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Latest revision as of 06:33, 9 August 2019

Something Relaxing
Date of Scene: 09 August 2019
Location: Kitty's Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Pete and Kitty spend a quiet evening watching horror movies. Jean stops by to check up on rumors. Sandwiches are upset at being ignored.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Spider-Man, Phoenix

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty calls ahead to Peter. "I'm on my way home. Or, back to Narnia and then home. Same difference. Feel up to a movie tonight? Your choice. Just, you know. Pick something I'd have chose," she says, laughing warmly. "Ok, I'm kidding, pick what you want. I trust your judgment."

She hangs up, but then texts him a good half dozen times about how she can't wait to see him. Because she's totally hooked. Like a big mouth bass on a hook. A big mouth bass with a pony tail.

Spider-Man has posed:
There is no way Peter is ever getting use to Narnia. His spider senses hate it... it makes him feel like everything is collapsing like a busted tunnel and just waiting for the last stone to fall... "Be careful.. That mirror is going to eat you and Ill be lost! Lost I say!" Once they hang up he crouches infront of his cart of DVDs because hes a hipster and picks something from thr vintage, horror subsection... hes a nerd... the nerdiness is real.

While shes making her way to his apartment he goes about unpacking dinner, which is just take away from Angelos, the best sandwich shop in Queens, and plops down on his tired couch with his feet crossed on the old table, texting constantly with Kitty with big goofy grin.

Shadowcat has posed:
There is a rustling from the closet and Kitty comes out of it. No, not in that sense! Kitty grins and slips off her suit jacket she wore into the office, and removes her shoes. "Oh you are a sight for sore eyes," she says, moving over to give Pete a long kiss. "Give me a minute to shower and clean up?" she asks.

Kitty moves towards the bathroom. "God that food smells fantastic," she tells him. She winks to him before heading into the bathroom and starts up the water.

Spider-Man has posed:
Its 2027, it could happen.

Peter pops his head up at the closet rustling and grins when Kitty, and not some ancient horror come to devour all life in the universe, exits. "Heeeey." Grinning up at her and half wrapping her in a one armed hug during that long kiss. "Yeah.. I've missed you all day. JJ was up my ass for spider-man pics and... I'm going to be honest here... I wanted to sock him. I know what happens next. I'm all over the blast on the website, cheesing in my mask, and being blamed for world hunger..."

He follows her around to the bathroom with a swivel of his head, "You're gorgeous, I love you, never ever change... except out of those." Pointing at her work clothes as he jumps back over the cushions of the couch to get their sandwiches in order, "I got you a morel mushroom open face..." Voice raised towards the bathroom, "Turns out the Kosher options are kind of iffy... but it smells good and Angrlos swears you'll love it." Yep, he said kosher. My dude pays attention.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty heard all of that, based on how she comes out of the bathroom after a bit, wearing a white robe and drying her hair with a great big smile on her face. "I changed out of those," she tells him with a grin. "And I love you too. You bought kosher for me. That just... you just..." she says. Gushing over him.

Kitty takes the towel back into the bathroom and then returns, brushing in hand. She moves over to take a seat in front of him on the floor and then begins brushing her hair out. "So what'd you pick for the movie" she asks him. "If it would help to have me take pictures of you, I could do that. Though I realize it just means he's going to slander you worse. So, up to you, just offering if it would help you out," she says.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter grins at the berobed Kitty and shrugs helplessly, "It seemed like the right thing to do?" Hes grinning when the plates of their sandwiches are set on the table and then moreso when she sits down between his legs. He leans over and kisses the very top of her scalp, "Night of the Living Dead. I don't know what your opinion on horror is, but this is a cuddle movir and I think we shouldn't let it down... jus sayin."

His hand extends out over her shoulder, fingers curling as if asking for the brush, "I... yeah, you could. It's not really the pictures though. He pays mr well enough for them, I'm just tired of being called a villain." There's a tiny sigh snd a smaller shrug, "I guess it comes with the territory. Maybe I should quit the Bugle? I definitely don't need that money anymore..."

