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A Wasp A Spider And A Kitty
Date of Scene: 10 August 2019
Location: Game Room - Avenger's mansion
Synopsis: Janet, Peter and Kitty watch, or help, Natasha Romanov hunt a mouse in a bowtie. No really.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Shadowcat, Wasp (van Dyne), Black Widow (Romanoff)

Spider-Man has posed:
"Been a few weeks since I've been to the Mansion..." Pete tells Kitty, releasing his arm feom around her waist after absolutely sticking the swinging landing. First on the wall, then a half jump to the lawn. Nailed it. His hsnd comes up to pull his mask off as they near the front door, pl"Is it weird that I still don't know if I should ring first? You know what? I'm living dangerously..."

The door opens and he stops st the security check, 'please work please work' Nothing would br so embarassing than showing up trying to be impress someone only to get turned away at the door.

There's a small yippie when his creditentials are still valid, turning to walk backwards, grinning at Kits, "See? Totally never doubted it..." Ya did and ya basic.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hangs onto Peter - nay, Spider-Man - and enjoys the swing through the city. Except for those moments he veers them off from slamming into a wall at the last second. Falling she doesn't fear, but it's tough to see brick coming at you that fast and not react.

Thankfully they land without her having any heart attacks. She ruffles her fingers through her hair then puts it back in a pony tail. The celebration at the door opening for Peter get a soft laugh and shake of her head from Kitty. "Ok, I'm obviously keeping you away from them too much then," she says. "This visit was overdue for more than just seeing Janet I guess then."

She sends Janet a text, letting her know she's at the mansion now, having sent one off earlier to let her know Kitty would be swinging by if Janet had time to meet up.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet isn't far off and makes it to the game room shortly after Kitty and Peter do. The slender fashionista is dressed a little less vibrantly than usual; khaki summer shorts, brown wedge heels, and a red camisole. It's the sort of look one might sport for a day at the beach, and from some dusting of darker skin on her shoulders she's been getting a bit more sun than usual.

Her expression is a little wan when she walks in but before anyone can get a good read she plasters a Perfectly Polite smile on her face. "Hey, there you two are. Pete, you missed the staff meeting last night, so we voted that you're in charge of making sure Sloth gets his Baby Ruth bars."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete does his best to straighten his hair, little curls dont listen, they don't have time for his crap! Every brush of his palm and they just tumble wherever they feel like, which is universally in his face. Once he's accepted this, both hands come up in a helpless shrug, expression only a small bit dower, "Wasn't you that kept me away."

Stepping further in, glancing around, "So I did the running man right here..." Hands out spinning in a small circle to fully indicate the dancing field, "I think that was the first time I actually came inside..." He pulls a long face and up nods, "But given my track record for embarassing myself infront of Avengers..."

Speak of the devil...

"Heeeey, Janet..." Turning towarss the sound of her voice, "Oh sweet, you miss one meeting and suddenly you're baby sitting Hulk." Double thumslbs up, hoping up on the edge of one of the pool tables near to Kitty. Again trying to do something with his hair.

It is super ineffective.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins at Peter at the talk of the dancing. "We really need to play some DDR," the dancing girl tells Peter. "You looked great at the party. I bet that we could-" she is saying when Janet arrives.

The sight of the super designer turned super hero brings a bright smile to Kitty's face and she immediately moves over to offer Janet a big hug. If accepted, she'll let it linger for a bit. Long enough that Janet will likely get the sense Kitty's offering support for what is happening at JVD, even if she doesn't bring the matter up verbally.

"Was hoping you'd have time to stop by," Kitty says. She waves a hand towards Pete. "Put him to work. Um. Just please nothing that involves being smashed," Kitty says after the Hulk mention.

