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Maybe she's born with it...
Date of Scene: 08 August 2019
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: Babs calls Stephanie in for a 'talk'... and gives her the new Batgirl armor and mantle. Bruce arrives to remind her her training isnt done yet.
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Spoiler, Batman

Oracle has posed:
<Spoiler. I have you on sensors now, I need you to return to the cave prime. We need to talk.> It's the androgynous voice of Oracle who is almost never found at the Batcave, let alone anywhere that's NOT the Clocktower. At least not over the last week.

Babs sits back in the high backed chair that sits infront of the Batcomputer with a little grunt, pulling herself up and limping in the direction of the stares leading down to a small table set up near where the armor-like costumes are on display. Each step is a little easier and she's no longer wearing her brace, just favoring her right knee.

Also most of her bruising has improved, dark browns rather than deep purples and blacks.

She's wearing a pair of blue-jeans, a navy blue tanktop, and has let her hair down for a change. Small rings framing her face on either side of her glasses as she comes up to two large black cases set out on a table.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler finishes securing a zip tie to Alfredo 'Two-Times' Spinelli. "This'll be your second time up the river won't it? That's some kind of fortune-telling by whoever nicknamed you, Fred. Should have had him buy you a lottery ticket. Then you might not have needed to rip off..." Spoiler says, turning and opening the back of the truck that was hijacked before a pair of batarangs to the tires ended the caper. "... oh, new tablets. Those are the new model from WayneTech too. I heard there's people still camp outside of stores waiting for these baby's release tomor-" Spoiler says before cutting off as she hears Oracle's voice in her comms earpiece.

Spoiler gently pats Alfredo on the head. "Sorry, I'm need elsewhere. But it looks like your ride is almost here anyway," Spoiler says, spotting the red and blue flashing lights of the approaching police car. "See you in five to ten, with good behavior," she tells him, before jogging over to her old Honda bike, the license removed, and zooming off into the night.

<I read you Oracle. One hijacked load of WayneTech merchandise secured. On my way there.> She doesn't bother giving an estimate, figuring Oracle can probably track her comms unit and have a better estimate than Spoiler could give. She lets her hood down, wearing just the mask that covers her lower face, and lets her hair whip around her as she speeds back to the Batcave.

Her motorcycle pulls in, looking paltry as it parks alongside the superbikes in the maintenance bay. She watches as the automated system starts topping off the gas for her, shaking her head as that never gets old.

Stephanie pulls down her mask and jogs over towards the terminal. "Ba-bah-bah, bah-bah-baren..." she sings as she moves over to join her. "What's up? Someone doing nefarious deeds that need stopping?"

Oracle has posed:
Babas glances over her shoulder at the whining sound of the approaching Honda and almost grins, it's really hard not to actually, I hope I had that much spirit. It's just different now, her spirit. Rubbing at her neck as she waits for Stephanie to join her the next level up, standing against the table where one of the black cases has been moved away so that there's only one sitting open and empty beside her.

"Hey, babe." Motioning her over with a dramatic wave of her hand in a flapant circular motion, "Sorry to take you off patrol, I wouldn't have if this weren't important.."

She glances up with a little pensive expression in he green eyes.

"Listen, chica. You know we've been working crazy hard... double time out in the field, extra hours in the gym." Motioning with a flick of her wrist at said gym, a duplicate back at the Clocktower as well. "and.." She shakes her head slowly, "Batman and I have decided that Spoiler no longer fit to be out there..."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's good natured smile is on display as she trots over, energetic despite the run-in with the Falcone crew member. Or more likely, energetic because of the run-in with that mafioso. "Taking down Falcones is better than a double shot of espresso," Stephanie says, voicing her thought.

She smiles to Barbara, the woman having helped her so much, from computers to criminology to combat. That, and she's so much fun to be around to boot. The pensive look saps a little bit of Stephanie's exuberance though as she begins to take the moment a little more seriously.

But Stephanie wasn't expecting that news from Barbara. Her expression slips and she glances around, as if expecting Bruce to be in the area. "You... you have?" she says softly despite her mouth going totally dry. Mouth dry. Hands sweating. Who came up with these reactions to stress, anyway?

Oracle has posed:
Someone with a terrible sense of humor, that's for sure.

Babs stands with her right hand down on the edge of the table using it for support, knee up a little to take some of the weight off of it. The whole time watching Stephanie over the rim of her glasses, red bangs hanging just either side of them, with her head tilted forward slightly.