He makes about as much from the Avengers anyways.

"You can literally always take pictures of me, though."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs and says, "I might take a few explicit ones. Like put your mask on you while you sleep and then take selfies of my time in bed with Spider-Man." She grins at him and passes the brush over to Peter. "Ok, you are about to make major points with me," she comments as she glances at the brush in his hand. In fact she even kind of seems to brace herself a little bit.

"Cuddle movie hmm? I think I can handle that," she tells him. "Well, if you want to go for it. I'll support you no matter what," she says to Peter. "You know you could probably go to work for Tony during the day if you did need more money. I mean, outside of Avenging."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Probably." Peter agrees with her on most points, grinning at the thought of her taking selfies with sleeping Spidey, "Why Ms Kitty, youre so lewd.." The brush slides gently through her hair, holding the length ahead of each stroke to rub his fingers against potential knots to loosen them. He doubts he finds many. Clearly he's brushed hair before! "I uae to do this for May after she had a long day at work." He explains with a grin, always very gentle about it, but enough pressure to feel them delicious bristles against scalp.

"I know." That she would support him and he grins appreciative, "I still have my job here and doing web designs on the side... plus the svenger stipend..." His finger nails comb down through her hair a few times as well, "...I kind of wrote some code for a project Tony was working on." He doesn't specify, but it was for Visions resemble! That will not look bad on a resume.

Shadowcat has posed:
It won't be the first time that Peter has made Kitty melt. But it's certainly an easy way to do it. She leans into the brush going through her hair, sighing happily. "I don't know what it is, but it just makes me shiver, the brush on my skin," she tells him. "And... I don't know. It's just... so beautifully intimate," she says to Peter. "You know... I used to brush my hair in front of Jason all the time, kind of hoping he'd just offer and take the brush. But he never did. And I guess it's probably silly, but I didn't want to ask. I just... wanted him to want to do it. Have it be something he'd enjoy."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Jeez... when I saw you come out with the brush, its literally all I could think of." Peter continues sliding it through her hair, scraping nails periosically. A light touch and a huge grin, leaning over to kiss her neck, "I hate talking bad about your ex fiance, but he was kind of a stupid."

One arm wraps around the front of her chest, just abover her robes, "I have to say, I think you can do better... I know, I know..." Playfully patting the air, "It's self serving... but... I swear, you were made for me. And Me for you."

He kisses the back of her head and sits up to resume brushing.

Shadowcat has posed:
If there is a word that means melts, but even more so... that's what Kitty does as Peter drags his nails over her scalp. "Oh Pete, that just... yes!" she says, laughing. She leans her head over to bare her neck for the kisses. She leans back against him, seeking contact with Peter.

"No, he... had a very hard life. So bad that the words very hard life don't do it justice. Rachel? She had it worse. Laura? Her too. If you know their history, then you know how bad it was that I'm resorting to them for the comparisons," Kitty says. "And he came through it and tries to be a good man."

Kitty reaches her hand over to find Peter's that isn't busy in her hair. "But I'm yours now. He ended it. And I understand why he ended it. And it was for my benefit, not because he didn't care. And... I just had to accept it this time," she says, shrugging. "But I have to move on. And I think I was meant to be with you."

Spider-Man has posed:
"I... yeah, sorry. I shouldn't joke about that..." Pete says in a quiet voice, glancing down, though he continues to brush her hair, with his nails more often than the brush now that its properly straightened. "I'm sorry... I mean, about making fun of him, sure, but just all of it. I know that had nothing to do with me, but..."

He shrugd loosely and leans back down to wrap his arms across her chest when she reaches for his hand, "I can't stand the thought of you being upset.. Which sounds silly considering the implications, I feel like as hard ss our life is, There's no reason you should have to add a broken heart to it."