Kitty is wearing jeans and a pretty light purple blouse that leaves her shoulders bare but has thing sleeves about her forearms. "So, I didn't really say anything until I could tell you in person," Kitty says slowly to Janet. She glances over to Peter and then back to Janet. "Pete and I kind of... sparked. And Betsy kind of encouraged us to pursue it. Said we were perfect for each other. Both hopelessly dorky," Kitty says with a grin. "And we're kind of together now. Betsy seemed really happy about it, actually, at her birthday party."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet hugs Kitty back, and leans against the younger woman for just a few beats in gratitude for the silent moral support. She releases Kitty and flashes a quick, tight smile at Kitty, laden with unexpressed emotions, and then steps free of the girl.

Her brows rise slightly at the commentary and Janet darts a sharp look at Peter until Kitty mollifies her with the commentary about Betsy. Green eyes flicker back to Kitty and her head tilts minutely. "Betsy did?" she asks, stressing the name very subtly. "Er... well." She looks between Kitty and Peter, then beams a smile at Peter. A hand rests reassuringly on Kitty's tricep. "Well, okay, if Betsy's okay with it, then I guess I'll retract the claws too," she jokes. "Sorry Pete, I didn't intend to go all Mean Girls on ya. Betsy and I went to prep school together," she apologizes. "I'm glad you two are doing the thing, officially," she congratulates them.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
From the doors out of the game room comes another figure, this one is a massive 5'3" in height and an astounding 120 - 135'ish pounds in weight. She's encased in a black bodysuit that hugs every curve on her form from head to toe and she's got a mane of fiery red hair around her shoulders...

She's also holding a tactical flashlight in her left hand and... a gun in her right. She has two thigh holsters on, but one of them is empty of its weapon, the one on her left...

The flashlight is out and its aimed immediately down at a corner of the room, as is the gun... Natasha Romanoff's green eyes are tracing the floor boards of the room. She quickly pulls one of the open doors out of the way and looks behind it, the white LED beam of her light goes back there... but then nothing. She closes the door back to where it had been before, careful not to let it collide with the wall.

The agent is... hunting?

Spider-Man has posed:
Rubs his knuckles against the base of his skull and glances up at the pair with a little sheepish grin at the mention of Kitty and her's becoming officialed on the dating scene. He's still wearing his spider suit sans mask, so... there goes that.

Still, he's grinning like an idiot at Kitty when she glances back his way and flicks a had at Janet, "Nah, I get it. Sisters before misters." Big shrug, hands down on the edge of the pooltable upon which hes sitting facing Janet and Kitty who happen to be right by the foor and then Nat comes in and, yeah this is the avengers mansion alright.

Brow creeping skyward... "Uh... thanks, yeah, I'm really happy..." He is... and also confused.

"Did you drop your secret documents or something? I feel like we should be chasing launch codes with thirty seconds left, right now.."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles as she sees Janet relaxing after the news. "Yeah, actually, Betsy's kind of... really happy herself. Should catch up if you haven't had a chance lately," Kitty says. "Though... when you meet... um... just accept the fashion thing that there's a story there," Kitty says sort of cryptically. Because when talking about Illyana Rasputin, cryptic is practically a pun.

Kitty glances over as Natasha comes in. The brunette quickly phases at the sight of the gun, trained instincts winning out though it's more for something else attacking than because she's worried about Natasha shooting.

"What's going on?" she asks the woman, knowing the Russian only a little, having met her on two or three occasions at most.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Kitty's words earn a quirked, curious brow from Janet. But then a gun-toting redhead bursts in.

"Natasha, stop waving that gun around, you're scaring people," Janet scolds the redhead with a clucking tongue. She doesn't seem upset by the presence of a weapon-- or, perhaps more accurately, she has such faith in Natasha's skill with it that she's not overly concerned with getting shot. Given that there are no alarms going off, it seems Janet's just accepting this as ... business as usual, much like Peter is.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha is aware of the others in the room with her, but she's not paying any attention to them (directly anyway).