She waits a few extra seconds to let what she said sink in, "Put your costume and utility belt in the case.." Patting the empty, foam lined metal case on its side and grimacing as she limps away from it to give Stephanie space to comply.

Also to give herself enough room to pull another black case out from beneath the table and throw it up on the surface of said table with her hip. "And change into this one." Babs takes a step back, jutting her chin towards the biometric scanner, "You're already programmed in, babe."

The pensive look is now a grin, green eyes twinkling.

Spoiler has posed:
The dry mouth gives way to a cold shiver down Stephanie's back. Not just having her connection to Bruce and Barbara and the rest ended and back to being Spoiler on her own. They want her to give it up for good.

Stephanie tries to swallow and it takes a few seconds before she's able to. Words of protest rush through her head, and anger at herself for doing that stupid interview that put her in the dog house.

I thought I'd worked my way out of that.

Stephanie starts undoing her utility belt. The one Tim had made her. The one that Bruce giving it to her in front of so many of the team had been one of the best moments of her life.

Stephanie is still trying to deal with it all, when Barbara pulls out the case and heaves it up onto the table. The blond stares at it for a few seconds, trying to comprehend. "W-what?" she finally mumbles and then looks up and sees the sparkle in Barbara's eyes.

It feels like an ocean wave breaks over Stephanie, sending all of her adrenaline and nervousness swirling away. "Oh. Oh my god. I thought..." she says, before narrowing her eyes at Barbara. "I am so going to get you back!" she exclaims, letting out a laugh that is more the release of her tension than anything.

Stephanie swallows then, moving over to the case. "Programmed in?" she repeats. Stephanie leans down and sees the little red light flash across her eye, and one of the three green lights on the case light up softly. Then a thumb print panel slides open. She rests her thumb on it and a second lights up. Then she sees the little flashing microphone image activate. Stephanie glances up at Barbara questioningly, and then looks at the case. "Hey, babe," she says to the case.

It begins to open. Does it truly shine with a golden glow from inside, or is that just something Stephanie sees?

Oracle has posed:
Babs only feels bad in that Stephanie took that really hard.

Not that she doesn't understand that, really. Steph had become family, in as much as any of them were family. Dinners, laughing in the manor, they'd even seen Bruce smile once.. He probably told them it was a sneeze, but...

Babs smile only grows, her eyes moving to watch Stephanie sort through what's happened, looking over her friend, to the case she's fumbling open, and back up again with a little shrug of her shoulders. "Yeah, I know, but it was worth it.. I'll feel terrible about it later." She wont. She'll never forget this moment.

The case doesn't hiss open on some weird mechanical hydrolics, but as soon as the lock is popped it swing steadily into position to reveal the contents. The cowl sits off to one side, the armored chest is folded in just such a way that the first thing Stephanie sees is the bright yellow Bat-symbol.

"Congratulations, Batgirl."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's face is pretty unforgettable. A mix of wonder and exhilaration as occur so few times in a lifetime. A tear trickles down Stephanie's cheek which she hastily wipes, and then launches herself at Barbara to give her a very tight hug. "Ohmygodohmygod ohmygod oh my god!" Stephanie exclaims.

She lets go of Barbara and looks back to the case. Stephanie wipes at her other eye lest it repeat the tear that the first one had. "Oh Barbara, this... oh my god! I..." she says before finally she manages some reaction to the trick part of the reveal. Stephanie waggles a finger at Barbara and says, "Do you really think that was safe to do when you're hobbled!?" Stephanie jokes with a laugh. "Not that you wouldn't kick my butt just the same." Stephanie shines a bright smile over to the older redhead.

She begins removing her Spoiler outfit then, hurrying her way through the disrobing probably faster than she ever has. Except maybe that time she stopped off at the end of patrol for a Super Big Belly Big Gulp and then had a long ride back to the Batcave.

Stephanie slips out of the old costume and picks up the new one, looking at it. She sighs and touches the bat log that she's never worn before. "This means so much," she says warmly, smiling to Barbara and then beginning to don the new outfit.

Oracle has posed:
There aren't enough of THESE moments in their life. It's always pain or anger, maybe the occational relief, but rarely excitement. Babs remembers distinctly when she saw that symbol for the first time, a few years younger that Steph is now and its still one of the greatest days of her life all these years later. She also knows that it's probably the last time. Everything after this goes back to pain, anger, and the occational relief.

But it makes THIS so much better.