His forehead rests on her neck snd shoulder, speaking quietly i to her robes, "I'll never hurt you, Kits. I'll never break your heart. I'm never going to run around... or desert you." He MEANS it. But he's still a nerd.

"You're the best thing that's ever happenee to me... and I got bit by a soider that gave me super powers..." He turns and kisses her neck, then straightens to comb fingers in her hair.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty turns around to face Peter and slides her arms around him. Hugging herself close and kissing him slowly and deeply. She takes her time in the kiss, letting it go on and on, before gradually letting it end. Even after, her tongue touches her lips, tasting him there. "Um," she says, smiling. "You mean the world to me," she says, one of her hands moving to brush through Peter's hair. "I love you. And I'm never going to Rickroll you, even verbally," she tells him, breaking out in a small little smile.

"Though if you're the man I think you are, and truly know me? You know I'm absolutely going to Rickroll you," she says, laughing softly and then giving him a brief kiss on the lips.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Your honor, she acosted me." Peter says as Kitty spins around on him, but he couldnt phywically have a bigger grin, nor be more willing to accept the kiss. Arms around her waist, holding her tight against his chest, even after she releases that passionate embrace. He laughs, though, when she says she'll n3ver rickroll him and if he ever wondered if it were possible to love this woman anymore... he absolutely knows he can.

"Yes you will." Grinning after the laugh and pulling her up easily from the floor to sit in his lap on the couch while she brushes through his hair, "Don't you hold back on account of our mutually assured affection, either..." Nuzzling playfully with the tip of nose and then his forehead to worm his head benrath one of her arms, so its wrapped around his neck.

"I fully expect Rick Ashton to pop out of my birthday cake..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs warmly and gets Peter in the headlock. "I bet he's probably lost all of his money by now and has to take gigs popping out of people's birthday cakes. I wonder what it would cost to hire him for a day. Just take him around and rickroll everyone you know."

Kitty muses. "That would be pretty awesome actually. I wonder how much that would cost." She rubs at her chin. "So what do you want to do for your birthday?" she asks.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Are you kidding? He probably gets a quarter everytime someone rickrolls someone else... that guy is probably stacked like an erector set." Pete says from his headlocked position, completely okay with this. His hand lays on her robed abdomen, making a WWE show of trying to break her grip! Grunting playfully with each twist or pull! "Ahh.. I need a tag!" Hand way out as if he reaches for the ring ropes!

"Not for nothing, but I want to rickroll some criminals tomorrow..." Pete muses quietly, kissing her flank and popping his head out with some fancy flexability, "huh... well... We could go to Paris? Also... I dont know. Whatever it is, I want it to start and end with you." Kissing her nose.

Shadowcat has posed:
It would have been easy enough to overhear some gossip amongst the students that mentions Kitty. "Yeah, I think she's dating Mr. Parker," one students says. "No way, wasn't he engaged to Miss Braddock?" another asks. "They split up. But I doubt Miss Pryde would get involved with him. I mean, she'd get ninja-sliced right?" says a third. "Telling, you, the way they smiled at each other and leaned, it was like they made out, but it was obvious they were together," the first finished.

Later that evening, Kitty's doors are closed but one can sense she's inside and in a good mood. There's sounds of a movie playing, and then Kitty laughing.

Inside the room, Kitty says, "I'll leave the criminals to you. Except for the Gotham ones. But anyway... yes. Paris. We need to figure out when we want to go," she agrees.

Phoenix has posed:
Not being a rude intruder, Jean doesn't simple waltz in, but the rumors coupled with the timing in such close proximity to some quesitonable recent calls by Scott, do make Jean want to have a talk with Kitty. So she walks to her room and knocks on the door, perhaps louder than usual, simply for hearing the sounds inside. Wanting to be sure she's heard. "It's Jean," she says for the benefit of those without telepathy or x-ray vision, or what have you.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Well, yeah... but I you gave me the idea, so that makes you an acomplice." Pete says aith a sardonic little half grin, sitting back in the couch with one foot lifting to give Kitty a back rest in his knee, "I'm going to try and find a boombox... You know just to set it down..." His hand scratches inisistently at the back of his neck, brow furrowing slightly as if its suddenly irritating him and glancing in the direction of the door just as Jean announces herself on the otherside.