Once they've all regarded her and witnessed what she's doing... she just keeps doing it. To Janet she speaks first. "I'm not waving it around." She says quietly in her husky voice. "I'm aiming it." She adds on before she moves toward the kitchen area with her booted feet moving ever so carefully and ever so quietly. "Its on stun. Its not live ammo."

Once she's off of the carpeted area and onto the hard surface floor of the kitchen she starts to carefully open the first cabinet she comes across. "A mouse just ran in here." She says to three of them.

"A mouse in a bow tie..." Its possible that its finally happened, that Natasha Romanoff has cracked.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete watches Natasha with squinting eyes and lips pressed together tightly, "Kay..." He murmurs at the explanation, jerking himself off the edge of the pooltable to step up behind Kitty, forearms laid across her shoulders, but hes keeping his eyes on the spies...

Janet's super chill about it though, so it must be normal operations. That's enough for Parker, anyways. Weird is a pretty SOP in his world.

"Now... when you say mouse with a bow tie... are we talking full on rounded club or more like a clip on situation?" Because it's totally a good idea to feed into this. "Asking for s friend...."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sees Peter coming and phases back before his arm ends up passing through her. Doing that to people was funny when she was thirteen. And fourteen. And if it was Piotr, a few times when she was fifteen. Big Russian jerk could have at least sent her a valentine back.

But she doesn't do such things now. Very much. Kitty leans back against the man in his Spider-Man outfit. "Ah..." Kitty says, glancing over to Janet to see if this is a normal sort of situation around here. Or if this is turning into another of those days where she suddenly finds herself turned an elderly lady with dentures and a sweater of kittens chasing butterflies in a mental institution.

That's the problem with Kitty's life. So interesting in subtext, but so much left unsaid to the rest of the world.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
A few more cabinets are opened while the others react to her, quietly opened and quietly closed again. "Its a full collared bowtie." She says in a deadpanned voice, devoid of emotion and entirely telling of her true nationality and home origin... though she still speaks with a well trained American accent as-ever anymore.

"I think it came from the circus that was in the park this past Wednesday. Small circus. Nothing but..." She opens a cabinet door and her green eyes peer inside expectantly with her light's beam illuminating the interior. There was nothing in the cabinet but booze and twinkies. "Small animals..." She finishes her thought and quietly closes the door again.

"Kitty." Natasha says as she takes another step. "Be a dear and check behind the Miss Pacman machine?" She knows what Kitty is capable of. She'd have to move the machine and thats a lot of effort... when you have a Phasing Mutant at your disposable for this Mouse House chase.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete is never the wiser! Arms across Kitty's shoulder, completely unaware the dangers of further embarassment thst nearly befell him. Ehrn she leans back, spidey gloved arms go around her chest, but he's still watching A Russian.

What even gives with Russians anyways? He knows few of them, two in fact, and one of them is a little creepy doll... the other is looking for a mouse with a bow tie. This says a lot about t-

He shakes head once and perks a brow, "Cool... glad we cleared that up..." Rubbing Kitty's arms and stepping over to lean against the pool table again, "Now when you say tiny circus...."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty relaxes again, watching the search. At the request for help she walks over, musing for a moment. "Hrm, there's a chance I'd take it out if I did," she says, eyeing and wondering where exactly the electronics are inside of it.

Kitty instead leans her face inside the way, there usually not being anything with circuitry in there. Not seeing anything, she moves into the wall and ducks down as if checking behind the game.

Kitty's nose comes out of the wall almost right on top of the poor little mouse. It doesn't matter that he doesn't know what her namesake is, what looks to him like a big human schnozz is enough to send the bow-tied mouse scampering out of cover and off across the floor!

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet looks at Peter and shrugs helplessly at the unasked question. Russians, right? "Is there a particular reason you're looking for the mouse, Nats?" the fashionista asks. She finds a spot to sit, curling her knees under her and half-kneeling on a wide-bottomed chair. "And is there any particular reason it's wearing a bowtie?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
And down comes Natasha's boot!

