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Latest revision as of 18:34, 10 August 2019

A Bizzare Meeting
Date of Scene: 06 August 2019
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Hammerhead meets and hires Harley Quinn to do some
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Harley Quinn

Hammerhead has posed:
Normally Hammerhead would never step foot in Gotham City. Not only was there seemingly endless compitition from not only the crime lords nestled in the city and it's insane supervillains, but it was home to the infamous Batman, a vigilantie he had no desire of meeting. But, recently Hammerhead had expansion on his mind. He was already planning a complex, and some may say, machivillian game plan to break into Metropolis's Underworld and somehwere along the way, one of his heirs convinced him to check out Gotham, despite Hammer's feelings about the city. He found himself in West Chelsea Park, one of Gotham's fancier sides looking around for a potential hideout or a place to store a new racket for when he eventually expanded his operations into the Bat's CITY.
     Hammerhead eventually stoped in front of a old flop house in the center of the street. Normally, Hammer was accompanied by his goons. But, since Hammer lacked any type of beef or reputation her, he decided to go it alone. As he looked at the flop house, he thought to himself," Sure, dis joint could use a few cans of paint. But, it has potential." Wanting to see the inside, Hammerhead immediatley walked up to the front door and broke it down. He then immedialtey walked into the old, dusty house and began to explore it.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Immediately upon the door being crashed down there's some shuffling about, and then some growling. There's a bit of a lantern on in the back kitchen-y area, and there's two rather sizeable Hyenas making those growls, but they don't move too far away from the kitchen. Instead, a blonde with colorful hair, an apron, and some white clown make up leans over so only her head and the top of the apron are visible. "Welcome ta the neighborhood."

She grins a bit, "I was jus' makin' some muffins, ya want one?" And there's a plume of some smoke, as Harley waves a hand in front of her face and coughs a bit, pulling herself back into the kitchen and shouting out, "Extra crunchy, comin' right up!" And she pulls open the oven that likely hasn't been used before today in some time. The fact that there's still gas going or enough electricity might be a bit odd, until seeing the gas canister that Harley's hauled into here just to bake some muffins.

Hammerhead has posed:
"What da hell," Hammerhead is compleltey taken off guard by the growling hyenas. He was about to reach into his suit jacket for his pistol to shoot them when Harley greeted him. Hammerhead, who was now confused, just satred into the kitchen for a few moments befire saying," How da hell did ya get in here? Da front door was locked when I broke it down?!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, through the upstairs, which is really an attic. Not even cleaned out, jus' a hop up on ta the roof, ya see, or through a window. Well, it was one or the other, really." And then Harley is pulling out a lot of burnt muffins, "I guess it ain't true that if ya double the heat they bake twice as fast." And tossing one of the burnt, smoking muffins in the direction of Bud and Lou, the hyenas, who start clamoring over it and tearing at it, rolling around one another.

With her red and black costume on under some apron she found in here, she offers the tray of muffins, "Ya want one? I think they smell a lot like burnin' flesh, which always makes me hungry." A tilt of her head, as she looks up and down Hammerhead for a moment, "Did I fall inta a movie or somethin'?"

Hammerhead has posed:
For the first time in Hammerhead's life, he was dumbfounded. He looked at the tray with a unsure look on his face and was about to take the muffin before he heard Quinn bring up it smelling like human flesh. Not wanting to eat the muffins now, Hammerhead clutched his stomach and said," Sorry doll, i already ate a big dinner at Bruno's at 23rd Street." Upon hearing her comment about stepping into a movie, he then says to her," Nah, you didn't step into a movie. But, i must've stepped into a circus considerin ya get-up and yer pets ova there."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"No?" And Harley then just sort of tosses the pan of muffins over her shoulder and lets it clang against the ground bouncing muffins about as she pulls off the apron in another motion. Balling it up she tosses it over her other shoulder, by this time Bud and Lou are snorting and gobbling up the burnt muffins on the ground.