When Stephanie launches at her, Babs catches her and only stumbles a little despite her hobbled knee. Immediately laughing and wrapping her arms around her friend just as tightly, turning to kiss the side of her head when the other pulls away. She's not crying, but if she smiles any bigger it'll split her face in half. "You worked hard.. you deserve it."

Rubbing a hand down Steph's arm and lightly turning her back towards the case with a little finger shove in its direction. "I hashed my bets that you wouldn't hit a cripple.." She's teasing about the reveal in the way she did and her own injured state.. Babs is anything if crippled, "Besides, if we were going to dump you, we've at least got the good manners to do it over text message.. what kind of savages do you think we are?"

Both arms slide over her chest, hip up against the railing surrounding the platform, watching the newest Batgirl getting familiar with a brand new set of armor designed specifically for /her/. "It does." She agrees, dipping her head into a few short nods and beginning her quick limp over to the table to look down at the cowl, "It also means a whole new set of problems. You're a Bat now, Steph.. I know you don't need to be told the dangers-" She saw that footage of Stephanie in the Bank, "-But that symbol makes you a target. More than just Stockholm is gunning for you now.."

An arm wraps temporarily around the other womans shoulder, "You'll be judged against the boys too.. don't ever forget it, you have to be twice as good as them and work twice as hard.. There's no half assing. I have faith in you, I know you know all thise, but it's the last time I get to lecture you-" Lies, absolute lies, "-You're 'The Man' now, babe." Babs steps back, leaning on the table, "Give'em hell."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown is a mix of smiles for Barbara and open admiration of the uniform. She pokes at some of the armor, eyes widening just a bit as it looks like the same stuff the rest of the team uses. Feeling how it's flexible, yet knowing they can take gunfire like she never could. Not even with the older body armor that Barbara had given her to work into the Spoiler costume. Armor that saved her life against Stockholm.

Stephanie runs her fingers over the bat symbol again, nodding slowly and looking up at what Barbara has to say about it. "I'll just have to be twice as good then," she agrees with a smile. She murmurs something to herself while grinning, which sounded sort of like, "... Damian... smack it off his face if he grins... jazz hands..."

Stephanie dons the armor, amazed at how it fits. "Ok, you had to like, laser scan me or something to design it like this. Am I getting 3D'd every time I come through the door? If so I'm so going to watch my diet closer," she says, patting her belly, which after the way she's been working out, couldn't be any flatter.

She dons the utility belt, and sees it came with a garter which she's grown fond of having. The rest of the costume on, Stephanie picks up the helmed cowl and looks at the inside. "Oh wow, it has your optics in it!" Stephanie exclaims. The binoculars in her new utility belt were such a big improvement, but barely a patch on this. Stephanie slides the cowl into place and turns to look towards the mirrored case to see herself.

"Hello there, Batgirl," she says to the image in the mirror, and breaks out in a smile so wide her face can hardly contain it.

Oracle has posed:
"I'd go with three times as good, just to be on the safe side."

Babs brushes a knuckle against the underside of her eye, maybe she got a lash or something, certainly the unflappable Barbara Gordon isn't shedding a tear.. Certainly not. If not for Stephanie's questions of 3D laser scanning, anyways. The redhead laughs out loud and shakes her head, having only barely heard al ittle bit of what she intends to do to Damian... but lets be honest, it's Damian. They all want to smack him on a prenciple.

"Technically I'm laser scanning you everytime I link to your suit.. I've got drones all over Gotham and two Waynetech satelites dedicated to it." It is not outside the realm of possibility, "But really? Alfred has an eye for these things.." Who knows what's true and isn't? It's the Batcave. Maybe there's magic involved.

"Yup." Clipped nod, arms across her chest, grinning the whole time Steph is donning that cowl. "You're fully integrated with the Batcomputer and Oracle Array now. You can remote access schematics, floor plans, criminal case files.. four visual fields, cameras, and I installed a remote hack program I'm working on, but haven't rolled out yet in full yet. As long as you're with in sixty feet of a computer or computer controlled device, I can remote hack it from the Clocktower.."

Green eyes shifting over the suit of the new Batgirl with a smirk and approving nod, but stops talking once Stephanie spins towards the reflective glass of the display case where her suit will rest when not being warn.

Hello there, Batgirl

Hello Batgirl indeed.

Spoiler has posed:
The blue eyes glisten and look a bit misty as Stephanie - Batgirl - is looking at herself in the mirror, and she hears Barbara use that name too for the first time. The Bat emblem seems to shine at her with its own light. The symbol that so few have been trusted to wear.

