's lips, as he shakes his head "me, I'm fine. They try, but never manage to kill me so I guess I'm fine! Don't worry, I'll be allright for the next century or so, hopefully." he says, slowly standing up from the couch "as for the vacation, why, what's a vacation? I will have a very long one when I'll be a pile of ash and dust, till then, I suppose I must earn my rest, and try to do some good, and not to fall in l... And not to get too happy about it all so that the world can be safe from me." the last couple of words are pronounced in a quite bittersweet tone, his hands reaching for the sword "well I think I should store this thing safely, and then go out again. Work calls again and again."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow as she watches him, feeling terrible. His heart was ripped out and he's cursed to never love. Ever. He delves himself in his work and pretends like it's the only thing that matters. "Is that so..Maybe you should try. Maybe it's not so bad. Just a date here or there, something fun, if you like a girl, doesn't mean you have to go all the way.." she shrugs, "Sometimes I worry about you..I wonder if there's a way to stop the curse.." Buffy sighs, and shakes her head. "I don't know what it is but...Maybe it's something I can work on. A cure, a way to break the curse for good. I dunno. Because you deserve happiness just like the rest of us.." she too, climbs to her feet, reaching out to touch him rather hesitantly on the arm. "Angel..I'm sorry for...Everything. I just..Hope you can find happiness someday. I'll see you around, I hope.." her tone too, is bittersweet, her voice nearly cracking at the sadness she feels for him, but before she can lose it, she turns and hurries out the front door.