"So, if we ain't in a movie, an' we ain't in no circus. Wha'cha doin' in my home away from home?" She questions and walks over to the small table with two chairs and sits down on the dusty table. She looks at her gloved hand like she were looking at her nails, but can't see them as they are covered. "I wouldn't say nothin' like that about Bud and Lou. They ain't exactly pets, they're more like orphaned children that no one loved, until they met their perfect mother." She leans forward some, putting her hand to the side of her mouth, "Me." She stage whispers before leaning back and sighing, smiling as she watches her hyenas gobble up food not fit for human consumption. "Now who might you be mister fancy pin-striped fella you?"

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead though about sitting down at one of those chairs, but thought better about it. He just stood where he was standing and said to the clown girl, while distrustfully eyeing the hyenas once in a while," I was just in da neighborhood looking for a potential hideout or racket front. Ya see, i am from da Big Apple and i'm plannin on expanding mah horizions if ya know what i mean. So, one of mah lieutenants convinced me to come to dis hellhole. As for mah name, you can call me Hammerhead. What do they call you clown?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's some eyes looking up and over her knuckles, as Harley stops gazing at her luxurious gloved fingertips. And she squints a little bit, "The Big Apple? Is yer real name James, an' yer jus' cycling through fruit?" A pause and Harley laughs, big wide open mouth, before shaking her head, and mentioning, "I slay me." Then she calms down and stares, "I really could, jus' one little satellite strike... ain't that a way to go, huh? Don't see it comin', NSA knowin' that your towels aren't quite 1000 thread count like ya tell all yer friends. An' black, ain't yer favorite color, it's red, but nobody ever listens ..."

Then she pauses and sticks out her hand, "Harley Quinn, Mister Shark. Nice'ta meet'cha." And she's nodding her head a few times, "This 'ere place would go great fer some kind of racketeerin', boozin', gamblin', laundry, launderin', an' maybe some exotic animal massage."

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead nods in agreement when he hears Harleu Quiin list off what he could use the building for. He surprsingly lets out a deep laugh as he says," I can respect a dame with an eye fer business." He then walks up to shake her hand before suddenly pulling his hand away and asking her," You ain't gonna shock me with one of those joy-buzzers, aren't ya?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Lifting up her hands, Harley shows there's no buzzers there, "Ain't really my schtick." Harley comments before putting her hand back out, "Though, on occassion when the mood strikes, I get a good laugh outta shockin' others. It just ain't as funny as when my puddin' does it. He's the real comedian. Besides, I couldn't carry that there gas tank while I was jumpin' into the attic an' have on a buzzer. Might just blow the place sky high, an' that wasn't gonna let me make no muffins."

She kind of squints though, right at Hammerhead's mouth while he's laughing, trying to move her head to get a good look inside of his mouth.

Hammerhead has posed:
Upon being sure it was safe, Hammerhead went up and shook Harley's hand. His grip was firm and suprisingly strong. Upon letting go, he noticed Harleyy trying to get a look on the inside of his mouth. He then looked at her with a raised eyebrow and asked," Why are ya trying to look inside mah mouth?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Tryin' ta discern how accurately you've chosen yer namesake?" Harley mentions, and then gives up at it, after the shake. She doesn't have too firm of a grip, but her hand doesn't squeeze or give much from the firm handshake. "Alright then, yer in my house an' yer lookin' ta convert it into some kind of jump house play area with poison needles on the wall, ain't that right?" As she tilts her head she squints one eye, and keeps the other one really far open as she sits up as high as she can trying to look down on Hammerhead.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead chuckles to himself upon hearing her reasons for looking hin his mouth. To answer her question as to why he is called Hammerhead, he simply takes his fist and bangs it against the top of his unusually flat head, cuaing a metallic sound to fill the air. He then gaps at Harley when he hears the death trap theory, he shakes his head and syas," No. I am thinking about storing counterfit clothing or pirated movies in this place. Granted, that may seem small time. But, you would be surpised how many of these rich folk wanna pay cheap for clothing that looks similar to a JVD original."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn hopping off of the table, she places her hands in a thumbs to index fingers to make a triangle to look through as if shooting a film. "So, you'll make a movie about priates and how they all got JVD. It'll be a classic, in no time, a pulizter. And if it don't win, we'll just rob the place." And Harley moves the camera around some though, she stops as she brings her hands up to keep Hammerhead in her 'camera' view, "Ya say yer a hammerhead, cause ya punch yerself in the head. And, what, then? Everythin' looks like a nail ta ya? Huh? Does it?!"