The young woman who grew up with little positive parental influence and a shortage of recognition and praise, gazes at that emblem and what it means to be entrusted to wear it. The surge in emotions is the sort she's rarely felt in her life, and finally the tears do begin to flow freely, though she tries to stem them, wiping at her eyes. "I'm so not doing this in front of the boys," she says, wiping her eyes more hurriedly and then turning to wrap Barbara in such a tight hug.

"I'm not going to let you down. You or Bruce or anyone," she says, the hug of her arms about Barbara's shoulders conveying as much as her tight voice does. She clears her throat then and gently lets Barbara go. A last wipe at her eyes, clearing the last of the tears away.

Stephanie smiles and lets out a soft laugh. "Does Tim know?" she asks. "And Dick? If not I'll have to figure out a good way to surprise them."

Oracle has posed:
Babs is an emotional woman, no matter what she might want people to believe. She watches Romantic Comedies and dramas and eats Ice Cream on her couch when things don't go quite according to her plan, but this is something different entirely. This isn't just handing off a suit... It's not graduating a soldier or handing a diploma... It's the passing down of a Legacy.

For 8 years, Barbara Gordon was Batgirl. For most of that she was the only woman on a team of men and has been den mother and shoulder to them. She's comforted Tim and, to a lesser extent, Dick when they failed.. She's been a rock for Bruce when he needed it, which isn't often. While that's unlikely to change, that Emblem has always represent the very foundation of the Bat-Family. The woman who wears it isn't just one of the boys... She's The Man. Every bit as much as Batman ... equal to Robin.

For eight years, that's been Babs. Now.. watching her blonde friend flex and pose in the mirror.. she knows it's not anymore. It's one thing to feel it and quite another to see it... There's no regrets, there's no wishing for a takeback, there's just pride.

Pride in her friend. A woman who worked twice as hard to achieve something. A woman who put in those hours without any support from the 'Cave' until she was brought in. It was easier for Babs, she was /always/ Batgirl. Stephanie became Batgirl. In no small part, this is as much Barbara's victory as Stephanie's. She's proud of her friend, but in a lot of ways, she's also proud of herself.

Wrapping her arms around the younger woman and holds her tight in a hug, releasing after several long moments, and holding the other out at arms length with hands upon her shoulders. "Nobody knows, but you, me, and Bruce." She knows Stephanie wont let her down. The thought never even crosses her mind. A hand lays lightly against a partially cowled cheek, then Babs steps back and leans against the table a little heavier than she might actually need to. "Whatever it is, make sure to bust their balls, huh? Don't ever let them see you sweat, babe. Stiff upper lip and all that shit."

Batman has posed:
"You're right, you'll have to think of a way to tell them."

In true Batman style, Bruce is quite suddenly there when a moment before he wasn't. Some who don't know him attribute it to shadow magic, others to vampiric bargains made with the Devil itself. In reality, he's just good at it.

He wears his Batsuit without the cowl. Or rather, it looks like the Batsuit albeit with some alterations. A new variation, perhaps? As he steps out of the armory, he draws a black detection device of some sort over the arm and shoulder of the suit then reads the output. Satisfied with something, he tucks it back onto his belt and turns his attention fully to Barbara and Steph.

"I hope you're not thinking of this as a graduation," he says to the new Batgirl, "You'll need to train even harder now. You're the caretaker for a legacy now. You will need to live up to it."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie breaks out in a warm laugh, one that carries still the intensity of the emotion that the young woman felt at being trusted with this responsibility. The blue eyes look across at Barbara, who might feel the sense there of someone who will do her best to honor that Legacy that Barbara Gordon created.

"Right, deodorant before each mission," Stephanie kids, and then finally she turns her attention back to the costume itself. She activates the optics after a little experimentation, and works them through a couple of different spectrum. She gets to the thermal vision and looks around. "So this is what you guys have been seeing," she says, remember more than one patrol where she had to go from verbal descriptions given on how many people were inside a place, or where they were.

The Batcomputer pops up a window, showing what Stephanie is seeing. So when she pans her view over to Bruce, the screen shows the zoomed in look at his sizable torso, radiating red body heat, until Stephanie goes back to normal vision.

Batgirl flashes a bright smile towards Bruce. "Not a graduation," she agrees. "Heck, Babs had me thinking I was getting the boot for a second. I was already trying to work out how to triple my workouts," Stephanie says. Well, she did consider that, though mostly was just stunned until the case was brought out. Stephanie takes a deep breath. "Thank you Bruce. I'm not going to let you down," she tells him.

