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Latest revision as of 18:36, 10 August 2019

Gangsters and Twinkies
Date of Scene: 07 August 2019
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Beast discusses dealing with Hammerhead with Jubilee, Polaris and Elixir.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Polaris, Jubilee, Elixir

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is seated not in the war room, but in a nook, with a mug of coffee and a tablet sitting in front of him. "If anyone's about, I have the results of the Hammerhead media searches. No big deal, just a gang that tried to blow me away with a shotgun," he says with a smirk.

Polaris has posed:
Polaris hadn't been in the Mansion for over a week. Not since her father's declaration of war and his dramatic reveal to the world. She'd been in Genosha, handling the panicked crowds, councilors, and diplomats that had exploded into action and demanded answers from the young woman. She'd tried her best, her utmost best, to protect and calm the citizens there as well as tried to plead for time to handle internal matters before the swarms of foreign demands.

To put it lightly, Lorna was exhausted. She had arrived only a few minutes ago, and was furiously tapping away at her tablet as she tried to handle things from her tablet. She had just entered the hallway, when Henry's voice had carried over to her. She looked up, pausing in her movements as she slowed to a stop.

Dark circles hung around her eyes, shadowed in a way that just made her skin look paler than usual. Her green hair was a mass of curls that tumbled around her shoulders. She wore a pair of black slacks, and mussed up white buttoned up shirt that hung about her hips untucked.

"Huh? What?"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee was just coming in with a cappuccino, complete with a cinnamon stick, stirring it slowly. Her tablet is still tucked under her arm, and she is dressed for comfort in a black tracksuit with pink cheetah print trim, since summer classes are over and her fall classes have not yet begun. She seats herself next to Hank with a curious look. "What did we find on media searches?"

Elixir has posed:
Josh comes out of the men's change rooms. His hair is wet and he is dressed in dark blue scrubs with a New York health authority logo on the chest. He stretches and yawns, covering his mouth partway with the back of his hand and waves to Lorna and Jubilee.

"Hey your highnessness, Jubes" he quips. Then he spots Hank and stops to join the two. "Morning, Hank."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy pulls a twinkie out of an interior jacket pocket, and opens it up to dip into the coffee. It's a regular, not Moonberry. "Lorna, good morning. I was the victim of an attempted bushwhack in Bushwick. By a group of old school mobsters with a shotgun. They claimed to be avenging a man operating under the alias Hammerhead. We ran a search to find what we cna about him."

Looking to the others. "Hey. Have a seat, have some coffee. We ran that search on him and here's whate we've got: Not much. He stays out of it directly. But he's allegedly the head of a gang that is in several rackets, and whose underlings do have a track record of arrests. He really does operate like an old school mob boss, it seems."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sat down as Hank gestured for her to do so. Blindly, almost, she reached for the coffee and she sipped at it with an automated sort of jerkiness to her movements. "Sorry I missed that," She mumbled, reaching up to pinch the bridge of her nose. "I've been neck deep in Sentinel crap and dealing with blow back on Genosha." She heaved a sigh, and took a gulp of the coffee, which was hot and scalded the tip of her tongue and she winced.

"So we're also dealing with mobsters... great... do we know why they attacked you or was it, hey a mutant lets go get 'em? Is this connected to the family thing in Bushwick I'd investigated a few weeks ago with Scott?"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee frowns, stirring her cappuccino a little more aggressively. "And why exactly did he try to have you shot?"Jubilee asks, looking up at Big Blue. " Cause I fail to see why I don't just go pay him a visit and melt his brain to his skull at the moment."

Elixir has posed:
Josh takes a seat and pours himself a cup of coffee. He leans back in his chair, cradling the mug of precious liquid in both hands.

"What an idiot, I still can't believe he thought it was a good idea to send you a message, Hank" Josh mutters and shrugs. Then he nods in agreement with Jubilee.

"Or like, go rip him a new one and dump him on the cops like we did with the The Butterfly. Put the asshole away for a long time. Pull a Batman. Even better, /get/ Batman to do it!" Josh jokes with a laugh.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head to Lorna, as he explains to her, and to Jub. "It appears to have nothing to do with any of the specifically anti-mutant activity. When they shot at me, they called me by name, McCoy, and said this was for Hammerhead. The best thoery I have for what triggered this, is that one evening I was making my rounds in Bushwick, talking to families of victims of recent violence. I stumbled upon a man being beaten and I Ran off the attackers. It seems that was involved with mob activity."