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead grins a bit when Harkey makes a whole joke out of the pirating movies and the JVD thing. Then, when she suggests her "reason" for him being called Hammerhead, he sighs in annoyance. He says nothing as walks up to a nearby coffee table and slams his head aaginst it, breaking it instantly. He then turns to Harley with seemingly no damage to his head and says," Dat's why they call me Hammerhead."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Looking over at the table, she gasps, and puts hands on her cheeks like she's Home Alone, "That was my favorite table." Turning back to face Hammerhead, she smiles a bit, "Well, ya'd be useful at the thrift store. Not ta dissuade ya from yer venture or nothin', but this place could be turned into a laser tag arena, or a skate rink." And she looks over to Bud and Lou who have now decided to lay down and be somewhat tired as they finished off the burnt muffins. "Ya got anythin' bigger? Or, I dunno, even the least bit fun? I like helpin' with fun things."

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead places his finger on his chin as he started thinking. There was no way he was letting this broad anywhere near his operation in NYC. But maybe she could be useful somehwere like Metropolis, perhaps giving some of da families there some trouble before Hammer swoops in and treis to mustle in. So, with a grin, he turns and says to Harley," How do ya feel about doin a little wetwork. Ya know, rubbin someone out?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's some wide eyes from Harley Quinn as she's asked the questions, "Well, now, I mean, I know my workin' out was helpin' wit' my figure an' all. But I ain't doin' no porn." A pause and she questions, "Is there some kind of alien tentacle monster in it? Cause that might make me second guess my immediate gut response." A curious look though, as she tilts her head and waits on the answer.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead shakes his head as a obviousl look of disgust takes over his face. He then says in a more gruffer, slightly annoyed tone of voice," No,no,no, not porn. I am askin if you are willin to kill someone!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn ohhhhhhhhhs and nods her head a few times in understanding, "Well, why didn't ya just say that? Huh?" Shaking her head a little bit, Harley mentions, as she points over in the direction of Hammerhead, "Ya sure got some problems with that communication." And then she hrms, quirking her mouth to the side, "I guess, is it a question of willin'? Or compelled to do so? It's an interestin' question, and I'd have to say that I probably have a compulsion to be violent, from time to time, so I guess it's more of a lack of ability ta stop, more'n a conversation of willingness." And she smiles, "Ya sure are deep Mister Head. Them questions are big ones."

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead just nods at Harley...response and say," Listen, i am willin to pay ya cash if you go down to Metroplis and kill some mafosi dwon there. Don't care who, just enough to weakne them a bit. What do ya say?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn tilts her head full to the side, so that her ear is practically resting on her shoulder. She eyes Hammerhead and squints a little bit, "Ya want me to head ta Metropolis, an' kill some folks? But ya ain't concerned about who? An' fer that yer gonna pay me cash." And she thinks about it, "Ya think I'd meet them girl and boy in blue? I mean, they're both kind of hard hitters an' all. Maybe I'd get tossed through a buildin' or two. Hmmm." She then grins big, "Oh, I got myself a great idea. It's a deal, but I ain't gonna do it for no cash. I want you to smash a watermelon with yer head, while I sit in a chair wearin' a poncho. Deal?"

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead nods as he says," Just as long as they are connected to any of Metropolis' crime families or Intergant i don't care who ya kill." Once he heard that Harmey accepted his deal, he grinned and was about to pull out his checkbook but paused when he heard about the watermelon condition. He sighs and then says," Fine, i will smash a friken watermelon. As long as ya promise not ta tell any cop or hero that catches ya who hired you. Capiche?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn claps her hands together and smiles, "I won't tell a soul. Cross my heart an' hope ta die." And then she is turning to head out of this rundown house. She pauses and looks back to Hammerhead, squinting, "I do this, an' if ya don't smash no watermelon fer me, then I swear I will find ya. An' tickle yer feet..." A pause, "Wit' pirahnas."

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead grins and says to her as she is leaving," Just find me in NYC after yer done and I will do it." He then walks out of the abanddoned building and starts to walk towards his hotel for the night."