Right down onto the bow tied mouse!

It comes down with a loud clop too that might make everyone in the room think that the redheaded spy just crushed the very bones of the little fella too!

She holsters her gun and deactivates her light. "Good job." She says to Kitty. She glances to Peter. "You can relax now, we got it." She teases him lightly, showing the faintest hints of a half-cocked smirk before she bends down and then reaches beneath her boot...

A half gloved hand raises up then, with forefinger and thumb pinched, and beneath her hand dangles a little mouse with a bow tie.

And its feet are wildly wiggling around. Its alive and well.

"Tiny Circus Mouse..." Natasha says to it. Her green eyes locked onto the little beady pinpricks that make up his eyes. She averts her gaze to Janet and nods one small time to her while the little fella keeps wiggling his feet frantically.

"I'm going to take it back to the Circus it came from." She admits, holding apparently no ill-will toward the mousey what-so-ever.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete watches feom the relative safety of the pool table as Kittys phase, Russians creep, and Fashionestas lounge. There is a hierarchy of oddity to just about everything anymore and it is almost comical how easily he accepts it all at this junction.

"Never a doubt in my mind that you would." He offers his assurances to Nat after she foot stomps the mouse.... only for him to survivd the encounter! Pete is elated! Grinning at the show with clapping gloved hands, "All that training... and I think you missed your calling as an exterminator."

Glancing towards the phased wall Kitty with a whole different kind of grin, "Strong work with the assist, Kits. Now..."

Hands up, hands out, "Is this part of the show? Because ai'm definately buying tickets. Ten of ten, would stand around watching Samantha Fisher chase Mikey Mouse again."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde had a doubt. She watched in horror as the stomp was made towards the mouse. And is suitably relieved when the mouse isn't now jelly adorning the bottom of Natasha's boot. "Somehow I think I prefer Logan's... ah... never mind," she says. They wouldn't want to hear that story. Or maybe it's more that Logan wouldn't want that story told.

Kitty moves back over to join Peter. "Hey, it's your clubhouse, don't ask me," she says, moving over to plop down in a chair.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I think its fair to say that I am in fact, a working exterminator." Natasha says then as she lowers the dangling mouse into the black leather covered palm of her left hand and then her fingers clasp gently around it as she looks up to Peter, then to Kitty as she joins him. "Only I exterminate things on two legs, not four." She shows a very brief, and a very faint smile before she turns toward the exit of the game room.

"I'll let them know that you're planning to buy ten tickets, Parker." Romanoff says on her walking stride back toward the hallway, the holsters on her thighs gently swaying as she goes. "Good to see you too, Janet and thank you Miss Pryde." The Russian states, soon to disappear around the corner of the left hand side doorframe.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet covers her mouth reflexively when Natasha kills poor Fievel! Except he's... okay? The petite fasionista gives the redhead a reproachful look when she reveals the mouse hasn't been harmed. "Thanks for the heart attack, Natasha," she chivvies the woman.

Janet gets to her feet as well. "I'm afraid I can't stay. Back to ... stuff." She sighs. "Sorry. But, you two--" she wiggles a finger at Peter and Kitty, and smiles. "I'm glad to see you two smiling. And, uh, take care of each other, okay? No drama, we are /drama free/ in this building," she reminds them. Janet lifts a hand in farewell and heads to the door, following Natasha's wake.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete reaches out a hand to Kitty as she passes, smirking a little at her observstions of naturally occuring oddities thst surround him. "Not my fault...this time." His hand goes back to his nrck, scrstching absently, brow furrowed a second, and eyes shifting up to Janet with a huge, goofy grin, "You too Janet... thanks."

He steps over to lay a hand on zkitty's shoulder, "I plan on taking care of her. Good things, tons of happiness." Leaning to kiss the top of the phasing mutsnts head, "Absolutely no drama."