Oracle has posed:
Babs leans upon her hand, palm flat against the table where she'd laid out the case containing this new Batgirl armor and watches Stephanie go through the paces. At the little diagnostic sound of the computer coming out of scan mode, she glances over in that direction through a half curtain of red bangs, watching the thermal vision recording see what Steph sees through the cowl. That, also, brings a smile to her face.

Then there's the voice of Bruce and some of her smile fades, something more like a serious expression taking its place with hints of her earlier jubilation. She nods with him, confirming that things don't suddenly get easier from here... if anything they get harder. More eyes, more training, and a lot more responsibility.

"I'm glad you made it." She says over to their mentor, the father to some, and gives him a tight smile, then looks back to Steph with a little chuckle through her nostrils. "Yeah, I still say it was wroth it.." Tapping the side of her glasses, "I got it all on camera too... I'm thinking eight year aniversary present.. regardless, it's blackmail material.." She's joking, but some of the heat is out of it. "You got this, chica."

Batman has posed:
"You wouldn't be standing there if I thought you were going to let me down," Batman returns plainly, "The mantle is Barbara's to pass, but ultimately it's my call who becomes one of us. I know you'll make us proud - you make me proud."

When he speaks the last few words, it's as though the comment is not directed just to Stephanie but to the pair of them. Batgirls past and present. Old and new. He watches them both in silence and then busies himself again, looking to the display case that now contains the Spoiler costume.

"That belongs there. As much a part of this as anything else. Maybe one day there'll be another Spoiler ... "

To Barbara he says simply: "Wouldn't miss it."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie breaks out in a soft, warm laugh at hearing that Barbara got it on tape. "Oh no, Damian will never let me live it down if he sees it," she says. She peeks around her utility belt. "Though surely there's something in here can muzzle him?"

She smiles and looks back to Bruce. As he speaks of her - them - making him proud, Stephanie's emotions rise again, though thankfully she keeps them better under control again. Is Bruce a father figure to her? She chose him over her own father, following in the Batman's footsteps, donning her own costume to send Cluemaker back to prison.

It probably counts. If it's just solely on Stephanie's heart, then it surely does.

Stephanie resists the urge to go hug Bruce. She looks over towards the display case with her old costume as Bruce mentions maybe someone will follow after her as well one day. "Oh, God help us all if so," she says with a soft, warm laugh.

Oracle has posed:
Babs mirrors Stephanie's laugh, if a little quieter, and nods. One hand up to rub at her temples with the pad of her thumb, "Yeah, he's going to dig this in pretty deep... You've got a field kit on your left hip, though. Scalpel.. bandages.. trauma gel.. you can always dig the barb out." She teases, still leaning up on her hand against the table.

Bruce's praise. Babs raises a brow and glances over at him with a short nod and smiles tighly again. It isn't that she doesn't feel it or appreciate it, clearly she does, but she's something suddenly weighing on her mind. Maybe she's trying to keep from letting emotions run wild in her as well.

"Huh... Spoiler two? I can already hear the jokes. Send in Robin.. and Spoiler too."

Batman has posed:
"Big shoes to fill following in Spoiler One's footsteps," Batman adds to the joke in his own stoic, implaccable way. He is already moving away from the display cases, moving on to whatever task he has lined up for himself this evening. It's as though he's ticked a box on some internal schedule: 0400 to 0405 - Be Proud of Batgirl(s).

As he moves down the stairs, however, he lifts the gauntlet he wears and presses some button concealed in the make of it. Down on the garage level, usually ensconced in darkness towards the bottom of the cave's multi-tiered levels, a light illuminates with a noisy 'thunk'. There, in pride of place, is what looks like a Bat-cycle, save that it's black and finished in purple - the colors of the new Batgirl's suit.

"Yours when you improve your driving. Can't walk everywhere."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie flashes Barbara a soft smile. The emotional moments are giving way to her normal, energetic demeanor. But energized by what has transpired. She finds herself glancing down at her suit more than she'd care to admit. The color scheme is so much better, why didn't she do that with the Spoiler outfit.

But no. That outfit, and that name, are behind her. Stephanie grins again. That's going to happen for days to come. Just breaking out in sudden grins. She looks down at herself and says without thinking, "Wow, and this really kind of lifts and..." before she cuts herself off. "Ah, uplifting, of the spirits," she finishes with a cheesy grin.