He raises a brow and glances around wuickly like a teenage caught spooning in the attic until he remembers he's an adult and doesn't have to wallcrawl down any rose bushes...

With a kiss to Kitty's cheek, he slides off the couch and hops easily over the back, headed for the door. Dressed, as usual, in a nerdy t-shirt, but with pajama pants.

"Whats the password?" Holding a finger up at Kitty, nodding with his brow furrowed, let her know he's only joking... he still waits a few more seconds before pulling it open.

"Jean! Come on in." Grinning and stepping backwards towards the couch.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is sitting over on the floor in front of one of the chairs. There are two sandwiches which are sitting untouched. They are actually quite cross about that, and feeling neglected. But as neither Kitty nor Peter understand sandwich emotions, that fact goes unnoticed. Which really pisses them off even worse.

Kitty pops up to her feet. She's wearing a white robe as if she was out of the shower not too long ago. Night of the Living Dead is on the TV. "Jean!" she says warmly. "Yes, come in," she agree, waving the redhead inside. "How are you doing? We were just having dinner and starting to relax," she says.

Phoenix has posed:
When asked for a password, Jean answers without the slightest hesitation, "42," obviously a fellow nerd would accept such a clever response. Walking in, after having opened the door, as most normal people do, and the owner of this specific room does only some of the time, Jean grins. "So the rumors that the students are all abuzz about are true? Did you have a mortal combat with Betsy according to ninja traditions, Kitty?" She then peers at Peter and quips, "hi, Peter."

Spider-Man has posed:
Ahh speak for thyself. Peter speaks fluent sandwich, but had a falling out with pastromi last week so is taking it out on all his brethren. This isnt neglect, its war.

Peter cants his head a second, either to shut up his over active brain, or trying put together Jean just said 42. Of course she did.. why wouldn't she? Being a teacher doesn't make someone ancient Peter...

Pete cants his head the other way, shutup brai, she can hear this stuff...

He jumps back over his chair and leans his forehead against a kitty. "She did. I wanted something at sunrise in a meadow, but we couldn't talk the creepy Russian psychobear into teleporting us..." Both hands come up in an expressive shrug, "So they used a toothbr- ai have no idea where I'm going with this." He confesses and points at his sandwich, "Itallian betallion, you're welcome to hslf?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde breaks out in soft laughter at the question from Jean, and more at Peter's goofiness. The latter gets an endearing smile from Kitty, and a swelling of emotions that would answer Jean's first question on their own.

Kitty looks back to Jean. "Are they telling rumors? Well, I did sort of intentionally let some of the students see me leaning on Peter in the kitchen the other day. Plus our scooter drag race in the driveway. Better they just realize it and get it out of the way than have half wondering and debating it."

Kitty waves Jean in and goes over to the half-sized fridge to get her an iced tea. "Yes, we just... ah. Sparked, I guess is the word," Kitty says, grinning over at Peter. "No combat with Bets. I did go and see her. And agonized the whole way over what I'd say. And before I'd gotten in the door she'd heard it all out of my head and was laughing at me," Kitty says sheepishly.

"But she was really happy for us. Gave us her blessing. Said we were both hopelessly dorky and totally perfect for each other, or something like that. And she was right," Kitty says, moving over to Peter again and leaning back against him. "I didn't expect it to happen, but really happy it did."