He pauses and sips again. "It does seem like a mistake to come after me. I wonder if Hammerhead realizes what he's getting mixed in with. I don't think we should go after them like a gang ourselves. As satisfying as that may be, we have options."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna inclined her head slowly, and considered what Hank had to say regarding the gang member's attack. "I agree, as reflexively as it is for me to say, lets just get them and solve this... it's not what we need publically right now. We need to follow the rule of law, no matter how slow or how stupid it might be. At least, when it comes to the mob. If we knock out one, there'll be another.." She exhaled a breath.

"At least if he targeted you, that means he was going after someone a lot more helpless. If you have any plans or ideas on how to handle this, I'm here for it."

Jubilee has posed:
"Well, I agree we gotta play by the rules, but I don't think we are dealin' with some bigtime mobster. It should be easy enough to just deal with him.There is too much other actually dangerous stuff that's a real threat out there to keep this guy hangin' around being a jerkbag." Jubilee sips her cappuccino, looking a little more than annoyed.

Elixir has posed:
"Awww, c'mon. I wanna see Jubes blasting and Wanda ripping the roof off and Rogue going through walls!" Josh grins. "But fine, we can do it the boring way. Can you at least throw him through a wall or something, Hank?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy raises his mug to Josh. "It would be nice. I do have an idea. We don't play it like he does. We don't kill him. We don't make it personal. We make it business."

He slowly sips, and browses through a few of the news reports. "We target his businesses. His income. His lifestyle. We make him uncomfortable. We'll do far worse than kill him. We'll hurt him. And I'll wish to go on hurting him."

A glance to Lorna and Jub. "This will mean direct confrontations with his minions. And Lorna, if this mobster is operating in Bushwick, these goons have probably targeted mutants in the past. If you have any contacts that could give us a lead on where to FIND them... We can go through walls and wreck some sort of smuggling operation and make him very unhappy."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's lips pursed together tightly, "Genosha is on lockdown until further notice. My orders. I don't have any contacts here that can help. And if I did through back channels, I don't trust them right now." She exhaled a breath, and shook her head. It went unsaid the why, but she didn't have say it either. Her father. She slowed her knocking back of coffee and shook her head once.

"I'm sorry, I just.. I have other things on my mind right now. This sounds like something FBI needs to handle, and won't for whatever reason. This guy is just a mobster. Human, right? So, sure.. Stop his illegal smuggling and stuff, drug deals and the alike.... and what? Make him back off? What's the end goal here? Arrest? Jail time?"

Elixir has posed:
"Good point," Josh agrees with Lorna. "Depending on the goal, I mean, it changes what you do, right? Could just pull some strings and get that cop who comes around here to help out, or could put the Family on him."

Josh looks over to Lorna. "Hank made some connections with the Family, might be able to use them to keep a lid on things in Mutant Town. They're like some kind of community movement backed by, I dunno, mystery shadowy people or something. I don't really get it, but if they do what we need done," Josh says and shrugs.

"Should be pretty easy to sort out, right?" he asks Beast.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looks to Lorna. "I agree, good question. One of my goals in Bushwick is the uplifting of mutant society. We're capable of more than a poverty ridden ghetto, if we're given the chance. I think of efforts like the Freedman's Bureau. I want us to do better. Gangsters operating in our neighborhoods hurt that. So I want to stop them by the most appropriate means. If we can do it without ourselves contributing to violence and lawlessness there, I believe we should. But sometimes we have to take more... heroic measures."

Sip. "Josh i think we should consider Rocko and his friends as a... last resort. A gang war is the last thing Bushwick needs, would you agree? I think we can operate more surgically than that. I propose getting out on the street, lsitening in nightclubs, keeping an eye out, and looking for men in sharp, pinstriped suits operating in the neighborhood."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shook her head as she downed the rest of her coffee. "Uplifting mutant society will not happen in this country as it currently stands. It's nice to think about stopping crime in the poverty laden ghettos that surround our people.. but it won't happen. Not when there are a million outside forces pushing down on mutants all over. Not until the culture around it all changes." She got up, her lips pursed.

"I don't disagree that something should be done, Hank, but I think it's pointless to address a symptom when we have a disease. And that's what people are doing." She exhaled a breath, her eyes screwing shut briefly and she reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"And there's not enough time in the day to address every criminal there personally besides. I've got emails to deal with, and a phone meeting I have to call in. Thanks for the update though." She shook her head, and made to leave.

Elixir has posed:
"Pin striped suits? This guy's people are the only ones wearing pinstriped suits? Dunno. If you wanna find these guys, why not just get Kitty or Doug to do it? If they're calling this guy Hammerhead, it's gotta be easy for them to pull their shit out of.... wherever they pull them, you know?" Josh asks.

The young man watches Lorna go with a worried look. "I'm gonna go check on her. I'm slammed at the hospitals and the Avengers medical team right now, but if I can help, I will," Josh says to Hank. He smiles for Jubilee and then makes his way off after Lorna.