The young woman gets a warm smile at the praise of Spoiler One. She smiles to Bruce, and then over to Barbara again. "Thank you for all the help with the training. And I know I have more to go. Computers especially. Maybe now I can see how you work on these things," she says, tapping the Batgirl cowl.

She glances over as Bruce moves away and has the sudden reveal of the motorcycle. Stephanie literally jump up and down. Her old Honda is parked over in the vehicle bay, the vehicle at this point held together by love more than by sound structural integrity. She jumps down the stairs, cloak flaring behind her stylishly as she lands below and hurries over to look at the bike. "Oh my god. Bruce!? Barbara! This is the greatest thing possibly in the history of 'things'," she announces.

Oracle has posed:
Babs is always amused by Stephanie's struggling through, "Got a little lost there huh?" Joking quietly, watching the excitement give way to the usually energy she's always associated with the blonde. When the new Batgirl jumps down to go check out her pimp new ride, Babs glances back at Bruce. She doesn't say anything, just watches him ascend the steps and go about his prep work. She nods once, then a second time, and limps over towards the railing beside the stairs that lead to the garage.

"You can't go representing Batgirl riding on a beat up ass Honda." She chides playfully, brushing red hair back behind one ear and adjusting her glasses with the light touch of her fingers. "Now, that thing is crazy fast.. so you're doing at least four hours in the simulators every night..." Leaning forward with her arms braced against the railing, one fist in the other palm, "I'll know if you skip even thirty seconds.. and I've got the lock codes for the cycle." Would she do that?

Oh hell yes she'd do that.

Batman has posed:
"Thank Barbara," Bruce says of Steph's new Bat-Cycle, already turning his attention towards the Batcomputer that so completely monopolizes his time when he's in the cave, "Her idea. Her design. I just footed the bill."

He settles down at the console, leaning forward to look at the monitors even as the new Batgirl's cowl-cam provides gonzo coverage of the Cave's interior in the corner. He cycles through some data points pulled up automatically by the system's algorithms, raising his voice to be heard by the two women.

"Good work with Spinelli."

He's practically overflowing with praise tonight.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie lets out a deep breath. "This is so far from six packs for $10 smoke bombs," she says mostly to herself. "Though it's not about the equipment," she adds again, not intending them to hear it, but then she's going to have to get used to the better comms systems in the Batgirl uniform.

Stephanie runs her hands over the bike and tells Barbara of the simulator, "Believe me, I will be there." Her gloves slide over the motorcycle's black and purple, sleek shape. "So beautiful. You're a sexy girl," Stephanie says with a warm laugh. "Be patient," she tells the bike, hugging it. "We'll be together soon enough."

Stephanie turns away from the bike finally, trotting back over up and up the steps, jumping halfway up to click her heels in the air before finishing the final steps to join them on the platform. "Thank you," Stephanie tells Bruce after his comment about her take down of the hijacker. "I'll get my report in before I go," she promises.

Stephanie grins over to Barbara. "I'm going to have to bring ice cream by," she says. It's their normal celebration. Also their normal consolation. And their normal...pretty much everything, actually.

Oracle has posed:
Was she ever that energetic?

Babs watches Stephanie slide her hand over the bike she's just been given, in the armor she's earned, and only glances away to look back over at Bruce at the Batcomputer when he confides that it was her idea and design. She's hardly bashful and nods to Steph in agreement with what the 'Boss' has said. "I figured it suit you." Pointing a finger out away from the fist upon which it was wrapped.

All grins when Batgirl jumps that last step to land with a light click of heels on metal plating. "You better." She says to her friend, pushing off with her elbows in her direction to close her in a short hug, then pats her neck as she pulls away. "I need to get back to the Clocktower. I've got six hours worth of work to do in..." A glance at her phone, retrieved from her back pocket, "... In yesterday." Smirking, she points both index fingers at Stephanie.

"Ice cream and Ryan Reynolds?" Turning with a little stutter on her knee, which she recovers easily and begins limping up towards Bruce at the computer. For a second she looks like she might stop to say something, to lean in and give him a hug, or maybe to just stand there for a second in his presence.

She doesn't though. Instead she grabs the railing of the stairs that lead up to the mansion and works her way up the stairs slowly to her car parked out front. "Well, that's what you get for retirement.. have to drive around like a pleb.." She'll have to suffer on her black 2025 Ducati. Seriously, there might be tears.