Phoenix has posed:
For all of her telepathic abilities, even with the aid of the Phoenix Force, Jean remains utterly oblivious to the plight of the sandwiches. For shame. But she does much better with Peter Parkers, and so she does quip, "I'm not just a teacher, I'm the Headmistress, and certainly am not ancient. Yet." She winks at Peter, and turns to look at Kitty. "So it's your fault there are rumors, you're loving it, don't you Kitty?"

Jean looks amused, before grinning, "Betsy does things differently...it's true. I think it's the Japanese in her, that or the supermodel, I can't tell which is more vicious."

Hearing what Betsy had to say, Jean looks from Kitty to Peter and back, "one of you guys got a compliment, not sure who."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete watches Kitty walk to the fridge with a little goody grin of his own, balancing amrs on bent knees with fists in palm. "Actually it was just a couple hours after I was giving Shannon a hard time about people dsting at the school..." His eyes go a little wide, nodding at himself, "So that's kind of ironic.. sat up up most of the afternoon just chatting." His hand comes up to scratch st the back of his neck, eyes down on the carpet, and gring firmly in place.

"Found out hoe much we had in common... that we were both going through..." motioning, Betsy, sword fights, etc. "And... yeah. Now we're watching Night of the Living Dead on a Thursday night.." He shifts a bit and lays his head side ways on Kitty's arm, looking to Jean, mouth hanging agap..

Cant say you weren't warned brosif.

He shakes his hesd, "Yeah, ancient may be a stretch... I think you're younger than I am anyways... and... oopsy daisy?" Big grin, sheepish shrug... maybe reverse those.

As for Betsy, "I thknk its the good person in her.. or maybe shes happy. Or drunk. Possible drunk? I don't know, we were still friends after anyways, but shes good about seeing with something 'fits'... Kits and me 'fit'." He turns and kisses Kitty's arm, then looks back to Jean.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty chuckles and says, "Well, I'm loving that we found each other, that's for sure. I figured it's impossible to keep a secret here. I mean... hello. Telepath?" Kitty grins at Jean warmly. "Not to mention, well lets not go into all the powers that can notice such things. Anyway. Pete makes me so very happy. And Betsy really does seem good with it. Gave us airline tickets to Paris," Kitty says. "We were just discussing when to go."

Kitty smiles and brushes her fingers over Peter's shoulder. "Met his Aunt May. She's /so/ sweet Jean. You'd love her. And we just... ah... well, we had the sweetest, most dorky first couple of dates. Weren't even sure if they were dates," she recalls, grinning at him. "So anyway, yeah, we're together and very happy about it. And keeping the PDA away from the kids. But we're good with people knowing."

Phoenix has posed:
"That's real smooth of you, Peter," Jean remarks, shaking her head faintly. Giving the students a hard time is one thing, but being hypocritical on top, just takes the cake. Peter must love cake.

"Whatever makes you happy, just keep nicer thoughts about people," Jean mutters at Peter with a wink, before turning to Kitty, "all I'm hearing you say, Kitty, is that I need to hang around Betsy more often...I didn't get tickets to Paris!" She nods, and jumps a moment at a scary sound from the screen, turning to peek at it briefly, before immediately looking away.

"Okay, so horror or zombie or whatever movies are not my thing, I guess I'll leave you two to your date, have fun!"

Spider-Man has posed:
"All of my thoughts are nice..." Peter furrows his brow af Jean, tilting his head a little, glancing up at Kitty, then back at Jean... Then at the sandwich, who have suddenly gone quiet... the traitors...

With a long suffering sigh, both hands go up in the air. "I feel like I just got knifed, Kits." whispering and giving her his best spider-dog eyes, "It hurts."

Glancing sidelong after Jean, "Seeya around boss." Tapping his temple, "Clearing my head, see? Nothing, but sunshines and happy thoughts..."

Once shes gone, his head flops backwards, "I swear, next time I'm DEFINITRLY sing Rick Ashton to myself..." eyes cutting to Kitty, "Cuddles?" Arms open, wuiet, traitorous sandwiches to eat, and Zombies to watch.

Good times.