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Latest revision as of 18:35, 10 August 2019

Getty Square gets a visitor...
Date of Scene: 07 August 2019
Location: Getty Square
Synopsis: And so they went their separate ways.
Cast of Characters: Grail, Power Girl

Grail has posed:
The place known as Getty Square was something that drew the eye of the one known as Grail. It appeared to be a busy place filled with a lot of activity. She was getting annoyed. She has yet to find the one known as Kal-El and if she knows anythinga bout Kryptonians, it is that they have good hearing. Further, if anyone knows where to find one, it'd be a hero? So, she goes to the square, find an uninhabited car, flips it right into the path of traffic. She then proceeds to step on to it and glare down the traffic, causing people to come to a screeching halt. She looks around for a moment and then calls out, "Who knows of the one known as Kal-El!? Bring him to me...NOW!"

Power Girl has posed:
Well. When panic and demands for Superman come together? It's usually a bad thing. It's also usually followed by the chaos and destruction of some super-powered monster. When those noises reach the ears of a Kryptonian? They're on their way...but it wasn't the Kryptonian that she was asking for.

One hasty change and untying of her hair later, the burst of air high above the city is about all the warning one gets before Power Girl touches down into the traffic, hands on her hips. "Alright, what's with the road rage lady?" she calls, gesturing to the destruction. "There are better ways to get a guy's attention."

Grail has posed:
A glance over at Power Girl and the red eyes of Grail narrow, "You are not Kal-El." She hops off of the car and starts toward the woman before looking at a person fleeing their vehicle before looking to Power Girl again, "Do you know him?" SHe tilts her head and grins a little, thought that grin has a touch of malice, "I was invited here by him." She chuckles a little, "And now that I'm here, I expect him to show himself? This world has far too many gods floating around for my taste."

Power Girl has posed:
"I am Kara Zor-L," she begins, only to pause and blink. "-Invited- here by him?" she repeats, "I doubt he had trashing the place in mind. Makes for a poor guest." A tilt of her head, she crosses her arms over her chest. "He's family," she adds lightly.

Grail has posed:
A smirk and then she shrugs, "I'm sure he meant a great deal of things." She then looks at Power Girl before tilting her head, "Family?" She asks and then she walks toward her and smirks, "Excellent, what do you know of Apokolips?" She asks and hmms as she approaches the woman, her hand lightly clenching, "I have need of information and maybe you can answer my questions..."

Power Girl has posed:
Well great, that was -never- a fantastic topic to be opening up on. "Apokolips?" she repeats, a frown gracing her fair features. "Not the greatest place to visit...and not something Kal-El really needs to be revisiting just yet." The obvious question comes next: "Why?"

Grail has posed:
A grin as she keeps closing distance until they are within feet of one another. She smiles a little, "Revisit?" She asks and then tilts her head, "Than he does know something I wish to know." She looks at Kara and leans in just a slight amount, "What do you know of it? Where is Darkseid?" She asks and then slowly clenches her hands into a fist as she stares at Kara, "What do you know of him? What does Kal-El know?"

Power Girl has posed:
"Last time I was on that hell hole," Power Girl speaks, moving closer, "I was pulling Kal-El half-dead out of there. I have no idea where Darksied is right now, neither does Kal...and right now, he needs to focus on recovering." Arms still crossed, her gaze flicks over the other non-human woman. "Why do -you- want to find him?"

Grail has posed:
A twitch as she hears that and she clenches her fist, "You both were there and you know nothing of him or where he is?" She clenches her jaw slightly before shaking her head, "I will meet with Kal-El and assess that for myself." And then she moves. Not human like movement. Not even Asgardian or Amazonian. No, she moves easily on par with at least Wonder Woman. Maybe faster? Either way, she's right in Power Girl's face and grinning wide as she stares those red eyes, glowing ever so faintly, right into Kara's, "I intend to end him...permanently."

Power Girl has posed:
Most people would probably be intimidated by that sudden display of super-speed and sudden invasion of personal space. If PG was? She certainly wasn't showing it. If anything, it only served to have her narrowing her eyes a little and uncrossing her arms. "He can meet with you when he feels up to it, but not before..." Protective, of the man of Steel? It was almost strange.

"I'd be quite happy never to see Darksied again, but I don't want you causing chaos and hurting people here just to find him. Especially family."

Grail has posed:
A smirk and she tilts her head, "Protective of him, huh?" She chuckles and then she looks to the side and looks around, "Well, then you let him know that I am here." She looks back at her, "I have thought I made myself clear but you might be talking about how rude it is to be such a guest, but how rude is it to invite someone and not greet them?" She then takes a step away and considers, "I have heard that there is an Amazon running around? Where is there embassy?" She looks back with a grin, "I wish to greet my sisters...I'm sure they'll happy to see me." She chuckles.

Power Girl has posed:
"Fine..." Was there a reason for such terseness? Certainly, it mostly fell back to being protective, but that didn't stop Power Girl from regarding Grail with suspicion. "But no more throwing things into traffic and making messes like that until then. Bad guests tend to get shown the door." Amazons? Sisters? That had her blinking in confusion for a moment.

"Who -are- you anyway?"

Grail has posed:
A chuckle and she looks to the side, "Isn't that just the big question?" She asks and looks back at Kara, tilting her head a little, "Who is anyone? Can't you guess though? I'm obviously an Amazon." She laughs a little, "Though you may call me Grail." She nods her haed, "Also...who is gonna show me the proverbial door? You?" She tilts her head, "I doubt it..."

Power Girl has posed:
Well, now there's a scoff from the woman before she lets her hands fall to her hips. "Don't," she comments calmly, tilting her head to the side. "You might find it's a nasty suprise to be proven wrong." Shaking her head, the Kryptonian begins to float, turning her gaze towards the sky. "I'll talk to Kal. Just...try to behave in the meantime."

Grail has posed:
A chuckle and she nods her head, "Indeed, a nasty surprise." She grins, confidently and then tilts her head, "I wonder who would be in for it." She then looks up a little and then she walks over to the car she flipped and casually flips it back on to its wheels with a hand before looking back, "I'll find the Embassy myself." She nods her head, "I am sure my sisters will be...so excited." She smiles again and then starts off down the road.